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原語會董事長馬耀‧谷木 17日正式就任

(編輯中心/林曉嵐 報導)       財團法人原住民族語言研究發展基金會(下稱原語會)第二屆董事長馬耀‧谷木,今(17)日正式到任,繼上午簽署第一份人事案後出席就任祝福儀式。在基金會李玉祥、潘秀蘭董事及高美英、戴明雄監察人代表到場勉勵,與台灣基督長老教會安光教會王效忠牧師、張英雄長老及教友祝福下,馬耀‧谷木董事長正式承接原住民族語言保存、研究、發展推動業務之重責大任。       馬耀‧谷木董事長長期擔任牧師、並曾任行政院原住民族委員會參事、臺中市原住民族事務委員會主任委員及財團法人原住民族文化事業基金會(下稱原文會)廣播部經理,其將以族語推廣、傳播媒體、族群事務等經歷,帶領原語會以新媒體、自媒體等創新技術、結合多元專業人才之參與,拓展原住民族語言業務工作。        馬耀‧谷木董事長作風親民,致詞時以阿美族傳統歌謠拉開序幕,特別以其求學、牧會及參與街頭運動經歷等生命故事,指出「走出基金會、連結社團與部落」,強調「串聯部落與都會區,推動族語生活化」之重要性。       馬耀‧谷木董事長也進一步勉勵同仁克盡己責、兢兢業業的同時,亦需重視原住民族語言使用環境之營造,並期待強化與提升全體同仁於辦理原住民族語言調查、保存、復振、推廣活動等各項業務之職場族語使用能力。戴明雄監察人於祝福致詞中也指出,基金會肩負族語言研究發展各項業務,應貼近部落的需求、推向國際、使原住民族語言作為南島民族研究之核心。最後,馬耀‧谷木董事長表示,由衷感謝第一屆董事長摩奧‧悟吉納及董事、監察人之付出與對其接任董事長為後續業務推動之祝福。       原住民族語言豐富且寶貴,是原住民族族群文化之重要載體。面對族語業務推動的各種挑戰、迎接《國家語言發展法》通過後推行之「國家語言整體方案」及原住民族委員會將於7月1日啟動之「族語教會獎勵計畫」,原語會將與原住民族委員會及原文會緊密合作,透過多元連結、與社會對話,積極落實原住民族語言保存、傳承與推廣。為此,馬耀‧谷木董事長今日正式核定原語會年度教育訓練計畫,期許藉由全方位充實員工專業職能,以多元連結推動族語生活化! (圖文/原語會 提供)

文章來源 : 鳴新聞 發表時間 : 瀏覽次數 : 5647 加入收藏 :
觀光餐飲工藝低碳生態圈跨界ESG數位轉型交流會 26日台中裕元花園酒店開跑

(編輯中心/記者-林曉嵐 報導)   由靈知科技股份有限公司主辦的「觀光餐飲工藝低碳生態圈跨界ESG數位轉型交流會。」將於112年4月26日星期三下午 13:30-17:00將在台中裕元花園酒店-B1國際演講廳展開。   當天邀請來賓行政院鄭文燦副院長、勞動部勞動力發展署中彰投分署劉秀貞分署長、經濟部中小企業何晉滄處長、台中市政府觀光旅遊局陳美秀局長、文化部台灣工藝發展中心張仁吉主任..等,共同研討「企業人力提升計畫」之數位轉型專案。   本研討會由靈知科技股份有限公司為主辦單位;承辦單位為在一起永續科技股份有限公司、社團法人中華職訓教育創新發展學會等;協辦單位:台灣區觀光協會聯合總會、人易科技股份有限公司、中台灣民宿協會、中臺灣觀光產業聯盟協會、芙彤園股份有限公司、長林創新股份有限公司、鄉村旅遊協會、鼎新電腦股份有限公司、彰化縣民宿協會、覺心營股份有限公司等。   靈知科技股份有限公司董事長,也是台灣區觀光協會聯合總會副總會長林吉財董事長表示,ESG是環境(Environmental)、社會(Social)和公司治理(Governance)三個方面的縮寫。ESG是投資界和企業界常用的術語,指的是企業在經營和發展中應該考慮和落實的可持續發展因素。環境因素包括企業對環境的影響,如能源和資源使用、廢棄物處理、污染防治等;社會因素包括企業對社會的影響,如僱傭關係、供應鏈管理、人權保護等;公司治理因素包括企業治理架構和管理實踐,如企業結構、透明度、獨立性等。ESG因素已經被廣泛應用於投資和企業的評估和管理中,被認為是企業實現可持續發展的重要指標和關鍵因素。許多投資者和消費者都越來越關注企業的ESG表現,並在做出投資和消費決策時考慮ESG因素。   協辦台灣區觀光協會聯合總會總會長林務局長表示:ESG:環境保護、公司治理、社會責任,成功是要學習,學習成功經驗,參加會議可與長官及朋友學習交流,聯合總會將輔導會員申請如何補助經費。   敬請會員於活動前,提前下載2023年度針對勞動部勞動力發展署「企業人力提升計畫」之數位轉型專案企業練合作意向書,共同參與響應本次活動。凡台灣區觀光協會聯合會會員參加,總會另提供伴手禮(價值超過千元)及萬里長城門票,會員請把握機會儘速報名參加會議。   表單連結 : https://reurl.cc/Y8nDAo https://forms.gle/aDh3aSw1DTteUi6A6  

文章來源 : 鳴新聞 發表時間 : 瀏覽次數 : 8652 加入收藏 :
Skincare Tech Brand AMIRO Announces Spring Sale on Cutting-Edge Skincare Devices

AMIRO provides support for preserving the healthy skin in the changing season SHENZHEN, China, March 24, 2023 /PRNewswire/ -- AMIRO, a leading brand in skincare technology, is proud to announce its annual Spring Sale, offering exclusive promotions on their cutting-edge skincare devices from March 23 to April 9. With the upcoming changing of seasons bringing warmer weather and increasing humidity, AMIRO's spring sale campaign is released to help consumers fulfill their skincare needs for the impending hotter conditions. AMIRO Spring Sale Poster Repairing Skin's Protective Barrier AMIRO understands the importance of repairing skin's protective barrier as the seasons change. When faced with a hotter climate and higher exposure to UV rays, skin barrier works harder than usual. In addition, the heat and humidity can damage the skin's protective barriers, leading to increased oil production and the potential for damage from UV rays. This is where AMIRO's L1 LED Therapy Mask can help with the recovery. The mask stimulates the skin's self-healing process with 77mw/cm2 powerful LED light sources, allowing for a rapid seven-day skin barrier repair. By emitting different wavelengths of LED light, the mask can also be customized to address specific skin concerns or used as a general treatment for overall skin health. Easier and Accessible Professional Skin Care on the Go AMIRO also understands the need for easier and accessible professional skincare on the go, especially during spring and summer. Responding to this demand, the brand has promoted two exclusive products for its customers: the R1 Pro Limited Collection and the S1 International Edition. The R1 Pro Limited Collection, an AMIRO High Radiofrequency Skincare Device, is designed to provide professional skin care on the go. The promotion offers two gels and 20 COLLGENE masks when you purchase the R1 PRO, allowing users to enjoy a skincare routine during the trip. Additionally, the S1 International Edition, which is a professional-grade skin tightening device that is designed to be used by skincare professionals in a clinical or spa setting, is also available during the Spring Sale. Besides providing a safe way to deliver radiofrequency energy to the skin safely and effectively, both the R1 Pro and S1 are very simple and easy to use. All purchases of either R1 PRO or S1 under this category offer up to $200 off as well as additional giveaways. Revitalizing Beauty through Commitment to Safety and Science AMIRO's brand concept is to revitalize beauty through science, achieved by prioritizing quality and testing each product rigorously in their Biomedical Optoelectronic Lab and Clinical Chemistry Lab. These labs collaborate with top universities to ensure the safety and effectiveness of their products, backed with clinical data. The Optoelectronic Lab's team, including scientists from MIT Media Lab, are committed to continuously developing safe and effective cutting-edge skincare technology, making them a trusted beauty brand. AMIRO's Spring Sale is an opportunity for consumers to stock up on products that will help protect and repair their skin barrier while providing them with professional skincare on-the-go. With AMIRO's commitment to quality, consumers can trust that they are receiving products that are safe and effective. During the Spring Sale period, purchasing the L1 comes with a $40 discount, two boxes of B3 masks and an additional giveaway. About AMIRO AMIRO, a beauty and skincare technology brand founded in 2015, is committed to creating a series of technologically advanced home beauty and personal care electronic products. With over 38 international design awards, each product has been developed and tested by both AMIRO LAB and external authorities like CGS, FCC, and CE certification, AMIRO always adheres to reasonably priced, high-end quality products that are "simple, safe, and effective". Uphold the idea of "Revitalize beauty through science", AMIRO strives to use advanced diagnosis and treatment methods and photoelectric science and technology from a scientific and dermatological perspective, with science-based principles of simplicity, and effectiveness, to find the most accurate and suitable care plan for every inch of skin. For more information, please visit https://amirobeauty.com/. Or connect with them on social media:Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/amiroglobal/Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/AMIRO-Global-103502195623795/YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/@amiroglobal/featured 

文章來源 : PR Newswire 美通社 發表時間 : 瀏覽次數 : 3919 加入收藏 :

中國銀河證券舉辦的CGS中國-東盟商業領袖峰會強調了合作和適應能力作為中國-東盟關係的關鍵增長驅動力 該峰會為來自公共和私營部門的近1000名與會者創造了一個平台,以交流和討論塑造亞太金融格局的發展趨勢 新加坡2023年3月15日 /美通社/ -- 由中國銀河證券(CGS)與通商中國、中資企業(新加坡)協會和聯昌集團合作主辦的中國銀河證券中國-東盟商業領袖峰會於2023年3月10日落幕。 為期兩天的會議吸引了近1000名與會者和演講者,包括來自20個國家和地區的超過450位政府和企業代表。來自亞太地區的政府官員、商業領袖、專家學者等發言嘉賓分享了關於中國-東盟投資前景、先進製造業、減碳和綠色金融等熱門議題的見解,幫助與會者更好地把握該地區的商業機遇。 Collaboration and Adaptability Highlighted as Key Growth Drivers of China-ASEAN Relations at CGS China-ASEAN Business Leaders Summit 合作和適應能力被認為是亞太金融行業成功和增長的關鍵因素。發言嘉賓們強調,中國和東盟成員國可以通過加深合作,在先進製造業和減碳等領域發揮廣泛的互補優勢。中國的開放和東盟地區的持續增長具有巨大潛力,迅速適應不斷變化的全球和區域市場條件的能力對於長期成功至關重要。 東盟秘書長高金洪博士和馬來西亞國際貿易和工業部長東菇扎夫魯出席了本次峰會。演講嘉賓還包括中國投資有限責任公司副總經理齊斌博士、中國國家發展和改革委員會國際合作中心副主任邱愛軍女士和中國銀河證券有限公司董事長陳亮先生等知名人士。 陳亮先生,董事,中國銀河證券有限公司 陳亮先生討論了「一帶一路」倡議深化、中國-東盟自由貿易區加強、中國-東盟信息港建設加快以及區域全面經濟夥伴關係協定(RCEP)政策紅利不斷釋放等因素,都有望為中國-東盟經濟增長和貿易帶來更多的機遇和商業潛力。他表示,當前的技術和產業轉型為兩地在先進製造業、新能源、數字經濟、電子商務和智慧城市等新興領域合作提供了新機遇。這很可能會導致產業、供應和價值鏈更加緊密地融合,增加企業對跨境投資和融資的需求。 高金洪博士,東盟秘書長 高金宏博士強調了東盟和中國之間的強大貿易聯繫,並表示東盟-中國全面戰略夥伴關係等協議仍然是兩地相互貿易和投資的主要推動力。東盟和中國還在加強合作,提升東盟在智能製造、人工智能、電子商務和可持續性等領域的能力,這些共同奠定了數字增長機遇的基礎。 高金洪博士,東盟秘書長 Tengku Zafrul Aziz談到東盟和中國經濟聯繫是亞洲增長的關鍵驅動力,並表示疫情措施的放鬆將進一步加強這種關係以及未來的合作。作為東盟最大的貿易夥伴和馬來西亞最大的外國投資者之一,他表示馬來西亞已準備好通過具備技能和多語言能力的人才儲備來支持中國的「一帶一路」倡議,推動更大的區域增長。 齊斌博士,中國投資有限責任公司副總經理 齊斌博士分享了中國經濟如何從疫情的影響中快速恢復。中國強大的產業基礎和龐大的消費基礎已使其成為製造業的理想選擇,同時也是全球企業極具吸引力的市場。齊博士強調了中國和東盟之間悠久的合作歷史,兩者現在成為彼此最大的貿易夥伴。地理接近和文化相似性使得東盟成為中國企業拓展海外的首選之地,利用東盟龐大的人口優勢。 邱愛軍女士談到中國正尋求通過增加技術合作和「一帶一路」倡議加強對東盟的支持。保持開放未來的可能性和創新是促進中國和東盟貿易的關鍵,這將最終實現人才、產品和技術知識的無縫交流。在這個過程中,邱女士預計中小企業將繼續發揮重要作用,成為中國內外不可或缺的關鍵角色。 ### 關於中國銀河證券股份有限公司 中國銀河證券股份有限公司(以下簡稱「公司」)是中國證券業領先的綜合金融服務提供商之一。我們的業務網絡覆蓋5個大洲的15個國家和地區,服務超過1400萬客戶。公司的實控公司是中國投資有限責任公司全資擁有的中央匯金投資有限責任公司,是中國知名主權財富基金。 憑藉著獨特的歷史、品牌和股東優勢,行業內最廣泛的業務網絡和客戶群體,以及全方位的業務服務和能力,公司向政府、企業、機構和個人提供智庫咨詢、財富管理、投資融資和國際業務等全面的金融服務。 公司在資本規模、盈利能力、業務實力和風險管理能力方面位居業內前列,致力於成為受人尊敬的現代投資銀行。

文章來源 : PR Newswire 美通社 發表時間 : 瀏覽次數 : 4496 加入收藏 :
打造數位防禦新尖兵!Fortinet 攜手實踐大學、誠士資訊推 NSE 資安戰鬥營

近年來國內資安事件頻傳,強化數位韌性躍升企業發展的重要課題,也讓台灣資安人才供不應求。為此,全方位整合與自動化網路資安領導廠商 Fortinet(NASDAQ:FTNT)與實踐大學、誠士資訊三方合作,攜手開設NSE(Network Security Expert)資安戰鬥營課程,並於2月24日舉辦「實踐大學數位韌性與創新人才培育與產學合作成果發表會」。國家資通安全研究院人才培力中心總監劉敏慧亦出席支持,與Fortinet、實踐大學及誠士資訊共同展現產官學界完善台灣資安生態系、培育更多優秀產業即戰力的豐碩成果。 實踐大學校長丁斌首表示:「實踐創立六十五年來,總體發展方針不斷修正,期能與國際永續發展SDGs脈動契合。」實踐大學資訊科技與管理學系主任鄭王駿進一步說明 : 「現在的資安已經成為國安問題,所有資訊系統都必須將資安概念融入設計當中。面臨數位轉型的時代,這一代資訊系的學子,要將資安變成必備的專業素質,以開創數位韌性新局。」 此次NSE資安戰鬥營共有24名學生參與,由Fortinet提供NSE網路安全認證及教材資源,誠士資訊提供業師、實作環境訓練及企業實習機會,幫助學生培養資訊管理與資安意識,同時提升專業技能。課程結束後,學生不僅全數通過NSE基礎級網路安全意識認證(NSE 1、2、3級認證),理解資安業界常見的術語、防禦概念,以及現行業界採用的解決方案概況,未來更有機會進入企業實習或取得正職人員資格,並持續進修NSE進階技術,深度掌握複雜的網路安全概念,成為協防台灣資安的重要一員。 Fortinet台灣區總經理吳章銘表示:「資安技能落差所造成的挑戰,已經成為學校與產業決策者不可忽視的核心議題。Fortinet將持續深化台灣資安人才市場的耕耘,此次與實踐大學的合作不僅能帶給學生更多實務經驗,更讓學生提前考取證照為未來職涯鋪路。我們盼望日後能號召更多大專校院加入,共同消弭資安技術落差,為台灣培育更多的資安人才。」 誠士資訊執行長陳昱文指出:「企業在ESG、網路架構、系統開發、法務遵循等面向已逐漸提升資安意識,卻普遍缺乏實作人才,使工作推展困難、心有餘而力不足,且容易因風險控管與技術能力不足而造成商業損失。在執行資訊規劃維運和資安保護重任的過程中,誠士資訊有感好的解決方案也要有適當的人力才能『1+1>2』,故此次與實踐大學及Fortinet合作,開設資訊安全NSE課程實為難能可貴,期待這樣的種子培育計畫,可以繼續深耕,讓產業與學界共同成長茁壯。」     作為網路資安領導廠商,Fortinet深耕台灣市場近20年,除了推出NSE網路認證課程、線上快速充電營外,亦在台灣打造亞太地區最大的威脅情資研發中心,提供資安人才培育及就業機會。Fortinet 網路資安培訓學院至今也已於全球頒發超過 77萬份證書,認證學員對複雜網路安全概念的掌握程度。未來Fortinet將持續推廣NSE網路資安培訓和認證計畫,目標在2026年協助全球100萬人接受資安培訓、提升資安意識,成為台灣及全球資安人才培育體系最堅實的後盾。

文章來源 : 香港商霍夫曼公關顧問股份有限公司 發表時間 : 瀏覽次數 : 15543 加入收藏 :
Inaugural Sustainability Impact Awards to recognise exemplary leadership in sustainability

SINGAPORE, Feb. 1, 2023 /PRNewswire/ -- To recognise the sustainability efforts of individuals and businesses in Singapore, and to encourage such business practices, UOB and The Business Times (BT) have come together to launch the inaugural Sustainability Impact Awards. The launch ceremony and the unveiling of the Awards' logo was witnessed by Dr Amy Khor, Senior Minister of State for Sustainability and the Environment this morning at SPH Media's News Centre. The Awards seek to recognise and celebrate the people and businesses that have made a significant positive impact on the environment and societal well-being through their sustainability initiatives. The Centre for Governance and Sustainability (CGS) at the National University of Singapore Business School is the Knowledge Partner for the Awards. Ms Chen Huifen, Editor of The Business Times, said, "In recent years, Environmental, Social and Governance (ESG) issues are key concerns for many. To help our readers navigate this rapidly evolving ecosystem, BT has prioritised and continues to strengthen our ESG coverage. We are honoured to be working with UOB on the Awards which we trust will become a useful platform for sustainability champions to further develop and share their stories as they serve as beacons of success to others." Prior to the unveiling of the Awards' logo, Mr Eric Lim, UOB's Chief Sustainability Officer, spoke about the bank's longstanding commitment to partnering its stakeholders in fulfilling a purpose centred on creating positive environmental and social impact. Mr Lim said, "In a recent SME survey by UOB, we found that 76 per cent of companies across key industries in Singapore now appreciate the importance of sustainability, up from 60 per cent in 2021. Sustainable impact is fundamentally linked to the concept of corporate and personal purpose when creating value in a meaningful way, and the Sustainability Impact Awards exemplify the essence of this belief." The Awards - which will open for nominations from 1 February to 31 March 2023 - will be assessed by an esteemed panel of judges chaired by Mr Lee Chuan Seng, Chairman of the National Environment Agency. He will be joined by: Ms Chen Huifen, Editor of BT; Professor Lawrence Loh, Director of CGS at NUS Business School; Mr Chia Ngiang Hong, Group General Manager of City Developments Limited; Mr Jeffrey Siow, Managing Director and Chief Operating Officer of Enterprise Singapore; Mr Michael Tang, Head of Listing Policy & Product Admission, Singapore Exchange Regulation; and Ms Theresa Goh, Managing Founder of 360 Dynamics. On the judging criteria for the Awards, Professor Loh said good governance would be a prerequisite for all categories. While nominees may come from any industry, applicants in the "Individual" category will be assessed on the basis of qualitative and behavioural traits, and companies under the "Enterprise" category must demonstrate their Internal Sustainability Practices and the scale of their impact. "In our quest for sustainability, it is essential that we go beyond the outputs and outcomes. Most critically, it will be the actual impact on people's lives and their living environments that ultimately matters. Through the Sustainability Impact Awards, we hope to identify these role models who have made a real difference in advancing the frontiers of environmental and social impact, rooted in good governance," said Professor Loh. Interested individuals and businesses may download the application form via the Awards website. Nomination closing deadline is 31 March 2023. For more information on the Sustainability Impact Awards' assessment criteria, please refer to the Annex.  - END -  About SPH Media SPH Media is a leading media group, with operations in the publishing of newspapers, magazines, and books in both print and digital editions. It also owns and operates other businesses such as radio stations and outdoor media. The mission of SPH Media is to be the trusted source of news on Singapore and Asia, to represent the communities that make up Singapore, and to connect them to the world. The businesses are held by SPH Media Trust, a public company limited by guarantee. For more information on SPH Media, please visit www.sph.com.sg, and our social media channels on Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn, and YouTube. About The Business Times Singapore's only English financial daily, The Business Times (BT), is the authoritative guide on local, regional and international business markets. In addition to corporate news and commentary, BT covers the startup, wealth, property, lifestyle and SME scenes, and tells you what you need to know about ASEAN and the region. For more information, please visit bt.sg. Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/thebusinesstimes/LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/showcase/the-business-timesTwitter: https://twitter.com/BusinessTimesInstagram: https://www.instagram.com/businesstimessg/Telegram: https://t.me/BizTimes About UOB UOB is a leading bank in Asia with a global network of around 500 offices in 19 countries and territories in Asia Pacific, Europe and North America. Since its incorporation in 1935, UOB has grown organically and through a series of strategic acquisitions. UOB is rated among the world's top banks: Aa1 by Moody's Investors Service and AA- by both S&P Global Ratings and Fitch Ratings. In Asia, UOB operates through its head office in Singapore and banking subsidiaries in China, Indonesia, Malaysia, Thailand and Vietnam, as well as branches and representative offices across the region. Over more than eight decades, generations of UOB employees have carried through the entrepreneurial spirit, the focus on long-term value creation and an unwavering commitment to do what is right for our customers and our colleagues. We believe in being a responsible financial services provider and we are committed to making a difference in the lives of our stakeholders and in the communities in which we operate. Just as we are dedicated to helping our customers manage their finances wisely and to grow their businesses, UOB is steadfast in our support of social development, particularly in the areas of art, children and education. About the Centre for Governance and Sustainability (CGS) The Centre for Governance and Sustainability (CGS), formerly known as Centre for Governance, Institutions and Organisations (CGIO), was established by the National University of Singapore (NUS) Business School in 2010. It aims to spearhead relevant and high-impact research on corporate governance (CG) and corporate sustainability (CS) issues that are pertinent to institutions, government bodies and businesses both in Singapore and Asia. This includes corporate governance and corporate sustainability, governance of family firms, government-linked companies, business groups, and institutions. CGS also organises events such as public lectures, industry roundtables, and academic conferences on topics related to governance and sustainability. CGS is the national assessor for the corporate sustainability and corporate governance performance of listed companies in Singapore. More information about CGS can be accessed at https://bschool.nus.edu.sg/cgs/ NUS Business School is known for providing management thought leadership from an Asian perspective, enabling its students and corporate partners to leverage global knowledge and Asian insights. For more information, please visit bschool.nus.edu.sg, or go to the BIZBeat portal which showcases the School's research. The School is one of the 16 faculties and schools at NUS. A leading global university centered in Asia, NUS is Singapore's flagship university which offers a global approach to education, research and entrepreneurship, with a focus on Asian perspectives and expertise. Its transformative education includes a broad-based curriculum underscored by multi-disciplinary courses and cross-faculty enrichment. Over 40,000 students from 100 countries enrich the community with their diverse social and cultural perspectives. Annex About the Sustainability Impact Awards The inaugural Sustainability Impact Awards was officially launched on 1 February 2023, and is jointly presented by The Business Times (BT) and UOB to recognise and celebrate the people and businesses that have made a significant positive impact on the environment and societal well-being through their sustainability initiatives. The Centre for Governance and Sustainability (CGS) at the National University of Singapore Business School is Knowledge Partner for the Awards. Award Categories and Assessment Criteria INDIVIDUAL CATEGORY Awards Impact Leader of the Year Individual Excellence Award Eligibility Individuals should be based in Singapore. Individuals from entities with a clear enterprise purpose, including business enterprises, social enterprises, GLCs, charities and NGOs, are welcomed to participate. Individuals should meet the Terms and Conditions stated in the Nomination Declaration form. Assessment Criteria The following framework and criteria will be used to measure Sustainability Impact: Core Attributes Significance: Individuals should demonstrate the significance of the actual environmental and/or social outcome resulting from the implementation of the projects/initiatives/programmes he/she led. Significance in fulfilling the need for the community should be highlighted and articulated. The need could come from the individual's enterprise or the society. Indirect impact that results in improving profitability need not necessarily be included. Leadership: Individuals must demonstrate his/her leadership in effectively implementing the projects/initiatives/programmes. Individuals who have implemented pioneering projects/initiatives/programmes and have influenced a large scale of stakeholders will be awarded bonus points. Essential Attributes Advocacy: Individuals should demonstrate how he/she has advocated to create change as well as how he/she engaged and motivated internal and external stakeholders. For example, how did he/she influence business strategies / decisions / public policy / employees' behaviours / policy makers etc. Scope: Individuals must demonstrate how the projects/initiatives/programmes he/she led positively affected the local community in Singapore. Individuals who have extended impact beyond Singapore to reach a larger scope will be awarded bonus points, based on how large the impact is. Duration: Duration of the impact refers to the period that relevant stakeholders experienced the outcome. This award values both short- and long-term impact. Depth: Depth of the impact refers to the degree of change in the outcome level experienced by relevant stakeholders. Examples could be the degree of improving the lives of local communities, the degree of improving energy efficiency. Good Governance (Prerequisite) Governing Leadership: Individuals should show how he/she upholds a strong mission and vision of his/her enterprise, ensuring leaders of every level are committed to fairness, transparency, diversity, equity, and inclusion. Engagement of Stakeholders: Individuals should demonstrate his/her practices regarding stakeholder engagement. This includes but not limited to practices to enhance participation of internal stakeholders and actions to engage external stakeholders. Compliance: Individuals should demonstrate that he/she does not have any outstanding charges. Evaluation Individuals will be evaluated based on the social and/or environmental outcome attributed to his/her efforts instead of the size or the impact of his/her enterprise. The Individual category will honour individuals who have shown singular excellence in environmental or social aspects as well as individuals who have shown excellence in both aspects. ENTERPRISE CATEGORY Awards Small Medium Enterprise (SME) ●  Impact Enterprise of the Year ●  Impact Enterprise Excellence Award Large Enterprise ●  Impact Enterprise of the Year ●  Impact Enterprise Excellence Award Eligibility Enterprises should be registered and based in Singapore. The Enterprise category is further subdivided into awards for Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs) and Large Enterprises. - According to Enterprise Singapore, SMEs refer to enterprises which have revenue of up to S$100 million or maximum employment size of 200 employees. - Large Enterprises have revenue larger than S$100 million or employment size of more than 200 employees. Enterprises with a clear enterprise purpose, including businesses, social enterprises, GLCs, charities and NGOs, are welcomed to participate. Enterprises should meet the Terms and Conditions stated in the Nomination Declaration form. Assessment Criteria The following framework and criteria will be used to measure Sustainability Impact: Core Attributes Significance: Enterprises should demonstrate the significance of the actual environmental and/or social impact resulting from the implementation of the projects/initiatives/programmes. Significance in fulfilling the need for the community should be highlighted and articulated. The need could come from his/her organisation or the society. Leadership: Enterprises must demonstrate leadership in carrying out the projects/initiatives/programmes. Enterprises which have carried out pioneering projects/initiatives/programmes and have influenced other entities such as businesses, media or academic institutions would be awarded bonus points. Essential Attributes Scale: Enterprises should demonstrate the scale of the impact, including but not limited to the groups of stakeholders affected, the scale of people reached, the scale of people experiencing the outcome etc. Scope: Enterprises should demonstrate their contributions to Singapore's national priorities/national strategies/national development plans. Enterprises which extend impact beyond Singapore to reach a larger scope will be awarded bonus points, based on how large the impact is. Duration: Duration of the impact refers to the period that relevant stakeholders experienced the outcome. This award values both short- and long-term impact. Depth: Depth of the impact refers to the degree of change in the outcome level experienced by relevant stakeholders. Examples could be the degree of improving the lives of local communities or the degree of improving energy efficiency etc. Bonus Points Synergy: Enterprises which promote sustainability while collaborating with other entities and actors will be awarded bonus points. Examples include but not limited to engaging suppliers to promote a green supply chain or engaging consumers to adopt a green lifestyle. Innovation: Enterprises would be awarded bonus points if the creativeness and originality of the projects/initiatives/ programmes are proven. Prerequisites Environmental Practices Targets: Enterprises should demonstrate their targets/visions/statements regarding environmental protection. Environmental protection includes but not limited to waste management, energy conservation, climate actions etc. Strategies: Enterprises should illustrate the strategies and practices to achieve the above-mentioned targets/visions/statements.   Social Practices Well-being of Employees: Enterprises should demonstrate their practices in improving the well-being of employees. These practices include but not limited to training and education for employees, occupational health and safety practices, diversity, and inclusion practices etc.   Good Governance Practices Governing Leadership: Enterprises should show their commitment to values that are conducive to the success of the enterprise, employees, and stakeholders at large which include but not limited to fairness, transparency, diversity, equity, and inclusion. Engagement of Stakeholders: Enterprises should demonstrate practices regarding stakeholder engagement. This includes but not limited to policies/regulations that ensure the rights of stakeholders, avenues for stakeholders to participate etc. Transparency and Disclosure: Enterprises should demonstrate the contents of disclosure and their medium for communication. Contents of disclosure include but not limited to enterprises' financial disclosure, ownership structure, voting rights, remuneration policy, related party transactions, risk factors, issues regarding stakeholders, governance structure and policies. Evaluation Enterprises will be evaluated based on the social and/or environmental outcomes attributed to its efforts. The Enterprise category honours enterprises that have shown excellence in environmental or social aspects as well as enterprises that have shown excellence in both aspects.    

文章來源 : PR Newswire 美通社 發表時間 : 瀏覽次數 : 3654 加入收藏 :
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