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Silicon Labs第三代無線開發平台引領物聯網進程發展

致力於以安全、智慧無線連接技術建立更互聯世界的全球領導廠商Silicon Labs(亦稱「芯科科技」,NASDAQ:SLAB)日前在首屆北美嵌入式世界展覽會(Embedded World North America)上發表開幕主題演講,由執行長Matt Johnson和技術長Daniel Cooley共同探討人工智慧(AI)如何推動物聯網(IoT)領域的變革,同時詳細介紹了Silicon Labs不斷發展的第二代無線開發平台(Series 2)所取得的持續成功以及即將推出的第三代無線開發平台(Series 3)。 Silicon Labs執行長Matt Johnson表示:「人工智慧正迅速成為關鍵的成長催化劑,其將使物聯網裝置的數量在未來10年內超過1000億台。我們即將推出的第三代平台具有無與倫比的性能和生產力,將為從製造和零售到交通運輸、醫療保健、能源分配、健身和農業等廣泛的產業開啟新應用和新功能,以協助各行業以卓越的方式實現轉型。」為實現此願景,物聯網裝置需要在連接性、運算能力、安全性和人工智慧/機器學習(AI/ML)功能方面進行強大的升級。Silicon Labs在演講中便透露有關其第三代平台的更多資訊,以使此願景成為現實。 第三代平台的系統單晶片(SoC)將擁有全球最靈活的數據機、最安全且可擴展性最強的記憶體第三代平台產品將因應物聯網持續發展的挑戰:在重要領域的所有物聯網應用中,遠邊緣(far-edge)裝置要求更強處理能力,這些重要領域包括、但不限於智慧城市和基礎設施、商業建築、零售和倉庫、智慧工廠和工業4.0、智慧家庭、互聯健康;以及對更可攜、安全運算密集型應用的需求。第三代平台產品便能透過滿足不斷發展的物聯網關鍵需求來因應相關挑戰: •    連接性:完整的第三代平台產品組合將包括數十項產品以涵蓋所有主要的協議和頻段,因此幾乎可連接任何事物。第三代平台的首款產品配備全球最靈活的物聯網數據機,能在三個無線網路上實現真正的併行,並具有微秒級的通道切換能力。 •    運算能力:第三代平台產品將採用多核心設計,搭載Arm Cortex-M應用處理器和用於射頻和安全子系統的專用輔助處理器,以及用於特定裝置的專用高性能機器學習子系統。憑藉同類產品中可擴展性最強的記憶體架構,再加上Cortex-M處理器(從133 MHz的Cortex-M33到運行頻率超過200 MHz的雙Cortex-M55),第三代平台產品將可支援複雜的應用和嵌入式即時操作系統。•    安全性:所有第三代平台產品均將支援Silicon Labs Secure Vault High技術,並具有Authenticated Execute in Place等其他功能,可支援裝置和雲端之間的可信通訊。第三代平台產品並將擁有世界上最安全的記憶體介面,可在入侵者獲得物理存取權限時對其主要攻擊方向之一進行加強防護,並保護裝置製造商的智慧財產權。第三代平台並將採用美國國家標準與技術研究院(National Institute of Standards and Technology)最近公布的後量子加密標準。•    智慧化:第三代平台並將採用Silicon Labs的第二代矩陣向量處理器,該處理器可將複雜的機器學習運算從主CPU卸載至專門的加速器,該加速器旨在將電池供電型無線裝置的機器學習性能提升高達100倍,同時大幅降低功耗。 對於這場物聯網變革而言,其中一個設計關鍵驅動因素是資料,其在邊緣裝置與雲端之間來回流動,而此雙向流動使物聯網邊緣裝置在不斷發展的人工智慧領域中成為理想的搭檔。這些裝置不僅可提供邊緣做出有限的決策,例如智慧恆溫器可評估環境溫度並對家庭HVAC空調系統進行調節,同時因應大規模雲端人工智慧應用,邊緣裝置還可為資料擷取裝置發揮關鍵作用,並應用其機器學習功能從雜亂無章的資料中篩選出有價值的資訊。可識別和傳輸“極端情況” (corner case)的資料將受人工智慧營運業者高度重視,因其可使系統更具智慧性。首款第三代平台SoC目前正提供客戶試用,更多資訊將於2025年上半年公佈。 第一代平台和第二代平台SoC持續發展,全面因應各種技術需求Silicon Labs的第一代平台和第二代平台產品在協助擴展物聯網規模,提供安全、穩健的連接、以及開拓新應用等方面不斷取得成功。隨著一系列新Wi-Fi 6和低功耗藍牙(Bluetooth LE)晶片的全面供貨,Silicon Labs的第二代平台再次取得新發展,這些晶片包括:SiWG917無線MCU(SoC)、因應託管應用的SiWN917網路輔助處理器和運作於更高階作業系統應用的SiWT917射頻輔助處理器。SiWx917系列產品從一開始便專為超低功耗Wi-Fi 6應用而設計,可在特定的物聯網應用中,以單顆AAA電池提供長達2年的電池續航時間。 今年年初,Silicon Labs亦推出支持藍牙和802.15.4連接的BG26和MG26產品。隨著物聯網需求的成長,這些無線SoC特別針對未來發展而打造,並採用與即將推出的第三代平台產品相同的機器學習專用型矩陣向量處理器。MG26和BG26的快閃記憶體、RAM和GPIO是其前代產品的兩倍,此創新也使其贏得IoT Evolution年度產品獎項。 Silicon Labs第二代平台產品還可應用於環境物聯網相關的新興領域。這項令人興奮的新技術支援物聯網裝置從周圍的環境資源中獲取能量,例如室內或室外環境光、環境無線電波和動能。在與電源管理IC(PMIC)製造商e-peas的合作中,Silicon Labs推出了xG22E,這是xG22無線SoC的超低功耗新品種,其大幅降低了功耗預算,並採用了先進的睡眠/喚醒引擎,因此能在環境物聯網的功耗範圍內運行。xG22E廣泛適用於感測器、開關和電子貨架標籤等商業應用。 Silicon Labs 將於2025年為第二代平台推出更多產品,第一代平台、第二代平台和第三代平台將並存,持續為龐大的物聯網應用提供功能強大的產品。在Silicon Labs專為物聯網設計的最廣泛無線SoC和MCU產品組合中,這些SoC僅為一小部分。無論技術廣度、深度和專業知識方面,Silicon Labs均領先任何物聯網供應商。歡迎參加Silicon Labs Works With開發者大會,進一步探索物聯網的未來為提供物聯網開發和設計人員這些專業技術,Silicon Labs 將於11月20日至21日舉辦第五屆Works With開發者大會線上會議。Works With是物聯網開發者的年度盛會,超過 30 多場會議、主題演講和實驗室活動,與會者可從 Silicon Labs 和其他產業領導業者的技術專家交流中瞭解建構物聯網發展趨勢。歡迎註冊2024年Works With大會線上會議,並從現在開始製定您的議程。

文章來源 : insightpr 發表時間 : 瀏覽次數 : 2230 加入收藏 :
Industrial Heat Pumps: A Key Driver for Decarbonising Industrial Heat in the Industrial Electrification Era

Unlocking opportunities that exist at higher temperatures will be key to future growth LONDON, Oct. 14, 2024 /PRNewswire/ -- The need to reduce the demand for fossil fuels in industrial applications is driving investment in decarbonised solutions such as heat pumps. Coinciding with a rising share of renewables, the technology has gained momentum as a robust choice for achieving a more sustainable level of industrial development. Policy instruments and financing mechanisms will further accelerate the clean energy transition, of which heat pumps will be a core element. Industrial Heat Pumps are Revolutionising Waste Heat Recovery with Zero CO2 Footprint The increasing adoption of industrial heat pumps is driven by a combination of factors that make them an optimal decarbonisation solution, positioning them at the forefront of the energy transition. Their ability to decarbonise low-temperature industrial heat demand (<200°C), which accounts for more than a quarter of industrial heat energy use, opens up a significant addressable market. By using either heat or electrical energy, these pumps can increase the temperature of waste heat to match the needs of a particular process. This allows the waste heat to be reused in the process, leading to significant energy savings and reductions in CO2 emissions. A Growing Market with Extensive Potential for Industrial Heat Decarbonisation The global industrial heat pump market will reach 13,150 units by 2035, up from 6,940 units in 2023. Global revenues will reach $9.18 billion by 2035, increasing at a compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of 5.2% from 2024 to 2035. In 2023, China, the United States, and numerous markets in Europe will account for 75% of global unit sales and revenues. The food and beverage, pulp and paper, chemicals, pharmaceuticals, metals, and textiles industries account for a significant portion of demand. Emerging applications are also gaining traction, including carbon capture, data centres, and grid-ancillary services combined with thermal energy storage systems. Large Industry Universe Dominated by Global Players, While Emerging Companies Make Inroads Through Product Development Efforts Large players have gained shares due to their strong compressor market domain, sustained product developments, and international foothold. Strategic alliances and partnerships will strengthen companies' market presence. Emerging players are making the already highly fragmented market more competition-intensive and R&D-focused. The number of players in the market above 100°C has been increasing, however, the very high-temperature range above 160°C is where new participants are challenging the legacy competitors. In this range, companies are looking to prove their capability to produce high-temperature heat pumps for a range of common process heat and hot water applications with zero ozone depletion potential (ODP) and global warming potential (GWP). Neha Tatikota, Industry Analyst at Frost & Sullivan, comments: "Key factors for success include optimising costs, driving product innovation, focusing on refrigerants with lower GWP, enhancing energy efficiency and performance, and improving localisation. Product development emphasises integrating oil-free compressors, steam-generating heat pumps, and plate heat exchangers. Strong customer relationships, tailored solutions, an extensive distribution network, partnerships with compressor manufacturers, ongoing research and development, and support towards policy frameworks are essential for maintaining competitiveness." "These factors are crucial for heat pump companies to enhance their capabilities, creating opportunities for product differentiation," Tatikota added. "The industrial heat pump sector is expected to experience moderate growth, with increasing emphasis on product development, particularly in the high-temperature ranges." Europe will be the main hub for industrial heat pump expansion, with a growing focus on high-temperature, high-efficiency heat pumps. National incentives and subsidies will play a critical role in accelerating the transition of European industries. Market growth in Europe is projected to surpass that of the APAC region by 2025, with the gap expected to widen further. Frost & Sullivan forecasts strong demand in Europe, fuelled by the push for industrial electrification and decarbonisation. To stay ahead in the fast-expanding industrial heat pump landscape, find out more about the growth opportunities here. About Frost & Sullivan Frost & Sullivan, the growth pipeline company, enables clients to accelerate growth and achieve best-in-class positions in growth, innovation, and leadership. The company's Growth Pipeline as a Service provides the CEO and the CEO's Growth Team with transformational strategies and best-practice models to drive the generation, evaluation, and implementation of powerful growth initiatives. Frost & Sullivan leverages over 60 years of experience in partnering with Global 1000 companies, emerging businesses, and the investment community from more than 40 offices on six continents. To engage with our growth experts for more information, click here. Contact: Kristina MenzefrickeMarketing & CommunicationsGlobal Customer Experience, Frost & Sullivankristina.menzefricke@frost.com +44 (0)20 331 01228

文章來源 : PR Newswire 美通社 發表時間 : 瀏覽次數 : 788 加入收藏 :
Midea Showcases the Latest Sustainable Technologies at Chillventa 2024, Pioneering Sustainable Path with Low Carbon Innovations

NUREMBERG, Germany, Oct. 12, 2024 /PRNewswire/ -- From 8-10 October, Midea, leader in electro domestic and smart appliances, showcased its commitment to sustainability at Chillventa 2024. With a booth themed "Green Vision Blue Future," Midea highlighted its focus on low carbon, energy-efficient technologies. The event served as a platform for Midea to demonstrate its innovative solutions for advancing sustainable energy initiatives. A standout at the exhibition was Midea's award-winning product, the CirQHP Indoor Hybrid. This innovative indoor hybrid heat pump solution garnered significant attention from industry professionals. Its compact design and indoor installation capabilities addresses the limitations of outdoor unit installations prevalent in the European market. This eliminates concerns about outdoor unit noise, space constraints and building regulations. The hybrid concept allows users to transition to more environmentally friendly heat pump technologies with lower initial investment costs. By integrating with existing home boilers, the system optimizes energy use, offering greater efficiency and economic benefits, while ensuring stable heating even in extremely low temperatures. In addition, Midea introduced the CirQHP Multi-Hybrid solution, which combines a multi-split heat pump system. This marks the first integration of heating and cooling systems, offering enhanced possibilities for hybrid technology. The solution ensures more stable heating in winter and more comfortable cooling in summer. Midea also unveiled the VETLE, a high performance heating unit capable of operating efficiently, even at temperatures as low as -40°C. This product targets the high-end market segment in Northern Europe, achieving A+++ energy efficiency for optimal heating performance. The intelligence of Midea's products is best exemplified by the new AI-powered air conditioner, Solstice. Featuring their proprietary ECOMASTER technology, Solstice marks a major leap forward in inverter control, delivering over 30% extra energy savings without sacrificing comfort. At the event, Midea showcased Solstice's improved installation and maintenance features. Its innovative pull-down structure offers more operational space, enabling easier installation by loosening just one screw. The enhanced fan motor and PCB design streamlines the replacement process. Midea's All-In-One Smart Energy Management System, MHELIOS, also received substantial attention. This system features a top-tier VDE-2510 certified energy storage battery, with software upgrades that impressed attendees. It offers comprehensive appliance and HVAC management, precise power control and optimized HVAC usage based on energy needs. MHELIOS AI enhances energy distribution by factoring in weather forecasts and household energy use, predicting consumption more accurately and creating optimal charging and discharging strategies based on dynamic tariffs. All these features are seamlessly integrated into the Midea SmartHome App, offering a single touchpoint for intelligent HVAC control, dynamic tariffs and virtual power plant integration. At the event, Midea was honored with two prestigious awards from Euromonitor International, recognizing it as the world's No.1 R290 air conditioner and residential inverter air conditioner company for the second year running. Attendees explored Midea's full range of R290 products, including integrated units, split systems and heat pump water heaters, all of which use the eco-friendly R290 refrigerant. Midea's dedication to environmental protection is further evident in its sustainable smart home solutions, which utilize energy management systems to harness solar energy and employ heat recovery technology for energy recycling and reuse. The exhibition also featured the highly acclaimed PortaSplit portable AC, a European bestseller endorsed by the Manchester City striker and treble winner Erling Haaland. Renowned for its versatility, powerful performance and ultra-quiet operation, PortaSplit has achieved widespread acclaim from local users and channel partners alike, making a big impression at the event.

文章來源 : PR Newswire 美通社 發表時間 : 瀏覽次數 : 904 加入收藏 :
Univers unveils EnOS™ Ark, the award-winning end-to-end AI decarbonization software for global enterprises

Industry’s first AI powered end-to-end decarbonization software solution receives recognition from the United Nations Global Compact Network SingaporeSINGAPORE - Media OutReach Newswire - 10 October 2024 - Univers, the global decarbonization software leader headquartered in Singapore, is pleased to showcase the capabilities of EnOS™ Ark ('Ark'), an all-in-one enterprise decarbonization Software as a Service (SaaS) solution that provides comprehensive, validated data and insights to empower enterprises to take decisive corporate climate action. From left to right: Bertrand Seah, Senior Consultant, Paia Consulting, Ynse de Boer, Global Sustainability Advisor, Univers, Sambhaji Wagh, Director, Product Management - Energy & Carbon Management, Univers, Dr Koh Poh Koon, Senior Minister of State, Ministry of Manpower & Ministry of Sustainability and the Environment, and Dr. Bicky Bhangu, President, UN Global Compact Network Singapore at the GCNS Apex Gala Dinner & Awards Ceremony 2024. Testament to Ark's capabilities in empowering enterprises to achieve net zero, Univers has been honored with the Sustainable Solutions Award, presented by the United Nations Global Compact Network Singapore (GCNS). The Sustainable Solution Award acknowledges products and services that address sustainability needs for businesses, the environment, and society. Built using Univers' proprietary Al operating system EnOSTM, Ark stands out as the industry's first end-to-end enterprise resource and carbon management solution. It uses a powerful combination of both Artificial Intelligence (AI) and real-time Internet of Things (IoT) data to provide actionable insights for users to achieve quick results for both financials (such as energy savings) and environmental (carbon reduction). Michael Ding, Global Executive Director, Univers, said, "We are pleased to receive the validation from the UN GCNS, validating EnOSTM Ark's enterprise decarbonization capabilities that can scale across anywhere in the world and in any building. With EnOSTM Ark, no company, big or small, will be left behind." EnOSTM Ark empowers enterprises to: Build an accurate emissions footprint: For better data-driven decision-making by tracking in real-time energy, carbon and environmental metrics of both individual assets and enterprise-wide portfolio. Streamline asset efficiency management: To improve operational efficiency of disparate assets including heating, ventilation, air conditioning (HVAC) systems, photovoltaic systems, battery energy storage systems, smart grids and electric vehicle charging systems, all on one interface. Reduce HVAC electricity consumption: With its AI-HVAC module, machine learning is applied to historical models of building management systems (BMS) for efficiency and optimization. Assess portfolio asset health: To ensure high efficiency and uptime for businesses through the monitoring of portfolio asset health through IoT device connectivity and alarms management Access built-in carbon credit inventory: To deliver carbon offset accounting in line with international climate disclosure and carbon accounting standards such as GHG Protocol and the Science Based Targets initiative (SBTi). Map and implement effective abatement initiatives: To align to the International Performance Measurement and Verification Protocol (IPMVP) methodology, for businesses to determine the most effective abatement initiatives through the greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions datasets across the entire business and its supply chain. Ark, with Univers' EnOSTM system and Flex, Storage, Charge and Renewables products, provides customers with a complete end-to-end decarbonization solution that helps them meet net zero. The issuer is solely responsible for the content of this announcement.About UniversUnivers provides the world's most comprehensive decarbonization system. We help companies and countries optimize energy systems and reduce carbon emissions with accurate, reliable, and actionable decarbonization data. Our EnOSTM platform connects on-the-ground operational technology and in-the-cloud intelligence to deliver real-time energy data and data-driven carbon monitoring, reporting, and abatement. Univers gives climate leaders unmatched control and opportunity to drive business and environmental progress. With over 280 million devices connected, more than 685GW of renewable energy under management, and a community of over 800 customers including Antwerp Euroterminal, Bureau Veritas, Certis, PSA International, SITA and more, we're helping the world's leading business get the world to net-zero – and what comes after it. For more information, please visit univers.com. Find out more about Ark here.

文章來源 : Media OutReach Limited 發表時間 : 瀏覽次數 : 935 加入收藏 :
New Modular Latching System from Southco Secures Thick, Insulated and Pressurized Doors

HONG KONG SAR - Media OutReach Newswire - 10 October 2024 - Southco Asia Ltd., a subsidiary of Southco Inc., a leading global provider of engineered access solutions such as locks, latches, captive fasteners, electronic access solutions, and hinges/positioning technology, has extended its line of multi-point latching systems to include a new solution designed for insulated doors up to four inches (100mm) thick. Southco's new M4 Modular Latching System meets the increasing demands of HVAC applications by providing a versatile solution for thick, insulated, and pressurized doors. M4 Modular Latching System The new M4 Modular Latching System is highly adjustable and accounts for dimensional variations in enclosure panels. The latch dimensions and materials minimize thermal conductivity through the panel, and prevent deflection of the panel during installation. The adjustable rod system enables all latches along the door to completely close, ensuring proper sealing and improving safety for maintenance technicians. The M4 Modular Latching System is designed to accommodate several locking options and design requirements. Its plastic handle can be configured with padlocking, key locking or tool locking options, while single point or multi-point latching can be configured with adjustable cams, a pressure release bracket, and an internal release handle. Global Product Manager Nick Bennett adds, "The M4 Modular Latching System meets the growing needs of the HVAC industry for a versatile latching system that won't diminish the insulation of thick doors. Southco's new modular latching system offers versatile configuration options to support a wide range of applications." For more information about the functionality of M4 Modular Latching Systems, please visit www.southco.com/M4-Modular-Latching-System or email the 24/7 customer service department at info@southco.com. Hashtag: #southco #latchingsolutions #HVAC #touchpointThe issuer is solely responsible for the content of this announcement.About SouthcoSouthco, Inc. is the leading global designer and manufacturer of engineered access solutions. From quality and performance to aesthetics and ergonomics, we understand that first impressions are lasting impressions in product design. For over 70 years, Southco has helped the world's most recognized brands create value for their customers with innovative access solutions designed to enhance the touch points of their products in transportation and industrial applications, medical equipment, data centers and more. With unrivalled engineering resources, innovative products and a dedicated global team, Southco delivers the broadest portfolio of premium access solutions available to equipment designers throughout the world.

文章來源 : Media OutReach Limited 發表時間 : 瀏覽次數 : 335 加入收藏 :

Key executives to share insights on sustainable data centre infrastructure and innovation to address key challenges and drive best practices for a more sustainable future. SINGAPORE, Oct. 9, 2024 /PRNewswire/ -- Johnson Controls (NYSE: JCI), the global leader for smart, healthy and sustainable buildings, is participating in Data Centre World Asia 2024, where the company will showcase its cutting-edge solutions for the rapidly growing data centre industry. With over 140 years of innovation, Johnson Controls delivers sustainable infrastructure, advanced technology, and integrated solutions that optimize performance, energy efficiency, and security in mission-critical environments like data centres. "In a world where data centres consume up to 50 times more energy than traditional buildings, our focus on sustainable infrastructure has never been more critical," said Anu Rathninde, President, Asia Pacific, Johnson Controls. "Our focus on customized and integrated solutions empowers data centres to operate at their peak while minimizing their environmental footprint. We provide the tools and support that enable our clients to thrive in this competitive landscape." Revolutionizing Data Centre Operations with Integrated, High-Performance Solutions At Data Centre World Asia 2024, Johnson Controls will highlight its integrated solution and approach that ensure seamless operations, optimized efficiency, and enhanced asset protection throughout the lifecycle of data centres. Comprehensive Portfolio: Johnson Controls provides comprehensive suites of energy-efficient and resilient solutions for data centres, including HVAC, critical environmental monitoring, fire suppression, and security systems. From the life safety and asset protection to the sustainable cooling solution, the portfolio of integrated solutions helps minimize costs, maximize efficiency, and optimize timing when speed matters. Sustainable Performance: Johnson Controls offers advanced cooling technology that drives sustainable, low-carbon performance. One of its latest cooling solutions offer nearly 80% greater energy efficiency and significant space savings compared to previous models. The utilization of ultra-low GWP refrigerants further help deliver sustainable, high-performance outcomes in mission-critical environments. Trusted Expertise: With professional teams, dedicated data centre support, fast response, and full life-cycle project management, Johnson Controls is able to ensure speed to market and speed to service for data centres. The company employs a 4-step delivery model that includes need assessment, solutioning, execution, and proactive service. This approach is able to ensure continuous improvement across the lifecycle of data centre projects by leveraging data-driven insights to reduce risks, improve turnaround times, and provide end-to-end solution for streamlined operations. Empowering Customers with Proven Results in Data Centre Excellence Johnson Controls has successfully enhanced operational efficiency and sustainability for major data centre clients across the Asia-Pacific region. For one hyperscale data centre provider in Sydney, Australia, Johnson Controls implemented its OpenBlue platform to optimize HVAC performance, integrate third-party systems, and track energy consumption through AI-powered recommendations. Over an eight-month period, the provider achieved more than $70,000 in cost savings and saved over 1 million kWh of energy—four times the predicted goal. Additionally, advanced digital monitoring identified high-priority maintenance needs, further reducing operational risks and enhancing overall system reliability. The latest generation of smart building software, like Johnson Controls OpenBlue, can optimize the operation of a chilled water system serving a data centre every minute of every day and provide only the cooling needed. With advanced optimization, data centres can see a reduction in annual energy use associated with cooling of 5 to 15%. In another project for a large co-location provider in Japan, Johnson Controls delivered a flexible solution combining a SCADA-based building management system (BMS) with an electric power management system (EPMS). This large-scale data centre spans six floors, with an IT capacity of 50MW and a total area of 28,600 square meters. Johnson Controls' approach ensured that the data centre met global standards while adapting to on-the-ground challenges, such as the transition from air cooling to liquid cooling during construction. Leading the Conversation: Industry Insights and Leadership at Data Centre World Asia 2024 Johnson Controls will have a significant presence at Data Centre World 2024, with leadership participating in keynotes and panel discussions. They will share insights on topics like sustainable data centre infrastructure, smart building innovations, and the role of integrated solution and approach in improving operational efficiency. The company will showcase its vision for the future of data centres, highlighting how advanced technology and solutions can drive smarter, safer, and more resilient operations. "The future of data centres lies in our ability to harness innovation and sustainability. By sharing our insights and expertise at Data Centre World Asia 2024, we aim to inspire industry leaders to embrace change and create resilient infrastructures that serve both people and the planet," said Anu Rathninde. As demand for data centres continues to surge, Johnson Controls is firmly positioned to meet the evolving needs of the industry. The company's commitment to innovation and sustainability is underscored by the recent establishment of a dedicated Global Data Centre Solutions organization in June 2024. ### About Johnson Controls: At Johnson Controls (NYSE:JCI), we transform the environments where people live, work, learn and play. As the global leader in smart, healthy and sustainable buildings, our mission is to reimagine the performance of buildings to serve people, places and the planet. Building on a proud history of nearly 140 years of innovation, we deliver the blueprint of the future for industries such as healthcare, schools, data centres, airports, stadiums, manufacturing and beyond through OpenBlue, our comprehensive digital offering. Today, with a global team of 100,000 experts in more than 150 countries, Johnson Controls offers the world`s largest portfolio of building technology and software as well as service solutions from some of the most trusted names in the industry. Visit www.johnsoncontrols.com for more information and follow @Johnson Controls on social platforms.

文章來源 : PR Newswire 美通社 發表時間 : 瀏覽次數 : 247 加入收藏 :
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