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Cohesity Expands Cyber Event Response Service with Incident Response Provider Partnerships, Fortifying Cyber Resilience

Partnerships with Incident Response Leaders Palo Alto Networks Unit 42, Arctic Wolf, Sophos, Fenix24, and Semperis Speed Incident Recovery with Dedicated Expertise and Coordinated Support SINGAPORE, Jan. 10, 2025 /PRNewswire/ -- Cohesity, the leader in AI-powered data security, today announced it has expanded the Cohesity Cyber Event Response Team (CERT) service to include partnerships with leading incident response (IR) vendors. The Cohesity CERT team has years of specialized incident response expertise and has helped numerous customers respond and recover quickly from high-stakes security events since its formation in 2021. By partnering with leading IR vendors such as Palo Alto Networks Unit 42, Arctic Wolf, Sophos, Fenix24, and Semperis, Cohesity CERT augments the traditional IR process, infusing rich data and backup and recovery expertise, helping to speed investigations and enable customers to recover quicker from incidents. Using native platform capabilities, Cohesity CERT can share a consolidated set of customer-approved operational data with its IR partners, including logs, reports, inventories, and more. This rich dataset, together with Cohesity CERT's deep data security and recovery expertise, enhances the digital forensics, threat intelligence, and containment capabilities of IR partners, enabling them to perform more effective and efficient analysis of the cyber incident and quickly resolve issues while reducing business downtimes. Customers also have peace of mind their IR partner of choice can collaborate directly with Cohesity to streamline their cyber response and ensure they restore clean data faster.[1] "With ransomware, data breaches, and other cyber threats becoming an unavoidable reality, organizations need the assurance that they can bounce back faster, stronger, and smarter," said Sanjay Poonen, CEO, Cohesity. "Cohesity CERT is a natural extension of our mission to empower organizations with resilient, secure data management. We're doubling our commitment to our customers by ensuring they have the expertise and tools to navigate and recover from cyber crises effectively. Cyber resilience is the cornerstone of modern cybersecurity, and we are committed to helping our customers achieve it." Cohesity CERT is available to all Cohesity customers as part of their existing subscription. Customers can benefit from: Minimized Business Disruption and Financial Loss: As cyberattacks become more frequent and damaging, Cohesity aids customers in swiftly detecting, investigating, and recovering from incidents, preventing and minimizing extended operational disruptions. Comprehensive, Coordinated Response and Recovery: Working alongside its broad ecosystem of industry-leading IR partners, Cohesity has developed a methodology that utilizes native platform capabilities and integrations with its Data Security Alliance to provide greater insight into data breaches. This methodology includes a consolidated set of customer-approved operational data, including logs, reports, inventories, and more, which can be rapidly shared with approved parties, including an external incident response provider, to enable more effective and efficient analysis leading to safer and faster recovery after a destructive cyber attack. 24/7 Availability and Multi-vendor Integrated Support: Cohesity CERT handles a wide range of incidents, from sophisticated ransomware and data breaches to targeted attacks, and assists customers whenever cyber incidents occur. Cohesity and its partners maintain communication throughout the response and recovery process, allowing for faster decision-making and a more agile response to cyberattacks. Specialized Expertise and Proactive Recommendations: Personnel from Cohesity CERT and its partners are seasoned cybersecurity experts with specialized knowledge in incident response, threat intelligence, and forensics, making them an invaluable resource during critical incidents. The service provides actionable recommendations and valuable expertise that help businesses strengthen their defenses over time, enabling customers to stay ahead of evolving cyber threats. "Cybercriminals are increasingly emboldened by new technology, making cyberattacks more effective and efficient. Unit 42 provides customers with leading incident response expertise, threat intelligence and proactive services, enabling them to effectively address the most challenging threats. Through this new partnership, Cohesity will play a crucial role in expediting backup and business recovery processes of shared customers. This collaboration will greatly benefit our customers, ensuring a comprehensive approach to cybersecurity that enhances the overall investigation process for Unit 42," said Sam Rubin, SVP of Consulting and Threat Intelligence, Unit 42 at Palo Alto Networks. "Time and information are two of the most critical parts of incident response. The more information we have, the quicker we can return a customer to normal operations," said Kerri Shafer-Page, Vice President, Incident Response, Arctic Wolf. "Cohesity's quick response toolkit gives us access to all kinds of data that can enable a more comprehensive investigation and quicker recovery. Partnering with Cohesity CERT adds valuable expertise in backup and recovery and helps us ensure our joint customers are resilient no matter what attackers throw at them." "Your organization is only as safe as your backup controls are secure, redundant, immutable, and relevant to threat actor playbooks," said John Anthony Smith, founder and chief security officer of Conversant Group. "However, incident response investigations can be complex and time-consuming. Therefore, our long-standing partnership with Cohesity CERT is highly beneficial to our joint customers because it adds valuable expertise in backup and recovery and helps us ensure resiliency no matter what attackers throw at them." "By partnering with Cohesity CERT, Sophos' Incident Response (IR) team of experts who work 27/4 around the world identifying and neutralizing threats can jump right in to assess and react to active threats targeting Cohesity's customers," said Rob Harrison, senior vice president of Product Management for SecOps and Endpoint Security at Sophos. "This streamlined process is critical because the faster Sophos IR can get involved, the faster the team can disrupt and eject attackers before they exfiltrate data, carry out ransomware or other damaging activities. With this partnership, Sophos customers will also be referred to Cohesity's quick response toolkit for comprehensive backup and recovery programs. This collaboration ensures our joint customers are more resilient and able to recover faster from cyberattacks." "Expanding our partnership with Cohesity will improve operational resilience for our joint customers and partners, by protecting the critical pathways that ransomware attackers use to compromise Microsoft Active Directory (AD) and Entra ID systems. In nearly all ransomware attacks, adversaries target AD or Entra ID as the key to the organization. Without sufficient backup and recovery solutions and regular continuity testing, disruptions of these identity systems can and do occur, costing organizations money and putting critical infrastructure at risk," said Mickey Bresman, CEO, Semperis. "Semperis' combined 150+ years of AD experience not only sets us apart in the hybrid identity system security market, it also enables us to protect top global organizations and rebuild compromised identity systems in hours rather than days, weeks, or months." "Enterprise security teams need all the help they can get. One third of enterprises have expressed that current staffing levels are inadequate for their organization's challenges; the degrees of staff specialization have consistently increased. In lieu of additional staffing, enterprises are looking for vendors to provide value-added services that improve processes with their products." - 451 Research, part of S&P Global Market Intelligence: 2023 VoTE Information Security Organizational Behavior & 2024 VoTE Information Security Budgets Study For more information on Cohesity CERT, visit https://www.cohesity.com/cert/. In addition, join experts from Unit 42 at Palo Alto Networks, 451 Research, and Cohesity for a panel discussion entitled: "From Chaos to Collaboration: Partnerships Streamline Incident Response." Visit https://www.cohesity.com/dm/from-chaos-to-collaboration/.  About Cohesity Cohesity is the leader in AI-powered data security. Over 12,000 enterprise customers, including over 85 of the Fortune 100 and nearly 70% of the Global 500, rely on Cohesity to strengthen their resilience while providing Gen AI insights into their vast amounts of data. Formed from the combination of Cohesity with Veritas' enterprise data protection business, the company's solutions secure and protect data on-premises, in the cloud, and at the edge. Backed by NVIDIA, IBM, HPE, Cisco, AWS, Google Cloud, and others, Cohesity is headquartered in San Jose, CA, with offices around the globe. To learn more, follow Cohesity on LinkedIn, X, and Facebook. [1] For customer security, certain formalities and documentation may be required for advanced information sharing activities. Please contact Cohesity.  

文章來源 : PR Newswire 美通社 發表時間 : 瀏覽次數 : 141 加入收藏 :
神通50週年引領企業永續發展 聯華神通舉辦科技教育論壇 開創創新未來

【記者林子霞台北報導】承先啟後,見證台灣科技產業半世紀榮光,聯華神通集團11月18日成功舉辦神通50週年活動,以「創新科技引領企業永續發展」為主題,完美展現半世紀的輝煌成就與未來願景;聯華神通集團苗豐強董事長揭示未來發展藍圖,盛會也匯聚產官學研各界菁英,共同探討科技創新趨勢,為台灣科技產業發展注入全新動能。 聯華神通集團從1945年創立至今,集團持續創新突破,業務版圖橫跨電腦與消費電子、IT通路與系統整合、軟體研發、石油化學與工業氣體、運輸物流、食品產業等多元領域。集團旗下神通電腦於1974年成立,作為台灣科技產業先驅,50年來開枝散葉,包括聯強國際、神基投控、神達投控以及神通資科等,成為台灣科技產業的重要推手,見證並引領了台灣科技產業的蓬勃發展。 聯華神通集團苗豐強董事長致詞表示,神通電腦自1974年成立以來,就將微處理器應用於畜牧產業拍賣與倉儲管理系統,奠定了現今資料中心的基礎;在中文電腦發展方面,更與工研院合作開發整合性中文電腦系統,成功應用於警政資料庫及稅務處理;時至今日,神通的產品應用範圍更擴及台北捷運多功能控制、人臉辨識及電子支付等多元領域。 苗豐強董事長指出,垂直與水平整合策略是台灣科技產業發展兩大關鍵,垂直整合以PC產業為核心,建立從周邊配件、關鍵零組件到系統整合的完整產業鏈;水平整合則專注於系統整合能力的提升、通路的開拓,以及商業模式的創新;另外在通路布局方面,特別強調必須掌握能見度(Visibility)、速度(Velocity)及附加價值(Value)等3V原則,藉此提升全球競爭力。 展望未來,苗豐強董事長提到,企業必須秉持快速成長與穩健經營並重的永續發展理念;台灣科技產業多年來的整合策略,已成功打造出從IC設計、製造到封測的完整產業生態系,形成緊密的產業聚落;面對新世代挑戰,數位轉型、基礎建設投資以及人才培育將是重點環節。感謝神通集團50年來所有員工的付出,以及台灣科技產業環境所提供的發展機會,並期待與所有夥伴攜手,開創下一個璀璨的50年。  神通50週年慶典活動於台北Marriott萬豪酒店盛大舉行,特別邀請AMD、Cisco、Dell Technologies、Google Cloud、HPE、IBM、Intel、Microsoft、NVIDIA、Qualcomm 、Red Hat、Veeam等長期合作的客戶夥伴共襄盛舉。活動吸引眾多業界人士與會,包括多場重量級演講及專題討論,各場次座無虛席,與會來賓反響熱烈,充分彰顯聯華神通集團在台灣科技產業的地位與影響力。  除了主體演講,活動中也以「AI時代企業數位轉型」為題舉辦座談會,由DIGITIMES黃逸平副總經理主持,台灣微軟夥伴事業群總經理 陳仲儒、台灣戴爾科技集團 技術副總經理梁匯華、AMD資深業務協理黃偉喬以及台灣思科技術長馮志良等科技大廠高層,分別就AI對企業轉型的影響,以及數位化浪潮下的機遇與挑戰交換意見。活動同時邀請多位專家,聚焦「AI賦能新時代」、「AI創新與數位轉型」、「AI驅動革新與競爭力」、「新能源科技創新與展望」四大議題,解析產業趨勢。聯華神通集團各事業群與全球科技大廠,也在創新科技展示區展示最新技術與解決方案,吸引大批與會者參觀,體驗前瞻科技發展成果。 圖說:50週年慶祝活動由集團董事長苗豐強(右六)率領集團子公司董事長、總經理上台揭開活動序幕。  

文章來源 : 守護台灣新聞網 發表時間 : 瀏覽次數 : 2363 加入收藏 :
APMIC Expands into US Market, Bringing Global Enterprise AI Solution

As the only Taiwanese LLM vendor endorsed by NVIDIA, APMIC aims to make AI accessible to all TAIPEI, Aug. 30, 2024 /PRNewswire/ -- Fueled by the generative AI wave sparked by ChatGPT, APMIC—a leading provider of enterprise-grade AI solutions and the only Taiwanese independent software vendor (ISV) recognized by NVIDIA—today announced its official entry into the U.S. market with the launch of its acclaimed large language model, "CaiGunn" in North America. APMIC is committed to driving global AI transformation, empowering companies to develop their own AI capabilities, and enabling everyone to seamlessly join the AI revolution. Jerry Wu, Founder and CEO of APMIC and CaiGunn, the localized LLM and platform framework developed by APMIC. APMIC, the Only Taiwanese Company Recognized by Tech Giants NVIDIA and Google, Brings Its MIT AI Expertise to the U.S. Market Founded in 2017 by Jerry Wu, a Google Developer Expert in machine learning, and a team of AI enthusiasts, APMIC specializes in natural language understanding (NLU). Its enterprise-grade AI solutions are designed to create customized AI digital brains for businesses. With these solutions, employees can interact with AI naturally and conversationally, empowering them to leverage AI for tasks such as customer service, text analysis, and document review. APMIC's solutions have earned accolades from global tech giants. With seven years of innovation, APMIC has been recognized by NVIDIA as an exclusive generative AI independent software vendor (ISV) strategic partner and has been the only Taiwanese team featured by Google in its machine learning case studies. Jerry Wu, Founder and CEO of APMIC, stated, "Our large language model processes millions of AI interactions each month, providing us with deep insights into the challenges businesses face during AI transformation. We believe that broad internal adoption of AI—without requiring programming or data processing skills—is essential for businesses to thrive in the AI revolution. APMIC is excited to announce our expansion into the U.S. market. Our goal is to showcase Taiwan's AI capabilities on the global stage and empower employees worldwide to harness the power of AI, driving the global AI transformation." Localized LLM "CaiGunn" Boosts Enterprise Service Efficiency by 30%; APMIC Joins Forces with Ecosystem Partners for Global Expansion According to P&S Intelligence, the global market for natural language understanding was valued at $18.9 billion in 2024 and is projected to reach $80.3 billion by 2030, growing at a CAGR of 27.2%. The North American market is expected to be a significant driver of this demand. Recognizing the growing need for AI technologies, particularly natural language understanding, APMIC foresees a trend of enterprises deploying LLMs on-premises. To meet this demand, APMIC has partnered with Dell, HPE, and NVIDIA to integrate its AI server with the "CaiGunn" model, creating a robust ecosystem for AI deployment. As a member of NVIDIA's Inception program, APMIC showcased "CaiGunn" at NVIDIA GTC 2024, making it one of only two Taiwanese startups selected to participate in the Startup Pitches. As a leader in natural language understanding, APMIC, backed by NVIDIA and its extensive global network, is expanding into the U.S. market to help enterprises worldwide build their own large language models. "CaiGunn" named after the Taiwanese Hokkien word for "chat," is a localized large language model and platform framework developed by APMIC's team in Taiwan. It enables employees to create intelligent, contextually relevant AI solutions simply by uploading existing documents, websites, or data—without the need for programming. "CaiGunn" has been adopted by over 800 organizations across various sectors, including healthcare, manufacturing, finance, and retail. Notable clients include Google, Taipei City Government, and CTBC Bank, with implementations demonstrating a 30% improvement in service efficiency. In 2023, "CaiGunn" made history as the only Taiwanese model ranked among the top 100 on Hugging Face. This year, APMIC introduced "CaiGunn-TAME", a cutting-edge traditional Chinese LLM tailored for Taiwanese users. Powered by NVIDIA's NIMs and enhanced by CaiGunn's C-RAG, this model offers rapid scaling and a deeper understanding of Taiwanese language and culture. APMIC secured $1 million in Pre-A funding in March this year and plans to launch a new fundraising round in September. These funds will be used to further expand its overseas market, strengthen the development of its LLMs, attract top talent, and scale its operations. About APMIC APMIC (Accelerate Private Machine Intelligence Company) is a leading provider of enterprise-grade AI solutions, founded in Taiwan in 2017. Specializing in natural language understanding (NLU) technology, APMIC offers localized large language models and solutions that allow businesses to develop their own AI capabilities without programming. With applications in over 800 enterprises across various industries and government departments, APMIC is dedicated to equipping every company with the ability to develop its own AI capabilities, to empowering everyone to seamlessly be part of the AI revolution. For more information, visit APMIC's official website: https://www.ap-mic.com/

文章來源 : PR Newswire 美通社 發表時間 : 瀏覽次數 : 523 加入收藏 :
Mavenir 和 Whitestack 拓展開放網絡功能生態系統

Mavenir 主要網絡功能成功整合到基於 Intel 技術的 Whitestack 開放電信雲端平台 德州理查森, Aug. 28, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- 構建未來網絡的雲端原生網絡基礎設施供應商 Mavenir 和基於開源的電信雲端解決方案開發商 Whitestack 今天宣布成功完成了技術對接,讓 Mavenir 的雲端原生 IMS 解決方案能夠無縫地整合到 Whitestack 的電信雲端平台上,這展示了 Mavenir 在推動雲端原生部署方面的關鍵專業知識。這次合作計劃作為與拉丁美洲一家領先的一線營運商部署的一部分而啟動,利用了 Intel Xeon 處理器和 Intel 以太網技術的強大功效及性能。 讓流動網絡營運商得以在其雲端解決方案上部署電信工作負載,是 Mavenir 雲端原生策略的一個基本方面。今天的公告標誌著 Mavenir 與 Whitestack 電信雲端解決方案實現了完全集成,為電信營運商提供了更多靈活部署 Mavenir 解決方案的選擇,並凸顯了幫助營運商擺脫傳統或單一架構解決方案的電信生態系統的持續拓展。 繼營運商宣布採用雲端基礎設施部署關鍵網絡功能之後,這兩家公司緊貼行業發展趨勢。這個趨勢引起了傳統營運商的極大興趣。為了滿足這個明確的需求,Mavenir 和 Whitestack 提供了具有吸引力的效益成本比,使營運商輕鬆決定向雲端解決方案轉型。 Mavenir 雲端、AI 和 IMS 業務策略高級副總裁兼總經理 Brandon Larson 表示:「我們很高興在合理的時間內完成了整合過程,這部分有賴我們在其他電信雲端方面的經驗,以及 Whitestack 在調整資料平面配置方面的靈活性,以最大限度地提高我們的效能。」 他補充道:「隨著產業轉向雲端基礎設施,雲端解決方案必須調整,以適應電信工作負載。為了實現這個目標,需要像 Mavenir 這樣同時擁有雲端和電信領域專業技能的公司。」 Mavenir 的雲端原生 IMS 解決方案基於微服務架構,由採用雲端原生原則的容器化網絡功能 (CNF) 組成,提供利用 Kubernetes 內在優勢的語音服務,確保高可用性。這個解決方案在 Whitestack 的電信雲端平台上以自動化部署模式運行。 Whitestack 電信/NFV 業務開發經理 José Miguel Guzmán 表示:「與常規私人雲端相比,電信雲端的眾多關鍵方面之一是能夠利用先進技術來加速網絡功能表現。每個應用程式都有自己獨特的處理、記憶體、磁碟和流量資料。在 WhiteCloud 中,我們對這些方面進行精細控制,從而為每個 VNF 或 CNF 提供最優化的硬件設定,以將吞吐量提升至最高,並可混合使用傳統和新一代的伺服器。」 Intel 網絡和邊緣產品事業部副總裁 Alex Quach 表示:「基於 Intel Xeon 處理器的伺服器配置包含了新的功能,用於加速用戶流量。結合 Intel Infrastructure Power Manager 軟件和 Intel Ethernet E810 Controller,這些伺服器配置使電信服務提供商能夠針對其電信資料中心的效能、能源效率和空間優化基礎設施。」    Whitestack 已成為拉丁美洲開放基礎設施領域的一個關鍵參與者,為該地區數十家一線級資料中心提供基於開源技術的電信雲端解決方案。提供的解決方案包括白牌網絡設備、高容量光學系統以及裝嵌 Intel Xeon 處理器的 COTS 伺服器。 Mavenir、Whitestack 和 Intel 將於 2024 年 9 月 3 日參加在墨西哥城舉行的 2024 年開放電信雲端高峰會 - 歡迎現場或網上報名參加。 Intel、Intel 標識以及其他 Intel 標誌都是 Intel 公司或其子公司的商標。 關於 MAVENIR Mavenir 正在利用設計時即採用環保理念的雲端原生、AI 賦能的解決方案建構未來的網絡。這些方案使營運商得以發揮 5G 的優勢,實現智能、自動化及可編程的網絡。作為 Open RAN 的先驅和久經考驗的行業顛覆者,Mavenir 屢獲殊榮的解決方案正在全球範圍內的流動網絡上實現自動化和商業化,為 120 多個國家的 300 多家通信服務提供商加速軟件網絡轉型,這些提供商為全球超過 50% 的訂戶提供服務。如欲了解更多資訊,請瀏覽 www.mavenir.com。 關於 WHITESTACK Whitestack 的旗艦電信雲端解決方案整合了基於虛擬機的 VNF(虛擬網絡功能)和基於容器的 CNF(容器網絡功能)並採用了久經考驗的行業標準部署模式。作為拉丁美洲部署最廣泛的電信雲端解決方案,它擁有來自行業巨頭 HPE 和 DELL 的認證,確保效能卓越和穩定可靠。 Whitestack 的開放網絡解決方案革新了網絡基礎設施。在開放式 DC 結構中使用先進的主幹層和接入層配置部署,或者使用我們最先進的開放式交換機(白盒)來增強光纖接入和聚合網絡。這些都由我們的開放式 SDN 控制器 Whitesdn 無縫管理,實現卓越的自動化網絡配置。如欲了解更多資訊,請瀏覽 www.whitestack.com。 Mavenir 公關聯絡人:Emmanuela SpiteriPR@mavenir.com 

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AMD拓展AMD Instinct GPU藍圖 加快資料中心與AI創新與領先步伐

更新AMD Instinct加速器發展藍圖揭示領先業界AI效能與記憶體功能的年度進程   全新AMD Instinct MI325X加速器預計在2024年第4季上市,將配備多達288 GB的HBM3E記憶體;全新AMD Instinct MI350系列加速器採用AMD CDNA 4架構,預計在2025年出貨,較前一代產品的AI推論效能將有35倍的巨幅提升   台北—2024年6月4日—AMD(NASDAQ: AMD)董事長暨執行長蘇姿丰博士在COMPUTEX 2024開幕主題演講中,展現AMD Instinct™加速器系列的強勢發展動能。AMD揭示AMD Instinct加速器的跨年度產品藍圖,將逐年透過每個世代的AMD Instinct加速器挹注AI效能與記憶體功能優勢。   在更新版發展藍圖中,率先登場的是將於2024年第4季問市的全新AMD Instinct MI325X加速器。隨後則是AMD Instinct MI350系列,採用全新AMD CDNA™打造,預計在2025年上市,其AI推論效能將比AMD CDNA 3架構的AMD Instinct MI300系列大幅提升35倍註1。AMD Instinct MI400系列則將採用AMD CDNA “Next”架構,預定在2026年問市。   AMD資料中心加速運算全球副總裁Brad McCredie表示,AMD Instinct MI300X加速器持續受到Microsoft Azure、Meta、戴爾科技集團、HPE、聯想等眾多合作夥伴與客戶的熱烈採納,充分反映AMD Instinct MI300X加速器的卓越效能與價值。在更新版年度產品藍圖的引領下,我們努力不懈地推動創新,提供領先各界的功能與效能,迎合AI產業與客戶的期盼,促進資料中心AI訓練與推論的新一波革新。   AMD AI軟體產業體系日臻成熟 AMD ROCm™ 6開放軟體堆疊持續發展完備,助力AMD Instinct MI300X加速器為當今最熱門的大型語言模型(LLM)挹注卓越效能。在一部配備8個AMD Instinct MI300X加速器與ROCm 6軟體並運行Meta Llama-3 70B模型的伺服器,客戶可獲得相較競爭對手產品提升1.3倍的推論效能以及token生成吞吐量註2。而憑藉單一AMD Instinct MI300X加速器與ROCm 6軟體,在運行Mistral-7B模型時,客戶可獲得相較競爭對手產品提升1.2倍的推論效能以及token生成吞吐量註3。AMD亦披露最大型且最受歡迎的AI模型儲存庫Hugging Face目前每晚測試70萬個最熱門的模型,確保它們能在AMD Instinct MI300X加速器上直接運行。此外,AMD持續拓展與上游領域的合作,包括PyTorch、TensorFlow以及JAX等熱門AI框架。   AMD預覽新款加速器並公佈年度進程藍圖          AMD在主題演講中揭示AMD Instinct加速器藍圖的年度進程,因應各界對運行更多AI運算的爆發需求。這也將確保AMD Instinct加速器推動新一代前沿AI模型的開發。更新後AMD Instinct年度藍圖的重點包括: ·         全新AMD Instinct MI325X加速器將配備288 GB的HBM3E記憶體以及每秒6 terabytes的記憶體頻寬,沿用和AMD Instinct MI300系列相同的產業標準Universal Baseboard伺服器設計,預計將於2024年第4季問市。這款加速器將擁有領先業界的記憶體容量與頻寬,分別比對手高2倍與1.3倍註4,運算效能則是比對手高1.3倍註5。 ·         AMD Instinct MI350系列中率先推出的是AMD Instinct MI350X加速器,採用AMD CDNA 4架構打造,預計在2025年上市。新品將沿用和MI300系列加速器相同的產業標準Universal Baseboard伺服器設計,採用先進3奈米製程技術,支援FP4與FP6 AI資料類型,並配備288 GB的HBM3E記憶體。 ·         AMD CDNA “Next”架構將打造AMD Instinct MI400系列加速器,預計在2026年上市,將提供眾多最新特色與功能,協助為推論與大規模AI訓練挹注額外效能與效率。   AMD強調各界對AMD Instinct MI300X加速器的需求持續成長,眾多合作夥伴與客戶運用加速器運行其要求嚴苛的AI工作負載,其中包括: ·         Microsoft Azure運用加速器運行Azure OpenAI服務以及新推出的Azure ND MI300X V5虛擬機器。 ·         戴爾科技集團運用MI300X加速器打造PowerEdge XE9680運行企業AI工作負載。 ·         美超微(Supermicro)推出多款採用AMD Instinct加速器的解決方案。 ·         聯想推出ThinkSystem SR685a V3為混合型AI創新挹注動能。 ·         HPE運用加速器打造HPE Cray XD675,加速AI工作負載。   歡迎至AMD官網瀏覽AMD在COMPUTEX發表的AI消息,以及前往AMD YouTube專頁觀看主題演講重播。   相關資源 ·         LinkedIn:於AMD LinkedIn追蹤AMD新訊 ·         X:於@AMD追蹤AMD新訊   關於AMD 50多年來,AMD(NASDAQ:AMD)推動創新高效能運算、繪圖及視覺技術。全球數十億的消費者、世界500強企業以及尖端科學研究機構皆仰賴AMD的技術來改善生活、工作及娛樂。AMD員工致力於研發領先的高效能與自行調適產品,不斷突破技術的極限。欲瞭解AMD如何成就今天,啟發未來,請瀏覽AMD網站、部落格、LinkedIn及X。   ©2024年,AMD公司版權所有。AMD、AMD箭頭、AMD Instinct、AMD CDNA、ROCm及上述名稱的組合是AMD公司的商標。其他產品名稱只為提供資訊為目的,也可能是各自所有者的商標。

文章來源 : 世紀奧美 發表時間 : 瀏覽次數 : 4046 加入收藏 :
Fortrea Completes Divestiture of Endpoint Clinical and Patient Access Businesses to Arsenal Capital Partners

DURHAM, N.C., June 04, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Fortrea (Nasdaq: FTRE) a leading global contract research organization (“CRO”), today announced it has completed the divestiture of assets relating to its Enabling Services segment, namely its Endpoint Clinical (“Endpoint”) and Fortrea Patient Access (“FPA”) businesses, to Arsenal Capital Partners (“Arsenal”), a leading private equity firm specializing in building market-leading, technology-rich healthcare and industrial growth companies. Endpoint and FPA provide best-in-class Randomization and Trial Supply Management (RTSM) and patient access solutions respectively. They both represent strategically differentiated entry points within the pharmaceutical services value chain, where Arsenal holds significant domain, scientific and technical knowledge. Arsenal has appointed Sam Osman, former president of Fortrea’s Enabling Services segment, to serve as chief executive officer of the new entities, and Raymond (“Ray”) H. Hill, an operating partner within Arsenal’s healthcare team, will serve as chairman of the board. “Endpoint and FPA are distinctly positioned to support the patient journey across clinical trials and through access to novel therapeutics after approval,” said Sam Osman, chief executive officer of Endpoint and FPA. “With Arsenal as our partner, I am confident that both our businesses and our teams will benefit from accelerated growth opportunities as well as investment and executive focus, resulting in enhanced capabilities and solutions for customers.” “The successful closing of this transaction is a testament to the caliber of the teams involved, who have planned a smooth transition for colleagues, customers and the patients we serve,” said Fortrea Chairman and CEO Tom Pike. “This transaction enables both organizations to focus their leadership and resources on delivering optimal solutions for our customers. As previously disclosed, the net proceeds from this divestiture will be used to reduce a portion of Fortrea’s overall debt structure. As a pure-play clinical CRO, Fortrea remains committed to our mission of delivering solutions that bring life-changing treatments to patients faster.” Ray Hill, an operating partner of Arsenal and chairman of the board for Endpoint and FPA, said, “I am incredibly excited to be a part of Endpoint and FPA’s next chapter. I look forward to working with the management team in building a strategically important company that provides data-driven solutions for patients.” Endpoint ClinicalEndpoint operates in the high growth eClinical market as a leading provider of Randomization and Trial Supply Management (RTSM) solutions to biopharmaceutical and CRO customers with expertise in serving complex and late-stage clinical trials. For more than 15 years, Endpoint has had a successful track record of effectively supporting more than 1,750 clinical trials involving 875,000 patients across 90 countries and has cultivated a blue-chip customer base and nurtured long-standing strategic relationships. Fortrea Patient AccessFortrea Patient Access is a scaled leader in the HUB services and patient access market, serving the biopharmaceutical industry with comprehensive patient support, product access, affordability and adherence solutions for more than 30 years. Further advanced by its recently expanded non-commercial specialty pharmacy, FortreaRx™, to support enhanced distribution of cold-chain and ambient free goods products, Fortrea Patient Access is committed to driving patient outcomes and improving healthcare accessibility through its extensive experience while currently supporting more than 2.5 million patients and over 100 unique brands across more than 25 disease indications. About Arsenal Capital PartnersArsenal Capital Partners is a leading private equity investment firm that specializes in building market-leading industrial growth and healthcare companies. Since its inception in 2000, Arsenal has raised institutional equity investment funds totaling over $10 billion, completed more than 300 platform and add-on acquisitions, and achieved more than 35 realizations. The firm works with management teams to build strategically important companies with leading market positions, high growth and high value-add.  For more information, visit www.arsenalcapital.com. About FortreaFortrea (Nasdaq: FTRE) is a leading global provider of clinical development solutions to the life sciences industry. We partner with emerging and large biopharmaceutical, biotechnology, medical device and diagnostic companies to drive healthcare innovation that accelerates life changing therapies to patients. Fortrea provides phase I-IV clinical trial management, clinical pharmacology and consulting services. Fortrea’s solutions leverage three decades of experience spanning more than 20 therapeutic areas, a passion for scientific rigor, exceptional insights and a strong investigator site network. Our talented and diverse team working in more than 90 countries is scaled to deliver focused and agile solutions to customers globally. Learn more about how Fortrea is becoming a transformative force from pipeline to patient at Fortrea.com and follow us on LinkedIn and X (formerly Twitter). Cautionary Statement Regarding Forward-Looking Statements This press release contains “forward-looking statements” within the meaning of the federal securities laws, including Section 27A of the Securities Act and Section 21E of the Exchange Act. Forward-looking statements by their nature address matters that are, to different degrees, uncertain, including the timing of the use of net proceeds to repay a portion of the Company’s outstanding debt. In this context, forward-looking statements often address expected future business and financial performance and financial condition, and often contain words such as “guidance,” “expect,” “assume,” “anticipate,” “intend,” “plan,” “forecast,” “believe,” “seek,” “see,” “will,” “would,” “target,” similar expressions, and variations or negatives of these words that are intended to identify forward-looking statements, although not all forward-looking statements contain these identifying words. Actual results could differ materially from these forward-looking statements due to a number of factors, including, but not limited to factors described from time to time in documents that the Company files with the SEC. For a further discussion of the risks relating to the Company’s business, see the “Risk Factors” Section of the Company’s Annual Report on Form 10-K, as filed with the Securities and Exchange Commission (the "SEC"), as such risk factors may be amended or updated from time to time in the Company’s subsequent periodic and other filings with the SEC, which are accessible on the SEC’s website at www.sec.gov. These factors should not be construed as exhaustive and should be read in conjunction with the other cautionary statements that are included or incorporated by reference in the Company’s filings with the SEC. All forward-looking statements are made only as of the date of this release, and the Company does not undertake any obligation, other than as may be required by law, to update or revise any forward-looking statements to reflect future events or developments. Fortrea Contacts:Hima Inguva (Investors) – 877-495-0816, hima.inguva@fortrea.comSue Zaranek (Media) – 919-943-5422, media@fortrea.comKate Dillon (Media) – 646-818-9115, kdillon@prosek.com Arsenal Contact: Ellen Pavlovsky – epavlovsky@arsenalcapital.com           

文章來源 : Notified 發表時間 : 瀏覽次數 : 355 加入收藏 :
2025 年 2 月 20 日 (星期四) 農曆正月廿三日
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