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BEIJING, Feb. 15, 2023 /PRNewswire/ -- In the face of complex changes in the world, times and history, relations between China and Iran have withstood the tests of various international vicissitudes. During the talks between Chinese President Xi Jinping and Iranian President Ebrahim Raisi on Tuesday in Beijing, both leaders committed to deepening and upgrading the two countries' partnership. China will unswervingly develop friendly cooperation with Iran to promote China-Iran comprehensive strategic partnership for new development, Xi told Raisi, who is paying his first state visit to China. For his part, Raisi said the time-tested friendship has become even firmer as time goes by. Sincere strategic partners China and Iran have supported each other, worked together to fight the COVID-19 pandemic, consolidated strategic mutual trust and made steady progress in practical cooperation, which has promoted common interests and safeguarded international fairness and justice, Xi said. The country has remained Iran's biggest trading partner for years. From January to August in 2022, the bilateral trade volume between China and Iran was $11.16 billion, a year-on-year increase of 19 percent, of which China's exports to Iran were $6.214 billion, a year-on-year increase of 24 percent, and China's imports were $4.946 billion, a year-on-year increase of 14 percent. In 2022, the two sides jointly announced the launch of the implementation of the 25-year comprehensive cooperation plan, agreeing to step up cooperation on energy, infrastructure, production capacity, science and technology, and medical and health care. The two leaders vowed to implement the Iran-China Comprehensive Cooperation Plan well at the meeting and called for strengthened cooperation in various fields, such as trade, infrastructure and agriculture. Raisi also called for Chinese enterprises to visit Iran for investment and business and said he expects more Chinese tourists to visit. Practice true multilateralism Maintaining stability in the Middle East is critical to the well-being of countries and people in the region; it is also crucial to maintaining world peace, promoting global economic development, and ensuring a stable supply of energy. In September 2022, the 22nd meeting of the Council of Heads of State of the Shanghai Cooperation Organization (SCO) signed a memorandum on Iran's membership in the SCO, and Raisi issued an order for implementing the law on Iran's membership in the SCO on February 7, 2023. Supporting and actively participating in the Belt and Road Initiative, the Global Development Initiative and the Global Security Initiative proposed by China, Raisi said Iran will maintain good cooperation with organizations occasions, such as the SCO, and jointly safeguard regional and world peace and stability. Xi said China is willing to work with Iran to strengthen communication and coordination in multiple platforms such as the UN and the SCO, practice true multilateralism and safeguard the common interests of developing countries. China will continue to jointly build the Belt and Road cooperation with Iran, aiming to step up interconnectivity and expand people-to-people and cultural exchanges, Xi added. https://news.cgtn.com/news/2023-02-14/Xi-holds-talks-with-Iranian-president-1hq5yH3mBdC/index.html
漢曲優®有望成為首個在中國、歐盟、美國獲批的「中國籍」生物類似藥; 漢曲優®(歐洲商品名:Zercepac®,澳大利亞商品名:Tuzucip®和Trastucip®)現已在全球30余個國家和地區獲批上市; 持續拓展海外佈局,復宏漢霖將加速為全球患者提供可負擔的高品質生物藥。 上海2023年2月15日 /美通社/ -- 2023年2月14日,復宏漢霖(2696.HK)宣佈,公司聯合其商務合作夥伴Accord BioPharma Inc.(Accord US)共同推動遞交漢曲優®(注射用曲妥珠單抗)在美國的上市許可申請(BLA),並於近日正式獲得美國食品藥品監督管理局(FDA)受理,擬用於輔助治療HER2過表達的早期乳腺癌、HER2過表達的轉移性乳腺癌,以及HER2過表達的轉移性胃腺癌或胃/食管交界處腺癌。2021年,公司與Accord US簽署授權許可協議,授予其在美國及加拿大地區對漢曲優®進行獨家開發和商業化的權利。 復宏漢霖總裁朱俊表示:「漢曲優®是復宏漢霖嚴格按照中國、歐盟和美國等生物類似藥法規自主研發的曲妥珠單抗,目前已在全球30多個國家獲批上市,累計惠及超過100000位中國患者。此次漢曲優®上市許可申請獲美國FDA受理,有望進一步深化公司國際化佈局。乳腺癌目前已成為全球發病率最高的腫瘤,曲妥珠單抗是HER2陽性乳腺癌治療的基石藥物。我們期待通過與Accord的合作,讓漢曲優®惠及全球更多患者。」 漢曲優®為首個中國自主研發的中歐雙批單抗藥物,於2020年7月及8月先後獲得歐盟委員會與中國國家藥監局(NMPA)批准上市,用於HER2陽性早期乳腺癌、轉移性乳腺癌和轉移性胃癌,即涵蓋原研已獲批准的所有適應症。復宏漢霖針對漢曲優®開展了一系列的頭對頭比對研究,包括質量對比研究、臨床前研究及臨床I期和國際多中心臨床III期研究等。這些數據充分證明了漢曲優®與原研曲妥珠單抗在質量、安全性和有效性方面高度相似。 復宏漢霖已建立一套符合國際質量標準的質量管理體系,覆蓋從項目研發到物料管理、產品生產、質量控制、產品供應鏈管理以及產品上市後跟蹤的全生命週期,為公司產品在多個國家及地區的商業化奠定紮實基礎。公司建有徐匯基地、松江基地(一)及松江基地(二)三個生產基地,現有商業化總產能已達48,000升,2026年總產能可達144,000升。2022年,松江基地(一)24,000升產能正式投入漢曲優®商業化生產,有力保障市場持續放量,與擁有24,000升商業化產能的徐匯基地形成協同和規模效應。公司商業化生產基地及配套的質量管理體系已通過NMPA、歐洲藥品管理局(EMA)、歐盟質量受權人(QP)以及公司國際商業合作夥伴進行的多項實地核查及審計,獲得中國和歐盟藥品生產質量管理規範(GMP)認證,可為公司已上市產品提供商業化生產,並已實現中國和歐盟市場常態化供應,強力支撐產品在全球的持續放量。 圍繞漢曲優®,復宏漢霖前瞻性地開展了國際商業化佈局,積極開拓海外市場,攜手全球商業合作夥伴Accord Healthcare、Abbott、Cipla、Eurofarma、Mabxience和雅各臣藥業等國際一流的生物製藥企業,全面佈局美國、加拿大、歐洲以及眾多新興國家市場,覆蓋全球約100個國家和地區。作為國產生物藥「出海」代表,漢曲優®(歐洲商品名:Zercepac®,澳大利亞商品名:Tuzucip® 和Trastucip®)已於英國、法國、德國、瑞士、澳大利亞、芬蘭、西班牙、阿根廷、沙特阿拉伯等超過30個國家和地區成功獲批上市。隨著漢曲優®不斷覆蓋更多海外國家,復宏漢霖將加速為全球患者提供可負擔的高品質生物藥。 關於Accord BioPharma Accord BioPharma是Intas Pharmaceuticals, Ltd.的美國子公司,致力於在腫瘤學、免疫學和重症護理領域提供可負擔的、可及的、以患者為中心的療法。Accord BioPharma致力于于提升體驗,超越醫學生物學,從患者的角度看待疾病,並開發影響患者生活的高質量療法。Accord BioPharma的創始人投入時間、熱情和資源,專注於專業護理和治療,積極開發更好的工作方式,並提供更好的治療方法。如需更多信息,請訪問AccordBioPharma.com。 關於復宏漢霖 復宏漢霖(2696.HK)是一家國際化的創新生物製藥公司,致力於為全球患者提供可負擔的高品質生物藥,產品覆蓋腫瘤、自身免疫疾病、眼科疾病等領域,已在中國上市5款產品,在國際上市1款產品,18項適應症獲批,1個上市註冊申請獲得中國藥監局受理,1個上市許可申請獲得美國FDA受理。自2010年成立以來,復宏漢霖已建成一體化生物製藥平台,高效及創新的自主核心能力貫穿研發、生產及商業運營全產業鏈。公司已建立完善高效的全球創新中心,按照國際藥品生產質量管理規範(GMP)標準進行生產和質量管控,不斷夯實一體化綜合生產平台,其中,上海徐匯基地已獲得中國和歐盟GMP認證,松江基地(一)也已獲得中國GMP認證。 復宏漢霖前瞻性佈局了一個多元化、高質量的產品管線,涵蓋20多種創新單克隆抗體,並全面推進基於自有抗PD-1單抗H藥漢斯狀®的腫瘤免疫聯合療法。繼國內首個生物類似藥漢利康®(利妥昔單抗)、中國首個自主研發的中歐雙批單抗藥物漢曲優®(曲妥珠單抗,歐洲商品名:Zercepac®,澳大利亞商品名:Tuzucip®和Trastucip®)、漢達遠®(阿達木單抗)和漢貝泰®(貝伐珠單抗)相繼獲批上市,創新產品漢斯狀®(斯魯利單抗)已獲批用於治療微衛星高度不穩定(MSI-H)實體瘤、鱗狀非小細胞肺癌和廣泛期小細胞肺癌,成為全球首個獲批一線治療小細胞肺癌的抗PD-1單抗,其食管鱗狀細胞癌適應症的上市註冊申請也正在審評中。公司亦同步就16個產品、12個免疫聯合治療方案在全球範圍內開展20多項臨床試驗,對外授權全面覆蓋歐美主流生物藥市場和眾多新興市場。
Eight Roads Ventures China continues to grow its team and now has 10 Partners across its healthcare and technology teams Showcasing the firm's commitment to developing leaders from within BEIJING and SHANGHAI, Feb. 15, 2023 /PRNewswire/ -- Eight Roads, a leading global venture capital firm, today announced the promotion of Shawn SHEN, Cody YIN and Gordon ZHANG to Partners in its China Ventures team. The three new partners each joined Eight Roads as Associates nearly a decade ago. The promotion underscores the firm's commitment to developing leaders from within. Despite the market volatility, Eight Roads has continued to grow its team in China over the past 12 months, showcasing the strength and benefits of having proprietary and patient capital of Fidelity. After the promotion, Eight Roads Ventures China has 10 Partners across its healthcare and technology teams, and each of them brings an average of 20 years of experience from China and abroad. The three new partners bring solid domain expertise, deepening the firm's ability to better support entrepreneurs across stages and sectors. "We are delighted to welcome Shawn, Cody and Gordon to the leadership team in China," said, Jarlon Tsang, Managing Partner and Head of China at Eight Roads Ventures. "The three of them have proven themselves as trusted partners to entrepreneurs and make great contributions to our portfolio companies and the firm's development. As we continue to build our portfolio, a key priority for us is to have the right talent in place to support and mentor our portfolio and teams." Shawn joined Eight Roads in 2014. He currently leads investments in AI and Deep Tech and has helped the firm build a strong position in this sector. Shawn has strong technical skills and industry know-how in Artificial Intelligence (AI), Virtual Reality (VR), Augmented Reality (AR), Autonomous Driving, Metaverse and Web 3.0, and has led several deals the likes of Pony.ai, Insilico Medicine, Innovusion, Inceptio, EQ Mining, Deep Mirror, JBD and Gravity XR. After spending time at IQVIA, Cody joined Eight Roads in 2014. Working within the healthcare team, Cody leads our investments in Digital Health with a focus on key themes such as payor upgrade, digital specialty care, and digital CXO. Cody has built a strong portfolio that offers proprietary sector insights and synergy to Eight Roads' broader healthcare investment strategy, including MediTrust, FCB Health, EB Tech, Gyenno, Haici, Zeen Health, Pharbers, and NeuroSmart. Since joining the firm's technology team in 2014, Gordon invests in fintech, software, smart manufacturing and blockchain sectors in China. His systematic and theme-driven approach has led the team to build robust investment theses around RMB internationalization, asset management, taxing, accounting and invoicing, insurance Tech, payment and lending. Gordon has led investments in companies like Forceclouds, Pingcode, Fenbeitong, Yingmi, Kafang, Qixiangyun and Aden. Eight Roads Ventures has become one of the world's largest venture capital platforms, with $11 billion of committed capital across Asia, Europe and the U.S. Since its founding, Eight Roads has partnered with over 300 companies globally, including Alibaba, Innovent, Laurus Labs, Neo4j and Wuxi Pharma - all pioneers, which went on to become global success stories. More recent market leaders include AppsFlyer, API Holdings (the parent company of PharmEasy), Eyebright, Icertis, Hibob, Paidy, Pony.ai and PingPong. Globally, Eight Roads has over 80 investment professionals who bring local market knowledge and sector expertise that help identify opportunities and spot emerging trends across geographies, nearly 20 Venture Partners who support entrepreneurs with deep technical, operational expertise and strong industry networks and over 30 functional experts across Marketing, HR, Finance, Legal, Compliance and IT. About Eight Roads Ventures Eight Roads Ventures is a global proprietary investment firm backed by Fidelity, managing over $11 billion of assets across China, India, Europe, Israel, Japan and the U.S. Our 50-year history of investing includes partnerships with over 300 healthcare and technology companies globally. Some of Eight Roads Ventures' global investments include Alibaba, Beam Therapeutics, Pony.ai, Innovent Biologics, Insilico Medicine, Hibob, Medbanks, Semma Therapeutics and WuXi PharmaTech.
數據解決方案助日本政府推動跨境觀光、數據業務服務優化 台北2023年2月15日 /美通社/ -- 為促進台日半導體產業合作及數位人才交流,工商協進會偕同日本九州半導體人才培育聯盟、九州開放創新中心及九州經濟國際化推進機構近日舉辦「2023台日(九州)經貿論壇-強化半導體及數位領域新鏈結」,Vpon威朋大數據集團創辦人暨執行長吳詣泓受邀出席擔任企業代表與談,分享台日企業合作的成功案例。 Vpon威朋大數據提供 台日雙邊交流日益密切,近年尤其在半導體及數位內容相關產業有更加緊密的合作關係。Vpon威朋大數據集團創辦人暨執行長吳詣泓日前受邀出席工商協進會舉辦之「2023台日(九州)經貿論壇」時,分享Vpon威朋如何透過「Cool Japan」的日本國家戰略,協助日本政府進行跨境觀光與日本產品出海的數據業務服務,他也強調,隨著台日交流更為緊密頻繁,雙邊企業更應彼此支持、相互合作,以創造更多綜效。 吳詣泓首先說明Cool Japan戰略,是將日本商品進行海外宣傳或海外販售的方式,進而促進世界各國的觀光客赴日旅遊。在此戰略框架下,Vpon威朋利用自身數據解決產品如Wee、Vnity,加以整合AI、大數據、區塊鏈及雲端等服務,將數據整理、收集後進而分析活用,制定出更為有效的廣告策略,再精準行銷給消費者,而這樣的投放策略,也已經成功促進沖繩在地觀光、日本百貨業者與水果、水產品及酒類的海外銷售業績上升。 由於Vpon威朋今年最重要的集團企業戰略之一,就是全力推展日本市場業績再創高峰,透過Vpon的數據解決方案,結合日本旅遊數據分析、區分消費族群的「Inbound」策略,與協助日本特色食品如農產、水果、清酒與文化事業宣傳至海外其他市場的「Outbound」策略,以及促進國內觀光等方式,逐步協助日本政府將「貨出去、人進來」的戰略極大化,因此Vpon威朋與日本政府各地機構及日企的合作將延續過往的良好互動,並期盼與更多機關與企業建立夥伴關係,遍地開花。 本次台日經貿論壇盛況空前,不僅工商協進會理事長吳東亮、經濟部長王美花、數位發展部部長唐鳳、三三會理事長林伯豐、日本台灣交流協會副代表服部崇、九州半導體人才培育聯盟代表幹事苗村公嗣、日本參議院自由民主黨副幹事長片山皋月等貴賓皆出席外,共超過40位日本九州政府與民間企業代表,總計與會者達250人。台日企業合作案例分享則由Vpon威朋、崇越集團及睿控網安等三間台灣企業及三間日本企業代表,從不同產業角度現身說法,促進更多潛在的商業合作機會。 關於Vpon威朋大數據集團 Vpon威朋大數據集團 (「Vpon威朋」) 為亞洲領先的大數據公司,擁有先進的大數據分析技術,並以亞洲最豐富的行動數據,為市場提供最有效的數據核心解決方案。Vpon威朋於2008年設立總部位於台北,在亞太地區設有8個辦事處,據點涵蓋台北、東京、大阪、香港、深圳、新加坡、曼谷等等,而亞洲市場將持續拓展,並陸續佈局前往歐洲、美洲等地區。公司擁有國際化C-level核心管理團隊各國的頂尖人才,也通過合法合規的ISO 27001/27701等認證。憑藉每月可觸及的9億行動裝置,並集合覆蓋亞太地區優質的媒體資源,以及透過尖端大數據與人工智慧技術的頂尖團隊,為客戶提供全面的大數據技術服務 (Data Solution) 和人工智慧解決方案 (AI Solution),其中包括: 數據分析服務、品牌推廣、跨境行銷、成效優化、企業數位轉型等,協助客戶提高品牌認知度和創造高效率的交易。Vpon在日本與台灣發佈了Wee Global Data Marketplace跨境數據交易平台,為亞洲首創!也是唯一能做到,提供一個安全可靠的跨境數據交易環境,將供應方和需求方串連在一起。進一步了解Vpon威朋, 歡迎瀏覽 www.vpon.com
GUANGZHOU, China, Feb. 15, 2023 /PRNewswire/ -- MINISO Group Holding Limited (NYSE: MNSO and HKEx: 9896, "MINISO Group" or the "Company"), a global value retailer offering a variety of design-led lifestyle products, today announced that it plans to release its December quarter 2022 financial results before the U.S. market opens on Tuesday, February 28, 2023. The Company's management will hold an earnings conference call at 4:00 A.M. Eastern Time on Tuesday, February 28, 2023 (5:00 P.M. Beijing Time on the same day) to discuss the financial results. The conference call can be accessed by the following zoom link or dialing the following numbers: Access 1 Join Zoom meeting. Zoom link: https://dooyle.zoom.us/j/85321657710?pwd=b2tEUjVwZkl0TGt1RE94RHJOd2ZYdz09Meeting Number: 853 2165 7710Meeting Passcode: 9896 Access 2 Listeners may access the call by dialing the following numbers by using the same meeting number and passcode with access 1. United States Toll Free: +1 213 338 8477 (or +1 646 518 9805) Mainland China Toll Free: 400 182 3168 (or 400 616 8835) Hong Kong, China (Charge Fees): +852 5803 3730 (or +852 5803 3731) United Kingdom (Charge Fees): +44 203 481 5237 (or +44 131 460 1196) France (Charge Fees): +33 1 7037 9729 (or+33 1 7037 2246) Singapore (Charge Fees): +65 3158 7288 (or +65 3165 1065) Canada (Charge Fees): +1 438 809 7799 (or +1 204 272 7920) Access 3 Listeners can also access the meeting through the Company's investor relations website at http://ir.miniso.com/. The replay will be available approximately two hours after the conclusion of the live event at the Company's investor relations website at http://ir.miniso.com/. About MINISO Group Holding Limited MINISO Group is a global value retailer offering a variety of design-led lifestyle products. The Company serves consumers primarily through its large network of MINISO stores, and promotes a relaxing, treasure-hunting and engaging shopping experience full of delightful surprises that appeals to all demographics. Aesthetically pleasing design, quality and affordability are at the core of every product in MINISO's wide product portfolio, and the Company continually and frequently rolls out products with these qualities. Since the opening of its first store in China in 2013, the Company has built its flagship brand "MINISO" as a globally recognized retail brand and established a massive store network worldwide. For more information, please visit http://ir.miniso.com/. Investor Relations Contact Raine HuMINISO Group Holding LimitedEmail: ir@miniso.comPhone: +86 (20) 36228788 Ext.8039
ONTARIO, Calif., Feb. 15, 2023 /PRNewswire/ -- After waiting for 2 months, Magicycle Deer, the mysterious full-suspension electric bike manufactured by Magicycle, finally made its world debut on the impressive product launch Livestream on February 1st, 2023, at 8:00 AM PST. The first full suspension step thru ebike suv The Livestream was a great success for Magicycle as it had thousands of viewers watching this Live. Yao, the permanent host of Magicycle, was hosting the Livestream with passion and excitement as he is always a huge fan of Magicycle Deer. During that period, Magicycle had given away lots of accessories to thank its fans and customers for their support and love. More surprisingly, Magicycle even gave away a Magicycle Deer free of any charge. Arguably, most viewers of this product launch were coming for Magicycle Deer. This is an all-terrain electric bike with technological breakthroughs from the Magicycle design team. As a full-suspension electric bike, Magicycle has created Magicycle Deer to meet the needs of this growing electric bike market. It is quite obvious to see that the model of full-suspension ebike is getting more and more attention, especially for those who are chasing both comfort and performance. The full-suspension system on Deer is hydraulic, which means that the shock-absorbing capability is far better than those of regular ebike suspensions. Contributed by the excellent Magicycle design team, the Magicycle Deer full-suspension ebike is capable of adjusting the distance between the frame and the ground. It can easily traverse varying degrees of rough terrain. The full-suspension system is one of many parts that are worth mentioning. As the title says, Magicycle Deer is the world's first step thru full suspension ebike on the market. By far, no other brand makes a step-thru full-suspension ebike other than Magicycle. The design of the seat post triangle structure makes the front triangle, the middle tube, the rear shock absorber, and the rear rocker arm much more sturdy and stable, ensuring the comprehensiveness of the entire shock absorbing system. For people who may be a little bit short to ride a full-suspension electric bike, the step-thru version of the Magicycle Deer could be more friendly. What makes this full-suspension ebike more outstanding is that it also serves as an ebike suv. "Ebike suv" is a new term that is unknown to most riders. It stands for a comprehensive ebike model that has all kinds of characteristics, including more comfort and power, longer range, large load capacity, etc. It is not difficult to see that the manufacturing of Magicycle Deer is inspired by real suv vehicles. Magicycle Deer ebike suv has a motor that can reach an average output of 750W and a maximum output of 1100W. Like a real off-road suv vehicle, Magicycle Deer is capable of riding off-road wildly with this powerful motor. As an Ocelot Pro or a Cruiser Pro, which are ebikes from Magicycle as well, Magicycle Deer comes with a 52V 20Ah. The 52V 20Ah battery is the reason why Magicycle can succeed in the ebike industry. 20 Ah battery capacity provides a long-range between 60 - 80 miles, which is long enough to take a long trip. Everyone can enjoy a long trip on Magicycle Deer. Moreover, the 52V voltage contributes to higher power efficiency. As an ebike suv, Magicycle Deer is specially designed to carry cargo. Its rear rack is made to be longer and more sturdy, helping riders put more stuff on an ebike. The load capacity of the suv ebike is incredibly 400 lbs, enabling heavy riders to enjoy ebike riding as any other people. For smooth handling, Magicycle equips Deer with a pair of hydraulic disc brakes. They allow riders to use only 2 fingers to brake and get strong braking power. In some urgent situations, hydraulic disc brakes can make a huge difference. The handlebar of Deer is made to be in a butterfly shape to relieve the fatigue of the whole body while taking a long ride. Being the world's first step thru full suspension electric bike for adults and the first suv ebike in the US, Magicycle Deer has brought a bunch of surprises for all kinds of riders. Now It is available at $2,699. By using the code FH300, you could get $300 off. Had better hurry up as it is a limited offer, come check out the link below: https://www.magicyclebike.com/category/magicycle-deer Magicycle Facebook Group: https://www.facebook.com/groups/415432329844739 Magicycle YouTube Channel: https://www.youtube.com/@MagicycleBike The First Full Suspension Ebike SUV: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=g2A6ub_RMHo Media enquiries:marketing@magicyclebike.com
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