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【113年8月7日,台北訊】格斯科技*(6940)宣布與英國鋰離子電池材料開發商Echion Technologies正式簽署共同開發協議(Joint Development Agreement)。此舉繼雙方於2023年中簽署合作備忘錄(Memorandum of Understanding)後,標誌著另一個重要里程碑,進一步深化台英雙方在電池系統上的合作與交流。本次合作也象徵台灣新創電池製造商具備接軌國際電池供應鏈的能力,為MIT電池產品進軍國際市場奠定良好基礎。 本次協議以雙方現有的合作備忘錄為基礎,擴大合作範圍。Echion Technologies將正式向格斯提供其獨家專利的鈮基XNO®負極材料,由格斯使用獨家技術製造新一代的鈮基電池產品。鈮基XNO®負極材料擁有高安全性、可快速充電、高穩定性等眾多優勢,基於此種材料的獨特晶體結構,允許鋰離子自由進出負極,鋰離子的擴散速率與傳統石墨負極材料相比皆高出許多。此外,鈮基XNO®負極材料在鋰電池製程中對全球暖化的影響降低了51%,是一種安全、高效能且具永續性的負極材料亮眼新秀。 格斯科技董事長張忠傑博士表示:「我們非常高興能與Echion Technologies正式簽署共同開發協議。我們非常看好鈮基XNO®材料的優勢,期望將這種性能卓越的新材料引入台灣的鋰電池產業,激發新的創新火花。通過此次合作,我們希望為客戶提供更優質的客製化創新解決方案,開發出新一代的電池產品,協助台灣政府持續推動大型電動載具的發展,共同為達成2050年淨零碳排的目標而努力。」 Echion Technologies 執行長 Jean de La Verpilliere 表示:「我們很高興能在良好合作的基礎上,與格斯科技共同邁出新的一步,本次合作象徵著 Echion 的研發實力獲得國際夥伴的認可。我們致力於開發創新的鋰電池負極材料,以提升鋰電池產品的性能與表現。我們期待本次與格斯科技的合作能有效推動大型電動載具在台灣的普及。」 格斯科技指出,相關材料未來將用於製造大型電動載具的電池芯及電池系統,包括電動巴士、重型機械、AMR等應用場景。目前已接獲多家客戶的訂單,未來將出口至指定地區。此外,OEM代工訂單也表現良好,有望於2025年出貨。
TAOYUAN, Taiwan, May 2, 2023 /PRNewswire/ -- GUS Technology held the grand opening ceremony of the Gigafactory in Jhongli Industrial Park on April 26th. Domestic and foreign guests including vice president Chi-Chang Tsai of the Legislative Yuan, deputy mayor Ming-jiuh Wang of Taoyuan City, deputy director-general Chih-Ching Yang of Industrial Development Bureau, MOEA, attended in person to witness the completion of Taiwan's first battery gigafactory, an establishment that symbolizes GUS Technology's success in helping Taiwan's lithium battery industry reach a new milestone. Optimistic about Taiwan's talent and industrial development, GUS Technology, which focuses on lithium titanate (LTO) and NCM material systems, has entered into the design, development, and manufacturing of battery modules for EVs and energy storage since the end of 2019. The total investment in the overall construction of the Jhongli gigafactory has reached NT$4 billion. The gigafactory is expected to create more than 250 job for the local population after its launch, hoping to attract outstanding talents who are passionate about the battery industry to jointly promote the development of the industry, and in turn provide local talents with the opportunity to shine on the international stage. GUS Technology launches Taiwan's first battery gigafactory. Dr. C.C. Chang, chairman of GUS Technology said: "GUS is proud of Made in Taiwan (MIT). The design, manufacturing process, and site planning of the first gigafactory in Taiwan have been carried out with two fundamental elements in mind: local talents and international standards. We have found that countries worldwide are rapidly going into the competition in the energy industry. With the integration of Taiwan's industrial resources and talents with innovative resources and core technologies, GUS Technology has enabled Taiwan to secure a key position in the international energy market with its high-end and customized R&D capabilities. The world will soon see Taiwan's battery R&D innovation and manufacturing strength." In addition to the completion and grand opening of GUS Technology's gigafactory today, the company also announced the signing of a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) with several international partners at the ceremony, including an MOU with Echion Technologies of the UK, and another MOU with Beyonder of Norway and Midwest Energy Pvt of India, respectively. GUS Technology will in the future collaborate with these international partners in different aspects such as battery cell anode materials, energy storage equipment, and raw materials. In the face of a new wave driven by factors such as the third energy transition and global climate change, GUS Technology says it will work with partners to continue to develop and integrate battery modules applications and jointly provide the most advanced solution for various green energy applications. GUS Technology has the research and development competence of upstream materials, cell design, and manufacturing and modules to application end, and has successively developed differentiated products and various applications. After continuous development, research and improvement, GUS Technology has introduced high-quality materials into battery manufacturing, optimized the overall product yield, and developed lithium batteries with independent technology that has the characteristics of high safety, high discharge rate, high storage power, wide working temperature range, and long cycle life. Combined with the advantages of high customization levels, GUS Technology has conformed to the overall international development trend. The battery gigafactory that is completed and inaugurated today, the first of its kind in Taiwan, will be the driving force for GUS Technology's production capabilities to bring about the large-scale production of lithium batteries. The gigafactory is planning to start production in the third quarter of 2023, and the production capacity will grow from 250MWh to more than 1GWh in the second quarter of 2024. GUS Technology aims to make Taiwan a R&D and manufacturing center for key materials of new energy batteries and key components of high-end equipment in the world; the company also strives to become a key promoter of the circular economy of Taiwan's lithium battery to a longer and more sustainable cycle in the future. In 2022, GUS Technology collaborated with InoBat Auto, a top EV battery research and development company in Europe. Hidekazu Kuromatsu, team leader of the Lithium Battery Team at Japan's Kaneka Corporation's Institute of Electronics, who has also been cooperating with GUS Technology for a long time, sent his congratulations to the grand opening of the gigafactory: "Excellent battery manufacturing technology, battery pack design and assembly technology form the basis of our cooperation with GUS Technology. We believe that the newly opened gigafactory will become a major driving force for accelerating the cooperation projects between Kaneka Corporation and GUS Technology." In addition, in 2023 GUS Technology joined hands with Toshiba Corporation, a Japanese multinational company. Okada Yoshihiro, general manager of Toshiba's battery business department, said in his speech at the opening ceremony: "Toshiba has long regarded Taiwan, which is friendly with Japan, as the most important customer area, and is also committed to using its battery technology and products to solve various problems in Taiwan. Toshiba firmly believes that the batteries produced by GUS Technology can help solve the environmental problems not only for Taiwan, but also the world." As the first battery gigafactory in Taiwan, GUS Technology's new facility has two buildings, a main production base to manufacture lithium battery cells, and a R&D center that is mainly responsible for the technology development of new generation batteries. In addition, the gigafactory implements energy saving and carbon reduction measures and adopts a green and low-carbon emission plan, allowing the improved equipment in the gigafactory to save more than 70,000,000kWh of electricity annually. The gigafactory also has a wastewater recycling mechanism to effectively save water resources. Finally, the gigafactory area conducts strict carbon footprint inspections to meet international standards in order to contribute to environmental sustainability.
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