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【臺北訊】專業物聯網及人工智慧邊緣運算平臺研發製造大廠—研揚科技(股票代碼: 6579),宣布推出3.5 吋型主機板產品線的最新產品 GENE-MTH6。GENE-MTH6 搭載 Intel® Core™ Ultra 處理器,透過 SODIMM 最高可支援 96GB DDR5 記憶體,能靈活運用 Intel® Arc™ 顯示卡與整合式 NPU,於邊緣端高效處理複雜的 AI 與機器學習任務。 研揚科技這款單板電腦主要是針對智慧城市應用所設計,特別適用於智慧交通、環境監測及 AI 驅動的監控等應用。GENE-MTH6 的環境規格也提升了部署的靈活性,其中 9V 至 36V 的寬範圍電源輸入和 ERP支援是這款主板的特色,可提供超高速、低延遲的無線擴充能力。 GENE-MTH6 支援 96GB DDR5 記憶體,並具有豐富的 I/O 介面,包括三個 LAN 連接埠。其中兩個LAN更支援 2.5GbE 超高速乙太網路傳輸。其他介面還包括四個 COM 連接埠(其中兩個提供 RS-232/422/485訊號,另外兩個則只提供RS-232訊號),以及一個 8 位元 GPIO 和與 I2C 共用的CANBus。在無線連接方面,GENE-MTH6同時具有一個 M.2 3052 B-Key 和一個 M.2 2230 E-Key,分別支援 5G 與 Wi-Fi 6E CNVi。此外,此板卡還提供先進的儲存選項,包括支援 PCIe Gen 4 的 M.2 2280 M-Key 以及 FPC2 連接器,可提供兩個 PCIe Gen 4 介面,並支援 RAID 0 與 RAID 1。 「儘管多顯示輸出並非智慧城市的主要需求,但 GENE-MTH6 仍支援最多四個同步顯示輸出,包括雙通道 LVDS (1920 x 1080)、eDP 1.4b HBR3 (3840 x 2160 @60Hz)、HDMI 2.1 (8K x 4K@60Hz 或 4K x 2K @120Hz) 和 DP 2.0 (7680 x 4320 @60Hz)。針對高階應用如交通管理、緊急應變中心等應用,需要多螢幕同步顯示不同數據和影像,可確保即時決策的正確性;或是智慧建築及大型零售空間,也會需要多顯示輸出,來同步播放不同的可視化數據。」研揚科技嵌入式電腦事業總處產品經理蘭之怡表示。 更多GENE-MTH6的產品資訊,您可以上產品頁面查詢,也可以於官網訂購,或與研揚科技國內業務處02-89191234分機1142劉小姐聯繫。有小量需求的客戶,可透過eShop購買。 關於研揚科技 研揚科技集團(AAEON)是台灣專業物聯智能解決方案研發製造大廠,成立於1992年。研發製造並行銷全球IoT及AI邊緣運算解決方案,另有嵌入式電腦主板及系統、工業液晶顯示器、強固型平板電腦、工控機、網路安全設備以及相關配件等,提供OEM/ODM客戶及系統整合商完整且專業之軟硬體解決方案。同時,研揚科技有專屬團隊提供客製化服務,協助您從研發初期發想到產品製作、量產到售後服務,提供一貫之專業諮詢與服務,為您量身打造高品質產品。研揚科技目前提供多款AI邊緣運算產品及智慧城市、智慧零售及智慧製造等系統整合和解決方案。研揚是英特爾鈦金級會員,同時也是NVIDIA的菁英級夥伴(Elite partner)。欲瞭解更多詳細資訊請參考研揚科技官方網站
【臺北訊】專業物聯網及人工智慧邊緣運算平臺研發製造大廠—研揚科技(股票代碼: 6579),正式發表其首款高階顯示卡GAR-A750E。該產品採用 Intel® Arc™ A750E GPU 架構,擁有 28 個 Xe-Cores,並支援多種 AI 開發框架,專為嵌入式應用與高強度運算場景設計。GAR-A750E 以 236mm x 109mm x 42mm 的獨立式尺寸,提供卓越運算效能與高度整合性,為工業運算市場帶來全新選擇。 隨著 AI 技術的發展,市場對於高效能 GPU 的需求日益增加。GAR-A750E 具備 2400MHz 圖形加速頻率,並內建 448 個 Intel® XMX 引擎,可顯著提升 AI 任務加速效率。此外,該產品支援 Intel® Deep Link 技術,包含 Hyper Compute、Hyper Encode 和 Stream Assist,能夠優化多工處理效能,實現更流暢的運算與工作流程。為確保相容性,GAR-A750E 採用 PCIe Gen 4 [x16]介面,並已通過研揚科技多款工業級主機板測試,包含 ATX-Q670A、MAX-Q670A 和 MIX-Q670A1,這些主機板均搭載 Intel® Q670E 晶片組,並支援 第 13 代 Intel® Core™ 處理器,提供高效能且靈活的擴充方案。 GAR-A750E 具備 4 個 DP 2.0 影像輸出,支援 Ultra High Bit Rate (7680 x 4320@60Hz),同時內建 AV1 硬體編碼/解碼,並相容 DirectX 12 Ultimate 與 Vulkan API。憑藉強大的 API 支援,該顯示卡能夠實現高保真圖像渲染,適用於多通道高解析度影片串流、模擬運算及生成式視覺應用,大幅提升影像處理與視覺運算能力。 此外,GAR-A750E 提供 5 年長期供應,相較於市場上其他 Intel® Arc™ A750E GPU 產品更具競爭力。研揚科技更採用 雙軸向風扇設計,提升氣流效率,即使在 空間受限的嵌入式系統 中也能保持穩定運行,讓系統整合更加輕鬆。 GAR-A750E現已開放預購,可透過官方eShop訂購。詳細產品規格請至研揚科技官方網站的產品頁面查詢。 關於研揚科技 研揚科技集團(AAEON)是台灣專業物聯智能解決方案研發製造大廠,成立於1992年。研發製造並行銷全球IoT及AI邊緣運算解決方案,另有嵌入式電腦主板及系統、工業液晶顯示器、強固型平板電腦、工控機、網路安全設備以及相關配件等,提供OEM/ODM客戶及系統整合商完整且專業之軟硬體解決方案。同時,研揚科技有專屬團隊提供客製化服務,協助您從研發初期發想到產品製作、量產到售後服務,提供一貫之專業諮詢與服務,為您量身打造高品質產品。研揚科技目前提供多款AI邊緣運算產品及智慧城市、智慧零售及智慧製造等系統整合和解決方案。研揚是英特爾鈦金級會員,同時也是NVIDIA的菁英級夥伴(Elite partner)。欲瞭解更多詳細資訊請參考研揚科技官方網站
LAS VEGAS, Jan. 11, 2025 /PRNewswire/ -- At CES 2025, Khadas captivated global audiences with groundbreaking product designs and innovative technologies, showcasing the immense potential of next-generation computing devices. As a technology brand dedicated to addressing diverse user needs, Khadas delivered an impressive display of cutting-edge solutions that seamlessly blend innovation with practicality. Mind Mini PC Mind 2s: The Modular Mini PC Powered by Arrow Lake Since the launch of its first Mind series, Khadas has earned widespread recognition for its exceptional craftsmanship and superior performance. To meet the demand for the latest technology, Khadas unveiled Mind 2s, modular mini PC powered by the Intel Arrow Lake platform. Featuring the Intel Core Ultra 7 255H processor, built on the all-new Arrow Lake-H architecture, the Mind 2s offers not only significant performance enhancements but also outstanding energy efficiency, improved integrated graphics, and superior AI processing capabilities. Compared to its predecessor, the Mind 2s boasts remarkable improvements in both single-core and multi-core performance, delivering a more efficient computing experience. With optimized energy consumption, it achieves a perfect balance of high performance and energy efficiency. Whether for professional design, video editing, or complex AI tasks, the Mind 2s is an ideal choice for next-generation computing needs. Mind 2 AI Maker Kit: Comprehensive AI Development Platform Understanding the needs of AI developers, Khadas introduced the Mind 2 AI Maker Kit, powered by the Intel Lunar Lake platform and equipped with the Intel Core Ultra 7 258V processor. With up to 115 TOPS of computational power, the Maker Kit significantly enhances AI model optimization efficiency. Its ultra-portable design, weighing only 435 grams and measuring just 2cm in thickness, enables developers to flexibly conduct AI model development and testing, particularly in mobile or remote work environments. In addition to development, the Mind Maker Kit serves as a deployment server and edge computing platform, allowing trained models to be deployed locally or on the edge. This provides low-latency, high-efficiency AI services for real-time applications such as IoT devices and smart monitoring. By reducing cloud dependency, it improves response speed and enhances data privacy. Developers can leverage Khadas' extensive support services, including comprehensive development toolkits, technical documentation, and a vibrant developer community. Moreover, the Mind Link interface will soon be open-sourced, empowering developers to create custom expansion modules and peripherals, further enriching user experiences and fostering innovation in AI application development. Mind xPlay: The Ultimate Solution for Mobile Work and Multitasking As a new addition to the Khadas Mind ecosystem, Mind xPlay supports mobile work and multi-scenario applications. Seamlessly integrating with accessories like the Mind Dock (I/O expansion module) and Mind Graphics (GPU expansion module), Mind xPlay provides users with enhanced flexibility. Whether for desktop work, outdoor presentations, or mobile entertainment, Mind xPlay transforms the Khadas Mind into a versatile productivity hub. CES attendees had the opportunity to experience Mind xPlay firsthand, appreciating its portability, robust expansion capabilities, and efficiency in mobile work scenarios. Innovative Audio and SBC Products Khadas also showcased its acclaimed audio and Single Board Computer (SBC) product lines. The newly upgraded Tea Pro magnetic portable amplifier features a display screen and a 4.4mm balanced headphone jack, meeting diverse user needs. With a revamped decoding chip, Tea Pro offers a visually appealing and sonically exceptional portable audio experience. Khadas' SBCs continue to stand out for their powerful performance, expandability, and comprehensive technical support, catering to developers and industries alike. These solutions are widely used in development, testing, prototyping, industrial automation, and smart home applications, pushing the boundaries of innovation and industry advancement. Looking Ahead: Driving Innovation in Computing The Khadas booth at CES 2025 attracted global tech experts, media representatives, and consumers. Through live demonstrations and discussions, the Khadas team not only conveyed the brand's core philosophy but also engaged in meaningful exchanges about future technology trends. Industry professionals and attendees lauded Khadas' scenario-driven approach to product development, recognizing its ability to meet diverse user needs. Khadas remains steadfast in its user-centric approach, driving technological innovation to provide smarter, more convenient solutions. Every breakthrough aims to deliver a more efficient and flexible computing experience, shaping the future of computing devices.
軟硬件整合防護提供強大勒索程式偵測香港 - Media OutReach Newswire - 2025年1月10日 - 全球網絡保安方案領導廠商趨勢科技(東京證券交易所股票代碼:4704 ) 宣布與 Intel ® (NASDAQ股票代碼:INTC)的最新合作,雙方將協助共同的企業客戶保護關鍵系統免於隱蔽威脅的襲擊,包括無檔案惡意程式與進階勒索程式。 趨勢科技主動式防護平台配搭 Intel 技術的整合式方案,將更有能力判斷某個加密行為是否正常(例如分辨是用戶正在備份檔案,還是勒索程式正在加密檔案),進而採取適當動作來保護關鍵系統。 Intel 副總裁 Carla Rodriguez 表示:「黑客越來越多使用能躲避傳統軟件式防護的精密攻擊來針對用戶端裝置,趨勢科技與 Intel® Threat Detection Technology 威脅偵測技術的整合提供了硬件加速的偵測層來發掘隱蔽的威脅。這項部署在全球數十億部個人電腦上的技術是唯一獨家運用人工智能的晶片式資訊保安方案。未來,我們的共同客戶可在 Intel AI PC 上享受到趨勢科技人工智能驅動方案 Trend Vision One™ – Endpoint Security 所提供的強化防護。」 保護用戶端、電郵、網絡及雲端工作負載上的關鍵資產是一項日益嚴峻的工作,因為黑客偏愛使用包括無檔案惡意程式等隱蔽威脅。報告指出,2023 年有 40% 的攻擊都採用了這類惡意程式來散播勒索程式和竊取敏感資料,對機構造成嚴重的財務與商譽損失。 無檔案式攻擊之所以特別危險,原因在於它們可在記憶體內執行或躲藏在系統註冊表內,又可利用像 PowerShell 和 Windows Management Instrumentation 這類正常的工具執行。因此,趨勢科技決定與 Intel 攜手合作,結合人工智能驅動的 Trend Vision One,為企業帶來強大的偵測與回應工具來對抗勒索程式及無檔案式攻擊,不讓它們有機會造成損害。 趨勢科技企業平台長金敬秀表示:「企業一直都嚮往主動式防護、但直到最近才能夠開始做到。透過與 Intel 合作,我們正在重新定義網絡資訊保安的可能性,讓企業主動保護自己的系統、資料及營運,對抗日益複雜的威脅情勢。」 進階記憶體掃瞄(AMS)如何運作: Intel® TDT 能將進階記憶體掃描的負苛從中央處理器轉移至圖形處理器。 如此可讓趨勢科技用戶端防護方案進行更徹底及更頻繁的掃瞄,在無檔案式攻擊發動惡意行為之前就預先將之發掘出來。 減少對中央處理器資源的依賴,能在不影響電腦效能、拖慢個人電腦速度,或縮短電池續航力的情況下提升威脅偵測與回應能力。 Trend Vision One™ – Endpoint Security 能利用進階記憶體掃瞄來提升記憶體掃描能力7 至 10 倍註一,意味著企業能掃描及偵測更多威脅。 中央處理器式威脅偵測: 進階勒索程式已越來越能躲避 EDR 的偵測,這歸因於黑客的封裝與加密編碼技巧及虛擬機器偽裝 (VM cloaking)手法正不斷進步。亦令使用行為偵測方法的 EDR 方案經常跟不上黑客的腳步。 Intel® TDT 能強化趨勢科技的行為分析、執行時期機器學習及專家規則,提供關鍵的硬件層面資訊,讓勒索程式的偵測成效比單純使用軟件提升 24%,因為它能: 使用中央處理器監測資料與 Intel® AI,將 Intel AI 與記憶體掃描的負苛從中央處理器卸載至整合式圖形處理器,在不影響用戶體驗的情況下輔助趨勢科技勒索程式防護的偵測作業。 將 Intel TDT 原始程式碼直接整合至趨勢科技的代理程式,從中央處理器監測資料中發掘更深入的啟示,即時發現零時差攻擊及快速演變的新變種。 註一:趨勢科技「無檔案式攻擊催生 Intel 次世代防護」(Fileless Attacks Prompt Intel's Next-Gen Security)。網址:https://www.trendmicro.com/zh_hk/research/24/d/fileless-malware-attack-solution.html。 Hashtag: #trendmicro #trendvisionone #visionone #cybersecurity #intel #intelaipc #aipchttps://www.trendmicro.comhttps://www.linkedin.com/in/trend-micro-hong-kong-96353768/https://twitter.com/trendmicroameahttps://www.facebook.com/tmhk1989/發佈者對本公告的內容承擔全部責任關於趨勢科技趨勢科技為網絡資訊保安方案全球領導廠商,致力建立一個安全的數碼資訊交換世界。憑著數十年的資訊保安專業經驗、全球威脅情報與持續不斷的創新,趨勢科技跨雲端、網絡、裝置及用戶端、透過人工智能驅動的網絡資訊保安平台隨時守護著全球數十萬家企業機構及數百萬用戶。作為雲端及企業網絡資訊保安領導廠商,趨勢科技的平台提供了各種強大的進階威脅防禦技術,專為如 AWS、Microsoft 及 Google 的環境提供最佳化、中央化視野及更快更有效的偵測與回應威脅。趨勢科技共有 7000 多名員工,遍布全球 70 個國家及地區,協助企業機構保護其連網世界。www.trendmicro.com.hk
Harnessing the power of software and hardware security to drive stronger ransomware detection for businessesHONG KONG SAR - Media OutReach Newswire - 10 January 2025 - Trend Micro Incorporated (TYO: 4704; TSE: 4704), a global cybersecurity leader, today announced a new collaboration with Intel ® (NASDAQ:INTC) designed to help joint enterprise customers protect critical systems from stealthy threats, including fileless malware and advanced ransomware. When Trend's proactive security platform and Intel's technology are used together, the integrated solution can better determine if encryption behavior is legitimate—such as a user backing up files or malicious—ensuring the appropriate action is taken to protect critical systems. Carla Rodriguez, Intel VP: "Threat actors are increasingly targeting endpoints with sophisticated attacks that evade traditional software-based security. Trend Micro's integration of Intel® Threat Detection Technology provides a hardware-accelerated detection layer to uncover stealthy threats. This technology, deployed across a billion PCs, is the only AI-based silicon security solution of its kind. Our mutual customers will benefit from enhanced protection with Trend Micro's AI-powered Trend Vision One™ – Endpoint solutions on Intel AI PCs." Protecting critical assets across endpoints, email, networks, and cloud workloads is increasingly challenging as malicious actors favor covert threats such as fileless malware, which was reportedly present in 40% of attacks in 2023. These can be used to deploy ransomware, steal sensitive data, and cause significant financial and reputational damage. Fileless attacks are particularly dangerous as they rely on in-memory execution, reside in the registry, or abuse legitimate tools like PowerShell and Windows Management Instrumentation. That's why Trend and Intel are teaming up by combining the AI-powered Trend Vision One. This collaboration provides organizations with powerful tools to detect and respond to ransomware and fileless attacks before they can cause damage. Rachel Jin, chief enterprise platform officer at Trend Micro: "Proactive security has long been desired but just recently feasible. Through our work with Intel, we're redefining what's possible in cybersecurity—empowering enterprises to proactively safeguard their systems, data, and operations against an increasingly complex threat landscape." How AMS works: Intel® TDT offloads advanced memory scanning (AMS) workloads from CPU to GPU This enables Trend endpoint security solutions to scan more deeply and more often to uncover fileless attacks before they can launch malicious payloads. Using fewer CPU resources enhances threat detection and response without affecting performance, slowing down PCs, or reducing battery life. Trend Vision One™ – Endpoint Security leverages AMS to improve memory scanning capacity by 7 to 10X[1]. This means that organizations can scan more and detect more threats. CPU-based threat detection: Advanced ransomware is increasingly capable of evading EDR detection thanks to packing and obfuscation techniques and VM cloaking. EDR solutions are too often playing catchup with behavior-based approaches, which take time to get up to speed. Intel® TDT augments Trend's behavioral analysis, runtime machine learning, and expert rules by providing critical visibility into the hardware layer, increasing ransomware detection efficacy by 24% over software alone. It does this by: Using CPU telemetry and Intel® AI, offloading Intel AI and memory scanning from the CPU to the integrated GPU to provide a detection assist to Trend's ransomware defenses which won't disrupt the user experience. Integrating Intel TDT source code directly into the Trend Micro agent to deliver deeper insights from CPU telemetry. This enables instant discovery of zero-day attacks and new, fast-moving variants. # # # [1] Trend Micro, Fileless Attacks Prompt Intel's Next-Gen Security, https://www.trendmicro.com/en_us/research/24/d/fileless-malware-attack-solution.html. Hashtag: #trendmicro #trendvisionone #visionone #cybersecurity #intel #intelaipc #aipchttps://www.trendmicro.comhttps://www.linkedin.com/in/trend-micro-hong-kong-96353768/https://twitter.com/trendmicroameahttps://www.facebook.com/tmhk1989/The issuer is solely responsible for the content of this announcement.Trend MicroTrend Micro, a global cybersecurity leader, helps make the world safe for exchanging digital information. Fueled by decades of security expertise, global threat research, and continuous innovation, Trend Micro's AI-powered cybersecurity platform protects hundreds of thousands of organizations and millions of individuals across clouds, networks, devices, and endpoints. As a leader in cloud and enterprise cybersecurity, Trend's platform delivers a powerful range of advanced threat defense techniques optimized for environments like AWS, Microsoft, and Google, and central visibility for better, faster detection and response. With 7,000 employees across 70 countries, Trend Micro enables organizations to simplify and secure their connected world. www.TrendMicro.com
台北2025年1月9日 /美通社/ -- 全球電腦領導品牌技嘉科技在 CES 2025 發布新一代 Intel® B860 和 AMD B850 系列主機板,透過創新的 AI 技術及友善設計釋放最新 Intel® Core™ Ultra 和 AMD Ryzen™ 處理器的遊戲效能並提供便利的 PC 組裝體驗。同時,配備全數位電源和強化的散熱設計,技嘉 B800 系列主機板無疑是主流 PC 玩家的首選。 技嘉於 CES 2025 發布 Intel 和 AMD B800 系列主機板 以 AI 重塑遊戲效能 技嘉 X870 系列主機板以全面支援 AMD Ryzen™ 5 7000 及 9000 系列 X3D 處理器取得全球市場最高佔有率,承襲高階機種的領先技術,全新 B800 系列主機板同步採用頂級用料及 AI D5 黑科技 (D5 Bionics Corsa) 以 AI 增強技術透過軟體、硬體和韌體的全面調校,將 AMD B850 系列主機板的 DDR5 記憶體效能提升至 8600MT/s,且在 Intel B860 系列主機板上高達 9466MT/s。玩家只需透過技嘉獨家軟體 AI SNATCH,一鍵即可達成世界超頻達人等級的效能。同時,AI 驅動的 PCB 設計藉由 AI 模擬降低信號反射,確保多層訊號傳輸的完整性。此外,HyperTune BIOS 功能透過 AI 優化,可微調 Intel® B860 系列主機板上的記憶體參考代碼 (MRC),以滿足遊戲和多工處理的高負載需求。而專為 AMD Ryzen™ 9000 系列 X3D 處理器打造的 X3D Turbo 模式,透過調整核心數完整釋放 AMD B850 系列主機板的遊戲效能。 技嘉 B860 和 B850 系列主機板採用全數位電源設計和高效率散熱解決方案,獨特的散熱片可提升高達 4 倍的散熱表面積,並結合熱管和高導熱墊,以提供卓越的散熱效率。技嘉 B800 系列主機板也具備多項友善設計,提供便捷的 PC 組裝體驗,包括 PCIe EZ-Latch Plus、M.2 EZ-Latch Click 和 WIFI EZ-PLUG ,無需工具即可安裝及卸除顯示卡、M.2 SSD 及 WIFI 天線。 除了為頂級電競而生的AORUS PRO和ELITE、GIGABYTE GAMING(X)及 EAGLE機種外,技嘉還提供全白簡約設計的 ICE 系列,配備純白色 PCB、記憶體 DIMM 插槽、PCIe 插槽和各式插槽,適合喜愛白色組裝的玩家。另外,技嘉更有適用於地端 AI 微調的 B850 AI TOP 機種,以滿足不同使用者的需求。更多技嘉 B800 系列主機板產品資訊,請參閱 GIGABYTE EVENT | CES 2025。
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