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SINGAPORE - Media OutReach Newswire - 26 November 2024 - Acclaim Insurance Brokers, Singapore's leading risk consulting and insurance broker, celebrates its 40th anniversary by receiving the prestigious Enterprise 50 Award for the second time, first awarded in 2021. Acclaim remains the only risk consulting and insurance broker in this distinguished ranking. The accolade underscores Acclaim's four decades of contributions to Singapore's business landscape as a trusted provider of corporate risk management and insurance solutions. "This award is a testament to our team's dedication," said Founder and Executive Chairman Anthony Lim. CEO and Managing Director Tony Lim added, "It motivates us to continue empowering businesses and raising the bar." The Enterprise 50 Award, established in 1995, recognises the nation's top 50 privately-held companies driving economic growth locally and globally. Organised by The Business Times and KPMG, it is supported by Enterprise Singapore, the Singapore Business Federation, and the Singapore Exchange. Global Reach, Tailored Solutions With a network spanning 150 countries and over 500 offices, Acclaim provides tailored insurance solutions to multinational corporations. The firm's Specialty Practices deliver in-depth risk assessments and customised strategies across diverse insurance classes. A Commitment to Innovation and Community Guided by core values of courage, creativity, commitment, and collaboration, Acclaim combines risk insight with innovation to help businesses maximise opportunities. Its "Purpose Beyond Profit" ethos is evident in initiatives like the Acclaim Education Fund, supporting tertiary students beyond traditional financial aid. As Acclaim looks to the future, it continues investing in talent development and delivering impactful risk solutions to meet the evolving needs of businesses worldwide. Hashtag: #insurancebroker #marineinsurancesingapore #cybersecurityinsurancesingaporeThe issuer is solely responsible for the content of this announcement.About Acclaim Insurance BrokersFounded in 1983, Acclaim Insurance Brokers is one of Singapore's largest independent transnational risk consultant and insurance broker. Serving over 2,000 clients across all industries including major infrastructure projects and multinational clients with operations in more than 30 countries. Visit their website to learn more about their comprehensive solutions.
HONG KONG, Nov. 26, 2024 /PRNewswire/ -- Chaaat.io, an emerging leader in providing user-friendly tools for customer acquisition, engagement, and retention, is excited to announce the launch of its latest feature: Bookingz. Designed to deliver a seamless booking experience, Bookingz allows users to schedule appointments entirely through WhatsApp. This launch arrives at a time when businesses and individuals are increasingly seeking efficient ways to interact with customers on platforms they use daily, as communication channels like email are dwindling in performance. WhatsApp, with its 2 billion active users, has become a central communication hub for both individuals and businesses. Bookingz enables businesses of all sizes to offer efficient, convenient appointment booking directly through WhatsApp. Simplifying Making Bookings Bookingz transforms the customer journey in several key ways. Businesses that sign up with Bookingz can send a WhatsApp link to their customers, who can then experience a fully streamlined booking process that stays within WhatsApp, eliminating the friction of switching between apps or websites. Bookingz manages the process on behalf of the business, eliminating the need for the business owner or representative to tediously go back and forth suggesting availabilities. Users can simply request availabilities and then confirm a booking, all from the safety of WhatsApp. Bookingz also delivers a much higher click-through and booking rate than email. The platform leverages WhatsApp's high open rates - roughly 80-90%, compared to the meager 5% standard open rates offered by email, to send reminders and follow-ups that customers are more likely to see, ensuring appointments are top-of-mind and helping avoid no-shows and last-minute cancellations. Keeping things in one place Beyond streamlining the booking process, Bookingz enhances customer engagement by staying within the familiar and trusted space of WhatsApp. This user experience approach increases booking rates by reducing the enormous friction that business owners will see with alternative booking solutions that force customers to download apps, sign up and/or log in. End users can make a booking with businesses by sending a WhatsApp message, with the assistant guiding them through each step in real time. Whether booking an appointment, scheduling a consultation, or arranging a meeting, customers can request and secure bookings without leaving the app. For businesses, this user-friendly design requires no technical skills and can be launched with just a few clicks. The Future of Customer Interaction With the launch of Bookingz, Chaaat.io is setting a new standard for customer engagement and service. By simplifying the process of offering booking services through WhatsApp, Chaaat.io is reshaping the accessibility of booking automation. This democratization of business tools allows even the smallest companies to leverage advanced features and deliver exceptional customer experiences. As businesses prioritize customer experience and seek personalized, convenient interactions, Chaaat.io's innovations are poised to influence how SMEs communicate with customers around the world. Bookingz is just one of many Chaaat.io features designed to help companies strengthen customer relationships, enhance engagement, and drive revenue growth. In today's evolving digital landscape, tools like Bookingz are essential for any modern, customer-focused business to keep up with modern customer behavior. For more information or to join the wait list, contact James Hogan at support@chaaat.io
白領職位空缺減少、求職申請率上升,人才依然難覓香港 - Media OutReach Newswire - 2024年11月26日 - 香港就業市場在過去一年面臨重大挑戰,經濟不穩和企業裁員影響了整體市場形勢。根據全球最值得信賴的人才解決方案公司 Robert Walters(華德士),2024年香港的白領職位空缺下降 ,而職缺申請率卻增長了122%,顯示香港人才尋求工作機會的意願日益增強。 由於就業機會有限,僱主有更大的談判籌碼, 今年的就業市場由僱主主導。調查結果顯示,只有55% 受訪僱主打算在新一年給員工加薪,比去年同期下降9%;其中77%表示來年願意給員工加薪1-5%。 儘管2024年職位空缺減少,Robert Walters Hong Kong 仍顯示來年有復甦跡象。大約15%受訪僱主計劃在2025年增加招聘正式員工,18% 計劃擴大合約制員工數量。調查結果來自Robert Walters全球薪資調查2025,一份權威的薪資趨勢分析和基準的報告。 本地專才優先考慮工作穩定性 受全球經濟衰退和本地經濟氣氛影響,僱員大多在目前環境下留任原位尋求穩定,對轉換工作較為保守。調查顯示,25%的專業人士未有計劃明年跳槽,較去年同期增加13%。此外,46%的專業人士表示對其領域內的就業機會缺乏信心,比去年上升了9%,進一步表明他們的謹慎態度。 Robert Walters香港董事總經理 John Mullally表示:「現時職缺招聘的時間變得更長,許多招聘經理認為市場上有大量人才,但事實恰恰相反。許多優秀的人才選擇避免冒險,相比探索新機會,更注重工作穩定。」 值得注意的是,62%受訪求職者期望10%以上的轉工薪酬增幅,但只有33%的僱主預計同等的加薪幅度。這意味著在更多的應徵者中,僱主想找到合適人才就變得更加困難。企業招聘更審慎,並且緊縮的薪酬開支預算亦加深了尋找人才的難度,很多人才現在要求更高的加薪幅度才會考慮新的機會。 中層管理人員招聘活躍 市場審慎控制成本,企業偏向招聘中層人才填補高層職位空缺,中層人才的招聘較為活躍。根據調查,31%的僱主表示,他們最缺乏的是高級助理級別人才,其次是經理級別(25%)和高級管理人員職位(25%)。 這趨勢反映了企業在經濟不穩期間對人才需求的變化 - 不少公司簡化運作,減少組織層級,中層管理者在過程中扮演關鍵角色。另企業強調內部晉升,使熟悉公司文化和流程的人能夠在最小干擾的情況下轉換到新職位。 為了填補中層管理者取代高級職位所造成的經驗差距和技能短缺,企業必須加強持續培訓和發展。根據調查,近40%受訪僱主表示2025年將專注於改善其學習與發展計劃,提升現有員工的技能,以確保其勞動力能夠適應市場的挑戰。 AI在香港職場的應用普及化 在職場上使用人工智能(AI)的數字正在上升,有75%的專業人士表示,他們會在工作中利用到AI模型,例如ChatGPT,比起上年同期,採用率增加了45%。最常見的使用範疇包括文案撰寫、內容創作和編輯(41%)、數據分析(24%)以及研究和信息收集(37%)。 值得注意的是,超過一半的專業人士(53%)表示,他們並不擔心AI模型的出現會取代常規職位,反映更多人有信心視AI為一種增強生產力工具,而不是取代工作崗位的威脅。 僱主尋求靈活且具成本效益的人才招聘解決方案 香港僱主不斷調整人力資源策略,以靈活招聘形式聘請人才,控制成本。市場上對短期人手的需求增加,特別是在技術領域的合約制員工。Robert Walters指出,18%的受訪僱主計劃在2025年擴大合約制員工數量。此外,許多僱主將一些職能以管理服務合約形式(Managed services model),由外判的專業領域供應商提供管理服務,來提高關鍵職能的效率和效能。 此外,政府多項「搶人才」計劃吸引了不少高技術人才或優才獲得工作簽證,更多港企聘請來自中國內地的專才填補技術職位。根據Robert Walters的調查,53%的中國內地專業人士在尋找香港工作時願意接受合約職位,可見政府的人才計劃正有效地擴大現有人才庫。 2025年招聘市場展望:樂觀謹慎 儘管過去幾年面臨挑戰,但對於明年上半年招聘人數增加,市場上仍然存在審慎樂觀的態度。John Mullally表示:「經過兩年半的放緩後,尤其是在金融服務行業,我們可能迎來轉機。今年恆生指數上漲了15%,而近期的首次公開募股(IPO)活動也有所增加。」 調查顯示,15% 僱主計劃在2025年增加預算招聘正式員工,18% 計劃擴大合約制員工數量,一半僱主預料招聘人數維持不變。 2025年香港最熱門職位: 會計與財務:財務預測與分析、商業財務、業務控制經理、財務經理(全套)、財務分析師 建築、物業與工程: 租務(所有級別)、項目經理(技術)、可持續發展或環境(技術及企業層級別) 金融服務: 客戶關係經理、營運、投資者關係或客戶服務 人力資源: 人力資源業務夥伴、薪酬福利經理、人力資源資訊系統 法律與合規: 監管合規經理、合規主任(對沖基金)、法律顧問(基金) 銷售與市場營銷: 銷售或業務發展負責人、市場經理(區域或中國市場)、客戶經理 供應鏈、採購與物流: 業務發展經理(第三方物流)、工廠營運總監或經理(食品及非食品)、客戶管理總監或經理(採購及商品) 科技與轉型: 數據工程師、網絡安全專家及技術主管(後端) Hashtag: #SalarySurvey2025 #RobertWaltersHongKong #HongKongHiringMarket #HiringTrends #JobMarkethttp://www.linkedin.com/company/robert-walters發佈者對本公告的內容承擔全部責任華德士 (香港) 關於華德士 (Robert Walters) — 華德士是全球最值得信賴的人才解決方案公司。我們於全球為各種類型和規模的企業提供招聘、招聘外判 和人才策略諮詢的服務。 香港辦事處成立於1997年,專注於長期或合約制招聘服務,涵蓋會計與財務、工程與物業、金融服務、人力資源、法律與合規、銷售與市場營銷、秘書及業務支援、供應鏈、物流與採購,以及資訊科技與轉型。 關於華德士數字薪資調查—— 華德士於2024年9月對約400名在港的專業人士和企業進行問卷調查,收集關於僱主和員工對工作環境、目前的就業市場、以及對未來一年薪資預期等等的意見。華德士薪資調查中的薪資範圍基於我們在今年各個企業、市場及專業領域所收集的專業分析。 全球僱主與專業人士一直信賴華德士的薪資調查,作為事業和職業重要決策依據。數碼版薪資調查是一個關於31個市場數千個職位薪酬的全面指南,為招聘經理和求職者提供各種有用的工具和資源,包括不同行業的最新趨勢和分析,以及就市場行情錄製的全新視頻。 有關2025年華德士薪酬調查的詳細資訊,請與該公司聯繫或訪問: https://www.robertwalters.com.hk/our-services/salary-survey.html
HONG KONG SAR - Media OutReach Newswire - 26 November 2024 - In August 2024, Synaura Biotechnology (Shanghai) Co., Ltd. ("Synaura"), a subsidiary of China Mengniu Dairy Company Limited ("Mengniu" or the "Company"), received GRAS certification from the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) for its 2'-FL (2'-Fucosyllactose), making it the first and only human milk oligosaccharides (HMOs) company from China to receive approval. HMOs are the third largest solid component in human breast milk, following fat and lactose, and contribute significantly to infant health by enhancing gut health, supporting the immune system, and aiding cognitive development. Despite their immense potential when used in nutritional products, little progress has been made in the research and development and industrialization of HMO raw materials by Chinese companies. The most recent technological breakthroughs were all achieved by multinational companies. Recent years have witnessed Mengniu emerge as a pioneer in developing nutritional ingredients, particularly through groundbreaking advancements in HMO technology. As one of leading biosynthesis companies in China and the first domestic company engaged in HMO research and development, Synaura's flagship HMOs have garnered recognition from several regulatory bodies both domestically and internationally. In June 2023, Synaura became the first Chinese company to obtain Self-Affirmed GRAS (Generally Recognized as Safe) certification in the U.S. In October 2023, Synaura became the only domestic HMO supplier to receive approval from China's National Health Commission (NHC) for its 2'-FL (2'-Fucosyllactose). Recognition from multiple regulatory bodies underscores the product's safety, efficacy, and purity at an international level while unlocking promising market opportunities for broader applications. As a leading dairy company in China, Mengniu is committed to enhancing and transforming its product offerings from offering basic nutrition to promoting enhanced health benefits. While driving the research and development of HMOs, Mengniu has also accelerated their use in various products, including its Enzhi (恩至) series infant formula and Future Star liquid milk for children, while at the same time exploring additional opportunities domestically. In May 2024, Synaura successfully secured nearly RMB100 million in pre-A round financing led by CICC Qide Fund (中金启德基金), under CICC Capital, and Moutai Fund (茅台基金), along with investments from early shareholder Beihai Mengniu Venture Capital (北海蒙牛创投). This further solidifies Synaura's position as a leader in synthetic biology and innovative nutrition and healthcare technologies. Advancements in nutritional ingredients such as HMOs demonstrate Mengniu's dedication to the health and nutrition sector. Forming the "two wings" in Mengniu's new "one core, two wings" operational strategy, the development of innovative health and nutritional ingredients, together with its continued expansion overseas, will drive the sustainable development of Mengniu. This will be supported by the enhanced efficiency and improved profitability of Mengniu's "core" business including branded liquid dairy milk, milk formula, ice cream, and cheese business units. Going forward, Mengniu will continue to drive the high-quality development of dairy industry and provide healthy and nutritious products to consumers across the world. Hashtag: #MengniuThe issuer is solely responsible for the content of this announcement.About China Mengniu Dairy Company LimitedChina Mengniu Dairy Company Limited and its subsidiaries mainly manufacture and distribute quality dairy products in China. It is one of the leading dairy product manufacturers in China, with MENGNIU as its core brand. Mengniu offers diversified products including liquid milk products, ice cream, milk formula and cheese. In March 2014, Mengniu became a Hang Seng Index constituent, making it the first blue-chip Chinese dairy product manufacturer. In 2023, Mengniu's MSCI ESG rating was elevated to AA. Mengniu is a constituent of the Hang Seng Corporate Sustainability Index, Hang Seng (Mainland and Hong Kong) Corporate Sustainability Index, Hang Seng Corporate Sustainability Benchmark Index and HSI ESG Enhanced Select Index. For more information, please visit www.mengniuir.com.
Top white-collar talent remains elusive despite fewer vacancies and higher application rates HONG KONG SAR - Media OutReach Newswire - 26 November 2024 - Hong Kong's job market has experienced significant challenges over the past year, with layoffs and economic uncertainties impacting the landscape. According to Robert Walters, the world's most trusted talent solutions firm, there has been a notable decline in white-collar job vacancies in Hong Kong in 2024, and the number of job applications received has surged by 122%, indicating a growing desire among professionals to seek new opportunities. The job market has become more employer-driven, with employers holding more leverage due to limited opportunities. The survey also reveals that only 55% of employers forecast a pay rise to employees in 2025, down 9% compared to the result in November 2023. Among these employers, 77% of them are likely to give 1-5% salary increase to their employees in the coming year. Despite this, Robert Walters Hong Kong has reported positive signs of recovery in the coming year. Approximately 15% of surveyed employers plan to increase their permanent headcount in 2025, while 18% aim to expand their contract workforce. These findings are part of the Robert Walters Global Salary Survey 2025, an authoritative analysis and benchmark of salary trends. Top skilled professionals prioritising job security Considering the global recession and local economic challenges, professionals are increasingly prioritising job security, reflecting a cautious approach to career moves. The survey reveals that 25% of professionals do not plan to change jobs in 2025—a 13% increase from 2024. This cautiousness is further underscored by the fact that 46% of professionals express a lack of confidence in job opportunities within their field, marking a 9% rise from the previous year. John Mullally, Managing Director of Robert Walters Hong Kong, commented, "It is taking a much longer time to fill roles, and many hiring managers assume there is an abundance of talent available, but the reality is quite the opposite. Many stronger candidates are risk-averse and are prioritising job stability over exploring new opportunities." Notably, while 62% of job seekers are hoping for a salary increment of 10% or more to make a move, only 33% of employers are prepared to meet these expectations. This scenario presents a more challenging environment to find the right talent in a larger candidate pool. Tight budgets have intensified the difficulty of securing top candidates, who are now demanding higher risk premiums to consider new opportunities. The rise of middle level managers In a cost-conscious market, there is a notable preference for middle-level hires, reflecting a strategic approach to talent acquisition. According to the survey, 31% of employers report that they see the most acute talent shortage at the senior associate level, followed by the manager level (25%), and senior managers and C-suite roles (25%). This trend may reflect businesses' tendency to streamline operations during economic downturns, leading to a flatter organisational structure where middle-level managers play a crucial role. Companies emphasise internal promotions, allowing those familiar with the company's culture and processes to step into new roles with minimal disruption. To address the experience gap and skill shortage created by the rise of middle-level managers as replacements for senior roles, companies must invest in continuous training and development to equip these managers with the necessary skills. According to the survey, nearly 40% of employers are focusing on improving their L&D programs to upskill existing employees by 2025, ensuring their workforce remains adaptable to address the challenges of the market. AI in workplace become more common The use of AI in the workplace is on the rise, with 75% of professionals reporting they are utilising AI models, such as ChatGPT, in their work—a jump from 45% in November 2023. The most common applications include copywriting, content creation, and editing (41%), data analysis (24%), and research and information gathering (37%). Notably, over half of the professionals (53%) expressed that they are not concerned about the emergence of AI models replacing routine roles. This reflects a growing confidence in the ability of AI as a tool to enhance productivity rather than replacing jobs in the evolving workplace landscape. Employers seek flexible and cost-effective solutions to hire talent Employers in Hong Kong are turning to flexible and cost-effective solutions to meet their talent acquisition needs. The demand for contract workers, particularly in the technology sector for short-term projects, is on the rise. According to Robert Walters Hong Kong, 18% of surveyed employers plan to expand their contract workforce in 2025. Meanwhile, many employers are using managed services model to augment their workforce, enhancing flexibility and efficiency in their operations. In addition, Hong Kong's strategic initiatives to attract overseas talent are gaining traction. Businesses are increasingly seeking talent, particularly technical roles, from Mainland China. According to Robert Walters Hong Kong, 53% of Mainland China professionals looking to work in Hong Kong are open to being employed as contract workers. This indicates that the government's talent initiatives are effectively expanding the talent pool available to employers. Cautious optimism in 2025 Despite the challenges faced over the past few years, there is cautious optimism about increased hiring numbers in the first half of next year. John Mullally commented, "After two and a half years of a slowdown, especially in the financial services sector, we might be turning a corner. The Hang Seng Index is up 15% for the year, and there has been an increase in IPO activity over the last few months." According to the survey, 15% of employers plan to increase their permanent headcount in 2025, while 18% aim to expand their contract workforce. Half of the employers say their hiring plan will remain unchanged. Hong Kong top in-demand professions for 2025: Accounting & Finance: FP&A/Commercial Finance/Business Controlling Manager, Finance Manager (Full Set), Treasury Analyst Construction, Property & Engineering: Leasing (All Levels), Project Manager (Technical) & Sustainability/Environment Role (Technical & Corporate Level) Financial Services: Relationship Managers, Operations, Investor Relations/Client Servicing Human Resources: HR Business Partners, C&B Managers, HRIS Legal & Compliance: Regulatory Compliance Manager, Compliance Officer (Hedge Fund), Legal Counsel (Funds) Sales & Marketing: Head of Sales/Business Development, Marketing Manager (Regional/China Marketing), Account Manager Supply Chain, Procurement & Logistics: Business Development Manager (3PL), Factory Operation (Food & Non-Food), Director/Manager, Account Management (Sourcing & Merchandising), Director / Manager Technology & Transformation: Data Engineers, Cyber Security Specialist & Technical Lead (Back-end) Hashtag: #SalarySurvey2025 #RobertWaltersHongKong #HongKongHiringMarket #HiringTrends #JobMarkethttps://www.robertwalters.com.hk/http://www.linkedin.com/company/robert-waltersThe issuer is solely responsible for the content of this announcement.Robert Walters Hong KongAbout Robert Walters - Robert Walters is the world's most trusted talent solutions business. Across the globe, we deliver recruitment, recruitment process outsourcing and advisory services for businesses of all shapes and sizes, opening doors for people with diverse skills, ambitions, and backgrounds. We help organisations find the skills and solutions to reach their goals and assist talented professionals to power their unique potential. The Hong Kong office specialises in placing high-calibre professionals on a permanent or contract basis in the following specialities: accounting & finance, construction, property & engineering, financial services, HR & business support, legal & compliance, sales & marketing, supply chain, logistics & procurement, and tech & transformation. About the Robert Walters Digital Salary Survey - Robert Walters Hong Kong surveyed up to 400 professionals and organisations in Hong Kong in September 2024 to gather feedback and concerns from both employers and employees on existing work practices, providing an overview of the current job market, in-demand skill sets and salary expectations for the year ahead. Salary ranges shown in the Robert Walters Salary Survey are based on an analysis of placements made across our network of offices and specialist disciplines during 2024. Around the globe, employers and professionals alike have been relying on the Robert Walters Salary Survey to help them make critical decisions for their businesses and careers. The digital edition of the Salary Survey is a comprehensive guide to salaries for thousands of roles in 31 locations, and it is packed with helpful tools and resources for hiring managers and job seekers alike, including the latest trends and analysis for different industries, as well as video updates on market conditions from industry experts. For details of the Robert Walters Salary Survey 2025, please contact us or visit: https://www.robertwalters.com.hk/our-services/salary-survey.html
SINGAPORE, Nov. 26, 2024 /PRNewswire/ -- Tabono Capital today has announced a strategic partnership with Invesco that enhances investment solutions for ultra-high-net-worth clients. Tabono Capital, a multi-family office based in Singapore, collaborates with Invesco, a global investment management leader with over US$1.7 trillion in assets under management. This partnership merges Invesco's institutional-grade investment expertise, cutting-edge portfolio solutions, and comprehensive research capabilities with Tabono Capital's strong relationships with ultra-high-net-worth (UHNW) families across the Asia Pacific and Middle East regions. This collaboration enables Tabono Capital's clients to benefit from the extensive resources and scale of Invesco's capabilities. For Invesco, the partnership provides enhanced access to sophisticated investors in key growth markets. Key elements of the partnership include: Implementation and construction of model portfolios and asset allocation frameworks Access to institutional-grade investment research and comprehensive market insights for UHNW clients Knowledge sharing and collaboration on market intelligence and investor insights Nirish Unni, CEO & Co-Founder of Tabono Capital, emphasized the significance of the partnership: "This partnership represents a significant milestone in our growth strategy. By leveraging Invesco's world-class investment research and asset allocation capabilities, we can provide our clients with institutional-grade investment solutions while maintaining the personalized service they expect from a boutique multi-family office." Santosh Rao, Co-Founder and Chief Revenue Officer of Tabono Capital, added: "Our clients increasingly seek institutional-quality investment solutions with global reach. This collaboration with Invesco allows us to deliver exactly that, while maintaining our personalised approach to client service. Together, we will create portfolios designed to capture opportunities in key global markets while effectively managing risk." Christopher Hamilton, Asia Pacific Head of Client Solutions for Invesco, stated: "We're proud to partner with Tabono Capital to bring our industry-leading offerings and capabilities to Asia's expanding family office and UHNW segment. This is a compelling platform for investors to access comprehensive strategies that can help them meet their financial goals." About Tabono Capital Tabono Capital is a multi-family office headquartered in Singapore, licensed by the Monetary Authority of Singapore (MAS) to provide Fund Management services. Co-founded by industry veterans and former private wealth managers Nirish Unni and Santosh Rao, the firm caters to ultra-high-net-worth families across the Asia Pacific and MENA regions, offering comprehensive wealth management and family office solutions. For more information, visit https://tabonocapital.com Contact: team@tabonocapital.com About Invesco Invesco Ltd. (NYSE: IVZ) is a global independent investment management firm dedicated to delivering an investment experience that helps people get more out of life. With offices in more than 20 countries, our distinctive investment teams deliver a comprehensive range of active, passive and alternative investment capabilities. For more information, visit www.invesco.com/corporate.
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