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符合「Dr. Chen Zhicheng」新聞搜尋結果, 共 2 篇 ,以下為 1 - 2 篇 訂閱此列表,掌握最新動態
ACE Biotek Invited by Government Agency to Host US Medical Industry Visit, Featuring Exchange Event with Renowned Biomedical Scholars

Hsinchu, Taiwan – February 20, 2024 – ACE Biotek has been invited by the Hsinchu Science Park Bureau to be one of the essential venues for visiting the US biomedical field. Three distinguished scholars, including Dr. Jason Liauw, spine and neurosurgery authority from Stanford University Medical Center, biomedical engineer Lilibeth Martinez from Brown University, and Nicholas Hu, Chairman and General Manager of TEPKOS, visited for the event.   ACE Biotek's journey from 3C to medical care extends from its 20-year experience in strong wireless communication, 5G, IoT, and other hardware and software integration testing to smart medical care and biomedical testing. The three guests were deeply impressed by the cultural impact of ACE Biotek's art gallery. They visited the special exhibition of inorganic materials and calligraphy at the Industrial Technology Research Institute, experiencing Chinese art through calligraphy, integrating art and imagination into the work of technologists. Dr. JC Chen, Vice President of Research and Development at ACE Biotek, shared the application of Terahertz technology. Terahertz technology, or submillimeter wave, is between 5G millimeter wave and infrared, with a wavelength of 0.03-3mm. It can efficiently penetrate and see through objects, with the characteristics of non-contact and non-destructive, and is widely used in pill and cell imaging detection. ACE Biotek has signed MOUs with dozens of partners. This visit will help to consolidate cross-border cooperation between Taiwan and the United States in the biomedical industry and among researchers.   About ACE Biotek Established in 2000, ACE Group has grown for more than 20 years across wireless and healthcare industries. Originally, ACE Group formed ACE Solution as its first foray to focus on wireless communication, networking hardware, and customized system integration projects. Driven by President Steve’s vision to improve healthcare quality, he built the ACE Biotek building from the ground up and officially founded ACE Biotek in 2018. ACE Biotek integrates the past 20 years of industrial experience and knowledge to solve unmet clinical needs. In order to achieve the early diagnosis of diseases, we have developed smart medical solutions regarding imaging algorithms, cloud computing, artificial intelligence, and terahertz technology so far. Long term, ACE Biotek will expand globally to serve as a platform to cultivate talents and support tech companies to transform into Medtech.   Contact ACE Biotek Advanced ACE Biotek Co., Ltd. Address: No. 66, Shengyi 2nd Rd., Zhubei City, Hsinchu County 302, Taiwan (Hsinchu Biomedical Science Park) Phone: +886-3-5500909 E-mail: service@acebiotek.com Website: https://www.acebiotek.com/ Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/Acebiotek/ LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/company/30620922/admin/  

文章來源 : 筑波醫電股份有限公司 發表時間 : 瀏覽次數 : 1155 加入收藏 :
筑波醫電獲邀為美國醫療產業參訪場域 舉辦知名生醫學者交流活動

台灣新竹,2024年02月20日 — 筑波醫電獲得新竹科學園區管理局的肯定,受邀為美國生醫領域重要參訪場域之一。來自美國史丹佛大學醫學中心脊椎與神經外科權威Jason Liauw 博士、布朗大學生物醫學工程師Lilibeth Martinez,及TEPKOS主席兼董事總經理Nicholas Hu的三位傑出學者蒞臨參訪。   筑波集團3C到三醫歷程,從20年堅強的無線通訊、5G、IoT等軟硬體整合測試經驗,延伸到智慧醫療與生醫檢測領域。三位貴賓亦對於筑波藝廊的文化震撼感觸,觀看工研院材化所無機材料與書法特展,以一筆書法體驗華人藝術,在微觀的藝術與想像下融入科技人的工作一生。   筑波醫電研發副總經理陳治誠博士分享太赫茲技術的應用。太赫茲技術又稱兆赫波,介於5G毫米波與紅外線之間,波長為0.03 - 3mm,能夠高效穿透並透視物體,具非接觸、非破壞的特性,在藥錠和細胞影像等檢測領域得到廣泛應用。   筑波醫電已與15家以上合作夥伴簽署合作備忘錄 (MOU),此次參訪有助於凝聚台美生醫產業和研究學者之間的跨界合作。   關於筑波醫電ACE Biotek 筑波醫電大樓是董事長許深福先生驅動內心的寄望及理念,依據建築設計師、施工團隊及同仁們很科學的作品。是筑波人多年來文化、創意技術的展現,是筑波全體同仁長久對生醫產業接軌國際平台的堅持。筑波科技集團以豐富的無線通訊軟硬體整合經驗、結合半導體晶片、醫學影像演算法、雲端技術、人工智慧、臨床醫師專業、法規驗證與專利技術綜效,著力於人們早期病變篩檢系統的精準醫療設備產品研發與生產。期望不但可以減少病患及家人的遺憾,並開拓台灣本土精密無創微創醫檢設備能量且推廣於國際,更建立台灣從3C到三醫(醫才、醫技、醫材)的產業鏈轉型平台與人才的培育之目標。   連絡筑波醫電 筑波醫電股份有限公司Advanced ACE Biotek Co., Ltd. 地址:30261新竹縣竹北市生醫二路66號 (新竹生醫園區) 電話: +886-3-5500909 E-mail: service@acebiotek.com 網站: https://www.acebiotek.com/ Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/Acebiotek/ LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/company/30620922/admin/  

文章來源 : 筑波醫電股份有限公司 發表時間 : 瀏覽次數 : 11778 加入收藏 :
2025 年 2 月 13 日 (星期四) 農曆正月十六日
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