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全球嵌入式產品研發市場軟體工具與服務領導供應商IAR Systems®宣布,南韓Osong醫療創新基金會採用該公司之嵌入式軟體研發工具IAR Embedded Workbench透過智慧醫療平台加速研發各種尖端醫療裝置。Osong 醫療創新基金會是南韓保健福祉部創設的公共機構,透過核心支援基礎架構協助各界開發世界級新藥與先進醫療裝置,推動醫學研究與開發,以及取得研究成果。為此,包括先進醫療裝置研發支援中心、新藥開發支援中心、非臨床支援中心、以及先進醫療裝置研發支援中心等機構均採用IAR Embedded Workbench提升各種智慧醫療裝置效能。 近期智慧醫療裝置支援各種醫療功能要求持續攀升,使得開發包括智慧手錶、貼片、手環等功能建置相形重要。然而業界面臨許多關鍵難題,包括需降低人體穿載時的不便、盡可能延長電池供電的工作時間及縮短開發週期,藉以加快產品上市等,而IAR Embedded Workbench則針對這些挑戰提供解方。 IAR Systems Korea業務經理Lee Hyundo表示:「IAR Embedded Workbench是全球醫療裝置研發業者的首選開發工具,經過最佳化的方案能協助用戶開發各種嵌入式系統,包括最近問市的醫療裝置,這類產品要求配備各種類型的功能與可靠度。」Osong醫療創新基金會先進醫療裝置研發支援中心光學應用團隊Dr. Sung-Jun Hong指出:「IAR Embedded Workbench具備高品質的最佳化技術,能縮短智慧醫療裝置內部嵌入式軟體的程式碼長度,紓解硬體需求,減少對額外擴充記憶體插槽的需要。」 此外,縮短程式碼長度亦能加快開發流程。一般而言,程式碼越長,編寫與修改程式的工作就越冗長。Dr. Hong指出:「相較於我在其他開發專案所用到裝置製造商的免費工具,IAR Embedded Workbench在組譯相似長度程式碼的速度至少快兩倍。」 此外,IAR Embedded Workbench也在協助Osong醫療創新基金會開發的「KBIO-eBAND」智慧手環降低功耗上扮演關鍵角色。Dr. Hong指出:「即使硬體在設計時就盡可能降低電流消耗,但運作程式仍然會讓裝置消耗的電流大幅上升。運用IAR Systems的功耗除錯功能以及I-jet除錯偵測技術使我們能優化設計,讓KBIO-eBAND手環能監視程式碼行為造成的電流消耗變化,藉此盡可能壓低電流消耗。」 Osong醫療創新基金會計畫在未來的專案中擴展與IAR Systems的合作,著手開發包括智慧手環在內的先進醫療裝置。Dr. Hong表示目前正審核多項計畫,包括推出一項支援功能,協助改進C-STAT的程式碼品質,及計畫將工具升級至通過IEC 62304認證的功能安全版本,以提升醫療裝置通過合規認證的能力。 Lee Hyundo接著表示:「非常高興IAR Systems旗下嵌入式軟體研發工具能協助Osong醫療創新基金會設計與研發各種創新智慧醫療裝置。我們將繼續提供更完備的支援,協助先進醫療裝置研發支援中心獲得更多創新成果。」
全球領先的嵌入式研發軟體工具與服務供應商IAR Systems®和領導級汽車晶片供應商芯馳科技(SemiDrive Technology)日前共同宣布最新IAR Embedded Workbench for Arm 9.30版本已全面支援芯馳科技之9系列 (9 series) SoC及E3 MCU 晶片。 芯馳科技董事長張強表示:「IAR Systems是全球領先的嵌入式軟體開發工具和服務供應商,其工具鏈滿足業界對高性能和高可靠開發工具的需求。非常感謝IAR Systems的強力支援。芯馳於今年4月12日發表高性能、高可靠性的車用MCU E3系列產品,目前已獲得IAR Systems最著名之IAR Embedded Workbench® for Arm 9.30的全面支援,這無疑將有助於芯馳為全球客戶提供更優質的服務。作為致力於賦能汽車產業的晶片製造商,芯馳科技始終秉持開放的態度與產業鏈企業合作創新,構建一個廣泛的生態系統。芯馳科技目前擁有超過200家生態系統合作夥伴。」 IAR Systems亞太區副總裁Kiyo Uemura表示:「我們非常高興能與芯馳科技合作。芯馳科技在研發和創新能力令人印象深刻,使新版IAR Embedded Workbench for Arm能完全支援芯馳科技9系列SoC和E3系列MCU晶片。作為全球領先的嵌入式系統開發工具供應商,IAR Systems始終高度重視大中華市場 ,我們將繼續與全球生態系統合作夥伴合作,協助共同客戶充分釋放和運用晶片潛力。」 芯馳科技的E3系列MCU產品具有高性能和高可靠性,可全面適用於線控底盤、制動控制、BMS、ADAS/自動駕駛儀運動控制、液晶儀表、HUD串流媒體視覺系統CMS等需極高安全性和高可靠性之應用。芯馳科技於E3 MCU設計之初便設定了極高的穩定性和安全目標,車用可靠性標準達AEC-Q100 1級,功能安全標準達ISO 26262 ASIL D級。E3系列產品主要頻率高達800MHz,具有6個CPU核心,其中4個可配置為雙核心鎖步或獨立運行,滿足高階、高安全性車用MCU市場所需。」 IAR Embedded Workbench for Arm 9.30版本為芯馳科技9系列SoC和E3晶片之高可靠Cortex-R5核心提供完整的工具鏈,包括高度優化的編譯器以及高級調試功能,例如靈活的程式碼和數據斷點、動態堆疊分析、調用堆疊可視化。借助程式碼分析工具 C-STAT 和 C-RUN,使開發人員能夠在日常開發過程中提高程式碼品質。 對於具有嚴格功能安全要求的公司,IAR Embedded Workbench for Arm提供通過TÜV SÜD認證並符合ISO 26262要求的版本。對於使用持續整合(CI)工作流程、自動化構建和測試流程之企業,IAR Embedded Workbench 之構建工具亦可用於支援基於Linux的版本。 IAR的配套硬體調試器I-jet可協助開發人員進行多核心調試。此外,IAR Systems之技術支援、培訓服務和彈性的授權模式使客戶均能擁有適合其特定需求的解決方案,並且順利使用IAR開發工具。
- Highly sensitive ColoClear test offers convenient screening method that can be completed with simple stool sample at-home, providing an easy alternative to Colonoscopy - Test sensitivity of 96% in colorectal cancer and 64% in advanced adenoma detection in clinical studies - ColoClear is the only cancer screening test approved by the National Medical Products Administration (NMPA) HONG KONG SAR - Media OutReach - 8 June 2022 - Prenetics Group Limited (Nasdaq: PRE), a global leader in genomic and diagnostic testing, has introduced a novel, non-invasive, at-home screening test – ColoClear by Circle (ColoClear), for detecting early signs of colorectal cancer. Colorectal cancer is the second most common cancer in Hong Kong, accounting for 15.8% of total new cancers in 2019[1]. Combining advanced stool DNA technology with a faecal immunochemical test (FIT), the revolutionary test is the first line of defense against one of the most preventable cancers, which can be treated in 90% of cases when detected early[2]. ColoClear’s ambassador Alex Fong (left) and Danny Yeung(right), CEO and Co-Founder, Prenetics, encourage individuals to proactively take care of their health and do colorectal cancer screening early. ColoClear has been launched in partnership with New Horizon Health (HKEX: 6606), a biotechnology pioneer in the early detection of cancer screening tools. The novel screening test, uses advanced technology to detect multiple DNA biomarkers and blood cells in human stool. In the ColoClear clinical studies, a total of 4758 subjects were validated in eight clinical institutions in China. The age subjects were between 40 to 75 with a mean of 55.69±8.69 and 46.26% of subjects were male. Among all patient samples, 605 cases of colorectal cancer and 375 cases of advanced adenoma were confirmed by colonoscopy and/or pathological examination. Clinical trial results showed that the sensitivity of the ColoClear was 95.54% (95%CI: 93.89%, 97.18%), including 96.8% Stage I, 97.5% Stage II, 96.2% Stage III and 96.4% for Stage IV CRC. The assay also demonstrated 63.47% (95%CI: 58.59%, 68.34%) sensitivity for advanced adenoma; the screening specificity for colorectal cancer and advanced adenoma was 87.08% (95%CI: 86.00%, 88.16%); and Negative Predictive Value of colorectal cancer screening was 99.6% (95%CI: 99.2%, 99.7%). Given Coloclear’s strong test performance, it is the only cancer screening test approved by the National Medical Products Administration (NMPA). Mr. Danny Yeung, CEO and Co-Founder of Prenetics stated, “We are extremely excited with the launch of ColoClear in Hong Kong, enabling an easy alternative to Colonoscopy. ColoClear will play a key role in helping to reduce cases and mortality from colorectal cancer in the city. ColoClear is a clear scientific breakthrough that can be expanded across Southeast Asia, with a population of more than 600 million people. As in the case with Cologuard in the USA, working with insurance companies would have a major impact on adoption and we have begun discussions with large regional insurance companies.” “New Horizon Health and Prenetics share the same vision in healthcare. Prevention and early detection, home-based healthcare, and individualized service have become the major trends in the war on cancer around the globe. We have confidence that with our joint efforts, ColoClear will become a benchmark for Asian innovation, raising awareness in cancer screening while saving many lives,” said Mr. YeQing Zhu, CEO of New Horizon Health. Lifestyle factors associated with a busy city like Hong Kong, such as lack of regular exercise, a diet low in fruit and vegetables, and alcohol consumption may contribute to an increased risk of colorectal cancer. According to the Hong Kong Cancer Registry of the Hospital Authority, colorectal cancer has been ranked among the top two high-incidence cancers in Hong Kong since 2012, while being the second most common cause of cancer death. About one in every 6 to 7 new cancer patients suffers from colorectal cancer. More than half of detected cases are found in late stage with a low survival rate. However, if it is found at an early stage, colorectal cancer has a survival rate of over 90%.[3] In conjunction with the launch in Hong Kong, Prenetics has teamed up with Mr Alex Fong, actor and ex-Olympian swimmer to spread awareness and urgency for people to get screened for colon cancer. Due to Alex’s acting career, he has an extremely busy work schedule, often eating at irregular hours and making it difficult to follow healthy eating habits. As a result, he has been paying extra attention towards his gut health and started doing colonoscopies in the past few years. “Every time before the colonoscopy procedure, I had to adjust my diet 2-3 days in advance, take laxatives and fast the night before. I would also need to undergo anaesthesia during the procedure at hospital, which is inconvenient and difficult due to my busy schedule. With ColoClear, colorectal cancer screening can be so simple and convenient. I’m so proud such a technology is now available in Hong Kong so people can easily conduct a highly accurate screening test without leaving their home, giving them a peace of mind while looking after their personal health,” said Alex Fong. Prenetics is partnering with leading medical groups in Hong Kong to make colorectal cancer screening accessible and convenient to the Hong Kong people. The test is priced at HKD3,000. Individuals can visit the official website (www.hicircle.com/coloclear) to book a physical or virtual medical consultation with Prenetics’ partner clinics, and collect the stool sample in the comfort of their own homes. Upon sending the sample via courier for laboratory testing, users will receive their results within five business days. [1] Hong Kong SAR. Centre for Health Protection, Department of Health. (2022). Colorectal Cancer. https://www.chp.gov.hk/en/healthtopics/content/25/51.html [2] United States of America. National Cancer Institute. (2022). Cancer Stat Facts: Colorectal Cancer. https://seer.cancer.gov/statfacts/html/colorect.html [3] United States of America. National Cancer Institute. (2022). Cancer Stat Facts: Colorectal Cancer. https://seer.cancer.gov/statfacts/html/colorect.html About Prenetics Group Limited (Nasdaq: PRE)Founded in 2014, Prenetics is a major global diagnostics and genetic testing company with the mission to bring health closer to millions of people globally and decentralize healthcare by making the three pillars — Prevention, Diagnostics and Personalized Care — comprehensive and accessible to anyone, at anytime and anywhere. Prenetics is led by visionary entrepreneur, Danny Yeung, with operations across 9 locations, including the United Kingdom, Hong Kong, India, South Africa, and Southeast Asia. Prenetics develops consumer genetic testing and early colorectal cancer screening; provides COVID-19 testing, rapid point of care and at-home diagnostic testing and medical genetic testing. #Prenetics About New Horizon Health (HKEX: 6606)Founded in 2015, New Horizon Health is the pioneer and market leader in China's cancer screening market focusing on early detection of high-incidence cancers. On February 18, 2021, New Horizon Health was successfully listed on the Stock Exchange of Hong Kong under the stock code of 6606.HK, becoming the "first cancer screening stock in China". New Horizon Health's two colorectal cancer screening products, ColoClear® and Pupu Tube®, as well as a H.pylori screening product UU Tube®, have been approved by the National Medical Products Administration (NMPA). ColoClear® is currently the only cancer screening product approved by the NMPA. UU Tube® is currently the only self-conducted H.pylori screening product for home-use screening test approved in China. In addition, the company has three additional pipeline products for liver, cervical and nasopharyngeal cancer screening. The company holds global rights in all its marketed and pipeline products. #NewHorizonHealth
- ColoClear不但靈敏度極高,用戶更只需在家進行簡單的採集糞便樣本步驟,是一個比傳統大腸鏡檢查更方便的篩檢選擇 - 根據臨床研究結果,ColoClear對大腸癌的檢測靈敏度高達96%,對進展期腺瘤的檢測靈敏度亦達到64% - ColoClear亦是唯一獲國家藥物監督管理局批准的癌症早篩產品 香港 - Media OutReach - 2022年6月8日 - 領先全球的基因及診斷檢測公司Prenetics Group Limited (納斯達克:PRE, "Prenetics") 引入了革命性的非侵入性在家篩檢產品ColoClear by Circle (常衛清®),能準確偵測大腸癌的先兆。大腸癌是本港排行第二位最常見的癌症,2019年[1]的數字顯示,大腸癌佔整體癌症個案高達15.8%。大腸癌亦是其中一種可透過定期篩檢而預防的癌症,如能及早發現,約九成的早期大腸癌都可獲得治療[2]。因此這項結合先進糞便 DNA 技術與糞便免疫化學測試 (FIT) 的突破性篩檢測試,將成為本港預防大腸癌的第一道防線。 ColoClear代言人方力申(左)與Prenetics行政總裁兼聯合創辦人楊聖武(右),一同呼籲儘早接受大腸癌篩檢,為個人健康踏出重要一步。 ColoClear 為Prenetics 與生物科技篩檢先鋒諾輝健康 (6606.HK) 攜手合作的早期癌症檢測項目。此項專為亞洲人研發的大腸癌篩檢測試,採用了先進技術檢測人類糞便中的多項 DNA 生物標記物和血紅蛋白。 測試亦通過了中國八所臨床試驗機構的跨中心臨床研究驗證,對合共4758位受試者進行試驗。受試者的年齡介乎40至75歲,平均值為55.69±8.69,當中46.26%的受試者為男性。 所有的測試樣本當中,605宗大腸癌個案以及375宗進展期腺瘤個案均得到大腸鏡檢查及/或病理檢驗證實。臨床試驗結果顯示ColoClear 的靈敏度為95.54%(95%CI: 93.89%, 97.18%),對第一期大腸癌的靈敏度為96.8%;第二期97.5%;第三期96.2%;第四期96.4%。測試對進展期腺瘤的靈敏度則為63.47% (95%CI: 58.59%, 68.34%) ;偵測大腸癌和進展期腺瘤的特異度為87.08% (95%CI: 86.00%, 88.16%);偵測大腸癌的陰性預測值為99.6% (95%CI: 99.2%, 99.7%)。ColoClear 的亮眼表現更令它成為唯一獲國家藥物監督管理局批准的癌症早篩產品。 Prenetics 行政總裁兼聯合創辦人楊聖武先生表示:「我們很高興能將ColoClear 引進香港,為大眾提供相比於傳統大腸鏡檢查更方便的選擇。我們亦相信ColoClear能為降低本港的大腸癌發病率和死亡率擔當重要角色。ColoClear是一項革命性的科學突破,我們有信心能將它帶到東南亞國家超過6億人口的市場。參考美國的Cologuard,與保險公司合作對打進當地的市場有著重大的影響力,我們亦已經開始與多間大型保險公司商討合作的機會。」 「諾輝健康和Prenetics志同道合,預防、居家、個性化已經成為全球早篩早診創新的關鍵詞。 我們有信心共同打造常衛清®,使之成為癌症早篩國際化產品和服務創新的標杆,讓更多的亞洲使用者建立防癌篩查的健康管理習慣,及時發現癌前病變和早癌,改變生命的軌跡。」諾輝健康執行董事兼CEO朱葉青表示。 香港的繁忙都市生活模式,例如缺乏定期運動、蔬果不足的低纖維飲食,以及飲酒習慣等都會增加患上大腸癌的風險。根據醫管局香港癌症資料統計中心,自2012年以來大腸癌一直高踞香港最常見癌症前兩名,並持續佔據致命高發癌症第二位,每6至7個新增癌症患者就約有一個為大腸癌患者。而且,超過一半的大腸癌病例在發現時已屬晚期,大大增加了治療的難度。不過如果能及早發現,早期大腸癌的存活率超過90%[3]。 為配合產品於香港市場推出,Prenetics 邀請了知名演員兼前奧運游泳選手方力申先生 (Alex) 擔任品牌代言人,向大眾宣揚定期大腸癌篩檢的重要性和逼切性。 Alex 的演藝工作繁忙,經常食無定時,亦難易遵從健康的飲食習慣。因此在近幾年,他開始特別關注腸道健康,並定期進行大腸鏡檢查。 他表示:「每次進行大腸鏡檢查之前,我都需要提前2至3天調整飲食,並在前一晚服用瀉藥和禁食。在醫院的檢查過程中,我亦需要接受麻醉。要抽空進行這些程序,對藝人密密麻麻的工作日程來說十分困難,亦造成許多不便。我很高興能在香港找到如此先進的技術,讓大眾足不出戶就能進行簡單和高度準確的大腸癌篩檢,既輕鬆又無憂地管理自己的健康。」 Prenetics 將夥拍本港多個醫學集團的行業領軍,為香港市民帶來簡易和便利的大腸癌篩檢服務。測試的定價為港幣3000元。市民可以登上官方網站 (www.hicircle.com/coloclear) 預約與Prenetics的合作診所進行面對面或視像醫療諮詢,然後安坐家中進行採集糞便樣本的程序。測試亦設有專人上門收件服務,將樣本送至實驗室進行分析。當實驗室收到樣本後,用戶將可於5個工作天收到結果。 [1] Hong Kong SAR. Centre for Health Protection, Department of Health. (2022). Colorectal Cancer. https://www.chp.gov.hk/en/healthtopics/content/25/51.html [2] United States of America. National Cancer Institute. (2022). Cancer Stat Facts: Colorectal Cancer. https://seer.cancer.gov/statfacts/html/colorect.html [3] United States of America. National Cancer Institute. (2022). Cancer Stat Facts: Colorectal Cancer. https://seer.cancer.gov/statfacts/html/colorect.html 關於Prenetics Group Limited (納斯達克:PRE, “Prenetics”)成立於2014年,Prenetics是全球主要的基因及診斷檢測公司,透過專注於預防疾病、診斷測試和個性化護理服務的三大支柱,致力實踐去中心化醫療保健行業的使命,把健康帶到全球數以百萬計的群眾身邊,無論何時何地,任何人士都會得到全面並且簡易的相關服務。在具遠見的創業家楊聖武先生的領導下,Prenetics業務跨越全球九個地區,包括英國、香港、印度、南非和東南亞等。Prenetics開發了消費版基因檢測產品和早期大腸癌篩查測試;提供新型冠狀病毒核酸測試、快速在家診斷檢測和醫學基因檢測。 #Prenetics關於諾輝健康 (6606.HK)諾輝健康成立於2015年,是中國首家專注於高發癌症居家早篩的生物高科技公司,也是中國癌症居家篩查市場的先行者和領導者,旨在推進癌症篩查技術的創新,並加速癌症篩查技術在中國的普及。 2021年2月18日諾輝健康於香港聯交所成功上市,股票代碼6606.HK,成為「中國癌症早篩第一股」。 諾輝健康旗下兩款結直腸癌篩查產品(常衛清®和噗噗管®)和一款幽門螺旋桿菌檢測產品(幽幽管®)已獲得國家藥品監督管理局批准並開始正式商業化。常衛清®是中國目前唯一獲批國家藥品監督管理局的癌症篩查產品。幽幽管®是中國目前唯一獲批國家藥監局用於消費者自測的幽門螺旋桿菌檢測產品。此外,公司擁有三款適用於肝癌、宮頸癌和鼻咽癌篩查的在研產品管線。公司持有旗下所有已上市和管線產品的全球產權。
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