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——新的光電共封裝技術或取代數據中心中的電互連裝置,大幅提高AI 和其他計算應用的速度與能效 香港2024年12月16日 /美通社/ -- 近日,IBM(紐約證券交易所代碼:IBM)發佈了其在光學技術方面的突破性研究成果,有望顯著提高數據中心訓練和運行生成式 AI 模型的效率。IBM研究人員開發的新一代光電共封裝 (co-packaged optics,CPO) 工藝,通過光學技術實現數據中心內部的光速連接,為現有的短距離光纜提供了有力補充。通過設計和組裝首個宣佈成功的聚合物光波導 (PWG),IBM 研究人員展示了光電共封裝技術將如何重新定義計算行業在芯片、電路板和服務器之間的高帶寬數據傳輸。 IBM 發佈光學技術關鍵突破,生成式AI迎來「光速時代」 今天,光纖技術已經被廣泛用於遠距離的高速數據傳輸,實現了「以光代電」來管理全球幾乎所有的商業和通信傳輸。雖然數據中心的外部通信網絡已經採用光纖,但其內部的機架仍然主要使用銅質電線進行通信。通過電線連接的 GPU 加速器可能有一半以上的時間處於閒置狀態,在大型分布式訓練過程中需要等待來自其他設備的數據,導致高昂的成本和能源浪費。 IBM 研究人員發現了一種將光學的速度和容量引入數據中心的新方法。在其最新發表的一篇論文中,IBM 展示了其全球首發、可實現高速光學連接的光電共封裝原型。這項技術可大幅提高數據中心的通信帶寬,最大限度地減少 GPU 停機時間,同時大幅加快 AI 工作速度。該創新將實現以下新突破: 降低規模化應用生成式 AI 的成本:與中距電氣互連裝置相比,能耗降低 5 倍以上[1],同時將數據中心互連電纜的長度從 1 米延長至數百米。 提高 AI 模型訓練速度:與傳統的電線相比,使用光電共封裝技術訓練大型語言模型的速度快近五倍,從而將標準大語言模型的訓練時間從三個月縮短到三周;用於更大的模型和更多的 GPU,性能將獲得更大提升。[2] 大幅提高數據中心能效:在最新光電共封裝技術的加持下,每訓練一個 AI 模型所節省的電量,相當於 5000 個美國家庭的年耗電量總和。[3] IBM 高級副總裁、IBM研究院院長 Dario Gil 表示:「生成式AI需要越來越多的能源和處理能力,數據中心必須隨之升級換代,而光電共封裝技術可以幫助數據中心從容面向未來。隨著光電共封裝技術取得突破,光纖電纜將大幅提升數據中心的數據傳輸效率,芯片之間的通信、AI工作負載的處理也會更高效,我們將進入一個更高速、更可持續的新通信時代。」 比現有芯片間通信帶寬快 80 倍得益於近年芯片技術的進步,芯片上可以容納更多、更密集的晶體管;比如,IBM 的 2 納米芯片技術可在單一芯片上植入 500 多億個晶體管。光電共封裝技術旨在擴大加速器之間的互連密度,幫助芯片製造商在電子模組上添加連接芯片的光通路,從而超越現有電子通路的限制。IBM 的論文所述的新型高帶寬密度光學結構和其他創新成果,比如,通過每個光通道傳輸多個波長,有望將芯片間的通信帶寬提高至電線連接的 80 倍。 與目前最先進的光電共封裝技術相比,IBM 的創新成果可以使芯片製造商在硅光子芯片邊緣增加六倍數量的光纖,即所謂的「鬢發密度 (beachfront density)」。每根光纖的寬度約為頭髮絲的三倍,長度從幾釐米到幾百米不等,可傳輸每秒萬億比特級別的數據。IBM 團隊採用標準封裝工藝,在 50 微米間距的光通道上封裝高密度的聚合物光波導 (PWG),並與硅光子波導絕熱耦合。 論文還指出,上述光電共封裝模塊採用50微米間距的聚合物光波導,首次通過了製造所需的所有壓力測試。這些模組需要經受高濕度環境、-40°C 至 125°C 的溫度以及機械耐久性測試,以確保光互連裝置即使彎曲,也不會斷裂或丟失數據。此外,研究人員還展示了 18 微米間距的聚合物光波導技術:將四個聚合物光波導設備堆疊在一起,可以實現多達 128 個通道的連接。 IBM 持續引領半導體技術研發面對日益增長的 AI 性能需求,光電共封裝技術開創了一條新的通信途徑,並可能取代從電子到光學的模塊外通信。這一技術突破延續了IBM 在半導體創新方面的領導地位,包括全球首個 2 納米芯片技術、首個 7 納米和 5 納米工藝技術、納米片晶體管、垂直晶體管 (VTFET)、單芯片 DRAM 和化學放大光刻膠等。 該項目的設計、建模和模擬工作在美國紐約州奧爾巴尼完成,其原型組裝和模塊測試則由位於加拿大魁北克省布羅蒙的IBM實驗室承接,後者是北美地區最大的芯片組裝和測試基地之一。 [1] 從每比特 5 微焦降至不到 1 微焦。 [2] 數據基於使用行業標準 GPU 和互連裝置對 700 億參數大語言模型的訓練。 [3] 數據基於使用行業標準 GPU 和互連裝置對超大型大語言模型(如 GPT-4)的訓練。 關於 IBM IBM 是全球領先的混合雲與人工智能、以及企業服務提供商,為全球175個國家和地區的客戶服務,幫助企業把握其數據洞察、簡化業務流程、降本增效,獲得行業競爭優勢。 IBM 混合雲平台和紅帽OpenShift 為全球超過4,000家政府和企業機構的關鍵性基礎設施提供有力支撐,例如來自金融服務、電訊和醫療健康等行業的客戶,幫助他們快速、高效、安全地實現數碼轉型。 IBM 在人工智能、量子運算、特定行業的雲解決方案以及企業服務等方面的突破性創新,使其可以為客戶提供開放和靈活的選擇。 IBM 對信任、透明、責任、包容和服務的歷久彌新的承諾,是我們業務發展的基石。查詢更多資料,請瀏覽:www.ibm.com/ 傳媒查詢: 郭韜 gguotao@cn.ibm.com
New co-packaged optics innovation could replace electrical interconnects in data centers to offer significant improvements in speed and energy efficiency for AI and other computing applications YORKTOWN HEIGHTS, N.Y., Dec. 10, 2024 /PRNewswire/ -- IBM (NYSE: IBM) has unveiled breakthrough research in optics technology that could dramatically improve how data centers train and run generative AI models. Researchers have pioneered a new process for co-packaged optics (CPO), the next generation of optics technology, to enable connectivity within data centers at the speed of light through optics to complement existing short reach electrical wires. By designing and assembling the first publicly announced successful polymer optical waveguide (PWG) to power this technology, IBM researchers have shown how CPO will redefine the way the computing industry transmits high-bandwidth data between chips, circuit boards, and servers. IBM Corporation logo. Today, fiber optic technology carries data at high speeds across long distances, managing nearly all the world's commerce and communications traffic with light instead of electricity. Although data centers use fiber optics for their external communications networks, racks in data centers still predominantly run communications on copper-based electrical wires. These wires connect GPU accelerators that may spend more than half of their time idle, waiting for data from other devices in a large, distributed training process which can incur significant expense and energy. IBM researchers have demonstrated a way to bring optics' speed and capacity inside data centers. In a technical paper, IBM introduces a new CPO prototype module that can enable high-speed optical connectivity. This technology could significantly increase the bandwidth of data center communications, minimizing GPU downtime while drastically accelerating AI processing. This research innovation, as described, would enable: Lower costs for scaling generative AI through a more than 5x power reduction in energy consumption compared to mid-range electrical interconnects1, while extending the length of data center interconnect cables from one to hundreds of meters. Faster AI model training, enabling developers to train a Large Language Model (LLM) up to five times faster with CPO than with conventional electrical wiring. CPO could reduce the time it takes to train a standard LLM from three months to three weeks, with performance gains increasing by using larger models and more GPUs.2 Dramatically increased energy efficiency for data centers, saving the energy equivalent of 5,000 U.S. homes' annual power consumption per AI model trained.3 "As generative AI demands more energy and processing power, the data center must evolve – and co-packaged optics can make these data centers future-proof," said Dario Gil, SVP and Director of Research at IBM. "With this breakthrough, tomorrow's chips will communicate much like how fiber optics cables carry data in and out of data centers, ushering in a new era of faster, more sustainable communications that can handle the AI workloads of the future." Eighty times faster bandwidth than today's chip-to-chip communicationIn recent years, advances in chip technology have densely packed transistors onto a chip; IBM's 2 nanometer node chip technology can contain more than 50 billion transistors. CPO technology aims to scale the interconnection density between accelerators by enabling chipmakers to add optical pathways connecting chips on an electronic module beyond the limits of today's electrical pathways. IBM's paper outlines how these new high bandwidth density optical structures, coupled with transmitting multiple wavelengths per optical channel, have the potential to boost bandwidth between chips as much as 80 times compared to electrical connections. IBM's innovation, as described, would enable chipmakers to add six times as many optical fibers at the edge of a silicon photonics chip, called "beachfront density," compared to the current state-of-the-art CPO technology. Each fiber, about three times the width of a human hair, could span centimeters to hundreds of meters in length and transmit terabits of data per second. The IBM team assembled a high-density PWG at 50 micrometer pitch optical channels, adiabatically coupled to silicon photonics waveguides, using standard assembly packaging processes. The paper additionally indicates that these CPO modules with PWG at 50 micrometer pitch are the first to pass all stress tests required for manufacturing. Components are subjected to high-humidity environments and temperatures ranging from -40°C to 125°C, as well as mechanical durability testing to confirm that optical interconnects can bend without breaking or losing data. Moreover, researchers have demonstrated PWG technology to an 18-micrometer pitch. Stacking four PWGs would allow for up to 128 channels for connectivity at that pitch. IBM's continued leadership in semiconductor R&DCPO technology enables a new pathway to meet AI's increasing performance demands, with the potential to replace off-module communications from electrical to optical. It continues IBM's history of leadership in semiconductor innovation, which also includes the first 2 nm node chip technology, the first implementation of 7 nm and 5 nm process technologies, Nanosheet transistors, vertical transistors (VTFET), single cell DRAM, and chemically amplified photoresists. Researchers completed design, modeling, and simulation work for CPO in Albany, New York, which the U.S. Department of Commerce recently selected as the home of America's first National Semiconductor Technology Center (NSTC), the NSTC EUV Accelerator. Researchers assembled prototypes and tested modules at IBM's facility in Bromont, Quebec, one of North America's largest chip assembly and test sites. Part of the Northeast Semiconductor Corridor between the United States and Canada, IBM's Bromont fab has led the world in chip packaging for decades. About IBMIBM is a leading provider of global hybrid cloud and AI, and consulting expertise. We help clients in more than 175 countries capitalize on insights from their data, streamline business processes, reduce costs and gain the competitive edge in their industries. More than 4,000 government and corporate entities in critical infrastructure areas such as financial services, telecommunications and healthcare rely on IBM's hybrid cloud platform and Red Hat OpenShift to affect their digital transformations quickly, efficiently and securely. IBM's breakthrough innovations in AI, quantum computing, industry-specific cloud solutions and consulting deliver open and flexible options to our clients. All of this is backed by IBM's long-standing commitment to trust, transparency, responsibility, inclusivity and service. Visit www.ibm.com for more information. Media Contacts: Bethany Hill McCarthyIBM Researchbethany@ibm.com Willa HahnIBM Researchwilla.hahn@ibm.com 1 A reduction from five to less than one picojoule per bit. 2 Figures based on training a 70 billion parameter LLM using industry-standard GPUs and interconnects. 3 Figures based on training a large LLM (such as GPT-4) using industry-standard GPUs and interconnects.
Hsinchu, Taiwan, September 9, 2024 -SEMICON Taiwan officially opened on September 6, 2024, with ACE Solution and HON. PRECISION is joining forces to showcase its latest advancements in silicon photonics testing technology, precision measurement, and automated machinery integration. Their exhibition focused on high-density optoelectronic integration testing solutions designed to meet the increasing demands of silicon photonics for high-capacity and high-channel testing. The integrated optoelectronic signal testing system effectively addresses the challenges posed by increased data center traffic and high-speed transmission needs, significantly boosting transmission rates and reducing energy consumption. With semiconductor packaging evolving towards Co-Packaged Optics (CPO), ACE Solution highlighted its silicon photonics solutions developed through deep collaboration with Quantifi, integrating PXI testing modules to offer an efficient, multi-system testing solution supporting 800G and 1.6T high-speed transmission. These integrated solutions meet the research and production needs for high-speed, high-precision, and high-efficiency testing while offering programmable automation for flexible applications. ACE Solution also demonstrated its latest innovations in compound semiconductor testing. The Teradyne ETS-88 testing platform is widely used for SiC, GaN, PMIC, automotive electronics, aerospace, and defense industries. Key features include multi-site CP, second-contact KGD, dynamic/static power device FT, and fully automated high-output module FT. The ETS-364 and ETS-800 platforms are tailored for mixed-signal, digital, and analog testing, offering the industry's highest-spec power IC testing capabilities with support for up to 6000V and 4000A, making them ideal for high-current, high-voltage applications, particularly in EV power and battery management. The TZ-6000 non-destructive wafer and materials inspection system utilizes terahertz (THz) technology, focusing on compound semiconductor testing for GaAs, SiC, and GaN. It offers greater penetration depth and flexibility, handling various sizes and shapes of wafers. Equipped with advanced wafer probes and intelligent software analysis, it can simultaneously measure parameters such as thickness, refractive index, resistivity, dielectric constant, surface/subsurface defects, and full wafer scans, enabling non-destructive wafer quality measurements. The Electro-Optic Terahertz Pulse Reflectometer (EOTPR) is the world's first instrument to use isolation technology to detect IC package faults and monitor package quality, making it ideal for non-destructive defect detection in 3DIC package analysis. With 5-micron pinpoint precision, the EOTPR is widely used in advanced IC packaging fault analysis for devices such as stacked packages (PoP), flip-chip, and TSV in 3D packaging. Major semiconductor companies have extensively deployed EOTPR for advanced IC packaging quality assurance in manufacturing environments. Steve Hsu, President of ACE Solution, stated, "With over 20 years of experience in hardware-software integration, ACE Solution has expanded from wireless communication testing to various testing fields, meeting the needs of our local clients. We are thrilled to collaborate with HON. PRECISION to showcase our achievements in automation and precision testing." Alan Hsieh, President of HON. PRECISION commented, "This exhibition marks a new milestone in our partnership with ACE Solution. We look forward to offering more advanced solutions, fostering greater collaboration and innovation across the industry." For media inquiries, please contact: ADVANCED COMM.ENGINEERING SOLUTION CO., LTD. Peter Lee, Jenny Lin Address: 2F-1, No.28, Taiyuan street, Jhubei City, Hsinchu County, 302, Taiwan Telephone: +886 3 5500909 #3801, +886 3 5500909 #3407 E-mail: service@acesolution.com.tw Website: https://www.acesolution.com.tw/en/ About ACE Solution Established in 2000, ACE Solution (https://www.acesolution.com.tw/en/) is headquartered in Hsinchu City, Taiwan, with branch offices strategically located in Suzhou and Shenzhen, China. Our company is dedicated to delivering tailored test solutions that cater to the specific requirements of our customers in the field of electrical components, devices, and system manufacturing. Furthermore, we collaborate with our esteemed partners to provide comprehensive technology solutions. At ACE Solution, we specialize in RF, mmWave, and terahertz technologies, boasting an accomplished team of technical experts who offer unparalleled support. Our commitment to professionalism, innovation, and versatility enables us to offer cutting-edge integrated techniques and solutions. By leveraging our expertise, we empower our clients to overcome technological challenges and achieve their desired outcomes efficiently and effectively.
台灣新竹,2024年09月09日,SEMICON 國際半導體展盛大開幕,筑波科技 (ACE Solution) 與鴻勁精密 (Hon. Precision) 攜手參展,展示光電整合矽光子測試技術、精密量測及自動化機台的整合,著重高密度與光電結合測試方案,專為應對高容量與高通道的矽光電子測試需求,提供高度集成的光電信號一體化測試系統,有效應對高速傳輸和數據中心流量增加的挑戰,顯著提升傳輸速率並降低能耗。精密半導體封裝已邁向 CPO (Co-Packaged Optics) 發展,筑波科技此次展示的矽光子解決方案來自與 Quantifi 的深度合作,整合 PXI 測試模組提供高效整合的多機一體測試方案,支援 800G 和 1.6T 的高速傳輸。在光通訊與高速訊號介面傳輸的整合中,滿足研發與生產部門對高速率、高精度、高效率的測試需求,也具備靈活的可程式自動化規劃功能。 筑波科技還展示其在化合物半導體測試最新成果。Teradyne ETS-88 測試方案廣泛應用於 SiC、GaN、PMIC、車用電子、航空航天和國防工業等。該方案具備多工位 CP、二次接觸 KGD、動/靜一體功率器件 FT 和全自動高產出模組 FT 四大特色。ETS-364 和 ETS-800 則專門用於混合信號、數位和類比測試,提供業界最高規格功率 IC 測試平台可支持達 6000V 和 4000A 測試,能應對高電流、高電壓需求,尤其在電動車電源和電池管理等應用中具有優越性能。 TZ-6000 非破壞性晶圓和材料檢測系統利用太赫茲 (Terahertz, THz) 技術,專注於砷化鎵、碳化矽和氮化鎵等化合物半導體測試,提供更高穿透深度。具備高度靈活性,適用各種尺寸和形狀的晶圓,並配備獨有多元晶圓探頭及智能軟體分析功能,能同時測量多個參數,如厚度、折射率、電阻率、介電常數、表面/次表面缺陷及整個晶圓掃描,實現非破壞性晶圓品質測量。 電光太赫茲脈衝反射儀 (EOTPR) 是全球首款使用隔離技術檢測積體電路封裝故障和監測封裝品質的設備,特別適用於 3DIC 積體電路封裝的非破壞性缺陷檢測。該儀器提供 5 微米的定位精度,適合用於手機和電腦應用中複雜且先進積體電路芯片的故障分析,包括堆疊式封裝層迭 (PoP)、覆晶 (Flip-Chip) 和 3D 封裝中的矽通孔 (TSV) 等封裝形式。EOTPR 已在各大半導體公司的先進 IC 封裝故障分析領域得到廣泛應用,在品質保證與檢驗的製造環境大量部署。 筑波科技董事長許深福表示:「筑波科技擁有 20 年的軟硬體整合經驗,從無線通訊測試基礎延伸至各個測試領域,致力於滿足本地客戶的需求。我們非常高興能與鴻勁精密合作,共同展示我們的機構自動化與精密測試的協同技術成果。」鴻勁精密董事長謝旼達表示:「此次展會標誌著鴻勁與筑波科技合作的新里程碑。我們期待未來能夠提供更多先進解決方案,促進行業間的交流與合作。」未來筑波科技將與鴻勁精密持續攜手推動創新,為客戶提供卓越方案。 請追蹤筑波集團LinkedIn,掌握最新消息! 聯絡筑波科技 筑波科技股份有限公司ACE Solution, Co., Ltd. 地址:新竹縣竹北市台元街28號2樓之1 電話:03-5500909 電子郵件:service@acesolution.com.tw 網站:https://www.acesolution.com.tw/en/index/ 關於筑波科技(ACE Solution) 筑波科技(https://www.acesolution.com.tw/en/index/)成立於2000年,位於台灣新竹,在中國蘇州和深圳以及越南設有分公司,可提供服務。我們的使命是提供訂製的測試解決方案,以滿足電氣元件、設備和系統製造商的客戶需求,通過合作夥伴提供技術解決方案。我們專注於射頻、毫米波和太赫茲領域,擁有專業的技術支援團隊,提供專業、創新和多功能的綜合技術和解決方案。
Hsinchu, Taiwan - June 7, 2024 - In response to the growing demands for high-speed transmission and increased data center traffic, the industry has progressed from megabyte speeds to gigabyte and terabyte transmissions, providing a highly efficient and convenient internet experience. Given the limitations of copper and bandwidth constraints, silicon photonics technology has emerged to enable high-speed transmission. Quantifi Photonics is dedicated to providing efficient testing solutions focused on optical, electrical, and optoelectronic signal testing in the telecommunications industry, particularly in high-speed, high-bandwidth optoelectronic signal testing, supporting data center construction, and the development of related systems. Quantifi Photonics has partnered with ACE Solution to deepen its cooperation in the silicon photonics market, focusing on high-density, optoelectronic testing solutions to meet the demands of high-capacity and high-channel silicon photonic testing. Unlike traditional optoelectronics, by producing different optical waveguides on silicon chips, modulating silicon, trans-impedance amplifiers (TIA), and photodetectors, traditional separate transceivers can be integrated into a single silicon chip, greatly improving transmission rates and reducing energy consumption, thereby enhancing testing efficiency. As the Technical Sales Manager for Quantifi in the Asia-Pacific region, Alex Zhang has extensive experience in the silicon photonics industry, specializing in providing technical solutions to partners and end-users, particularly in silicon photonic testing solutions. Alex shares, "Quantifi's competitive advantage lies in its ability to support both optical and electrical signal testing simultaneously based on the PXI platform. This advantage makes Quantifi's testing solutions more efficient than traditional instruments in high-density, high-channel testing." From a market development perspective, while silicon photonics technology is highly anticipated, many commercial applications are still in the research stage, and the market size still has room for growth compared to the traditional optoelectronics industry. In response to the potential interest from many customers in investing in the silicon photonics field, Quantifi and its partner ACE Solution continue to develop solutions to meet the needs of these customers, driving mass production applications. Alex shares, "Investing in the silicon photonics field requires substantial resources, not only in terms of financial investment but also in collaboration among different industry technology providers." Quantifi Photonics looks forward to collaborating with various industry players to achieve common goals from research and development to demonstration and mass production stages. Additionally, Alex emphasizes the crucial role of partnerships in advancing the silicon photonics market and promoting industry innovation: "ACE Solution has an excellent team of software and hardware engineers, excelling in integrating Quantifi's testing equipment to form a complete silicon photonics testing system. From wafer testing to module level, ACE Solution's ample resources provide strong support for Quantifi." For Quantifi, ACE Solution offers significant advantages in efficiently integrating solutions from different suppliers and, through cross-industry connections and abundant resources, also provides more local collaboration opportunities for Quantifi. For media inquiries, please contact: ADVANCED COMM.ENGINEERING SOLUTION CO., LTD. Peter Lee, Jenny Lin Address: 2F-1, No.28, Taiyuan street, Jhubei City, Hsinchu County, 302, Taiwan Telephone: +886 3 5500909 #3801, +886 3 5500909 #3407 E-mail: service@acesolution.com.tw Website: https://www.acesolution.com.tw/en/ Quantifi Photonics - HEADQUARTERS Address: 12-14 Parkway Drive, Rosedale, Auckland, New Zealand Telephone: +64-9-478-4849 E-mail: sales@quantifiphotonics.com Website: www.quantifiphotonics.com About ACE Solution Established in 2000, ACE Solution (https://www.acesolution.com.tw/en/) is headquartered in Hsinchu City, Taiwan, with branch offices strategically located in Suzhou and Shenzhen, China. Our company is dedicated to delivering tailored test solutions that cater to the specific requirements of our customers in the field of electrical components, devices, and system manufacturing. Furthermore, we collaborate with our esteemed partners to provide comprehensive technology solutions. At ACE Solution, we specialize in RF, mmWave, and terahertz technologies, boasting an accomplished team of technical experts who offer unparalleled support. Our commitment to professionalism, innovation, and versatility enables us to offer cutting-edge integrated techniques and solutions. By leveraging our expertise, we empower our clients to overcome technological challenges and achieve their desired outcomes efficiently and effectively. About Quantifi Photonics Quantifi Photonics designs and manufactures test and measurement equipment for R&D engineers and manufacturers. It provides general purpose photonic test solutions such as lasers, optical spectrum analyzers, and power meters, and specializes in testing Silicon Photonics, Co-Packaged Optics (CPO) and pluggable transceivers. Quantifi Photonics products are used to test Photonic Integrated Circuits (PICs), optical engines and pluggable optical transceivers, and are optimized for high density, high channel count applications in manufacturing environments. The company also offers unique solutions for Coherent Optical Communications, Photon Doppler Velocimetry, and Optical Pulse Analysis. Discover more at www.quantifiphotonics.com.
WUHAN, China, April 11, 2024 /PRNewswire/ -- China Telecom Research Institute recently teamed up with ZTE Corporation and Yangtze Optical Fibre and Cable Joint Stock Limited Company (YOFC), to complete an S+C+L multi-band high-capacity transmission experiment utilizing standard single-mode quartz optical fibre. The experiment achieved a maximum real-time single-wavelength rate of 1.2Tbit/s, resulting in a single optical fibre single-direction transmission rate exceeding 120Tbit/s. This marks a new world record for the real-time transmission rate via standard single-mode optical fibre, equivalent to supporting the streaming of hundreds of 4K HD movies or several AI model training datasets per second. The verification test has set new benchmarks in system bandwidth, algorithms, and architecture: Enhanced bandwidth: The traditional C-band spectrum expands to include the S and L bands, achieving a substantial communication bandwidth of 17THz across the S+C+L multiband, spanning the range of 1,483nm-1,627nm. Higher performing algorithms: China Telecom Research Institute leverages the optical fiber loss and power transfer characteristics of the S/C/L bands, implementing a technique that maximizes spectrum efficiency through adaptive matching of symbol rate, channel spacing, and modulation code type. Additionally, with ZTE's advanced multi-band system filler wave and automatic power balancing technology, the service performance across all channels is balanced, vastly expanding the maximum transmission distance. Reimagined architectural design: this real-time transmission methodology incorporates the industry's leading CPO (Co-Packaged Optics) technology, boasting a single-wave signal baud rate exceeding 130GBd and a bit rate of 1.2Tbit/s, significantly reducing the number of required photoelectric components. The experiment employs the ultra-low attenuation, large effective area optical fibre developed by YOFC. This fibre boasts a lower attenuation coefficient and an expanded effective area, facilitating the expansion of the system's bandwidth to include the S-band. This advancement enables the achievement of a maximum real-time single-wavelength rate of 1.2Tbit/s. Amid the rapid advancement of artificial intelligence (AI) technology and its applications in business, we are witnessing a surge in bandwidth requirements for data center interconnects. As a fundamental component of digital information infrastructure, all-optical networks must continue to expand in terms of speed and transmission capacity. Committed to the vision of "Smart Link, Better Life," YOFC aims to collaborate closely with operators and customers to focus on the research and development of core optical communication technologies. We endeavor to carry out comprehensive collaborations and explore new avenues for commercialization in the fields of new transmission rates, wavelength bands, and fiber technologies. The initiative is expected to drive the sustainable growth of all-optical networks through technological innovation, laying a strong foundation for a digital future.
A12 藝術空間
Co-Packaged Optics
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