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近日法博智能移動 (FARobot) 自行設計開發的 250 公斤、1000公斤自主移動機器人 (AMR) SMR250、SMR1000,已率先取得國際第三方驗證機構德國萊因在台灣的首張 EN ISO 3691-4:2020 證書,確保應用於工業自動化場域的安全性能,包括自主性移動、安全煞停、路徑轉向、速度控制等符合歐盟規範要求。其安全控制器及相關安全功能防護機制讓自主移動機器人能即時反應在自動化生產環境中的非受控情境以確保人員及物料安全。法博 SMR 系列同時通過德國萊因的 SEMI S17-0319 驗證,應用於半導體、平板顯示器生產物料移動,確保安全作業環境。 台灣德國萊因董事總經理王秀雲表示:「智造自動化是大勢所趨,自主移動機器人在複雜的動態環境中保持安全協作至關重要。很高興與法博智能移動合作,發出首張 EN ISO 3691-4 證書,確保自動化搬運設備應用於場域自動化、無人化流程的安全性、可靠性皆符合國際公認標準,打造台灣機器人品牌在全球供應鏈的競爭力。」 法博智能移動陳家榜總經理表示:「很高興與德國萊因TÜV 合作,展現台灣製造 (MIT) 自動化搬運設備對於工業領域的安全承諾;同時非常感謝母公司鴻海 E 事業群與凌華的全力支持,串聯研發、製造、驗證,協助法博在短短三年即完成產品化落地並取得認證。未來將以軟硬體整合方案持續提升人機協作安全性,引領智造搬運的業界標竿。」 本次法博 SMR 系列與台灣德國萊因合作獲得的 EN ISO 3691-4:2020 版無人駕駛工業搬運載具證書,確保產品從應用場景的風險評估分析、安全系統硬體架構的設計製造、安全性能等級等相關測試皆符合歐盟與國際認可的安全規範。該標準被視為採購招標審核的關鍵指標之一,確認廠商具備合規與技術實力。 工業自動化機器人的發展快速,從傳統工業機器人、支援協作任務機器人、無人自主移動載具更衍生到商用或家用服務型機器人等,無論是外觀、功能或應用場域都越來越多元。 機器人與自主性無人搬運車 (AMR) 是工廠智慧化的重要建置,雖有助於提升製造現場工作效率,但也帶來安全疑慮,如果設計不當,將有很高機率產生工安事件。如何提高製程安全,加強對無人搬運車操作時的安全防護設計,是廠商需面對的挑戰。德國萊因提醒,終端系統整合商應完整了解各區域使用者相關規範,幫用戶做好完整的安全設定與防護機制。
TAIPEI, July 27, 2023 /PRNewswire/ -- SmartCow, an AI engineering company specializing in video analytics, AIoT devices, and smart city solutions, has proudly announced its achievement of the highly coveted ISO 9001:2015 certification for its exceptional quality management system. This certification solidifies SmartCow's commitment to excellence in designing and manufacturing AIoT solutions, encompassing cutting-edge algorithms, platforms, and systems that drive innovation and enhance operational efficiency. SmartCow obtains quality management system ISO 9001:2015 certification which covering area from from product development and supplier selection to distribution and invoicing of AIoT solutions. ISO 9001:2015 certification is internationally recognized and sets rigorous standards for quality management systems. The certification process involved a comprehensive assessment of SmartCow's quality management system, covering various key areas, from product development and supplier selection to distribution and invoicing of AIoT solutions. SmartCow's unwavering commitment to delivering high-quality products and services has been acknowledged and validated by the ISO 9001:2015 certification, enhancing its credibility and positioning in the market. SmartCow's AIoT solutions have been making significant strides in revolutionizing multiple industries, such as surveillance, transportation, retail, and urban planning. By leveraging the power of artificial intelligence and the Internet of Things, SmartCow empowers businesses and governments to make data-driven decisions, optimize resource allocation, and enhance overall operational efficiency. With the ISO 9001:2015 certification, SmartCow ensures that its AIoT solutions adhere to the highest quality standards throughout their design and manufacturing processes. This certification serves as a testament to SmartCow's dedication to customer satisfaction, continuous improvement, and the delivery of exceptional AI-driven solutions. "We are thrilled to have achieved ISO 9001:2015 certification," said Daisy Chen, Taiwan Managing Director of SmartCow. "This significant milestone reinforces our commitment to providing top-notch AIoT solutions that not only meet our clients' evolving needs but also surpass industry standards for quality and reliability. We believe that this certification will further strengthen our position as a trusted partner in the AI with smart city sector." As SmartCow looks to the future, it remains dedicated to pushing the boundaries of AI engineering and delivering intelligent solutions that transform industries and shape the cities of tomorrow. With its ISO 9001:2015 certification in hand, SmartCow is well-equipped to continue exceeding customer expectations, driving innovation, and contributing to the ongoing intellectualization of the global landscape. Learn more about SmartCow AIoT solutions by visiting their website at https://www.smartcow.ai/. About SmartCow: Established in 2016, SmartCow is an end-to-end AI engineering company that builds both hardware and software products for AI applications. Our specialty lies in developing software-defined hardware with field programmability and flexibility, which is optimized by the most efficient software for elevated performance. SmartCow's AI applications are widely used in smart cities. Strategic partners include NVIDIA and PNY. The company is located in Malta, India, Taiwan, and France and is expanding to the USA.
ISO certification ensures company's commitment to legal compliance "Aims to continuously grow into a semiconductor company trusted by stakeholders" SEOUL, South Korea, July 21, 2023 /PRNewswire/ -- SK hynix Inc. (or "the company", www.skhynix.com) announced today that it has been awarded the ISO 37301 compliance management system* and ISO 37001 anti-bribery management system** certifications issued by the British Standards Institute (BSI). * ISO 37301: International standard that specifies requirements for establishing, developing, implementing, evaluating, maintaining and improving an effective compliance management system in order for an organization to fulfill compliance obligations and develop into a sustainable enterprise in the long term ** ISO 37001: International standard that specifies requirements for establishing, implementing, maintaining and improving an anti-bribery management system within an organization Amid growing demands for corporate environmental, social and governance (ESG) management across the world, SK hynix has been pushing for compliance and anti-bribery management system certification from internationally recognized institutions. "We have successfully completed the preparation process and evaluation based on our compliance system currently in operation, and SK hynix, in recognition of such achievements in establishing those management systems that comply with international standards, became the first semiconductor company in Korea to receive both certifications from the BSI," the company said. The certification award ceremony held today at SK hynix Bundang office was attended by Lim Seong-hwan, CEO of BSI Group Korea, and SK hynix Vice Presidents Kim Youn-wook (Head of Sustainability Management) and Park Su-man (Head of Ethics Management). "With the latest certification, the company will strengthen its efforts to prevent any compliance risks within and outside the country, and we expect our SK hynix members to voluntarily participate in eradicating corruption," Vice President Kim Youn-wook said. "Based on our world-class corporate governance, SK hynix will continue to strive to grow into a semiconductor company trusted by stakeholders," Kim added. About SK hynix Inc. SK hynix Inc., headquartered in Korea, is the world's top tier semiconductor supplier offering Dynamic Random Access Memory chips ("DRAM"), flash memory chips ("NAND flash") and CMOS Image Sensors ("CIS") for a wide range of distinguished customers globally. The Company's shares are traded on the Korea Exchange, and the Global Depository shares are listed on the Luxemburg Stock Exchange. Further information about SK hynix is available at www.skhynix.com, news.skhynix.com.
CHENNAI, India, July 9, 2023 /PRNewswire/ -- Clayfin, a leading provider of Digital Customer Experience solutions for Banks and Financial institutions, is thrilled to announce that it has been awarded the prestigious ISO/IEC 27001:2013 certification for its commitment to maintaining the highest standards of information security. ISO/IEC 27001:2013 is an internationally recognized standard that sets forth the requirements for establishing, implementing, maintaining, and continually improving an Information Security Management System (ISMS) within the context of the organization's overall business risks. This certification validates Clayfin's dedication to safeguarding sensitive information, protecting customer data, and ensuring the integrity, confidentiality, and availability of its omni channel solution products. To attain this certification, Clayfin underwent a rigorous evaluation of its information security practices, policies, and procedures. The assessment covered all aspects of the company's operations, including design, development, testing, implementation, support, and maintenance of its omni channel solution products. By successfully meeting the stringent requirements of ISO/IEC 27001:2013, Clayfin has demonstrated its commitment to best practices in information security and its ability to mitigate risks effectively. "We are incredibly proud to have achieved ISO/IEC 27001:2013 certification," said Karthikeyan Raman, Chief Innovation Officer, Clayfin. "At Clayfin, we prioritize the security of data related to all our products and continuously strive to enhance our information security framework. This certification reaffirms our dedication to maintaining the highest standards of security in every aspect of our products." Appreciating Clayfin's efforts to earn this certification, Sandeep Vig, Director – Business Assurance, India and MENAP, Intertek said - "We congratulate Clayfin on achieving the ISO 27001:2013 certification. The ISO 27001 standard is now more relevant than ever, and it has been updated as per the latest technology to help defend against existing and new security threats. The certification demonstrates the organization's level of information security management across cybersecurity, data, and privacy protection." The certification will assure Clayfin's customers that their sensitive information and data are handled with utmost care and security and will strengthen Clayfin's position as a trusted provider of digital customer experience solutions for the global banking industry. About Clayfin: Clayfin is a leading provider of Digital Customer Experience solutions for Banks and Financial institutions. In a rapidly evolving digital world, Clayfin enables Banks and financial institutions to nurture and grow close ties with their customers by providing a superior and seamless omnichannel experience delivered at any digital point of interaction that the customer prefers. Clayfin's philosophy is to enhance the financial lifestyle for end customers by building Superior Customer experience solutions that will increase the digital footprint, adoption and usage. To enable this, Clayfin products are built on four tenets: simple to use, pervasive, secure and relevant. For more information, please visit www.clayfin.com .
台北2023年7月4日 /美通社/ -- 電子大廠和碩聯合科技獲得德國認證機構DEKRA德凱ISO 26262:2018 ASIL-D功能安全流程認證證書,建立起符合車用供應鏈要求的開發流程和管理體系,將全力強攻智慧車用供應鏈。 DEKRA德凱台灣董事總經理李俊儀(右) 頒發贈ISO 26262功能安全流程證書予和碩車用事業處總經理賴哲彥 (左) 隨著車聯網、汽車智慧化的快速發展下,車輛上搭載著數百至數千種各式不同元件,使得汽車功能安全需求以及提供證據滿足功能安全目標的要求越來越高。ISO 26262是國際公認的汽車功能安全標準,是供應商進入汽車供應鏈的基本門檻之一。範疇涵蓋汽車產業中電子元件及電子設備的產品完整生命週期,包括初期安全概念、系統開發、軟硬體開發、生產、營運、維修及報廢等各個階段貫穿產品整個生命週期。ASIL(Automotive Safety Integration Level,汽車安全完整性等級)是基於ISO 26262標準的分類系統,共有A、B、C、D四個等級,等級越高,開發流程越嚴格。 和碩車用事業處總經理賴哲彥表示: 「隨著電動車與智慧車的蓬勃發展,也創造出車廠與資通訊產業合作新趨勢,車電產業更是台灣科技大廠近年來積極發展的領域,和碩這幾年持續擴大車用布局,此次順利取得ISO 26262功能安全最高等級ASIL-D認證證書,代表和碩符合國際車廠的開發流程和管理體系,將全力強攻智慧車用供應鏈。後續也會和DEKRA德凱專家團隊緊密合作,持續落實ISO 26262與ASPICE等國際標準要求,不斷提升產品的可靠性和安全性。」 DEKRA德凱台灣董事總經理李俊儀表示:「隨著人工智慧、物聯網及5G應用的蓬勃發展,台灣產業有很好的基礎可以切入車用供應鏈,所以越來越多的廠商導入國際標準以符合車廠的開發需求,例如在設計與開發階段就先導入ISO 26262流程認證,確保公司在開發過程中皆能符合汽車產品功能安全所需要的完整性等級,因此也就可大幅降低失效風險並節省開發的時間、資源與成本。」 參與此次ISO26262專案的和碩團隊與證書合影 DEKRA德凱是歐盟相關政府機構(例如,德國交通部KBA)認可的全球知名測試和認證服務機構,DEKRA德凱團隊專家可以為OEM車廠、Tier1/Tier2供應商、其它技術服務商等提供整合式的服務,協助導入ISO 26262 /ISO 21434 /Automotive SPICE/Cyber-Security流程,並提供培訓、差距分析、測試、認證等整合服務方案,高效的通過各項國際標準與流程認證,取得打入車用供應鏈的通關門票。 頒證儀式上由和碩車用事業處總經理賴哲彥代表接受DEKRA德凱台灣董事總經理李俊儀所頒發的ISO 26262證書,同時出席的還有和碩車用事業處研發處長許博清、林鎮賢,與負責此次認證專案的德凱台灣全球功能安全/網路安全經理黃浩鈿等雙方代表在現場一同見證了這一重要時刻。 About DEKRA DEKRA has been active in the field of safety for almost 100 years. Founded in 1925 in Berlin as Deutscher Kraftfahrzeug-Überwachungs-Verein e.V., it is today one of the world's leading expert organizations. DEKRA SE is a subsidiary of DEKRA e.V. and manages the Group's operating business. In 2022, DEKRA generated sales totaling nearly EUR 3.8 billion. The company currently employs almost 49,000 people in approximately 60 countries on five continents. With qualified and independent expert services, they work for safety on the road, at work and at home. These services range from vehicle inspection and expert appraisals to claims services, industrial and building inspections, advisory and training services, testing and certification of products and systems, also in the digital world, as well as temporary work. The vision for the company's 100th birthday in 2025 is that DEKRA will be the global partner for a safe, secure, and sustainable world. With a platinum rating from EcoVadis, DEKRA is now in the top one percent of sustainable businesses ranked. 關於DEKRA德凱 DEKRA德凱致力於安全近百年。1925年在德國柏林成立的德國機動車監督協會,現如今已是世界知名的協力廠商專業測試檢驗認證機構。DEKRA SE是DEKRA e.V.的子公司,負責管理集團營運。2022年,DEKRA德凱營業總額達到近38億歐元,業務遍佈世界5大洲60多個國家和地區,逾49,000名員工致力於為路途中、工作中以及家居中的安全提供獨立的專家服務。這些服務包含: 車輛檢測、理賠與專家評估、工業與建築檢驗、顧問與培訓服務、產品測試與認證、體系審核、數位化相關服務及專案派遣。2025年,DEKRA德凱將迎來成立100周年,其願景是「我們致力於成為安全與可持續發展世界裡的全球合作夥伴」。 DEKRA德凱連續榮獲EcoVadis鉑金評級,位列前1%的可持續發展公司之列。Website: https://www.dekra.com.tw/
香港2023年7月3日 /美通社/ -- 當企業走向全球化的時候,變革以驚人的速度發生。對大型經濟體、行業監管和企業運營來說,符合規範為至關重要。 華大基因在全球各地開展業務,同時優先進行合規管理,嚴格遵循法規和國際慣例。該公司近日完成了全球大型標準、測試和認證機構英國標準協會(BSI)的嚴格審核。華大基因獲得了GB/T 35770-2022/ISO 37301:2021合規管理體系認證,成為業內第一家獲此認證的企業。此次獲得認證,肯定了華大基因的合規管理水平已經達到國際要求,鼓舞該公司致力於合規與高品質發展。 ISO 37301合規管理體系認證獲得國際認可。由這一國際標準採用的PDCA(計劃、執行、檢查、行動)理念,覆蓋合規體系的建立、運行、維持和改進。根據治理原則,這一理念能夠為組織機構提供一整套解決方案,支持它們在弘揚有利的合規文化的時候,開發和運營此類體系。這旨在幫助組織機構建立有效的合規管理體系,有效地控制完整性風險,提升它們在業務運營上面的合規能力。 作為第一家以ISO 37301作基準的企業,華大基因主動擁抱國際標準。該公司的管理層非常重視合規管理水平的提升,積極與國際接軌,以便進一步實施其全球化戰略。 此次獲得認證將會提昇華大基因的品牌形象和市場競爭力。該公司將會借此機會,執行「依法合規、守正經營、全員參與、持續改進」的合規政策。華大基因將會為此致力持續更新合規體系,憑借高品質產品和服務,在生命和健康領域推進技術進步與創新。因此,華大基因能夠在為中國和全球公共衛生做出進一步貢獻上面,發揮重要作用。
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