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符合「BT21」新聞搜尋結果, 共 18 篇 ,以下為 1 - 18 篇 訂閱此列表,掌握最新動態
冬季3款新品亮相!七盞茶攜手BT21新品登場 這4款必收

(記者劉雅文/綜合報導)隨著氣溫漸冷,連鎖手搖「七盞茶」推出冬季新品發表會,這次推出3款獨家新飲品,要陪大家迎接整個冬季!其中包含咀嚼系最愛的「小年糕奶茶」,以及巧克力控不能錯過的「麥芽巧克力」與「麥芽巧克力鮮乳」,要廣邀大家一同來嚐鮮了! 圖/七盞茶推出3款獨家冬季新品,小年糕奶茶、麥芽巧克力以及麥芽巧克力鮮乳。(七盞茶提供) 圖/七盞茶士林旗艦店全新「夾娃娃機」店型開箱,帶來全新「宇宙明星BT21」的身影!(七盞茶提供) 除了豐富味蕾的三款新飲品,先前大受好評的BT21 Magic Recipe商品,也推出第二彈,這回共計將有四款新品亮相,其中包含了居家、辦公室都很實用的BT21 minini 陶瓷吸水杯墊,還有車內、房間都需要掛上、能增添生活氛圍感的可愛香氛掛片,以及外出相當便利的手提帆布包,最後則是每個家裡都要收藏超萌雙層壓克力磁鐵。 另外,店裝的部分,這次士林旗艦店也再次華麗變身,帶入了娃娃機概念,將整個店面、窗貼,以及菜單等,換上「宇宙明星BT21」的身影,讓來享用飲品的民眾,可以拍照打卡留念,歡迎大家前往門市踩點! 圖/七盞茶攜手BT21推期間限定商品第二彈,這回有四款商品全新亮相。(七盞茶提供) 小年糕奶茶 (M)$50、(L)$60 七盞茶獨創的軟Q配料「小年糕」,搭配日夏奶茶,讓你喝入口後,能同時擁有茶香、奶香,以及糯米香的三重享受,絕對是咀嚼系最愛的首選,千萬不能沒喝過! 圖/咀嚼系最愛的小年糕奶茶,絕對不容錯過!(七盞茶提供) 麥芽巧克力 (M)$50、(L)$60 使用美祿巧克力麥芽粉調製,再搭配七盞茶嚴選奶精粉,不僅保留美祿的經典美味,更帶添加奶香風味,兩者相互無違和,又能為冬天帶來一波蜜意。 麥芽巧克力鮮乳 (M)$65、(L)$75 喜歡喝鮮乳的,可以選這一味!使用美祿巧克力麥芽粉調製,再搭配鮮乳坊的濃醇鮮乳,乳香的滑順感能使飲品風味更上一層樓。 圖/經典風味的美祿巧克力,與奶香交織全新醇濃滋味。(七盞茶提供) BT21 minini 陶瓷吸水杯墊 $89 一墊解決喝水、喝飲料留下的水漬,讓生活、辦公都優雅愜意。 圖/BT21 minini 陶瓷吸水杯墊$89。(七盞茶提供) BT21 minini 香氛掛片 $50 2款不同的香氣,增添生活的氛圍感。 烏木沉香:沉穩又堅定的味道,再增添一點甜脂香帶出溫柔感,適合打造質感的木質香味。 小蒼蘭:清新淡雅又內斂不張揚,經典的迷人香氣,帶給人愉悅且療癒的感受。 圖/BT21 minini 香氛掛片$50。(七盞茶提供) BT21 minini 手提帆布包 $399 超便利!魔術大空間的提袋,還有內外夾層,讓人外出更方便。 圖/BT21 minini 手提帆布包$399。(七盞茶提供) BT21 minini 雙層壓克力磁鐵 $59 選用吸力加成的強力磁鐵,幫你提醒日常大小事,用最萌的方式,點綴生活細節的品味。 圖/BT21 minini 雙層壓克力磁鐵$59。(七盞茶提供)

文章來源 : 引新聞 發表時間 : 瀏覽次數 : 2262 加入收藏 :

(生活中心/綜合報導)喜愛「宇宙明星BT21」的朋友在哪裡?七盞茶攜手BT21推出全新店型!這次BT21來到士林旗艦店大展魔法,整個店面、窗貼,以及菜單等,到處都是「宇宙明星BT21」的身影,還設有拍照打卡牆,歡迎大家前往門市踩點! 圖/七盞茶士林旗艦店全新店型開箱,到處都是「宇宙明星BT21」的身影!(七盞茶提供) 另外,這次七盞茶聯手BT21最大亮點,特別推出了四款獨家飲品新上市,包含四季香蕉凍、香蕉凍奶茶、小年糕紅茶鮮乳,以及草莓奶昔,四種獨創新品,要廣邀BT21以及七盞茶的粉絲們,一起來嘗鮮,用創意美味迎接9月!  圖/七盞茶推出4款獨家飲品,用創意美味迎接9月!(七盞茶提供) 新品介紹: 四季香蕉凍:獨家首創香蕉凍,口感滑軟香甜,滿滿的香蕉牛奶香氣,再搭上七盞茶經典不敗的四季春茶,清香中帶有微甜口感,絕對驚艷你的味蕾! 香蕉凍奶茶:七盞茶獨家首創香蕉凍,滑軟香甜的香蕉牛奶凍,搭上七盞茶人氣日夏奶茶,香醇順口又不甜膩,就對是你不知不覺就「迷」上的好滋味。 小年糕紅茶鮮乳:獨創全新配料「小年糕」,在口中咀嚼時帶有陣陣糯米香氣,搭配鮮奶茶,激盪出香濃順口、欲罷不能的創意新滋味。 草莓奶昔:選用杜老爺經典的草莓冰淇淋,搭上鮮乳坊鮮乳醇厚奶香,製成綿密口感的草莓奶昔,酸甜適宜,讓你任何季節都想來上一杯。 另外,七盞茶也在今年中秋節檔期推出「BT21 Magic Recipe魔法禮盒」,與超人氣的「宇宙明星BT21」,打造魔法般限量造型禮盒,要以「Magic Recipe」主題陪大家共度一個最不一樣的中秋節! 七盞茶「BT21 Magic Recipe魔法禮盒」,這次準備了BT21造型餅乾,每塊餅乾上頭,有不同的BT21成員們呈現在上面,還會送出BT21 Magic Recipe生活特調療癒卡牌,以及隨機的幸運餅乾,每個籤詩都有不同的小語,讓民眾體驗屬於自己的魔法「祕密」! 圖/除了店型與新品上市,這次也推出了BT21系列限量周邊。(七盞茶提供) 這次強強聯手合作,除了店型與新品,也推出了BT21系列專屬周邊,其中包含了三款BT21雙層壓克力鑰匙圈($60),不僅圖樣超萌,時尚單品也讓生活更有型!另外還有兩款不同顏色杯蓋的BT21環保隨行杯($399),採用雙層透明環保杯,內含大口徑吸管與吸管刷,杯身上有充滿魔法造型的BT21明星,替每一杯飲品施展奇幻魔法! 圖/兩款不同顏色杯蓋的BT21環保隨行杯($399),杯身上有充滿魔法造型的BT21,替每一杯飲品施展奇幻魔法!。(七盞茶提供) 除此之外,BT21造型木漿海綿($39),可愛又實用,徹底融入生活小幫手! BT21紙膠帶兩入組($135)隨貼即用,讓生活增添快樂小確幸,最後則是BT21撲克牌($150),卡牌上面有七盞茶的招牌推薦以及BT21的魔法調飲,每張卡牌呈現不同的魔法故事! 七盞茶「BT21 Magic Recipe」禮盒 $599 魔法禮盒將在2024/ 9 / 1 (日)起,全台門市開放取貨與販售,禮盒金額為每個$ 599,各門市數量有限、售完為止。 圖/「BT21 Magic Recipe」禮盒 $599,將在 9 / 1 (日)起,全台門市開放取貨與販售。(七盞茶提供) 9/1發售:BT21 Magic Recipe禮盒($599)、BT21雙層壓克力鑰匙圈($60) 9/23發售:BT21環保隨行杯($399) 9/30發售:BT21造型木漿海綿($39)、BT21紙膠帶($135) 10/28發售:BT21撲克牌($150)

文章來源 : 引新聞 發表時間 : 瀏覽次數 : 2619 加入收藏 :
七盞茶攜手BT21陪你過中秋!超萌「魔法禮盒」藏驚喜 預購再送七盞茗茶

(生活中心/綜合報導)很快又要到了中秋節,應景的中秋禮盒,絕對是每年必須煩惱的課題之一,想要獲得獨具心裁的中秋禮盒嗎?台灣連鎖手搖茶飲業者七盞茶,也在今年中秋節檔期推出「魔法禮盒」,這回攜手超人氣的「宇宙明星BT21」,打造魔法般且特別的限量造型禮盒。七盞茶與BT21以「Magic Recipe」主題作為強強聯手合作的首波主打,要陪大家共度一個最不一樣的中秋節! 圖/配合中秋檔期,七盞茶推出「BT21 Magic Recipe魔法禮盒」。(七盞茶提供) 圖/七盞茶推出「BT21 Magic Recipe魔法禮盒」,裡面準備了BT21造型餅乾。(七盞茶提供) 七盞茶「BT21 Magic Recipe魔法禮盒」,這次準備了的BT21造型餅乾,每塊餅乾上頭,有不同的BT21成員們呈現在上面,造型太萌讓人捨不得入口;另外還會送出BT21 Magic Recipe生活特調療癒卡牌,卡牌隨機放入禮盒中,帶給民眾不同驚喜。最後,禮盒還準備了幸運餅乾,魔法禮盒將帶來一些不同的化學變化,每個餅乾裡的籤詩,都有不同的小語,快點帶回屬於自己的魔法「祕密」! 圖/七盞茶推出「BT21 Magic Recipe魔法禮盒」金額為每個 $ 599。(七盞茶提供) 七盞茶「BT21 Magic Recipe」禮盒 $599 想要帶回七盞茶「BT21 Magic Recipe魔法禮盒」的民眾,可以在2024 / 8 / 15~ 8 / 28透過線上商城預購,提前預購的民眾,將贈送七盞茗茶兌換券7張,一週有七天,讓你天天配好茶,民眾可自行選擇鄰近的門市兌換,並且在2024/ 9 / 1 (日)全台門市開放取貨與販售,禮盒金額為每個 $ 599。 圖/七盞茶推出「BT21 Magic Recipe魔法禮盒」,8/ 15~ 8/ 28線上商城早鳥預購,還會送出七盞茗茶兌換券7張。(七盞茶提供) 活動名稱:七盞茶攜手BT21中秋禮盒開賣 活動走期:2024/ 8/ 15~2024/ 8/ 28線上商城早鳥預購,將贈送七盞茗茶兌換券7張,2024/ 9 / 1 (日)統一開放門市取貨與購買。 活動辦法:民眾可以透過線上商城預購,再到門市自取,禮盒金額 $ 599。 (禮盒內含BT21造型餅乾、Magic Recipe隨機卡牌、幸運餅乾)

文章來源 : 引新聞 發表時間 : 瀏覽次數 : 1669 加入收藏 :

(生活中心/綜合報導)連日的高溫,讓人不自覺想要到海邊玩耍,但是夏天來到北海岸,除了玩水還有一項絕對不能錯過的活動,就是每年精采的福隆「沙雕藝術季」!今年「2024福隆沙雕藝術季」打造了可愛度爆表的夏日明星派對,已經從5月底盛大開展,但不只沙雕精彩,就連品牌合作也都攜手前進福隆啦!知名連鎖手搖業者七盞茶,要與BT21一起在福隆Hello Summer! 圖/七盞茶與BT21一起Hello Summer,在福隆沙雕展彩虹商店開賣冷泡茶以及冰棒。(七盞茶提供) 以濃醇茶飲發跡的七盞茶,這回要用兩款TOP商品:茶王「山萃烏龍冷泡茶」、茶后「七盞紅萃冰棒」前進福隆,從即日起一直到2024/10/13(2024年福隆沙雕展期間)進駐沙雕展彩虹商店。這次推出的兩款商品不僅有著BT21的夏季造型,味道上也完整呈現七盞茶的招牌茶韻,要來幫助大家一舉擊退可怕的夏日高溫! 茶王「山萃烏龍冷泡茶」$60 七盞茶的「茶王」山萃烏龍,是今年新科的iTQi風味大獎產品,生長於高海拔使茶葉降低苦澀口感,並以手採保有茶葉的新鮮、蜜香,且葉片經由小綠葉蟬吸食後,產生獨特天然蜜香,會在喉韻散發清香回甘,不甜膩又能消暑,絕對是夏日擊退高溫的首選。 圖/茶王-山萃烏龍冷泡茶,天然蜜香會在喉韻散發清香回甘。(七盞茶提供) 茶后「七盞紅萃冰棒」$60 七盞茶的「茶后」七盞紅萃,是以阿薩姆搭配台茶18號,融合蘋果、石榴與西洋梨的清甜果香,還於2022年榮獲比利時iTQi風味大獎,將這款最經典的七盞紅萃飲品,製成消暑的冰棒,入口後會先感受到蘋果與石榴恰到好處的酸甜滋味,以及西洋梨陣陣清香,尾韻再帶有茶香的回甘滋味,完美比例打造這獨有滋味,絕對讓你一試成主顧!且為了讓更多人一同打擊酷暑,於24日起同步於七盞茶指定門市進行販售!(士林旗艦店、淡水中正店、中山南西店、北區三民店) 圖/「七盞紅萃冰棒」是以阿薩姆搭配台茶18號,融合蘋果、石榴與西洋梨的清甜果香,恰到好處的酸甜滋味,讓人一試成主顧。(七盞茶提供) 活動名稱:來跟七盞茶、BT21一起Hello Summer 活動走期:2024/5/31~10/13(2024年福隆沙雕展期間) 活動辦法:活動期間於沙雕展彩虹商店,推出期間限定「山萃烏龍冷泡茶」$60、「七盞紅萃冰棒」$60。指定門市也於24日起同步販售七盞紅萃冰棒(士林旗艦店、淡水中正店、中山南西店、北區三民店)。

文章來源 : 引新聞 發表時間 : 瀏覽次數 : 2822 加入收藏 :
IPX Unveils Exclusive BT21 X FRAGMENT Collection with Hiroshi Fujiwara: BT21 Turns into a Chic Fashion Icon through a Collaboration with the Contemporary Streetwear

The global launch of 'BT21 X FRAGMENT' collection brings together Hiroshi Fujiwara's streetwear brand 'FRAGMENT' and the globally beloved character IP 'BT21,' creating a chic and hip styles Expressing the edgy sophistication of BT21's all-black transformation through FRAGMENT collaboration, the collection features not only fashion apparel like hoodies and fleece jackets but also irresistibly stylish digital accessories such as keyrings, badges, and reusable bags Following the collection's first successful pop-up opening in Seoul, Korea, grabbing the attention of Gen Z fashion lovers, the collection is also scheduled to be available in the US, Japan, Taiwan, and Hong Kong in December SEOUL, South Korea, Dec. 1, 2023 /PRNewswire/ -- The digital IP entertainment company, IPX (formerly known as LINE FRIENDS) has launched the highly anticipated collaboration collection, 'BT21 X FRAGMENT.' Through this unique collaboration with the widely influential streetwear designer Hiroshi Fujiwara's brand 'FRAGMENT,' the globally beloved character IP 'BT21' has turned into a hip fashion icon. The collection will be available worldwide in the United States, Japan, Taiwan, and Hong Kong in December. BT21 X FRGMT Collaboration Created by the renowned designer, producer, and musician Hiroshi Fujiwara, FRAGMENT's distinct lightning logo and contemporary designs have garnered acclaim in the global street fashion scene through collaborations with prestigious global brands. This collaboration with BT21 showcases a new facet of the characters, as they embrace a sleek and hip all-black look, departing from their previous adorable image. Presenting BT21 characters with the iconic lightning logo of FRAGMENT, the exclusive 'BT21 X FRAGMENT' collection features a range of stylish and trendy fashion items, from hoodies, caps, and fleece jackets to plushies, keyrings, badges, and smartphone cases. The collaboration has captivated global fashion enthusiasts, catering to the diverse tastes of Generation Z. The collection was pre-released on November 20th on the South Korea's limited-edition trading platform, KREAM, where all the pre-released amount sold out rapidly with a high competition for the draw, attesting to its popularity online prior to the official launch. Building on this success, a pop-up store has been unveiled on November 30th in Seoul, Korea, marking the collection's official premiere. The store grabbed the attention of the Generation Z, attracting a long line of visitors on its opening day. Following Korea, the collection embarks on a global tour through online platforms and offline pop-ups in the United States, Japan, Taiwan, and Hong Kong in December. The IPX officials said, "Having collaborated with brands like Dr. Martens and Converse, BT21 now presents a unique collaboration with the distinctive street fashion brand FRAGMENT. We hope this collection, embodying the charm of BT21 as a hip fashion icon, becomes a must-have item for fashion lovers worldwide." About IPX (F.K.A LINE FRIENDS) IPX is the new corporate name of LINE FRIENDS, a global character brand that originally started from Original Characters including BROWN, CONY, SALLY created for use as stickers for the leading mobile messenger app LINE and its 200 million active users worldwide. IPX recently announced a new business strategy that it would accelerate the global expansion of its IP businesses by diversifying its IP portfolios targeting all ages and advancing its digital and retail business. IPX has carried out its IP-based business by partnering with global companies including Netflix (original animated series), SUPERCELL (Brawl Stars), and NEXON (KartRider), while it has created popular IPs including digital artist 'WADE', 'BT21' (BTS), 'TRUZ' (Treasure) and broadened their boundaries to virtual influencers to win the hearts of over 40 million Millennials and Generation Z worldwide. IPX currently operates in 17 markets worldwide including Seoul, New York, LA, Tokyo, and Shanghai, and operates in 16 online sales platforms.

文章來源 : PR Newswire 美通社 發表時間 : 瀏覽次數 : 1002 加入收藏 :
WEMADE PLAY - Mobile Puzzle Game 'BT21 Pop Star', Launching its Global Service

Globally Released 'BT21 Pop Star' with Amusement including Various Puzzle Stages and Social Contents in markets across South Korea, North American and Europe Noticeable Amusement of IP Fun and Popularity in 'BT21'; Character Raining and Storytelling in connection with Original etc. WEMADE PLAY Expecting Best Service and Contents to be presented to world-wide gamers and IP enthusiasts SEOUL, South Korea, March 22, 2023 /PRNewswire/ -- WEMADE PLAY (CEO, Lee Ho-Dae), a Korean mobile game developer, announced 'BT21 Pop Star', its mobile puzzle game will become available in global markets including North America and Europe beginning March 22 (Korea local time). 'BT21 Pop Star' is the '3-match type (to match the same 3 blocks)' mobile puzzle game that was developed based on BT21, a globally loved character IP created by IPX (F.K.A LINE FRIENDS). The game will feature BT21 characters KOYA, RJ, SHOOKY, MANG, CHIMMY, TATA, COOKY, and VAN as puzzle blocks where gamers can enjoy raining BT21 characters with playing puzzles and continuing the story. 'BT21 Pop Star' has its transcendent amusement of the puzzle play that anybody can enjoy, various 400 puzzle stages at the launching version only, thrill at hand from powerful-functioned special blocks and spectacular visual effect etc. In particular, gamers can complete the story of BT21 characters as a fairy tale with the system to collect the puzzle pieces as the stages proceed to complete the original story which is expected to be idiosyncratic amusement to the global users who love BT21, as well as puzzle games. In addition, real-time social contents are one of the beauties in 'BT21 Pop Star' which is rare in mobile puzzle games; users all around the world can see and exchange on real-time basis with the social contents in 'BT21 Pop Star' like 'Crown Stars' where maximum 10 players can compete their puzzle skills at the same time and 'Club' where users can exchange their Hearts during chatting. "Prepare to embark on an epic gaming journey with 'BT21 Pop Star', a highly anticipated game that promises to deliver the ultimate entertainment experience by seamlessly blending the globally beloved BT21 character IP with the powerful game development prowess amassed from the staggering 150 million downloads of the iconic Korean national game 'ANIPANG'," said Yeo Chang-Yong, team leader of WEMADE PLAY. "I have great expectations for 'BT21 Pop Star', and I firmly believe that this game will surpass all expectations by providing the best possible service and content that will delight gamers and IP enthusiasts worldwide," he continued. Meanwhile, WEMADE PLAY holds the global launching event of 'a cherry blossom festival' as of March 21, where 'BT21 Pop Star' was on Google Play and Apple AppStore. The event proceeds with the competence with other players with cherry blossom petals, acquired from a puzzle play, to get reward. Anybody can participate the occasion from March 21 to April 3. WEMADE PLAY Founded in 2009, WEMADE PLAY is the developer of "ANIPANG Series", a Korean nationally representative game and the most famous puzzle game. It mainly develops and services mobile puzzle games, and posted over 150 million cumulative downloads of its games at the global market. Following "BT21 Pop Star," WEMADE PLAY plans to release more than six new mobile games this year.

文章來源 : PR Newswire 美通社 發表時間 : 瀏覽次數 : 3236 加入收藏 :
2025 年 2 月 12 日 (星期三) 農曆正月十五日
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