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符合「Googlecloud」新聞搜尋結果, 共 9 篇 ,以下為 1 - 9 篇 訂閱此列表,掌握最新動態

【2024年11月28日】伊雲谷集團(6689)旗下子公司雲動力資訊在本月20日與香港工業總會(FHKI)在香港Google辦公室聯合舉辦GCP AI研討會,吸引近百位會員踴躍參與,共同探索AI技術如何為企業帶來革新動能,提升營運效率。 香港工業總會第31組主席Alan Cheung於開場致詞時表示,AI技術發展一日千里,很榮幸能在具備先進AI服務的香港Google Office舉辦此次研討會。雲動力資訊也在會中分享公司如何在短期內躍升為Google Cloud Premier Partner,歸功於團隊在GCP技術的深厚實力,以全家便利商店社群服務平台「Fa現」為例,展示雲動力資訊如何整合雲端、AI與程式開發服務,打造成功典範。 本研討會中,Google Cloudu原廠也特別為現場貴賓,準備豐富且前瞻的AI解決方案進行現場演示。透過即時線上運算,展示GCP AI在圖片生成與智慧圖像搜尋等前沿領域的卓越技術,令與會者嘖嘖稱奇。GCP平台上的AI模型園地(Model Garden)目前擁有超過150個專精於不同功能領域的模型,其中近百個模型來自於Google原生開發,包含企業最常用的語音轉文字、文字生成語音、文字生成圖片、文字生成動畫影像等,也開放提供第三方AI服務商的應用,展現出Google對於推進AI技術發展的重點策略和決心。 雲動力資訊也特別邀請了旗下代理的AI 服務產品 ⌈Argon企業AI夥伴⌉ 的開發原廠創智動能來詳述其在各產業的創新應用。作為開箱即用的一個AI解決方案,Argon可有效為企業快速導入AI應用,並帶領企業理解企業數據治理,以及數據知識庫建置的完整流程,將數據轉化為企業可真實落地應用的寶貴資產。特別值得一提的是,Argon除了基礎的AI助理或客服功能之外,也成功整合物聯網(IoT)技術,打造具備大語言模型(LLM)能力的全新AIoT服務,充分展現技術實力與前瞻視野。 雲動力資訊深耕GCP技術之餘,持續拓展AI技術領域產品,透過Argon的多元發展,結合智能化與物聯網服務,提供各式產業AI解決方案,並積極布局大中華地區,不僅為區域企業提供完整的GCP服務,更能量身打造優質的AI解決方案,成為企業邁向國際市場的堅實後盾。

文章來源 : 雲動力資訊股份有限公司 發表時間 : 瀏覽次數 : 4729 加入收藏 :
Cake digital bank launches its fully cloud-based card management system using Visa solutions, making the first deployment in Vietnam

HO CHI MINH CITY, VIETNAM - Media OutReach Newswire - 13 November 2024 - Cake by VPBank (Cake), Vietnam's largest digital bank by user base, revenue and products varieties, announced the launch of its first fully cloud-based Card Management System (CMS) in collaboration with Visa. The new cloud-based CMS utilizes Visa Cloud Connect on Google Cloud (GC) infrastructure as its access model to the Visa network. This innovative solution is the first of its kind in Vietnam and is now available on Cake's platform, significantly advancing payment processing modernization. Leaders of Cake, Visa, and Google Cloud in Vietnam at the launch of Cake's full cloud-based card management system. Visa Cloud Connect allows financial institutions to securely connect to the Visa network via participating cloud-based infrastructure, simplifying and accelerating access to Visa's global payment network. This benefits a wide range of businesses, from early-stage fintechs and traditional clients, to cloud-native enterprises, looking for faster time-to-market, infrastructure modernization or business expansion, regardless of their existing connections to the Visa network. Cake is Visa's first banking partner to successfully implement a full cloud-based card management system on Google Cloud. Businesses using Cake's platform benefit from Visa Cloud Connect's enhanced operational capabilities, such as reduced data center overheads and costs. It promotes operations-driven sustainability and scalability to meet demand and adaptability for future payment innovations and growth. Visa Cloud Connect supports all card and transaction types, is available globally, and maintains the highest levels of security and control. Ms. Dung Dang, Visa Country Manager for Vietnam and Laos, said: "This collaboration empowers Vietnamese businesses with advanced technologies essential for thriving in today's digital economy. A cloud-based solution enhances operational efficiency and promotes cashless payments, aligning with our vision for a digital future in Vietnam. It underscores Visa's commitment to supporting fintech innovation and financial inclusion in the region." Cake is the first issuing bank globally to have implemented Visa Cloud Connect on Google Cloud Infrastructure. Cake's proprietary payment processing platform built on modern architecture domain oriented microservices, event-driven architecture, taking advantage of GC unique offerings such as GKE Enterprise, Spanner, Pub/Sub and BigQuery. Recently, Cake launched Vietnam's first disposable virtual debit card on this new platform, with additional debit and credit card products forthcoming. Mr. Tu The Hien, Chief Technology Officer at Cake by VPBank, added: "Technology is the backbone of Cake's rapid growth. This collaboration integrates Visa's payment expertise, Cake's innovative DNA and GC's secure and scalable infrastructure to deliver a seamless payment experience and operational efficiency. It reaffirms our ability to work with leading global organizations to provide comprehensive financial solutions with excellent customer experiences, true to our 'Easy as Cake' motto." Hashtag: #VisaCloudConnect #Cake #GoogleCloud #CardManagementSystemhttps://www.visa.com.vnhttps://www.linkedin.com/company/visahttps://www.facebook.com/visavnThe issuer is solely responsible for the content of this announcement.About VisaVisa (NYSE: V) is a world leader in digital payments, facilitating transactions between consumers, merchants, financial institutions and government entities across more than 200 countries and territories. Our mission is to connect the world through the most innovative, convenient, reliable and secure payments network, enabling individuals, businesses and economies to thrive. We believe that economies that include everyone everywhere, uplift everyone everywhere and see access as foundational to the future of money movement. Learn more at Visa.com. About Cake digital bankCake by VPBank digital bank (Cake) launched in January 2021 in Vietnam. Cake is only-digital bank that applies AI in the entire banking process with the orientation of "Next GenAI Bank". As of September 2024, Cake digital bank serves more than 4.6 million customers and provides a full range of personal financial services of the banking sector, including: bank transfer, payment, savings, investment, consumer loans, BNPL, credit cards, etc. In Vietnam, Cake is the only-digital bank that meets the ISO/IEC 30107-3 standard for facial biometrics, Cake also meets the highest standard for payment card data security - PCI DSS 4.0 level 1. In 2024, The Asian Banker recognized Cake as the "Best AI Technology Implementation". At the same time, Euromoney also voted Cake as "Rising Star 2024". For more information: www.cake.vn

文章來源 : Media OutReach Limited 發表時間 : 瀏覽次數 : 390 加入收藏 :

( 2024 年 11 月 1日 )在當前競爭激烈的零售市場中,各大企業面臨諸多挑戰,包括購買渠道多元、商品種類繁雜、利潤空間縮減、庫存積壓等問題。為應對這些挑戰,伊雲谷集團(6689)旗下子公司雲動力資訊攜手全家便利商店(5903),開發台灣首創的便利商店會員內容社群平台「Fa現」,並在全家便利商店的會員App中運用Google Cloud AI技術,為零售業帶來創新解決方案。 「Fa現」是一個創新的內容社群平台,服務超過1800萬全家會員。會員可自由分享全家便利商店的熱門商品,並彼此互動和推薦商品,平台不僅可加深會員黏著度,還能讓會員快速發現感興趣的商品資訊,透過消費者自主分享的模式提升商品曝光度,更可達到會員口碑推薦的擴散性。 同時,雲動力資訊協助全家便利商店導入各式Google AI技術,顯著提升會員APP效率,包括運用GCP零售AI推薦系統、整合AI驅動的搜尋引擎實現多渠道銷售、強化無縫購物體驗,以及通過Big Query分析歷史銷售數據,獲取顧客消費行為洞察,為零售業的諸多難題帶來解決方案。 作為GCP Premier Partner,雲動力資訊在GCP領域積累了豐富的經驗。公司持續學習最新GCP技術與知識,並協助客戶導入最新AI應用技術,助力客戶發展全面的智慧零售生態系統。透過這些創新方案和技術應用,幫助全家便利商店提升消費者黏著度和購物體驗,還有效解決了會員APP數位應用的多項挑戰,開創了零售業的新格局。  

文章來源 : 雲動力資訊股份有限公司 發表時間 : 瀏覽次數 : 2587 加入收藏 :
趨勢科技獲得Google Cloud Ready – Regulated & Sovereignty Solutions認證

擴大合作推動市場成長、開創全新商機香港 - Media OutReach Newswire - 2024年10月18日 - 全球網絡保安方案領導廠商趨勢科技(東京證券交易所股票代碼:4704 ) 宣佈,Trend Vision One™ – Sovereign and Private Cloud(SPC)已通過Google Cloud Ready - Regulated & Sovereignty Solutions認證,彰顯及強化該產品推動創新、為市場提供更優質解決方案的願景。 趨勢科技營運長Kevin Simzer表示:「趨勢科技與Google Cloud皆承載創新思維,作為Google Cloud Ready合作夥伴,我們致力為客戶在雲端、駐場,或介乎兩者之間的環境中提供充份彈性。在這令人振奮的時刻,我們運用人工智能的威力持續為世界各地的客戶服務、朝著保護數碼世界的使命邁進。」 Trend Vision One SPC現已通過Google Cloud Ready - Regulated & Sovereignty Solutions認證,此認證專為今日受高度監管產業中越來越多必須遵守嚴格資料主權規範的企業而設計,更可協助機構擴展客戶群。這些商機延續趨勢科技與 Google Cloud長期以來的各項合作,包括: Google Workspace防護:Trend Micro Cloud App Security在Google Workspace Marketplace上已累積400萬次下載 流動裝置防護:Trend Micro Mobile Security for Android Trend Vision One™已於 2023 年在 Google Cloud Marketplace 上架 美國南卡羅萊納州哥倫比亞市資深網絡安全分析師Luke Mason表示:「像我們這樣採用小巧靈活團隊合作模式來運作的機構,將資訊保安管理簡化成單一且全方位視野來檢視,能讓我們更有效率地分析所有的網域並優先處理漏洞問題,令我們能夠更有效分配資源,解決最迫切的資訊保安需求,最終也將更有效地保護我們的城市。」 Hashtag: #trendmicro #trendvisionone #visionone #cybersecurity #googlecloud #googlecloudready #SPC #trendvisiononespc #visiononespchttps://www.linkedin.com/in/trend-micro-hong-kong-96353768/https://twitter.com/TrendKonhttps://www.facebook.com/TrendMicroLimited發佈者對本公告的內容承擔全部責任關於趨勢科技趨勢科技為網絡資訊保安方案全球領導廠商,致力建立一個安全的數碼資訊交換世界。憑著數十年的資訊保安專業經驗、全球威脅情報與持續不斷的創新,趨勢科技跨雲端、網絡、裝置及用戶端、透過人工智能驅動的網絡資訊保安平台隨時守護著全球數十萬家企業機構及數百萬用戶。作為雲端及企業網絡資訊保安領導廠商,趨勢科技的平台提供了各種強大的進階威脅防禦技術,專為如 AWS、Microsoft 及 Google 的環境提供最佳化、中央化視野及更快更有效的偵測與回應威脅。趨勢科技共有 7000 多名員工,遍布全球 70 個國家及地區,協助企業機構保護其連網世界。www.trendmicro.com.hk

文章來源 : Media OutReach Limited 發表時間 : 瀏覽次數 : 1476 加入收藏 :
Trend Micro Achieves Google Cloud Ready - Regulated & Sovereignty Solutions Designation

Expanded collaboration to accelerate market growth and unleash new opportunitiesHONG KONG SAR - Media OutReach Newswire - 18 October 2024 - Trend Micro Incorporated (TYO: 4704; TSE: 4704), a global cybersecurity leader, today announced that Trend Vision One™ – Sovereign and Private Cloud (SPC) has achieved Google Cloud Ready - Regulated & Sovereignty Solutions status, further strengthening its vision for driving innovation and delivering enhanced solutions to the market. Kevin Simzer, COO at Trend: "Trend Micro and Google Cloud are two companies with innovation in their blood. As a Google Cloud Ready partner, we're dedicated to bringing unmatched flexibility to our customers—whether in the cloud, on-premises or somewhere in between. These are exciting times as we harness the power of AI and continue our mission to secure the digital world, wherever our customers choose to be." With Trend Vision One SPC now achieving Google Cloud Ready - Regulated & Sovereignty Solutions status, it is designed for the growing number of organizations in highly regulated industries with strict data sovereignty requirements. This will further help to expand customer reach. These opportunities continue Trend's ongoing collaboration with Google Cloud, which includes: Google Workspace protection: Trend Micro Cloud App Security has 4 million downloads on Google Workspace Marketplace Mobile protection via Trend Micro Mobile Security for Android Availability on Google Cloud Marketplace: Trend Vision One™ was listed on Google Cloud Marketplace in 2023 Luke Mason, senior cybersecurity analyst at the City of Columbia, South Carolina: "Organizations like us tend to work with a small and nimble team. By streamlining our security management into a single, comprehensive view, we can assess our domains and prioritize vulnerabilities with better efficiency. This has allowed us to allocate our resources better, address our most critical security needs, and ultimately, protect our city more effectively." Hashtag: #trendmicro #trendvisionone #visionone #cybersecurity #googlecloud #googlecloudready #SPC #trendvisiononespc #visiononespchttps://www.trendmicro.comhttps://www.linkedin.com/in/trend-micro-hong-kong-96353768/https://twitter.com/TrendKonhttps://www.facebook.com/TrendMicroLimitedThe issuer is solely responsible for the content of this announcement.Trend MicroTrend Micro, a global cybersecurity leader, helps make the world safe for exchanging digital information. Fueled by decades of security expertise, global threat research, and continuous innovation, Trend Micro's AI-powered cybersecurity platform protects hundreds of thousands of organizations and millions of individuals across clouds, networks, devices, and endpoints. As a leader in cloud and enterprise cybersecurity, Trend's platform delivers a powerful range of advanced threat defense techniques optimized for environments like AWS, Microsoft, and Google, and central visibility for better, faster detection and response. With 7,000 employees across 70 countries, Trend Micro enables organizations to simplify and secure their connected world. www.TrendMicro.com.hk

文章來源 : Media OutReach Limited 發表時間 : 瀏覽次數 : 324 加入收藏 :
Neo4j Partners with Google Cloud to Launch New GraphRAG Capabilities for GenAI Applications

New native integrations combined with Neo4j knowledge graphs speed GenAI development and improve deployment success rates SAN MATEO, Calif., April 9, 2024 /PRNewswire/ -- Neo4j®, the world's leading graph database and analytics company, announced new native integrations with Google Cloud that dramatically speed up Generative AI application development and deployment across several crucial stages. The results solve a problem for enterprises that struggle with complexity and hallucinations when building and deploying successful GenAI applications requiring real-time, contextually rich data and accurate, explainable results. The integrations are available now. A common reference architecture for Generative AI applications with knowledge graphs using Google Cloud VertexAI, Gemini, and Neo4j.   Knowledge graphs capture relationships between entities, ground LLMs in facts, and enable LLMs to reason, infer, and retrieve relevant information accurately and effectively. According to Gartner®, "Data and analytics leaders must leverage the power of large language models (LLMs) with the robustness of knowledge graphs for fault-tolerant AI applications," in Gartner's November 2023 report AI Design Patterns for Knowledge Graphs and Generative AI.  Retrieval Augmented Generation (RAG) is the technique by which LLMs access external datasets. Combining knowledge graphs with RAG, known as GraphRAG, ensures that GenAI outcomes are accurate, explainable, and transparent, including with real-time data. GraphRAG with Google Cloud: capabilities and benefits Developers can easily apply GraphRAG techniques with knowledge graphs to ground LLMs for accuracy, context, and explainability, enhancing GenAI innovation. Specifically, they can: Quickly create knowledge graphs for accurate, explainable results. Developers can easily create knowledge graphs with Gemini models, Google Cloud VertexAI, LangChain, and Neo4j from unstructured data like PDFs, web pages, and documents – either directly or loaded from Google Cloud Storage buckets. Ingest, process, and analyze real-time data in seconds. Developers can use Flex templates in Dataflow to create repeatable, secure data pipelines that ingest, process, and analyze data across Google BigQuery, Google Cloud Storage, and Neo4j—supplying knowledge graphs with real-time information and enabling GenAI applications to provide relevant, timely insights. Build GenAI applications powered by knowledge graphs on Google Cloud. Customers can use Gemini for Google Workspace and Reasoning Engine from Vertex AI platform to easily deploy, monitor, and scale GenAI apps and APIs onto Google Cloud Run. Gemini models are trained on Neo4j's training data to automatically turn any language code snippets to Neo4j's Cypher query language. The result makes application development faster, easier, and more collaborative by integrating natural language understanding and generation capabilities within various applications and environments. Developers can also use Cypher with any Integrated Development Environment (IDE) supported by Gemini models for more efficient querying and visualization of graph data. Neo4j's vector search, GraphRAG, and conversational memory capabilities integrate seamlessly through LangChain and Neo4j AuraDB with Google Cloud. A history of innovation: additional partnership milestones Regulated customers will be able to meet strict data residency, security, and regulatory requirements in Google Distribution Cloud (GDC) Hosted, which became generally available in March. GDC is an air-gapped private cloud infrastructure and edge environment designed specifically for public sector organizations and regulated enterprises. Neo4j is the preferred launch partner for GDC to provide Graph Database and Analytics capabilities. Customers can also run in-memory graph analysis of complex hidden data patterns using Neo4j's catalog of 70+ graph data science functions directly on BigQuery data and from BigQuery SQL using Apache Spark Stored Procedures. In addition, Neo4j this month won Google Cloud's Technology Partner of the Year in the Data Management category for the second year in a row. Neo4j in 2023 was the only native graph vendor to launch native product integrations with GenAI features in Google Cloud Vertex AI platform. Neo4j launched its strategic partnership with Google Cloud in 2019. Neo4j also integrated native vector capabilities into its core graph database last year, enabling it to serve as long-term memory for LLMs. Supporting quotes Jeff Dalgliesh, Chief Technology Officer, Data² "Data² uses generative AI and knowledge graphs to enable organizations to maximize the potential of their data. Today's announcement of Neo4j's new native integrations with Google Cloud, particularly the ability to enhance GenAI applications with Neo4j knowledge graphs, marks an exciting step forward for the industry. With Neo4j's GraphRAG approach and Google Cloud's robust infrastructure, we will be able to deliver even more powerful, explainable AI insights to our clients, helping them make critical decisions with confidence and speed." Moheesh Raj, Senior Engineering Manager, Dun & Bradstreet "At Dun & Bradstreet, we're committed to helping companies leverage data and analytical insights to take more intelligent actions that deliver a competitive edge. Today's announcement opens up exciting new possibilities for us to further streamline and accelerate our compliance services, setting a new standard for data-driven due diligence in the industry." Ritika Suri, Director of Technology Partnerships, Google Cloud "Generative AI can significantly increase the value customers get from critical business data. By utilizing Google Cloud's Gemini models and Vertex AI, Neo4j can increase the speed and accuracy of generative AI application development." Sudhir Hasbe, Chief Product Officer, Neo4j "GraphRAG with Neo4j and Google Cloud enables enterprises to move from GenAI development to deployment much faster and see value from their production use cases. Our latest milestone combines the power of graph technology, GenAI, and cloud computing excellence, enabling enterprises to achieve better results faster from their connected data, and innovate with GenAI." These capabilities are available now.  For more information, read our blog post. GARTNER is a registered trademark and service mark of Gartner, Inc. and/or its affiliates in the U.S. and internationally and is used herein with permission. All rights reserved. About Neo4j Neo4j, the Graph Database & Analytics leader, helps organizations find hidden relationships and patterns across billions of data connections deeply, easily and quickly. Customers leverage the structure of their connected data to reveal new ways of solving their most pressing business problems, from fraud detection, customer 360, knowledge graphs, supply chain, personalization, IoT, network management, and more – even as their data grows. Neo4j's full graph stack delivers powerful native graph storage with native vector search capability, data science, advanced analytics, and visualization, with enterprise-grade security controls, scalable architecture and ACID compliance. Neo4j's dynamic open-source community brings together over 250,000 developers, data scientists, and architects across hundreds of Fortune 500 companies, government agencies and NGOs. Visit neo4j.com. Contact:pr@neo4j.comneo4j.com/pr ©2024 Neo4j, Inc., Neo Technology®, Neo4j®, Cypher®, Neo4j Bloom™, Neo4j Graph Data Science Library™, Neo4j® Aura™, and Neo4j® AuraDB™ are registered trademarks or a trademark of Neo4j, Inc. All other marks are owned by their respective companies. Neo4j Partners with Google Cloud to Launch New GraphRAG Capabilities for GenAI Applications    

文章來源 : PR Newswire 美通社 發表時間 : 瀏覽次數 : 416 加入收藏 :
2025 年 2 月 16 日 (星期日) 農曆正月十九日
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