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CathWorks Announces the Completion of Enrollment for Landmark ALL-RISE Randomized Controlled Trial

ALL-RISE Study Included Over 1,924 Patients in 59 Sites Across North America, Asia, Europe and the Middle East NEWPORT BEACH, Calif., Jan. 3, 2025 /PRNewswire/ -- CathWorks, a global leader in medical device digital health innovations, announced today the successful completion of enrollment of the Advancing Cath Lab Results with FFRangio Coronary Physiology Assessment (ALL-RISE) randomized controlled trial (RCT). This landmark study represents a significant milestone in the field of interventional cardiology, evaluating the clinical and economic benefits of the CathWorks FFRangio® System in diagnosing and treating coronary artery disease (CAD), offering potentially groundbreaking evidence that could redefine the standard of care. The ALL-RISE Study included over 1,924 patients across 59 sites in North America, Asia, Europe and the Middle East. Participants presenting with coronary stenoses of intermediate significance and requiring physiology assessment were randomized to receive either FFRangio-guided treatment or invasive pressure wire-guided treatment. Notably, this was the first-ever randomized controlled trial in the United States to assess clinical outcomes using an angiography-based tool for physiologic lesion assessment. In a joint statement, the ALL-RISE Study Chair, Dr. Ajay J. Kirtane (NewYork-Presbyterian/Columbia University Irving Medical Center) and Principal Investigators, Dr. William Fearon (Stanford University) and Dr. Allen Jeremias (St. Francis Hospital & Heart Center), stated, "On behalf of the study executive committee, we would like to congratulate and thank all the global investigators, study coordinators and patients who collectively enabled this incredible accomplishment. The high level of engagement and record speed of enrollment parallel the growing adoption of FFRangio globally. We look forward to sharing the results of this landmark study after clinical follow-up is completed."     CathWorks Sr. Director of Clinical Affairs, Alex Froimovich M.D., added, "The completion of ALL-RISE enrollment marks a significant milestone for our company and team's mission to transform how cardiovascular disease is diagnosed and treated. We believe this study, adding to FFRangio's growing body of clinical evidence, has the potential to significantly advance the field of coronary physiology and close the gap between its current adoption and the appropriate use guidelines recommendations. FFRangio has already demonstrated higher diagnostic accuracy over all other angio-based technologies, highlighting the fact that not all angio-based technologies are created equal, and therefore technology-specific clinical data are needed." Cardiovascular disease (CVD) remains the leading cause of death in the United States. According to the American Heart Association's (AHA) 2024 Heart Disease and Stroke Statistics Update, CVD accounted for 931,578 deaths in the U.S. in 2021, and close to 18 million deaths globally. Coronary artery disease (CAD) is the single largest contributor, responsible for over 40% of CV deaths. CathWorks believes the results from the ALL-RISE study will build on what the company refers to as a new era in physiology, underscoring FFRangio as the new standard of care with the potential to drive better patient outcomes while delivering tangible economic and resource utilization benefits to healthcare systems. ABOUT CATHWORKS CathWorks is the leader in digital health innovations that can improve the lives of patients globally. The CathWorks FFRangio® System combines artificial intelligence and advanced computational science, transforming how cardiovascular disease is diagnosed and treated. The FFRangio System obtains physiologic information from routine angiograms, eliminating the need for drug stimulation and invasive pressure wires. It provides physicians with quick and reliable intraprocedural FFRangio values for the entire coronary tree. For more information on CathWorks, visit www.cath.works and follow @CathWorks on  LinkedIn.  Investors:Mike Fehermike.feher@cath.works Media:Sarita Monicosarita.monico@cath.works

文章來源 : PR Newswire 美通社 發表時間 : 瀏覽次數 : 400 加入收藏 :
DXC Technology Names Brad Novak as Chief Information Officer

Veteran Technology Executive Joins DXC's Leadership Team ASHBURN, Va., Jan. 3, 2025 /PRNewswire/ -- DXC Technology (NYSE: DXC), a leading Fortune 500 global technology services provider, today announced the appointment of Brad Novak as Chief Information Officer. Novak joins DXC's leadership team, with a strong focus on leveraging AI throughout DXC operations. He will report to DXC's Chief Administrative Officer, James Walker. Brad Novak, Chief Information Officer, DXC Technology In this role, Novak will strategically embed AI across the infrastructure. He will also lead the team to integrate, standardize and consolidate various platforms, tools, and processes to enhance workforce productivity and operational efficiency.  Novak is a senior technologist and brings over 30 years of experience in financial services, spanning application development, infrastructure and service management. He has worked at several global financial services firms, most recently Barclays, where he was the CTO for the Corporate and Investment Bank, leading technology architecture and strategy. Novak has also worked in Private Equity and Venture Capital, assessing investment opportunities and advising portfolio companies on their technology strategies.    For more information DXC's leadership team, visit here. Forward Looking Statements All statements in this press release that do not directly and exclusively relate to historical facts constitute "forward-looking statements." These statements represent current expectations and beliefs, and no assurance can be given that any result, goal or plan set forth in any forward-looking statement can or will be achieved. Such statements are subject to numerous assumptions, risks, uncertainties and other factors that could cause actual results to differ materially from those described in such statements, many of which are outside of our control. For a written description of these factors, see the section titled "Risk Factors" in DXC's Annual Report on Form 10-K for the fiscal year ended March 31, 2024, and any updating information in subsequent SEC filings. Readers are cautioned not to place undue reliance on such statements which speak only as of the date they are made. We do not undertake any obligation to update or release any revisions to any forward-looking statement or to report any events or circumstances after the date of this document or to reflect the occurrence of unanticipated events, except as required by law. About DXC Technology DXC Technology (NYSE: DXC) helps global companies run their mission-critical systems and operations while modernizing IT, optimizing data architectures, and ensuring security and scalability across public, private and hybrid clouds. The world's largest companies and public sector organizations trust DXC to deploy services to drive new levels of performance, competitiveness, and customer experience across their IT estates. Learn more about how we deliver excellence for our customers and colleagues at DXC.com. CONTACT: Mihir Bellamkonda, Media Relations, mihir.bellamkonda@dxc.com; Roger Sachs, Investor Relations, roger.sachs@dxc.com

文章來源 : PR Newswire 美通社 發表時間 : 瀏覽次數 : 374 加入收藏 :
一秒到日本!新竹24小時日本料理插旗台北 南港平價關東煮宵夜

宵夜不僅僅是為了填飽肚子,更是對一天辛苦的犒賞。一口熱湯下肚,彷彿在對自己說:「辛苦了,明天繼續加油!」而來自新竹的超人氣日式料理品牌《馬の餐飲集團》,絕對是饕客和夜貓子們不能錯過的選擇。這家起源於新竹的日料餐廳,不僅在東區日本料理店「馬の深夜食堂」和竹北24小時丼飯店「馬の生食丼」累積了眾多忠實粉絲,近期更正式進駐台北設立關東煮專賣店「馬の關東煮」,成為南港夜間美食的新地標。 夏天吃壽司、冬天吃關東煮,四季都合適的日本料理提到日式料理,許多人腦海裡浮現的畫面,可能是生魚片、壽司或是蕎麥麵,「冷食」固然是日料的魅力之一,但其實日本料理還有溫暖的一面。有在追日劇或動漫的人,一定有看過這樣的劇情:上班族拖著疲憊的身體,在寒冷的夜晚走進路邊攤,一邊吃著熱氣騰騰的關東煮,一邊端起一杯清酒微微啜飲。一盞暖黃的燈光照亮攤位,帶著一點人情味和市井的煙火氣。 如果你也曾憧憬這樣的場景,不需要飛到日本,在新竹「馬の深夜食堂」、台北「馬の關東煮」就能體驗。店門口的開放式關東煮台熱氣氤氳,完美重現了日劇場景,一碗熱騰騰的關東煮下肚,讓人瞬間忘卻一整天的疲憊。更特別的是,他們還加入了自己獨創的風味,將傳統關東煮帶到全新的層次,吃過一次就會明白,這不僅僅是模仿日本文化,而是真正融入了老闆對料理的熱情與對顧客的用心。 台北南港宵夜必吃「馬の關東煮」,鍋中排列著各種關東煮食材,每一樣都吸飽了清香醇厚的湯汁(圖/Medick Marketing Ltd.提供) 新竹必吃特色日本料理:新鮮食材×創新口味  盧老闆堅信,美味的料理來自於最好的食材,只要食材不達標,盧老闆絕不妥協,他說得直接:「食材不行就退貨,廠商不給退就換廠商。」每一道菜品的背後,都歷經無數次試驗與篩選,這樣的用心,只為了將最新鮮、最美味的料理呈現到顧客面前。 但除了新鮮食材還不夠,盧老闆認為一道讓人印象深刻的料理,還需要大膽嘗試。以鮭魚握壽司為例,常見口味有鹽味、炙燒、醬燒等,但盧老闆靈機一動,將咖啡粉撒在生魚片上,沒想到咖啡的苦甜與鮭魚的鮮甜相得益彰,層次感十足,讓人忍不住一再品味,也獲得眾多喜愛新奇口味的食客好評。新竹竹北好吃生魚片就在「馬の生食丼」,從色澤鮮艷的魚肉和紋路細膩的油脂,就能看出有多新鮮(圖/Medick Marketing Ltd.提供) 從餐飲學徒到宵夜王者,承載祖孫情的食堂  深夜加班想吃高品質日式料理,這裡不僅有著令人垂涎的握壽司、丼飯、串燒、關東煮等等豐富餐點品項,還有一段感人的創業故事。《馬の餐飲集團》創辦人盧老闆,從15歲就開始接觸餐飲業,從學徒到出師,一路走來,靠著的是對料理的熱愛和堅持,以及對阿公深深的思念。 「從我還只是菜鳥學徒開始,不管我去哪間店工作,阿公都會來捧場。」對於盧老闆來說,阿公的支持是他持續努力的動機。雖然在出師之前,阿公就已經離開盧老闆的身邊,但在遇到困難時,他總在心中默念鼓勵自己:「雖然阿公已經吃不到了,但我還是要努力。」這份情感也化為他對料理的執著,創造出讓人驚豔的日式料理,並在27歲時成功創立《馬の餐飲集團》的第一間店。新竹東區隱藏美食「馬の深夜食堂」菜單選擇豐富,以平實價格提供高級日本料理的品質(圖/Medick Marketing Ltd.提供) 不只是美食餐廳,也是創業加盟圓夢起點  當被問到為什麼取名為「馬の(直翻:馬的,音同台灣的髒話)」,盧老闆笑說:「現代人壓力大,吃美食的時候就像是一種發洩。」這個名字聽起來雖然直白,但卻充滿了對現代生活的真實體悟。無論是來自工作、學業,還是生活中的煩惱,我們往往需要一個可以卸下壓力的地方,而《馬の餐飲集團》的經營理念,正是為了成為這樣一個避風港。 同時,盧老闆也非常支持員工的加盟創業夢想,他表示:「我希望每個員工都能創業,如果有這個意願,我願意擴大營業,讓他們當店長。」只要員工有心、有熱情,他就會竭盡所能提供資源與支持。從如何經營餐廳到選材用料的細節,都毫無保留地教導,甚至會親自帶著員工參與日常運營,為他們未來的餐飲創業之路鋪平基礎。對他來說,餐廳的成功並不是只為了實現自己的夢想,而是為了讓更多人能透過這個平台,找到屬於自己的成就感和未來。(加盟資訊請詳見業者FB公告) 《馬の餐飲集團》的由來:https://rink.cc/evwj4 《馬の餐飲集團》旗下品牌:了解更多資訊:https://rink.cc/2qyew 【馬の深夜食堂】聯絡電話:0933-320-596門市地址:新竹市東區民生路255號FB粉專:https://rink.cc/8yyzl 【馬の生食丼】聯絡電話:0958-477-668門市地址:新竹縣竹北市縣政二路460號FB粉專:https://rink.cc/tjoof 【馬の關東煮】聯絡電話:0970-557-705門市地址:台北市南港區研究院路二段9-2號

文章來源 : 創世代傳媒有限公司 發表時間 : 瀏覽次數 : 2343 加入收藏 :
The European Art of Taste celebrates Tomato, an icon of European taste and quality

Fresh or processed, tomato is the beating heart of Mediterranean cuisine, prized for its unmistakable flavour and exceptional nutritional properties, is the star of the ‘Postcards from Europe’ series BEIJING, Jan. 03, 2025 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- The first photographic video dedicated to tomato produced as part of The European project Art of Taste: Fruit and Veg Masterpieces is now online. This extraordinary product is one of the absolute protagonists of European fruit and vegetable excellence, a true masterpiece of nature that encompasses taste, versatility and tradition. Tomato, with its simplicity and extraordinary ability to adapt to any preparation, has also always been a source of artistic inspiration. It is no coincidence that the famous Pop Art movement celebrated it, as witnessed by Andy Warhol's iconic interpretation of Campbell's soup cans, transformed into a symbol of an era and a collective imagination. In Mediterranean recipes, tomato is not simply an ingredient, but a true protagonist telling stories of cultures, traditions and flavours. Whether used in the form of sauce, puree or fresh, each preparation celebrates the history and identity of our land, creating a deep bond between generations through taste. The real mastery lies in knowing how to choose the right product for each recipe, respecting the unique characteristics of the different processes. Tomato puree, velvety and uniform, is ideal for smooth and creamy sauces, perfect for quick and delicate condiments such as pasta sauces. Tomato pulp, with its rustic texture and visible chunks, is the perfect choice for pizza or full-bodied dishes such as stews, soups or ragù, in which the tomato can gradually release its flavour. Peeled tomatoes, on the other hand, keep the original shape of the tomato intact, offering a unique versatility: they can be crushed, cut or used whole, making them perfect for traditional preparations such as pasta with tomato sauce or long cooking sauces. The project The European Art of Taste aims to highlight precisely these peculiarities, bringing to the attention of an international audience the authenticity and the quality of the Italian tomato, a symbol of European tradition and excellence. The video, directed by Lorenzo Pasquinelli, in less than a minute celebrates the art of cooking through the tomato, the undisputed protagonist of every dish. These culinary creations are not just delicacies to be savoured, but true tales to be discovered: stories of deep roots, age-old traditions and an unbreakable bond with the land. Each dish thus becomes a work of art that unites the past and the present, exalting the tomato as a universal symbol of taste, culture and quality. The full video is available at this link Press Office: Renato Pagani Renato.pagani@secnewgate.it - + 39 335 6939561Giorgia Rizzi giorgia.rizzi@secnewgate.it News about The European Art of Taste and CSO Italy The project The European Art of Taste – Fruit & Veg Masterpieces aims to promote and inform about high-quality European fruits and vegetables and is financed by CSO Italy and the European Union. The following Italian companies also participate in the project: RK Growers, Mazzoni Group, Apofruit, Origine Group e Oranfrizer.CSO Italy, founded in 1998, is a unique entity in Italy that associates many of Italy's leading companies in the production and marketing of domestic fruit and vegetables. Completing the range of members are important companies specializing in different areas of the fruit and vegetable supply chain, from packaging, logistics, processing, machinery, and distribution. CSO Italy's mission is to provide useful services to members to improve and make the Italian fruit and vegetable industry more efficient and competitive. A technical table at the service of the entire Italian fruit and vegetable supply chain to increase its competitiveness through synergy among operators. CSO ITALY, has 73 members, distributed as follows: 51 producer members, 14 supply chain members, 3 subsidizing members and 5 supporting bodies. Funded by the European Union. However, the views expressed are those of the author(s) alone and do not necessarily reflect the views of the European Union or the European Research Executive Agency (REA). Neither the European Union nor the awarding administration can be held responsible for them. A photo accompanying this announcement is available at https://www.globenewswire.com/NewsRoom/AttachmentNg/d60fb17b-3704-4079-b7c5-9be816d46029  

文章來源 : Notified 發表時間 : 瀏覽次數 : 298 加入收藏 :
Rostock IMG jobs saved

Future of IMG Ingenieurtechnik und Maschinenbau GmbH secured at the site- Picture is available at AP – ROSTOCK / GRÜNHEIDE - Newsaktuell - 2 January 2025 - Rescue for jobs at Rostock-based IMG Ingenieurtechnik und Maschinenbau GmbH (IMG). Zachert Ingenieurtechnik und Maschinenbau GmbH, a wholly owned subsidiary of Zachert Private Equity GmbH (ZPE), will take over the long-established mechanical engineering company when the contracts are signed on 31 December 2024. The takeover secures the Rostock site and over 75 per cent of jobs. The signing is still subject to the approval of the creditors' committee in January. All parties involved have agreed not to disclose the purchase price. Rescue for jobs at Rostock-based IMG Ingenieurtechnik und Maschinenbau GmbH (IMG). Zachert Ingenieurtechnik und Maschinenbau GmbH, a wholly owned subsidiary of Zachert Private Equity GmbH (ZPE), will take over the long-established mechanical engineering company when the contracts are signed on 31 December 2024. The takeover secures the Rostock site and over 75 per cent of jobs. Securing jobs - preserving the future The Rostock-based mechanical engineering company is a global supplier of complex systems and production lines for the shipbuilding and offshore industries. The company filed for insolvency at the end of October 2024. The contract signed at the turn of the year means that IMG can restart in 2025. Investor Olaf Zachert and the ZPE team specialise in the restructuring and further development of medium-sized companies. "Our aim is to preserve IMG's tradition and expertise. It is important to us to preserve the jobs and the plant at this location as far as possible. Our priority now is the further expansion and reorganisation of production. We will work closely with the management, the works council and the workforce to achieve this," says Olaf Zachert, founder and Managing Director of Zachert Private Equity The negotiations were conducted by IMG's insolvency administrator Ulrich Rosenkranz from the law firm BRRS Hamburg and the commercial law firm Seitz on behalf of the purchaser. Once the contract has been signed, Mr Rosenkranz will handle the existing orders, while the team led by investor Olaf Zachert will reorganise the company and secure the majority of jobs. The basis for this will be the acquisition concept of Zachert Private Equity. "We will work with and for the majority of employees and trainees to find a quick and promising solution. IMG's long-standing and potential customers will continue to be supplied in the usual quality and we look forward to working with them," says Olaf Zachert. IMG Rostock remains ZPE has already demonstrated its expertise in mechanical engineering with the takeover of the former Bühler AG plant in Döbeln (Saxony) in May 2024. The company now operates under the name Döbelner Anlagen- und Maschinenbau GmbH (DAMB). "We were able to secure all jobs here and have gained a lot of experience in mechanical and plant engineering. We now need to organise the targeted further development and strategic partnerships between the two plants at the respective locations," explains investor Olaf Zachert. The expertise of the two production facilities will be pooled in future, the product portfolio expanded and further developed for promising markets. Sophisticated systems and production lines from Rostock will continue to be produced for IMG customers in the future. Image material for download: http://datas.weichertmehner.com/IMG.zip Use for media free of charge Photo credits: IMG/ZPE Possibility for interviews Dear media representatives, We are available for interviews on site Discussion partner: Olaf Zachert, Investor Zachert Private Equity GmbH (ZPE), Tuesday, 7 January 2025, from 12 noon Address: Ingenieurtechnik & Maschinenbau GmbH, Industriestrasse 8, 18069 Rostock For organisational reasons we would appreciate a short registration (Presse.ZPE@weichertmehner.com ), thank you very much. Contact for media: Ulf Mehner / Robert Weichert (Communication ZPE), Phone +49 172 8935317 / +49 151 41 92 46 64, Presse.ZPE@weichertmehner.com The issuer is solely responsible for the content of this announcement.About ZPE: Zachert Private Equity GmbH (ZPE) is a restructuring expert with many years of experience in investing in mostly traditional medium-sized companies in often complex situations of upheaval. The primary objectives are to preserve jobs and strengthen the respective business model. To this end, the company often develops buy-and-build strategies. The founder and managing partner of the company, based in Grünheide, is Olaf Zachert. http://zachert-pe.com About IMG Rostock:IMG Ingenieurtechnik und Maschinenbau GmbH is a leading company in the development, planning and manufacture of complex systems and production lines. Based in Rostock, IMG is one of the world's leading providers and suppliers of systems and machine parts for the shipbuilding, mechanical engineering, aviation, steel construction and wind energy industries. The product range includes shipyard and factory planning, machining centres and transport and handling systems. For decades, IMG has stood for technologies and the highest quality "Made in Germany" https://www.img-tech.de

文章來源 : Media OutReach Limited 發表時間 : 瀏覽次數 : 335 加入收藏 :
VinAI returns to CES 2025 with cutting-edge automotive AI technologies

LAS VEGAS, USA - Media OutReach Newswire - 2 January 2025 - VinAI has announced its participation in the Consumer Electronics Show (CES) 2025, taking place from January 7 to January 10, 2025, in Las Vegas, USA. At CES 2025, VinAI will showcase cutting-edge AI technologies such as DrunkSense and Touch2Park in an exclusive in-vehicle demonstration, reaffirming their superior integration capabilities and commitment to delivering groundbreaking mobility experiences for the automotive industry. From January 7-10, VinAI will showcase several AI technologies in a real car at Booth 7224, West Hall - CES 2025. From January 7 to January 10, 2025, visitors to booth #7224 in the West Hall of the Las Vegas Convention Center will have the opportunity to experience VinAI's cutting-edge technologies in action on a real vehicle, including: InteriorSense Suite DrunkSense: The world's first passive drunk driving detection system without requiring a breathalyzer, achieving 85% sensitivity—8 percentage points higher than that of the industry standard. MirrorSense: As a CES 2024 Innovation Award Honoree, this technology adjusts mirrors with 10mm accuracy based on the driver's position—another world-first innovation. Driver Monitoring System (DMS): Compliant with EU's General Safety Regulations, the system provides AI-powered safety through enhanced occupant monitoring. SurroundSense Suite Touch2Park: Touch2Park is the winner of the 2024 AutoTech Breakthrough Award. This Level 2 smart parking solution enables effortless parking by a simple touch. Jelly View: A revolutionary 3D transparent mode offering comprehensive exterior and undercarriage visibility. Advanced 360° Surround View Monitoring System: The system eliminates blind spots and enhances external awareness for safer navigation. Mr. Vuong Cap, Director of VinAI's Smart Mobility Division, shared: "VinAI's AI solutions are developed with a focus on optimizing performance on systems with limited resources. This enables automotive manufacturers to integrate advanced technologies without requiring hardware upgrades, reducing costs and enhancing competitiveness. This flexible approach not only broadens the applicability of AI but also meets the growing demand for smart and safe vehicles from automakers worldwide." Automotive manufacturers (OEMs) in the U.S. are under increasing pressure to enhance the safety, comfort, and intelligence of their vehicles. However, providing cutting-edge AI features while maintaining competitive costs and production timelines poses a significant challenge for many OEMs. VinAI addresses these challenges with efficient and flexible AI solutions designed to deliver safer and more comfortable driving experiences without demanding excessive resources from OEMs. Currently, VinAI offers smart mobility solutions for the automotive industry. Technologies and features developed by VinAI have been integrated into numerous vehicle models by global automakers, with deployment on over 80,000 vehicles to date and projections to reach over 800,000 vehicles within the next five years. For more information about VinAI or to schedule a technology demonstration at CES 2025, customers can contact business@vinai.io or visit https://www.vinai.io/vinai-at-ces-2025/. Contact: Ms. Bui Thi Thuy Le Head of Marketing – VinAI Business@vinai.io Hashtag: #VinAIhttps://www.vinai.io/The issuer is solely responsible for the content of this announcement.About VinAI VinAI, part of the Vingroup ecosystem, ranks among the top 20 AI R&D companies globally. The company's Smart Mobility division drives the next level of automotive safety and comfort through a strong portfolio of next-generation, efficient AI solutions. VinAI's technologies and features have been integrated into various models of global OEMs, including those from Europe. For more information about VinAI, please visit: https://www.vinai.io/

文章來源 : Media OutReach Limited 發表時間 : 瀏覽次數 : 292 加入收藏 :
2025 年 1 月 20 日 (星期一) 農曆十二月廿一日
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