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新一代憑藉「太陽能節能溫室」創新概念 於本年度「Schneider Go Green」全球學生大賽中摘冠

摩洛哥學生隊伍GreenOverMorrow的智慧型能源管理方案脫穎而出,方案有助推動農業界的綠色能源發展 優勝隊伍可獲一萬歐元現金獎 香港 - Media OutReach - 2022年7月6日 - 帶領全球能源管理及自動化數碼轉型的施耐德電氣,宣佈來自摩洛哥的學生隊伍GreenOverMorrow榮獲本年度「Schneider Go Green」全球學生大賽的冠軍。此大賽每年邀請來自世界各地的大學生,鼓勵他們提出推動節能、多元共容和可持續的創新方案。 冠軍隊伍GreenOverMorrow由摩洛哥學生Abir Werzgan、Hajar Werzgan 和 Omrane Derhy組成。隊伍提出的自動化溫室,支援物聯網(IoT)、人工智能(AI)和一切皆服務(XaaS, Everything-as-a-Service),加上利用太陽能板、電網和農作物相關的數據,能夠減少能源消耗、用水及二氧化碳的排放。 大賽的評審團由施耐德電氣及劍維軟件(AVEVA)的高層人員組成,評審團對於冠軍隊伍方案的實用性,及他們對當地農業發展的熱誠留下深刻印象。評委對所有入圍隊伍的出色表現表示讚賞,並指出:「GreenOverMorrow隊伍的獲勝方案,結合了能源管理及訂閲商業模式來生產可持續食品,其應用有機會不限於摩洛哥,更可於全球廣泛地應用。」 勝出的學生隊伍來自摩洛哥卡薩布蘭卡的ENSAM University of Casablanca和本吉希爾的Mohammed VI Polytechnic University,他們將獲得一萬歐元現金作為獎勵。其他七隊來自不同地區的決賽團隊,在備戰過程中皆獲得施耐德電氣團隊的專業指導,幫助他們完善參賽的提案及演講。 施耐德電氣首席人力資源總監Charise Le表示:「全球正面對針對環境和社會的種種挑戰,我們必須積極推動正面影響。轉變不必是翻天覆地或者由上而下的;事實上,這些年輕人的創新方案,多是具針對性且規模較小,但他們大膽及具影響力的想法反而是整個方案的精髓,而如何實踐這些想法則是我們的責任。」 施耐德電氣於2011年首次主辦「Schneider Go Green」全球學生大賽,現時與工業軟件公司劍維軟件聯手合辦,大賽的規模於過去十年迅速擴展,單是2022年這一屆便有來自200個國家,超過22,200名學生參賽,合共收到超過3,700份創意提案。大賽共有五大範疇,包括「能源普及 (Access to Energy)」、「未來家居 (Homes of the Future)」、「未來全球供應鏈(Global Supply Chain of the Future)」、「未來電網 (Grids of the Future)」及「解碼未來 (Decoding the Future)」。 請按此查閲大賽的團隊入圍名單,大賽詳情請瀏覽gogreen.se.com。 按此了解施耐德電氣對可持續發展及新一代培育的承諾,並按此參閱有關劍維軟件的可持續發展資訊。 Hashtag: #SchneiderElectric #SchneiderGoGreen #MeaningfulPurpose #WhatsYourBoldIdea關於施耐德電氣施耐德電氣的宗旨,是讓所有人對能源及資源都能物盡其用,推動人類進步與可持續的共同發展。我們稱之為Life Is On。 我們的使命是成為您實踐可持續發展及高效能的數碼化合作夥伴。 我們致力推動數碼化轉型,服務遍及家居、樓宇、數據中心、基建設施及工業市場。我們集合了領先全球的流程及能源管理技術,從終端到雲端的互聯互通產品、控制、軟件及服務,貫穿整個業務的生命週期,實現整合的企業管理。 我們是一間擁有本土化優勢的全球企業,致力於推動開放的技術及合作夥伴生態圈,積極實踐具意義、多元共容及賦能的共同企業價值。 www.se.com/hk Discover Life is On 追蹤我們: https://twitter.com/SchneiderElec https://www.facebook.com/SchneiderElectric?brandloc=DISABLE https://www.linkedin.com/company/schneider-electric https://www.youtube.com/user/SchneiderCorporate https://www.instagram.com/schneiderelectric/ http://blog.se.com/ 在 施耐德電氣探索其建構可持續發展、電力4.0及新一代自動化方面的最新視野

文章來源 : Media OutReach Limited 發表時間 : 瀏覽次數 : 2057 加入收藏 :
Innovative energy-saving solar greenhouse idea wins Schneider Go Green student competition

Team GreenOverMorrow from Morocco wins with a smart energy management solution to set the energy transition of agriculture in motion The winners receive a 10,000-euro cash prize HONG KONG SAR - Media OutReach - 6 July 2022 - Schneider Electric, the leader in the digital transformation of energy management and automation, announced Team GreenOverMorrow from Morocco as the winner of Schneider Go Green, an annual competition that invites university students from around the globe to share their ideas for innovations that can help make the world cleaner, more inclusive, and more sustainable. Spearheaded by Abir Werzgan, Hajar Werzgan and Omrane Derhy, Team GreenOverMorrow was awarded the title in recognition of their automated greenhouse solution: an IoT and AI-enabled, XaaS (Everything-as-a-Service) solution using solar panels alongside grid and crop data to reduce energy losses, save water and cut carbon emissions. The judging panel, made up of senior executives from Schneider Electric and AVEVA, was particularly impressed by the applicability of the winning solution and the passion shown by the winning team to have a positive impact on farming in their region. The judges congratulated all the finalists for their outstanding work, insightful presentations and the immense energy they showed. They commented that "Team GreenOverMorrow's winning solution combines optimized energy management with a subscription service business model and can potentially unlock more sustainable food production, not just in Morocco, but in other parts of the world." The winning team, who are students at ENSAM University of Casablanca and Mohammed VI Polytechnic University in Ben Guerir, will receive a 10,000 euro cash prize. Seven other teams – each representing a different region– made it through to the final round of the competition. All participants received mentorship to help them fine-tune their ideas and pitch to the judges. "With so many challenges now facing the planet – both environmental and social – we all have to help create a positive impact," said Charise Le, Schneider Electric's Chief Human Resources Officer. "Change doesn't always have to be big-bang and top-down. In fact, innovations like these – targeted, grassroots and small-scale, but also bold and impactful – are an important part of the overall solution. It's our responsibility to help them become a reality." First launched in 2011 by Schneider Electric, and now run in collaboration with the industrial software company AVEVA, Schneider Go Green has expanded rapidly over the past decade. In 2022 alone, more than 22,200 students from 200 countries registered for the event, and more than 3,700 submitted innovative ideas that fitted into the competition's five categories: Access to Energy, Homes of the Future, Global Supply Chain of the Future, Grids of the Future, Decoding the Future. The full list of finalists can be found here. For more details about the competition, go to gogreen.se.com. Schneider Electric's sustainability commitments, including those connected with fostering the next generation, are here, and more about sustainability at AVEVA can be found here. Hashtag: #SchneiderElectric #SchneiderGoGreen #MeaningfulPurpose #WhatsYourBoldIdeaAbout Schneider Electric Schneider's purpose is to empower all to make the most of our energy and resources, bridging progress and sustainability for all. We call this Life Is On. Our mission is to be your digital partner for Sustainability and Efficiency. We drive digital transformation by integrating world-leading process and energy technologies, end-point to cloud connecting products, controls, software and services, across the entire lifecycle, enabling integrated company management, for homes, buildings, data centers, infrastructure and industries. We are the most local of global companies. We are advocates of open standards and partnership ecosystems that are passionate about our shared Meaningful Purpose, Inclusive and Empowered values. www.se.com/hk Discover Life is On Follow us on: https://twitter.com/SchneiderElec https://www.facebook.com/SchneiderElectric?brandloc=DISABLE https://www.linkedin.com/company/schneider-electric https://www.youtube.com/user/SchneiderCorporate https://www.instagram.com/schneiderelectric/ http://blog.se.com/ Discover the newest perspectives shaping sustainability, electricity 4.0, and next generation automation on Schneider Electric Insights About AVEVAAVEVA is a global leader in industrial software, sparking teams' ingenuity to drive responsible use of the world's resources. Over 20,000 industrial enterprises rely on AVEVA to help them deliver life's essentials: safe and reliable energy, food, medicines, infrastructure and more. By connecting teams with trusted information and AI-enriched insights, AVEVA helps them engineer smarter, operate better and drive growth and sustainability. AVEVA's secure industrial cloud platform and applications empower businesses to not only optimize their own enterprises, but also improve collaboration with their extended ecosystem of customers, suppliers and partners. Named one of the world's most innovative companies, AVEVA supports customers with open solutions and the expertise of over 6,400 employees, 5,000 partners and 5,700 certified developers around the world. With operations around the globe, AVEVA is headquartered in Cambridge, UK and listed on the London Stock Exchange's FTSE 100.

文章來源 : Media OutReach Limited 發表時間 : 瀏覽次數 : 1859 加入收藏 :
港產「元宇宙」AiR METAVERSE推出一個月即席捲全港

首輪香港建築物NFT兩週逆市銷售過千萬 與兩大商場實現Metaverse-to-Go送出三百多萬件虛擬物品 數十個品牌及人氣KOL企劃相繼登場Air Season 0建立最「貼地」跨行業本地遊戲化生態圈 降低門檻協助中小企業加入元宇宙 大眾化模式帶領Web2.0用戶走進Web3 香港 - Media OutReach - 2022年7月6日 - 香港科技初創開發商Air World Limited自4月底正式推出虛擬世界AiR Metaverse (AiR) 以來,即引起全城哄動,於短短兩個月內,其100多個和現實地址掛勾的建築物NFT已創下超過一千萬港元的銷售額,並已出現二手成交。除此之外,AiR亦已先後與銅鑼灣時代廣場及鑽石山荷里活廣場合作推出元宇宙企劃,更獲空前成功。同時,AiR正籌備推出Metaverse Season 0,與多間企業、品牌及人氣KOL達成合作計劃,並且會為中小企降低元宇宙入場門檻,蓄勢待發為大家帶來全港最大規模連動線上線下的遊戲化生態圈,令人期待! 首輪香港建築物NFT銷售驚人 在首輪非公開預售中推出的100多個建築物NFT已全部售出,並成功吸引多個商場、地產發展商、零售品牌、演藝名人、本地藝術家等陸續進駐AiR。儘管近來加密幣和NFT市場大幅下跌,AiR的NFT需求和價值依然不斷上升,成績令人鼓舞。其中一個本地的NFT項目BBB (BullBullBear),更耗資過百萬港元收購AiR內位於中環海濱活動空間的建築物NFT,並正考慮籌備一個BBB的主題虛擬嘉年華,讓AiR用戶可以暢游各種遊戲以贏得虛擬和實體獎品。此外,BBB早前購買了的另一座建築物NFT,已被一家本地企業看中並成功以高於三倍的價錢轉售,成為AiR建築物NFT的首宗二手交易。而現在AiR世界最大的虛擬建築物持有者是牽你康集團,他們總共購買和轉售了超過30個建築物NFT,涉及數百萬港元,當中包括整條廣東道位置的多個虛擬建築物。該集團將會通過這些虛擬建築物進行不同的遊戲化產品推廣、電子商貿及客戶優惠,在AiR裡面建立集團的Web3網絡。 AiR虛擬建築物的概念亦吸引了不少現實地產商的興趣,擁有軒尼詩道333物業權的凱龍瑞集團和AiR合作推出該物業的建築物NFT,並打算通過碎片化技術把該NFT再拆化,送給其物業的業主作為Utility tokens,於將來實行DAO(Decentralized Autonomous Organization分散式自治組織)。Air World Limited行政總裁周榮春(Terence)表示:「建築物NFT的銷售速度讓我們也有點驚訝,開賣短短一星期已超過了四百萬港元,而於第二星期第一輪的非公開銷售更已全部售罄。為免過度泡沫化,我們特意減慢了建築物NFT的出售,因為我們的目的不是炒賣獲短利,而是推出長遠性有Utility的NFTs,接下來我們還會公佈能和建築物NFT連動的AiR Citizen NFT,我們的NFT持有者可以在建築物設定不同的遊戲,利用Citizen NFT邊玩邊賺(Play-to-Earn)。」 與兩大商場全作推出港產元宇宙企劃空前成功 AiR於過去兩個月先後與時代廣場和荷里活廣場合作推出的元宇宙企劃,受到廣大市民熱烈的迴響 – AiR與時代廣場及本地人氣NFT系列 Bunny Warriors合作,以O2O (Offline to Online) 模式連接虛實世界和Bunny Warriors展覽及NFT限定店,顧客只要以手機應用程序下載AiR Metaverse並掃描場內的二維碼,即可進入元宇宙中 Bunny Warriors 的世界體驗冒險遊戲,而在限定店以現金出售的NFT更全部售罄;AiR與荷里活廣場推出首個連動商場VIC優惠的遊戲化體驗「元宇宙綠色村莊歷奇之旅」,讓顧客通過在現實中廣場內不同的位置設有二維碼,連接到元宇宙內三個不同的虛擬遊戲場景,暢遊元宇宙進行不同的新奇互動任務,並以遊戲刺激消費和VIC註冊。 自4月底正式推出以來,通過AiR進入虛擬遊戲場景的次數高達三十萬,全部用戶其獲得了多達四百萬件虛擬物品,獎品換領數目更達二萬次,可見由AiR所提供的線上結合線下模式的虛實平台將成為大趨勢。Terence對初步的成果表示滿意:「首兩個月的成功更確定了AiR堅守 O2O模式的信念,線上的體驗可說是無限制,絕對能夠為大家帶來前所未有的獨特體驗,但我們相信只有透過線下的親身接觸和感受,才能真正與大眾聯繫,同時亦能為線下商店帶來人流,一舉多得。我們正為其中一個中小企餐廳客戶設計的互動體驗便是最好的例子──於線上設有教授製作港式奶茶的小遊戲,完成遊戲後可到線下的餐廳免費獲得奶茶一杯,無論線上遊戲有多出色,顧客親身到餐廳品嚐奶茶的感官體驗才能真正留下深刻印象。」 AiR Season 0數十個企劃將陸續登場 大眾化門檻讓中小企業投入元宇宙 同時拓展海外市場 AiR正在籌備Metaverse Season 0的企劃,把不同界別各行各業的合作伙伴帶進AiR。除了時代廣場及荷里活廣場外,現階段已經達成了合作協議的有香港大型戶外媒體廣告平台 Focus Media HK Ltd、全港最大的強積金公司BCT Group、CGA電競館、2022動漫節、密室逃脫LOST.......、城市大學、MegaBox、全港No. 1充電器租借服務供應商ChargeSpot、人氣瑜伽導師林芊妤Coffee、本地創作「香港重機」、本地籃球漫畫UBL等數十個品牌及單位,還有NFT合作伙伴Bunny Warriors, BullBullBear (BBB), Blue Ark, BeastFromFeast (BFF)及QR8,將陸續帶來多個不同連動線上線下的體驗,計畫於今年來建立一個覆蓋全港的遊戲化元宇宙生態圈。 精選元宇宙企劃詳情: Focus Media HK Ltd 推出首創的元宇宙「戶外廣告」,並連接線上線下把實體戶外廣告遊戲化,實行「玩得到」的全新廣告體驗 BCT Group 和BCT Group推出的元宇宙遊戲化平台連動,推出Play-to-Earn遊戲,讓用戶透過有趣的遊戲贏取兩個平台的專屬用品 2022動漫節 和CGA合作遊戲化整個活動體驗,由排隊入場開始至到進入展館都加入元宇宙遊戲元素,把動漫節變作一場Play-to-Earn的大型冒險遊戲 LOST 推出實體和虛擬連接的密室逃脫遊戲,並計畫舉行包含整個香港的大型虛擬現實連動的尋寶遊戲 MegaBox 夥拍MegaBox 推線上線下遊戲,通過在AiR的虛擬商場遊戲,讓顧客體驗遊戲化購物樂趣,同時成為Mega Club會員即可獲贈豐富獎品。 ChargeSpot 通過ChargeSpot在香港的4000多個租借點,連結成一個遊戲化網路,為用戶帶來Charge-to-Earn元宇宙新玩法 Bunny Warriors 將合作推出Bunny Warriors Gen 2.0 和 死敵Fox NFT系列,更會在AiR裡加強和NFT連動的玩法和帶出故事內容 Blue Ark 在Blue Ark於半島酒店的展覽館推出多個O2O合作活動,利用場館將不同的NFT遊戲化,贏取NFT和加密幣 林芊妤Coffee 建造虛擬瑜伽教室,在元宇宙設有瑜伽展示,同時連接Coffee旗下的瑜伽服品牌,提供和fans的互動遊戲 香港重機 把角色放進元宇宙進行各種Play-to-Earn的遊戲,通過在各區的「回收號」換取部件,去合成不同造型的燈箱君 BFF 於AiR建造BFF展覽館,把BFF變成元宇宙虛擬猛獸供參觀,並會定期邀請著名廚師及餐廳於展覽館裡提供遊戲化體驗 AiR助中小企把握「元宇宙」零售熱 而正與AiR洽談的多個品牌和單位,有不少是本地的中小企業,全因AiR深信元宇宙不應成為只有擁有足夠資金和人才的大企業的世界,當中包括創立六十五年的本地西裝裁縫店Sam's Tailor(山美裁缝)。Sam's Tailor創立於1957年,除了曾為英國軍官訂製服裝,其手藝亦受到多位國際名人如前美國總統喬治布殊、歌手David Bowie、Michael Jackson、 Bruno Mars及英國前首相戴卓爾夫人等所欣賞,他們在港逗留的時間往往只有短短的一兩天,卻仍會花半天時間在Sam's Tailor量身,可見其受歡迎的程度。Air World Limited 聯合創辦人謝旭 (Yuk)表示:「當初收到Sam's Tailor傳人Roshan的電郵,我們感到相當慶幸。因為他們是歷史悠久的本地小店,無數外國明星和名人也曾光臨,可以算是陪著香港成長。雖然Roshan完全不知道什麼是Web3和元宇宙,但他表示想加入AiR,讓我們萌生了把本地中小企帶進元宇宙的想法。」 AiR現正和一個連接大量中小企的平台洽談,希望能夠攜手於今年內帶領數千商戶進入AiR,提供低門檻而有實際效益的遊戲化客戶體驗。Yuk補充:「香港無線科技商會於月前公佈了『香港智能手機應用程式業界調查2021-2022』的結果,75%受訪香港企業仍未為進入元宇宙作任何準備,而人才短缺及欠缺資金是窒礙企業進入元宇宙的主因,而當中的中小企佔大多數。這個調查報告令我們更落力地進一步簡化,並降低進入門檻,令AiR成為最大眾化且最實用的元宇宙之餘,更希望令元宇宙能夠真正讓香港大眾投入使用,讓更多人感受到Web3的力量。」而Yuk亦透露AiR正密切準備衝出香港,預計會在新加坡、台灣及泰國等地推出,在亞洲建立更廣闊的元宇宙體驗! 關於AiRAdventure in Reality 虛實世界大冒險AiR即是Adventure in Reality,將手機遊戲和現實世界融合,讓玩家透過手機應用程式在現實世界進行一場大冒險。玩家將可以利用手提裝置、網絡、終端機及VR裝置操作,到訪現實世界不同的地方,以QR code 連接到不同的遊戲場景,走進AiR的元宇宙。同時,玩家可以在虛擬世界中創建、探索、冒險和交易,從而賺取不同的虛擬幣、NFT,甚至是實體獎品。AiR 提供了跨越虛擬和現實世界的整個元宇宙冒險體驗,為玩家及企業帶來無限的可能。 網頁: https://www.air-world.io/

文章來源 : Media OutReach Limited 發表時間 : 瀏覽次數 : 5404 加入收藏 :
Home-Grown Tech Start-Up AiR METAVERSE Takes The City by Storm

The first round of virtual building NTF pre-sale sold over 10 million despite recent crypto market slump In partnerships with large-scale shopping malls for Metaverse-to-Go debut to give out over 3 million virtual items Working with local brands and influencers to establish Air Season 0 – the most practical cross industry local gamification ecosystem Easy gateways for small and medium-sized enterprises to be a part of AiR Metaverse, leading Web2.0 users and the public to Web3 HONG KONG SAR - Media OutReach - 6 July 2022 - Air World Limited, a home-grown tech start-up has taken Hong Kong by storm in two months after its launch of AiR Metaverse (AiR) in April. AiR completed its first round of virtual building NFT pre-sale with 100 iconic infrastructures which generated over 10 million Hong Kong dollars in revenue. On top of that, the Metaverse plans with Times Square and Plaza Hollywood were met with unprecedented success. Meanwhile, AiR is preparing for the launch of Metaverse Season 0 in collaboration with numerous local brands, celebrities and influencers. It creates an easy gateway for SMEs to step foot in the AiR Metaverse. With the largest online and offline gaming ecosystem on the horizon, more unique adventures await! First NFT Collection Landed Record Number Sales In the first round of the invite-only pre-sale, over 100 available buildings NFTS were sold. It attracts multiple shopping malls, real estate developers, retail brands, celebrities and artists who are now a part of AiR's growing portfolio, despite the recent poor performance of the crypto and NFT market. BBB (BullBullBear), a local NFT brand, put in an offer of over 1 million Hong Kong Dollars for the virtual space of Central Harbourfront Event Space, where they are considering holding a virtual carnival. AiR users will have access to all kinds of games with digital and physical rewards to win. BBB also successfully resold another building NFT to a local enterprise with triple the original value. It marked the first secondary transaction of any AiR building NFTs. Currently, Zenecom International Group Limited, the largest property NFT holder in AiR, has acquired over 30 virtual buildings for a record of several million Hong Kong Dollars, including numerous virtual properties along Canton Road. Zenecom will gamify their product promotions, e-commerce and customer experiences through these virtual properties to build a Web3 network for their business units within the group. Many real estate developers have expressed keen interest in the concept of AiR virtual buildings. Kai Long Group, which owns the property right of Hennessy Road 333, collaborates with AiR to not only tokenize the physical property into a building NFT, but also fragmentize the NFT into Unit NFTs. The fragmented tokens are given to property owners as "Utility tokens" for a possible upcoming DAO (Decentralized Autonomous Organization). Terence Chow, CEO of Air World Limited expressed that, "We were surprised by the sales of the buildings NFTs. Within a week, we recorded a total sale of over 4 million Hong Kong Dollars. Every NFT was sold in the second week of the private sale. We slowed down the sale of building NFTs because we did not aim for a short-term profit. We are going to launch Utility NFTs in the long run. Soon, we will announce AiR Citizen NFTs, which will carry out game plays and move into virtual buildings for Play-to-Earn". An Unprecedented Success of AiR Metaverse with Two Shopping Malls In Hong Kong Over the past two months, AiR collaborated with Times Square and Plaza Hollywood which was very well-received by the general public. Together with Times Square and local NFT collection "Bunny Warriors", AiR leveraged O2O (Offline to Online) gamification to connect the virtual reality with Bunny Warriors Exhibition and the NFT pop-up store. To enter and enjoy adventurous games in the Bunny Warriors Metaverse, customers had to download the AiR Metaverse app and scan in-mall QR codes. NFTs were also available for purchase in cash at the pop-up store. AiR and Hollywood Plaza collaborated on the first ever Metaverse themed shopping mall loyalty program gamification titled "MetaGreen Village Adventure", where players can scan in-mall QR codes and be connected to three eco-game zones with interactive missions to complete, motivating spending and also VIC registration. After its launch in April, AiR recorded over 300,000 players entering one of the Metaverse scenes. In total, more than 4 million virtual items were acquired by players and over 20,000 prizes were given out. This goes to show that the O2O Metaverse model created by AiR is going to be a big hit in the near future. Terence is satisfied with the progress so far, he added, "Our success with AiR within two months of its launch has reaffirmed our belief in the O2O Metaverse model. Undoubtedly, the possibilities of online experiences are limitless. In addition, Web3 technology brings about a never-seen-before unique experience for everyone. But we believe in building offline connections through real-life interactive experiences to boost sales and loyalty for businesses. For example, we are designing an interactive experience for a medium-sized restaurant chain. Players can learn to make virtual Hong Kong-style milk tea in our Metaverse. Upon completion of the virtual milk tea, players can get a physical milk tea for free at the restaurant. It does not matter how fun the game is in the Metaverse, allowing players to enjoy a cup of nice milk tea in real life at a restaurant is still more fulfilling afterall." AiR Season 0 to Include Small and Medium Sized Enterprises and Plans to Expand Internationally AiR is preparing for the launch of AiR Metaverse Season 0, which will bring in business partners from all walks of life. Apart from Times Square and Plaza Hollywood, AiR has reached collaboration agreements with one of the biggest Hong Kong outdoor advertising platforms Focus Media HK Ltd, Hong Kong's largest MPF product provider BCT Group, CGA eSports Stadium, Ani-com & Games Hong Kong 2022, LOST Escape Room, City University of Hong Kong, MegaBox, Hong Kong's No. 1 power bank sharing service provider ChargeSpot, fitness influencer Coffee Lam, home-grown IP "Hong Kong Machines", local basketball comic UBL and more. Together with NFT partners such as Bunny Warriors, BullBullBear (BBB), Blue Ark, BeastFromFeast (BFF) & QR8, AiR will roll out more O2O experiences that will take over the city's Metaverse ecosystem this year. Details of Highlighted Metaverse Plans: Focus Media HK Ltd Launching the first ever "Outdoor Advertisement" in Metaverse, and gamifying outdoor advertisement with O2O to bring about a brand new "Play-to-Earn" immersive advertising experience. BCT Group Crossing over with the gamification platform of BCT Group to carry out Play-to-Earn games where users can win prizes and virtual items from games across the two platforms. Ani-Com & Games 2022 Working with CGA eSports Stadium to gamify and enrich the event, from waiting in line to getting in the event, Ani-Com will become a large-scale Play-to-Earn adventure game for all attendees. LOST Launching the first ever O2O escape room games where players have to solve puzzles both physically and virtually with a plan to hold a large-scale citywide O2O scavenger hunt. MegaBox Partnering with MegaBox to launch O2O gamification through in-mall virtual interactive games connecting mall events and tenants, delivering a brand new shopping experience with an array of special rewards to MegaClub members. ChargeSpot Building a Charge-to-Earn gamification network at over 4000 charging bank rental spots in Hong Kong. Bunny Warriors Working to launch Bunny Warriors Gen 2.0 and rivalry Fox NFT collection to gamify their story in AiR. Blue Ark Launching several O2O collaborative activities and NFT Gamification at Blue Ark's gallery at the Peninsula Hotel where players have a chance to win NFTs and cryptocurrencies. Coffee Lam Setting up a virtual yoga studio in her two virtual buildings in the Metaverse that connects Coffee's personal yoga wear brand and interactive games with fans. Hong Kong Machines Turning the characters of the IP into all kinds of Play-to-Earn games in the Metaverse, where players can collect virtual components throughout Hong Kong to build the ultimate virtual robots. BFF Building a Metaverse gallery to showcase the NFTs in AiR and to invite renowned chefs and restaurants to be a part of the gamified experience at the Metaverse venue. Make Metaverse Accessible to Small and Medium-sized Enterprises Among the many brands and businesses that are in negotiation with AiR now, some of them are home-grown small and medium sized enterprises. AiR firmly believes that Metaverse should consist of more than just the big enterprises with large capital and manpower. Take Sam's Tailor as an example, it is a local bespoke tailor shop that has been around for 65 years. Founded in 1957, the home-grown tailor shop made uniforms for British soldiers stationed in Hong Kong. It has built a reputation by providing bespoke suits to world-famous celebrities and world leaders including President George W. Bush, David Bowie, Michael Jackson, Bruno Mars, Former Prime Minister of the United Kingdom Margaret Thatcher and more. Even though they were only in Hong Kong for a couple of days, they still made time to stop at Sam's Tailor. Yuk Tse, Co-Founder of Air World Limited said, "when we received an email from Roshan of Sam's Tailor, we were very flattered. They have a longstanding history in Hong Kong and they were frequented by countless international celebrities and artists. Although Roshan did not know exactly what Web3 and Metaverse are, he would still like to be a part of AiR. This gives us the idea to include SMEs and local heritage in the Metaverse." AiR is in talks with a platform that connects a great many of SMES, in hopes that this will bring thousands of businesses to AiR by the end of the year. Looking to create a more accessible Metaverse experience, Yuk added, "a month ago, Hong Kong Wireless Technology Industry Association released the result of the 2021-2022 survey across the mobile app industry. 75% of the interviewed local enterprises, many of which are SMEs that have no plans to be a part of Metaverse, mainly because they do not have the manpower and capital. This result prompts us to simplify and make Metaverse more accessible and practical for businesses and the general public, so more people can experience the strength of Web 3.0 technology." Yuk­­­­­ also revealed that AiR is planning to expand internationally to Singapore, Taiwan, Thailand to create a metaverse ecosystem in Asia. About AiRAiR stands for Adventure in Reality, in which mobile games merges with reality. Users embark on unique adventures in the real world through applications on their phone. With a mobile device, internet, modem and VR device, the access to various game zones in AiR is simply a QR code scan away. Users can build, explore, venture and trade in the virtual reality to earn different types of cryptocurrency, NFTs and even physical rewards. The possibilities for users and enterprises in AiR Metaverse is limitless. Website: https://www.air-world.io/

文章來源 : Media OutReach Limited 發表時間 : 瀏覽次數 : 1573 加入收藏 :
Cognizant 贏得 National Insurance Company 的多年合約,以加速數碼轉型

公營保險公司選擇 Cognizant 以進一步加強其卓越營運和未來技術路線圖  新德里2022年7月6日 /美通社/ -- Cognizant 今天宣佈已獲 National Insurance Company Limited (NICL) 選為策略技術供應商,以加速和幫助管理其數碼轉型。NICL 是印度領先的公營一般保險公司之一。 NICL 授予 Cognizant 多年授權,以提升其技術路線圖,幫助管理其基於 Web 的中央核心保險解決方案,包括多個應用程式、底層技術基礎設施和安全性,並提供諮詢服務等。Cognizant 還將利用人工智能、機器學習、自動化和基於微服務的架構等數碼技術來支援 NICL 的技術路線圖。 Cognizant 的計劃旨在幫助 NICL 在客戶旅程的每一步改善客戶體驗,包括申請、索償處理和承保,同時繼續提高經營業務的方便程度,提供更高的營運敏捷和效率、應用程式的安全、財務和法規的遵從,以及推動業務增長。 Cognizant 副總裁兼印度國家主管 Achal Kataria 表示:「我們致力支援 National Insurance Company 的前瞻性技術願景,促進他們的數碼轉型之旅。我們強大的技術諮詢和數碼能力將用於協助 NICL 提供改進和安全的客戶體驗。」 Cognizant 獲全球頂級分析公司評為銀行和金融服務等行業領導者。分析師強調該公司的客戶合作夥伴關係、可擴展性、數碼能力和專業知識是他們認可 Cognizant 領導力的因素。 在此處了解更多有關 Cognizant 保險服務的資訊。 關於 CognizantCognizant (Nasdaq: CTSH) 策劃現代企業。我們幫助客戶實現技術現代化、重新構想流程及轉變體驗,以便他們能夠在瞬息萬變的世界中保持領先地位。我們一起改善日常生活。詳情請瀏覽 www.cognizant.com 或 @cognizant。  如欲了解更多資訊,請聯絡: 美國 Jodi Sorensen jodi.sorensen@cognizant.com 歐洲/亞太區  Christina Schneider christina.schneider@cognizant.com 印度  Rashmi Vasisht rashmi.vasisht@cognizant.com  

文章來源 : PR Newswire 美通社 發表時間 : 瀏覽次數 : 7403 加入收藏 :
Cognizant Wins Multi-Year Contract from National Insurance Company to Accelerate Digital Transformation

Public sector insurer selects Cognizant to further strengthen its operational excellence and future-ready technology roadmap NEW DELHI, July 5, 2022 /PRNewswire/ -- Cognizant today announced that it has been selected as a strategic technology provider by National Insurance Company Limited (NICL) to accelerate and help manage its digital transformation. NICL is one of India's leading public sector general insurance companies. NICL awarded the multi-year mandate to Cognizant to elevate its technology roadmap, help manage its centralized web-based core insurance solution comprising of multiple applications, underlying technology infrastructure and security, and provide consulting services, among other things. Cognizant will also support NICL's technology roadmap by leveraging digital technologies such as artificial intelligence, machine learning, automation, and microservices-based architecture. Cognizant's plan is designed to help NICL improve customer experience at every step of their journey, including applications, claims processing, and underwriting, while continuing to improve ease of doing business, provide greater operational agility and efficiency, application security, financial and regulatory compliance, and drive business growth. "We are committed to supporting forward-looking technology vision of National Insurance Company and facilitating their digital transformation journey," said Achal Kataria, vice president and India country head, Cognizant. "Our strong technology consulting and digital capabilities will be applied to assist NICL in offering an improved and secure customer experience." Cognizant has been named an industry leader across sectors, including banking and financial services, by top global analyst firms. Analysts highlighted the company's client partnerships, scalability, digital capabilities and expertise as factors in their recognition of Cognizant's leadership. Learn more about Cognizant's insurance services here. About CognizantCognizant (Nasdaq: CTSH) engineers modern businesses. We help our clients modernize technology, reimagine processes and transform experiences so they can stay ahead in our fast-changing world. Together, we're improving everyday life. See how at www.cognizant.com or @cognizant.  For more information, contact:U.S. Jodi Sorensen jodi.sorensen@cognizant.com Europe / APAC Christina Schneider christina.schneider@cognizant.com India Rashmi Vasisht rashmi.vasisht@cognizant.com  

文章來源 : PR Newswire 美通社 發表時間 : 瀏覽次數 : 1559 加入收藏 :
2024 年 12 月 2 日 (星期一) 農曆十一月初二日
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