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符合「IndustrialExhibition」新聞搜尋結果, 共 1 篇 ,以下為 1 - 1 篇 訂閱此列表,掌握最新動態
Asian Industrial Online Exhibition 2022 Grand Opening

Asian Industrial Online Exhibition 2022 Grand Opening Asian Industrial Online Exhibition 2022 (AIOE 2022), jointly organized by AsianNet / TradeAsia, will be grandly exhibited from May30 2022. The exhibition will last for three months until August 31, 2022. During this period, TradeAsia will vigorously carry out global promotion to increase the exposure of the exhibition venue and the reach of buyers to gain visitor traffic. After the exhibition period, we will retain the online exhibition information to obtain the spillover effect of international marketing for a long time. AIOE 2022 is for global Industrial equipment and supply buyers. The exhibition time is in line with the schedule of Hannover Messe 2022held in Hannover Germany from May 30 to June 2, 2022. It is convenient for international buyers to visit and compare at one time. Due to the continuous fever of the Covid-19 epidemic, the quarantine of international travel has affected suppliers and buyers to visit exhibition events in person. Buyers from far and wide can easily browse online pavilions. It is currently the most friendly and effective international marketing model. TradeAsia invites dozens of Taiwanese professional industrial supply and equipment suppliers to participate in the exhibition. Manufacturers and product categories have covered: Machinery equipment, Machinery accessories, Mechanical hardwires、Packing equipment & machinery, Bearing, Battery, Plastic processing machine, Electronic accessories and supply, Industrial computer, Tools, Pressure measuring instrument, Cleanroom equipment, medical equipment, Locks and safe, Measuring equipment, cable and wire, casting and molding, Screw, Fastener and nail, Energy and generator, general industrial equipment with thousands of latest products on display. Products are dazzling and worth visiting. In addition, TradeAsia attaches great importance to the integration of physical and virtual. Under appropriate circumstances, we will invite manufacturers to exhibit physical together to establish a win-win exhibition model that integrates virtual and real. Due to the epidemic situation this time, we will only provide online exhibitions. AIOE Online Exhibition: https://www.etradeasia.com/online-show/5/Asian-Industrial-Online-Exhibition-2022.html In the epidemic, the flow of international personnel has decreased, and traditional exhibitions are significantly hind. Online activities for global trade promotion have become mainstream. At present, most international trade shows provide a variety of online expositions, including webpages, electronic catalogs, or virtual exhibition venues, which allow international buyers to visit easilyeven if they are thousands of miles away. It will not be affected by long travel and quarantine. Asian Industrial Online Exhibition 2022has also planned a series of online exhibition schemes. We will provide exhibition webpages, electronic catalogs, etc., and link products and exhibitor information to TradeAsia, so that buyers can easily browse and touch. TradeAsia has provided B2B international trade services for buyers and sellers since 1997. It is the most experienced and professional trade platform in the world. We currently have millions of global members, more than 600,000 suppliers, and millions of the latest products. Thousands of professional buyers worldwide find products and contact sellers for business cooperation every day. TradeAsia is a significant trade promotion channel in Asia. TradeAsia has also established cooperative relationships with hundreds of trade entities worldwide, exchanging marketing promotion exposures. Therefore, suppliers have a good chance to spread information to global platforms or exhibition entities simultaneously. By this effort, we will significantly increase participation with global marketing power. Asian Industrial Online Exhibition 2022 will also be broadcast globally.   News Contact: Doreen Chen Marketing Manager of TradeAsia 886-3-5770775 ext.221  

文章來源 : 台灣產經新聞網 發表時間 : 瀏覽次數 : 2812 加入收藏 :
2025 年 1 月 21 日 (星期二) 農曆十二月廿二日
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