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全新揭幕的珠海華髮萬豪酒店作為珠海金灣區的新晉地標將以萬豪酒店品牌的現代化設施、貼心的服務、和豐富多元的體驗,為賓客打造旅居新風尚 珠海2023年7月6日 /美通社/ -- 萬豪旅享家(Marriott Bonvoy®)旗下31個卓越酒店品牌之一的旗艦品牌萬豪酒店近日宣佈珠海華髮萬豪酒店盛大開業,標誌著萬豪國際集團在珠海新區以及大灣區的持續深入佈局。作為珠海金灣區第一家服務設施完善的國際高端品牌酒店,珠海華髮萬豪酒店是由珠海華髮集團有限公司與萬豪國際集團攜手的又一力作,秉承萬豪品牌標誌性的高雅創意空間、體貼周到的服務、豐富多樣的美食體驗及靈活的會議設施,為賓客創造兼顧工作和休閒、自在悅心的高品質旅居體驗。 「我們很高興迎來珠海華髮萬豪酒店的開業,並致力於在大灣區核心城市續寫萬豪品牌拓展新篇章。」萬豪國際集團中國南區副總裁徐曉君女士 (Minnie Xu) 表示,「近年來,珠海作為大灣區科技創新之城的地位愈發凸顯,其豐富的海島文化、嶺南文化也為越來越多人所熟知,和心之嚮往的文旅休閒目的地。我們期待在珠海以及更多新興目的地為賓客提供更為多樣化的精彩體驗,借由旅行的力量,讓他們和到訪的目的地產生更深層次的聯結。」 作為城中新晉地標,珠海華髮萬豪酒店位於航空新城中心的華髮國際商務中心商業綜合區,地理位置便利,鄰近即將落成的市民藝術中心,可便捷前往金灣華髮商都購物中心,輕鬆滿足賓客的購物和休閒的需求。想要領略珠海航空航天領域科技發展的賓客,可前往距離酒店16公里的珠海航展中心。新酒店距離珠海機場 18 公里,距橫琴-澳門口岸 26公里,距珠海站 27 公里,商旅及休閒賓客可便捷抵達。 珠海華髮萬豪酒店的設計由多家國際團隊連袂擔綱,其中建築設計來自香港TEN DESIGN GROUP LIMITED(拾稼設計),其室內設計由全球著名的赫希貝德納聯合有限公司(HBA)操刀。從金灣蓬勃發展的航空產業汲取靈感,酒店外觀設計巧妙獨特,以航空「氣動翼」造型矗立於新城中央,寓意航空業在金灣的勃勃生機。室內設計以珠海地理特色和海上絲路文化為設計靈感, 22層大堂作為酒店旅程的起點,設計師將其打造為船舶停泊、彙集的溫馨港灣。大堂天花設計形似海面上浪花卷起,輕盈而跳躍,與弧形空間巧妙呼應。大堂定制家居設計新穎、現代,亦如海面上穿梭的船隻,繼續探索旅程。酒店空間內點綴眾多以「水」為主題的藝術品,以繪畫和雕塑等表現形式,塑造出翻卷的海浪,水紋的流線,城市的海岸線, 動感十足,亦展現出生命的活力、也彰顯了珠海的城市活力。 珠海華髮萬豪酒店擁有296 間精心設計、設備完善的客房及套房,均配置獨立的工作區、提供休閒躺椅及咖啡桌的休息區、步入式衣櫃和可飽覽優美城景或湖景的全景落地窗。每間客房集功能、時尚、舒適于一體,優雅平衡空間設計美學和功能實用性。客房內配備品牌特色舒適床品以及英國護膚產品thisworks洗浴用品。客房的智慧空調系統在辦理完入住流程之後即可自動開啟至22攝氏度,賓客抵達房間即可感受舒適溫度;同時,感應開關自動亮起,賓客可選擇適合自己的燈光模式,並可通過IPTV電視系統查閱酒店設施服務資訊以及投屏欣賞精彩節目。賓客還可通過萬豪旅享家手機應用程式(Marriott Bonvoy APP)辦理包括電子房卡、快速入住及退房在內的多項酒店便捷服務。 珠海華髮萬豪酒店設有 2 間各具特色的餐廳及1間大堂吧,為賓客提供多樣化的餐飲選擇。臻廚全日制餐廳(Zhuhai Kitchen) 提供全日零點功能表及一系列豐富的自助美食,賓客可通過開放式廚房享受現場烹飪的各類海鮮、西式及亞洲風味精選,並可同時縱覽城市天際線;大堂吧(The Lounge)秉持萬豪品牌標誌性的 Greatroom 大堂吧理念,集多功能風格和用途於一體,日間出品各式中國茶、醇香咖啡、美味甜點和精緻優雅的下午茶,為洽商聚會提供時尚舒適之所;夜間則轉換為活力湧動的酒吧,賓客可一邊淺酌特調雞尾酒、威士卡,一邊享受曼妙的樂隊演出,盡享精彩紛呈的都市新體驗。萬豪酒店標誌性的萬豪中餐廳(Man Ho),主理地道粵菜、珠海本地特色及精選湘菜,如火瞳花膠湯、陳釀黑醋雪花牛肉叉燒、新會老陳皮脆皮燒鵝等招牌菜。餐廳設有 7 間雅致的私人包房,直面中心湖和藝術中心美景,是商務用餐及親友相聚的理想之選;其中「神舟」包房可同時容納 18 位賓客同時用餐,並設有特色的現場烹飪展示台。 珠海華髮萬豪酒店擁有逾 2,000 平方米的會議及活動空間,適宜舉辦各種規模的會議、展覽和宴會。2間無柱式宴會廳,包括900 平方米的珠海廳和 400 平方米的金灣廳,均配有自然採光的獨立宴會前廳,適合舉辦不同規模的企業發佈會、展覽、公司宴會及婚宴;5 間多功能會議室,辦不同風格的商務活動和私人派對提供創意空間。所有場地均配有高品質的智慧燈光系統和視聽系統,包括珠海廳內80平方米的嵌入式LED螢幕。特色屋頂花園是舉辦露天派對和婚禮儀式的理想之所。 行政酒廊(M Club)是為萬豪旅享家白金卡會員、鈦金卡會員、大使會員以及入住行政樓層的賓客打造的高效私享空間,每天自早上6點半至晚上11點,供應早餐、輕食、飲品等專屬禮遇以及快速辦理入住或退房服務。 酒店還為賓客提供一系列的休閒和健身設施,配備高檔力量和有氧健身器材的24小時健身中心和25米室外泳池,可助賓客在緊密的日程之餘,盡享悠閒活力時光。 「我們非常高興能在珠海金灣為賓客帶來萬豪酒店的高品質體驗,這裡擁有深厚的航空業文化,是中國國際航空航太博覽會的永久舉辦地。」珠海華髮萬豪酒店總經理朱智淩先生表示,「珠海華髮萬豪酒店的啟幕將為該地區注入新的活力,並為商務旅行、休閒度假或家庭出遊的賓客提供更加多元的旅居選擇,以萬豪酒店全心相待的待客之道,助力賓客沉浸式探索酒店內及金灣航空新城的和諧、自然與活力,讓賓客精彩每一程。」 限時開業禮遇 即日起至2023年8月27日 通過萬豪旅享家官方管道訂房,可獲享 1) 入住豪華客房1間1晚 2) 1次歡迎水果和1次迷你吧(限軟飲和巧克力,再次補充收費) 3) 次日雙人自助早餐 4) 萬豪旅享家額外3000會員積分 5) 配備Technogym器械的健身中心、室外泳池和兒童俱樂部 6) 探索酒店內的藝術之靈和中心湖的和諧之美 *特殊節假日不參與活動,詳見活動頁面 欲瞭解更多詳情或預訂,請訪問 marriott.com/zuhmj。 關於萬豪酒店 萬豪酒店在全球超過65個國家和地區運營近600家酒店及度假酒店,致力於不斷提升服務藝術,將「以人為本」作為品牌宗旨,確保賓客在入住期間始終感受到貼心的關懷。萬豪酒店通過始終如一的周到服務、舒適現代的空間,以及超越期待的體驗,來提升服務標準。萬豪酒店致力於不斷創新通過「大堂吧」(Greatroom Lobby)及「手機便捷服務」(Mobile Guest Services)從空間設計和移動科技應用滿足現代賓客不斷升級變化的需求。瞭解萬豪酒店詳情及品牌動態,請流覽www.marriotthotels.com。萬豪酒店是萬豪國際集團旗下旅行計畫萬豪旅享家(Marriott Bonvoy®)的成員之一。萬豪旅享家為會員提供萬豪國際旗下在全球範圍內龐大的酒店陣容,會員可體驗「萬豪旅享家Moments™」並輕鬆賺取及兌換積分,享受免費房晚及尊貴級別會員禮遇。免費註冊成為會員,或者垂詢更多資訊,請登錄marriottbonvoy.cn。 關於萬豪國際集團 萬豪國際(納斯達克股票代碼:MAR)集團總部位於美國馬里蘭州貝塞斯達,在138個國家和地區擁有超過8,500家酒店,包括直接經營酒店、特許經營酒店和授權分時度假酒店,並擁有31個酒店品牌。萬豪國際集團運營屢獲殊榮的旅行計畫——萬豪旅享家(Marriott Bonvoy®)。垂詢更多資訊,請訪問官網www.marriott.com。如需隨時掌握萬豪國際最新動態,可訪問網上新聞中心www.marriottnewscenter.com,或在社交媒體上關注@MarriottIntl。 媒體聯絡:Yuanyuan Tong, yuanyuan.tong@marriott.com
As a new landmark unveiled in Jinwan District, Zhuhai Marriott Hotel Jinwan will connect guests with modern facilities, heartfelt service, and enriched guest experience to create a new style of living on the road ZHUHAI, China, July 6, 2023 /PRNewswire/ -- Marriott Hotels, the flagship brand of Marriott Bonvoy®'s extraordinary portfolio of 31 hotel brands, recently announced the opening of Zhuhai Marriott Hotel Jinwan, which symbolizes the continuous and in-depth layout of Marriott International in New District of Zhuhai and the Greater Bay Area. As the first international high-end brand hotel with complete service facilities in Jinwan District of Zhuhai city, Zhuhai Marriott Hotel Jinwan is another masterpiece jointly developed by Zhuhai Huafa Group Co., Ltd. and Marriott International. Adhering to the Marriott hotel's iconic sophisticated and creative space, heartfelt service, elevated f&b experience and versatile meeting facilities, the new hotel is set to become an ideal choice for both business and leisure travelers seeking quality, productivity and work-life balance. "We are thrilled to mark the opening of Zhuhai Marriott Hotel Jinwan, and we are committed to writing a new chapter in the expansion of the Marriott hotels in the core cities of the Greater Bay Area." said Minnie Xu, Area Vice President, South China, Marriott International, "In recent years, Zhuhai's status as a city of scientific and technological innovation in the Greater Bay Area has become increasingly prominent. Its rich island culture and Lingnan culture have become more and more well-known to many consumers, and a yearning destination for cultural tourism and leisure. We look forward to providing guests with more diverse experiences in Zhuhai and in more emerging destinations, and leverage the power of travel to create a deeper connection between them and the destinations they visit. " As a new landmark in the city, Zhuhai Marriott Hotel Jinwan is strategically located in the commercial complex of Huafa International Business Center in the center of Aviation New City. With close proximity to the soon-to-be-completed Civic Art Center, and can easily go to Jinwan Huafa Shopping Center to meet the shopping and leisure needs of guests. Guests who want to appreciate the development of science and technology in Zhuhai's aerospace can go to Zhuhai Air Exhibition Center, which is 16 kilometers away from the hotel and can be reached in 20 minutes by car. The new hotel is 18 kilometers away from Zhuhai Airport, 26 kilometers away from Hengqin-Macao Port, and 27 kilometers away from Zhuhai Railway Station, making it convenient for business travelers and leisure guests. Zhuhai Marriott Hotel Jinwan is designed by a number of international teams, among which the architectural design comes from Hong Kong TEN DESIGN GROUP LIMITED, and its interior design is performed by the world-renowned Hirsch Bednar Associates (HBA). Its architecture draws inspiration from the booming aviation industry in Jinwan, the hotel has an ingenious and unique exterior design, standing in the center of the new city in the shape of an aviation "aerodynamic wing", implying the vigorous vitality of the aviation industry in Jinwan. The interior design is inspired by Zhuhai's geographical characteristics and the Maritime Silk Road culture. The lobby on the 22nd floor is the starting point of the hotel journey. The designer built it into a warm harbor where ships moor and gather. The design of the ceiling in the lobby resembles waves rolled up on the sea, light and jumping, echoing the curved space ingeniously. The custom-made furniture in the lobby is novel and modern in design, just like a ship shuttling on the sea, continuing to explore the journey. The hotel space is dotted with many artworks with the theme of "water". In the form of painting and sculpture, the rolling waves, streamlines of water lines, and the coastline of the city are full of dynamics, which also show the vitality of life and the urban vitality of Zhuhai. Zhuhai Marriott Hotel Jinwan has 296 thoughtful designed guest rooms and suites, all of which are equipped with independent work areas, lounge areas with lounge chairs and coffee tables, walk-in closets and panoramic views of the beautiful city or lake views via floor-to-ceiling window. Each room integrates function, fashion and comfort, and elegantly balances space design aesthetics and functional practicability. The guest room is equipped with brand signature comfortable bedding and British skin care products thisworks toiletries. The intelligent air-conditioning system in the guest room can be automatically turned on to 22 degrees Celsius after the check-in process, and guests can feel the comfortable temperature when they arrive in the room; At the same time, the induction switch lights up automatically, and guests can choose the lighting mode that suits them, and can check the hotel facilities and service information through the IPTV TV system and enjoy wonderful programs on the screen. Essential services are placed at guests' fingertips with the Marriott Bonvoy app, including seamless mobile check-in and check-out. The new hotel boosts two stylish dining venues and a lounge. Located on the 22nd floor, all-day-dining restaurant Zhuhai Kitchen serves an à la carte menu and a sumptuous buffet featuring live cooking stations, seafood and a range of western and Asian dishes; The Lounge celebrating Marriott Hotels' renowned 'Greatroom' concept, provides a chic, cozy gathering spot for business and leisure gatherings during the day with Chinese tea, coffee, desserts and afternoon tea, and transforms into a dynamic bar in the evenings for new city experiences. Sitting on the 5th floor with direct access to the complex shopping mall, Man Ho Chinese Restaurant specializes in authentic Cantonese cuisine and impressive delicacies from local Zhuhai and Hunan, such as Double-boiled Fish Maw Soup with Ham, Signature Beef in an elegant setting with seven private dining rooms, directly facing the lake and the art center, perfect for family gathering and business dinners; especially the 'Shen Zhou' room, with the special live-cooking station, can accommodate at most 18 guests at the same time. Zhuhai Marriott Hotel Jinwan has more than 2,000 square meters of meeting and event space, suitable for holding meetings, exhibitions and banquets of various sizes. Two pillar-less banquet halls, including the 900-square-meter Zhuhai Hall and the 400-square-meter Jinwan Hall, both equipped with independent banquet halls with natural lighting, suitable for holding corporate conferences, exhibitions, caterings and wedding banquets of different sizes ; 5 multi-functional meeting rooms, providing creative space for business activities and private parties of different styles. All venues are equipped with high-quality intelligent lighting systems and audio-visual systems, including an 80-square-meter embedded LED screen in the Zhuhai Hall. The signature rooftop garden is ideal for open-air parties and wedding ceremonies. M Club is a space offered to Platinum, Titanium, and Ambassador Elite Marriott Bonvoy members and as well as guests who stay on the Executive Floor. From 6:30 am to 11:00 pm every day, exclusive benefits such as breakfast, light meals, drinks and express check-in or check-out services are provided. The new hotel also provides guests with a series of leisure and fitness facilities, a 24-hour fitness center equipped with high-end strength and aerobic fitness equipment and a 25-meter outdoor swimming pool, which can help guests enjoy a leisurely and energetic time in addition to their tight schedule. "We are delighted to bring the high-quality experience of Marriott Hotel to our guests in Jinwan district of Zhuhai city. It has a profound aviation industry culture and is the permanent venue of China International Aviation and Aerospace Expo." said John Zhu, General Manager of Zhuhai Marriott Hotel Jinwan. "The opening of Zhuhai Marriott Hotel Jinwan will inject new vitality into the area and provide guests with more diverse accommodation options for business trips, leisure vacations or family trips. With the hospitality of Marriott Hotels, we help guests to immerse themselves in exploring the harmony, nature and vitality of the hotel and Jinwan Aviation New City, and make every journey exciting for guests." Opening OfferBook until 27 August 2023Through Hotel's web site or Marriott Bonvoy App, to enjoy1) One night stay in a Deluxe Room2) Welcome fruit and free minibar for once3) Buffet breakfast for two guests4) Additional 3,000 Marriott Bonvoy points5) Use of fitness center, outdoor pool and kid's club6) Discovery of arts inside and outside of the hotel For more details or to make a reservation, please visit marriott.com/zuhmj. About Marriott Hotels® With nearly 600 hotels and resorts in over 65 countries and territories around the world, Marriott Hotels continues to elevate the art of hospitality – placing people first is the brand's living legacy – ensuring guests always feel deeply cared for throughout their stay. Marriott Hotels raises the bar by consistently delivering heartfelt service, with modern, comfortable spaces, and by providing experiences elevated beyond the everyday. As global travelers needs and expectations evolve, so does Marriott Hotels, leading the industry with innovations including the Greatroom lobby and Mobile Guest Services that embrace style, design, and technology. For more information, please visit www.marriotthotels.com, and stay connected on Facebook, @marriott on Twitter, and @marriotthotels on Instagram. Marriott Hotels is proud to participate in Marriott Bonvoy®, the global travel program from Marriott International. The program offers members an extraordinary portfolio of global brands, exclusive experiences on Marriott Bonvoy Moments, and unparalleled benefits including free nights and Elite status recognition. To enroll for free or for more information about the program, visit marriottbonvoy.com. About Marriott International Marriott International, Inc. (NASDAQ: MAR) is based in Bethesda, Maryland, USA, and encompasses a portfolio of more than 8,500 properties under 31 leading brands spanning 138 countries and territories. Marriott operates and franchises hotels and licenses vacation ownership resorts all around the world. The company offers Marriott Bonvoy®, its highly awarded travel program. For more information, please visit our website at www.marriott.com, and for the latest company news, visit www.marriottnewscenter.com. In addition, connect with us on Facebook and @MarriottIntl on Twitter and Instagram. Contact:Yuanyuan Tongyuanyuan.tong@marriott.com
香港2023年7月6日 /美通社/ --新鴻基地產(新地)(0016)旗下年輕才俊優質住宅租賃品牌「TOWNPLACE 本舍」的全新旗艦項目TOWNPLACE WEST KOWLOON將於2023年下半年落地西九,整個大型項目分階段推出共843個單位,締造全港最大規模專為年輕才俊打造的高質量租住項目。為配合市場需求轉變,項目更首度引入創新性「Aparthotel」長短租賃酒店混合模式:短至日租,長至月租或年租。項目設有多種開放式及一房單位,亦提供部分二房和三房選擇,所有房型均由知名建築團隊精心設計,面積由243 至860平方呎不等。項目今日(6日)公佈首張價單,首批將推105伙,作為主打房型的開放式單位早鳥入場價為月租HK$13,800起,一房單位月租HK$18,800起, 二房單位月租HK$30,800起,面積最大的三房單位租金HK$52,800起。 四大房型和特式單位打造年輕才俊生活主場,全面闡釋新一代高品質生活空間 TOWNPLACE WEST KOWLOON攜手國際知名建築和室內設計公司Conran and Partners和香港本地知名建築設計公司LAAB傾心打造四大房型和特式單位,旨在全方位配合年輕才俊的多元化需求,為年輕才俊度身定製最適合他們居住的理想生活環境。 開放式房型(Studio)——方正實用佈局營造專屬個性化空間 開放式單位作為廣受新世代年輕才俊歡迎的的靈活、多功能居住空間,TOWNPLACE WEST KOWLOON為年輕才俊精心打造了五種不同間隔的開放式單位,面積由243至423平方呎。得益於臨海及特高樓底優勢,TOWNPLACE WEST KOWLOON的開放式單位均擁有絕佳景觀視野,住客安坐家中便可一覽維港海景,或是俯瞰繁華城市景觀,或將IFC和ICC盡收眼底。設計團隊貼心考慮年輕才俊對辦公空間的需求,以特大工作檯面及延伸工作檯面精心打造寬敞辦公環境,靈活兼顧工作及生活所需。並充分利用特高樓底優勢打造垂直收納空間,通過空間的合理規劃和極緻運用,為年輕才俊塑造品味與質感兼具的空間樣貌,迎合多元個性化需求。 一房單位(1BR)——多樣化空間細節構造多功能居家體驗 作爲主打房型的一房單位面積由429至686平方呎,房間空間貫通,視野開闊,經由細緻規劃的90度角巨型玻璃窗將窗外風光引入家中室內,住客可盡賞維港景觀。計師秉持開放式設計理念,以簡約、現代的線條感設計,打造可作辦公空間又可用作餐飲區的特大工作檯面。亦充分利用特高樓底優勢,打造垂直收納空間、牆面置物架等功能分區,為年輕才俊提供靈活多樣的工作和生活場景。可摺疊的沙發組合貼心照顧年輕才俊的多元化需求,或供住客獨賞海景,或是於家中聚會交友,隨時匹配多種情景,構築室內溫馨愜意的舒適角落。 二房單位(2BR)——輕量化思維提升空間可塑性 TOWNPLACE WEST KOWLOON項目提供面積由533至668平方呎的二房單位。卧房配備定製雙層組合床或高架床,將儲物櫃、書桌與床體緊密嵌合連接,以靈活雅緻的設計實現室內空間的高效利用,令起居處井井有條。床邊設置特大工作台和90度角巨型玻璃窗,可一覽海景風光,在靜謐環境中提升工作質效。客廳等生活空間連通,動線合理流暢,形成連貫而又具有獨立功能性的平衡空間。寬敞的桌台、柔軟的沙發和維港景觀在近、中、遠處形成層次感,提高視覺開闊度,突出極致海景視野,具備極強的空間可塑性和功能延展性。 三房單位(3BR)——串聯全視野海景,暢享通透生活場域 最大三房單位面積由846至860平方呎,配合全海景視野,以開放式設計串聯客廳與餐廳,營造通透視野和寬敞空間。主卧配備大床,以雅淡顏色營造簡明澄靜的氛圍;次卧採用定製床體的壁掛懸空式設計,與牆面形成整體感,床下搭配立體收納櫃,實現空間的極致利用;另一次卧則特別選擇書桌床,將收納、書桌與睡床合三為一。衛生間使用乾濕分離設計,裝配高品質衛浴設施,浴室內設寬大浴缸,打造寧靜放鬆的專屬空間。房間配備各類品牌家私電器,帶來智能便捷的生活體驗。透過現代化設計理念,為年輕才俊創造多成員共享的溫馨空間,營造舒適自由的居心之所。 特式單位(Trio)——合理功能分區打造舒適生活空間 TOWNPLACE WEST KOWLOON亦攜手設計團隊推出獨具匠心的特式房型單位,該房型面積593平方呎,將卧室、書房和衛生間三個功能分區進行隔離,同時配備開放式客廳,打造寬敞、通透、功能分明的居住空間。特色分區的設計為年輕才俊打造更佳私密、舒適的居住環境,亦提高空間利用率和功能性。 坐擁頂尖配置與超高性價比,開創全港年輕才俊精緻生活典範 全方位配合年輕才俊需求的匠心設計和精心布局塑造了兼具功能性和美學的TOWNPLACE WEST KOWLOON,各具特色的多樣房型輕鬆滿足年輕才俊的多元化需要。得益於「Aparthotel」長短租賃酒店混合模式,年輕才俊可根據需求個性化定製短至日、長至月或年的彈性租期,滿足各類出差公幹或長住需求。頂尖配置與超高性價比的專屬居所,將年輕才俊對於理想居所的發展潛力、生活體驗、增值價值等多樣需求變成現實,一站式刻畫理想中的美好生活。 關於 TOWNPLACE 本舍 「TOWNPLACE 本舍」為新鴻基地產於2019年推出的全新靈活租住品牌,涵蓋TOWNPLACE SOHO及TOWNPLACE KENNEDY TOWN兩大生活空間,提供三種租賃方案 ——「服務式公寓」、「內置傢具公寓」及「自置傢具公寓」,彈性租期短至一個月起,亦配備不同傢具設計風格滿足住客的不同喜好。 「TOWNPLACE 本舍」進一步擴建人性化的宜居空間,全力配合年輕才俊的租住體驗,提供全新的「Aparthotel」租住概念選擇。全港規模最大專為年輕才俊打造的全新旗艦高品質租住項目TOWNPLACE WEST KOWLOON將於2023年下半年在西九面世。 「TOWNPLACE 本舍」更為年輕才俊首設市場獨有的Community概念,真正將住客聯繫起來,幫助他們擴展社交和商業網絡,在居住環境內便能認識到志同道合的人,成為朋友,甚至實現共享經濟,同時升華住客的生活體驗。 欲了解更多相關資訊,敬請關注TOWNPLACE WEST KOWLOON: 網址:https://westkowloon.townplace.com.hk/地址:西九荔盈街10號 新聞稿由LT Heyday亮天文化傳播有限公司代為發出。 如有查詢,請聯絡: 亮天文化傳播有限公司Candy Tang電話:852-61118468電郵:candy@LTheyday.com
深圳2023年7月6日 /美通社/ -- 今日,國際頂級學術期刊《自然》(Nature)雜志正刊發表了華為雲盤古大模型研發團隊研究成果 ——《三維神經網絡用於精准中期全球天氣預報》(《Accurate medium-range global weather forecasting with 3D neural networks》)。這是近年來中國科技公司首篇作為唯一署名單位發表的《自然》正刊論文。《自然》審稿人對該成果給予高度評價:「華為雲盤古氣象大模型讓人們重新審視氣象預報模型的未來,模型的開放將推動該領域的發展。」 華為雲盤古氣象大模型是首個精度超過傳統數值預報方法的AI模型,速度相比傳統數值預報提速10000倍以上。目前,盤古氣象大模型能夠提供全球氣象秒級預報,其氣象預測結果包括位勢、濕度、風速、溫度、海平面氣壓等,可以直接應用於多個氣象研究細分場景,歐洲中期預報中心和中央氣象台等都在實測中發現盤古預測的優越性。 今年5月,台風「瑪娃」走向受到廣泛關注。中央氣象台表示,華為雲盤古大模型在「瑪娃」的路徑預報中表現優異,提前五天預報出其將在台灣島東部海域轉向路徑。在剛剛結束的第19屆世界氣象大會上,歐洲中期預報中心也指出,華為雲盤古氣象大模型在精度上有不可否認的能力,純數據驅動的AI天氣預報模型,展現出了可與數值模式媲美的預報實力。 華為雲盤古大模型研發團隊發現,AI氣象預報模型的精度不足主要有兩個原因:第一,原有的AI氣象預報模型都是基於2D神經網絡,無法很好地處理不均勻的3D氣象數據;第二,AI方法缺少數學物理機理約束,因此在迭代的過程中會不斷積累迭代誤差。為此,團隊創造性地提出了適應地球坐標系統的三維神經網絡(3D Earth-Specific Transformer)來處理復雜的不均勻3D氣象數據,並且使用層次化時域聚合策略來減少預報迭代次數,從而減少迭代誤差。通過在43年的全球天氣數據上訓練深度神經網絡,盤古氣象大模型在精度和速度方面超越傳統數值預測方法。 未來,華為雲將聯合全球氣象機構,繼續探索並發揮AI在氣象領域的應用潛力,為農林牧漁、航空航海等各行業提供支持。
Improvement is part of YAZAKI's digital transformation efforts to optimize operations HANOI, Vietnam, July 6, 2023 /PRNewswire/ -- NEC Vietnam (NEC) and local partner, ALSOK Vietnam Security Services JSC (ALSOK), have announced the deployment of NEC's Smart Bike Parking solution at YAZAKI Hai Phong Vietnam (YAZAKI)'s Thai Binh factory to improve the employee experience and provide smarter and safer parking management. In Vietnam, commuting to work by motorcycle or scooter is commonplace. However, before implementing NEC's smart parking solution, YAZAKI staff had to be stationed at the entrance, issue physical tickets to each rider and manage the entry and exit flow. This manual process was prone to error and other issues. In order to resolve this, NEC, in cooperation with its local partner ALSOK, implemented the Smart Bike Parking solution featuring NEC's world leading face-recognition technology* supported with smart staff cards. Both NEC and ALSOK enabled this digital transformation at YAZAKI by optimizing the parking process through digitalizing and automating the entry and exit process, which has contributed to a better employee experience and safer, sustainable management of parking. NEC's Smart Bike Parking Solution Mr. Naoto Hamatani, General Director, NEC Vietnam, said, "While YAZAKI's main HQ in Japan is using a similar solution operated by NEC, there is a distinct difference between the needs of each location, and it would have been challenging to replicate the identical solution here. By adopting an open, collaborative approach with YAZAKI and ALSOK, we were able to fully understand the unique challenges faced by YAZAKI, which proved immensely useful when it came to the deployment. "This Smart Bike Parking solution is just one of the many ways NEC's world-leading biometrics technology can be used. NEC aims to contribute to sustainable factory operations by helping organizations to achieve their digital transformation goals of improved operational efficiency through "co-creation" with customers and partners." A spokesperson from ALSOK Vietnam said, "We are pleased to play a role in digitalizing YAZAKI's parking system and to support their wider transformation efforts. We share NEC's goal of improving society through digital transformation, and hope to continue extending this partnership by developing and implementing solutions that contribute to the safety and security of our customers." A spokesperson from YAZAKI Vietnam said, "As a result of this parking solution, our employees are now happier, safer and more productive. We couldn't have asked for better partners than NEC and ALSOK, who have been very open throughout our discussions, and have made sure the solution meets our needs. We want to continue to digitalize and will look to NEC and ALSOK to provide ongoing support." To explore the full details of this project, please click here to find out more. ### *NEC Face Recognition Technology Ranks First in NIST Accuracy Testing https://www.nec.com/en/press/202108/global_20210823_01.html About NEC Vietnam Co., Ltd.NEC Vietnam is an information and communications technology (ICT) company providing solutions, products and services to government and enterprises in Vietnam in the areas of telecommunications, public safety, retail, multi-media and more. For more information, please visit https://vn.nec.com
HONG KONG, July 6, 2023 /PRNewswire/ -- TOWNPLACE, the quality residential leasing brand for young professionals under Sun Hung Kai Properties (SHKP) (0016.HK), will launch its new mega flagship project TOWNPLACE WEST KOWLOON in the second half of 2023. A total of 843 units will be offered in phases throughout the project, making it the largest quality rental project for young talents in Hong Kong. To meet the dynamic demand of the market, the project adopts an innovative "Aparthotel" concept that offers flexible leasing terms, from daily, monthly to yearly. The project offers individual layouts, mostly studios and one-bedroom as well as options of two-to three-bedrooms. All the units are elaborately crafted by renowned architectural and design firms, ranging from 243 square feet to 860 square feet in size. The project released the price list today (July 6) for the first batch of 105 units. Early-birds interested in studios and one-bedroom can enjoy a monthly rent starting from HK$13,800 and HK$18,800 respectively while occupancy in two-bedrooms and the most spacious three-bedroom units will cost from HK$30,800 and HK$52,800 per month, respectively. Four main room types and special Trio reimagine the premium living experience for forward-looking young professionals. TOWNPLACE WEST KOWLOON partnered with the world-renowned interior design practice Conran and Partners, and the top Hong Kong-based architectural firm LAAB to elaborately craft four main room types and Trio, the special offering, to accommodate the mixed needs of young professionals, immersing them in a tailor-made living space with optimal experience. Studio: Exclusive, personalized realm with maximal space utilization Studio is the modern-day synonym of flexible, multi-function indoor realm beloved by new-gen young professionals, for whom TOWNPLACE WEST KOWLOON has elaborately curated five layouts with distinct partition schemes, ranging from 243 to 423 square feet in size. The sea frontage and extra-high ceiling unanimously inspire all our studios with a perfect view that brings the Victoria Harbour, buzzing cityscape or towering IFC and ICC into the room. The commodious office area uses an extra-large work surface and extendable desk to flexibly blend work in life settings, skillfully managing the needs of young professionals for home offices. The extra-high ceiling is fully harnessed to construct vertical storage spaces, thoughtfully maximizing the use of available space and delivering a stylish and enriched domesticity to address young professionals' diverse needs. One-bedroom Unit (1BR): Multi-function home with nuanced spatial versatility One-bedroom units, the iconic offering between 429 and 686 square feet in size, feature spatially interconnected rooms and an open view. Thoughtfully designed 90-degree glass corner windows bring outdoor scenery in, giving residents splendor of Victoria Harbour. An open-space design ethos is practiced to celebrate minimalistic and modern silhouettes in the extra-large work surface that is bivalent purposed for work. The extra-high ceiling is fully employed to admit functional set-ups like vertical storage spaces and wall-mounted shelves, juicing up the work and life of young professionals with all possibilities. The foldable sofa set can be conveniently transformed for either private or socializing moments, whose adaptability guarantees a cozy hideaway. Two-bedrooms Unit (2BR): Lightweight thinking for enhanced spatial makeover TOWNPLACE WEST KOWLOON also proudly presents two-bedroom units in sizes from 533 to 668 square feet. Customized bunk bed or loft bed, closely knitted with the cabinet and desk, delights the bedroom with a flexible and graceful design language to efficiently use and orderly arrange the indoor space. The extra-large workbench and 90-degree glass corner windows by the bedside provide a panoramic view of the ocean,boosting work efficiency and quality amid interior tranquility. The interconnected living room and kitchen articulate a balanced space with easy pass-through and separate functionalities. A well-structured visual hierarchy is composed by the spacious desktop, soft sofa and Victoria Harbour in the distance, further opening up the sight and accentuating the expansive sea view for unparalleled spatial malleability and functional extensibility. Three-bedrooms Unit (3BR): Panoramic sea view for transparency in living spaces Three-bedroom units, the largest of all, come in sizes from 846 to 860 square feet and are beholden to oceanic panorama. An unobstructed view and capacious space are enlivened by an open floor plan that links up the living and dining rooms. The main bedroom, with a king-sized bed, informs a simplistic and serene ambience touched up by quiet color tones. Of the two guest bedrooms, one adopts a bespoke bed in a wall-mounted, suspended design that enables a holistic sensibility together with the wall, and fits a multi-tiered cabinet under the bed to make the best use of space; the other makes the pick of a bed-desk monolith, incorporating storage, work and sleep in one form factor. Select sanitary ware and a spacious bathtub in the washroom, with separate bath and toilet, relax the dwellers with an exclusive peace of mind. The assortment of branded furniture and appliances furbishes life with smart convenience. The modern design philosophy endows young professionals with a locus for snug community and liberating repose. Trio: Meaningful functional layout for domestic comfort TOWNPLACE WEST KOWLOON also joined hands with the architects to conceptualize the ingenious Trio units. 593 square feet in size, it separates the three functional spaces of bedroom, study and washroom, with the add-ons of an open living room, elevating the interior with spaciousness, transparency and functional clarity. The purpose-driven, partitioned design amazes young professionals with privacy and coziness, as well as exalted utilization and functionality. Best-in-class composition and ultra-high value epitomize a stylish lifestyle for young professionals in Hong Kong Ingeniously designed and thoughtfully composed, the functionally capable and aesthetically pleasing TOWNPLACE WEST KOWLOON breezily meets the varied needs of young professionals with multiple, differentiating room types. Owing to the innovative Aparthotel concept that offers flexible leasing terms, residents can arrange their stay on a daily, monthly or even annual basis, perfect for short business trips or extended sojourns. Best-in-class composition and ultra-high value make their dream of career potential, lived experience and added-value in an ideal adobe come true, portraying their sought-after life with turnkey accessibility. About TOWNPLACE Established in 2019, "TOWNPLACE" is a ground-breaking residential flexi-leasing brand of Sun Hung Kai Properties, offering twin properties of TOWNPLACE SOHO and TOWNPLACE KENNEDY TOWN. It provides three leasing options of Serviced, Furnished and Unfurnished apartments with varied interior designs to cater for different tastes, and lease terms starting from as short as one month. "TOWNPLACE" further expands its human-centric livable space, striving to enhance the young professionals' living experience through the brand-new concept of living "Aparthotel". Being the largest flagship quality leasing project for young talent, TOWNPLACE WEST KOWLOON will be launched in the second half of 2023. "TOWNPLACE" is the first to introduce the unique Community concept into the market which connects residents closely to help expand their social and professional networks. By meeting like-minded neighbors in the TOWNPLACE Community, friendships are developed and a sharing economy emerges. TOWNPLACE is more than a place to live. For more information, please visit TOWNPLACE WEST KOWLOON at Website: https://westkowloon.townplace.com.hk/ Address: 10 Lai Ying Street, West Kowloon The press release is issued by LT Heyday Culture Communication Co. Limited. For enquiries, please contact:Ms Candy TangLT Heyday Culture Communication Co. LimitedTel: 852-61118468Email: candy@LTheyday.com
A12 藝術空間
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