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全球領先的光學解決方案供應商艾邁斯歐司朗(瑞士證券交易所股票代號:AMS)今日發佈最新IR:6紅外(IR)LED晶片技術。相較於艾邁斯歐司朗現有IR LED發射器晶片,該技術能將顯示亮度提升35%,工作效率提高42%。 全新IR:6薄膜晶片技術,將協助製造商大幅提升照明效果與圖像品質,實現更快速、更準確的生物特徵識別,並降低能耗以及延長電池續航時間,尤其針對監控攝影機、個人電腦及智慧門鈴中的生物識別認證系統等產品。 在用於治療組織損傷的光療醫療設備領域,IR:6晶片憑藉其卓越的光功率輸出,使設備製造商能夠在保持治療效果前提下,減少LED使用數量,進而減小設備尺寸並降低物料成本。 艾邁斯歐司朗OSLON® P1616高功率LED系列和OSLON® Black系列爲首個承載這項新技術的產品。OSLON® P1616高功率LED系列採用1.6mm×1.6mm緊湊型封裝;OSLON® Black系列提供多種發光角度選項,其中包括專爲IR攝像頭設計的新型矩形照明視場。 艾邁斯歐司朗產品行銷經理Dominic Bergmann強調:「全新升級的IR:6技術使艾邁斯歐司朗的紅外LED在亮度和效率方面在細分市場遙遙領先。客戶若採用基於IR:6的新款LED替換現有紅外LED,將能在降低功耗的同時,即時獲得更出色的應用效能。」 IR:6:新一代紅外LED技術 全新IR:6晶片技術在材料、結構和設計上進行了提升,實現卓越的效能表現。具體提升表現在: · 提高晶片固有效率; · 引入新型中央焊盤設計,優化電流分佈並降低正向電壓; · 優化晶片表面的粗糙度,提高光解耦效率和亮度。 此外,全新的IR:6技術增添了以920nm爲主導波長的發光功能,同時保留常規的850nm和940nm波長。得益於光電二極管對較短波長更高的靈敏度,920nm新選項相較於940nm選項能提供更高的訊噪比(SNR),並且紅曝現象較850nm更爲微弱。 在發佈時,IR:6技術已應用於以下專爲空間受限應用設計的OSLON® P1616產品系列的“B”版本: · OSLON® P1616 SFH 4180BS:提供920nm/940nm波長選項,輻射通量爲1,485mW,發光角度爲130°; · OSLON® P1616 SFH 4181BS:提供920nm/940nm波長選項,輻射通量爲1,550mW,發光角度爲70°; · OSLON® P1616 SFH 4182BS:提供920nm/940nm波長選項,輻射通量爲1,650mW,發光角度爲130°。 該技術還應用於現有OSLON® Black發射器的新版本: · OSLON® Black SFH 4713B:採用850nm波長,輻射通量爲980mW,發光角度爲80°; · OSLON® Black SFH 4714B:採用850nm波長,輻射通量爲940mW,發光角度爲150°; · OSLON® Black SFH 47167B:採用850nm波長,輻射通量爲940mW,提供110°×130°的矩形照明視場。 IR:6晶片由位於艾邁斯歐司朗德國的雷根斯堡工廠生產。艾邁斯歐司朗掌握OSLON® P1616及OSLON® Black LED的完整供應鏈,包括從晶片到封裝,確保客戶對該產品的大批量供應充滿信心。 如需瞭解更多有關IR:6技術的詳細訊息,請存取https://ams-osram.cn/innovation/technology/irled-ir6 或聯繫我們的媒體團隊。
澳門特別行政區 - Media OutReach Newswire - 2024年9月11日 - 銀河娛樂集團(下稱「銀娛」)昨日於菲律賓馬尼拉舉辦的「2024 IAG Academy IR Awards」頒獎禮上囊括4項殊榮,成為獲獎最多的澳門綜合度假城營運商。當中,銀娛副主席呂耀東先生榮膺「傑出行政總裁」,該獎項旨在表揚過去12個月透過展示最具創新性、創造力、領導力及原創思維,從而為企業創造增加價值之行業領導。此外,銀娛亦分別憑藉旗下旗艦項目「澳門銀河™」世界級綜合度假城,連續第二度榮獲「最佳綜合度假村」行業大獎及「最佳綜合度假村整體餐飲體驗」獎項;同時旗下嶄新世界級酒店品牌 — 澳門銀河 萊佛士獲頒「最佳綜合度假村酒店」。是次頒獎禮上,由星際酒店營運副董事李福成先生代表銀娛接受相關獎項。 銀娛副主席呂耀東先生榮膺「傑出行政總裁」。 多年來,銀娛積極配合澳門特別行政區政府的施政方針,透過包括「澳門銀河」綜合度假城,以及會展空間面積達40,000平方米的銀河國際會議中心和澳門最新、最大的室內綜藝館 — 銀河綜藝館,持續為業界引入嶄新的旅遊、娛樂、休閒項目、產品及體驗,包括支持多項國際級會議、娛樂表演、體育及文化盛事與相關活動於澳門舉辦,以務實行動助力推動業界的多元發展及深化澳門「世界旅遊休閒中心」定位之內涵。 星際酒店營運副董事李福成先生(左)出席「2024 IAG Academy IR Awards」頒獎禮,並代表銀娛接受相關獎項。 「澳門銀河」綜合度假城一直以打造一站式世界級綜合旅遊休閒體驗見稱,現時不但雲集8大享譽盛名的國際酒店品牌,規模冠絕業界;並擁有多元化的非博彩設施。除了是次榮獲「最佳綜合度假村整體餐飲體驗」之逾120個、涵蓋米芝蓮星級餐飲體驗及地道美食之餐飲選擇外,亦有全球領先空中水上綠洲 — 「天浪淘園」、集合國際頂尖品牌的「銀河時尚匯」購物中心、屢獲殊榮的5星級水療中心以及配備最頂尖影音科技、豪華舒適配套的「銀河影院」等。此外,作為全球最大的套房式萊佛士物業,澳門銀河 萊佛士自去年開業以來,深受旅客喜愛,是次獲評「最佳綜合度假村酒店」亦肯定其打造之卓越酒店款客設施及服務。明年年中,另一世界級酒店品牌澳門銀河 嘉佩樂亦將開業,屆時將成為「澳門銀河」內的第九家酒店品牌,進一步助力豐富澳門的高端旅遊休閒體驗。 銀娛憑藉旗下旗艦項目「澳門銀河」世界級綜合度假城,連續第二度榮獲「最佳綜合度假村」行業大獎及「最佳綜合度假村整體餐飲體驗」獎項;同時旗下嶄新世界級酒店品牌 — 澳門銀河 萊佛士獲頒「最佳綜合度假村酒店」。 銀娛不遺餘力積極推動澳門綜合旅遊休閒產業可持續發展的工作,多年來獲得不同國際權威機構的認可。今年,銀娛合共14年被譽為博彩業界「奧斯卡」的「國際博彩業大獎」頒發相關殊榮,包括連續第二年獲頒「可持續發展大獎」;亦於《Travel + Leisure》2024亞太區奢華大獎中,在四大類別榮登榜首,當中「澳門銀河」獲評「亞太區最佳綜合度假城」等。未來,銀娛將一如既往秉持「傲視世界 情繫亞洲」的服務理念,繼續為客人提供超凡的世界級綜合度假城體驗,以多元方式支持促進澳門經濟適度多元發展Hashtag: #GalaxyEntertainmentGroup #2024IAGAcademy #IRAwards 發佈者對本公告的內容承擔全部責任有關銀河娛樂集團(香港聯合交易所股份編號:27)銀河娛樂集團有限公司(「銀娛」或「公司」)及其附屬公司(「銀娛」或「集團」)是全球首屈一指的度假城、酒店及博彩企業,集團主要在澳門發展及經營一系列綜合度假城、零售、餐飲、酒店及博彩項目。銀娛於香港聯合交易所上市,並為恒生指數成份股。 澳門博彩市場在2002年開放時,銀娛透過其附屬公司銀河娛樂場股份有限公司為三家最初獲得批給合同的營運商之一。於2022年,銀娛獲授予新的博彩批給合同,期限由2023年1月1日至2032年12月31日止。銀娛一直以成功打造嶄新、觸目及屢獲殊榮的項目、產品及服務見稱,加上「傲視世界 情繫亞洲」的服務理念,令集團的表現持續傲視澳門市場。 集團於澳門經營三個旗艦項目:包括位於路氹、全球其中一個規模最大的綜合度假城「澳門銀河™」;毗鄰「澳門銀河™」獨一無二的娛樂及美食街新地標「澳門百老匯™」;以及位於澳門半島、屢獲殊榮的尊尚項目澳門星際酒店。 集團擁有的發展藍圖為澳門博彩營運商之中最大。隨著位於路氹的新里程落成後,銀娛在路氹的度假城版圖將超過二百萬平方米,成為全球其中一個規模最大並集度假城、娛樂及會展設施於一身的多元化綜合旅遊度假勝地。銀娛亦會考慮大灣區及國際的拓展機遇。這些項目將有助銀娛發展,並支持澳門發展成為世界旅遊休閒中心的願景。 於2015年7月,銀娛宣佈對摩納哥公國之世界著名豪華酒店及度假村營運商「蒙地卡羅濱海渡假酒店集團」(Société Anonyme des Bains de Mer et du Cercle des Étrangers à Monaco)作出策略性股權投資。銀娛會繼續與「蒙地卡羅濱海渡假酒店集團」積極物色海外發展機會。 銀娛致力為顧客提供世界級的獨特度假體驗,並矢志為其經營業務之社區建立可持續發展的未來。 更多關於集團的詳情,請瀏覽www.galaxyentertainment.com
MACAU SAR - Media OutReach Newswire - 11 September 2024 - Galaxy Entertainment Group ("GEG") garnered four awards at the 2024 IAG Academy IR Awards held in Manila, Philippines yesterday, making GEG the most awarded integrated resort operator in Macau. Among the honors, Mr. Francis Lui, Vice Chairman of GEG, was named "Outstanding CEO," which recognizes the industry leader showing the most exceptional innovation, creativity, leadership and original thinking leading to incremental value for their organization over the past 12 months. In addition, GEG also received the "Best Integrated Resort" and "Best Overall F&B Offering by an IR" for its flagship property Galaxy Macau™ integrated resort for the second consecutive year. Meanwhile, the Raffles at Galaxy Macau – the world's leading hotel brand, was also awarded the "Best Hotel Attached to an IR". Mr. Andy Lee, Deputy Director of Operations of StarWorld Hotel, attended the ceremony and accepted the awards on GEG's behalf. Mr. Francis Lui, Vice Chairman of GEG, was named “Outstanding CEO”. Over the years, GEG has been actively supporting the Macau SAR Government's policy directions, constantly introducing new tourism, entertainment and leisure projects, products and services to the industry through Galaxy Macau, the Galaxy International Convention Center, which offers 40,000 square meters of MICE space, and the Galaxy Arena, Macau's newest and largest indoor arena. In addition, GEG has also been supporting a number of international conferences, performances, sports and cultural events, and related activities to be held in Macau, promoting the industry's diversified development, and enriching Macau's positioning as a "World Center of Tourism and Leisure" through practical actions. On behalf of GEG, Mr. Andy Lee (left), Deputy Director of Operations of StarWorld Hotel, attended the 2024 IAG Academy IR Awards and accepted the related awards. Galaxy Macau has always been favored for its one-stop, world-class integrated tourism and leisure experiences. Galaxy Macau, bringing together eight international hotels brands under one roof at the moment, also provides a diverse range of non-gaming facilities, including over 120 dining options ranging from Michelin-starred dining to authentic delicacies, winning it the "Best Overall F&B Offering by an IR" in this year's awards. Besides, Galaxy Macau also features a host of diverse offerings, including the Grand Resort Deck – the world's leading skytop water oasis, the Galaxy Promenade with the world's most iconic luxury brands, award-winning five-star spas, and the Galaxy Cinemas with the latest audio-visual technology, ultra-luxurious facilities and bespoke services. As the world's largest all-suite Raffles, the Raffles at Galaxy Macau has also been well received by tourists since its opening last year. With its remarkable hospitality, facilities and services, the Raffles at Galaxy Macau was recognized as the "Best Hotel Attached to an IR" in this year's awards. In the middle of next year, another world-class hotel brand, the Capella at Galaxy Macau, will open, becoming the ninth hotel brand in Galaxy Macau, and further enriching the high-end tourism and leisure experiences in Macau. GEG received the “Best Integrated Resort” and “Best Overall F&B Offering by an IR” for its flagship property Galaxy Macau integrated resort for the second consecutive year. Meanwhile, the Raffles at Galaxy Macau – the world’s leading hotel brand, was also awarded the “Best Hotel Attached to an IR”. Over the years, GEG has received a number of esteemed recognitions for its efforts to actively promote the sustainable development of Macau's integrated tourism and leisure industry. This year, GEG received the "Sustainability Award" from the International Gaming Awards, which is known as the "Oscars" of the gaming industry for the second consecutive year. In addition, GEG topped the list in four major categories in the Travel Leisure Luxury Awards Asia Pacific 2024, where Galaxy Macau was named the "Best Integrated Resort in Asia Pacific". Moving forward, GEG will continue to uphold its service philosophy of "World Class, Asian Heart", provide customers with its extraordinary world-class integrated resort experience, and foster Macau's adequate economic diversification development through multi-pronged approaches.Hashtag: #GalaxyEntertainmentGroup #2024IAGAcademy #IRAwards The issuer is solely responsible for the content of this announcement.About Galaxy Entertainment Group (HKEx stock code: 27)Galaxy Entertainment Group Limited ("GEG" or the "Company") and its subsidiaries ("GEG" or the "Group") is one of the world's leading resorts, hospitality and gaming companies. The Group primarily develops and operates a large portfolio of integrated resort, retail, dining, hotel and gaming facilities in Macau. GEG is listed on the Hong Kong Stock Exchange and is a constituent stock of the Hang Seng Index. GEG through its subsidiary, Galaxy Casino S.A., is one of the three original concessionaires in Macau when the gaming industry was liberalized in 2002. In 2022, GEG was awarded a new gaming concession valid from January 1, 2023, to December 31, 2032. GEG has a successful track record of delivering innovative, spectacular and award-winning properties, products and services, underpinned by a "World Class, Asian Heart" service philosophy, that has enabled it to consistently outperform the market in Macau. The Group operates three flagship destinations in Macau: on Cotai, Galaxy Macau™, one of the world's largest integrated destination resorts, and the adjoining Broadway Macau™, a unique landmark entertainment and food street destination; and on the Peninsula, StarWorld Macau, an award-winning premium property. The Group has the largest development pipeline of any concessionaire in Macau. When The Next Chapter of its Cotai development is completed, GEG's resorts footprint on Cotai will be more than 2 million square meters, making the resorts, entertainment and MICE precinct one of the largest and most diverse integrated destinations in the world. GEG also considers opportunities in the Greater Bay Area and internationally. These projects will help GEG develop and support Macau in its vision of becoming a World Centre of Tourism and Leisure. In July 2015, GEG made a strategic investment in Société Anonyme des Bains de Mer et du Cercle des Étrangers à Monaco ("Monte-Carlo SBM"), a world renowned owner and operator of iconic luxury hotels and resorts in the Principality of Monaco. GEG continues to explore a range of international development opportunities with Monte-Carlo SBM. GEG is committed to delivering world class unique experiences to its guests and building a sustainable future for the communities in which it operates. For more information about the Group, please visit www.galaxyentertainment.com
HONG KONG, July 5, 2024 /PRNewswire/ -- TCL Electronics Holdings Limited ("TCL Electronics" or the "Company", 01070HK) was honoured with two prestigious awards, "Best IR Company" and "Best IR by Chairman/CEO" at the 10th Investor Relations Awards organised by Hong Kong Investor Relations Association ("HKIRA"). These accolades demonstrated the high level of recognition from the investment community for TCL Electronics' dedicated efforts in corporate governance, investor relations and capital market performance. HKIRA, a non-profit professional association, is committed to establishing international standards for and promoting best practices in investor relations. The HKIRA Investor Relations Awards, initiated in 2015, celebrate individuals and companies that exhibit exceptional performance in investor relations. This year, the winners were selected through a rigorous process involving public nominations and online voting by qualified buy-side and sell-side investors. Over 480 investors participated in the voting process to determine the final award recipients. TCL Electronics has consistently demonstrated a strong commitment to maintaining excellent corporate governance and investor relations. Since its listing, TCL Electronics has focused on creating long-term value for shareholders, and establishing efficient communication channels to enhance corporate transparency and investor confidence. Through various platforms, including regular results announcements, active traditional and reverse roadshows, investor and analyst research, domestic and foreign investor conferences, and investor relations public accounts, TCL Electronics engages in effective, high-frequency communication with the market and promptly responds to investors' requests and inquiries. Receiving these accolades from HKIRA serves as a strong affirmation of TCL Electronics' outstanding performance in corporate governance, investor relations management, financial results and capital market performance. As TCL Electronics moves forward, the Company remains committed to promoting its development strategy of "Globalisation" and "Technologisation" while upholding the highest standards of corporate governance and investor relations. The Company will continue to deepen interaction and exchanges with investors, adhering to the principles of transparent and efficient communication. With the ambitious goal of becoming a "world-leading smart device enterprise", TCL Electronics strives to foster mutual development and long-term value creation for both the Company and its investors. -End- About TCL Electronics TCL Electronics Holdings Limited (01070.HK, incorporated in the Cayman Islands with limited liability) was listed on the mainboard of the Hong Kong Stock Exchange in November 1999. It is engaged in display business, innovative business and internet business. TCL Electronics actively transforms and innovates under the strategy of "Value Led by Brand with Global Efficiency in Operations, Driven by Technology and Paramount Vitality". Focusing on the mid-to-high-end markets around the world, the Company strives to consolidate the "Intelligent IoT Ecosystem" strategy and is committed to providing users with an all-scenario smart and healthy life while developing into a world-leading smart technology company. TCL Electronics is part of the Shenzhen-Hong Kong Stock Connect program and is included in the Hang Seng Stock Connect Hong Kong Index, the Hang Seng Composite MidCap & SmallCap Index and the Hang Seng Corporate Sustainability Benchmark Index. Besides, it has received Hang Seng Index's ESG rating of A for consecutive years since 2018. For more information, please visit the investor relations web page of TCL Electronics at http://electronics.tcl.com or follow the WeChat Official Page of TCL Electronics investor relations.
MACAU SAR - Media OutReach Newswire - 4 June 2024 - G2E Asia and the Asian IR Expo – the key marketplace for the gaming, entertainment and integrated resorts sectors – hosted at The Venetian Macao, officially open their doors today, expecting to welcome more than 8,000 industry professionals from 80 countries and regions. The joint event commences with a keynote address by Bill Miller, President and CEO of the American Gaming Association, followed by an opening ceremony featuring prominent industry leaders. The day will also include a G2E Asia 15th anniversary reception in the late afternoon and an exclusive President's Reception. From June 4 - 6, the exhibition will showcase more than 100 exhibitors, displaying cutting-edge products, solutions, and technologies for the gaming, entertainment, and integrated resorts industries, alongside a technology zone and stage featuring emerging brands. The first two days of the event offer tech talks on current challenges, with day one spotlighting hospitality, customer relationship management and identity management and day two focusing on security solutions. Complementing the exhibition are two concurrently run conference programs, led by a distinguished lineup of thought leaders. Key highlights include: Day One – An in-depth look at the financial outlook for Asian gaming markets, two panels dedicated to emerging markets, and a spotlight on Thailand and the Middle East. Day Two – Exploring strategies around technology and innovations for gaming and the third edition of the Asia Pacific Responsible Gaming Forum. Day Three – IAGA Best Practices Institute, featuring regulatory updates and understanding growing cross-border player acquisition risks. Featured speakers for day one include Praveen Choudhary, Managing Director, Morgan Stanley Asia Limited; Angela HanLee, APAC Gaming & Leisure Senior Analyst, Bloomberg Intelligence; Evan Spytma, CEO, Hotel Stotsenberg; Ioannis Kontoulas, Board Member, Hellenic Gaming Commission; Angus Chan, Associate Director of Research, UBS AG; Daniel Li, Advisor, Cambodia Commercial Gambling Management Commission; Udorn Olsson, Chairman, Phoenix Aviation (Thailand) Co Ltd; Daniel Cheng, Industry Analyst and Author; and Fredric E. Gushin, Managing Director, Spectrum Gaming Group. Asian IR Summit Overview: Day One – Integrated Resort Focus: Uncover regional market insights, latest trends, and strategies to navigate the disruptive business environment and elevate tourism. Envision a future where tourism stands as a vibrant destination, while exploring the transformative potential of AI in Integrated Resorts. Day Two – Art Integration: In collaboration with ArtBiz Asia, we will delve into the profound impact of art on integrated resorts and other related industries, providing a platform for forward-thinking artists and industry leaders to exchange ideas. Together, we will explore the implementation and integration of art & lifestyle, art & tech, art & hospitality experiences, art education as well as local art & cultural ecosystem. Day Three – Sports and Entertainment: Unlock sports tourism's full potential and strategies, athlete IP value, and study the secrets of transforming cities into well-known sports hubs. Besides, the forum will uncover the artistry behind successful performing arts & entertainment programs in Macao and their tactical execution. Featured speakers for day one include Maria Helena de Senna Fernandes, Director of Macau Government Tourism Office; Albert Yip, Director General, Sanya Tourism Board; Fred Sheu, National Technology Officer, Microsoft Hong Kong; Fian Leung, Head of Accommodation Business, HK & Macau, Trip.com Group; Prof Davis Fong, Director of Institute for the Study of Commercial Gaming, Professor of Integrated Resort and Tourism Management, University of Macau; Alvin Zou, Vice President, Asia Pacific Business Group, SenseTime and Cindy Ngan, Partner in the Climate & Sustainability Practice, PwC Hong Kong and more. Featured speakers for day one include Maria Helena de Senna Fernandes, Director of Macau Government Tourism Office; Albert Yip, Director General, Sanya Tourism Board; Fred Sheu, National Technology Officer, Microsoft Hong Kong; Fian Leung, Head of Accommodation Business, HK & Macau, Trip.com Group; Prof Davis Fong, Director of Institute for the Study of Commercial Gaming, Professor of Integrated Resort and Tourism Management, University of Macau; and Cindy Ngan, Partner in the Climate & Sustainability Practice, PwC Hong Kong. To learn more about G2E Asia, visit www.G2EAsia.com. To learn more about Asian IR Expo, visit www.AsianIRExpo.com. For photo download, please visit this link: https://shorturl.at/KfnIe Photo Caption: G2E Asia and Asian IR Expo have successfully held the opening ceremony with industry leaders. Mr. Bill Miller, President and CEO, American Gaming Association is the keynote of G2E Asia conference. Ms. Maria Helena de Senna Fernandes, Director of Macao Government Tourism Office provided the keynote of Driving Macao's Tourism Industry Forward with Strategies for Sustainable Growth. Hashtag: #G2EAsianIREXPO2024The issuer is solely responsible for the content of this announcement.
SINGAPORE and TOKYO, May 21, 2024 /PRNewswire/ -- Mitsui Bussan Secure Directions Inc. (Head Office: Chuo-ku, Tokyo; Representative Director and President: Daisen Suzuki; hereinafter "MBSD") will start providing a cyber incident response (hereinafter "IR") retainer service in collaboration with BLACKPANDA JAPAN K.K. (Head Office: Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo; Representative Director: David Yu Suzuki; hereinafter "Blackpanda"). The retainer service allows customers to proactively engage Blackpanda's elite cyber incident response services on standby in advance for potential cyber security incidents. Through the retainer service, customers can seize control of cyber incident response - enabling them to smoothly and quickly execute incident response protocols when triggered, thereby reducing the risks and costs of reactively engaging incident response services from IR vendors after incidents have occurred. When a company suffers a cyber security incident and it proves difficult to handle by the company's own internal Computer Security Incident Response Team (hereinafter "CSIRT"), the company will normally seek consultation with IR vendors for assistance. However, this approach puts the company in a reactive posture, and creates potential risks, delays, and higher costs. Finding and negotiating with an available IR vendor in reaction to an incident involves navigating complicated contractual negotiations and procedures, and explaining the company's environment and incident details to a possibly unfamiliar vendor. This process requires substantial expenditure of time and effort, resulting in increased response costs and, most significantly, the greater risk of exacerbated damages to the company. Under the new IR Retainer service, MBSD will assist the customer to proactively prepare for potential cyber security incidents by setting up contractual arrangements, agreeing on procedures and communication channels, and collecting relevant information on the customer's technology environment. In the event of a security incident, MBSD acts as a point of contact for consultation among the user and Blackpanda to execute the response. With protocols and preparation work already established, response time between the occurrence of the security incident and the initiation of response, including threat identification, containment, and recovery, can be significantly reduced – ultimately minimizing the damages and business impact to the customer. As well, MBSD's IR Retainer, being a pre-arranged service, offers significant cost savings compared to on-demand incident response after an emergency has occurred. Furthermore, for the IR Retainer service, if incident response support remains unused throughout the contract period, customers have flexibility to reassign a portion of the contract fee to other security services. This flexibility is a notable feature, avoiding the "use it or lose it" situation that arises with prepaid contracts. For further information, please contact us below. Key Features of Our Service Minimization of Damages by Reducing Time from Incident Occurrence to Response and Recovery By contracting in advance, we can expedite the time it takes to begin response and recovery. Following the establishment of the contract, we will proactively collect relevant information to develop a thorough understanding of the customer's environment. Compared to the traditional approach of identifying and engaging an IR vendor after the onset of a security incident, our IR Retainer service significantly shortens the overall incident response timeline from response initiation to threat identification, containment, and recovery, ultimately minimizing damages. Flexible Service Design If incident response is not executed during the contract period, unused fees can be reallocated to other cyber security services. In this way, customers can enjoy the dual benefits of standby cyber incident response as well as bespoke cyber security consulting services at no additional cost, contributing to the continual enhancement of customer's cyber resilience. Cost Effective Incident Response Support As this service entails pre-contracting for potential security incidents, it allows for cost reduction compared to rushed engagements with an IR vendor during emergencies. 【From Blackpanda】 Blackpanda expresses great pleasure for this collaboration with MBSD, which marks a significant milestone for us. This partnership enables us to immediately extend our coverage to the Japanese enterprise market alongside our traditional SMB customer base. In joining forces with MBSD, we will offer the cybersecurity industry's most sophisticated digital forensics and incident response services as an integral element of MBSD's comprehensive cybersecurity solutions for enterprises in Japan. This partnership is not just a testament to our advanced capabilities and MBSD's leading position in the Japanese cybersecurity market, but it also underscores our commitment to adding a critical capability for leading Japanese enterprise organizations to enhance their resilience against ever-evolving cyber threats. Together, we are setting a new standard in cybersecurity, ensuring Japanese businesses receive unparalleled protection and world-class crisis response. BLACKPANDA JAPAN K.K. Representative Director David Yu Suzuki 【From MBSD】We are delighted to announce the commencement of our IR Retainer service in collaboration with Blackpanda. While the advancement of digital technology has brought innovation to the entire economy, it has led to the daily increase in the threat of cyber attacks. MBSD has long been dedicated to providing services that address the cybersecurity needs of companies across various scales and industries. However, clearly, security incidents causing significant disruptions to business operations are becoming more frequent. With this IR Retainer service offered in partnership with Blackpanda, we aim to meet the specific needs of companies looking to prepare in advance for security incidents, therefore, aiding in the enhancement of cyber resilience. MITSUI BUSSAN SECURE DIRECTIONS, INC.Executive Officer Masaru Sekihara About BLACKPANDA GROUP Blackpanda is Asia's leading local cyber incident response firm, dedicated to delivering world-class digital emergency response services to businesses in the region. We help businesses strengthen their cyber resilience and secure their digital operations by supporting them with incident response delivered by local experts. Our mission is to make cyber resilience achievable for all, with services and solutions designed for the Asian market. For more details, please visit our website www.blackpanda.com About MBSD Established in 2001 as a cybersecurity specialist firm, we offer various diagnostics services such as penetration testing, TLPT, Red Team exercises, web application and web vulnerability assessments, malware analysis, advanced security technology services including integrated log monitoring and Managed XDR (Extended Detection and Response), as well as consulting services. We boast a large number of highly skilled cybersecurity professionals and are recognized as one of Japan's leading companies in this field. For more details, please visit our website. For more details, please visit our website www.mbsd.jp MEDIA CONTACT: Group Marketing Manager, may@blackpanda.com
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