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IAR Embedded Workbench for Arm Fully Supports Puya Semiconductor's 32-bit Arm® Cortex® - M0+/M4 MCUs. SHANGHAI, Oct. 16, 2023 /PRNewswire/ -- IAR, the world leader in software and services for embedded development, is pleased to announce its comprehensive support for Puya Semiconductor's 32-bit Arm® Cortex® - M0+/M4 MCU family. With IAR Embedded Workbench for Arm, developers can take advantage of maximized performance, assured code quality and functional safety when working with Puya's 32-bit Arm® Cortex® - M0+/M4 MCUs. Puya Semiconductor is a leading provider specializing in low-power non-volatile memory solutions (Flash and EEPROM), as well as cutting-edge MCUs. Its 32-bit Arm® Cortex® - M0+/M4 core harnesses high-performance Flash technology and places a strong emphasis on ultra-low power design. With a rich history in developing solutions, Puya boasts a dedicated technical support team, ensuring clients receive comprehensive technical support. Moreover, Puya has established an extensive network of sales channels across the Asia-Pacific (APAC) region, with branch offices in Japan and South Korea. Puya also collaborates with representative channels in Vietnam, Singapore, India, Israel, Thailand, and other locations to provide localized, top-notch technical support to local customers. Cao Yuxin, Vice President of R&D at Puya Semiconductor, stated, "We are delighted to collaborate with IAR. IAR Embedded Workbench for Arm is widely recognized as a leader in embedded integrated development solutions in the industry. This partnership will undoubtedly bring comprehensive development support to Puya's MCU product series. Puya Semiconductor's MCU product series finds extensive applications across various sectors, including consumer wearables, small appliances, industrial IoT, healthcare, motor control, and instrumentation." Currently, Puya has launched a diverse range of MCU products, encompassing the 32-bit Arm® Cortex® - M0+/M4 series. These products are widely applicable across various sectors, including consumer electronics, Internet of Things (IoT), healthcare, industrial control, and more. They serve as a solid technological cornerstone for fostering innovation and progress in diverse industries. IAR Embedded Workbench for Arm stands as the preferred choice for embedded software development among tens of thousands of developers globally. It includes highly optimized compilers that generate efficient executable code to maximize MCU performance. It also offers advanced debugging and tracing features, such as flexible code and data breakpoints, runtime stack analysis, and call stack visualization. Code analysis tools, C-STAT and C-RUN can help developers identify potential issues at an early stage and improve code quality. Furthermore, IAR Embedded Workbench for Arm provides a functional safety version certified by TÜV SÜD, helping users accelerate the certification of their functional safety products. Kiyo Uemura, Vice President of IAR Asia Pacific, said, "The collaboration between IAR and Puya Semiconductor will not only strengthen the supply chain of the semiconductor industry but also actively drive the development of the ecosystem at the embedded system market. We will leverage our regional resources to fully support the efficient growth of the domestic semiconductor industry. By providing professional development tool support, we are not only assisting our customers in achieving success, but also actively promoting the prosperity of the ecosystem. Together, we are leading the wave of industry innovation and contributing more power to the vibrant development of the embedded system sector." For more information about Puya Semiconductor's 32-bit Arm® Cortex® - M0+/M4 series microcontrollers, please visit: www.puyasemi.com. For more information about IAR Embedded Workbench for Arm, please visit: www.iar.com/arm.
IAR Embedded Workbench for Arm全面支援普冉半導體32位元Arm® Cortex® - M0+/M4系列微控制器 台北訊—2023年10月12日—全球嵌入式研發領域軟體與服務領導者IAR今日宣布與普冉半導體(Puya Semiconductor)正式合作:IAR Embedded Workbench for Arm將全面支援普冉半導體32位元Arm® Cortex® - M0+/M4系列微控制器。IAR將為普冉提供完整的開發工具支援,包括但不限於程式碼編輯、編譯、除錯等功能,使開發人員能充分發揮普冉MCU的潛力,高效快速推進專案,加速產品上市。 普冉半導體居業界領導地位,專注於提供低功耗的非揮發性記憶體(Flash/EEPROM)以及MCU晶片。其MCU產品基於強大的32位元Arm® Cortex® - M0+/M4核心,採用高性能Flash製程並著重超低功耗設計。普冉半導體獨具實力,擁有豐富的解決方案開發經驗和技術支援團隊,能為客戶提供全面性的技術文件和軟硬體開發支援,該公司已於亞太區設立廣大的銷售管道,除於日本,韓國等地設立分支機搆,並於越南,新加坡,印度,以色列,泰國等地建立合作代理通路,以提供亞太區客戶更完善的技術支援。 普冉半導體目前已成功推出多款MCU產品,包括搭載32位元Arm® Cortex® - M0+核心系列,如PY32F030/003/002B/L020以及PY32F072/040/031,此外並擁有搭載32位元Arm® Cortex® - M4核心系列,如PY32F403/303等。其產品廣泛應用於多元領域,包括消費性電子、物聯網(IoT)、醫療、工業控制等,為不同產業的創新和發展提供堅實的技術基礎。 IAR Embedded Workbench for Arm為全球數以萬計開發人員首選的嵌入式軟體發展解決方案。強大的工具套件不僅具備卓越的程式碼優化功能,可最大限度發揮所選MCU的性能潛力,並能保持應用程式的高能效。該解決方案同時提供一系列強大的除錯功能,包括靈活的程式碼和資料中斷點、運行時堆疊分析、調用堆疊視覺化、程式碼覆蓋率分析以及與IAR的硬體除錯器I-jet配合使用以實現無限制的Flash中斷點。此外,IAR Embedded Workbench for Arm 並整合靜態分析工具C-STAT,支援MISRA、CWE和CERT編碼標準,以及動態分析工具C-RUN,可用於檢測算術錯誤、陣列存取越界等問題,相關功能有助於開發人員在日常開發過程中儘早發現潛在問題,提高程式碼品質。 IAR亦提供經過TÜV SÜD認證的功能安全版本,滿足ISO 26262等十項功能安全認證標準,協助開發人員加速功能安全產品的開發和認證,為開發安全可靠的嵌入式系統提供良好支援。 普冉半導體研發副總裁曹余新表示:「我們很高興能與IAR達成合作。IAR Embedded Workbench for Arm是業界公認的嵌入式整合開發解決方案領導者,此次合作必將為普冉MCU系列產品帶來更全面的開發支援。普冉半導體MCU系列產品已廣泛應用於消費性穿戴、小家電、工業物聯網、醫療、電機控制、儀器儀錶等領域。」 IAR亞太區副總裁Kiyo Uemura表示:「IAR與普冉半導體的合作不僅將強化半導體產業實力,並將積極推動整體生態圈的建設。我們將投入更多資源和精力,全力支援半導體產業的高效發展。透過專業的開發工具支援,我們不僅協助客戶取得成功,並積極推動生態系統的繁榮,共同引領業界的創新浪潮,為半導體領域的蓬勃發展貢獻更多力量。」 更多普冉半導體32位元Arm® Cortex®-M0+/M4系列微控制器資訊,請瀏覽:www.puyasemi.com 更多IAR Embedded Workbench for Arm資訊,請瀏覽: www.iar.com/arm 關於普冉半導體 普冉半導體(上海)股份有限公司是領導業界的低功耗非揮發性記憶體晶片及基於儲存晶片的衍生晶片供應商。自2016年成立以來,專注於非揮發性記憶體晶片的研發創新,形成了以NOR Flash和EEPROM兩大類產品為核心的記憶體晶片產品矩陣,公司目前主要產品包括NOR Flash和EEPROM兩大非揮發性記憶體晶片、MCU及類比產品。產品廣泛應用於物聯網、智慧手機及周邊、可穿戴、工業控制、汽車電子、安防等領域。2021年8月公司於上海證券交易所科創板上市,股票代碼688766。更多詳情請瀏覽:http://www.puyasemi.com/ 關於IAR IAR處於為嵌入式開發提供全球領先之軟體和服務的最前端,使全球公司能推出形塑未來的安全和突破性產品。自1983年成立以來,IAR的解決方案在確保品質、安全、可靠性和效率方面發揮了重要價值,為包括工業自動化、物聯網、汽車和醫療等眾多產業開發了超過一百萬個嵌入式應用。憑藉對來自超過70個半導體合作夥伴之15,000種裝置之支援,IAR致力於促進創新及協助客戶獲致成功。IAR總部位於瑞典烏普薩拉(Uppsala),並於世界各地策略性地設立業務和支援辦公室,為I.A.R. Systems Group AB子公司,並於納斯達克OMX斯德哥爾摩交易所上市,屬中型股指數(ticker symbol: IAR B)。更多資訊請瀏覽go.iar.com/iartw 編輯說明 : IAR、IAR Embedded Workbench、Embedded Trust、C-Trust、C-SPY、C-RUN、C-STAT、IAR Visual State、I-jet、I-jet Trace、IAR Academy、IAR及IAR logo為IAR Systems AB所擁有之商標或註冊商標。所有其他產品名稱均為各自持有者所擁有。
SHANGHAI, Sept. 10, 2023 /PRNewswire/ -- Dizal today announced the publication of the Phase I clinical data of golidocitinib for the treatment of relapsed or refractory (r/r) peripheral T cell lymphomas (PTCL) (JACKPOT8 PARTA) in Annals of Oncology (2022-2023 Impact Factor: 51.8). PTCL is an aggressive non-Hodgkin lymphoma (NHL) that represents approximately 7% to 10% of NHLs worldwide. Patients with r/r PTCL face a poor prognosis, with a 3-year survival rate ranging from 21% to 28%. Currently, there is no established consensus on the standard approach for treating r/r PTCL. Therefore, there is an urgent medical need for novel and innovative treatment options to improve survival of this patient population. Dizal identified that JAK/STAT pathway may mediate the pathogenesis of PTCL and launched clinical studies of golidocitinib to test the hypothesis. Golidocitinib is the first and currently the only Janus kinase 1 (JAK1) selective inhibitor for treating r/r PTCLs at the stage of pivotal clinical development. Consistent with earlier data, golidocitinib demonstrated potent and durable anti-tumor efficacy in the pivotal study (JACKPOT8 PARTB), with the clinical results selected as oral presentation at 2023 American Society of Clinical Oncology (ASCO) and 2023 International Conference on Malignant Lymphoma (ICML). The primary endpoint of the study, objective response rate (ORR) assessed by an independent review committee (IRC), reached 44.3%, with a complete response rate (CRR) of 23.9%. More than 50% of the patients with tumor remission achieved a complete response. Anti-tumor efficacy was observed across different PTCL subtypes and irrespective of the patients' prior treatment history. The median duration of response (mDoR) has not been reached. The longest DoR was 16.8 months, and the patient is still responding. As a potent JAK1 inhibitor with > 200 to 400-fold selectivity over other JAK family members, golidocitinib demonstrated a favorable safety profile. The majority of treatment-related adverse events (TRAEs) could be monitored and well managed in the clinic. The median relative dose intensity was 100%. (Data cut-off date: February 16, 2023) Golidocitinib was granted Fast Track Designation for the treatment of r/r PTCL by the U.S. FDA in February 2022. Furthermore, the clinical significance of golidocitinib has been widely acknowledged at prestigious conferences such as ASCO, European Hematology Association (EHA), ICML, and American Society of Hematology (ASH) with five oral presentations for four consecutive years. About Annals of Oncology Annals of Oncology (2022-2023 Impact Factor: 51.8), the official journal of the European Society for Medical Oncology and the Japanese Society of Medical Oncology, provides rapid and efficient peer-review publications on innovative cancer treatments or translational work related to oncology and precision medicine. About golidocitinib (DZD4205) Golidocitinib is the first-in-class Janus kinase 1 (JAK1) only inhibitor currently being evaluated in a global, multicenter pivotal study (JACKPOT8 PARTB) in r/r PTCL. At the data cut-off date of February 16, 2023, Golidocitinib has demonstrated robust and durable anti-tumor activity, with an ORR of 44.3% and a CRR of 23.9%. More than 50% of the patients with tumor remission achieved a complete response. The median relative dose intensity was 100%. Golidocitinib was granted Fast Track Designation by the U.S. FDA for the treatment of r/r PTCL in February 2022. About Dizal Dizal is a biopharmaceutical company, dedicated to the discovery, development and commercialization of differentiated therapeutics for the treatment of cancer and immunological diseases. The company aims to develop first-in-class and groundbreaking new medicines, and further address unmet medical needs around the world. Deep-rooted in translational science and molecular design, it has established an internationally competitive portfolio of five clinical-stage assets with two leading assets in global pivotal studies and one already launched. To learn more about Dizal, please visit www.dizalpharma.com, or follow us at Linkedin or Twitter. Forward-Looking Statements This news release may contain certain forward-looking statements that are, by their nature, subject to significant risks and uncertainties. The words "anticipate", "believe", "estimate", "expect", and "intend" and similar expressions, as they relate to Dizal, are intended to identify certain forward-looking statements. Dizal does not intend to update these forward-looking statements regularly. These forward-looking statements are based on the existing beliefs, assumptions, expectations, estimates, projections, and understandings of the management of Dizal with respect to future events at the time these statements are made. These statements are not a guarantee of future developments and are subject to risks, uncertainties, and other factors, some of which are beyond Dizal's control and are difficult to predict. Consequently, actual results may differ materially from information contained in the forward-looking statements as a result of future changes or developments in our business, Dizal's competitive environment, and political, economic, legal, and social conditions. Dizal, the Directors, and the employees of Dizal assume (a) no obligation to correct or update the forward-looking statements contained on this site; and (b) no liability in the event that any of the forward-looking statements does not materialize or turnout to be incorrect. Contacts Investor Relations: ir@dizalpharma.com Business Development: bd@dizalpharma.com
全球嵌入式研發領域軟體與服務領導者IAR宣布全面支援英飛凌旗下TRAVEO™ T2G Body MCU家族之最新CYT6BJ系列。IAR Embedded Workbench for Arm為一全方位開發工具鏈,附有高度最佳化的編譯器與組譯工具,透過C-STAT與C-RUN程式碼分析工具可提供眾多強大除錯功能。強大的方案組合讓開發者能在複雜的車身控制電子應用中工作,充份發揮TRAVEO™ T2G MCU的各項功能並善用高品質程式碼開發各種創新設計。IAR Embedded Workbench for Arm支援AUTOSAR(汽車開放系統架構),並提供Functional Safety功能安全版本以協助加速通過認證。 32位元TRAVEO™ T2G Arm Cortex凸顯了其於車身電子應用之能源效率與廣泛擴充性。此系列元件提供高效能、可支援最新車內網路及內嵌專屬功能,不僅可提升汽車資料安全性,並可遭佔用記憶體空間縮減至最小。此系列MCU自從於2021年推出以來已成為包括通訊閘道器、車身控制模組、氣候控制系統等眾多汽車應用之領先解決方案。CYT6BJ為此系列最新成員,其將產品線擴展至擁有16MB的嵌入式快閃記憶體以及4核心Arm Cortex-M7。MCU系列並通過ASIL B等級的ISO26262標準認證。高階CYT6BJ系列憑藉穩定可靠的效能,特別適合用於要求嚴苛的車身電子應用,將TRAVEO™ T2G Body MCU的覆蓋範圍擴展至新型電氣/電子(E/E)架構的中至低階區域控制器(Zone Controllers)。 英飛凌汽車部門車身與駕駛資訊產品行銷總監Clara Volkmar表示:「英飛凌的TRAVEO™ T2G微控制器提供一項精簡的解決方案來因應現代車身電子系統需求,客戶可透過包括IAR Embedded Workbench for Arm在內的工具充分發揮此微控制器的效能。透過如IAR之強大工具夥伴,開發人員不僅能迅速因應汽車開發專案的需求,甚至能運用如英飛凌最新推出之CYT6BJ系列元件。」 藉由支援包括CYT6BJ在內等所有已問市的TRAVEO™ T2G元件,IAR Embedded Workbench for Arm將可確保相容性,並為開發者提供高度最佳化的編譯工具以及先進除錯功能。其具備的功能包括複雜的程式碼斷點與數據斷點、執行階段堆疊分析、呼叫堆疊可視化、程式碼覆蓋範圍分析、以及耗電整合監視,造就出無縫銜接的開發體驗。透過如C-STAT與C-RUN在內的程式碼分析工具,開發者能完全掌控程式碼品質;對於要求功能安全之客戶,IAR Embedded Workbench for Arm更推出通過南德意志集團(TÜV SÜD)認證之功能安全版本。此外,其Fusa版本則通過ISO 26262標準認證。工具鏈方面則通過IEC 61508、IEC 62304、EN 50128、EN 50657、IEC 60730、ISO 13849、IEC 62061、IEC 61511、以及ISO 25119認證。秉持持續整合(CI)工作流程及自動化編譯與測試流程,IAR Build Tools亦提供支援Linux框架之版本。此外,IAR著名的技術支援、培訓、以及彈性授權模式讓所有客戶都能擁有整合各自獨特需求的解決方案。 IAR技術長Anders Holmberg表示:「隨著汽車嵌入式系統之複雜度持續攀升,強大的開發工具扮演關鍵要角,除協助用戶充分發揮功能之外,透過彈性解決方案更協助小型公司與大型企業持續發展。憑藉全面性的功能、穩健可靠的信譽、以及對維安與防護的堅持、IAR Embedded Workbench for Arm將確保在其設計專案中選用TRAVEO™ T2G的客戶皆能縮短上市時程,迅速推出卓越產品。」
嵌入式軟體與服務全球領導者IAR發表旗下廣受歡迎之IAR Embedded Workbench® for Arm的v9.4版。最新版本納入程式碼安全的提升:加入Armv8.1-M專屬的指標驗證與分支目標辨識 (PACBTI)延伸架構。藉由PACBTI,使用者的程式將可透過加密簽章來增進防護,防止攻擊者掌控整個系統。新版本並納入更強化的智慧型IDE Build Actions,讓軟體工程師擁有更佳的開發體驗。 由於相關法規對安全產品的需求不斷增長,IAR的最新版本滿足了增強程式碼安全性的關鍵需求。在眾多焦點特性中,IAR Embedded Workbench for Arm的新編譯器函式搭配PACBTI延伸架構,能強力抵禦兩種盛行的攻擊手段:包括返回導向編程(ROP)與跳轉導向編程(JOP)。此兩種攻擊技巧涉及運用使用者程式裡的程式碼片段。透過包括堆疊溢出(stack smashing)等攻擊手法來獲取呼叫堆疊的控制權,攻擊者會覆寫存在堆疊中的關鍵指標,將指向位址轉至已發現的漏洞程式碼片段,藉以執行攻擊者想達成的目的。藉由上述新功能,IAR Embedded Workbench樹立了強大的屏障,使攻擊者更難運用程式碼漏洞及破壞系統完整性。 PACBTI設計可用於找出與排除用於發動攻擊的程式錯誤,然而實務上其須依賴健全的軟體開發方式,包括運用各種程式碼分析工具。 IAR技術長Anders Holmberg表示:「安全已成為嵌入式軟體開發業者的優先要務。最新版IAR Embedded Workbench for Arm結合發展成熟的軟體開發程序,為真正安全嵌入式應用奠定基礎。向來以效率、生產力、程式碼品質聞名的IAR,輔以IAR Embedded Trust 及 IAR Secure Deploy嵌入式安全解決方案,成為目前最完備的端對端解決方案之一,將確保從產品開發到大量生產的每個步驟均覆蓋更強大的安全防護。」 IAR Embedded Workbench for Arm為一完備的開發工具鏈,包含高度最佳化的編譯器以及先進除錯功能。開發者可利用如C-STAT與C-RUN等程式碼分析工具主動找出各種程式碼問題、並提升程式碼品質、及盡可能減少潛在的資安攻擊途徑。靜態與執行階段分析在開發流程中都扮演關鍵角色,可確保發掘與消弭各種防禦漏洞。此外,最新版中並展示了IDE Build Actions,其可取代預組譯與後組譯動作,讓開發者在進行編譯與鏈結之前就能執行命令。 為延續先前版本推出Armv8-A AARCH64支援能力的發展動能,IAR Embedded Workbench for Arm 9.40進一步擴展功能,透過對Armv8-A AARCH32的支援能力使64位元處理器能在32位元模式下執行。此外,新版本亦延伸對Renesas E2/E2 lite模擬器的相容性,為Arm Cortex-M MCU 與Cortex-A MPU提供無縫銜接的編程與除錯功能,同時最新版本也新增對各大半導體夥伴廠商超過275種新元件之支援。最後,在延伸語言模式中,IAR C/C++ Compiler支援額外的GCC編譯器函式屬性,拓展了廣大嵌入式RTOS/中介軟體生態系的互通性。藉由IAR Embedded Workbench for Arm 9.40,IAR實踐致力為開發者提供先進工具與完善安全措施之承諾,將推動嵌入式產業邁向創新與更強完整性的未來。
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