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符合「Ethernet Switch」新聞搜尋結果, 共 9 篇 ,以下為 1 - 9 篇 訂閱此列表,掌握最新動態
台灣產業奧斯卡榮耀之光 昇頻工業級物聯網交換器榮獲2025台灣精品獎

昇頻以頂尖設計與自主研發的「工業級長距離PoE智慧供電物聯網交換器708EPI-DC」榮獲「第33屆台灣精品獎」,譽為台灣產業界的奧斯卡。此殊榮不僅肯定昇頻在AIoT智慧連結解決方案的創新量能,也彰顯昇頻在智慧城市和工業物聯網領域的品牌標竿,展現持續追求卓越的承諾。 精湛設計、優異效能、創新價值的極致呈現 昇頻708EPI-DC專為智慧城市和廣域AIoT物聯網連接應用量身打造,具備「工規寬溫節能」、「長距離PoE供電達800公尺」及「智能遠端管理」的獨特優勢,為智慧化數位轉型提供高效經濟與因地制宜的全方位解決方案。在今年的台灣精品獎評選之中,歷經百餘位專家學者從研發、設計、品質、行銷和台灣產製五大構面進行嚴選,「昇頻708EPI-DC」憑藉其卓越的創新價值,由近千件的參選產品中脫穎而出,成為台灣產業創新典範。 800公尺長距離PoE 突破供電與距離限制挑戰 昇頻708EPI-DC是一款集工業級寬溫運作、無風扇精巧設計於一身的網路交換器,提供精巧輕量、強固耐用和便捷安裝的特性,適應-40至+75°C的嚴苛極端環境。其技術打破傳統乙太網路100公尺的傳輸瓶頸,將數據與電力傳輸距離延伸至800公尺,針對隧道、水壩和鐵軌等缺乏電力或不易布建光纖的場域提供優化解決方案。藉由現有UTP電纜,實現同步傳輸資料與電力,減少光纖布建與電力施工的成本與時間,透過LFPT功能,快速即時遠端控管,提升維運效率,為智慧交通、安防監控及能源管理等領域帶來更多效益。 領先市場的全系列智慧聯網交換器解決方案 昇頻708EPI-DC的創新認可,充分展現了昇頻在智慧連網解決方案中的領導地位,更印證了昇頻全系列網路交換器在高穩定性、可靠性能與精密設計上的競爭實力。作為CT通訊聯網的核心角色,專注於IIoT和AIoT智慧科技,賦予高可靠、安全性與優質化的產品與服務,致力於為全球智慧城市與工業物聯網應用提供靈活多樣的智慧連結方案,推動工業物聯網生態價值鏈的發展,共創永續美好的未來藍圖。 欲了解更多全系列網路交換器產品資訊,歡迎前往如下連結選購。 昇頻全系列網路交換器連接解決方案 https://www.proscend.com/zh-TW/category/Industrial-Ethernet-Switch.html     關於昇頻(PROSCEND) 昇頻創立於1999年,賦能工業物聯智慧連結之領先企業,締造5G、AIoT創新應用領導標竿。為卓越而生,致力精益求精,專注創造與眾不同,引領無限未來。秉持敏捷精實與用心真誠服務,全球銷售超過60個國家,為值得信賴的合作夥伴,堅持最嚴謹高品質工規研發設計,提供最頂尖強固可靠的工業級網通設備與最適化的物聯網管理平台,賦予最佳化高效智能解決方案,成就多元商業轉型與垂直場域應用,共創智慧城市、智慧交通、智慧能源、智慧零售、智慧工廠和智慧醫療等生態價值鏈之綜效,打造宜居城市、便捷交通、安全環境、美好生活與永續世界,促進共生、共榮、共好願景。   聯絡昇頻(PROSCEND) 昇頻股份有限公司 Proscend Communications Inc. 地址: 300093新竹市工業東四路36號2樓(新竹科學園區) 電話: +886-3-5639000 E-mail: sales@proscend.com 網站: https://www.proscend.com/    

文章來源 : 昇頻股份有限公司 發表時間 : 瀏覽次數 : 4882 加入收藏 :
ORing Pioneers the Industry with the Release of its First Industrial SPE Switch

TAIPEI, Aug. 5, 2024 /PRNewswire/ -- Leading industrial networking solution provider ORing announced the launch of its groundbreaking industrial SPE (Single-Pair Ethernet) switch, marking a significant advancement in Ethernet technology. With the ability to transmit data at 10Mbps over a distance of 1000 meters, ten times longer than conventional Ethernet networks, and support for Power over Ethernet, the switch is expected to drive innovative industrial IoT applications. SPE is an Ethernet networking technology that transmits data at speeds ranging from 10Mbit to 1Gbit using only one pair of wires. Compared to traditional Ethernet systems with two or four pairs, SPE offers multiple advantages. By utilizing thinner cable wires, it reduces space requirements and simplifies installation. Every 100 meters of cabling reduces weight by 1.6 kilograms, making installation operations more convenient. Moreover, the simplified installation process not only saves material and labor costs during the construction of new factories but also facilitates the integration of on-site devices and sensors into existing network environments without additional gateways or interface converters. Furthermore, SPE supports longer cable lengths, making it applicable in various scenarios including building automation, autonomous vehicles, elevator control, production line control, robotic arms, motor control, sensor connectivity, and legacy network upgrades. ORing's newly launched ITPS-141TX-T1L industrial-grade SPE switch is a revolutionary product that effectively meets the evolving connectivity needs of the industry. This product complies with the IEEE 802.3cg 10Base-T1L, enabling transmission distances of up to 1 kilometer at 10Mbps transmission rates. It is particularly suitable for industrial environments requiring long-distance, low-speed data transmission, such as control and sensor data transmission, making it an excellent choice for various industrial IoT applications. In addition, this switch supports full-duplex communication and point-to-point network topologies, which ensures simultaneous data transmission and reception between connected devices, thereby reducing latency, improving throughput, and enhancing network security and efficiency. Through the IEEE 802.3bu PoDL (Power over Data Lines) standard, each port can output up to 30 watts of power, providing highly efficient network power supply capabilities. As this innovative switch can easily integrate with existing Ethernet network devices, customers can leverage existing investments while reducing the complexity and cost of cabling. CONTACT:info@oringnet.com 

文章來源 : PR Newswire 美通社 發表時間 : 瀏覽次數 : 272 加入收藏 :
Mouser Electronics New Product Insider: Over 10,000 New Parts Added in Second Quarter of 2024

SHANGHAI, July 12, 2024 /PRNewswire/ -- As a global authorized distributor, Mouser Electronics, Inc. is focused on the rapid introduction of new products and technologies, giving its customers an edge and helping speed time to market from design chain to supply chain™. Over 1,200 semiconductor and electronic component manufacturer brands count on Mouser to help them introduce their products into the global marketplace. Mouser's customers can expect 100% certified, genuine products that are fully traceable from each manufacturer. Last quarter, Mouser launched over 10,000 products ready for shipment, with more than 5,000 introduced in May alone. Some of the products introduced by Mouser from April through June include: TDK InvenSense DK-UNIVERSAL-I SmartMotion Development KitThe TDK SmartMotion DK-UNIVERSAL-I is a comprehensive development system for TDK InvenSense Motion Sensor devices. The platform is based on a Microchip Technology SAM G55 microcontroller and integrates an on-board embedded debugger. ams OSRAM OSCONIQ® P3737 High-Power LEDsThe OSCONIQ P3737 high-power LEDs from ams OSRAM are ideal for agriculture and horticulture but are also well-suited for indoor, outdoor and industrial lighting. This series features a compact 3.7mm2 footprint, enabling high-density clustering and is designed to withstand harsh environments. Texas Instruments TMAG6181-Q1 Angle SensorThe AEC-Q100 qualified TI MAG6181-Q1 angle sensor is based on anisotropic magnetoresistive (AMR) technology. This sensor features two independent Hall sensors at the X and Y axes to track rotations and an integrated turn counter. The device is designed for automotive applications such as encoder position sensing, servo drive position sensing, EPS motor position sensing, and EPS handwheel angle sensing in EVs/HEVs, e-bikes and more. Teltonika TSW202 Managed PoE+ Ethernet SwitchThe TSW202 managed Ethernet switch from Teltonika features two high-performance SFP ports for long-range fiber optic communication and 8 Gigabit Ethernet ports. The TSW202 delivers 30 watts of power per port, eliminating the need for separate power cables, simplifying installations and reducing cable clutter. The TSW202 PoE+ switch is used in industrial automation, data centers, telecommunications, warehouses, and logistics. To see more New Product Insider highlights, visit https://info.mouser.com/new_products/. For more information, visit https://www.mouser.com/.  

文章來源 : PR Newswire 美通社 發表時間 : 瀏覽次數 : 384 加入收藏 :
Supermicro Launches Three NVIDIA-Based, Full-Stack, Ready-to-Deploy Generative AI SuperClusters That Scale from Enterprise to Large LLM Infrastructures

The Full-Stack SuperClusters Include Air- and Liquid-Cooled Training and Cloud-Scale Inference Rack Configurations with the Latest NVIDIA Tensor Core GPUs, Networking, and NVIDIA AI Enterprise Software SAN JOSE, Calif., March 19, 2024 /PRNewswire/ -- Supermicro, Inc. (NASDAQ: SMCI), a Total IT Solution Provider for AI, Cloud, Storage, and 5G/Edge, is announcing its latest portfolio to accelerate the deployment of generative AI. The Supermicro SuperCluster solutions provide foundational building blocks for the present and the future of large language model (LLM) infrastructure. The three powerful Supermicro SuperCluster solutions are now available for generative AI workloads. The 4U liquid-cooled systems or 8U air-cooled systems are purpose-built and designed for powerful LLM training performance, as well as large batch size and high-volume LLM inference. A third SuperCluster, with 1U air-cooled Supermicro NVIDIA MGX™ systems, is optimized for cloud-scale inference. "In the era of AI, the unit of compute is now measured by clusters, not just the number of servers, and with our expanded global manufacturing capacity of 5,000 racks/month, we can deliver complete generative AI clusters to our customers faster than ever before," said Charles Liang, president and CEO of Supermicro. "A 64-node cluster enables 512 NVIDIA HGX H200 GPUs with 72TB of HBM3e through a couple of our scalable cluster building blocks with 400Gb/s NVIDIA Quantum-2 InfiniBand and Spectrum-X Ethernet networking. Supermicro's SuperCluster solutions combined with NVIDIA AI Enterprise software are ideal for enterprise and cloud infrastructures to train today's LLMs with up to trillions of parameters. The interconnected GPUs, CPUs, memory, storage, and networking, when deployed across multiple nodes in racks, construct the foundation of today's AI. Supermicro's SuperCluster solutions provide foundational building blocks for rapidly evolving generative AI and LLMs." To learn more about the Supermicro AI SuperClusters, visit: www.supermicro.com/ai-supercluster "NVIDIA's latest GPU, CPU, networking and software technologies enable systems makers to accelerate a range of next-generation AI workloads for global markets," said Kaustubh Sanghani, vice president of GPU Product Management at NVIDIA. "By leveraging the NVIDIA accelerated computing platform with Blackwell architecture-based products, Supermicro is providing customers with the cutting-edge server systems they need that can easily be deployed in data centers." Supermicro 4U NVIDIA HGX H100/H200 8-GPU systems double the density of the 8U air-cooled system by using liquid-cooling, reducing energy consumption and lowering data center TCO. These systems are designed to support the next-generation NVIDIA Blackwell architecture-based GPUs. The Supermicro cooling distribution unit (CDU) and manifold (CDM) are the main arteries for distributing cooled liquid to Supermicro's custom direct-to-chip (D2C) cold plates, keeping GPUs and CPUs at optimal temperature, resulting in maximum performance. This cooling technology enables up to a 40% reduction in electricity costs for the entire data center and saves data center real estate space. Learn more about Supermicro Liquid Cooling technology: https://www.supermicro.com/en/solutions/liquid-cooling The NVIDIA HGX H100/H200 8-GPU equipped systems are ideal for training Generative Al. The high-speed interconnected GPUs through NVIDIA® NVLink®, high GPU memory bandwidth, and capacity are key for running LLM models, cost effectively. The Supermicro SuperCluster creates a massive pool of GPU resources acting as a single AI supercomputer. Whether fitting an enormous foundation model trained on a dataset with trillions of tokens from scratch or building a cloud-scale LLM inference infrastructure, the spine and leaf network topology with non-blocking 400Gb/s fabrics allows it to scale from 32 nodes to thousands of nodes seamlessly. With fully integrated liquid cooling, Supermicro's proven testing processes thoroughly validate the operational effectiveness and efficiency before shipping.  Supermicro's NVIDIA MGX™ system designs featuring the NVIDIA GH200 Grace Hopper Superchips will create a blueprint for future AI clusters that address a crucial bottleneck in Generative Al: the GPU memory bandwidth and capacity to run large language (LLM) models with high inference batch sizes to lower operational costs. The 256-node cluster enables a cloud-scale high-volume inference powerhouse, easily deployable and scalable. SuperCluster with 4U Liquid-cooled System in 5 Racks or 8U Air-cooled System in 9 Racks 256 NVIDIA H100/H200 Tensor Core GPUs in one scalable unit Liquid cooling enabling 512 GPUs, 64-nodes, in the same footprint as the air-cooled 256 GPUs, 32-node solution 20TB of HBM3 with NVIDIA H100 or 36TB of HBM3e with NVIDIA H200 in one scalable unit 1:1 networking delivers up to 400 Gbps to each GPU to enable GPUDirect RDMA and Storage for training large language models with up to trillions of parameters 400G InfiniBand or 400GbE Ethernet switch fabrics with highly scalable spine-leaf network topology, including NVIDIA Quantum-2 InfiniBand and NVIDIA Spectrum-X Ethernet Platform. Customizable AI data pipeline storage fabric with industry-leading parallel file system options NVIDIA AI Enterprise 5.0 software, which brings support for new NVIDIA NIM inference microservices that accelerate the deployment of AI models at scale SuperCluster with 1U Air-cooled NVIDIA MGX System in 9 Racks 256 GH200 Grace Hopper Superchips in one scalable unit Up to 144GB of HBM3e + 480GB of LPDDR5X unified memory suitable for cloud-scale, high-volume, low-latency, and high batch size inference, able to fit a 70B+ parameter model in one node. 400G InfiniBand or 400GbE Ethernet switch fabrics with highly scalable spine-leaf network topology Up to 8 built-in E1.S NVMe storage devices per node Customizable AI data pipeline storage fabric with NVIDIA BlueField®-3 DPUs and industry leading parallel file system options to deliver high-throughput and low-latency storage access to each GPU NVIDIA AI Enterprise 5.0 software With the highest network performance achievable for GPU-GPU connectivity, Supermicro's SuperCluster solutions are optimized for LLM training, deep learning, and high volume and high batch size inference. Supermicro's L11 and L12 validation testing combined with its on-site deployment service provides customers with a seamless experience. Customers receive plug-and-play scalable units for easy deployment in a data center and faster time to results. About Super Micro Computer, Inc. Supermicro (NASDAQ: SMCI) is a global leader in Application-Optimized Total IT Solutions. Founded and operating in San Jose, California, Supermicro is committed to delivering first to market innovation for Enterprise, Cloud, AI, and 5G Telco/Edge IT Infrastructure. We are a Total IT Solutions manufacturer with server, AI, storage, IoT, switch systems, software, and support services. Supermicro's motherboard, power, and chassis design expertise further enable our development and production, enabling next generation innovation from cloud to edge for our global customers. Our products are designed and manufactured in-house (in the US, Asia, and the Netherlands), leveraging global operations for scale and efficiency and optimized to improve TCO and reduce environmental impact (Green Computing). The award-winning portfolio of Server Building Block Solutions® allows customers to optimize for their exact workload and application by selecting from a broad family of systems built from our flexible and reusable building blocks that support a comprehensive set of form factors, processors, memory, GPUs, storage, networking, power, and cooling solutions (air-conditioned, free air cooling or liquid cooling). Supermicro, Server Building Block Solutions, and We Keep IT Green are trademarks and/or registered trademarks of Super Micro Computer, Inc. All other brands, names, and trademarks are the property of their respective owners. Photo - https://mma.prnasia.com/media2/2365342/Super_Micro_Computer_Inc.jpg?p=medium600 Logo - https://mma.prnasia.com/media2/1443241/Supermicro_Logo.jpg?p=medium600

文章來源 : PR Newswire 美通社 發表時間 : 瀏覽次數 : 553 加入收藏 :
Ruijie Networks, ICT Industry Leader, Launched OEM and ODM Services in Malaysia to Contribute to the development of the digital economy

BEIJING, Aug. 29, 2023 /PRNewswire/ -- Ruijie Networks, an ICT industry leader, has launched OEM and ODM services for ICT network products in the Malaysia recently, covering wireless products, campus network devices, and data center switches. Leveraging its supply chain advantages and advanced manufacturing capabilities, Ruijie can offer flexible and high-quality OEM&ODM services tailored to meet customer demands, thereby helping Malaysian enterprises integrate resources and maximize business benefits to help accelerate digital transformation. As a leading supplier in the ICT industry, Ruijie has served over 60 countries and regions worldwide, with OEM&ODM services available in 11 countries. The OEM&ODM services launched in the Malaysia include Standard ODM service, solution-based ODM service, and JDM service. Ruijie has set up local teams to provide high-quality and high-speed services to local customers. Enterprises highly value the autonomous production capabilities, advanced manufacturing processes, and core component supply ability of the OEM&ODM services. With 23 autonomous production lines, Ruijie is at the forefront of the industry in terms of main chip installation capabilities and key connector manufacturing processes. Meanwhile, Ruijie has established deep and extensive collaborations with top-tier suppliers to guarantee product supply and joint development and innovation of core components (chips, storage devices, connectors, and fans). Why Ruijie OEM&ODM Business 56000m2 Manufacturer with 23 Product lines Deep and extensive cooperation with industry's leading suppliers Superior quality management system: management system& product certificates More info: https://www.ruijienetworks.com/solutions/odmoem Adam Tang, Head of Ruijie' OEM&ODM business, stated, Malaysia is in the process of becoming a digital nation, and ICT services play a central role. Ruijie enters the Malaysia market to provide industry partners with a new choice of business model that can optimize resource allocation and achieve mutual benefits and win-win outcomes. Using the OEM&ODM services provided by Ruijie in Malaysia, enterprises will have the opportunity to benefit from their cutting-edge technologies and efficient production processes. This strategic move is expected to promote innovation and cooperation in the Malaysia ICT field, enabling enterprises to gain higher operational achievements and competitiveness in the global market. About Ruijie Ruijie Networks, a leading ICT infrastructure and industry solution provider, dedicated to R&D, design, and sale of network devices and network security products. According to IDC, Ruijie ranked 1st in Wi-Fi 6 product shipments for 4 consecutive years and 3rd in China's ethernet switch market. https://www.ruijienetworks.com/ OEM@ruijienetworks.com

文章來源 : PR Newswire 美通社 發表時間 : 瀏覽次數 : 2619 加入收藏 :
Aetina Launches Industrial-Grade Edge AI Systems Powered by NVIDIA IGX Orin Platform During Computex 2023

NEW TAIPEI CITY, Taiwan, May 29, 2023 /PRNewswire/ -- Aetina, a leading AI solution provider, launches its powerful AI computing systems—AIP-IGX Series—based on the NVIDIA IGX Orin™ platform during Computex 2023. The AIP-IGX Series systems are specifically designed for AI-powered applications in industrial and medical environments that require higher levels of performance, durability, security, and safety. Aetina Launches Industrial-Grade Edge AI Systems Powered by NVIDIA IGX Orin Platform During Computex 2023 The Upcoming AIP-IGX Series Systems Aetina's AIP-IGX Series AI computing systems are a series of embedded computers that provide up to 248 tera operations per second (TOPS) of AI performance powered by NVIDIA IGX Orin, the latest offering in the NVIDIA IGX family—a range of advanced industrial-grade platforms that combine enterprise level hardware, software, and support. The IGX Orin Platform includes an Orin IGX industrial system-on-module (SoM), an NVIDIA ConnectX®-7 smart network interface card (SmartNIC) with 200 gigabits per second (Gb/s) of networking speed, and a safety microcontroller unit for additional safety function upgrades. Furthermore, the baseboard of the NVIDIA IGX Orin platform in the AIP-IGX Series systems features an Ethernet switch, a PCIe switch, one or more Ethernet controllers, and a SATA controller. To ensure compliance and compatibility with various harsh and regulated application environments, Aetina's AIP-IGX Series systems will be released with different chassis sizes and cooling designs that meet the environment requirements. These features, combined with the hardware advantages of the NVIDIA IGX Orin platform, enable AI engineers to focus on application development and leverage the benefits of AI more efficiently. Additionally, engineers using the AIP-IGX Series systems can benefit from NVIDIA's software stack, as well as the documentation to support industrial and medical certifications. AIP-IGX Series engineering samples are expected to be released in October, and the ready-for-sale systems will be available in December this year. Aetina's Edge AI Systems and Platforms Powered by NVIDIA As an Elite member of the NVIDIA Partner Network, Aetina provides AI computing systems and platforms built with NVIDIA's high-performance SoMs. In addition to the upcoming AIP-IGX Series, Aetina offers NVIDIA Jetson™-based embedded computers—a variety of edge computing devices based on the NVIDIA Jetson family, such as the new NVIDIA Jetson AGX Orin™, Orin NX, and Orin Nano™, allowing developers and system integrators to create AI applications ideal for various industries, including manufacturing, retail, medical, transportation, and logistics.  

文章來源 : PR Newswire 美通社 發表時間 : 瀏覽次數 : 3312 加入收藏 :
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