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符合「HVAC」新聞搜尋結果, 共 227 篇 ,以下為 121 - 144 篇 訂閱此列表,掌握最新動態
Alat 宣布與四家全球領先公司達成合作,以加快沙特阿拉伯的科技製造業發展

沙特阿拉伯利雅德2024年2月21日 /美通社/ -- Alat 是專注於讓全球產業(電子和工業)轉型,並在沙特阿拉伯王國建立世界級製造中心的創新公司,該公司今日宣佈與四家領先的科技公司 Softbank Group、Carrier Corporation、Dahua Technology 和 Tahakom 達成全球合作。沙特阿拉伯公共投資基金(PIF)公司 Alat 將提供可持續的製造,協助這些全球公司減少排放並邁向零碳製造。Alat 透過與全球領先企業合作,讓產業創新和轉型,並致力於使用清潔能源,從而快速履行其使命。 Alat Saudi Arabia Alat 將於 2030 年前投資 1,000 億美元,用於提升技術領域的能力,從沙特阿拉伯該領域的快速發展中受惠。該公司亦將透過其業務體系和與國際領先技術製造商的合作關係來增強私營部門,並提升商業環境。  Alat 全球行政總裁 Amit Midha 表示:「我們將與國際和區域合作夥伴合作重新定義可持續製造,我們今日很高與宣佈其中四個合作夥伴。Alat 的使命是專注利用沙特阿拉伯的太陽能、風能和綠色氫能源。我們熱衷於使用技術來改變企業,利用尖端人工智能技術和第四次工業革命技術進行製造。這不限於使用清潔能源,更會在我們的所有業務、建築物、物流和供應鏈中套用可持續性措施,可持續性是我們所做的一切之核心。」 為加快 Alat 的計劃和抱負,該公司今天公佈四項全球合作:  Softbank Group:Alat 與全球其中一個最大型的技術投資集團 Softbank Group 合作,將在沙特阿拉伯王國建立新一代工業自動化業務,生產突破性的工業用機械人。合作夥伴將投資高達 1.5 億美元,建立一個全自動化的製造和工程中心,以滿足本地和全球需求。此製造廠計劃會於 2024 年 12 月之前開業。 Carrier Corporation:智能氣候及能源解決方案的全球領導者,將會與 Alat 合作在沙特阿拉伯開發一個尖端的製造及研發設施,旨在降低建築物的碳排放,並大幅提高建築物能源效率。這項合作會提供先進的供暖、通風和空調 (HVAC) 解決方案,其中包括可變製冷劑流量系統、製冷機和空氣處理機組 (AHU) 等高科技產品。協議還包括開發一個尖端的製造及研發中心,預計將創造超過 5,000 個本地就業機會。 Dahua Technology Ltd:保安及安全領域的專業製造商,將會在該地區開始製造技術產品,透過新的合資企業生產和銷售適用於智慧城市、智慧建築和企業應用的安全監控解決方案。Alat 和 Dahua Technology 將投資 2 億美元,為以視覺為中心的產品建立安全且符合規範的全球業務,稱為 Alat AIVisio Technology Co. Ltd.,以及一個位於沙特阿拉伯的尖端製造設施。兩家公司將透過技術支持、測試實驗室和示範中心進行合作和支持。 沙特技術與安全綜合控制公司 Tahakom 已開發出智能運輸系統 (ITS)、人工智能 (Al) 和尖端的女全解決方案,其將會與 Alat 合作,結合雙方的資源和能力,響應沙特阿拉伯的「2030 願景」,共同推進智能交通和智能城市解決方案。這項合作將包括解決方案設計、產品規格、利用研發和創新功能,以及建立技術路線圖,並培養客戶和供應商關係。 Alat 將針對七個業務單位進行創新並建立製造能力,包括半導體、智能裝置、智能建築物、智能家電、智能健康、先進工業,以及新一代基礎設施。該公司初期將會就七個業務單位中 34 個類別的產品毅行生產。Alat 已委任全球多位經驗最為豐富的行業專家來領導 Alat 的各個業務單位。 如欲了解更多資訊,請瀏覽:www.alat.com

文章來源 : PR Newswire 美通社 發表時間 : 瀏覽次數 : 3456 加入收藏 :
Alat announces four partnerships with leading global companies to rapidly progress technology manufacturing in Saudi Arabia

RIYADH, Saudi Arabia, Feb. 20, 2024 /PRNewswire/ -- Alat, an innovative company focused on transforming global industries (electronics and industrials) and creating a world-class manufacturing hub in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, today announced four global partnerships with leading technology companies, Softbank Group, Carrier Corporation, Dahua Technology and Tahakom. Alat, a PIF company, will deliver sustainable manufacturing to help these global companies reduce their emissions and move towards carbon zero manufacturing. Alat is quickly delivering its mandate by partnering with the world's leading corporations to innovate and transform industries, with a commitment and focus on using clean energy. Alat Saudi Arabia Alat will invest US$100 billion by 2030 to enhance the capabilities of the technological sector, benefiting from the rapid development of this sector in Saudi Arabia. The company will also empower the private sector and enhance the commercial environment through its business systems and partnerships with leading international technology manufacturers. Amit Midha, Global CEO of Alat, said: "In conjunction with our international and regional partners, the first four of which we proudly announce today, we will redefine sustainable manufacturing. Alat´s mandate is focused on harnessing the Kingdom´s solar, wind and green hydrogen clean energy. We are passionately using technology to transform businesses, leveraging cutting-edge AI technology and fourth industrial revolution technologies for manufacturing. This is not only using clean energy, but applying sustainability measures to all our operations, buildings, logistics and supply chain, with sustainability at the core of everything we do." Accelerating Alat´s plans and ambitions, the company is today announcing four global partnerships: Softbank Group: In conjunction with the Softbank Group, one of the world´s largest technology investment groups, Alat and Softbank will establish a next generation industrial automation business in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia that will manufacture groundbreaking industrial robots. The partners will invest up to US$150 million to establish a fully automated manufacturing and engineering hub that will serve local and global demand. The plan is for this manufacturing plant to be opened by December 2024. Carrier Corporation: A global leader in intelligent climate and energy solutions, will in collaboration with Alat develop a cutting-edge manufacturing and R&D facility in the Kingdom aimed at decarbonizing emissions in buildings, and dramatically increasing their energy efficiency. The partnership will deliver advanced heating, ventilation and air conditioning (HVAC) solutions which includes high-tech products like Variable Refrigerant Flow, chillers, and Air Handling Units (AHUs). The agreement includes development of a cutting-edge manufacturing and R&D center expected to create more than 5,000 local jobs. Dahua Technology Ltd: A professional manufacturer in the security and safety field will start manufacturing technology products in the region, through a new joint venture to produce and market solutions for safety and surveillance use that are applicable in Intelligent Cities, as well as Intelligent Buildings and Enterprise Applications. Alat and Dahua Technology will invest US$200M to establish a secure and compliant global business for vision-centric products, called Alat AIVisio Technology Co. Ltd., and a state-of-the-art manufacturing facility in Saudi Arabia. Both companies will cooperate and support with technology enablement, testing labs and demo centres. The Saudi Technology and Security Comprehensive Control Company (Tahakom), which already develops Intelligent Transportation Systems (ITS), Artificial Intelligence (Al) and cutting-edge safety solutions, will in partnership with Alat combine their resources and capabilities to advance smart mobility and intelligent cities solutions, in alignment with Saudi Arabia Vision 2030. This partnership will involve collaboration on solution designs, product specifications and leveraging R&D and innovation functions, as well as building technology roadmaps and cultivating both client and vendor relationships. Alat will innovate and create manufacturing capabilities across seven business units, these include semiconductors, smart devices, smart buildings, smart appliances, smart health, advanced industrials and next-gen infrastructure. The company will initially manufacture products in 34 categories in seven business units. Alat has appointed some of the world´s most experienced global industry experts to lead each of the Alat business units. For more information visit www.alat.com    

文章來源 : PR Newswire 美通社 發表時間 : 瀏覽次數 : 528 加入收藏 :

Company Has Established a Comprehensive, Ethically-responsible Management System For Its AI-enabled Home Appliances SEOUL, South Korea, Feb. 15, 2024 /PRNewswire/ -- LG Electronics (LG) has recently achieved a significant milestone by obtaining the AI Management System (AIMS) certification (ISO/IEC 42001) from the Korean Standards Association (KSA).[1] This certification demonstrates LG's commitment to prioritizing data security and embracing responsible AI management practices throughout the entire lifecycle of its AI-powered home appliances. ISO/IEC 42001, a globally recognized standard established jointly by the International Organization for Standardization (ISO) and the International Electrotechnical Commission (IEC), sets out the essential requirements for governing and managing AI technologies. [2] AIMS certification validates that a company has not only implemented but also maintains and continuously improves an AI Management System, demonstrating a responsible and ethical approach to developing and utilizing AI-based solutions. The stringent assessment criteria of ISO/IEC 42001 cover various aspects, including AI policy formulation, risk assessment, risk management, ethical compliance, regulatory responsiveness and transparency in AI management processes. The acquisition of AIMS certification acknowledges LG's ongoing and systematic efforts to ensure rigorous control over potential issues related to its AI products and services, including security, fairness, transparency and accountability. Through this certification, LG aims to enhance customer trust and strengthen its competitiveness. Last year, LG distinguished itself as the first home appliance manufacturer to receive Deep Learning AI Verification, awarded by the independent safety science company UL for its washing machine and dryer. Additionally, LG obtained AI Safety Certification from the Korea Institute of Industrial Technology (KITECH) for the AI functionalities integrated into the LG WashTower.[3] LG actively leverages data- and AI-based research and development initiatives to realize the vision of the 'Zero Labor Home,' offering users a refreshingly convenient and relaxing smart home experience facilitated by LG's advanced, AI-driven home appliances and services. "This certification shows that we have established a comprehensive AI management system and are committed to providing our customers with safe, responsible AI-based solutions for a better life," said Lyu Jae-chul, president of LG Electronics Home Appliance & Air Solution Company. [1] The AI Management System certification (ISO/IEC 42001) from the Korean Standards Association is confined to the products produced in LG Smart Park 1, 2 in Changwon, Republic of Korea. [2] https://www.iso.org/artificial-intelligence/ai-management-systems  [3] The AI Safety Certification from the Korea Institute of Industrial Technology is applied to WashTower model W17NT. About LG Electronics Home Appliance & Air Solution Company  The LG Home Appliance & Air Solution Company is a global leader in home appliances, air solutions as well as smart home solutions featuring LG ThinQ. The company is creating various solutions with its industry leading core technologies and is committed to making life better and sustainable for consumers and the planet by developing thoughtfully designed kitchen appliances, living appliances, HVAC and air purification solutions. Together, these products deliver enhanced convenience, superb performance, efficient operation and sustainable lifestyle solutions. For more news on LG, visit www.LGnewsroom.com.  

文章來源 : PR Newswire 美通社 發表時間 : 瀏覽次數 : 610 加入收藏 :
E-Home Household Services Holdings Limited's subsidiary Zhongrun Pharmaceutical intends to acquire NBL (New Zealand) Limited to help expand the international market

FUZHOU, China, Feb. 8, 2024 /PRNewswire/ -- E-Home Household Services Holdings Limited (NASDAQ:EJH) (the "Company" or "eHome"), an integrated home services provider in China, announced that its subsidiary, Zhongrun (Fujian) Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd, intends to acquire NBL (New Zealand) Limited ("NBL Company"). NBL (New Zealand) Limited has advanced fully automatic production lines, and three main production workshops equipped with independent purification and air-conditioning systems, 10 sets of independent HVAC systems, mainly produces powders and soft capsules of fish oil, vitamins, anti-aging and other health care drugs. In order to meet the clean requirements of different production workshops and to ensure the low temperature and low humidity requirements of special production processes, all workshops comply with the dust-free standards of international ISO, New Zealand GMP, GB, and the GMP level 100,000 class dust-free workshop, which is in line with the international GMP workshop construction standards. The factory covers a total area of more than 5,000 square meters, and the area of purification workshop is more than 2,200 square meters. Mr. Wenshan Xie, Chairman and CEO of E-Home, commented: "The proposed acquisition of NBL (New Zealand) Limited by Zhongrun (Fujian) Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd. a subsidiary of E-Home Household Services Holdings Limited is the result of the transition from service to R&D+production+service in the healthcare pharmaceutical industry and the expansion of the international market by Zhongrun (Fujian) Pharmaceutical Co. The combination of Zhongrun (Fujian) Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd. and NBL (New Zealand) Limited can create a large-scale healthcare pharmaceutical portfolio and flagship products, and build a good complementary and synergistic advantage of Chinese and international resources. This is a key step for Zhongrun (Fujian) Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd., a subsidiary of E-Home Household Services Holdings Limited, to move into the international market. It is believed that the completion of this merger and acquisition will have a significant impact on the development of Zhongrun (Fujian) Pharmaceutical Co. It is believed that the completion of the merger and acquisition will help Zhongrun (Fujian) Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd. to complete the R&D+Production+Service+Market+Performance." About E-Home Household Service Holdings Limited Established in 2014, E-Home Household Service Holdings Limited is a Nasdaq-listed household service company based in Fuzhou, China. The Company, through its website and WeChat platform "e-home", provides integrated household services, including 1) installation and maintenance of home appliances and smart homes; 2) Housekeeping, nanny, confinement nurse and cleaning services; 3) Internet elderly care + home-based elderly care; 4) Hospital care; 5) Nanny delivery platform. After years of development, the Company has formed two main services and four auxiliary services targeting at individual consumers (ToC) and business clients (ToB). The ToC business focuses on nanny, confinement nurse, home-based elderly care and cleaning, and family comprehensive service supplemented by other housekeeping services. At present, it has successfully connected with metaverse technology to realize metaverse-based customer service as well as training of domestic workers. The ToB business focuses on public cleaning and cleaning robotic equipment. Four auxiliary services include 1) docking and application of metaverse technology to housekeeping and cleaning industries; 2) online and offline sales of medicine and health food (including nannies and nursing workers); 3) training on nannies and nursing workers to engage in health care in physical stores; 4) human resources (flexible employment). E-Home has become a modern enterprise of comprehensive service for family life. The Company always adheres to the business philosophy of "solving every issue of customers with heart", and to the code of conduct of "doing everything well with heart". The Company aims to set the benchmark of the household service industry. For more information, visit the Company's website at http://www.ej111.com/ir.html. Forward-Looking Statement All statements other than statements of historical fact in this announcement are forward-looking statements in nature within the meaning of the Private Securities Litigation Reform Act of 1995. These forward-looking statements involve known and unknown risks and uncertainties and are based on current expectations and projections about future events and financial trends that the Company believes may affect its financial condition, results of operations, business strategy and financial needs. Words or phrases such as "may," "will," "expect," "anticipate," "aim," "estimate," "intend," "plan," "believe," "potential," "continue," "is/are likely to" or other similar expressions are intended to identify such forward-looking statements. The Company undertakes no obligation to update forward-looking statements to reflect subsequent occurring events or circumstances, or changes in its expectations, except as may be required by law. Although the Company believes that the expectations expressed in these forward-looking statements are reasonable, it cannot assure you that such expectations will turn out to be correct, and the Company cautions investors that actual results may differ materially from the anticipated results and encourages investors to consider risk factors, including those described in the Company's filings with the SEC, that may affect the Company's future results. All forward-looking statements attributable to the Company and its subsidiaries or persons acting on their behalf are expressly qualified in their entirety by these risk factors.

文章來源 : PR Newswire 美通社 發表時間 : 瀏覽次數 : 711 加入收藏 :
Azbil Corporation Awarded Frost & Sullivan's Southeast Asia Company of the Year Award for Delivering Groundbreaking Smart Building Solutions that Enhance Efficiency and Operational Performance

Azbil Corporation (Azbil) provides a thorough building automation solution portfolio to cover the entire building life cycle, ensure sustainable operations, and increase the long-term asset value. SAN ANTONIO, Feb. 7, 2024 /PRNewswire/ -- Frost & Sullivan recently researched the smart buildings solutions industry and, based on its findings, recognizes Azbil with the 2023 Southeast Asia Company of the Year Award. Azbil is a Japan-based company that addresses the evolving market needs for smart building solutions with exceptional automation capabilities and highly skilled professionals. Azbil develops state-of-the-art building automation systems, energy management technology, security systems, and building products and solutions that enhance space and facilitate energy saving. Azbil develops state-of-the-art building automation (BA) systems, energy management technology, security systems, and building products and solutions that enhance space and facilitate energy saving. For instance, the company leverages advanced heating, ventilation, and air conditioning (HVAC) control technology to deliver comfortable and healthy spaces that boost business efficiency while minimizing environmental impact. Azbil closely follows emerging market trends to continue to innovate and stay on top of the smart building industry. For this reason, the company actively embraces cutting-edge technologies such as artificial intelligence (AI), big data, and cloud computing. Using this approach, Azbil is growing by leaps and bounds in Southeast Asia and has achieved its leading position in the smart buildings solutions industry. "Azbil is at the forefront of the fiercely competitive smart building solutions space. With a deep-rooted history of purpose-fit innovation, the company shapes the industry's trends, impacting its role in the market. In 2022, the company achieved stellar sales growth. Azbil's building automation segment is the largest of its three main business segments, contributing to 46.4% of its net sales in FY2022," said Viswesh Vancheeshwar, industry principal for Energy & Environment at Frost & Sullivan. Azbil relies on highly qualified professionals with extensive experience to help customers achieve their business goals. To do so, Azbil is strengthening its global sales and service networks by expanding the presence of overseas staff and bases. This effort aims to boost greater value and efficiency through digital transformation. Furthermore, Azbil commits to its team's professional development through a systematic training program that enables them to adapt their knowledge to country-specific conditions. This customer-centric approach establishes long-term trust and allows Azbil to adjust its offerings to unique customer challenges. "Azbil brings together highly experienced and skilled teams who can help customers achieve their quality, cost, delivery, safety, and environment targets. Moreover, the company invests in developing professional personnel. It has crafted a systematic training program for measurement, control, and maintenance specialists and data scientists. The program helps Azbil's global service business adapt to country conditions and produce engineers who cater to country-specific needs, requirements, or customers," noted Mr. Melvin Leong, Senior Director, Head of Homes & Buildings at Frost & Sullivan. Each year, Frost & Sullivan presents a Company of the Year Award to the organization that demonstrates excellence in terms of growth strategy and implementation in its field. The award recognizes a high degree of innovation with products and technologies, and the resulting leadership in terms of customer value and market penetration. Frost & Sullivan Best Practices Awards recognize companies in various regional and global markets for demonstrating outstanding achievement and superior performance in leadership, technological innovation, customer service, and strategic product development. Industry analysts compare market participants and measure performance through in-depth interviews, analyses, and extensive secondary research to identify best practices in the industry. About Frost & Sullivan For six decades, Frost & Sullivan has been world-renowned for its role in helping investors, corporate leaders, and governments navigate economic changes and identify disruptive technologies, Mega Trends, new business models, and companies to action, resulting in a continuous flow of growth opportunities to drive future success. Contact us: Start the discussion. Contact:Tammy ChanE: tammy.chan@frost.com  About Azbil Corporation Azbil Corporation, formerly known as Yamatake Corporation, is a leading company in building and industrial automation, using its measurement and control technologies to provide customers with high value-added solutions to make their operations more efficient and sustainable. Founded in 1906, Azbil serves customers across the globe in a broad range of industries and aims to contribute to people's safety, comfort and fulfilment, and global environmental preservation. At the end of March 2023, Azbil employed over 10,000 people worldwide and generated ¥278.4 billion in revenue.

文章來源 : PR Newswire 美通社 發表時間 : 瀏覽次數 : 2018 加入收藏 :

LG Will Sell Washers and Dryers to America's Leading Route Laundry Solutions Provider SEOUL, South Korea, Feb. 7, 2024 /PRNewswire/ -- Commercial laundry technology leader LG Electronics (LG) has expanded its relationship with WASH, one of the largest laundry route businesses in North America. The new agreement enables LG to increase its position in the fast-expanding market for commercial laundry solutions for multi-family housing and university dormitories while bringing end-users the convenience and performance of LG's energy-efficient washers and dryers. LG Electronics expands relationship with WASH to provide commercial laundry services in North America. From left, Jim Gimeson (CEO of WASH), and Sam Kim (Head of the Home Appliance Division at LG Electronics USA). WASH is a leading B2B laundry service providers in North America, supplying and managing laundry solutions for multifamily properties across the United States and Canada. Through the new agreement, LG will supply WASH with advanced commercial washing machines and dryers offering ease of use, short cycle times and enhanced fabric care. Together, LG and WASH anticipate satisfying the growing demand for communal laundry facilities in busy housing and campus environments across North America. LG Commercial Laundry machines, built with the company's advanced Inverter Direct Drive™ technology, are designed to deliver durability and reliability. The design with the drum directly attached to the motor, results in fewer components, reducing the likelihood of needing repairs. These LG ENERGY STAR® certified washers also reduce energy and water consumption and increase overall efficiency[1], while their proprietary balancing system reduces vibration[2] for quieter operation.[3] "Our cutting-edge laundry solutions will further enhance WASH's convenient services, delivering more value to customers and end-users," said Baek Seung-tae, executive vice president and head of Living Solution Business, LG Home Appliance & Air Solution Company. "We will continue to forge partnerships that drive innovation and help people enjoy a better life." 1  Based on energy and water consumption testing of LG commercial washing machine, conducted in accordance with Energy Star standard. It has achieved an energy consumption of 0.076kWh and water consumption of 52.2 liter per cycle (based on use of Energy program/4.08kg of DOE load/DOE J2 testing). 2  According to LG's internal test, the cabinet vibration level of the LG commercial washing machine has achieved below 67μm and no walking occurred, testing with 5kg of actual usage load and horizontal floor. Results may vary depending on the load or usage environment. 3  According to LG's internal test, LG commercial washing machine has achieved the noise level below 57dB, testing with 3.9kg of IEC towel load. Results may vary depending on the load or usage environment.   About LG Electronics Home Appliance & Air Solution Company  The LG Home Appliance & Air Solution Company is a global leader in home appliances, smart home solutions, air solutions as well as visionary products featuring LG ThinQ AI. The company is creating various solutions with its industry leading core technologies and is committed to making life better and healthier for consumers by developing thoughtfully designed kitchen appliances, living appliances, HVAC and air purification solutions. Together, these products deliver enhanced convenience, superb performance, efficient operation and compelling health benefits. For more news on LG, visit www.LGnewsroom.com. LG Commercial Laundry machines, built with the company’s advanced Inverter Direct Drive™ technology, are designed to deliver durability and reliability. Commercial laundry technology leader LG Electronics has expanded its relationship with WASH, one of the largest laundry route businesses in North America

文章來源 : PR Newswire 美通社 發表時間 : 瀏覽次數 : 365 加入收藏 :
2025 年 2 月 20 日 (星期四) 農曆正月廿三日
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