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Irdeto 在 2024 年網絡安全卓越獎中榮獲反盜版大獎

Irdeto 的反盜版服務因卓越創新和行業領導力獲得最高認可 阿姆斯特丹, June 03, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- 全球數碼平台網絡安全的領軍企業 Irdeto 欣然宣布,我們在 2024 年網絡安全卓越獎中榮獲反盜版類別的大獎。 作為行業內最具聲望的獎項之一,網絡安全卓越獎因其嚴格的專家評審而在全球贏得聲譽,彰顯了網絡安全領域內最傑出貢獻者的成就。此獎項與一個由超過 600,000 網絡安全專業人士組成的巨大網絡相連。 今年,Irdeto 因其標誌性的反盜版服務 Anti-Piracy Services 而獲得表揚。這是一套全面的解決方案,專為滿足內容創作者、廣播公司和服務提供商在打擊非法內容共享方面的廣泛需要而設計。憑藉先進技術和廣泛的行業專業知識,這些服務成為偵查、處理和防止受保護內容在各種平台和渠道上未經授權分發和觀看的一體化資源。 主要特色: 互聯網監控與執法:Irdeto 採用先進的網絡掃描技術來監控網上活動,包括網站、社交媒體和文件共享網絡,以偵查版權侵犯行為。一旦發現違規行為,Irdeto 會立即採取法律措施,如發送停止令,從而消除盜版內容。 水印技術:Irdeto 的水印解決方案在媒體資產中植入隱形且獨特的標記,以此追蹤非法複製品的來源。這項技術還有助於準確定位違規來源,方便對違規者採取精確的法律行動。 實時活動保護:Irdeto 專注於保護實時串流媒體的完整性,例如體育賽事,採用實時監控和快速干預策略來識別和干擾未經授權的廣播,從而保護內容權利擁有人的商業權益和價值。 網絡安全服務:Irdeto 認識到網絡威脅對盜版行為的深遠影響,始終走在提供網絡安全解決方案的最前沿,保護內容分發框架和基礎設施免受數碼入侵、病毒和其他網絡攻擊的影響。 法證調查和法律支援:Irdeto 提供強大的調查服務以收集盜版證據,並在針對侵權者的法律訴訟中提供協助,為知識產權法的嚴格執法作出貢獻。 全球覆蓋和情報:憑藉超大覆蓋範圍的反盜版專業網絡和對盜版模式和策略的全面數據獲取,Irdeto 為客戶提供可行的情報,預先對潛在威脅進行反制。 Irdeto 反盜版服務針對娛樂、體育和媒體行業的獨特需要,利用數十年的深厚專業知識,提供可擴展且有效的解決方案,應對不斷演變的數碼盜版環境。 Cybersecurity Insiders 的行政總裁及 LinkedIn Information Security Community(第九屆網絡安全卓越獎的主辦單位)的創辦人 Holger Schulze 表示:「我們祝賀 Irdeto 在 2024 年網絡安全卓越獎中榮獲反盜版類別的大獎。今年有超過 600 項參賽作品,涵蓋了 300 多個類別,競爭非常激烈。你們的成就反映了對卓越、創新及領導力這些核心原則的不懈追求。」 Irdeto 的行政總裁 Doug Lowther 對公司最近的成就表示自豪:「獲得這一認可反映了我們對創立最高網絡安全標準的堅定承諾。憑藉對安全連接世界的明確願景以及多年的行業領導記錄,我們有幸再次獲得網絡安全卓越獎的認可。」 如欲了解更多關於我們的反盜版服務,請瀏覽 www.irdeto.com/anti-piracy。  關於 Irdeto Irdeto 是全球數碼平台網絡安全的領導者,幫助企業為了一個安全、互聯的未來而不斷創新。Irdeto 憑藉超過 50 年的安全專業知識,其服務和解決方案保護收入,促進增長,並打擊在影片娛樂、電子遊戲以及交通、健康和基礎設施等相關行業的網絡犯罪。擁有遍布全球的團隊,Irdeto 最大的資產是其人員,並透過包容的工作環境倡導多樣性,確保每個人都有平等的機會推動創新並支援 Irdeto 的成功。Irdeto 是首選的安全合作夥伴,旨在建立一個人們可以放心連接的安全世界。 如欲了解更多資訊,請造訪 www.irdeto.com。 如欲了解更多資訊,請聯絡:Irdeto 傳媒團隊media@irdeto.com

文章來源 : Notified 發表時間 : 瀏覽次數 : 3109 加入收藏 :
Irdeto 與 Skardin 合作推出顛覆性的 CI Plus 2.0 USB CAM,帶來卓越的觀賞體驗

Irdeto 推出 CI Plus 2.0 USB CAM 代表着一項重大成就,首次將 CI Plus 技術的可用性從最初的歐洲和非洲市場擴展到亞洲 阿姆斯特丹, Dec. 16, 2023 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- 數碼平台網絡安全領域的全球領導者 Irdeto 欣然宣布,與 Skardin公司合作推出 CI Plus 2.0 USB 條件存取模組 (CI Plus 2.0 USB CAM),Skardin 是一家著名的消費性電子製造公司,在提供機頂盒和寬頻行業解決方案方面擁有 40 年的歷史。Irdeto 推出 CI Plus 2.0 USB CAM 標誌着一個重要的里程碑,使得曾經僅在歐洲和非洲地區提供的 CI Plus 技術現在可在全球範圍內使用。 Irdeto 的 CI Plus 2.0 USB CAM 基於成熟的 CI Plus 1.4 解決方案,提供 1.4 規範的所有必備功能。它還進一步添加了增強內容保護 (ECP) 支援,專門用於保護符合 MovieLabs 規範的 UHD 內容。因為 CAM 與編解碼器和解像度無關,因此不會產生遺留問題,從而使付費電視營運商能夠引入新的壓縮技術和更高解像度的廣播(例如 UHD),而無需更換 CAM。 CI Plus 2.0 帶來的一項重大創新是新的外形規格,取代了傳統的 PCMCIA 設計。CI Plus 1.4 依賴於全球電視非標準的傳統接口,而 Irdeto 的 CI Plus 2.0 USB CAM 則採用全球通用的 USB 接口,從而解決了這一難題。 將 USB 模組​​插入與電視兼容的 USB 端口後,即可處理加密電視訊號的解密。用戶可以透過電視遙控器輕鬆控制頻道、音量等。此外,它還具有環保和成本效益,功耗比機頂盒低 10 倍。與 PCMCIA CAM 相比,它減少了組件數量,從而減少碳足跡和電子廢物的產生。 在 CI Plus 2.0 電視尚未普及的國家,Skardin 提供白標電視解決方案,營運商可以利用這些解決方案在其市場上推出。電視機可與 Irdeto USB CAM 捆綁,為營運商創造新的商業模式,並為消費者提供輕鬆、高品質的觀看體驗。 「這是一款顛覆性的的產品,」Skardin Industry 董事長 Kevin Yu 表示。「它的簡約之美將創造卓越的用戶體驗,並在業界引起轟動。Skardin 因其高品質製造和與客戶的共同發展而享有盛譽,我們很高興能與 Irdeto 合作,將這款世界一流的產品帶給消費者,推動 CI Plus 2.0 USB CAM 在全球廣泛採用。Skardin 將繼續與 Irdeto 合作,提供有價值的解決方案。」 「Irdeto 是業內唯一一家提供 2.0 版 Common Interface Plus 的公司,」Irdeto 視訊娛樂營運總監 Andrew Bunten 表示。「這對行業來說是一個巨大的轉變,因為 USB 端口在電視中的普及是一種全球趨勢。我們投入巨資推出了 Irdeto USB CAM,確保我們的 CI+ 產品在未來十年內始終處於技術前沿。」 Irdeto 推出的 CI Plus 2.0 USB CAM 標誌着電視技術的一個重要里程碑,有望為不斷發展的電視市場提供更高的便利性、世界一流的安全性、減少對環境的影響以及面向未來的功能。 如欲了解關於 Irdeto 及其尖端解決方案的更多資訊,請造訪 www.Irdeto.com 關於 IRDETOIrdeto 是全球數碼平台安全領域的領導者,提供解決方案和服務,幫助客戶保護其收入、創造新產品並有效打擊網絡犯罪。Irdeto 擁有 50 多年的經驗,是內容、視訊廣播和串流服務領域領先的解決方案和服務提供商,與整個內容價值鏈的電影製片廠、體育版權持有者以及 OTT 和廣播營運商合作。Irdeto 擁有獨特的付費電視營運商傳統,是打造一個安全世界的首選合作夥伴,讓人們可以放心地進行聯繫。如欲了解更多資訊,請造訪 www.irdeto.com。 關於 SkardinSkardin 是一家消費電子製造公司,專注於機頂盒和寬頻產業解決方案。自 1982 年以來,Skardin 一直致力於創新,並與重要合作夥伴 (CPU, CAS, DRM...) 建立了良好合作關係,為先進網絡和智能家居平台提供信譽卓著的產品。公司總部位於台灣,擁有研發中心,在中國大限設有高度整合的製造基地,在歐洲、美洲和印度擁有成熟的技術和商業團隊,始終以卓越的品質為全球客戶提供靈活的商業模式。如欲了解更多資訊,請造訪:www.skardin.com。 如欲了解更多資訊,請聯絡: Irdeto 媒體團隊Daniel Butschekmedia@irdeto.com電話 +31 6 2765 0973Sabrina Orlovmedia@irdeto.com電話 +1 343 997 7220 SKARDIN INDUSTRIAL CORPORATION TAIPEI台灣新北市三重區興德路 123-1 號 8 樓電話:886-2-8512-3068傳真:886-2-8512-3086電郵:info@skardin.com.tw

文章來源 : Notified 發表時間 : 瀏覽次數 : 14874 加入收藏 :
Irdeto 與 Anypoint Media 合作,為電視和互聯網電視 (OTT) 服務供應商提供端到端廣告平台

該解決方案讓市場營銷人員能夠準確且迅速地針對正確的受眾插入合適的廣告,以推動廣告收入的貨幣化 阿姆斯特丹, Oct. 25, 2023 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- 數碼平台網絡安全的全球領導者 Irdeto 非常自豪地宣布與 Anypoint Media 合作,後者是 FLOWER 的廣告技術公司供應商,這是一個供全球電視和 OTT 服務供應商使用的線性廣告平台。Irdeto 已將 Anypoint Media 的 Flower Ad Server 整合到其伺服器端廣告插入 (Server Side Ad Insertion, SSAI) 產品中,並將其導入到安卓電視混合型盒子 (Android TV Hybrid Box) 供應中。 Anypoint Media 提供最佳的定位電視和互聯網電視廣告解決方案,擁有在主要一級供應商 (Tier-1) 帳戶,如 SKB、LGU+ 和 Telkom Indonesia,為期超過七年的商業服務的成功紀錄。最近,該公司又新增了一些 Tier-1 帳戶到其業務組合中,包括越南的 VNPT、韓國的 sporki 和亞太地區的 beIN Sports。 動態廣告插入是發布者廣告銷售策略的一個重要部分,有了 Irdeto 的 OTT 串流媒體的 SSAI 和 Anypoint Media 混合型機頂盒的客戶端廣告插入 (CSAI),可以通過使廣告休息時間定位用戶,從而在線性頻道上的現場活動中為用戶提供更個性化的廣告體驗,從而實現高質量、無縫的體驗。 這項新的解決方案將使客戶能夠根據個人資料來個性化廣告。透過直接將廣告縫合到影片內容中,供應商可以從內容過渡到廣告,再回到內容,提供與直播電視相同的無縫用戶體驗。每次廣告間歇都是根據他們的觀看歷史、設備、人口統計數據和地理區位來為觀眾量身定做的。一旦廣告伺服器選擇了廣告,Irdeto SSAI 就會在到達觀眾的播放設備之前,將廣告縫合到內容流中。 由於廣告直接插入到直播流中,延遲和緩衝都被消除,並且持續保持高質量的影片,提供流暢無阻的電視般的觀看體驗。此外,該解決方案可以減少廣告攔截的影響,並消除由於設備碎片化造成的廣告播放期間的超時和黑屏。 Video Entertainment Irdeto 的營運總監 Andrew Bunten 表示:「與 Anypoint Media 的合作將補充我們的廣告供應,並為在亞太地區不斷增長的廣播和在線廣告市場打開大門,這裏的付費電視營辦商和串流媒體服務供應商正在增加他們在廣告技術上的投資。」 Anypoint Media 的行政總裁 Won Baek 說:「我們很高興與 Irdeto 合作,以啟用一個端到端的廣告解決方案,這將在 OTT 和混合型機頂盒上都能工作,使發布者有機會使用 CSAI 或 SSAI,在他們的直播和 VOD 內容上產生更多的廣告收入。」 請造訪我們的頁面,了解更多關於 Irdeto 的端到端防盜版工具。 關於 IrdetoIrdeto 是全球數碼平台網絡安全的領導者,賦能企業為了一個安全、互聯的未來而不斷創新。Irdeto 憑藉超過 50 年的安全專業知識,其服務和解決方案保護收入,促進增長並打擊在影片娛樂、電子遊戲以及交通、健康和基礎設施等相關行業的網絡犯罪。擁有遍布全球的團隊,Irdeto 最大的資產是其人員,並透過包容的工作環境倡導多樣性,確保每個人都有平等的機會推動創新並支援 Irdeto 的成功。Irdeto 是首選的安全合作夥伴,旨在建立一個人們可以放心連接的安全世界。如欲了解更多資訊,請造訪 www.irdeto.com。 關於 Anypoint Media自 2015 年以來,Anypoint Media 作為一家廣告技術公司,憑藉其獨特的定位線性電視 (Addressable Linear TV) 廣告平台領導 Addressable TV 市場。Anypoint Media 幫助付費電視和 OTT 服務供應商利用可依址尋獲、精確的廣告插入、調解、線性廣告組播和透過程式整合的銷售自動化將他們未充分利用的線性電視廣告時間庫存轉化為收入來源,同時還提供一個統一的廣告管理工具,可以用於管理所有廣告時間庫存類型,包括線性電視、自選影像廣告前置/中插/後置 (VOD pre/mid/post-rolls)、橫幅廣告、電子節目指南 (EPG) 橫幅廣告、L 型廣告 (L-bands) 和暫停廣告 (Pause-Ads)。如欲了解更多資訊,請造訪 www.anypointmedia.com。 如欲了解更多資訊,請聯絡: Irdeto 媒體團隊 Daniel Butschekmedia@irdeto.com電話:+31 6 2765 0973  Sabrina Orlovmedia@irdeto.com電話:+1 343 997 7220

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Irdeto partners with Anypoint Media to offer end-to-end advertising platform for TV and OTT service providers

The solution allows marketers to accurately and quickly insert the right ads, targeting the right audiences, to drive sales for ad revenue monetization AMSTERDAM, Oct. 23, 2023 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Irdeto, the world leader in digital platform cybersecurity, is proud to announce a partnership with Anypoint Media, the ad-tech company provider of FLOWER, a linear advertising platform for TV & OTT service providers worldwide. Irdeto has integrated Anypoint Media’s Flower Ad Server into its Server Side Ad Insertion (SSAI) product and onto its Android TV Hybrid Box offering. Anypoint Media offers best-in-class addressable TV and OTT advertising solutions, with a proven track record of over seven years in commercial services for major Tier-1 accounts, such as SKB, LGU+ and Telkom Indonesia. Recently, the company added new Tier-1 accounts to its portfolio, including VNPT in Vietnam, sporki in Korea and beIN Sports in APAC. Dynamic Ad Insertion is an important part of publishers’ ad sales strategy and with Irdeto SSAI for OTT streams and Anypoint Media’s CSAI for Hybrid Set Top Boxes, a high quality, seamless experience is possible by making ad breaks addressable to give the user a more personalized advertising experience during live events on linear channels. The new solution will enable customers to personalize advertisements based on individuals’ profiles. By stitching the ads directly into the video content, providers can transition from content, to ad, and back to content, providing the same seamless user experience as live broadcast TV. Each ad break is tailored to the audience, based on their viewing history, device, demographics, and geographical location. Once the ad server has selected the ads, Irdeto SSAI stitches the ad into the content stream before reaching the viewer’s playback device. As the ads are inserted directly into the live stream, latency and buffering are eliminated, and continuous high quality video is maintained, providing a smooth TV-like viewing experience. In addition, the solution can minimize the impact of ad blocking, and eliminate timeout and black screen during ad playback caused by device fragmentation. “The partnership with Anypoint Media will complement our advertising offering and open the door for increased capitalization on the growing broadcast and online advertising market in the APAC region, where pay-TV operators and streaming service providers are increasing their investments in ad technology,” said Andrew Bunten, COO of Video Entertainment Irdeto. “We are pleased to be partnering with Irdeto, to enable an end-to-end advertising solution that will work on OTT and hybrid set-top boxes alike, enabling publishers’ opportunity to generate increased advertising revenue lift on both their live and VOD content, using either CSAI or SSAI,” said Won Baek, CEO, Anypoint Media. Access our page to learn more about Irdeto’s end-to-end anti-piracy tools. About IrdetoIrdeto is the world leader in digital platform cybersecurity, empowering businesses to innovate for a secure, connected future. Building on over 50 years of expertise in security, Irdeto’s services and solutions protect revenue, enable growth and fight cybercrime in video entertainment, video games, and connected industries including transport, health and infrastructure. With teams around the world, Irdeto’s greatest asset is its people and diversity is celebrated through an inclusive workplace, where everyone has an equal opportunity to drive innovation and support Irdeto’s success. Irdeto is the preferred security partner to empower a secure world where people can connect with confidence.For more information, please visit www.irdeto.com. About Anypoint MediaAnypoint Media is an Ad-Tech company leading the Addressable TV market with its one-of-a-kind Addressable Linear TV Advertising Platform since 2015. Anypoint Media helps Pay-TV and OTT Service Providers to monetize under-utilized Linear TV inventory with addressability, frame-accurate ad insertion, mediation, linear ad podding, and sales automation through programmatic integrations while also offering a unified Ad Management tool that can be used to manage all inventory types including Linear TV, VOD pre/mid/post-rolls, banners, EPG banners, L-bands and Pause-Ads.For more information, please visit www.anypointmedia.com. For more information, contact: Irdeto Media Team Daniel Butschekmedia@irdeto.comTel. +31 6 2765 0973  Sabrina Orlovmedia@irdeto.comTel. +1 343 997 7220

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CDNetworks Integrates Its Media Delivery Platform with Irdeto's Digital Rights Management (DRM) to Offer a One-stop Digital Content Protection Experience for Content Creators and Distributors

Adding DRM further enhances CDNetworks' media security offering and is expected to deliver higher levels of digital content protection for customers across all business sectors, especially those in the OTT/education field. SINGAPORE, June 28, 2023 /PRNewswire/ -- CDNetworks, an APAC-leading network to deliver edge as a service, today announces its partnership with Irdeto to integrate CDNetworks' media delivery platform with built-in DRM capabilities. This integrated solution provides content creators and distributors with one-stop digital content protection for their video streaming business. Synergizing CDNetworks' video streaming with DRM capabilities into an integrated solution gives content creators and distributors the power to maximize the engagement and revenue potential of their video service by safeguarding digital content against illegal streaming activities. The benefits are clear, empowering content creators and distributors to use CDNetworks for their DRM and media delivery requirements, without having to integrate separate third-party DRM systems and configure authorization on the CDNetworks' platform. This streamlining accelerates DRM implementation and reduces the amount of effort required for integration. "With the rise of digital media piracy, DRM has become an essential tool for content creators and distributors. By adding this technology to our platform, we now have more comprehensive ways to help our clients protect their valuable content and ensure that it is accessed only by authorized users," said Doyle Deng, Head of Global Marketing and Product of CDNetworks. "We are excited to announce our cooperation with Irdeto to further enhance our media security capabilities. This integration reinforces our commitment to delivering the fastest and most secure digital experience at the Edge." Highlights of CDNetworks' Built-in DRM Capabilities Multi-DRM Capability: CDNetworks' built-in DRM meets the unique distribution needs of a variety of organizations that use various DRM systems for their streaming requirements. This support covers disparate devices running on various ecosystems such as Google, Apple, Microsoft, and different streaming protocols — allowing customers to implement user-based security protection strategies according to their content needs. Flexibility: CDNetworks' integrated DRM technology works seamlessly with other streaming platform technologies and is designed to easily integrate with various encoding, CDN, or player platforms, with minimal changes to the content distributor's workflow. This flexibility allows content distributors to update their providers hassle-free while, at the same time, allowing CDNetworks to deliver comprehensive media delivery services to its customers. Scalability: CDNetworks' underlying DRM is sufficiently robust to handle spikes in users during high-demand events. High license delivery throughput coupled with low license-delivery latency allows the DRM to scale up effortlessly without problems or delays in delivering licenses. Additionally, CDNetworks has a highly efficient media distribution system that can handle large volumes of traffic and ensure uninterrupted playback. With over 200,000 servers and more than 2,800 Points of Presence (PoPs)in over 70 countries and regions, CDNetworks is uniquely qualified to provide real-time, high-quality live streaming to a large audience regardless of location or device. Customizable Security Setting: CDNetworks' built-in DRM provides customizable security settings that can be tailored to meet the specific needs of your business and the content being distributed. These controls allow you to adopt customized security strategies based on the type and level of protection required for different types of content. Global Support: CDNetworks offers round-the-clock support to ensure that any DRM issues are resolved quickly and to your satisfaction, particularly when it comes to high-profile events. With over 20 years of successful CDN and media delivery experience, CDNetworks boasts strong content delivery capabilities in the areas of video streaming and delivering high-quality video content to any device running any operating system in any location. CDNetworks' CDN performance consistently ranks #1 in Asia, with a clear lead over the competition. Never satisfied to rest on its laurels, CDNetworks continues to work with streaming services of many major events, including popular top-tier OTT platforms in Asia. According to Andrew Bunten, COO for Video Entertainment at Irdeto, "Working with CDNetworks was a clear choice for us due to their expertise and reputation as an exceptional CDN provider in the APAC market. Their experience serving a variety of clients in the Asia-Pacific region, especially in the OTT sector, will help us expand quickly and effectively into new markets." CDNetworks' partnership with Irdeto will strengthen its connection to the upstream and downstream communities, maximize the larger industrial ecosystem, and leverage its advantages of being a CDN provider in order to deliver an end-to-end superior user experience. Moving forward, CDNetworks will continue to seek partnerships with various upstream and downstream providers in the streaming industry to offer more end-to-end solutions. About CDNetworksAs the APAC-leading network with over 2800 global Points of Presence and more than 20 years of technology experience, CDNetworks embraces the new era of Edge and takes it to the next level by using the Edge as a service to deliver the fastest and most secure digital experiences to end users. Our diverse products and services include web performance, media delivery, cloud security, zero trust security, and colocation services — all of which are uniquely designed to spur business innovation. To learn more, visit cdnetworks.com and follow us on LinkedIn. About IrdetoIrdeto is the world leader in digital platform cybersecurity, empowering businesses to innovate for a secure, connected future. Building on over 50 years of expertise in security, Irdeto's services and solutions protect revenue, enable growth and fight cybercrime in video entertainment, video games, and connected industries including transport, health, and infrastructure. With teams around the world, Irdeto's greatest asset is its people and diversity is celebrated through an inclusive workplace, where everyone has an equal opportunity to drive innovation and support Irdeto's success. Irdeto is the preferred security partner to empower a secure world where people can connect with confidence. Media ContactCDNetworks Co. Ltdmedia@cdnetworks.comwww.cdnetworks.com

文章來源 : PR Newswire 美通社 發表時間 : 瀏覽次數 : 1247 加入收藏 :
2025 年 2 月 16 日 (星期日) 農曆正月十九日
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