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符合「Battery Japan」新聞搜尋結果, 共 2 篇 ,以下為 1 - 2 篇 訂閱此列表,掌握最新動態
MIT電池代表隊前進日本東京!格斯科技BATTERY JAPAN展現媲美國際電池供應鏈水準硬實力

【113年2月27日,台北訊】格斯科技*(6940)宣布將參與「日本國際二次電池展(BATTERY JAPAN 2024)」,並於會中展出橫跨車用電池芯/電池組、軍用電池組、儲能電池模組等多元產品組合。日本國際二次電池展創辦於2010年,是世界電池產業三大展會之一,每年都吸引大批電池製造商、電動車廠商、及電子業者參加。今年格斯科技遠赴日本參展,除充分展現台灣電芯技術研發的硬實力,更希望藉此擴大其在日本的市場份額,帶領台灣電池產業成功打進國際供應鏈。   在全球一致的淨零轉型目標下,鋰電池儲能已是當前各國主流綠能議題之一,台灣政府也陸續推出「用電大戶條款」、「2025年前再生能源占比20%」等政策,立法院也於2023年5月底三讀通過《再生能源條例》修正案,增訂「新建、增建或改建且達一定規模之建築物,除受光條件不足或其他情形外,應設置一定裝置容量以上的太陽光電發電設備」之條文,伴隨未來再生能源發電的占比提升,其發電的間歇特性成為亟需解決的問題,以落實綠能普及化的目標,因此,儲能系統成為必要且最佳的解決方案。根據TrendForce統計分析,2023年全球儲能電芯出貨規模達196.7 GWh,預期2025全年全球儲能市場新增裝置規模也高達362 GWh,即便面臨鋰價之亂的衝擊,市場上對儲能的高度需求帶動電池製造產業積極祭出多元儲電方案,儲能產業的發展也讓人們更加重視電池的安全性。     格斯科技主打的鈦酸鋰(LTO)電池芯,可作為儲能系統建置的一匹黑馬,其電芯特性相對高鎳三元(NMC)電芯與磷酸鋰鐵(LFP)來說安全許多,即便在多次的充放電下,電芯本身的溫度也不會超過四十度,並且可以在高倍率的條件下,有優良的充放電表現,可以實現快充的需求,另外,其循環壽命可以達到充放電12,000次以上仍有90%的電容量。格斯科技於2021年推出智慧家庭儲能系統,並於2022年榮獲經濟部中小企業創新研究獎之殊榮,該設備外殼為19吋工業標準機櫃尺寸,並採用48V/50Ah鈦酸鋰電池儲能模組組裝而成,根據不同用電量單機櫃可裝配2.5KWh~15KWh,除了滿足家戶的日常用電及緊急備援,格斯的最小單元48V/50Ah 鈦酸鋰電池儲能模組,還可以根據不同的終端需求,串並聯成各式大小型儲能系統。   格斯科技除了具備生產高階電芯的技術,也提供模組設計組裝的一條龍客製服務,現在更推出VDA355電池組及6T軍用電池組,迎戰電動車及國防領域的需求。   【關於格斯科技】 格斯科技鋰電池新創團隊過去專注於各式新穎材料與電池的開發應用,於2017年,利用材料分析優勢並集結國內專才成功轉型成為電芯製造商,並配合政策落實環保且多元的能源應用,提供台灣及世界一個新能源整合的方案。

文章來源 : 影響力量公共關係顧問股份有限公司 發表時間 : 瀏覽次數 : 10672 加入收藏 :
PEI-Genesis Exhibits at Smart Energy Week in Tokyo, Japan

TOKYO, Feb. 2, 2024 PEI-Genesis, a global leader in the design and assembly of custom engineered interconnect solutions, will exhibit at Smart Energy Week at Tokyo Big Sight, Japan, from February 28 to March 1, 2024. PEI-Genesis is attending Battery Japan during Smart Energy Week and will present its wide range of innovative high-power interconnect solutions from various supplier partners – Amphenol, ITT Cannon, Anderson and Positronic – for Smart Energy applications including EV charging (including liquid cooling charging), Energy Storage, Electrification, and Industrial Automation. PEI-Genesis is heading to the Smart Energy Week in Tokyo, Japan "We are thrilled to take part in Battery Japan for the first time and to have the opportunity to interact with local customers. PEI-Genesis aims to strengthen its position as a key player in the smart energy revolution by participating in Japan Smart Energy Week. With over 75 years of industry expertise, PEI-Genesis serves energy, aviation, industrial, rail, and medical sectors, and other industries globally. With our worldwide connector inventory, assembly, and manufacturing capabilities, PEI-Genesis can provide solutions fast with low to no minimum order quantities and 48-hour lead-time." said Alex Tsui, Vice President and Managing Director, Asia Pacific of PEI-Genesis. Smart Energy Week is an exhibition where the latest technologies, information, and industry professionals converge to connect and accelerate business within the energy sector. This event brings together a comprehensive array of renewable energy technologies, including hydrogen and fuel cells, solar power, rechargeable batteries, smart grids, wind power, biomass, zero-emission thermal power generation, and more.  Visit PEI-Genesis in Tokyo Big Sight, East Hall 4, Booth E24-18, Wednesday February 28 through Friday, March 1, from 10:00am to 6:00pm. About PEI-Genesis PEI-Genesis is one of the world's fastest assemblers of precision connectors and cable assemblies. From the largest connector component inventory in the world, they develop engineered solutions that support the industrial, medical, aerospace, transportation, and energy sectors worldwide. Headquartered in Philadelphia, PA, PEI-Genesis has production facilities in South Bend, IN; Southampton, UK; and Zhuhai, China, as well as sales offices throughout the Americas, Europe, and Asia. More information may be found at www.peigenesis.com.  Website: http://www.peigenesis.com      LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/company/pei-genesis/   Twitter: https://twitter.com/PEIGenesis     Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/PEIGenesis   Blog: https://blog.peigenesis.com/   

文章來源 : PR Newswire 美通社 發表時間 : 瀏覽次數 : 1553 加入收藏 :
2024 年 10 月 5 日 (星期六) 農曆九月初三日
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