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HARBIN, China , April 19, 2024 /PRNewswire/ -- In April, Scandinavia is blessed with refreshing breezes and signs of spring. Following their ice and snow tourism study in Finland and Norway, the Heilongjiang Province cultural and tourism delegation held a practical and fruitful ice and snow tourism overseas promotion event in Copenhagen, Denmark, the final stop. Mr. Liang Bin, Cultural Counselor of Chinese Embassy in Denmark, Mr. He Jing, Head of the Heilongjiang Provincial Department of Culture and Tourism, and Mr. Nicki Ottevig, a member of Slagelse City Council and Cultural Tourism Commissioner, delivered speeches. Nearly 50 representatives from the Copenhagen City Government, the Fredriksberg Opera House, travel agencies, chambers of commerce, sports and cultural associations, and the China Global Bridge attended the promotional event. Mr. Wang Hongxin, the Bureau chief of Harbin Cultural Broadcasting and Tourism Bureau, Mr. Wang Wei, the Bureau chief of the Yichun Cultural Broadcasting and Tourism Bureau, Mr. Guo Hongwei, the Chairman of Harbin Ice and Snow World, and Mr. Zou Xiangdong, the Section Chief of the External Cooperation Department of the Provincial Department of Culture and Tourism, introduced the ice and snow tourism resources and products of relevant cities and enterprises in Heilongjiang Province. Danish government officials, CEOs of travel agencies from Denmark and Sweden, and senior figures in the cultural and sports fields discussed the global impact of Heilongjiang's booming ice and snow tourism, as well as the prospects for cooperation in tourism between China, Denmark, Heilongjiang, and the Nordic countries. Councilor Nicki Ottevig mentioned that many Danes were aware of the popularity of Harbin ice and snow tourism last winter, expressing a desire for more cooperation with Heilongjiang Province. Mr. Peter Melander, CEO of Copenhagen Global Travel and Exhibition Company, noted that Danes enjoy skiing but mostly do so in Sweden, Norway, Finland, where prices are high. He believed that Nordic people would have fun skiing in Heilongjiang at a lower cost. Mr. Martin Nsnoielsen, CEO of Bryghuset Møn, a beer brewing and tourism company, expressed interest in attracting Chinese tourists and Harbin beer to Denmark, as well as sending Nordic tourists and the best beer to Heilongjiang, eagerly anticipating participating in the Harbin International Beer Festival. This promotional event, organized by the Heilongjiang Provincial Department of Culture and Tourism, took place as Heilongjiang's ice and snow tourism continues to gain momentum, marking 300 days until the start of the 9th Asian Winter Games. Timely introductions of Heilongjiang's ice and snow culture, sports, and tourism successes, as well as market opportunities, were presented to Nordic counterparts. Following the event, over 10 companies have expressed interest in cooperation, with Heilongjiang's ice and snow stories and industry transcending borders, with the Silver Ribbon extending to Northern Europe.
在追求永續價值的路上,D-Link友訊科技不僅在網通產品領域持續創新突破,更以實際行動回饋社會、承擔企業社會責任。近日,D-Link再度邀請志工工程師,深入台北市南港區的「九如社區發展協會」,舉辦意義非凡的網路健檢公益活動。 D-Link深刻理解網路對偏鄉居民及弱勢孩童的重要性,遂以自身網路資通訊專業出發,積極回應在地社會所需。透過每季招集志工工程師,D-Link深入雙北各地社福機構進行公益網路健檢,協助解決網路疑難雜症,確保弱勢社區的網路環境穩定。D-Link的志工工程師具備豐富的專業知識和技術,能夠提供有效且精準的網路檢測,並解決各種網路問題。在進行服務之前,志工工程師會仔細了解社福機構的需求和期望,協助確認室內空間配置狀況及網路機台擺放的位置等,進行綜合性的評估和檢查,提供專屬解決方案。 活動中,志工工程師為「九如社區發展協會」進行了全面的網路健檢服務,了解協會老師們常因內部分區域網路連線不穩定,導致無法順利使用網路攝影機監看學童的即時狀況,影響課輔教育品質。透過測試網路性能、檢查和維護網路設備、提供建議和改進方案,D-Link志工工程師幫助協會解決了網路連線不順以致無法順利使用攝影機做到全區監控的問題,大幅提升了網路順暢度和連網效率,讓老師們能更安心無虞的掌握協會中學童們的即時狀況和安全,並且能順暢地使用攝影機的語音通話功能。 協會對D-Link的幫助表示衷心感謝。協會老師指出,這次網路健檢活動解決了他們長期以來深受其擾的網路連線品質以及攝影機使用問題,讓他們能夠更加安心地為社區居民和學童提供服務和支援。
Global ASICS study of 26,000 people reaffirms the connection between movement and the mind and uncovers a direct link between teenage physical activity and adult mental wellbeing Each additional year a teenager remains engaged in exercise is associated with improved State of Mind scores in adulthood, with the ages of 15-17 identified as the most critical years for staying active Yet, younger generations are disengaging from exercise earlier and in larger numbers, potentially impacting their mental wellbeing now and for years to come LONDON, April 09, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Today, ASICS is announcing the results of its second Global State of Mind Study, which reaffirms a positive link between physical exercise and mental wellbeing and uncovers a link between being physically active in teenage years and positive mental wellbeing in adulthood. The study of over 26,000 respondents across 22 countries found that the more people exercise, the higher their State of Mind scores1. Across the globe, respondents who are regularly active2 have an average State of Mind score of 67/100, while inactive3 people have a much lower State of Mind score of just 54/100. What’s more, the study uncovered that being physically active in your teenage years directly impacts your mind later in life. Participants who engaged in exercise throughout their adolescence report higher activity levels and State of Mind scores as adults. The findings indicate that remaining active as a teenager is key to establishing good exercise habits that last into adulthood and positively impact adult mental wellbeing. In fact, the study was able to pinpoint the ages of 15-17 as the most critical years for staying active and when dropping out of exercise significantly affects your mental state for years to come. Those who regularly exercised at 15-17 years old are found to be more likely to remain active later in life and report higher State of Mind scores as adults (64/100 vs 61/100) than those who weren’t active during these years. In comparison, respondents who dropped out of exercise before the age of 15 displayed the lowest activity levels and lowest State of Mind scores in adulthood. 30% are still inactive as adults and they are shown to be 11% less focused, 10% less confident, 10% less calm and 10% less composed compared to those who were able to exercise throughout adolescence. In fact, every year a teenager remained engaged in regular exercise is associated with improved State of Mind scores in adulthood. Those who stopped exercising before the age of 15 display an average State of Mind score 15% lower than the global average, while a decline in physical activity at 16-17 and before the age of 22 reduced their average scores by 13% and 6% respectively. Worryingly, the study also uncovered an exercise generation gap, with younger generations being increasingly less active. 57% of the Silent Generation (aged 78+) said they were active daily in their childhoods compared to just 19% of Gen Z (aged 18-27), showing a concerning trend of younger generations dropping out of physical activity earlier and in larger numbers than the generations before them. Globally, members of Gen Z have the lowest State of Mind scores with an average of 62/100 compared to the Baby Boomers’ 68/100 and the Silent Generation’s 70/100. Professor Brendon Stubbs, a leading researcher in exercise and mental health from King’s College London, said: “It is worrying to see this decline in activity levels from younger respondents at such a critical age, particularly as the study uncovered an association with lower wellbeing in adulthood”. Gen Zs across the world are already exhibiting the lowest State of Mind scores (62/100) in comparison to the Silent Generation (70/100), so this could be hugely impactful for future mental wellbeing across the world.” Tomoko Koda, Managing Executive Officer for ASICS, said: “ASICS was founded on the belief that sport and exercise benefit not only the body, but also the mind. It’s why we’re called ASICS: ‘Anima Sana in Corpore Sano’ or ‘Sound Mind in a Sound Body’. The results of our second global State of Mind Study show how important it is that young people stay active and the impact this can have on their minds for years to come. At ASICS, we’re committed to supporting and inspiring people to move for positive mental wellbeing throughout their lifetime.” To find out more visit: https://www.asics.com/us/en-us/mk/stateofmindstudy2024 NOTES FOR EDITOR About the ASICS 2024 State of Mind StudyThe 2024 State of Mind Study was conducted between 17 November – 21 December 2023 and explored the relationship between exercise and State of Mind across the world. Over 26,000 people were surveyed across 22 markets including Australia, Brazil, Canada, Chile, China, Colombia, France, Germany, India, Italy, Japan, Malaysia, Netherlands, Saudi Arabia, Singapore, South Africa, Spain, Sweden, Thailand, UAE, the UK and the US. Each market sample was nationally representative by age and gender. 1The ASICS State of Mind score is out of 100, calculated based on the accumulative mean scores across ten cognitive and emotional traits – positive, content, relaxed, focused, composed, resilient, confident, alert, calm, energized. 2150 minutes or more of physical activity per week (as defined by Sport England). 3Less than 30 minutes of physical activity per week (as defined by Sport England). Anima Sana In Corpore Sano, meaning “A Sound Mind in a Sound Body,” is an old Latin phrase from which ASICS is derived and the fundamental platform on which the brand still stands. The company was founded more than 60 years ago by Kihachiro Onitsuka and is now a leading designer and manufacturer of running shoes as well as other athletic footwear, apparel and accessories. For more information, visit www.asics.com. The stripe design featured on the sides of the ASICS® shoes is a registered trademark of ASICS Corporation. A photo accompanying this announcement is available at https://www.globenewswire.com/NewsRoom/AttachmentNg/25d28040-7b04-44cb-a421-97418e91c297 MEDIA CONTACTS: For further information or to organise interviews, please contact asics.somi@golin.com
香港2024年4月2日 /美通社/ -- 領先的消費電子產品製造商CE LINK LIMITED(以下簡稱"CE-LINK")欣然宣佈推出革命性SFX電源,在性能和緊湊性方面樹立了新的標桿。這款創新產品專為提升遊戲和IT體驗而設計,是同類產品中尺寸最小的SFX電源,最大輸出功率高達1000W。4月11日至14日,環球資源展會將在香港亞洲國際博覽館舉行,敬請蒞臨3號館3A-02展位,體驗這款改變遊戲規則的新產品。 1000W SFX Gaming Power Supply SFX電源具有超凡的緊湊性和卓越的性能。該產品尺寸僅為125x100x63.5毫米,體積小巧,但輸出功率強勁,最大功率可達1000W。無論是ATX還是ITX遊戲機箱,它都能完美匹配任何設置。此外,它還提供850W和750W兩種功率版本,以滿足各種電源需求。 該電源已通過備受推崇的80 PLUS白金認證,確保在典型負載下達到92%的能效水平。此外,其電壓波動極小,波動範圍低於±2%,超過了英特爾規定的低於±5%的行業標準。這確保用戶可以使用穩定可靠的電源輸出。 這款SFX電源符合最新的英特爾ATX 3.0和PCI-e Gen 5.0標準,可為遊戲玩家和專業人士提供三倍GPU和兩倍總功率。此外,它還採用了半橋LLC、同步整流(SR)和DC-DC轉換技術等先進的電路設計,提高了電源的效率和穩定性。 此外,該產品採用原生PCI-e 5.0 12VHPWR電源線,可為最新一代顯卡提供無縫支持。 同時,它採用了智能溫控和靜音冷卻技術,運行安靜平穩。風扇的智能溫控啟停機制與92毫米流體動力軸承(FDB)風扇配合使用,顯著提高了散熱性能。它還確保主要輸出(+12V、+5V、+3.3V)可在任何情況下將紋波噪聲控制在30mV以內,超過了英特爾的電源噪音標準。 由於採用了完全模塊化的扁平電纜設計,安裝非常簡單,實現了遊戲主機中整潔高效的電纜管理。 欲瞭解更多信息,請訪問:www.ce-link.com 。或通過以下方式關注該公司:LinkedIn: www.linkedin.com/company/ce-link Facebook: www.facebook.com/CELINK.ELECTRONICS 媒體聯繫方式:market@ce-link.com
HONG KONG, April 2, 2024 /PRNewswire/ -- CE LINK LIMITED ("CE-LINK"), a leading manufacturer of consumer electronics, is thrilled to announce the launch of its revolutionary SFX power supply, setting new benchmarks in both performance and compactness. Engineered to elevate gaming and IT experiences, this latest innovation from CE-LINK stands as the most compact SFX power supply in its category, delivering an impressive maximum output of 1000W. From April 11-14, visit booth 3A-02 in Hall 3 of the AsiaWorld–Expo to experience this game-changer at the upcoming Global Sources Electronic Show in Hong Kong. 1000W SFX Gaming Power Supply This product features exceptional compactness and outstanding performance. With its small size, measuring just 125x100x63.5mm, this SFX power supply offers a powerful output, delivering up to 1000W of maximum power. It is designed to fit seamlessly into any setup, whether it be an ATX or ITX gaming chassis. Additionally, versions with 850W and 750W capacities are available to meet various power requirements. This power supply is certified with the esteemed 80 PLUS Platinum rating, guaranteeing efficiency levels of up to 92% under typical loads. Furthermore, it maintains exceptionally low voltage fluctuations, staying within a range of less than ±2%, which exceeds the industry standard of less than ±5% as specified by Intel. This ensures users can depend on a consistent and reliable power output. This SFX power supply meets the latest Intel ATX 3.0 and PCI-e Gen 5.0 standards, providing triple GPU and double total power for gamers and professionals alike. Furthermore, it incorporates an advanced circuit design that includes half-bridge LLC, synchronous rectification (SR), and DC-to-DC conversion techniques. This sophisticated approach enhances both the efficiency and stability of the power supply. In addition, with native PCI-e 5.0 12VHPWR power cables, this product offers seamless support for the latest generation of graphics cards. Meanwhile, it incorporates intelligent temperature control and silent cooling technologies for quiet operation. The fan's smart temperature-controlled start-stop mechanism, coupled with a 92mm Fluid Dynamic Bearing (FDB) fan, significantly improves thermal performance. It ensures that the main outputs (+12V, +5V, +3.3V) keep ripple noise levels below 30mV under all conditions, exceeding Intel's standards for power supply noise. Thanks to its fully modular flat cable design, installation is straightforward, promoting neat and efficient cable management in gaming host. For more information, please visit: www.ce-link.com.Or following them on:LinkedIn: www.linkedin.com/company/ce-linkFacebook: www.facebook.com/CELINK.ELECTRONICS Media Contact: market@ce-link.com
SINGAPORE, March 14, 2024 /PRNewswire/ -- OKX Ventures, the investment arm of OKX, the world's leading cryptocurrency exchange and Web3 technology company, is proud to announce its investment in DLC.Link, the first native Bitcoin cross-chain protocol that leverages Discreet Log Contracts (DLCs) to enable Bitcoin to be used in DeFi protocols while being held in self-custody wallets. DLC.Link is a groundbreaking project that aims to bring the power and innovation of DeFi to the Bitcoin ecosystem without compromising on security, decentralization or user experience. DLC.Link partners with institutions (called "dlcBTC Merchants") to mint dlcBTC, a decentralized wrapped Bitcoin. Unlike other forms of wrapped Bitcoin, dlcBTC does not require Bitcoin deposits to be held with a custodian or bridged to a separate blockchain. To mint dlcBTC, Bitcoin depositors "self-wrap" by locking their collateral into a DLC which can only pay out to the original depositor. Thus, dlcBTC provides a "theft-proof" protocol, in that Bitcoin deposits cannot be lost through hacks, theft or fraud. Furthermore, since only the original depositor can retrieve funds, dlcBTC is more resistant to censorship than current forms of wrapped Bitcoin. Unlike Bitcoin L2s or sidechains, which require additional modifications to Bitcoin, support for DLCs was added in Bitcoin's Taproot upgrade. This means that DLCs can leverage the security, liquidity and network effects of Bitcoin, while bridging to DeFi protocols on Ethereum without requiring separate validator nodes. Instead, DLC.Link provides a network of DLC Attestors running Ethereum validators, provided by popular node operators such as OKX, HashKey Cloud, Republic, P2P, Dextrac and others. Aki Balogh, co-founder of DLC.Link, said: "wBTC has reached Top 15 token status, despite its centralized custody model. In contrast, dlcBTC is the only wrapped Bitcoin that is minted from self-custody. DLCs, which were added to Bitcoin in 2021, enable a theft-proof wrapping mechanism without the need to introduce a bridge or L2 chain. dlcBTC will boost the adoption of Bitcoin in DeFi and has the potential to become a Top 10 token." Dora Yue, founder of OKX Ventures, said: "DLC.Link is a pioneering project aimed at bringing the power and innovation of DeFi to the Bitcoin ecosystem, without compromising security, decentralization, or user experience. We are pleased to support the vision and mission of DLC.Link. OKX Ventures believes that DLC.Link will unlock more value and potential within Bitcoin, and create a more open, inclusive, and decentralized financial system." To learn more about DLC.Link, click here. For further information, please contact:Media@okx.com About OKX VenturesOKX Ventures is the investment arm of leading crypto exchange and Web3 technology company OKX, with an initial capital commitment of USD 100 million. It focuses on exploring the best blockchain projects on a global scale, supporting cutting-edge blockchain technology innovation, promoting the healthy development of the global blockchain industry, and investing in long-term structural value. Through its commitment to supporting entrepreneurs who contribute to the development of the blockchain industry, OKX Ventures helps build innovative companies and brings global resources and historical experience to blockchain projects. Find out more about OKX Ventures here. Disclaimer About DLC.Link DLC.Link harnesses the power of Discreet Log Contracts (DLCs) to establish a trustless bridge between Bitcoin and Ethereum. This spring, DLC.Link will launch dlcBTC, enabling depositors to self-wrap their Bitcoin for DeFi on Ethereum while retaining full custody of their assets. This innovation transforms Bitcoin's role in DeFi, empowering depositors to engage in trading, lending, and hedging while maintaining self-sovereignty. For more details, visit www.dlc.link
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