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香港測量師學會產業測量組 2022 週年研討會 檢視新界土地供應來源和現行措施 思索未來土地發展新方向

香港 - Media OutReach - 2022年10月15日 - 香港測量師學會(下稱「學會」)今天假座香港JW萬豪酒店舉行「產業測量組 2022週年研討會」,本屆研討會以「新界土地供應新機遇」為主題,邀請到多個政府部門的首長、土地開發商、知名學者、專業精英及企業領袖共同探討新界土地的發展策略,並與現場及線上與會者作深入交流,現場討論氣氛熱烈。 本屆研討會以線上線下模式同步進行,共吸引逾300百名業界專業人士參與。學會非常榮幸邀請到行政會議非官守議員召集人葉劉淑儀議員擔任週年研討會的主禮嘉賓,以及多位政府部門主管、專家及知名學者聚首一堂,就不同講題進行演講,一同探討籌劃新都會基礎設施及土地規劃、農地和非住宅用地變更、構建以社會為本的公私營合作模式、以創新思維迎接土地發展等範疇,以高視野、客觀而專業的角度,為新界土地可持續發展作前瞻性戰略策劃與分析。 是次研討會分為三部分,當中講者包括香港特別行政區規劃署署長鍾文傑先生, JP分享「新機遇、新土地、新都會 — 宜居宜業宜遊的北部都會區」、香港特別行政區路政署署長陳派明先生, JP分享「籌劃交通運輸基建 迎來新都發展」、恒基兆業地產有限公司執行董事黃浩明測量師分享「高效市場 + 有為政府」、市區重建局行政總監韋志成工程師分享「新區造地靠庫房 舊區覓地誰付鈔」以及香港立法會議員黃元山博士分享「公共政策研究的分析和觀察」等等房地產相關的議題。並且邀請到香港立法會議員謝偉銓測量師,香港大學房地產及建設系講座教授鄒廣榮測量師及香港測量師學會會長趙錦權測量師分別主持三部分的答問環節。 香港測量師學會會長趙錦權測量師在表示:「長久而來,土地與房屋問題一直困擾着整個香港社會。政府早年倡議新界東北發展計劃及近年公佈的北部都會區發展策略,讓我們預見新界地區將會是香港未來發展的重中之中。」並寄語參與的同學,期望他們能透過研討會,深入瞭解本港發展的最新趨勢,為投身測量業界作好準備。 主禮嘉賓行政會議非官守議員召集人葉劉淑儀議員稱:「主禮嘉賓行政會議非官守議員召集人葉劉淑儀議員稱:「要全面發展北部都會區達至「兩灣一河雙城三圈」的優質發展圈,需要開拓約600公頃用地作住宅和產業用途,意味政府須收回數百公頃私人擁有的農地、荒廢的魚塘及濕地緩衝區,但以現時的法例法規,就連粉嶺高爾夫球場的9公頃用地亦歷時超過一年仍未有定案,按照這個節奏,想要全面發展北部都會區似乎是困難重重,建議政府盡快檢討及修訂現時有關城規條例及相關法例法規,與發展有關的修改土地用途及建屋的部門商討如何簡化審批程序。」 香港測量師學會產業測量組主席陳致馨測量師表示:「隨著社會不斷變遷,以及未來10年大灣區的發展會為香港帶來龐大商機,開拓新發展區及增加土地供應確實有急切需要。期望藉著研討會有助大家從多角度了解香港土地房屋所面對的機遇和挑戰。讓我們一同以創新思維推動香港向前邁進及支持國家十四五規劃推進粵港澳大灣區發展。」 香港測量師學會產業測量組2022週年研討會籌備委員會主席林增榮測量師在閉幕辭中表示:「研討會讓我們知悉好的規劃是踏入成功的第一步,要釋放發展潛力,基建先行是不可或缺的。公私營合作可提速、提效各項發展計劃,同時政府必須以新思維去解決積存已久種種窒礙發展的問題,多管齊下為香港未來土地發展定新方向、新里程。」 出席嘉賓名單(按姓氏筆劃排序) 產業測量組 2022週年研討會籌備委員會主席 林增榮測量師 市區重建局行政總監 韋志成工程師, GBS ,JP, FHKEng 香港特別行政區路政署署長 陳派明先生, JP 香港測量師學會產業測量組主席 陳致馨測量師 香港理工大學賽馬會社會創新設計院總監 凌嘉勤教授, SBS 香港立法會議員及團結香港基金高級副總裁兼公共政策研究院院長 黃元山博士 恒基兆業地產有限公司執行董事 黃浩明測量師 嘉華國際集團有限公司營業及市場策劃總監 (香港地產) 温偉明測量師 香港大學房地產及建設系講座教授 鄒廣榮教授測量師 (答問環節主持人) 行政會議非官守議員召集人 葉劉淑儀議員, GBM, GBS, JP 香港測量師學會會長 趙錦權測量師 AECOM 亞洲區區執行總裁 鍾小平工程師 香港特別行政區規劃署署長 鍾文傑先生, JP 香港立法會議員 謝偉銓測量師, SBS, JP (答問環節主持人) 高力國際物業顧問(香港)有限公司亞洲區估價及諮詢服務董事 蘇穎筠測量師 產業測量組 2022週年研討會會刊可按此下載: https://www.hkis.org.hk/hkis/general/annual-conf/2022/gpd/gpd-conf2022proceed.pdf 按此下載高清活動相片 Hashtag: #香港測量師學會關於香港測量師學會香港測量師學會是香港唯一依法例而設立的測量專業組織,成立於 1984 年,截至 2022 年 9月 26 日,會員人數達 10,774人,其中正式會員佔 7609 人,副會員佔 62人, 見習測量師及學生佔 3103 人。 本會的工作主要是制訂專業服務的標準,包括制訂專業守則、釐訂加入專業測量師 行列的要 求,並鼓勵會員透過持續專業進修以增進專業技能。學會在政府訂定政策 方面擔當重要的諮詢 角色,並十分關注影響測量專業的事務。我們曾向政府提供的 意見包括樓宇安全及僭建問題、 物業管理問題、城市規劃及發展策略、建築質素和 房屋問題,並就量度樓宇面積、房地產估價、測量土地邊界等標準發出指引。 詳情請瀏覽官方網頁: http://www.hkis.org.hk Facebook 專頁: https://www.facebook.com/hkisofficial

文章來源 : Media OutReach Limited 發表時間 : 瀏覽次數 : 7128 加入收藏 :
香港測量師學會建築測量組周年研討會2022 「建築資產管理與鄉郊保育的可持續發展」 發揮測量專業 促發展與保育平衡

香港 - Media OutReach - 2022年10月14日 - 香港測量師學會建築測量組(下稱「本組」)於今天假座千禧新世界香港酒店舉行周年研討會,議題為「建築資產管理與鄉郊保育的可持續發展」。今屆研討會回歸實體模式舉行,共吸引近250名業界專業人士參與會議。政府官員、企業領袖、行業專家以及學者聚首一堂,並由香港綠色建築議會主席張孝威測量師, SBS 擔任研討會主禮嘉賓,共同就推動香港成為可持續發展城市出謀獻策。 隨著大眾對社區及鄉郊保育的聲音日增,政府亦在施政報告中公布的《北部都會區發展策略》大力推動城鄉結合,發展與保育並存,並擴大以往環境局的職能,成立環境及生態局。建築測量師致力發揮專業,特邀各範疇的專家擔任講者,分享如何在社會經濟發展與保育兩者中取得平衡。冀能透過創新科技應用及引入新思維,啟發測量業對可持續發展的倡議,為建構綠色城市作出貢獻。 於研討會上,香港綠色建築議會主席張孝威測量師, SBS擔任研討會主禮嘉賓,並與與會者分享:「今日的主題恰如其分地道出城市未來發展的規劃重心,寄望建築測量師在未來能繼續以提升整個建築環境為依歸,以人為本,平衡人文經濟活動與保育;在提升現有建築的安全性之餘,同時提升其節能、減廢效益,為共同達成香港特區政府所制定2050年前的碳中和目標而努力。」 是次研討會共分為三部分,包括「鄉郊保育」、「綠色建築」及「可持續發展」,並由九位業界翹楚及專家學者擔任演講嘉賓,以更全面、專業的角度分享現今可持續發展的趨勢與探討測量行業未來發展方向。其中包括香港特別行政區屋宇署署長余寶美女士, JP分享「就可持續建築環境制定建築標準」、香港特別行政區建築署署長謝昌和先生, JP分享「可持續和宜居城市:我們的出路」、香港特別行政區環境保護署鄉郊保育辦公室總監鄧文彬教授, BBS分享「鄕郊保育與城鄉共生」、香港鄉郊基金主席林超英教授, SBS分享「香港自然及文化資產的保育與修復」、香港中文大學地理與資源管理學系客座教授林健枝教授, SBS, JP分享「鄉郊發展的環境影響評估」、世界自然基金會香港分會野生動物及濕地保育總監ERIC WIKRAMANAYAKE博士分享「灰綠融合:以后海灣濕地作為自然解決方案,打造宜居、具氣候變化適應力與韌性的北部都會區」以及太古地產有限公司可持續發展副總監何浩賢先生分享「邁向碳中和的建築資產:太古地產的策略與願景」等主題,在現場引起與會者熱烈討論。 香港測量師學會建築測量組主席張文滔測量師表示:「可持續發展作為未來城市的發展指標,測量師需與時並進,透過創新應用及發揮新思維,持續在建築項目周期的不同階段發揮所長,提升工程質素之外,亦要以建構保育發展共存,更綠化及更宜居的環境為目標。」 香港測量師學會建築測量組執行理事暨研討會籌備委員會主席郭柏威測量師在閉幕辭中表示:「是次研討會多方面討論可持續發展的方案以及測量業在未來的發展方針。我們希望與會者能藉着研討會全方位獲得最新的行業資訊及技術,並從中得到啟發,進一步提升香港在可持續發展上的潛力。」 講者名單(按演講次序) 香港綠色建築議會主席張孝威測量師, SBS(主禮嘉賓) 香港特別行政區環境保護署鄉郊保育辦公室總監鄧文彬教授, SBS 香港鄉郊基金主席林超英教授, SBS 香港中文大學地理與資源管理學系客座教授林健枝教授, SBS, JP 香港特別行政區屋宇署署長余寶美女士, JP 香港特別行政區建築署署長謝昌和先生, JP 商界環保協會營運總監梁志峰工程師 世界自然基金會香港分會野生動物及濕地保育總監ERIC WIKRAMANAYAKE博士 太古地產有限公司可持續發展副總監何浩賢先生 香港綠色建築議會執行董事陳永康博士工程師, JP 講者名單及演講題目可按此下載 周年研討會會刊可按此下載 按此下載高清活動相片 圖片說明: 001 香港綠色建築議會主席張孝威測量師, SBS(左三)、香港測量師學會建築測量組主席張文滔測量師(右二)、香港測量師學會會長趙錦權測量師(右三)與一衆香港測量師學會執行理事出席香港測量師學會建築測量組周年研討會2022。 002香港綠色建築議會主席張孝威測量師, SBS擔任主禮嘉賓。 003 香港測量師學會建築測量組主席張文滔測量師致開幕辭。 004 今屆研討會回歸實體模式舉行,共吸引近250名業界專業人士參與會議。 Hashtag: #香港測量師學會 關於香港測量師學會香港測量師學會是香港唯一依法例而設立的測量專業組織,成立於1984年,截至2022年10月14日,會員人數達10,780人,其中正式會員佔7,616人,副會員佔62人,見習測量師及學生會員佔3,102人。學會的工作主要是制訂專業服務的標準,包括制訂專業守則、釐訂加入專業測量師行列的要求,並鼓勵會員透過持續專業進修以增進專業技能。 學會在政府訂定政策方面擔當重要的諮詢角色,並十分關注影響測量專業的事務。我們曾向政府提供的意見包括樓宇安全及僭建問題、物業管理問題、城市規劃及發展策略、建築質素和房屋問題,並就量度樓宇面積、房地產估價、測量土地邊界等標準發出指引。至於與海外及國內聯繫方面,本會海外中國多個專業測量及估價學會簽署協議,互相認可對方的會員資格;此外,香港測量師學會也是多個國際知名測量組織的成員。 詳情請瀏覽官方網頁: http://www.hkis.org.hk Facebook 專頁: https://www.facebook.com/hkisofficial 關於建築測量組建築測量組於1985年,是香港測量師學會六個組別之一。截至2022年10月14日,會員人數由成立初期的119人,增至1,595人。於過去36年來,本組舉辦了不少會議、訪問活動及出版了不少刊物,推廣建築測量專業的服務和形象。 要成為專業的建築測量師,需通過專業評估和規定的實踐培訓。我們秉承香港測量師學會嚴格的專業標準,要求提供高水平的服務和效率,以及遵守嚴格的專業操守守則。

文章來源 : Media OutReach Limited 發表時間 : 瀏覽次數 : 7714 加入收藏 :
The Hong Kong Institute of Surveyors Building Surveyors Conference 2022  "Sustainability in Built Asset and Countryside Conservation" Balancing conservation and economic development

HONG KONG SAR - Media OutReach - 14 October 2022 - The Hong Kong Institute of Surveyors Building Surveying Division hosted the Building Surveyors Conference 2022 at New World Millennium Hong Kong Hotel today. Themed “Sustainability in Built Asset and Countryside Conservation”, the Conference gathered around 250 professionals from various government departments, business leaders, experts, and scholars to deliberate on surveying industry prospects. Sr CHEUNG Hau-wai, SBS, Chairman of the Hong Kong Green Building Council attended the Conference as its Guest of Honour. The public concern about conservation and sustainability has been increasing in recent years. Meanwhile, the HKSAR Government is also determined to promote ecological conservation and green development. This vision is reflected in the “Northern Metropolis Development Strategy” announced last year at the Policy Address and the expansion of the (then) Environmental Bureau to the Environment and Ecology Bureau. This Conference gathered speakers from inside and outside the Building Surveying field to share their thoughts and insights on balancing conservation and socio-economic development. It inspired the surveyors to achieve the shared goal of making a better and greener society. Sr CHEUNG Hau-wai, SBS, Chairman of the Hong Kong Green Building Council noted in his opening address, “The theme of the Building Surveyor Conference 2022 has highlighted timely on the important topic of “Sustainability in Built asset and Countryside Conservation”. To achieve carbon natural before 2050, I wish to advocate to surveyors to design and operate a people-orientated, sharing and ecologically balanced sustainable built environment, including through enhancing the use of renewable energy and energy efficiency in new buildings and retro-commissioning our existing buildings.” The Conference comprised three sections, namely “Countryside Conservation”, “Green Building”, and “Sustainable Development”. Nine industry leaders, experts and scholars deliberated the industry trends of sustainable development and explored prospects of building surveying profession from all-rounded and professional perspectives. Speakers included Ms YU Po-mei, Clarice, JP, Director of Buildings, Buildings Department, Hong Kong SAR Government deliberating on “Setting Building Standards for a Sustainable Built Environment”; Mr TSE Cheong-wo, Edward, JP, Director of Architectural Services, Architectural Services Department, Hong Kong SAR Government on “Sustainable and Liveable City: Our Way Out”; Prof TANG Man-bun, Stephen, BBS, Head of Countryside Conservation Office, Environmental Protection Department, Hong Kong SAR Government on “Countryside Conservation & Urban-Rural Symbiosis”; Prof LAM Chiu-ying, SBS, Chairman, The Hong Kong Countryside Foundation on “Conservation and Restoration of Natural and Cultural Assets in Hong Kong”; Prof LAM Kin-che, SBS, JP, Adjunct Professor of Department of Geography and Resource Management, The Chinese University of Hong Kong on “Environmental Impact Assessment of Countryside Development”; Dr Eric WIKRAMANAYAKE, Director of Wildlife and Wetlands, WWF - Hong Kong on “Integrating The Green with The Gray: The Inner Deep Bay Wetland Landscape as A Nature-Based Solution for A Livable, Climate-Resilient Northern Metropolis”; and Mr HO Ho-yin, Patrick, Deputy Head of Sustainable Development, Swire Properties Limited on “Advancing to Net-Zero Built Asset – Swire Properties’ Strategy and Vision”, and more. It aroused active discussion among the attendees. Sr CHEUNG Man-to, Arthur, Chairman, HKIS Building Surveying Division mentions, “Surveyors always need to keep pace with time and adopt new technologies and innovative approaches to design an urban built environment in harmony with sustainable development. We can contribute our professions throughout the entire project cycle to enhance the quality of new and existing buildings and strive to achieve sustainability for a better and greener Hong Kong.” Sr KWOK Pak-wai, Jeffrey, Organising Committee Chairman of HKIS Building Surveyors Conference 2022 notes in his closing speech, “The Conference covered the latest initiatives for sustainable development in different aspects and the direction of the surveying industry in the future. We hope to deliver all-around skills and knowledge to enlighten our participants into achieving our common goal of unleashing Hong Kong’s potential in sustainable development.” List of speakers (in order of speech delivery) Prof TANG Man-bun, Stephen, BBS, Head of Countryside Conservation Office, Environmental Protection Department, HKSAR Prof LAM Chiu-ying, SBS, Chairman, The Hong Kong Countryside Foundation Prof LAM Kin-che, SBS, JP, Adjunct Professor of Department of Geography and Resource Management, The Chinese University of Hong Kong Ms YU Po-mei, Clarice, JP, Director of Buildings, Buildings Department, HKSAR Mr TSE Cheong-wo, Edward, JP, Director of Architectural Services, Architectural Services Department, HKSAR Ir LEUNG Chi-fung, Director – Operations, Business Environment Council Limited Dr Eric WIKRAMANAYAKE, Director of Wildlife and Wetlands, WWF - Hong Kong Mr HO Ho-yin, Patrick, Deputy Head of Sustainable Development, Swire Properties Limited Ir Dr CHAN Wing-hong, Cary, JP, Executive Director, Hong Kong Green Building Council List of speakers and topics is downloadable here. Conference Booklet is downloadable here. High-resolution event photos are downloadable here. Photo Captions: 001 Sr CHEUNG Hau-wai, SBS, Chairman, Hong Kong Green Building Council (3rd from Left); Sr CHEUNG Man-to, Arthur, Chairman, HKIS Building Surveying Division (2nd from Right); Sr CHIU Kam-kuen, President, The Hong Kong Institute of Surveyors (3rd from Right) and HKIS Office Bearers gathered at the Hong Kong Institute of Surveyors Building Surveyors Conference 2022. 002 Sr Cheung Hau-wai, SBS, Chairman, Hong Kong Green Building Council attended the Conference as the Guest of Honour. 003 Sr CHEUNG Man-to, Arthur, Chairman, HKIS Building Surveying Division delivered the opening speech. 004 The Conference is conducted physically this year, receiving enthusiastic participation. Hashtag: #HongKongInstituteofSurveyors #HKISAbout the Hong Kong Institute of SurveyorsEstablished in 1984, The Hong Kong Institute of Surveyors (HKIS) is the only surveying professional body incorporated by ordinance in Hong Kong. As of 14 October 2022, the number of members reached 10,780, of which 7,616 were corporate members, 62 were associate members and 3,102 were probationers and students. HKIS work includes setting standards for professional services and performance, establishing codes of ethics, determining requirements for admission as professional surveyors, and encouraging members to upgrade skills through continuing professional development. The Institute has an important consultative role in government policy making and on issues affecting the profession. We have advised the government on issues such as building safety and unauthorized building works, problems of property management, town planning and development strategies, construction quality and housing problems. We have also issued guidance notes on floor area measurement, real estates valuation and land boundary survey, etc. Please visit our official website: http://www.hkis.org.hk Facebook Page: https://www.facebook.com/hkisofficial About Building Surveying DivisionEstablished in 1985, Building Surveying Division (BSD) is one of six divisions of the HKIS. The total number of professional building surveyors as at Oct 2022 has increased to 1,595 from 119 since the establishment. In the past 36 years, the Division organized many conferences and visits, and issued a number of publications to promote the service and image of building surveying profession. Professional building surveyors are qualified by professional assessments with prescribed practical training. We uphold the stringent professional standards of HKIS, which require a high level of service and efficiency as well as compliance with a strict code of professional conduct.

文章來源 : Media OutReach Limited 發表時間 : 瀏覽次數 : 2006 加入收藏 :
Hong Kong’s first survey on children’s sense of touch: Close to 70% of parents concerned about children’s stunted growth from deprivation of physical touch

Reckitt Benckiser and its brand Dettol promote Global Handwashing Day and support over 10,000 families in need to ‘Seize the Childhood and Keep On to Protect Our Future’HONG KONG SAR - Media OutReach - 14 October 2022 - The sense of touch is the primary way young children bond with their parents and peers. It is also through physical touch that they learn and explore the world around them. From the first of its kind 'Hong Kong Children's Touch Survey'[1] conducted by Reckitt and its brand Dettol, it revealed that the deprivation of touch during the pandemic has led to varying degrees of impact on the early development of young children in Hong Kong. In response to the Global Handwashing Day on 15 October[2], Dettol actively promotes the importance of maintaining personal hygiene amongst parents and their children. Working with its network of Hong Kong charity partners[3], Reckitt is donating Dettol products to over 10,000 families in need to 'Seize the Childhood and Keep On to Protect Our Future'. Life without touch hampers early development of Hong Kong children sparking concern of close to 70% parents Hygiene concerns during the COVID-19 pandemic have led to drastically reduced children's exposure to the outside world. This was corroborated by the survey findings of 300 Hong Kong parents of children aged between 2 and 5 years. The surveyed parents typically cautioned their children against touching objects and other people, including things in public areas (e.g., banisters, lift buttons, door handles, and railings etc.) (78%); strangers (74%), things on the street (e.g., goods at supermarkets or shops) (69%), playground facilities (e.g., slides, swings, climbing frames, ball pits, merry-go-rounds etc.) (51%), as well as flora and fauna in nature or outdoor areas (e.g., grassland, beaches, stray animals etc.) (49%). Additionally, 70% of surveyed parents said that they avoided touching or hugging their young children before disinfection upon arriving home. Multisensory learning method incorporating the haptic exploration of different objects could positively enhance the learning effectiveness of young children[4]. In the survey, 70% of parents said their children loved touching objects around them. However, more than 60% of parents said they would intervene when their children were about to touch something or some people that seemed unhygienic, such as calling out to stop them[5] and immediately disinfecting their hands. The parents' instant reactions may unwittingly suppress their children's desire to explore their surroundings and may even cause them to associate negatively with connecting with the outside world. The lack of interpersonal touch could severely impact the social and cognitive development of young children[6]. Close to 70% of surveyed parents were concerned that touch deprivation would lead to stunted growth in their young children. During the pandemic, they observed the varying degrees of impact on their children's personality, psychological development, language development, interpersonal skills, and learning ability. Some parents said that their children became more inhibited, unsociable, bashful, and easier to be frightened, with some reporting that their children became easily startled whenever someone approached them, and they seemed to struggle to relax regardless of circumstances. 63% of parents insisted on completing a minimum of two disinfection steps before touching their children; 80% of parents hoped their children could maintain personal hygiene habits after pandemic The survey has found that 63% of parents insisted on touching their children only after completing at least two steps or more of the disinfection process, which involved washing their hands with handwash (69%), taking a shower (58%), and changing their clothes (56%). Children have acquired a certain level of hygiene awareness from their parents during the pandemic. For example, 75% of young children have learnt to clean their hands proactively, and 55% would wash their hands for an average of six times or more daily. Up to 80% of parents hoped their children could continue the personal hygiene habits after the pandemic to prevent the threat of other viruses. Hygiene issues were often the cause of conflicts between the surveyed parents and other family members, with such conflicts more frequent with their elderly parents and in-laws (47%) and spouse (38%). The findings show that better communication is needed to help the family as a whole to reach a consensus on hygiene standards. Reckitt and Dettol to 'Seize the Childhood' and support over 10,000 families in need "As a father of three, I can empathise with the surveyed parents for the concerns and anxiety they have had during the pandemic. While physical distancing could help contain the spread of the virus, it also reduced the opportunities for young children to explore their surroundings. Finding the right balance here is crucial to the healthy development of children," said Boudewijn Feith, Reckitt General Manager Hong Kong/Taiwan. "At Reckitt, we put people first and we are committed to providing our consumers with high-quality hygiene protection in pursuit of a cleaner and healthier world with one of the most trusted antiseptic brands, Dettol. In response to the Global Handwashing Day on 15 October, Reckitt and our brand Dettol launch the 'Seize the Childhood and Keep On to Protect Our Future' campaign at PARKnSHOP stores. We believe that consistent personal hygiene habits will give parents the peace of mind to let their children explore the world, unlock their potential, and enjoy a happy and healthy childhood." During the promotion period from tomorrow (14 October) to 15 December, with any purchase of Dettol personal care products of a designated amount at PARKnSHOP stores in Hong Kong and Macau, consumers will entitle to a cash coupon that can be used in the next purchase. Meanwhile, Dettol will donate hygiene and disinfectant products to Reckitt's network of Hong Kong charity partners3, expected to benefit over 10,000 families in need. The amount of rebate and donation will be doubled on 15 October to celebrate the Global Handwashing Day. Purchase any Dettol Personal Care Products for HKD/MOP 50 or above at PARKnSHOP stores 14 October to 15 December 2022 15 October 2022 Global Handwashing Day Rebate Amount Earn HKD/MOP 5 cash coupon for next purchase* Earn HKD/MOP10 cash coupon for next purchase* Donation Amount Dettol to donate products worth of HKD/MOP 5 to Reckitt's network of Hong Kong charity partners3 Dettol to donate products worth of HKD/MOP 10 to Reckitt's network of Hong Kong charity partners3 *Present the cash coupon to save HKD/MOP 5 or HKD/MOP 10 for a single purchase of Dettol personal care products (handwash, hand sanitiser, shower gel, and soap products) worth HKD/MOP 30 or HKD/MOP 70 respectively at PARKnSHOP stores. For every Like on designated campaign posts on Dettol Hong Kong's Facebook page during the promotion period, or every photo uploaded that meets the requirements, Dettol will donate products worth of HKD/MOP 1 or HKD/MOP 10 respectively to support children at families in need to grow healthily. For more details, please visit Dettol Hong Kong's Facebook page. [1] Reckitt and its brand Dettol conducted an online survey of 300 parents of children aged between 2 and 5 years in September 2022. [2] Global Handwashing was established by United Nations in 2008 with an aim to promote the importance of handwashing with soap as an effective way to prevent diseases (https://globalhandwashing.org/global-handwashing-day/). [3] For more information on Reckitt's network of Hong Kong charity partners, please visit Dettol Hong Kong's Facebook page. [4] Minogue, J., & Jones, M. G. (2006). Haptics in education: Exploring an untapped sensory modality. Review of Educational Research, 76(3), 317-348. [5] For example, shouting "No!", "That's dirty!", or "Don't touch that!". [6] Gallace, A., & Spence, C. (2010). The science of interpersonal touch: an overview. Neuroscience & Biobehavioral Reviews, 34(2), 246-259. Hashtag: #ReckittAbout Reckitt: Reckitt* exists to protect, heal and nurture in the relentless pursuit of a cleaner, healthier world. We believe that access to the highest-quality hygiene, wellness and nourishment is a right, not a privilege. Reckitt is the company behind some of the world's most recognisable and trusted consumer brands in hygiene, health and nutrition, including Air Wick, Calgon, Cillit Bang, Clearasil, Dettol, Durex, Enfamil, Finish, Gaviscon, Harpic, Lysol, Mortein, Mucinex, Nurofen, Nutramigen, Strepsils, Vanish, Veet, Woolite and more. Every day, more than 20 million Reckitt products are bought globally. We always put consumers and people first, seek out new opportunities, strive for excellence in all that we do and build shared success with all our partners. We aim to do the right thing, always. We are a diverse global team of c. 40,000 colleagues. We draw on our collective energy to meet our ambitions of purpose-led brands, a healthier planet and a fairer society. Find out more, or get in touch with us at www.reckitt.com Find out more, or get in touch with us, at Reckitt.com * Reckitt is the trading name of the Reckitt Benckiser group of companies About Dettol:The brand first started in hospitals 80 years ago, where Dettol Antiseptic Liquid was first used for the cleaning and disinfection of skin during surgical procedures. As a trusted brand by doctors, Dettol was also used to protect mothers from illness after childbirth. Ever since then, Dettol has been trusted around the world to help prevent wounds from infection, prevent sickness and help mums protect their families by killing harmful germs and helping to create safe environments for them to thrive in. The brand continues to be one of the most trusted protectors of health. It's still valued today as a reliable and effective product which is safe to use on skin but also powerful enough to use for environmental germ-killing tasks.

文章來源 : Media OutReach Limited 發表時間 : 瀏覽次數 : 1700 加入收藏 :
全港首項「幼兒觸感調查」結果發佈:近七成家長擔憂幼兒缺乏觸摸影響成長  利潔時及旗下品牌滴露宣揚「全球洗手日」 支援過萬有需要家庭  一起「觸」緊童年 堅持守護未來

香港 - Media OutReach - 2022年10月14日 - 五感之一的觸感(sense of touch)是幼兒與父母及朋輩建立聯繫的主要方式,他們透過觸摸來學習新事物和探索世界。利潔時有限公司(「利潔時」)聯同旗下品牌滴露今日公佈全港首項「幼兒觸感調查」結果[1],發現疫情令本港幼兒缺乏觸摸,對他們的早期發展造成不同程度的影響。適逢10月15日「全球洗手日」[2],品牌積極推動市民與子女一起堅守良好的衞生習慣,並透過利潔時香港慈善機構合作夥伴網絡[3]捐贈產品予過萬有需要家庭,一起「觸」緊童年,堅持守護未來! 「觸」不到的日常妨礙本港幼兒發展 引起近七成家長擔憂 疫情期間,衞生問題令不少家長逼不得已減少子女探索觸感及與外界接觸。是次調查訪問了共300名2至5歲香港幼兒之家長,結果顯示受訪家長曾因衞生問題而避免幼兒觸摸其他人或事物,包括:公共物品(如扶手、升降機按鈕、門把手、欄杆等)(78%)、陌生人(74%)、街上物品(如超級市場或其他商店內的貨品)(69%)、遊樂設施(如滑梯、鞦韆、攀爬架、波波池、旋轉木馬等)(51%)及戶外或野生動植物(如草地、沙灘、流浪動物等)(49%)。此外,七成受訪家長回家時亦曾因未進行消毒,而避免觸摸或擁抱家中2至5 歲的幼兒。 多感官(multisensory)學習包括讓幼兒觸摸不同類別及質感的物件,可有效提升幼兒的學習成效[4]。七成受訪家長表示子女熱愛觸碰身邊所有物品,但當他們發現子女觸摸看似不衞生的物件或人士時,超過六成家長會採取即時行動,包括立即喝止幼兒[5]、以及即時消毒幼兒雙手。家長的即時反應恐抑壓幼兒探索觸感的慾望,無形中增加他們的壓力,甚至有可能令幼兒誤會與外界接觸並非正確。 缺乏社交觸碰(lack of interpersonal touch)對幼兒的社交及大腦認知發展都有所影響[6]。近七成受訪家長擔憂幼兒因減少接觸外界而窒礙其成長,他們觀察到疫情中幼兒在性格及心理發展、語言發展、人際溝通技巧、以至學習能力方面均受到不同程度的影響。部份家長坦言子女變得內向、孤僻、膽小、害羞,甚至當有人走近就開始感到害怕,做什麼事情都不能夠真正放鬆體驗等。 63% 家長堅持完成兩項或以上消毒程序才觸摸子女 八成家長期望子女於疫情後仍堅持衞生習慣 調查結果亦顯示,63%受訪家長堅持完成兩項或以上的衞生消毒程序才安心觸摸子女,包括以潔手液洗手(69%)、洗澡(58%)及更換所有衣物(56%)。在受訪家長的教導下,普遍幼兒已於疫情期間建立一定程度的衞生意識,例如75%幼兒學會主動要求清潔雙手,55%幼兒平均每日洗手6次或以上。即使疫情結束後,高達八成受訪家長期望子女繼續堅持現時的衞生習慣,以防受其他病毒的威脅。另一方面,受訪家長曾因衞生問題與不同的家庭成員發生衝突,最常出現磨擦的對象為「四大長老」(47%)及伴侶(38%),反映本港家庭需要更緊密的溝通,在衞生標準上達成共識。 利潔時與滴露舉辦「觸」緊童年推廣活動 支援過萬有需要家庭 利潔時香港及台灣總經理Boudewijn Feith表示:「身為三孩之父,對於受訪家長於疫情期間所面對的壓力及憂慮,我亦身同感受。必要的社交距離措施一方面可控制病毒在社區內傳播,但同時亦減少幼兒探索觸感的機會。為讓兒童健康成長,取得兩者的平衡非常重要。利潔時一直以人為本,致力透過全球最受信賴的消毒防護品牌之一滴露,為消費者提供高品質衞生防護,並竭力創造更潔淨、更健康的世界。適逢10月15日『全球洗手日』,利潔時與旗下品牌滴露將於百佳超級市場舉辦『觸』緊童年推廣活動。我們深信只要堅持良好的衞生習慣,家長便可安心讓子女與世界接觸,享受珍貴童年,盡情發展天賦,健康成長。」 由明日(10月14日)起至12月15日推廣期內,凡於港澳全線百佳超級市場購買任何滴露個人護理產品滿指定金額,即可獲贈優惠券於下次購物時使用,滴露亦會捐贈消毒及衞生產品予利潔時香港慈善機構合作夥伴網絡3,預計將惠及過萬個有需要家庭。為響應10月15日「全球洗手日」,當天指定消費所產生的回贈及捐贈金額更會雙重加碼。 於百佳購買任何滴露個人護理產品滿港幣/澳門幣$50 2022年10月14日至12月15日 2022年10月15日「全球洗手日」 回贈金額 港幣/澳門幣$5指定店舖優惠券 於下次購物時使用* 港幣/澳門幣$10指定店舖優惠券 於下次購物時使用* 捐贈金額 滴露捐贈港幣/澳門幣$5等值產品予利潔時香港慈善機構合作夥伴網絡 滴露捐贈港幣/澳門幣$10等值產品予利潔時香港慈善機構合作夥伴網絡 *於百佳購買滴露個人護理產品(潔手液/搓手液/沐浴露/香皂產品)單一交易滿港幣/澳門幣$30或$70,出示優惠券可分別享港幣/澳門幣$5或 $10折扣。 凡於推廣期內於滴露香港Facebook專頁讚好「觸緊童年,堅持,守護未來」指定帖文,每收到一個讚好或符合要求的圖片內容,滴露將捐贈港幣/澳門幣$1或 $10 等值產品,支持有需要家庭的孩子健康成長。詳情請留意滴露香港Facebook專頁的最新資訊。 [1] 利潔時聯同旗下品牌滴露於2022年9月以網上問卷形式訪問了共300名2至5歲香港幼兒之家長。 [2] 由聯合國於2008年訂立,旨在呼籲全球人士使用肥皂洗手作為預防感染疾病的重要方法(https://globalhandwashing.org/global-handwashing-day/)。 [3] 利潔時香港慈善機構合作夥伴網絡請參閱滴露香港Facebook專頁公佈。 [4] Minogue, J., & Jones, M. G. (2006). Haptics in education: Exploring an untapped sensory modality. Review of Educational Research, 76(3), 317-348. [5] 例如大叫「NO」、「污糟呀」、「唔好掂」。 [6] Gallace, A., & Spence, C. (2010). The science of interpersonal touch: an overview. Neuroscience & Biobehavioral Reviews, 34(2), 246-259. Hashtag: #Reckitt關於利潔時利潔時(「Reckitt」)以「通過衞生防護,健康療護,營養守護,竭力創造更潔淨、更健康的世界」為使命,並相信平等地享有高品質的衞生,健康和營養這是每個人的權利。 利潔時旗下有眾多深受消費者信賴的知名品牌,涵蓋衞生,健康和營養三大品類,其中包括喜詩Air Wick、Calgon、Cillit Bang、Clearasil、滴露Dettol、杜蕾斯Durex、美贊臣Enfamil、亮碟Finish、嘉胃斯康Gaviscon、瑕辟Harpic、來舒Lysol、Mortein、美清痰Mucinex、布洛芬Nurofen、安敏健Nutramigen、使立消Strepsils、碧蓮Vanish、薇婷Veet、護麗Woolite等。 利潔時每天銷售約2,000萬件產品予全球消費者。利潔時以人為本的信念,將員工及消費者放在首位,去探索新機遇,並不斷精益求精,追求卓越,與內外合作夥伴一起開創共享共贏,同時一直致力於做正確的事。 利潔時在全球有近40,000多位來自不同文化、才華橫溢的員工。我們正在共同努力,為實現公司使命,創造更潔淨的世界,成就更平等的社會不斷奮進前行。 獲取更多資訊或聯繫我們,請瀏覽利潔時官網Reckitt.com。 *Reckitt是Reckitt Benckiser集團公司的商號 關於滴露滴露在80年前創立,滴露消毒藥水最初是醫院在手術時用來清潔和消毒皮膚。隨著品牌漸受到醫生信賴,產品亦用以保護產後媽媽的衛生健康。 自此,滴露一直深受世界各地信賴,能去除致病細菌,有助防禦傷口感染和疾病,更為家庭營造安全、衛生的環境,保護家人健康。多年來,滴露是可靠、有效和最值得信賴的品牌之一,能強效殺滅環境中的致病細菌,但又可以安心使用在皮膚上。 詳情請瀏覽 https://www.dettol.com.hk/

文章來源 : Media OutReach Limited 發表時間 : 瀏覽次數 : 7591 加入收藏 :
每日洗手可降近4成染疫風險 兒少衛生觀念不足成隱憂 利潔時及旗下品牌滴露攜手家扶基金會「手護」孩童健康 養成正確洗手習慣 遠離家戶感染風險

台灣台北 - Media OutReach - 2022年10月14日 - 新冠病毒疫情席捲全球之餘,專家更指出2022年台灣恐達400萬人感染流感[2],據英國倫敦大學研究顯示,每日正確洗手6至10 次,即可有效降低36%染疫風險[1]!香港商香港利潔時有限公司臺灣分公司(以下簡稱「利潔時」)觀察到大疫時代兒少染疫成主流,但孩童日常防疫習慣與觀念卻急需提升,今年聯同旗下品牌滴露攜手財團法人台灣兒童暨家庭扶助基金會(以下簡稱「家扶基金會」),推廣「種子教師」衛教計畫,盼通過推廣簡單、有效的「洗手」方式,傳遞正確衛教知識,幫助弱勢兒童及其家庭培養良好衛生習慣,同時將捐贈滴露松木潔手液,預估將有近萬名民眾受惠! 逾7成青少年餐前、廁後不洗手 防疫不只戴口罩 養成勤洗手的習慣刻不容緩 兒童染疫的占比,已經超過兒童在總人口中的比率[3],加上兒童維持良好防疫習慣較成人困難,感染及擴散病毒風險亦較高。擁有正確的衛教觀念及高度衛生意識是維持公共衛生的基礎,而「保持手部衛生」則是日常生活中民眾預防傳染病最簡單、有效的方法。然而據國民健康署近日公布110年「青少年健康行為調查報告」指出,超過7成青少年每次吃東西前不會洗手,更有近9成青少年如廁後不使用肥皂洗手[4],顯示教導兒少養成勤洗手的良好習慣刻不容緩。 利潔時攜手家扶基金會關懷兒少與家庭 近4,000戶家庭及萬名民眾受惠 利潔時觀察到台灣孩童洗手衛生觀念不足的現況,秉持「擁有高品質的衛生、健康及營養是每個人的權利」的信念,認為衛生觀念應從兒童教育做起。有鑑於此,利潔時於今年10月起攜手家扶基金會,透過「種子教師」衛教計畫,協助家扶基金會培訓洗手衛教師資,為其關懷家庭及兒少提供衛生教育課程,傳遞正確衛教知識。目前為止,已有24位家扶基金會的種子教師參與培訓,預計今年將觸及3,000名孩童,幫助他們從小建立正確的衛教觀念。此外,利潔時也將捐贈逾5,000瓶滴露松木潔手液予逾4,000戶家庭,以保護近萬名民眾遠離細菌威脅、免受疾病傷害。利潔時持續致力提升兒少與家庭衛生意識的同時,也期盼能為生活環境提供更優質的衛生與健康防護。 幫助孩子從雙手建立第一道防線,和細菌說Bye Bye! 「我今天學到了『內、外、夾、弓、大、立、腕』洗手七字訣,以後我會勤洗手,回家也要教給爸爸媽媽!」南投家扶中心參與計畫的孩子們直呼洗手課程十分有趣,老師們透過簡單好玩的卡通互動式教材,讓孩子們了解冠狀病毒、腸病毒、大腸桿菌、沙門氏菌等病菌,都是躲藏在家戶間的隱藏殺手。此外,亦教導孩子們居家也應常洗手以應付無處不在的病菌,透過「洗手七字訣」學習正確洗淨雙手方法,從雙手建立第一道防線,和細菌說Bye Bye!家戶感染是流行病傳播的可能途徑之一,協助「種子教師」計畫的培訓員陳珈汶表示:「很開心可以參與這次的種子教師計畫,傳染病流行之際,孩子的衛教不能等,應藉由學校課程,幫助學生養成正確的衛生觀念,也鼓勵孩子們將學校所學,帶回家中與家人分享,帶領家人共同建立洗手觀念,由此創造並落實衛教的正向循環。」 利潔時致力守護每個人的安全與健康 幫助兒少與家庭享有優質衛生防護 針對這次與利潔時的合作,家扶基金會執行長周大堯表示:「要與流行病共存的首要條件,是傳遞與落實正確的衛教觀念,尤其對於受助家庭來說,奔波三餐溫飽之餘,更遑論有充足的知能與資源進行衛生防護。感謝利潔時藉此次合作,為本會提供衛生教育課程,向家庭與兒少傳遞正確衛教知識,更慷慨捐贈滴露松木潔手液予逾4,000戶家庭,讓家庭與兒少有機會於日常生活實踐正確防疫觀念,同時享有優質衛生防護。」利潔時香港及台灣總經理Boudewijn Feith表示,利潔時很認同家扶基金會關懷弱勢兒少及家庭的理念,也很高興與該機構成為合作夥伴,「利潔時一直致力做正確的事。保持衛生是維持健康的基礎,我們將繼續為社會盡一份心力,守護每個人的安全與健康,讓高品質的衛生成為每個人應享有的權利,堅守『竭力創造更潔淨、健康的世界』的使命。」 [1] NOW健康:黃立民直指今年是流感大年 莊人祥:流感確實蠢蠢欲動 [2] 以衛生福利部疾病管制署官方網站(2020年起COVID-19本土確定病例數及死亡數統計 : 年齡性別統計)除以內政部戶政司全球資訊網(縣市人口按單齡9701)統計數字所得。0-9歲人口占比約8.00%,確診病例占比約10.77%;10-19歲人口占比約8.77%,確診病例占比約10.28%(百分比四捨五入至小數點後第二位) [3] 衛生福利部國民健康署110年「青少年健康行為調查報告」 Hashtag: #利潔時關於利潔時 利潔時(「Reckitt」)以「通過衞生防護,健康療護,營養守護,竭力創造更潔淨、更健康的世界」為使命,並相信平等地享有高品質的衞生,健康和營養這是每個人的權利。 利潔時旗下有眾多深受消費者信賴的知名品牌,涵蓋衞生,健康和營養三大品類,其中包括喜詩Air Wick、Calgon、Cillit Bang、Clearasil、滴露Dettol、杜蕾斯Durex、美贊臣Enfamil、亮碟Finish、嘉胃斯康Gaviscon、瑕辟Harpic、來舒Lysol、Mortein、美清痰Mucinex、布洛芬Nurofen、安敏健Nutramigen、使立消Strepsils、碧蓮Vanish、薇婷Veet、護麗Woolite等。 利潔時每天銷售約2000萬件產品予全球消費者。利潔時以人為本的信念,將員工及消費者放在首位,去探索新機遇,並不斷精益求精,追求卓越,與內外合作夥伴一起開創共享共贏,同時一直致力於做正確的事。 利潔時在全球有近40,000多位來自不同文化、才華橫溢的員工。我們正在共同努力,為實現公司使命,創造更潔淨的世界,成就更平等的社會不斷奮進前行。 獲取更多資訊或聯繫我們,請瀏覽利潔時官網Reckitt.com。 *Reckitt是Reckitt Benckiser集團公司的商號 關於滴露滴露在80年前創立,最初研發產品為滴露消毒藥水,用在醫院手術時清潔和消毒皮膚。隨著品牌漸受到醫生信賴,產品亦用以保護產後媽媽的衛生健康。 自此,滴露一直深受世界各地信賴,能對抗細菌,為家庭營造安全、衛生的環境,保護家人健康。 多年來,滴露是可靠、有效和值得信賴的抗菌消毒品牌之一。 詳情請瀏覽 www.dettol-store.com.tw 關於家扶基金會家扶基金會是一個關懷弱勢兒童及其家庭的國際性非營利組織。從早期接受國外資助,到成為自給自足的兒童福利機構,一路走來始終秉持為弱勢兒童、少年及家庭服務的願景及使命。 詳情請瀏覽: www.ccf.org.tw

文章來源 : Media OutReach Limited 發表時間 : 瀏覽次數 : 5953 加入收藏 :
2025 年 1 月 21 日 (星期二) 農曆十二月廿二日
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