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符合「CGS」新聞搜尋結果, 共 51 篇 ,以下為 1 - 24 篇 訂閱此列表,掌握最新動態
CGS 擢升 John Samuel 為營運總監,進一步提升客戶服務及推動卓越營運

紐約, Nov. 25, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- 環球軟件應用、企業學習、客戶體驗及業務流程外判服務供應商 Computer Generated Solutions, Inc.(CGS)今天宣佈擢升 John Samuel 擔任營運總監(COO)一職。 這次任命反映出 CGS 致力在公司內部以及為藍籌客戶服務提供卓越營運的一貫承諾。 一眾客戶皆信賴 CGS 來設計、實施及完善核心業務的功能,如學習和拓展、供應鏈管理及客戶服務等,讓他們得以超越競爭對手,並且更專注於本身的核心優勢。 CGS 創辦人暨行政總裁 Phil Friedman 稱:「任命 John 出掌營運總監一職,將是 CGS 成立四十一年歷史以來的一大轉捩點。 CGS 在創立時是一間科技公司,而創新亦是公司多年來賴以成功的核心關鍵。 客戶信賴我們提供適當安排的技術、人員和流程來推動他們的業務增長。 John 在這三方面都擁有令人信服的深厚經驗,是帶領公司業務再創新猷的理想領導人選。 對於 John 將人工智能(AI)融合到我們產品、服務及營運的願景和視野,令我感到格外興奮。」 自 2016 年加入 CGS 以來,Samuel 已擔任過不同的策略性領導職位,最近期為執行副總裁,是引領公司數碼轉型計劃的旗手。 作為營運總監,他現在會同時負責監督公司的全球營運。 他將會專注於推動生產力、營運效率及整合先進的技術,以進一步提升 CGS 的客戶服務。 在 John 的領導下,CGS 計劃擴展其環球足跡,並且實施創新的 AI 解決方案來改善工作流程和決策程序。 這些進程可望帶來效率上的提升和完善的成果,確保 CGS 可繼續滿足其客戶瞬息萬變的需求。 Samuel 表示:「鑑於 CGS 持續在全球發展及擴張,本人熱切期待與行政總裁 Phil Friedman 先生和卓越優秀的高層團隊緊密合作,以實現公司推動創新、提升卓越營運,並為我們的客戶和合作夥伴帶來更大價值的願景。 此全新篇章體現了一個絕佳的機會,進一步將我們的資源和人才與策略重點連成一線,突破各個業務範疇的生產力與效率界限。 我對於能為 CGS 的未來發展盡一分力感到無比榮幸。」 關於 CGS逾 40 年來,CGS 致力透過商業應用、企業學習及外判服務,幫助環球企業、地區公司和政府機構推動突破性表現。 CGS 全力專注於締造可迎合客戶複雜、多層面需要及支援客戶最基礎業務活動的綜合解決方案。 CGS 的總部位於紐約市,並且在北美洲、南美洲、歐洲、中東及亞洲各地設有辦事處。 欲了解更多資訊,請瀏覽 www.cgsinc.com 及前往 LinkedIn 關注我們。 媒體聯絡人Alan Marcusamarcus@cgsinc.com 此公告隨附的照片可在以下網址查看:https://www.globenewswire.com/NewsRoom/AttachmentNg/a39794c0-0478-4d87-8ded-2ed3a2cc96be

文章來源 : Notified 發表時間 : 瀏覽次數 : 1302 加入收藏 :
China Galaxy Securities and CGS International Successfully Conclude Forum to Boost China-Southeast Asia Cooperation

SINGAPORE, Oct. 23, 2024 /PRNewswire/ -- China Galaxy Securities (CGS) and CGS International Securities (CGS International) successfully concluded the CGS SEA Bilateral Investment Forum 2024, held in Haikou, Hainan, from 16 to 17 October 2024. The forum brought together 400 leading policymakers, industry experts, and business leaders to explore emerging macroeconomic trends and bilateral investment opportunities between China and Southeast Asia. The event featured guests from the Hainan government including Chen Huai Yu, member of the Hainan Provincial Government's Party Leadership Group and Vice Governor; Cai Qiang, Secretary of the Party Leadership Group and Director of the Hainan Provincial Department of Finance. Keynote speakers included Liew Chin Tong, Deputy Minister, Ministry of Investment, Trade and Industry, Malaysia, Khairy Jamaluddin, former Malaysian Minister and former Member of Parliament, and Wang Sheng, Chairman of CGS, delivered keynote addresses. In his speech, Cai Qiang, Secretary of the Party Leadership Group and Director of the Hainan Provincial Department of Finance, emphasised that the Hainan Free Trade Port is a significant reform personally planned, deployed, and promoted by China President Xi Jinping, making it a key national strategy. Since 2020, the Chinese government has provided Hainan with three "zero tariff" lists and preferential tax policies support the construction and development of the Hainan Free Trade Port. The huge market in Southeast Asia, as well as its proximity, makes it an important trading partner for Hainan. Enterprises can leverage Hainan's unique position a free trade port and China's largest special economic zone to expand their businesses into China and Southeast Asia. In his address, Wang Sheng highlighted that China and ASEAN are a role model of collaboration in the Asia Pacific region to advance the economies of both regions. The economic and trade relationships between the two have become increasingly close, with significant growth in bilateral investment and rapid progress in regional integration. According to the latest data, in the first three quarters of this year, China's trade with ASEAN reached 5.09 trillion yuan, an increase of 9.4%, building on the solid foundations of bilateral relations to boost its growth. As going global becomes an imperative for Chinese enterprises, ASEAN, with its unique geographic advantages and market potential, has become the preferred destination for their overseas expansion. The thriving Hainan Free Trade Port serves as a model for a new system of higher-level open economic reform in China, and as a frontline hub for exchanges and cooperation between China and ASEAN. The conference aims to leverage the competitive advantages of the Hainan Free Trade Port and CGS' network in Southeast Asia to attract more businesses and investors to explore the opportunities available in Hainan, facilitating the upgrading and transformation of local industries. CGS will continue to harness the synergy of its domestic and international operations, building bridges for bilateral investment cooperation between China and ASEAN, supporting the development of the Hainan Free Trade Port, and contributing to the high-quality development of the Belt and Road Initiative. In his address, Deputy Minister Liew Chin Tong noted that this year marks the 50th anniversary of diplomatic relations between Malaysia and China. The two countries have consistently maintained close communication and high-level dialogue. He emphasised that today's investment forum is of great significance for both nations. Liu expressed hopes to build on existing economic and trade cooperation by advancing collaboration in emerging industries such as renewable energy. He also encouraged Chinese enterprises to consider Malaysia as a regional headquarters base, promoting broader international cooperation to benefit Malaysia, other Southeast Asian countries and China as a whole. In his keynote speech, Khairy Jamaluddin discussed the flourishing bilateral relationship that has developed since 1974, when Malaysia became the first ASEAN country to formally establish diplomatic relations with China. He highlighted the continuous achievements in areas such as trade, infrastructure, and technology. Khairy noted that China, Malaysia, and the broader ASEAN region have a strong foundation and significant potential for resilient, inclusive, and sustainable development. This forum presents an opportunity to explore new avenues for growth and collaboration, fostering stronger partnerships through connectivity, technological advancement, and regional integration to enhance cross-border investment and trade between China and ASEAN. Following the release of the "Belt and Road Financial Cooperation Practices: ASEAN Special Report" in 2023, CGS presented the report "China + ASEAN: A Winning Formula" at the forum. The report provides an in-depth analysis of the policies, trade, and economies of China and key ASEAN nations, offering valuable insights for businesses in both regions to understand each other's investment environments and opportunities. This forum witnessed the signing of strategic cooperation agreements across various sectors, and featured a "fireside chat" with representatives from the Hong Kong Stock Exchange, Singapore Exchange, Indonesia Stock Exchange, Malaysian Securities Commission, Shenzhen Stock Exchange, and Vietnam. It also hosted panel discussions on diverse topics including private equity investment, China's consumer power, the digital economy, semiconductor, and renewable energy. Guests from different countries and industries shared insights, creating a dynamic atmosphere that resonated with the new developmental momentum. - END - About China Galaxy Securities China Galaxy Securities Co., Ltd. (the "Company") is one of the leading integrated financial service providers in the securities industry in China. Our business network spans over 15 countries and regions across 5 continents, serving more than 16 million customers. The de facto controller of the Company is Central Huijin which is wholly owned by China Investment Corporation Limited, a world-renowned sovereign wealth fund in China. With our unique history, brand and shareholder advantages, the most extensive business network within the industry and client base, as well as the all-round business services and capacities, the Company provides comprehensive financial services such as wealth management,investment bank,institutional business,international business and investment trading to individuals, corporations, institutions, international and capital market clients. Having been ranked among the top in the industry in terms of capital scale, profitability, business strength and risk management capability, the Company is committed to being a well-respected modern investment bank. About CGS International Securities CGS International Securities Pte. Ltd. (CGS International) is an award-winning and market leading integrated financial services provider, ranked among the top securities houses in Asia. CGS International taps on our wealth of global and ASEAN insights to offer equities trading, leveraged products, wealth management, investment banking, equities research, Shariah-compliant financing, fixed income, currency and commodities, structured products and prime brokerage services in over 15 countries and regions. Find out more at www.cgsi.com.

文章來源 : PR Newswire 美通社 發表時間 : 瀏覽次數 : 880 加入收藏 :
CGS International Announces Winner of Regional Investment Challenge for Students

The ASEAN Investment Challenge is the first and only Investment Challenge for students supported by four stock exchanges in Malaysia, Indonesia, Singapore, and Thailand SINGAPORE, Feb. 15, 2024 /PRNewswire/ -- CGS International Securities (CGS International) has announced the Grand Champion of its inaugural ASEAN Investment Challenge (AIC) 2023. Malaysia's Muhammad Zulfakar Aiman Bin Zulkarnain took home a total of over S$21,400 to kickstart his financial journey. Finalists of the ASEAN Investment Challenge 2023 with judges and event organisers CGS International launched the AIC in July 2023 to empower students in Malaysia, Indonesia, Singapore and Thailand (MIST) with knowledge in sustainable investing and contribute to the building of strong capital markets. Over 5,000 students from more than 500 Institutes of Higher Learning participated in the AIC, which is the only investment challenge supported by all four local stock exchanges (Bursa Malaysia, Indonesia Stock Exchange, Singapore Exchange and Stock Exchange of Thailand). The eight-month challenge saw participants receive holistic classroom and hands-on experience of investing in ESG-related securities from investment and finance experts. Using a simulation platform with live data, they first pitted their new investment skills against other teams at a local level. The top student from each country moved on to the final presentation before a group of esteemed judges in Singapore on 2 February 2024. Ms Carol Fong, Group CEO of CGS International, said: "I am very heartened by the success of the inaugural AIC. CGS International is driven by our purpose to empower individuals and communities to make better investment decisions for a sustainable tomorrow. The AIC makes an impact at both individual and industry levels; It empowers youths with lifelong finance management skills and sustainable investment knowledge, which will hopefully contribute to the building of strong capital markets in the region. We will work towards building the AIC into a beacon for the future of finance and cultivate the next generation of responsible and knowledgeable investors." Winners of the local and regional challenge received a total of S$75,000 in cash. Among the judging criteria were risk management, incorporation of ESG factors, and presentation skills. "Joining the AIC really opened my eyes to the world of investing and showed me that it is possible for me to take charge of my financial future. CGS International gave us the knowledge and the tools to develop investment skills which we would not have received from our classrooms. I am very grateful for this opportunity and will try to use these skills to improve my life as well as to help others," said Muhammad Zulfakar Aiman. More information on AIC and the 2024 judges can be found here. About CGS International Securities CGS International Securities Pte. Ltd. (CGS International) is an award-winning and market leading integrated financial services provider, ranked among the top securities houses in Asia. CGS International taps on our wealth of global and ASEAN insights to offer equities trading, leveraged products, wealth management, investment banking, equities research, Shariah-compliant financing, fixed income, currency and commodities, structured products and prime brokerage services in over 15 countries and regions. Find out more at www.cgsi.com. For media queries, please contact: Low Chiew LengGroup CommunicationsCGS International SecuritiesDID: +65 6210 8642 Mobile: +65 9128 8024 Email: chiewleng.low@cgsi.com

文章來源 : PR Newswire 美通社 發表時間 : 瀏覽次數 : 839 加入收藏 :
CGS-CIMB Securities Establishes New Joint Venture with Australia's Petra Capital, Expands Offerings to Asia-Based Clients

Research distribution and trading agreement will enhance Australia equity offerings to Asia-based clients and facilitate two-way capital flow SINGAPORE, Nov. 8, 2023 /PRNewswire/ -- CGS-CIMB Securities (CGS-CIMB) announced today that it has entered into a research distribution and trading joint venture (JV) with Australia's Petra Capital. The JV will enhance CGS-CIMB's offerings to its clients in Asia, increasing their access to Australia's well-established capital market and high-quality market research. The JV will also see the two parties working to facilitate two-way capital flow between Asia and Australia, and CGS-CIMB will be Petra Capital's preferred execution partner for Asian equities. Petra Capital is an Australian, wholesale, stockbroking firm, specialising in industrial and mining companies. Petra Capital provides a range of specialist services, including equity capital raisings for Australia Stock Exchange (ASX) listed companies, research, marketing, as well as on-market sales support and trading. Since inception in 2007, Petra Capital has raised over $10 billion and consistently ranks top 20 for equity raising activity in the Australian market. Ms Carol Fong, Group CEO of CGS-CIMB Securities, said: "We are pleased to partner with Petra Capital to bridge the capital flow between Australia- and Asia-based investors. Australia is an important investment destination for global investors, and this partnership opens up a new geography for our clients looking to diversify their portfolios. Petra Capital has a strong track record of capital-raising for ASX-listed companies as well as award-winning institutional research capabilities. This important partnership will allow us to extend our distribution capabilities into Australia as well as provide access to Petra's clients looking to invest in Asia." Mr George Marias, Managing Director of Petra Capital, said: "We are delighted to form a strategic partnership with CGS-CIMB, which has a strong presence in over 15 countries and well-leveraged to the rapidly growing Asian markets. This provides broader capital access opportunities for ASX-listed companies, as well as strategic Asian introductions. Similarly, the partnership allows CGS-CIMB to benefit from investments into Australia's primary industries, access to Australia's large savings pools and distribution avenues for leading Asian research." About CGS-CIMB Securities CGS-CIMB Securities (CGS-CIMB) is a leading integrated financial services provider in Asia. It is a joint venture between CGS International Holdings Limited, a wholly owned subsidiary of China Galaxy Securities Co. Ltd., and CIMB Group Sdn Bhd. Through a network of local offices, branches, and strategic partners, we have a direct global presence in 15 countries and territories, providing a truly Asian perspective. We are well-positioned as Asia's leading financial gateway with a core focus on deep-dive research and in-depth analysis on equities and financial products. We are a customer-centric firm and focus on value creation for clients, offering a suite of investment and financial solutions for retail and institutional clients. Our businesses include retail broking, institutional equities, derivatives, prime services, equities research, wealth management and online broking. Backed by an award-winning research team, we have one of the most comprehensive research coverages of approximately 600 stocks, with another 2,500 from our research partners globally. Our strong research capabilities form the backbone of our product and service offerings, connecting clients to opportunities.

文章來源 : PR Newswire 美通社 發表時間 : 瀏覽次數 : 523 加入收藏 :
CGS-CIMB Securities Lauded with Seven Awards in a Continued Display of Its Market Leadership

The awards from Alpha Southeast Asia and FinanceAsia reaffirm CGS-CIMB's commitment to its customers amidst a volatile economic climate SINGAPORE, June 30, 2023 /PRNewswire/ -- CGS-CIMB Securities Pte. Ltd. (CGS-CIMB) today announced that it had received seven industry awards from Alpha Southeast Asia and FinanceAsia, concluding the first half of 2023 on a positive note. Awarded in recognition of CGS-CIMB's excellent performance in key Southeast Asian markets, these accolades reaffirm the organisation's market-leading capabilities, and solidify its position as an industry leader.   CGS-CIMB Group Chief Executive Officer, Carol Fong, said: "These achievements underscore CGS-CIMB Securities' unwavering professionalism and support for our clients in navigating 2022 – a year depicted by a highly volatile economic climate. The awards serve as a testament to our industry leadership, and we would like to dedicate this win to our clients and partners for their steadfast belief in us, as well as our employees without whom this achievement would not be possible. Moving ahead, we have positioned ourselves for continued growth with our Vision 25 Strategy to deliver optimal and sustainable investment outcomes for our clients." Recently this month, CGS-CIMB was honoured with five awards at the 17th Annual Alpha Southeast Asia Best FI Awards 2023, recognised as the 'Best Institutional Broker' in Indonesia, Singapore, and Thailand, the 'Best Retail Broker' in Malaysia, and the 'Best Broker' in Southeast Asia. Organised by Alpha Southeast Asia, these awards are billed as the first and only institutional investment magazine focused on Southeast Asia. All nominations were assessed using a fair, robust, and informative methodology – judged by the CEO and publisher of Alpha Southeast Asia, alongside three members of the senior editorial team – which saw CGS-CIMB emerge as the eventual winner in the aforementioned award categories. From its commitment to retail investors to servicing institutional investors, CGS-CIMB has deep-seated resources in place following a year where key brokers have visibly scaled back presence in the region. The decision to award CGS-CIMB came as an outcome of factors including leading market share in regions such as Singapore and Malaysia, research quality, and the unrivalled commitment to regional markets despite challenging conditions over the last 12 months. Earlier this year in May, CGS-CIMB was also recognised as the 'Best Broker' in Singapore and Malaysia at the 27th FinanceAsia Awards 2023, marking its fourth consecutive win. The FinanceAsia Awards looks to celebrate the best financial institutions in Asia and represents one of the most credible accolades in Asia's financial services industry. Organised by premier capital markets publication FinanceAsia, the awards sought to identify leading banks, brokers, and ratings agencies that were able to help their clients most effectively navigate global financial uncertainties in 2022 through a combination of commercial and technical acumen. Award nominations for the 'Best Broker' category were reviewed by a panel of judges based on a comprehensive list of criteria that included the company's financial performance, long term strategy, notable transactions, as well as market position over the past year. Shortlisted finalists then underwent a stringent pitching process with the FinanceAsia editorial and award teams, based on which the winner was selected. CGS-CIMB is well on track to achieve the goals set out in its Vision 25 Strategy, a five-year plan that outlines high-growth opportunities in areas including customer-centricity and Environment, Social and Governance (ESG). Harnessing the company's experienced financial professionals and an array of digital solutions, CGS-CIMB today works to empower clients and the broader community to make informed decisions about their finances for a sustainable future. About CGS-CIMB Securities CGS-CIMB Securities (CGS-CIMB) is one of the leading integrated financial service providers in Asia. It is a joint venture between CGS International Holdings Limited, a wholly owned subsidiary of China Galaxy Securities Co. Ltd., and CIMB Group Sdn. Bhd. Through a network of local offices, branches and strategic partners, we have direct global presence in over 15 countries and territories, providing a truly Asian perspective. We are well-positioned as Asia's leading financial gateway with a core focus on deep-dive research and in-depth analysis on equities and financial products. We are a customer-centric firm and focus on value creation for clients, offering a suite of investment and financial solutions for retail and institutional clients. Our businesses include retail broking, institutional equities, derivatives, prime services, equities research, wealth management and online broking. Backed by an award-winning research team, we offer some of the most comprehensive research coverage spanning over 800 stocks. Our strong research capabilities form the backbone of our product and service offerings, connecting clients to opportunities.

文章來源 : PR Newswire 美通社 發表時間 : 瀏覽次數 : 2995 加入收藏 :
Collaboration and Adaptability Highlighted as Key Growth Drivers of China-ASEAN Relations at CGS China-ASEAN Business Leaders Summit

Hosted by China Galaxy Securities, the Summit created a platform for close to 1000 attendees from public and private sectors to network and discuss developments shaping APAC's financial landscape SINGAPORE, March 15, 2023 /PRNewswire/ -- The inaugural CGS China-ASEAN Business Leaders Summit, hosted by China Galaxy Securities (CGS) in partnership with Business China, China Enterprises Association (Singapore), and CIMB, concluded on 10 March 2023. The two-day conference was attended by close to 1,000 participants and speakers, including representatives from over 450 governments and businesses across 20 countries. Thought leaders from leading corporates and policy makers of Asia Pacific's financial services industry shared insights on hot-button topics such as the China-ASEAN investment outlook, Asia's manufacturing landscape, decarbonisation and green financing, as well as Shariah and SRI opportunities, empowering attendees to better leverage business opportunities in the region. Collaboration and Adaptability Highlighted as Key Growth Drivers of China-ASEAN Relations at CGS China-ASEAN Business Leaders Summit Collaboration and adaptability emerged as critical factors essential to driving success and growth in Asia Pacific's financial sector. Speakers emphasised the extensive complementary advantages that China and ASEAN member states can leverage by deepening cooperation for industries like advanced manufacturing and decarbonisation. While China's reopening and the continued growth of the ASEAN region present considerable potential, the ability to adapt swiftly to changing global and regional market conditions will be essential for long term success. The event was graced by guests of honour H.E. Dr. Kao Kim Hourn, ASEAN Secretary General, and Tengku Zafrul Aziz, Minister of International Trade and Industry (Malaysia). Speakers included luminaries such as Mr. Chen Liang, Chairman, China Galaxy Securities Co., Ltd, Dr. Qi Bin, Executive Vice President, China Investment Corporation (CIC), and Ms. Qiu Aijun, Deputy Director General of International Cooperation Center, National Development and Reform Commission of the People's Republic of China. Mr. Chen Liang, Chairman, China Galaxy Securities Co., Ltd Mr. Chen Liang discussed how the deepening of the Belt and Road initiative, the enhancement of the China-ASEAN Free Trade Area, the accelerated construction of the China-ASEAN Information Harbour, and the continued release of policy dividends from the Regional Comprehensive Economic Partnership (RCEP), are all anticipated to usher in more opportunities and business potential for China-ASEAN economic growth and trade. He stated that ongoing technological and industrial transformations present new opportunities for both regions to collaborate in emerging sectors such as advanced manufacturing, new energy, digital economy, e-commerce, and smart cities. This is likely to result in greater integration of industrial, supply, and value chains, increasing enterprise demand for cross-border investment and financing. H.E. Dr. Kao Kim Hourn, ASEAN Secretary General H.E. Dr. Kao highlighted strong trade connections between ASEAN and China, stating that agreements such as the ASEAN-China Comprehensive Strategic Partnership remain the main driving force for mutual trade and investment between the two regions. ASEAN and China are also deepening collaborations to boost ASEAN capabilities in areas such as smart manufacturing, artificial intelligence, e-commerce, and sustainability, all of which collectively provide the foundation for digital growth opportunities. Tengku Zafrul Aziz, Minister of International Trade and Industry (Malaysia) Tengku Zafrul Aziz spoke of how ASEAN-China economic ties represent a key driver of growth for Asia, stating that the easing of pandemic measures will further serve to strengthen this relationship, as well as future cooperation. With China being ASEAN's largest trading partner and one of Malaysia's largest foreign investors, he expressed Malaysia's readiness to support China's Belt & Road Initiative (BRI) with a skilled and multilingual talent pool to drive greater regional growth. Dr. Qi Bin, Executive Vice President, China Investment Corporation (CIC) Dr. Qi Bin shared insights on how China's economy is rapidly recovering from the impact of the epidemic. China's strong industrial foundation and large consumer base have helped to establish itself as an ideal choice, not only for manufacturing, but also as a highly attractive market for global businesses. Dr. Qi highlighted the long history of cooperation between China and ASEAN, who are now each other's largest trading partners. Geographical proximity and cultural similarities make ASEAN a preferred choice for Chinese companies to expand overseas, leveraging ASEAN's large population. Ms. Qiu Aijun spoke about how China is looking to deepen support for ASEAN through increased technological cooperation and the Belt and Road Initiative. Remaining open to future possibilities and staying innovative is key to promoting trade between China and ASEAN; this will culminate in the seamless exchange of talent, products, and technological knowledge. During this process, Ms. Qiu expects SMEs to continue to play an important role, becoming essential players within China and beyond. About China Galaxy Securities China Galaxy Securities Co. Ltd. (the "Company") is one of the leading integrated financial service providers in the securities industry in China. Our business network spans 15 countries and regions across 5 continents, serving more than 14 million customers. The de facto controller of the Company is Central Huijin, which is wholly owned by China Investment Corporation Limited, a world-renowned sovereign wealth fund in China. With our unique history, brand and shareholder advantages, the most extensive business network within the industry and client base, as well as the all-round business services and capacities, the Company provides comprehensive financial services such as think-tank consulting, wealth management, investment and financing and international business to governments, corporations, institutions and individuals. Having been ranked among the top in the industry in terms of capital scale, profitability, business strength and risk management capability, the Company is committed to becoming a leading investment bank.

文章來源 : PR Newswire 美通社 發表時間 : 瀏覽次數 : 3715 加入收藏 :
2025 年 2 月 13 日 (星期四) 農曆正月十六日
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