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新城財經台 BNI香港 携手創辦 商務經濟產業100強

香港 - Media OutReach Newswire - 2024年7月11日 - 新城財經台與國際性商業網絡組織 BNI香港 聯手策動的第一屆《商務經濟產業100強發展大獎2024》頒獎禮,於7月10日假灣仔會議展覽中心大會堂舉行,甄選出香港十大產業中表現優秀的企業及專業人士,在超過2000多位來自不同國家及地區BNI商界領袖參與的國際年會內,表揚他們在逆境中創新轉型和對行業的卓越貢獻。同場亦舉辦「共創. 提昇香港十大產業的發展及競爭優勢」論壇,由商界翹楚分享營商之道,促進香港商圈的復甦和發展。 創新科技及工業局副局長張曼莉女士為一百強頒獎禮致詞後,與新城廣播董事總經理宋文禧先生、首席營運總監馬浚偉先生、商務及市場拓展總經理梁耀宗先生等團隊和BNI 中國香港及澳門執行董事翁瑞青女士、執行董事江岸綠先生、BNI中國廣東省董事賴品章先生 、黃婉倩小姐等團隊合照。 《商務經濟產業100強發展大獎》頒獎禮大會十分榮幸邀得財經事務及庫務局副局長陳浩濂先生,JP 、商務及經濟發展局副局長陳百里博士, JP、新城廣播有限公司董事總經理宋文禧先生、新城廣播有限公司首席營運總監馬浚偉先生、BNI中國香港及澳門執行董事翁瑞青女士、BNI香港執行董事江岸綠先生,以及一眾評審團,一同主持開幕儀式。大會更榮幸地邀請得創新科技及工業局副局長張曼莉,JP出席及致辭恭賀100強得獎企業。現場亦讓 BNI香港會員、其他優秀企業家和專業人士聚首一堂,互相交流和分享經驗,拼發市場新思維。 《商務經濟產業100強發展大獎》目的是表揚一眾對本港十大產業有卓越貢獻的「強者」,大會以十大產業作為獎項類別,包括:「健康, 醫療及衛生服務」、「建築及設計工程」、「專業服務」、「企業服務」、「地產」、「資訊科技」、「教育及體育」、「生活品味及個人形象」、「餐飲及食品」和「市場營銷」。 《商務經濟產業 100 強發展大獎》頒獎禮大會十分榮幸邀得財經事務及庫務局副 局長陳浩濂先生,JP 、商務及經濟發展局副局長陳百里博士, JP、新城廣播有限公司董事總經理宋文禧先生、新城廣播有限公司首席營運總監馬浚偉先生、BNI 中國香港及澳門執行董事翁瑞青女士、BNI 香港執行董事江岸綠先生,以及一眾評審團與首屆100強的得獎機構一同主持開幕儀式。 由份量十足的專業評審團在十大產業中,甄選出每個行業的「強者」,而評審團則包括香港中華廠商聯合會會長盧金榮博士、優質旅遊服務協會主席黃傑龍先生BBS,JP、香港品牌發展局榮譽主席及香港餐飲聯業協會會長黃家和先生 BBS,JP、香港品質保證局主席何志誠工程師、香港智慧城市聯盟會長楊文銳先生、香港市務學會榮譽主席陳裕光博士、恒生大學專業進修學院院長梁偉強博士、亞洲能源研究中心榮譽顧問陳永康教授,MH,JP,以及BNI香港執行董事江岸綠先生。 評審們按五項評審標準,包括:「傳統配合創新」、「市場份額」、「客戶滿意度」、「終身學習」和「行業正面積極態度」進行嚴謹和公平評核,每項各佔分數20%,嚴選出各產業今次獲獎的100強企業,絕對實至名歸。 大會同場亦舉辦由中國建設銀行(亞洲)全力策動,主題為「共創. 提昇香港十大產業的發展及競爭優勢」論壇,出席論壇嘉賓包括中華廠商會副會長莊家彬先生、香港市務學會榮譽主席陳裕光博士、香港品牌發展局榮譽主席及香港餐飲聯業協會會長黃家和先生 BBS,JP、中國建設銀行(亞洲)私人銀行部首席投資顧問徐天佑先生。他們的真知灼見,包括如何透過「共創」和「提昇」來在十個不同重要產業中突圍而出,並將企業推至更高層次。令在場的企業領袖及高管獲益良多。 BNI作為一個國際性的商業網絡組織,旨在拓展人脈式,改變世界營商模式,多年幫助十多個不同產業的企業及專業人士,增加業務機會。現有香港澳門活躍會員超過5000人,成為香港商經發展一大動力。 BNI理念正與新城廣播財經台不謀而合,亦因此促成今次以推動香港及大灣區十大產業的發展《商務經濟產業100 強發展大獎》誕生,表揚和鼓勵在香港及大灣區逆境中創新、轉型、突破的BNI商業機構及專業人士,分享大家的成功經驗和策略,對業界及社會所作出的貢獻。 經過9位評審嚴格評審,恭喜86間企業榮獲《商務經濟產業100強發展大獎2024》獎項,分別奪得10大組別殊榮,包括: 「專業及企業服務」產業組別:首席快樂官協會有限公司、麗潔洗衣、温楊侯律師事務所、嘉倫生物科技有限公司、億信會計師事務所有限公司、專註知識產權顧問有限公司、易寶動力資訊有限公司、威博顧問有限公司、滙盛顧問有限公司、龍躍中國顧問有限公司、369合伙小鎮有限公司、Life Harmony International Limited、One Step Ahead Advisory Limited、陳志華產業測量師、梁柏恆執業會計師、陳錦程主任律師 「建築工程及環境衛生」產業組別:偉保工程有限公司、志豐設計工程有限公司、無限工程香港有限公司、重生室內裝修有限公司、中誠環宇有限公司、軒力工程有限公司、Brockhouse Asia Company Limited 「金融、投資及地產」產業組別:帝鋒金融集團、紅日資本有限公司、樋熥支付科技有限公司、Westart Limited 「資訊科技與創新科技」產業組別:拓方狗機械人有限公司、萬年青樂齡市場推廣有限公司、香港貓有限公司、世衛實業有限公司、易鷗電商、創力高科技有限公司、Taxieco New World Limited 「醫療、健康及運動」產業組別:漢方醫藥有限公司、菲萊雅(遠東)有限公司 、 皇廷活髮有限公司、美康萊環球有限公司、匯康國際醫療有公司、美絲植髮、宏忠有限公司、柏林眼鏡、力高共享健康營養基因有限公司、BodyVStore Limited、Lumas Hairlab、Me Paincare Limited、江志榮博士註冊視光師(第一部份) 「食品及餐飲」產業組別:鯉魚門紹香園有限公司、農圃飯店、百樂金宴宴會廳、正真酒業有限公司、新佛香食品有限公司、青見田木貿易有限公司、華苑潮州閣、長明國際 (香港) 集團有限公司、裕寶工程有限公司、盛豐源環球有限公司、VEG Concepts Ltd. - Woodlands 「分銷及廠商」產業組別:永偉包裝印刷有限公司、松栓汽車有限公司、盛世汽車零件有限公司、樂巨人有限公司、尚芳保健有限公司、亟匯有限公司 、 Daitima Skin Care Products Limited 「生活品味及家庭服務」產業組別:紫斐珠寶、感恩生命有限公司、唐福壽儀、大班廊洋服有限公司、艾麗珠寶有限公司、one flower design and craft limited 「教育與培訓」產業組別:正向家長學院有限公司、貫思 · 相有限公司、香港諾思有限公司、10X Growth Academy Limited、NG Music星級歌唱學院 「市場推廣及展覽」產業組別:韋氏變臉演藝公司、柏堡活動策劃有限公司、初夏即事創作、向日狐狸創作有限公司、天域製作及設計有限公司、超凡電商有限公司、悠遊會、卓活香港多媒體、KaChick、MCL品牌企劃 Hashtag: #《商務經濟產業100強發展大獎》 #新城財經台 #BNI香港發佈者對本公告的內容承擔全部責任

文章來源 : Media OutReach Limited 發表時間 : 瀏覽次數 : 1068 加入收藏 :
Metro Finance and BNI Hong Kong co-create "Top 100 Business Awards" Across 10 Key Industries

HONG KONG SAR - Media OutReach Newswire - 11 July 2024 - Metro Finance and BNI Hong Kong, the world's leading business networking and referral organization, jointly hosted the inaugural "Top 100 Business Awards 2024" Award Presentation Ceremony on July 10 at the Hong Kong Convention and Exhibition Centre. The event was attended by over 2,000 BNI business leaders from different countries and regions. The ceremony honored companies and professionals from ten key industries in Hong Kong for their innovation, transformation, and outstanding contributions amidst challenging times. A forum themed "Co-creating: Enhancing the Development and Competitiveness of Hong Kong's Ten Industries" was also organized, where business leaders shared insights on managing their businesses and promoting the recovery and growth of Hong Kong's business community. Ms. Lilian Cheong Man Lei, JP, Under Secretary for Innovation, Technology and Industry, was invited to deliver congratulatory remarks to the Top 100 award recipients. She was joined by Mr. Sung Man Hei, Managing Director; Mr. Steven Ma Chun Wai, Chief Operating Officer and Mr. Anthony Leung, General Manager of Business and Market Development from Metro Broadcast Corporation Limited, as well as Mr. Stanley Kong, Executive Director of BNI Hong Kong & Macau, China; Ms. Stella Yung, Executive Director of BNI Hong Kong & Macau, China; Mr. Lion Lai, Provincial Director for Guangdong, China, BNI and Ms. Cecily Huang, Provincial Director for Guangdong, China, BNI and their team members for group photo taking. The Guests-of-Honor included Mr. Joseph Chan Ho Lim, JP, Under Secretary for Financial Services and the Treasury; Dr. Bernard Chan Pak Li, JP, Under Secretary for Commerce and Economic Development; Mr. Sung Man Hei, Managing Director of Metro Broadcast Corporation Limited; Mr. Steven Ma Chun Wai, Chief Operating Officer of Metro Broadcast Corporation Limited; Mr. Stanley Kong, Executive Director of BNI Hong Kong & Macau, China and Ms. Stella Yung, Executive Director of BNI Hong Kong & Macau, China. They were joined by members of the esteemed judging panel to officiate the opening ceremony. Ms. Lilian Cheong Man Lei, JP, Under Secretary for Innovation, Technology and Industry was invited to deliver a speech to congratulate the Top 100 winners. The event also brought together BNI Hong Kong members, other distinguished entrepreneurs, and professionals to gather, exchange ideas, share experiences, and spark new thinking for the market. The "Top 100 Business Awards" aimed to recognize the outstanding performers in Hong Kong's top 10 industries: "Medical, Health & Sports", "Construction & Environmental Hygiene", "Professional & Corporate Services", "Finance, Investment & Real Estate", "Information Technology & Innovation", "Education & Training", "Lifestyle & Family Services", "Food & Beverage", "Distributors & Factories", and "Marketing & Exhibitions". The Guests-of-Honor of the inaugural “Top 100 Business Awards” included Mr. Joseph Chan Ho Lim, JP, Under Secretary for Financial Services and the Treasury; Dr. Bernard Chan Pak Li, JP, Under Secretary for Commerce and Economic Development; Mr. Sung Man Hei, Managing Director of Metro Broadcast Corporation Limited; Mr. Steven Ma Chun Wai, Chief Operating Officer of Metro Broadcast Corporation Limited, Mr. Stanley Kong, Executive Director of BNI Hong Kong & Macau, China and Ms. Stella Yung, Executive Director of BNI Hong Kong & Macau, China. They were joined by members of the esteemed judging panel and the winning companies to officiate the opening ceremony. The winners in each of the 10 industries were selected by a distinguished judging panel. The judging panel included: Dr. Wingco Lo Kam Wing, President of The Chinese Manufacturers' Association of Hong Kong; Mr. Simon Wong Kit Lung, BBS, JP, Chairman of Quality Tourism Services Association; Mr. Simon Wong Ka Wo, BBS, JP, Honorary Chairman of Hong Kong Brand Development Council and President of Hong Kong Federation of Restaurants and Related Trades; Ir. Ho Chi-Shing, Chairman of the Hong Kong Quality Assurance Agency; Mr. Gary Yeung Man Yui, President of Hong Kong Smart City Consortium; Dr. Michael Chan Yue Kwong, Honorary Chairman of the Marketing Institute of Hong Kong; Dr. John Leung Wai Keung, Director of Institute of Continuing and Professional Education, Hang Seng University; Ir. Dr. Cary Chan, MH, JP, Honorary Advisor, Asia Energy Studies Centre and Mr. Stanley Kong, Executive Director of BNI Hong Kong & Macau, China. The judging panel conducted a rigorous and fair assessment based on five criteria, including "Tradition meets innovation", "Market Share", "Customer Satisfaction", "Lifelong Learning" and "Positive Attitude towards the Industry", with each category accounting for 20% of the total score. The winners were truly deserving of this prestigious honor, having excelled across these critical performance areas. The forum, themed "Co-creating: Enhancing the Development and Competitiveness of Hong Kong's Ten Industries", was organized and steered by China Construction Bank (Asia). Several prominent business leaders were invited to share their successful stories, including insights on how to "co-create" and "elevate" their companies to new heights of success and competitiveness. The speakers at the forum included Mr. Allbert Chuang Ka Pun, Vice President of The Chinese Manufacturers' Association of Hong Kong (CMA); Dr. Michael Chan Yue Kwong, Honorary Chairman of the Marketing Institute of Hong Kong; Mr. Simon Wong Ka Wo, BBS, JP, Honorary Chairman of Hong Kong Brand Development Council and President of Hong Kong Federation of Restaurants and Related Trades; and Mr. Vincent Tsui, Chief Investment Strategist, Private Banking Division, China Construction Bank (Asia). The audience benefitted a lot from their sharing and insights. As an international business networking organization, BNI aims to build connections and transform business models. Over the years, it has helped companies and professionals across more than a dozen industries to expand their business opportunities. With over 5,000 active members in Hong Kong and Macau, BNI has emerged as a major driving force in Hong Kong's business development. Metro Broadcast Corporation and BNI, both sharing a common philosophy, collaborated to launch the "Top 100 Business Awards". The objective was to promote the development of 10 key industries in Hong Kong and the Greater Bay Area. The awards also recognized BNI's member organizations and professionals for their efforts in innovation, transformation and breakthrough amidst the challenges faced in Hong Kong and the Greater Bay Area. It provided a platform for the winners to share their successful experiences, strategies, and their contributions to their respective industries and the community. After a rigorous evaluation by the 9-member judging panel, 86 companies across 10 categories were awarded the "Top 100 Business Awards 2024". The list of winners is provided below: "Professional & Corporate Services" Category: Chief Happiness Officer Association Limited Lucky Champ Ltd. Wan Yeung Hau & Co. Gallant Biotechnology Limited Million Trustful CPA Limited Proreg Intellectual Property Consulting Limited Epro Techsoft Ltd. We Boosting Consulting Limited Fundmax Consultant Limited Sino-Bridge China Consulting Ltd. 369 Co-op Town Limited Life Harmony International Limited One Step Ahead Advisory Limited Harry Chan, General Practice Surveyor Tony P.H. Leung, CPA (Practising) Paul Kam Ching Chan, PAUL K.C. CHAN & PARTNERS "Construction & Environmental Hygiene" Category: VIEWCO Building Services & Engineering Company Limited Branding Works Infinite Engineering HK Limited Vision Interior Design Limited Centre Faith Global Company Limited Helix Contracting Limited Brockhouse Asia Company Limited "Finance, Investment & Real Estate" Category: Emperio Group Red Sun Capital Limited BBMSL Limited Westart Limited "Information Technology & Innovation" Category SquareDog Robotics Limited Evergreen Silver Tsunami Marketing Limited HK Mall Limited Guardman Products Limited Egogo Holdings Limited Tronico Technology Company Limited Taxieco New World Limited "Medical, Health & Sports" Category Han-Fang Chinese Medicine Company Limited Phoelia (Far East) Co. Ltd. HQ Hair Therapy Limited AJC investment Ltd. VCARE International Medical Limited Dr Bertram Hair Transplant Winhorizon Ltd. Berlin Optical Go Share Health Nutrigenomics Limited BodyVStore Limited Lumas Hairlab Me Paincare Limited Dr. Marco Kong, Ph.D. Optometrist (Part 1) "Food & Catering" Category: Lei Yue Mun Shiu Heung Yuen Ltd. Farm House Golden Lilies Banquet Hall Ancient Wines Ltd. Sun Fat Heung Food Products Limited Fruit n Food Limited Wah Yuen Chiu Chow Cuisine Charming International (HK) Group Limited Yue Po Engineering Company Ltd. Golden Source Global Ltd. VEG Concepts Ltd. – Woodlands "Distributors & Manufacturers" Category: Wing Wai Packaging & Printing Company Limited Champs Motor Dealer Co. Ltd. Prime Auto Parts & Supplies Ltd. Healthy Giant Limited Shang Healthcare Limited Exolution Ltd. Daitima Skin Care Products Limited "Lifestyle & Family Services" Category: Violets Jewellery Company Thanksgiving Life Limited Tong Fook Undertakers Company Tai Pan Row Tailors Ltd. Attilio Fine Jewelry Company Limited One Flower Design and Craft Limited "Education & Training" Category: Healthymind Parents Academy Limited MiQ Image Co. Ltd. HKNS Learning System Limited 10X Growth Academy Limited NG Music Academy Limited "Marketing & Exhibition" Category Wai's Mask Illusion Entertainment Company Baobab Tree Event Management Company Limited Summery Creation Limited The Fox Creation Company Limited Sky Region Production Limited Nirvana E Commerce Company Travel Club HK Limited TexWood (HK) Media KaChick Maxi Communications Ltd Hashtag: #Top100BusinessAwards #MetroFinance #BNIHongKongThe issuer is solely responsible for the content of this announcement.

文章來源 : Media OutReach Limited 發表時間 : 瀏覽次數 : 706 加入收藏 :
BNI® CEO & Chairman, Graham Weihmiller, Steps Up to Executive Chairman Role and Recruits New CEO

CHARLOTTE, N.C., Sept. 30, 2023 /PRNewswire/ -- BNI Global, LLC ("BNI") announced this week that its current Chairman & CEO, Graham Weihmiller, will be stepping up to the role of Executive Chairman and launching the recruitment process for a new CEO to lead the day-to-day operations of BNI and its affiliates. In the last year, BNI's 310,000+ Members generated well over $22 billion USD in revenue from their BNI Membership through over 14 million valuable new client referrals. Year-after-year, BNI is consistently creating new records in terms of revenue and referrals for BNI Members and it is opening in new countries to add to the 77 countries in which it currently operates. It is also significantly bolstering its team with top talent throughout its 17 corporate offices worldwide. BNI now sits at its largest membership ever after more than 38 years of operation and it is poised to achieve a 39th consecutive year of growth later this year. With its accelerating growth, now is the ideal time to further augment the team. Mr. Weihmiller plans to include the whole organization in the process of recruiting BNI's next CEO, and he is gathering input from BNI Members, Franchisees, and employees to identify the key success traits in BNI's next CEO. This new CEO will lead BNI as well as its affiliates CorporateConnections® and Scion Social. Graham Weihmiller, who has served as BNI's CEO since 2014 will continue to be a strong advocate for BNI as he steps into the Executive Chairman role. In this role, Weihmiller will focus more time on big-picture strategic opportunities for BNI, mentorship, public speaking, and writing. BNI's Founder and Chief Visionary Officer, Dr. Ivan Misner said of the change, "Since 2014, Graham and I have worked very closely together to support BNI Members and Directors worldwide. And we will continue to do so in this next phase as well. By moving to the Executive Chair role, he will be able to focus on the big, strategic opportunities for BNI, while also getting some more time for writing and time at home with family, which I know is important to him. I'm supportive of this change, and excited about the fresh energy and ideas a new CEO will bring to support BNI's next phase of growth and success. My role isn't changing. And I've never been more bullish on BNI." "BNI is an incredible organization and I'm excited to step-up to Executive Chairman so I can focus on big, strategic opportunities for BNI. I'm so humbled and pleased with the work we have done together in the last ten years. It has been a rich life experience, and I'm so incredibly grateful to the leaders in BNI who make a tangible impact in individual lives every day," says Weihmiller. "The organization is well-positioned for the future; now is the ideal time to launch an exciting and inclusive process to identify BNI's next CEO. They'll bring fresh energy, ideas, and experiences to BNI that will catapult BNI to an entirely new level. And I look forward to working with them closely. With a continued focus on BNI's Core Values, there is no limit to what BNI can accomplish in a world that needs BNI more than ever before." For any questions or press inquiries, contact Claire Sherman, BNI's Senior Director of Global Strategy & Integrations (claire@bni.com). About BNI®BNI (Business Network International) is the world's largest and most successful business networking organization. Today, BNI has over 300,000+ Member-businesses participating in over 10,900+ BNI Chapters that meet in-person, online, or in a hybrid format each week in 77+ countries around the globe. Since inception in 1985, BNI has proudly helped 1.9 million businesses garner over $164 billion USD in revenue1. To learn more about BNI and how you can visit a chapter, go to www.bni.com. To learn more about how BNI works, watch this short video here. If you are interested in learning how you can visit a BNI Chapter for free, please reach out to our Support Team at (800)-825-8286 (USA) or support@bni.com (internationally). Please join us at our 2023 BNI Global Convention in Madrid, Spain on November 8-11. For more information on our international networking event that brings together thousands of small business owners and entrepreneurs from around the world, visit BNIGlobalEvents.com. 1. This information is based on historical BNI Member self-reported data and represents collective results from BNI Members worldwide from 1985 to 2023.  

文章來源 : PR Newswire 美通社 發表時間 : 瀏覽次數 : 3303 加入收藏 :

Announcing Corporate Acquisition of BNI Sweden, BNI Norway & BNI Finland Franchises CHARLOTTE, N.C., Aug. 21, 2023 /PRNewswire/ -- BNI® Global, the world's largest business networking organization, is thrilled to announce its acquisition of BNI Sweden, BNI Norway, and BNI Finland to help foster greater success and growth for the vibrant small business community in Scandinavia. According to the latest data from the European Union (source: europa.eu), small-medium enterprises (SMEs) make up 99.8% of Sweden, Norway, and Finland's total enterprises, with approximately 1.2 million SME businesses across Scandinavia. BNI provides these small businesses with structured weekly meetings, leadership and professional development, and technology to generate revenue, build strategic relationships, and find fresh capital sources to grow their businesses. With a strong and diverse BNI Membership base of over 3,000 entrepreneurs and business owners across Sweden, Norway, and Finland, BNI Scandinavia has become a thriving hub for business connections, referrals, and growth. Over the past 12 months alone, this vibrant community has generated $147 million USD in revenue1 for Member businesses. Pasi Pasanen, Country Manager of BNI Finland, says about the acquisition, "I am excited that BNI, which operates globally, also brings significant benefits to local companies." Through this acquisition, BNI Global expects to contribute enhanced resources, expertise, and global connectivity to the entrepreneurs and professionals in Scandinavia. Leveraging BNI's extensive global network of over 300,000 Members across the world, individuals in Sweden, Norway, and Finland can tap into these resources for faster access to global systems. By harnessing these systems, they can enhance their connections, extend their reach beyond local markets, and unlock new opportunities for growth. Kåre Morten Sundby, Country Manager of BNI Norway, says, "It's a big milestone for BNI Norway to have BNI as a global organization, so close to our partners and local market. I'm really excited for the future growth for our partners." "The direct support from BNI Global is an exciting opportunity for us, as well as for small businesses in Scandinavia," says Patrik Wilén, Country Manager of BNI Sweden. "Members using BNI's concept at its full potential has always been a catalyst for success, and this new chapter in our collaboration will empower our Members to thrive in an increasingly interconnected global economy, all while reshaping the business landscape in Scandinavia." About BNI®BNI (Business Network International) is the world's largest and most successful business networking organization. Today, BNI has over 300,000+ Member-businesses participating in over 10,900+ BNI Chapters that meet in-person, online, or in a hybrid format each week in 77+ countries around the globe. Since inception in 1985, BNI has proudly helped 1.9 million businesses garner over $164 billion USD in revenue2. To learn more about BNI and how you can visit a chapter, go to www.bni.com. BNI's philosophy is centered on Givers Gain® and BNI's motto is Changing the Way the World Does Business®. To learn more about how BNI works, watch this short video here. If you are interested in learning how you can visit a BNI Chapter for free, please reach out to our Support Team at (800)-825-8286 (USA) or support@bni.com (internationally). 1.This information is based on historical BNI Member self-reported data as of June 21, 2023, and represents collective results from BNI Members in Sweden, Norway, and Finland over the last 12 months. 2.This information is based on historical BNI Member self-reported data and represents collective results from BNI Members worldwide from 1985 to 2023.  

文章來源 : PR Newswire 美通社 發表時間 : 瀏覽次數 : 416 加入收藏 :

CHARLOTTE, N.C., Aug. 1, 2023 /PRNewswire/ -- BNI®, the world's largest business networking organization, proudly announces the extraordinary achievements of its Members in creating tangible business impact through the power of networking and word-of-mouth referral marketing. BNI Members have collectively generated $21.9 billion USD in revenue for their fellow Members over the past year through more than 14.2 million referrals1. BNI's commitment to fostering valuable connections and qualified referrals has led to significant economic growth for business owners and entrepreneurs across its global network. These impressive results demonstrate the value that BNI Members bring to each other's businesses. These referrals have played a crucial role in fueling success and opening new doors for entrepreneurs and business professionals within the BNI community. Heather Lee, an active BNI Member in the office services industry based in Boise, Idaho, shares her firsthand experience of how her Membership has contributed to significant business growth while also emphasizing the additional value she gains from being part of the BNI community. "In addition to the growth of the business, I've grown my network of friends in which I feel confident with referring business to. BNI is a commitment, but worth the time and investment of relationships and therefore business exchanged." As BNI Members continue to create and capitalize on the vast opportunities available within the BNI network, the organization remains committed to fostering an environment that facilitates meaningful connections and drives business growth for its Members. 1. This information is based on historical BNI Member self-reported data as of July 9, 2023 and represents collective results from BNI Members worldwide over the last 12 months. 2. This information is based on historical BNI Member self-reported data for the month of June 2023 and represents collective results from BNI Members worldwide. About BNI®BNI (Business Network International) is the world's largest and most successful business networking organization. Today, BNI has over 300,000+ Member-businesses participating in over 10,900+ BNI Chapters that meet in-person, online, or in a hybrid format each week in 77+ countries around the globe. Since inception in 1985, BNI has proudly helped 1.9 million businesses garner over $164 billion USD in revenue2. To learn more about BNI and how you can visit a chapter, go to www.bni.com. BNI's philosophy is centered on Givers Gain® and BNI's motto is Changing the Way the World Does Business®. To learn more about how BNI works, watch this short video here. If you are interested in learning how you can visit a BNI Chapter for free, please reach out to our Support Team at (800)-825-8286 (USA) or support@bni.com (internationally). 1.This information is based on historical BNI Member self-reported data as of June 21, 2023, and represents collective results from BNI Members in Sweden, Norway, and Finland over the last 12 months. 2.This information is based on historical BNI Member self-reported data and represents collective results from BNI Members worldwide from 1985 to 2023.  

文章來源 : PR Newswire 美通社 發表時間 : 瀏覽次數 : 2781 加入收藏 :

CHARLOTTE, N.C., May 3, 2023 /PRNewswire/ -- BNI® (Business Network International), the world's largest business referral organization, announced that it has broken a new record for the number of unique visitors attending its networking meetings. With over 22,000 visitors in a single week, BNI is proud to have increased business networking opportunities for professionals across the globe. This milestone achievement marks the highest number of visitors in a week since BNI began reporting in 20191. The significant increase in visitors is a testament to the value of BNI's unique approach to referral networking and the growing demand for business professionals to expand their networks. Here are the top 3 reasons why more visitors mean an increase in business networking opportunities for Members and improves the overall value of the BNI membership:   Increased Exposure and Referrals: With more visitors attending meetings, BNI Members have more opportunities to promote their business to potential customers and receive referrals from other Members and visitors. Strengthened Business Growth: Ultimately, the goal of BNI is to help Members grow their businesses. With more visitors attending meetings, Members have access to more resources and opportunities that can help them achieve their business goals and generate new business. Broadened Category Exclusivity and Complementary Categories: Visitors are the lifeblood of BNI Chapters, as they play a critical role in creating a diverse and inclusive membership that is essential for building a robust referral network. By filling in missing categories and complementary businesses, visitors help to ensure that BNI Chapters are well-rounded and comprehensive, allowing all Members to benefit from a wider range of referrals and opportunities. This not only increases the value of BNI membership, but also makes each Chapter more effective and successful in helping businesses grow and thrive. BNI's record number of visitors reflects the growing demand for high-quality networking opportunities as entrepreneurs and business professionals seek to expand their reach and grow their customer base. By joining a BNI chapter, Members gain access to a network of professionals who are committed to helping each other succeed. "We believe that strong relationships are the foundation of successful businesses," says Dr. Ivan Misner, Founder & Chief Visionary Officer of BNI. "The increase in visitors to BNI meetings is a testament to the power of referral networking and the value that BNI provides to our Members around the world." About BNI®BNI (Business Network International) is the world's largest and most successful business networking organization. Today, BNI has over 300,000+ Member-businesses participating in over 10,900+ BNI Chapters that meet in-person, online, or in a hybrid format each week in 77+ countries around the globe. Since inception in 1985, BNI has proudly helped 1.9 million businesses garner over $164 billion USD in revenue2. To learn more about BNI and how you can visit a chapter, go to www.bni.com. BNI's philosophy is centered on Givers Gain® and BNI's motto is Changing the Way the World Does Business®. To learn more about how BNI works, watch this short video here. If you are interested in learning how you can visit a BNI Chapter for free, please reach out to our Support Team at (800)-825-8286 (USA) or support@bni.com (internationally). The reported data on BNI's visitor numbers is based on self-reported data and information pulled from BNI Connect. 2.This information is based on historical BNI Member self-reported data and represents collective results from BNI Members worldwide from 1985 to 2023.  

文章來源 : PR Newswire 美通社 發表時間 : 瀏覽次數 : 1038 加入收藏 :
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