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Innergie最新推出Qi2磁吸行動電源與無線充電盤 多設備用戶的新選擇 最高可支援筆電充電

(2024年11月19日,台北訊) 台達消費性電源品牌Innergie推出三款全新支援Qi2無線充電技術的產品,分別為「15W Qi2磁吸無線充電盤」與「5100/10200mAh Qi2磁吸行動電源」,擁有 WPC 國際無線電源聯盟認證,可支援 iOS 及 Android裝置,為消費者提供更便捷、高效的充電體驗。以10200mAh Qi2 磁吸行動電源為例,可在40分鐘內將iPhone 16 pro的電量從0%充到50%,並搭載雙孔USB-C,最高輸出電力可達45瓦,支援筆電充電,是目前市面上少數可同時為商務筆電、平板和手機等等三台裝置同步充電的行動電源。   5100/10200mAh Qi2磁吸行動電源:體積輕巧便攜,筆電也能快充   Innergie Qi2磁吸行動電源系列支援PD 3.0(PPS)、QC、Apple Mode、Samsung AFC等主流充電協議,跨品牌、跨機種都能隨身充,更獲得「日本 2024 Good Design」設計大獎,兼具優雅外型與卓越效能。 Qi2磁吸行動電源提供兩款選擇,5100mAh機款具備15W Qi2無線快充與USB-C 20W輸出;10200mAh機款則配置雙孔USB-C,單孔達45W、雙孔達25W+20W輸出,輸入也高達45W,讓行動電源從0%-100%回充僅需1.4小時,比市場主流品牌快2倍以上*,用更短的時間,隨身擕帶更多電力。 採用獨家開模的「4.5V高壓電池芯」設計,並以特殊石墨烯鋁片複合材包覆電芯,不僅強化散熱性能,更延長循環使用壽命,經過測試,完整放電循環500次後仍可保持80%容量。此外,內建溫度偵測機制,若溫度過高會自動調降功率,以確保設備安全。電池採「邊充邊放 Pass-Through」技術,手機充電的同時,亦可通過USB-C端口為行動電源蓄電,對於頻繁出差的商務人士或數位遊牧族群而言極為便利。  正面磁吸力達1.1公斤,避免因偏移而充電中斷;背面磁吸力達900公克,可搭配磁吸折疊架、Magsafe手機殼等磁吸式時尚配件,提升充電便利性。   15W Qi2磁吸無線充電盤:快速、穩定的無線充電選擇   Innergie 15W Qi2磁吸無線充電器採用7.77mm輕薄機身設計,搭配高達600g的磁吸力,有效防止充電過程不易滑動。支援 MagSafe 技術,也兼容蘋果與安卓系統,適用 Apple iPhone 12 以上機型、AirPods 3、AirPods Pro 2、Samsung Galaxy 系列等。搭配20W以上的AC充電器,即可快速為多種行動裝置補充電力。機身採用磨砂鋁材質與防火PC材質製成,耐摔防刮,且充電線端口經過10000+次插拔測試,提供使用者最高品質與耐用性。 Innergie秉持環保理念,兩款Qi2 磁吸行動電源均採用PCR回收塑膠製成,全系列產品更以FSC認證紙材包裝,提供100%無塑包裝。產品經過美、歐、日等多國安規認證,提供1至3年全面保固,為用戶帶來高效且安心的充電解決方案。即日起至各大指定通路 (PChome 24h購物、EcLife良興購物網、MOMO購物網、蝦皮商城、Yahoo購物等) 選購,用最新Qi2技術,享受無線快充生活!   *充電與磁力數據為內部實驗室測試,實際結果可能因裝置使用情況和其他環境因素影響而有差異 *經2024年10月評估,市售10000mAh 行動電源多為20~30W 輸入,以45W 高規格輸入可為消費者節省近一半充電時間。   ### 關於台達   台達創立於 1971 年,為全球提供電源管理與散熱解決方案,並在工業自動化、樓宇自動化、通訊電源、資料中心基礎設施、電動車充電、可再生能源、儲能與視訊顯示等多項產品方案領域居重要地位,逐步實現智能製造與智慧城市的發展願景。台達秉持「環保節能 愛地球」的經營使命,將企業永續與商業模式相結合,運用高效率電力電子核心技術,以因應氣候變遷帶來的環境議題。台達營運據點遍佈全球,在五大洲近200個銷售據點、研發中心和生產基地為客戶提供服務。 多年來,台達投入事業營運、科技創新與企業永續的成就榮獲多項國際榮耀與肯定。自2011年起,台達連續13年入選道瓊永續指數 (Dow Jones Sustainability Indices, 簡稱DJSI) 之「世界指數」 (DJSI World Index) ,亦三度榮獲CDP (原碳揭露專案) 年度評比氣候變遷與水安全雙「A」領導評級,並連續7年獲評供應鏈議合領導者。 台達的詳細資料,請參見:www.deltaww.com   關於Innergie   Innergie – 台達消費性電源品牌,憑藉超過50年電源專業背景和先進電源技術,精密製造每一顆充電器。採用高規格零件和自動化生產過程,以最高標準把關品質。充電器內建獨家InnerShield™ 五大安全機制,包括過電流保護、過電壓保護、過載保護、過熱保護、以及短路保護,並通過美國、加拿大、歐洲、澳洲、新加坡、台灣等國際多項安規認證。 承襲台達「環保 節能 愛地球」經營使命,Innergie 專注「一顆勝所有」理念,為消費者提供簡約環保的的充電方案,降低不必要的電子垃圾,還給地球呼吸的空間,實現「高效電源  節能減碳,節用厚生  智動未來」願景。 Innergie官方網站:https://myinnergie.com/tw

文章來源 : 頤德國際股份有限公司 發表時間 : 瀏覽次數 : 4821 加入收藏 :

今年4月22日是世界地球日(Earth Day)且主題為「Planet vs. Plastics | 地球與塑膠」的國際性環保盛事,PChome網路家庭作為台灣首家實踐「綠色購物」概念大型電商平台,持續深化綠色購物計畫,實踐永續經營理念,旗下PChome 24h購物特別響應打造「世界地球日」專區,匯集「可持續性使用、環保標章、無塑包裝」之環境友善綠色商品,嚴選商品最低45折起。   PChome 24h購物觀察到,進入四月電費正式調漲,加上近期天氣高溫炎熱,在經濟部推出「住宅家電汰舊換新節能補助」措施方案的助力下,站上近兩週(4/1-4/13)一級變頻空調年銷量成長約1.6倍,買氣顯著增溫,當中又以擁有CSPF能源效率機種最受消費者青睞。夏季將至,民眾陸續汰舊換新家電用品,PChome 24h購物每月24號「24力會員日」祭出多重豐富好康,包含8品獨家/特規/特賣驚爆商品、APP限定上午11:24~晚間20:24每小時搶滿千折$240折價券、LINE購物限時加碼晚間22:00~23:59最高回饋4%.同時舊會員簽到可領P幣/折價券、新客註冊禮三倍送最高拿160 P幣等.結帳刷星展PChome聯名卡享最高20%回饋[1]、4/26買指定冷暖空調持星展信用卡單筆分期滿額登記送1,600 P幣(限量),邀請消費者節能環保愛地球,聰明省錢護荷包!   EARTHDAY.ORG地球日總部致力倡導2040年全球塑膠產量減少60%,期望打造零塑膠未來給下一代。國人也積極落實綠色消費,願意選擇對環境友善且展開減碳行動品牌,根據環保署的淨零綠生活數據顯示,民間綠採中的民眾消費綠色商品金額高達806億元,為近六年來新高,顯示消費者永續觀念日漸普及,且反映在消費行為上。PChome 24h購物於2023年全新開設的「綠色商品館」,集結超過上萬種的(有機認證、節能/省水標章及天然、減塑等)永續選品,統計目前的綠色商品數已較專區成立時約成長75%。PChome 24h購物進一步觀察,綠色消費者優先採買品類為「生活居家」,又以餐具、保鮮盒、隨行杯、保溫瓶、環保杯套系列最受青睞,可見改變日常小習慣是消費者實踐永續最直接表現。   因此,PChome 24h購物匯聚消費者之力提供「四系列綠色商品」,從微小細節守護居住環境,精選商品: 1.     吃得健康、用得安全、洗得安心系列:添加物OUT!Kenji健司 酵母餅乾,沒有膨鬆劑、色素、香料、擁CLEAN LABEL認證,大小朋友都愛,即日起至4/30特價152元;外出自帶餐具、減少一次性消耗品,樂扣樂扣 可微波輕漾粉彩不鏽鋼保鮮盒輕量好堆疊收納,即日起至4/30下殺5折特價1,299元(滿額再折100元);居家必備洗碗機,搭配專用清潔劑有效清潔、不必擔心化學殘留吃下肚,激推高規格洗碗粉的ecostore 宜可誠 環保洗碗粉(經典檸檬) 即日起至4/23特價720元。 2.     高溫抗暑作戰,綠色電器環保又省錢系列:超強除濕力!18坪大面積除濕,日本KOIZUMI|一級能效 16.9L WiFi 智能除濕機,享節能補助退稅1,200元,即日起至5/31下殺5折特價9,999元;空氣品質守護者的美國Honeywell 抗敏系列空氣清淨機,一網打盡微塵、細菌、病毒,即日起至5/31,售價3,990元;節電運轉的HITACHI 日立冷暖型左吹 變頻窗型空調,一級能源效率,即日起至5/31特價23,196元。 3.     從城市走到戶外,開啟徒步減碳系列:對地球友善的再生材質打造的橘標防水RCYCL 系列,PALLADIUM PAMPA LO RCYL L+ WP+再生科技輕量橘標低筒防水靴完美融合永續時尚機能風格,即日起至4/24特價2,930元。 4.     永續態度!聽音樂、閱讀也能很環保系列:無塑包裝!手機、筆電、平板、耳機皆能用充電的台達 Innergie C3 Duo 30瓦雙孔USB-C萬用充電器,即日起至4/30特價799元;包裝材質不含塑膠、採用回收材質和不織布纖維素的Sony INZONE H9 無線降噪電競耳機即日起至5/12售價6,990元;嚴選新機上市的樂天Kobo Libra Colour 7吋彩色電子書閱讀器,採用回收塑膠和海廢再生塑料,時尚雙色、IPX8全方位防水、支援手寫筆記彩色標註,獨特人體工學設計、尺吋同實體書是讀書人最愛,售價7,349元,PChome獨家-刷星展卡最高享72折。

文章來源 : UPR 發表時間 : 瀏覽次數 : 2889 加入收藏 :
Delta Unveils "Intelligent Sustainable Connecting Hub" at COMPUTEX 2023 to Echo its New Brand Value Proposition

TAIPEI, May 30, 2023 /PRNewswire/ -- Delta, a global leading provider of power and thermal management solutions, today declared its new brand value proposition, "Realizing an Intelligent, Sustainable, and Connecting World", at COMPUTEX TAIPEI 2023 by unveiling a smart community hub enabled by its broader portfolio of IoT-based Smart Green Solutions. The "Intelligent Sustainable Connecting Hub" features an intelligent Operation Center with a multi-functional management platform for companies to manage critical operations, including carbon emissions inventory and renewable power matching. Moreover, the new VORTEX a cloud-based video surveillance as a service (VSaaS), the smart microgrid-supported EV charging infrastructure, and the energy-efficient data center solution, demonstrate how Delta's solutions integrate seamlessly to ensure the sustainable development of a myriad of sectors. Ping Cheng, Delta's CEO, stated, "In 2022, Delta became the first company in the technology hardware and equipment industry in Asia to have passed the SBTi's net-zero science-based target review, in which our goal is to reduce Scope 1 and Scope 2 carbon emissions by 90% by 2030 compared with a base year of 2021. We have achieved our annual target of a 13.5% reduction last year. Meanwhile, 63% of the electricity consumed by our worldwide operations comes from renewable electricity in line with Delta's RE100 goal by 2030. Our solutions have evolved beyond smart buildings to smart community management, which, combined with our expertise in energy conservation, allows Delta to build digitalized intelligent, low-carbon, healthy, and safe industrial communities." Shan Shan Guo, Delta's Chief Brand Officer, said, "We are deeply pleased that world-class exhibitions such as COMPUTEX are back in full force, offering us the opportunity to demonstrate our new brand value proposition, 'Realizing an Intelligent, Sustainable, and Connecting World'. In our smart community hub, Delta's latest solution platforms, which include the operation center, smart community management system, and the cloud-based video surveillance system, enable significant benefits for various venues and applications, including offices, financial services, and energy management. We also hope to collaborate further with our partners on key ESG goals that foster a sustainable future." Roland Chiang, Deputy Head of Delta's Building Automation Business Group, said, "By leveraging Delta's expertise in energy management, carbon footprint management, smart building control, security surveillance, intelligent transportation, and IoT communication technology, Delta's platform offers integrated analysis and scheduling of community systems, enhancing operational efficiency and service levels. We have a strong track record of successful cases for the implementation of these solutions, and also develop other diverse applications to improve cities and the environment even further." At this year's COMPUTEX 2023, Delta provides diverse building automation services, including cloud-based monitoring, smart conference room environmental control, and a multi-functional community management platform, covering renewable energy integration and carbon inventory. These services assist in comprehensive zero-carbon management and optimization of green energy utilization. In terms of infrastructure, Delta's one-stop data center solution addresses the data volume and computational needs of an industrial hub. Furthermore, Delta focuses on the concept of power generation, storage, conservation, and usage to offer electric vehicle charging infrastructure solutions that align with the microgrid concept. Delta also showcased powertrains for e-mobility, shaping smart, low carbon mobility for sustainable lifestyles. COMPUTEX TAIPEI 2023 is held from May 30th to June 2nd. Delta's exhibition booth is located at booth M0110, 4F, Hall 1, Nangang International Exhibition Center. In addition to the physical exhibition, an online exhibition is launched simultaneously. For more information and to access the virtual exhibition, please visit the following website:https://onlinexpo.deltaww.com/3drendering/h5/web/platform.html?id=11 About Delta Delta, founded in 1971, is a global leader in switching power supplies and thermal management products with a thriving portfolio of smart energy-saving systems and solutions in the fields of industrial automation, building automation, telecom power, data centre infrastructure, EV charging, renewable energy, energy storage and display, to nurture the development of smart manufacturing and sustainable cities. As a world-class corporate citizen guided by its mission statement, "To provide innovative, clean and energy-efficient solutions for a better tomorrow," Delta leverages its core competence in high-efficiency power electronics and its ESG-embedded business model to address key environmental issues, such as climate change. Delta serves customers through its sales offices, R&D centres and manufacturing facilities spread over close to 200 locations across 5 continents.  Throughout its history, Delta has received various global awards and recognition for its business achievements, innovative technologies and dedication to ESG. Since 2011, Delta has been listed on the DJSI World Index of Dow Jones Sustainability™ Indices for 12 consecutive years. In 2022, Delta was also recognized by CDP with leadership level ratings for its substantial contribution to climate change and water security issues and named Supplier Engagement Leader for its continuous development of a sustainable value chain for the 3rd consecutive year. For detailed information about Delta, please visit: www.deltaww.com Delta's Key Highlights @ COMPUTEX 2023: Intelligent Lobby & U Office VORTEX Video Management System as a Service: VORTEX is a highly flexible cloud-based video surveillance service that combines powerful analytics and diverse camera selection. Subscribe to VORTEX and enjoy the most advanced AI technology without worrying about a huge upfront CapEx investment. Intelligent Meeting Room Control: Aiming at delivering the ultimate meeting room experience, this IoT-Architecture-Based solution makes conference room equipment, such as HVAC, lighting, projectors, electric curtains, and IAQ monitors, fully interoperable. Scenarios switch is just a click away. Intelligent Operation Center Delta Sustainable Building Management Platform: Delta Sustainable Building Management Platform is a useful data-driven decision-making facilitator created to support enterprises in mitigating climate risks and achieving their ESG goals. iCMS Smart Community Management System: Integrating Delta's renewable energy, energy storage, carbon emission management, building automation, surveillance, and transportation systems, Delta iCMS enhances operational efficiency for municipal or industrial campuses. One-stop Data Center Solution: Delta's one-stop solution offerings include a wide range of products, from power systems, precision cooling, rack & accessories, networking systems, to datacenter infrastructure management software (also known as DCIM) as well as remote PC array solutions. Atrust Computer, Delta's subsidiary, presents the remote PC array (RPA), 20-30 physical PC cartridges are mounted in a 1U housing. Designed on a physical PC for remote connection, no hypervisor is required. It significantly reduces the cost of the entire virtual desktop system and solves many challenges traditional virtual desktops face. EV Charging Zone DeltaGrid® EV Charging Infrastructure Solution: To meet the increasing demand for electric vehicle charging, Delta offers the DeltaGrid® EVM system to manage electric vehicle charging stations. This system helps charging service providers offer safe and reliable charging services within existing power infrastructure. Through load management, scheduling, and energy dispatching, it ensures electrical safety, prevents overload, and enhances energy efficiency at charging stations, ultimately improving the charging experience for vehicle owners. Smart Grid DeltaGrid® Energy Management Solution: In order to transition towards low-carbon and align with e-mobility, Delta offers the DeltaGrid® Energy Management Solution, which encompasses energy management and electric vehicle charging infrastructure. It integrates solar power, energy storage, EV charging, and energy management systems to provide a comprehensive low-carbon transformation solution for utilities, commercial and industrial facilities, charging stations, and residential communities. It enables peak shaving and valley filling, optimizing the utilization of self-consumption of solar energy, and helps achieve sustainability goals. Co-life Studio Human Behavior Digitalization: Searchlight™ for Banking combines enterprise-class video management with intelligent software applications to help banks uncover fraud, speed investigation time, oversee operations, improve service, implement risk management, and increase profits. Wireless Building IoT Infrastructure: Delta BIC Lighting Solutions utilize Bluetooth communication networks to build the infrastructure for smart buildings. Apart from lighting controls, it is future ready for smart services such as data acquisition, energy consumption analysis, indoor positioning, and others. U+ Far UVC Disinfection Devices: U+ Far-UVC Light Care 222® Series serves as a disinfectant more effective than alcohol, which inactivates viruses and bacteria on the surface of objects and in the air. It is proven to be significantly bacteriostatic against SARS-CoV-2. USB PD Dual-Port Wall Sockets: Delta's new 18 W ~ 60 W USB C+C and USB A+C dual-port PD sockets allows fast, flexible charging simply with cables, suitable for home, commercial, and public appliances. Power Supplies for Gaming Computers and 5G Stations: Delta launches three high power gaming computer power supplies (up to 1,600 W), as well as PoE injectors and 150 W waterproof power supplies for residential buildings and 5G base stations. Innergie: Innergie, a consumer brand of Delta, presents its flagship One For All Series with 30 W to 100 W power output, which allows users to charge various mobile devices such as smartphones and notebooks by using only one adapter. Sustainable Plaza E-scooter Charging Solutions:Delta's high efficiency power and charging offering for e-scooters includes portable chargers for direct charging to batteries, converters for battery voltage conversion, and charging modules for outdoor battery-swapping stations. Powertrains for e-Mobility:Delta's brand new e-Bike Mid Drive Motor and e-scooter Integrated Side-Mounted Powertrain, featuring high performance and high efficiency.

文章來源 : PR Newswire 美通社 發表時間 : 瀏覽次數 : 3344 加入收藏 :
2025 年 2 月 18 日 (星期二) 農曆正月廿一日
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