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Executives link accelerated decarbonization to digitalization efforts, says new MIT Technology Review Insights survey

CAMBRIDGE, Mass., March 9, 2023 /PRNewswire/ -- A new report by MIT Technology Review Insights explores how digital technologies play a pivotal role in the net-zero transition and why a shift in organizational culture is needed to understand and address the challenges. The report, "Digital technology: The backbone of a net-zero emissions future" is produced in partnership with Shell and draws on a global survey of 350 C-suite executives along with in-depth interviews with experts from firms including Accenture, Microsoft, Shell, and the World Economic Forum. The findings are as follows: Digitalization is the backbone that will support energy transition. Despite differences across industries and regions, when asked to rank the top three ways (on a scale of 1 to 10) digital technology aids in achieving their decarbonization goals, executives have many expectations: optimizing efficiency and reducing energy and waste (scoring 6.8 overall); designing and optimizing carbon sequestration technologies (6.7); making sustainability data accessible, verifiable, and transparent (6.2); monitoring GHG sinks (6.6); and designing and optimizing low-carbon footprint energy systems (5.8). For most industries, the main decarbonization lever is a circular economy. A majority (54%) of participants from all industries (except for petrochemical manufacturing) cite a circular economy as their dominant environmental sustainability goal. A circular economy minimizes waste with reduced consumption, increased efficiency, and resource and energy recapture. Partnering with technology experts is how industries innovate with digital solutions. The most cited approach to adopting new digital technology is through vendor partnerships (31%). Executives are less likely, however, to emphasize the importance of open standards and data sharing across the supply chain to accelerate digital technology deployment, with only 16% identifying it as the top enabler. Attitudes toward tech adoption and innovation vary by sector and region. Cybersecurity is the biggest external obstacle to digital transformation for decarbonization (58%). Construction companies are most apprehensive of tech adoption (78%), while metals and mining companies are less concerned (47%). Only 11% of respondents experiment with digital technologies early on in their lifecycle. A digital culture is needed to understand and address the challenges of decarbonization. Effective systems and personnel, in addition to data availability, are needed for successful adoption of digital technologies. Leaders must create digital coalitions, inspire transformation, and emphasize the significance of technology integration. "The entire global economy must participate in the transition to net zero," says Laurel Ruma, global director of custom content for MIT Technology Review. "Creating a digital culture that fosters innovation and cooperation is key to achieving organizational sustainability goals." "The future of energy is decarbonised, decentralised, and digital," says Dan Jeavons, vice president of computational science and digital innovation at Shell. "We believe open innovation is crucial to accelerate digital innovation for decarbonisation. But not every sector is yet convinced. We must work together to shift that mindset."  To download the report, click here. For more information please contact: Natasha ContehHead of communicationsMIT Technology Review Insightsnatasha.conteh@technologyreview.com  For general enquiries: insights@technologyreview.com About MIT Technology Review Insights MIT Technology Review Insights is the custom publishing division of MIT Technology Review, the world's longest-running technology magazine, backed by the world's foremost technology institution—producing live events and research on the leading technology and business challenges of the day. Insights conducts qualitative and quantitative research and analysis in the US and abroad and publishes a wide variety of content, including articles, reports, infographics, videos, and podcasts. And through its growing MIT Technology Review Global Insights Panel, Insights has unparalleled access to senior-level executives, innovators, and entrepreneurs worldwide for surveys and in-depth interviews. About Shell We are a global group of energy and petrochemical companies with more than 80,000 employees in more than 70 countries. We use advanced technologies and take an innovative approach to help build a sustainable energy future. Built on more than 125 years of technological innovation, our company's future performance largely depends on the successful development and deployment of new technologies and products, both physical and digital. Digitalisation is transforming the energy industry, by improving efficiency and safety as well as facilitating the use of renewable energy. We employ leading data scientists who unlock value from the data Shell has access to. Digitalisation helps us to reduce the emissions from our own operations, offer our customers low-carbon energy products and services, and redesign the energy systems towards net-zero emissions.  Find out more on www.shell.com/digitalisation   

文章來源 : PR Newswire 美通社 發表時間 : 瀏覽次數 : 3801 加入收藏 :
AI-LINK Debuts the World's First Cloud Native Industrial 5G NR-U on 2023 MWC

BARCELONA, Spain, March 3, 2023 /PRNewswire/ -- AI-LINK continued a quest to diversify its private 5G portfolio, unveiling the world's first cloud native industrial 5G NR-U which it claimed would drive efficiencies for crucial-mission innovation and the upgrading of global industrial digital transformation as well. Under a theme of "Cloud-Native 5G Enables Digital Manufacture", the modern industrial digital infrastructure service provider, AI-LINK, took the wraps on 2023 MWC, Barcelona, off its new-generation industrial private 5G network and edge products, full-scene application solutions and vertical achievements, showing visitors its business blueprint of enabling industrial OICT(OT, IT & CT) convergence with the leading network connectivity technology. Don't miss a thing 5G private networks have been expected to "drive unlimited innovation and market competition" from an early age. However, as time goes, enterprises soon realize that they are facing a huge gap at the practice level. Apart from the limitation of spectrum, high construction costs and complicated maintenance arising from the immaturity of the 5G ecosystem also add to their hesitation. Taking this into consideration, AI-LINK developed the world's first cloud-native industrial 5G NR-U product featuring license-free, industry-oriented, fast delivery and convenient O&M, lighting up a new path for private 5G network, especially in the industrial field. Just as Ding Yingzhe, CEO of AI-LINK, stated on 2023 Mobile World Congress, 'The in-depth innovation and combination between cloud native and NR-U technologies under industrial use cases will exert new opportunities to the digital transformation of vertical industries.' Mr Ding also tipped NR-U as a milestone for the whole mobile industry and an even wider ecosystem.  The world's first cloud native industrial 5G NR-U developed by AI-LINK works over the N46 unlicensed band to provide customers with all the benefits of an industrial-grade private 5G network, like high-reliability, low latency, mass connectivity and spotless security, especially in complex and variable environments. It was designed to operate in three modes, 'lightning'(high speed), 'river'(low latency), and 'hybrid'(balanced performance), according to customers' demand. Given the company's rich experience of digital transformation practice at the workshop level, as well as its full lifecycle network building service capabilities, from the initial construction to the post-sale maintenance, the cloud native industrial 5G NR-U is believed to deliver a convenient and reliable network connection experience, helping in the setup of a data-driven business model and crucial-mission transformations for enterprise users. The product suite includes a lightweight industrial 5G core network, an integrated network management platform, 5G NR-U RAN and customized industrial 5G terminals with enhancement. Featured as an unlicensed tool, AI-LINK cloud Native Industrial 5G NR-U enables speeding network construction and its flexible use regardless of the critical resource constraint. With innovative designs, as represented by 5GC and NMS pooling deployed as river pool in the cloud and radio link with dual-connection at the local side, it secures critical service data communication from over the cloud to multiple terminals. It is also designed to reduce security risks and enhance business resilience by introducing various security protection such as IPSEC, SIM black/white list of SIM cards, sim-terminal bi-directional binding, data classification and domained management to the system. Alongside an integrated management platform covering all sides of users helps enterprises turn reactive maintenance into active prevention by maintaining an early identification of potential risks and self-healing recovery when operation failures occur.  

文章來源 : PR Newswire 美通社 發表時間 : 瀏覽次數 : 3517 加入收藏 :
D-Link以AIoT四大主軸 建構智慧生活藍圖 (MWC 2023)

D-Link於西班牙巴塞隆納世界行動通訊大會(MWC)中,以5G O-RAN 與M2M、智慧家庭、商用網路與寬頻解決方案為主軸,推出各式創新產品與服務,為家庭、商業、產業用戶型塑未來物聯網智慧藍圖。   整合O-RAN解決方案  提供一站式服務 O-RAN架構具有成本更低、應用更靈活的特性,能滿足用戶對性能、容量以及延遲的需求。因此,全球性5G O-RAN生態系統在問世後方興未艾,將為網路應用新紀元寫下新的一頁。D-Link友訊科技透過為用戶量身打造O-RAN基礎設施,結合5G核心網路,並將基地台分為分離式單元(DU)、集中單元(CU)以及無線射頻單元(RU)等三個功能單元運作,垂直整合,為企業專用的5G解決方案提供一站式服務。   D-Link 友訊科技將全新 O-RAN 產品線與現有的M2M 閘道器、交換機、無線存取點、網路監控攝影機以及雲平台管理解決方案 (D-ECS)等產業用品項結合,協助服務提供商輕鬆建立連結,在製造、運輸、能源等各行業以及校園、智慧城市都能廣泛應用。     4G/5G M2M AIoT   智慧連結萬物 為因應成本、連網不穩定以及無法使用固網寬頻等產業用網路常見難題,D-Link 友訊科技為遠端M2M以及安全VPN部署提供了4G/5G閘道器、路由器以及容易上手的管理工具D-ECS,透過人工智慧與機器學習,工業用感測器網路蒐集到的海量資料將能協助企業用戶做出最佳決策。目前D-Link友訊科技已將M2M解決方案廣泛應用於電動車充電樁、高鐵、銀行ATM以及自動販賣機等產業物聯網場景,逐步建構萬物皆可連的智慧產業與智慧城市。(更多關於5G NR M2M閘道器資訊,請參考: DWM-3010)   瞄準中小企業與教育場域  強化網路解決方案 D-Link友訊科技針對中小企業、教育場域、零售連鎖通路與飯店業者除了推出各類型交換器、Wi-Fi 6無線存取點以符合用戶多元需求外,亦力推Nuclias Connect 與 D-View 8 等網管軟體,透過彈性靈活的監控與管理解決方案,協助用戶有效管理網路。升級後的D-View 8係以伺服器端(server)及監控端(probe)架構為基礎,結合有線與無線的網路管理工具,為近5,000台設備提供擴充支援,目前可於官網免費下載90天試用版。   搭載Matter標準規格  AQUILA PRO AI實現智慧家庭夢想 在智慧家庭方面,D-Link友訊科技於本屆MWC發表最新的AQUILA PRO AI 系列,包括Wi-Fi 6/6E 智慧居家路由器和擴展器等,搭載最新Matter 規格,能有效優化智慧家庭網路;同時內建智慧AI演算,確保卓越的Wi-Fi覆蓋範圍,可為用戶打造流暢、可靠的智慧家庭連網體驗。   D-Link友訊科技執行長暨發言人張家瑞表示,D-Link友訊科技在MWC年度盛會發表5G O-RAN 與M2M、智慧家庭、以及商用網路與寬頻解決方案,充分展現網通領導品牌對趨勢的洞察與對創新技術的掌握,為家庭、企業以及產業量身打造更優質的連網品質與體驗,預期將可以更具成本效益的方式帶來實質的優化效益,實現全方位智慧生活指日可待。  

文章來源 : 友訊科技股份有限公司 發表時間 : 瀏覽次數 : 11467 加入收藏 :
Matter 1.0席捲而來 D-Link友訊科技受邀談趨勢 從消費者心態剖析產業走向

全球網通領導品牌D-Link友訊科技股份有限公司(以下簡稱「D-Link友訊科技」,股票代碼:2332)昨(14)日應Arm與CSA 邀請,參加「Arm 物聯網暨 Matter 線上技術研討會」,藉由數據資料分析消費者對智慧家庭的期待,並分享如何應用Matter標準打造智慧生活。   為實現智慧家庭生態系的理想,連網標準聯盟(Connectivity Standards Alliance,CSA)以提高產品相容性、節省設備開發成本為目標,設計出標準通訊規格Matter,並於去(2022)年10月發布初版規格 Matter 1.0,定義 Matter 標準並展開認證計劃。目前市場對智慧家庭已勾勒出美好藍圖,未來將藉由網路連接設備,讓用戶以手機應用程式管控家中電器與系統,形塑更節能、安全、舒適而便利的居家環境。D-Link友訊科技由市場調研資料發現,消費者對能源議題日漸重視,願意為具有節電效果的物聯網設備多付出一些成本,對醫療保健相關設備需求亦與日俱增,預計在未來智慧家庭市場將帶動永續綠能產品與家用健康設備的開發潮。   在選購考量與意願方面,消費者對智慧家庭生態系的接受度日漸提升,但價格、資訊安全、以及設備相容性將會是影響選購的三大考量點;此外,有近五成受訪者表示不願意付費安裝物聯網設備。D-Link友訊科技建議,未來設備開發商除了應朝著節能、高資安防護、高相容性等目標設計各項物聯網設備外,更需考慮提供易於安裝、無線、不需插電的產品,才能更貼近消費者需求。   面對Matter即將引爆的換機熱潮,D-Link友訊科技將提供高相容性的智慧家庭專用路由器,透過Matter技術提升產品功能、強化智慧家庭連結、產品線條也能因此更為簡潔流暢。同時也經由物聯網整合軟、硬體,提供消費者結合節能、漏水偵測、安全監控、空氣品質檢測、醫療保健等多功能合一的智慧家庭解決方案;消費者也可利用App輕易搜尋各種設備、設定智慧場景、控制設備開關、監控設備狀態、並可一鍵掃描加入新設備。D-Link友訊科技計畫強化智能管理,全方位建構可靠信賴的智慧生活藍圖。   「Arm 物聯網暨 Matter 線上技術研討會」係由領先全球的半導體IP 公司-Arm所舉辦,是全台第一場匯聚Matter技術與應用相關完整供應鏈的研討會。會中邀請物聯網專家及產業代表從對 Matter 的第一手觀察,針對 Matter 將掀起的趨勢與商機、應用與開發、對產業的影響與因應等議題進行分享與討論,進一步探索 Matter 為物聯網生態系帶來的巨大商機。  

文章來源 : 友訊科技股份有限公司 發表時間 : 瀏覽次數 : 12065 加入收藏 :
Prince Retail 利用 Algonomy Vendor Link 轉變其端到端供應商協作流程

印度邦加羅爾2023年2月2日 /美通社/ --  總部位於菲律賓宿務市的零售和批發連鎖商店  Prince Retail 宣佈,該公司已透過 Algonomy 供應商協作平臺  Vendor Link 成功轉變了與供應商的資料和流程協作。 Algonomy Prince Retail 正在利用 Vendor Link 為其「訂購、交貨到付款」的供應鏈流程帶來更大的可見性。 在實施該平台之前,這些操作都需要透過電話、簡訊、電子郵件或傳真手動完成,往往會導致錯誤和低效問題。 憑藉 Vendor Link,供應商可以獲取其 POS 資料,這有助於他們根據消費者信心(而不僅僅是採購訂單)來評估商店的需求。 這有助於供應商自行做出預測,以改善其資產規劃和庫存情況。 因此,Prince Retail 可在其門店實施更高效、更有利的庫存/庫存分配,以及更具有相關性的的促銷包裝和產品組合。  Prince Retail 使用 Vendor Link 來改善供應商和銷售團隊之間的合作,以進行訂單管理、排程和付款等營運和交易活動。 此外,該平台支援無縫資料共享,以更快、更准確地規劃促銷和計劃。 「我們的目標是創造更高的透明度並改善整個供應商生態系統的流程效率。 Vendor Link 不僅滿足我們的期望。 該平台在我們公司內部團隊和供應商之間建立了資料導向文化,並協助我們在日常工作中做出更好的決策。」 Prince Retail 首席商品、分銷、銷售官 Rina Janine Go 表示。 使用 Vendor Link,Prince Retail 可以節省訂購流程耗時,在今後避免出現買家忘記發送全部門店的所有採購訂單的問題。 這也消除了手動操作和重複性錯誤,並且可以將更多時間用於增值活動上。 付款可見性對於供應商來說是一大助力,他們可以更好地跟蹤付款並改善其交付時間。  由於資料共享,大多數供應商的項目現在均爲數據導向型而且更具影響力,因為他們能夠輕鬆跟蹤自己和競爭對手的表現。  此外,Prince Retail 也注意到浪費在促銷活動和計劃上的資源減少了,並且也減少了因銷售不佳或促銷效果不佳而積壓的產品庫存。 隨著付款可見性的提高,庫存供應情況也得到了明顯改善。 Algonomy 業務發展高級副總裁 Amit Agarwal 表示:「Vendor Link 是一個基於網路的綜合協作平台,它透過自動化和簡化端到端的操作,消除了供應商和零售商之間的業務隔閡。 我們很高興能協助 Prince Retail 降低成本、減少浪費並提高利潤。」 Prince Retail 也解決了他們在「從訂單到收款」週期,特別是與快速消費品 (FMCG) 供應商合作過程中的問題。 實際收貨數量、返利扣減、折扣等多方面的糾紛往往由對賬問題引起。 付款對賬通常會成為零售商後續訂單無法送達的原因,這導致商店庫存短缺。 作為解決方案,Vendor Link 可實現更快、更高效的應付賬款 (AP) 流程,並在供應商將貨物交付到倉庫的「從訂單到收款」周期中提供更優異的可見性。 因此供貨率得以提高,貨品現貨率也得到了相應改善。 此外,這也協助 Prince Retail 大幅改善了與供應商的關係。 Algonomy 簡介 Algonomy(前身爲 Manthan-RichRelevance)透過產業唯一的即時演算法客戶參與平台,統一零售業行銷、數位商務和商品銷售的資料、決策和協調,賦能頂尖品牌成爲數位優先的品牌。 憑藉業界頂尖零售人工智慧連結需求,以即時客戶資料平台作為基礎,Algonomy 可實現 1:1 全方位個人化、顧客旅程編排、商品分析和供應商協作。 Algonomy 是逾 400 家頂尖零售商及品牌、快餐店、便利商店等值得信賴的合作夥伴;業務遍及全球逾 20 個國家/地區。 如需更多資訊,請瀏覽 algonomy.com 。  

文章來源 : PR Newswire 美通社 發表時間 : 瀏覽次數 : 5776 加入收藏 :
Prince Retail 透過 Algonomy 的 Vendor Link 平台以改變其端到端供應商協作流程

印度邦羅爾2023 年 2 月 2 日 /美通社/ -- Princes Retail 是一家總部位於菲律賓宿霧的零售及批發连锁公司。該公司宣佈其利用 Algonomy 的供應商協作平台 Vendor Link,成功實現供應商數據及流程協作轉型。 Prince Retail 正在利用 Vendor Link 為其供應鏈流程帶來更高的可見性,可涵蓋下單、交付、付款等多個環節。在實施平台之前,這些都透過電話、短訊、電郵或傳真手動完成,而這通常會導致錯誤和效率低下。 透過 Vendor Link,供應商可以存取其 POS 數據。這有助於他們基於消費者的情緒來衡量門店需求,而不僅僅是隻考量購買訂單。這有助他們自行預測,以改善其計劃和庫存可用性。因此,Prince Retail 在其門店中獲得了更高效、更具盈利性的庫存/庫存分配,以及更吸引消費者的促銷包裝及產品組合。  Prince Retail 使用 Vendor Link 來改善其供應商和銷售團隊之間的合作,以進行營運和交易活動,例如訂單管理、調度和付款。此外,該平台還實現了無縫數據共享,以更快、更準確地規劃促銷和計劃。 「我們的目標是在整個供應商生態系統中提高透明度和流程效率。Vendor Link 超越了我們的期望。該平台在內部團隊和供應商之間創造了一種數據驅動型文化,有助我們日常做出更明智決策。」Prince Retail 銷售、營銷及分銷總監 Rina Janine Go 表示。 憑藉 Vendor Link, Prince Retail 能夠在訂購過程中節省大量時間,而採購部門也無需擔心忘記發送各個門店的所有購買訂單。這消除了手工和重複的錯誤,可將更多時間花在增值活動上。付款可見性對供應商來説是一個巨大的優勢,他們可以更好地跟蹤付款並改善交付計劃。  由於數據分享,大多數供應商的計劃現在都以數據為本,並更具影響力,因為他們能夠輕鬆追蹤自己及其競爭對手的業績。  此外,Prince Retail 發現在促銷和計劃上浪費的資源減少了,而銷售效果不佳的產品或促銷效果不佳的庫存也更少了。庫存供應情況有所改善,付款可見性也大有改觀。 Algonomy 業務發展高級副總裁 Amit Agarwal 表示:「Vendor Link 是一款綜合性的網絡協作平台。它透過自動化以及簡化端到端操作,進而消除供應商和零售商之間的運營孤島。我們很高興能幫助 Prince Retail 降低成本、減少浪費並提高盈利能力。」 Prince Retail 還解決了下單至付款的週期問題,尤其是對於快速消費品 (FMCG) 供應商。實際收貨數量、扣減回扣、折扣等方面的爭議往往是對賬問題。付款對賬往往成為零售商後續訂單沒有履行的原因,從而導致門店庫存可用性不佳。 Vendor Link 作為一種解決方案,實現了更快速、更高效的應付賬款 (AP) 流程,並從供應商交付貨物到倉庫起,就提供了訂單到付款週期的更好可視性。因此,訂單履行率大幅提升,而貨品可用性也有所改善。此外,這有助 Prince Retail 顯著改善與供應商的關係。 關於 Algonomy Algonomy(曾用名 Manthan-RichRelevance)透過業界獨樹一幟的實時 Algorithmic Customer Engagement Platform(演算法客户參與平台),助力領先品牌踐行數碼優先。該平台在零售業的營銷、數碼商務和商品銷售等環節實現了數據、決策和調度的統一。Algonomy 以行業領先的零售人工智能來銜接需求和供應,並以實時客戶數據平台為基礎,實現 1:1 全渠道個性化、客戶旅程編排、商品分析和供應商協作。Algonomy 是 400 多家領先零售商和品牌、快餐服務公司 (QSR) 及便利店等公司值得信賴的合作伙伴。該公司業務遍及全球 20 多個國家/地區。如欲了解更多資訊,請瀏覽 algonomy.com。  

文章來源 : PR Newswire 美通社 發表時間 : 瀏覽次數 : 5792 加入收藏 :
2024 年 11 月 10 日 (星期日) 農曆十月初十日
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