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Exploring the Power of Journeys: TESSAN and Rachael Yamagata Premiere Exclusive Documentary

HONG KONG SAR - Media OutReach Newswire - 7 January 2025 - TESSAN, a global leader in travel charging solutions, has officially announced its collaboration with renowned American singer-songwriter Rachael Yamagata. As part of this collaboration, TESSAN has premiered an exclusive documentary on YouTube, offering an intimate look at Rachael’s artistic journey and philosophy. The film delves into her deeply personal reflections on music and life’s many journeys, unveiling untold creative stories and the ways in which she channels emotions into songwriting. Through this partnership, TESSAN and Rachael invite audiences to embrace the unknown, find meaning in movement, and redefine what it truly means to embark on a journey. A Voice for the Journey, A Bridge to Connection TESSAN chose Rachael Yamagata for this collaboration not just as a singer-songwriter, but as a living embodiment of the journey the brand celebrates—one of transformation, connection, and self-discovery. Her music is more than melody; it is a chronicle of movement—through places, emotions, and phases of life. Like travel, Rachael’s artistry is driven by exploration and authenticity. Her songs capture the raw, unfiltered essence of human experience—love, loss, resilience—mirroring the very journey that shapes us all. She believes, as TESSAN does, that true connection is found in embracing the unknown, in stepping beyond comfort to discover something deeper—about the world, and about oneself. A Deep-Dive Documentary: Exploring Music, Connection, and the Essence of Journey This Documentary is a key milestone in TESSAN’s global campaign, “What’s Your Next Journey?”, which encourages people to embrace the unknown, seek new experiences, and forge deeper connections through travel and self-discovery. A Story of Reflection, Growth, and Connection This documentary captures Rachael Yamagata’s raw, unfiltered reflections on her personal and artistic journey, offering an intimate look at the experiences that have shaped her music. Through candid storytelling, she delves into: The Meaning of "Journey" – How life’s transitions, uncertainties, and discoveries influence both her music and personal growth. Music as a Universal Connector – The way songs create unspoken bonds between people, bridging emotions, cultures, and personal experiences. The Power of Love – Her philosophy on being open, honest, and authentic—both as a Singer-songwriter and as a human navigating life’s highs and lows. Finding Strength in Creativity – How art can serve as a tool for self-discovery, resilience, and empowerment, inspiring others to embrace their own journeys. View the Full Video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Zd9_74t4aQE Beyond Music: A Shared Philosophy with TESSAN At its core, this documentary embodies TESSAN’s belief in connection—both physical and emotional. Just as TESSAN’s travel solutions enable people to stay connected no matter where they go, Rachael’s music creates emotional connections that transcend borders. Through the “What’s Your Next Journey?” campaign, TESSAN aims to inspire people to embark on their next adventure—whether that means traveling the world, chasing a dream, or rediscovering themselves. This alignment reinforces TESSAN’s brand identity as not just a provider of travel essentials, but as a brand that empowers and inspires exploration, self-discovery, and human connection. Final Thoughts: The Power of Journeys and Connection At its heart, "What’s Your Next Journey?" is a question about movement—not just across places, but through life itself. It is about the choices we make, the challenges we face, and the growth that comes with stepping into the unknown. This collaboration between TESSAN and Rachael Yamagata is a reflection of that idea. TESSAN helps people stay connected as they travel the world, while Rachael’s music captures the emotional journeys we all go through. But beyond travel and music, this partnership speaks to something deeper—the power of connection. Journeys are not just about reaching a destination; they are about the people we meet, the experiences we share, and the moments that shape who we become. Whether through technology or art, the ability to connect—with others, with ourselves, and with the world around us—is what gives those journeys meaning. So, what’s your next journey? Whether it’s an adventure into the unknown, a return to something familiar, or an inward reflection on where you’ve been and where you’re headed, this campaign serves as a reminder that every step matters, every connection shapes us, and every journey—no matter how big or small—is worth embracing. Website: https://www.tessan.com Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/tessanpower Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/tessan_official YouTube: https://youtube.com/@tessanofficial Hashtag: #tessanhttps://www.tessan.comhttps://www.facebook.com/tessanpowerhttps://www.instagram.com/tessan_officialhttps://youtube.com/@tessanofficialThe issuer is solely responsible for the content of this announcement.About TessanTESSAN is a global brand specializing in charging solutions for home and travel. Its main products include universal travel adapters,digital charging power strips , multifunctional wall outlets, EV charging stations and smart home devices. TESSAN lives by the mantra: "The Journey Begins at Home." With a commitment to simplicity, efficiency, and safety, TESSAN products enhance connectivity and convenience for users worldwide, powering your journey from home to every destination.

文章來源 : Media OutReach Limited 發表時間 : 瀏覽次數 : 294 加入收藏 :
MIPIM Asia 2024高峰會在香港圓滿落幕

提供策略性洞見並表彰房地產界卓越成就香港 - Media OutReach Newswire - 2025年1月7日 - MIPIM Asia 2024高峰會於12月4日圓滿落幕。第18屆峰會吸引超過400位國際代表齊聚香港君越酒店。作為亞洲首屈一指的房地產投資平台,今年高峰會聚焦亞洲地產市場的未來願景,強調市場的持久力及數碼轉型,並探討如何促進長期經濟增長、可持續發展實踐及社區凝聚力。活動高潮為備受矚目的MIPIM Asia Awards 2024,於璀璨奪目的晚宴中揭曉得獎名單並表彰得獎者的卓越成就。 高峰會由Société Générale亞太區首席經濟學家姚煒女士的主題演講揭開序幕。姚女士就亞洲經濟及其對房地產行業的影響提供全面分析,為與會者帶來了未來投資策略的重要見解。另一亮點則是與英國工商及貿易部投資大臣Baroness Poppy Gustafsson OBE的爐邊對話。討論圍繞國際投資策略,提供獨到見解,並進一步加強英國與亞太市場之間的聯繫。 標誌性的Investors Forum則為主權基金及資本持有人提供了一個私密平台,探討創新的投資策略,聚焦Generative AI及ESG可持續發展實踐。此外,多位業界領袖亦就私人債務機遇及應對市場變化的成功策略分享見解,當中包括Ares Management董事總經理Danielle Lau、KKR Asia Limited合夥人兼亞洲房地產主管John Pattar及Nuveen Real Estate資深董事Jing Zhou等知名講者。 MIPIM總監Nicolas Kozubek表示:「多年來,MIPIM Asia高峰會促進了業界的前瞻性討論及策略性合作,彰顯我們對房地產行業可持續發展及創新的堅定承諾。透過分享洞見及建立聯繫,我們致力於塑造亞洲及全球地產行業的未來,造福社區及投資者。未來一年,我們將呈獻全新及更具啟發性的高峰會,推動業界合作,推進房地產發展的更廣闊格局。」 為期兩天的高峰會在一場優雅的晚宴中圓滿結束,當晚公布並慶祝了備受期待的MIPIM Asia Awards 2024得獎名單。這項備受尊崇的獎項旨在表揚亞洲各地傑出房地產項目,突顯其卓越成就及重大貢獻。晚宴更邀請到香港房地產行政師學會會長蔡宏興先生擔任嘉賓,進一步彰顯活動的重要性及專業氣派。 MIPIM Asia 2024高峰會的圓滿成功,持續鞏固其作為推動房地產行業合作與創新的重要平台。這項盛事不僅揭示市場新趨勢及投資機遇,亦營造有利於交易、合作及創新的環境,為區內房地產行業的未來發展鋪路。 下一屆MIPIM將於3月10至14日於法國康城舉行,而MIPIM Asia 2025高峰會則將於2025年第四季在香港舉行。欲了解更多關於MIPIM Asia 2025的資訊及未來活動,請瀏覽官方網站 mipim-asia.com。 如需即時更新,請關注 MIPIM: Facebook Twitter LinkedIn Hashtag: #MIPIM #MIPIMAsia2024發佈者對本公告的內容承擔全部責任關於MIPIM Asia Summit MIPIM Asia Summit 是由RX France主辦的亞太地區年度房地產領袖峰會。這是高層決策者齊聚一堂,探索新的商業夥伴關係和投資機會的重要聚會。它包括專家主導的會議會議、高級網路加速器和為期兩天的獨家頒獎晚宴。來自世界各地的傑出演講者、高級管理人員、高級商業專業人士和行業專家將討論房地產和零售行業的最新發展和流行趨勢。MIPIM - 世界房地產市場 - 是全球領先和最大的房地產盛會。這項為期四天的活動每年三月在戛納舉行。2023 年有 22,500+ 代表參加,超過 2,000 家投資和金融公司,以及 90 多個不同的國家/地區。 關於RXRX是全球領先的活動與展覽公司,透過產業專業知識、數據和技術,為個人、社群和組織打造商業機會。RX於25個國家涵蓋42個產業領域,每年舉辦約350場活動。RX致力於為所有員工創造包容的工作環境,並通過數據驅動的洞察和數位解決方案賦能企業成長。RX隸屬於RELX集團,RELX是一家為專業和商業客戶提供基於信息的分析和決策工具的全球供應商。如需更多資訊,請訪問:www.rxglobal.com。RX France 創建了領先業界的高水準會議場所,涵蓋15個行業領域,包括MIPIM、MAPIC、Batimat、Pollutec、EquipHotel、SITL、IFTM、Big Data & AI Paris、MIPCOM、Paris Photo、Maison&Objet*等。RX France的活動於法國、香港、意大利和墨西哥舉行。詳情請訪問:www.rxglobal.fr。*Maison&Objet由RX France的子公司Safi和法國工藝師協會Ateliers d'Art de France共同組織。 關於RELXRELX是一家為專業和商業客戶提供基於信息的分析和決策工具的全球供應商。RELX的客戶遍及超過180個國家,並在約40個國家設有辦事處,擁有超過36,000名員工,其中40%以上位於北美。RELX PLC母公司的股票在倫敦、阿姆斯特丹和紐約證券交易所上市,交易代碼分別為:倫敦:REL;阿姆斯特丹:REN;紐約:RELX。 *註:最新的市值可於http://www.relx.com/investors 查詢。

文章來源 : Media OutReach Limited 發表時間 : 瀏覽次數 : 823 加入收藏 :
MIPIM Asia Summit 2024 Concludes in Hong Kong with Strategic Insights and Celebrated Prestigious Achievements in Real Estate

Over 300 industry leaders convene in Hong Kong to explore the future of Asian property marketsHONG KONG SAR - Media OutReach Newswire - 7 January 2025 - The MIPIM Asia Summit concluded its 18th edition on December 4th, bringing together over 400 international delegates at the Grand Hyatt, Hong Kong. As Asia's premier real estate investment platform, this year's summit focused on the vision for the future of Asian property markets, emphasising durability and digital transformation while seeking long-term economic growth, sustainable practices, and community cohesion. The event culminated in the highly anticipated MIPIM Asia Awards 2024, where the winners were revealed and celebrated during a thrilling gala dinner. The summit commenced with an insightful keynote address from Ms. Wei Yao, Chief Economist for APAC at Société Générale, who offered a comprehensive outlook on the Asian economy and its implications for the real estate sector. Her analysis provided valuable insights into future investment strategies within the region. A particularly memorable moment at the fireside chat with Baroness Poppy Gustafsson OBE, the UK Minister for Investment in the Department for Business and Trade, where the discussion offered a unique perspective on international investment strategies and strengthened ties between the UK and APAC markets. The signature Investors Forum provided an intimate platform for sovereign wealth and capital owners to explore innovative investment strategies, addressing key issues such as generative AI and ESG practices. Furthermore, industry leaders shared their insights on private debt opportunities and strategies for success in evolving markets, featuring distinguished speakers such as Danielle Lau, Managing Director of Ares Management; John Pattar, Partner & Head of Asia Real Estate at KKR Asia Limited; and Jing Zhou, Senior Director of Alternatives Investment and Strategic Transactions at Nuveen Real Estate, among others. Nicolas Kozubek, Managing Director of MIPIM, stated, "For many years, the MIPIM Asia Summit has facilitated transformative discussions and strategic partnerships, reflecting our commitment to a sustainable and innovative future in the property sector. By sharing insights and fostering connections, we are actively shaping the industry's trajectory in Asia and beyond, benefiting communities and investors alike. In the coming year, we aim to present a new and revitalised summit designed to inspire and empower stakeholders, driving further collaboration across the broader landscape of real estate development." The two-day event concluded with an elegant gala dinner, during which the winners of the highly anticipated MIPIM Asia Awards 2024 were announced and celebrated. These prestigious awards highlight the outstanding accomplishments and significant contributions of real estate projects across Asia. The evening was further elevated by the presence of Donald Choi, President of the Jury Panel and Hong Kong Institute of Real Estate Administrators. The resounding success of MIPIM Asia Summit 2024 continuously presents itself a vital platform for fostering collaboration and driving innovation within the real estate industry. This prestigious event not only highlights emerging trends and investment opportunities but also cultivates an environment conducive to deal-making, collaboration, and innovation, ultimately shaping the future of real estate in the region. The upcoming MIPIM will take place from March 10 to 14 in Cannes, France. Additionally, the MIPIM Asia Forum 2025 is scheduled for fall 2025 in Hong Kong. For more information about MIPIM Asia Summit 2025 and to stay updated on future events, please visit mipim-asia.com. For instant updates, please follow MIPIM: Facebook Twitter LinkedIn Hashtag: #MIPIM #MIPIMAsiaSummit2024The issuer is solely responsible for the content of this announcement.About MIPIM Asia SummitMIPIM Asia Summit is the annual property leaders' summit in Asia Pacific organised by RX France. It is the major gathering where top-level decision makers gather to explore new business partnerships and investment opportunities. It features expert-led conference sessions, premium networking accelerators and an exclusive awards gala dinner over a two-day period. Distinguished speakers, senior executives, high-level business professionals and industry experts from around the world will discuss the latest developments and prevailing trends in the property and retail industry. MIPIM – the world's property market - is the leading and largest global property event. The four-day event takes place annually in Cannes every March. 22,500+ delegates attended in 2023 with over 2,000 Investment & Financial companies, and more than 90 different countries being represented. About RXRX is a global leader in events and exhibitions, leveraging industry expertise, data, and technology to build businesses for individuals, communities, and organisations. With a presence in 25 countries across 42 industry sectors, RX hosts approximately 350 events annually. RX is committed to creating an inclusive work environment for all our people. RX empowers businesses to thrive by leveraging data-driven insights and digital solutions. RX is part of RELX, a global provider of information-based analytics and decision tools for professional and business customers. For more information, visit www.rxglobal.com. RX France creates high level, world-class and market leader meeting places, covering 15 industry sectors, including MIPIM, MAPIC, Batimat, Pollutec, EquipHotel, SITL, IFTM, Big Data & AI Paris, MIPCOM, Paris Photo, Maison&Objet*... and many more. RX France's events take place in France, Hong Kong, Italy and Mexico. For more information, visit www.rxglobal.fr *Organised by Safi, a subsidiary of RX France and Ateliers d'Art de FranceAbout RELXRELX is a global provider of information-based analytics and decision tools for professional and business customers. RELX serves customers in more than 180 countries and has offices in about 40 countries. It employs more than 36,000 people over 40% of whom are in North America. The shares of RELX PLC, the parent company, are traded on the London, Amsterdam and New York stock exchanges using the following ticker symbols: London: REL; Amsterdam: REN; New York: RELX. *Note: Current market capitalisation can be found at http://www.relx.com/investors

文章來源 : Media OutReach Limited 發表時間 : 瀏覽次數 : 308 加入收藏 :
Capture.HK 於2024年間成功數碼化超過一百萬張家庭相片

10月正式啟用首間舊媒體處理中心 以應對香港670%的訂單增長香港 - Media OutReach Newswire - 2025年1月7日 - 領先全球的舊媒體數碼化公司 CaptureTM 於 2024 年間成功數碼化超過一百萬張家庭相片。為應對業務增長,Capture.HK 已在荔枝角開設首間舊媒體處理中心,進一步擴充產能並提升服務質素。 Capture.HK 提升相片數碼化年產能至八百萬張 Capture.HK 於2024年達成了一個重要的里程碑:成功數碼化超過一百萬張相片,平均每張訂單金額高達港幣1,483元。相比2023年數碼化的129,234張相片,雖然平均每張訂單金額為港幣1,554元,但客戶數量大幅增加,突顯了市場對相片數碼化服務需求的增長,特別是家庭客戶希望以數碼方式保存珍貴回憶。隨著 Capture舊媒體處理中心於十月在荔枝角啟用,公司現時每年可數碼化多達八百萬張相片。中心配備18套專業設備,結合由Capture.HK 團隊研發的專利硬件及軟件,全面提升數碼化服務的效率和質量。 展望未來,Capture.HK 計劃在2025年實現訂單年增長6至8倍,並將員工數量增加2.5倍。這一擴展計劃顯示了香港2.5億美元舊媒體數碼化市場的巨大潛力。 Capture.HK 行政總裁 Michael Chang 表示:「Capture.HK 在今年業務得到大幅增長,這符合我們對香港2.5億美元市場規模的增長預期。為了滿足市場需求,我們於十月開設了首間Capture舊媒體處理中心,充分利用香港獨特的物流和勞動力優勢。該中心的成立,使我們具備在2025年實現年增長6至8倍的能力。」 Capture.HK AI 技術讓舊相片重現當日色彩 Capture.HK 的先進AI技術現已能精準修復並提升舊相片質素,去除眩光並修復褪色,還原色彩。這一項創新突破的技術確保了珍貴回憶能夠被更清晰及有效地保存。 其中一位客戶 Andrew 分享:「非常感謝 Capture 數碼化我三十年前的婚禮相片,效果讓我感到非常滿意。」 Capture.HK 會持續在相片碼化領域樹立標竿,幫助客戶重溫並保存珍貴回憶。 Capture.HK 攜手快圖美 Capture.HK 正積極拓展業務,並與快圖美建立全新合作關係。客戶現可於快圖美門市購買 Capture 的相片數碼化體驗套裝(港幣238元)及The Frame電子相框(港幣1188元)。這項業務拓展進一步提升了 Capture.HK 數碼化服務的普及性,讓更多客戶能輕鬆便捷地保存珍貴回憶。 Capture.HK 進一步擴展數碼化服務 Capture.HK 正全面提升數碼化服務,新增菲林底片、錄音帶、專業錄影帶及電影膠卷的數碼化種類。這些擴展突顯了 Capture.HK 對保存珍貴回憶的承諾。無論媒體格式如何,均可安全地轉換為高品質的數碼格式,並通過 USB 或 Google Photos 等方式,讓回憶得以永久保存。 Hashtag: #CaptureLimitedhttps://www.capture.hk/zh_HKhttps://www.linkedin.com/company/capturelimited/https://www.facebook.com/CaptureLimitedhttps://www.instagram.com/capture_hongkong/https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC9npy9yWNsH9qG-ZcaxfC7A發佈者對本公告的內容承擔全部責任關於 Capture.HKCapture.HK 是現時於香港提供最先進的舊媒體數碼化服務供應商。我們使用獨有的專利技術將各種類型的舊媒體轉換成數碼格式,包括相簿、相片、錄影帶、數位媒體( USB、CF 卡、DVD 等)、幻燈片、菲林底片以及錄音帶。Capture.HK 更是現時全港唯一一間提供經 Google Authenticator 授權後將回憶直接保存至 Google 相簿服務的公司。此外,我們在美國亦與 Fujifilm、Google 以及 Walmart、Costco 等零售巨頭合作。時至今日,我們已成功幫助超過 1200 萬個家庭保存和重現他們珍貴的回憶。

文章來源 : Media OutReach Limited 發表時間 : 瀏覽次數 : 598 加入收藏 :
Capture.HK Achieves Milestone of 1 Million Family Photos Digitised in 2024

Launches First Capture Media Factory to Support 670% Growth in Hong Kong in OctoberHONG KONG SAR - Media OutReach Newswire - 7 January 2025 - CaptureTM Hong Kong, the leading analogue media digitisation provider, proudly announces a significant milestone — digitising over 1 million family photos in 2024. To support this remarkable growth, the company is opening a new facility in Lai Chi Kok, expanding capacity and enhancing service offerings. Capture Media Factory Boosts Annual Capacity to 8 Million Photos Capture.HK achieved a major milestone in 2024 by digitising over 1 million photos, with an average order value of HK$1,483. In comparison, while 129,234 photos were digitised in 2023 with a higher average order value of HK$1,554, the substantial increase in customer numbers highlights the growing demand for photograph digitisation services, driven by families seeking to preserve their legacy in a digital format. With the opening of the Capture Media Factory (CMF) in October in Lai Chi Kok, the company now boasts a maximum capacity to digitise 8 million photos annually. The new factory boasts 18 Studio Scanners, proprietary photo scanning hardware and AI software developed by Capture in Hong Kong. Looking ahead, Capture.HK aims to achieve 6x-8x year-on-year growth in 2025 while expanding its workforce by 2.5 times. This expansion reflects Hong Kong's $250M USD analogue media digitisation market potential. "Capture.HK has had exponential growth Y/Y matching our expectations of Hong Kong's large $250M USD Market Size. To satisfy the growth we opened our first Capture Media Factory in October taking advantage of Hong Kong's unique logistics and labour capabilities. We have the capability at this facility to grow 6x-8x Y/Y in 2025," said Michael Chang, the CEO of Capture.HK. Capture.HK AI Technology Brings Vibrant Colours Back to Life Capture's advanced AI photo scanning technology now restores and enhances old photographs with exceptional precision, removing glare and revitalising faded colours. This breakthrough innovation ensures that cherished memories are preserved in stunning quality. One satisfied customer, Andrew, shared "Thank you very much for digitising my wedding photos from 30 years ago. The quality is incredibly clear, and I am very satisfied with the results." Capture.HK continues to set the standard in photo digitisation, offering families a way to relive and safeguard their most treasured moments for generations to come. New Distribution Channels for Capture.HK Capture.HK is expanding its reach through new partnerships, including at Fotomax. Customers can now purchase Capture's Photo Digitisation Kit (HK$238) and The Frame digital frame (HK$1188) at Fotomax locations. This expansion ensures greater accessibility to Capture's premium digitisation services, allowing more families to preserve their cherished memories with ease and convenience. Capture.HK Expands Digitisation Services to Preserve Diverse Media Formats Capture.HK is enhancing its digitisation offerings to include negative film, audio cassettes, professional videotape formats, and film reels. This expansion reflects Capture's dedication to safeguarding treasured memories and valuable archives across various media. The enhanced service ensures that precious moments are securely converted into high-quality digital formats, available on USB flash drives or Google Photos. Hashtag: #CaptureLimitedhttps://www.capture.hk/https://www.linkedin.com/company/capturelimited/https://www.facebook.com/CaptureLimitedhttps://www.instagram.com/capture_hongkong/https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC9npy9yWNsH9qG-ZcaxfC7AThe issuer is solely responsible for the content of this announcement.About Capture.HKCapture.HK is the leading analogue media digitisation service provider in Hong Kong. We digitise all formats of analogue media - photo albums, photographs, videotapes, digital media (like USB Flash Drive, Compact Flash, DVD, etc), slides, negatives and audio cassette tapes, using our proprietary technology. Capture.HK is the only service that saves memories directly to Google Photos through secure Google authentication. In the USA, we have cooperated with Fujifilm, Google and retail giants like Walmart and Costco, to help more than 12 million families and organisations to safeguard their memories.

文章來源 : Media OutReach Limited 發表時間 : 瀏覽次數 : 304 加入收藏 :
LG Innotek to Showcase Mobility Innovations at CES 2025

AD/ADAS Sensing components, including the RGB-IR In-Cabin Camera Module, in the limelight Unveiling of new products for automotive communication and lighting, from AP modules to Nexlide Vision LAS VEGAS and SEOUL, South Korea, Jan. 7, 2025 /PRNewswire/ -- LG Innotek (CEO Moon Hyuksoo) will participate in the Consumer Electronics Show (CES) 2025 in Las Vegas from January 7 to 10, where it will unveil its innovations in future mobility. LG Innotek unveiled its CES 2025 booth during a Pre-Booth tour for Korean journalists on January 6. The booth, spanning approximately 3,500 square meters, will be located at the entrance of the West Hall in the Las Vegas Convention Center (LVCC). This year, the company has planned an exclusive exhibition dedicated to the theme of mobility. A representative of LG Innotek stated, "We focused on showcasing innovative mobility solutions that deliver distinguished customer value," and added, "We adopted a storytelling approach to enable visitors to vividly experience the unique solutions provided by LG Innotek from an end-user perspective." At the center of the exhibition booth will be a mockup of a future vehicle, showcasing 15 types of components for vehicle sensing, communication, and lighting—key business areas of LG Innotek. ■ AD/ADAS sensing components, including the RGB-IR In-Cabin Camera Module, in the limelight In the exhibition, LG Innotek will display many innovative products that are poised to spearhead its sensing components business for Autonomous Driving (AD) and Advanced Driver Assistance Systems (ADAS). One such example is the RGB-IR In-Cabin Camera Module, which will be unveiled for the first time at CES 2025. Equipped with a 5-megapixel RGB (red, green, blue) and IR (infrared) sensor, it can detect the driver's condition in real time to combat drowsiness. With a single compact camera module, it also monitors the condition of passengers, such as whether their seat belts are fastened in both the front and rear rows, improving space efficiency and design flexibility. Additionally, LG Innotek will exhibit its All-Weather Camera Solution, which adds a dust-cleaning function to the existing High-Performance Heating Camera Module. ■ Unveiling of new products for automotive communication and lighting, from AP modules to Nexlide Vision Vehicle communication components developed by incorporating LG Innotek's unparalleled proprietary wireless communication technology are also worth seeing. These include the 5G-V2X Communication Module; Next-Generation Digital Key Solution, combining Ultra-Wideband (UWB) radar technology; and Automotive AP Module, a new addition to LG Innotek's business portfolio of electronic components. AP modules, which are seeing increasing demand in the era of Software-Defined Vehicles (SDVs), are automotive semiconductor components that integrate automotive electronic systems such as ADAS and Digital Cockpit. They serve as the "brain" of a vehicle, similar to a computer's CPU. In addition, Nexlide A+, a vehicle lighting module that won the CES 2025 Innovation Award, will be showcased alongside other innovations in the vehicle mockup and Nexlide Zone, which was designed specifically to highlight LG Innotek's unique automotive lighting technologies and innovations. Among them, Nexlide Vision stands out. It combines the existing Pixel Lighting, which enables the vehicle's lighting to produce various text and animation effects, with Smart Film technology. This combination allows the simultaneous creation of not only pixels but also faces and line shapes, enhancing customer flexibility in design. Other products that will be on display include B-Link (Battery Link), the world's first combination of a wireless Battery Management System (BMS) and Battery Junction Box (BJB). This product is becoming increasingly popular as an essential component of electric vehicles. It uses miniaturization design technology for the efficient use of battery pack space. Compatible with both 400V and 800V chargers, it maximizes customer convenience. LG Innotek CEO Moon Hyuksoo said, "We anticipate the acquisition of new clients and business opportunities at CES 2025," and added, "LG Innotek aims to solidify its position as a total solution provider for future mobility." LG Innotek will also launch an online exhibition center on its website (https://lginnotek-virtualshowroom.com/ces-2025/) that replicates its offline booth at CES 2025. This platform will provide a multitude of information, including detailed information on products to be exhibited and a field sketch of the exhibition. Online visitors will be able to gain an interactive experience that makes them feel as if they are actually visiting the offline booth in person. Journalists participating in LG Innotek's Pre-Booth Tour on January 6 (local time).   Journalists participating in LG Innotek's Pre-Booth Tour on January 6 (local time).   LG Innotek’s vehicle lighting module, ‘Nexlide,’ showcased at CES 2025.   Overview of LG Innotek’s booth at CES 2025. [References] CES 2025 LG Innotek Booth by Zone <Open Booth> ①  Mobility Zone: Fifteen types of LG Innotek's core mobility components, including those for vehicle sensing, communication, and lighting, will be applied to a future vehicle mock-up—the highlight of the booth—and showcased to visitors. ②  Main Attractor Zone: This zone will feature a "User Scene"-based future mobility video that demonstrates how LG Innotek's various mobility components can transform drivers' daily lives. It will also include content introducing LG Innotek's new vision. ③  Nexlide Zone: This zone will display actual modules and exploded views of two of the latest Nexlide products. LG Innotek's patented technologies for automotive lighting, such as surface light source technology, will be presented in detail. The Nexlide-A+ product, which won the CES 2025 Innovation Award, will also be on display.  <Private Booth> ①  Smart and Safe Driving Zone:  Essential sensing components for safe driving, such as LiDAR (light detection and ranging) and the All-Weather Camera Solution, will be exhibited with demonstration videos. ②  Dynamic Space Zone: This zone will feature products that offer greater convenience for drivers and passengers inside vehicles, such as UWB digital keys and RGB-IR In-Cabin camera modules (5MP RGB-IR) designed for infotainment. ③  Sustainability Zone: This zone will display the wireless Battery Management System (BMS), which is becoming an essential part of electric vehicles, and B-Link (Battery Link), which combines BMS and Battery Junction Box (BJB) functions.  

文章來源 : PR Newswire 美通社 發表時間 : 瀏覽次數 : 110 加入收藏 :
SNP expands partnership with SAP
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2025 年 1 月 20 日 (星期一) 農曆十二月廿一日
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