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全球供應鏈與物流科技領導品牌 BBTruck 獲 Pre-A 輪資金挹注、累計募得近 2 億

全球供應鏈與物流科技領導品牌 BBTruck宣布獲 Pre-A 輪資金挹注,由飛躍拓展有限合夥基金、H2U 永悅健康集團、炙星投創等投資人注資,創立至今已累積資金超過 600 萬美元(約合新台幣 1.96 億元)。BBTruck 新一輪資金將運用於積極拓展全球市場,深化北美地區同時拓展東南亞等海外版圖,同時強化產品與技術開發、人才招募,持續以科技革新供應鏈物流,目標打造全球性的物流科技生態系。 BBTruck 共同創辦人暨執行長周品寰表示:「BBTruck 從創立之初,即以建構世界級的物流科技生態系為目標邁進。今天很高興向大家分享我們獲得新一輪資金挹注的消息,也非常感謝所有投資人的青睞,我們未來將持續致力於傳統物流數位化,運用創新的供應鏈與物流科技平台,為企業打造高效且透明共享的供應鏈物流管理,讓所有運送都能同時兼顧彈性、效率與永續,並在 BBTruck 的物流網絡上發生,開創全球化的物流科技宇宙。」  累積資金破兩億!BBTruck 從台灣出發、放眼全球市場,盼打造全球物流科技生態系看準傳統物流業資訊破碎化且難以整合的痛點,BBTruck 自 2019 年成立以來,致力於提供一站式的 B2B 供應鏈物流科技平台,透過創新科技進行精準運力計算與調撥,目標驅動物流從地面走上雲端,讓所有的運送和運力都能透明化,全面提升物流管理效率。BBTruck 創辦至今已成功打入全球供應鏈,服務對象超過 50 家全球企業,橫跨科技製造業、電商、醫療業、國際物流業及零售業,包含世界前三大伺服器供應商、國際知名自動化控制及電子設備製造商、全球輪胎業巨擘,以及全球前十大國際物流品牌、台灣宅配物流龍頭等。 BBTruck 本次獲 Pre-A 輪資金挹注來自橡子園顧問有限公司董事長陳五福、寬量國際創辦人暨執行長李鴻基共同領軍的飛躍拓展有限合夥基金,以及數位健康領導品牌 H2U 永悅健康集團、台灣知名新創孵化器炙星投創等,創立至今資金已累積近新台幣2 億元。BBTruck 除持續深耕台灣市場,新一輪資金將專注於三大面向,包含加速擴展海外版圖,前進北美及越南、馬來西亞、新加坡、泰國與印尼等東南亞市場、強化運力數據分析和資料整合等技術能力,以及招募優秀人才、逐步擴大團隊規模,目標打造透明共享的全球物流科技生態系,讓每個企業都能更有彈性地管理供應鏈物流運送。 橡子園顧問有限公司董事長陳五福表示:「隨著 AI 浪潮推波助瀾,台灣躍升全球供應鏈不可或缺的要角,智慧化的物流管理更成為關鍵趨勢,​​BBTruck 團隊一直致力於透過數位科技改革傳統物流,從根本解決供應鏈與物流運送業者的資訊不對稱與效率問題。我們非常看好 BBTruck 接下來的發展,期盼看到他們持續成長和未來的無限可能。」 H2U 永悅健康共同創辦人暨執行長陳俊嘉指出:「BBTruck 創業以來發展穩健,以先進的供應鏈物流科技,順利贏得許多世界級科技公司的支持與採用,出色表現可謂有目共睹。我們肯定 BBTruck 的策略優勢及團隊成績,更看好 BBTruck 走向國際市場、敲響世界盃的無窮潛力。相信 BBTruck 能持續深耕台灣、放眼全球,為企業提供更加全方位的供應鏈物流管理服務,再創耀眼佳績。」 炙星投創共同創辦人暨執行長張歆浤表示:「作為全球供應鏈與物流科技領導品牌,BBTruck 以創新的商業模式實現物流產業的綠色運送革命,這與炙星投創支持展現高度社會影響力企業的核心理念不謀而合。期許 BBTruck 未來能夠複製在台灣的成功經驗,持續引領全球物流科技生態系茁壯發展,為更多市場創造廣泛深遠的正面價值。」 運送效率提高近八成!全球首創供應鏈與物流科技平台,一站式輕鬆實現高彈性供應鏈物流管理台灣供應鏈物流市場擁有數以千計的貨運行,而多數傳統業者仍仰賴人工安排貨運、電話下單,造成回頭車出現空趟的狀況頻繁。而企業也往往需要透過不同的物流供應商來滿足漫長供應鏈的運送需求,不僅曠日費時,也消耗大量的人力資源,以致物流效率低落。 BBTruck 為企業與物流業者間打造資訊透明的供應鏈物流管理平台,將各種卡車大小、裝置、即時訂單、承載量、地址等運輸能力關鍵資料進行全面整合。當企業透過 BBTruck 平台下單後,平台便會運用大數據分析自動調撥條件最符合的運輸車隊,直接媒合當前可提供運送服務的空車,讓物流資源的運作效益最大化,創造客戶與物流業者的雙贏局面。目前 BBTruck 已成功減少高達近八成(75%)的空車率,在下單與追貨效率方面,更是幫助客戶提升四成之多,大幅優化物流成本。 BBTruck 的供應鏈與物流科技平台,也為企業建構完整的即時雲端數據中台,使企業能隨時透過直觀的用戶界面進行運力數據監控,追蹤並掌握貨物的運送狀態與路線。BBTruck 平台便捷的 API 集成介面具備完善的資料交換架構,更可完美整合多承運商、多車行,企業物流人員只要透過平台,即可一站式完成下單、追蹤運送狀態、取得電子化單據,現階段已能成功節省原先需耗時長達 5 至 6 天的人力成本,打造更加輕鬆高效的物流旅程。 低碳轉型刻不容緩!BBTruck 以創新科技推動綠色運送革命,助供應鏈佈局淨零賽局在全球 2050 邁向淨零碳排的關鍵趨勢下,物流環節如何實踐永續也成為重中之重。BBTruck 深知物流和運力的浪費對永續的影響,故將永續視為企業核心,除持續透過創新科技精準計算和調撥運力減少浪費外,更希望讓物流旅程兼顧效率與永續,協助供應鏈佈局淨零賽局。BBTruck 平台目前已通過 ISO14067 產品碳足跡認證,可透過大數據的運力分析有效提升運送效率、減少碳足跡,助企業建立碳中和的物流運送服務,實現供應鏈的永續發展。 BBTruck 亦持續深化其物流數據碳盤查方法與應用,企業透過 BBTruck 下單完成供應鏈物流運送後,即可同步取得溫室氣體盤查議定書(GHG protocol)內「範疇三(間接溫室氣體碳排放)」的外部物流商碳排數據來自行運用,助企業加速永續轉型,在綠色供應鏈搶佔先機。展望未來,BBTruck 將持續利用創新科技提高運送效率,透過精準計算和調撥運力來減少碳排放,攜手全球企業一同推動綠色運送革命,打造永續未來。

文章來源 : 香港商霍夫曼公關顧問股份有限公司 發表時間 : 瀏覽次數 : 2175 加入收藏 :
BBTruck Extends Pre-series A Funding to Over $6 Million to Drive Global Expansion

New funding to invest in product development, talent acquisition, and global expansion, advancing supply chain sustainability TAIPEI, Aug. 7, 2024 /PRNewswire/ -- BBTruck, a global leader in supply chain and logistics technology, announces the successful closure of its pre-series A funding round. Spearheaded by Oasis Venture, H2U Corp., and StarWorks Entrepreneurial Venture Capital, this round has brought BBTruck's total funding to $6.5 million. BBTruck Extends Pre-series A Funding to Over $6 Million to Drive Global Expansion This new capital infusion will accelerate BBTruck's global market expansion, particularly in North America and Southeast Asia, and bolster product development and talent acquisition initiatives. BBTruck aims to revolutionize supply chain logistics with its cutting-edge technology, aspiring to create a comprehensive global logistics technology ecosystem. "From day one, BBTruck envisions a global logistics technology ecosystem that ensures flexibility and efficiency. We are excited to have the support of such esteemed investors as we embark on this next phase of growth," said Steven Chou, CEO and co-founder of BBTruck. "This funding will enable us to enhance our technology offerings and expand our presence in key markets, allowing us to better serve our clients and fully transform the logistics industry." Building a Global Logistics Technology Ecosystem Founded in 2019, BBTruck addresses the fragmentation and integration challenges inherent in traditional logistics. The company offers a one-stop B2B supply chain logistics platform that enables precise capacity calculation and allocation. BBTruck's platform aims to make logistics management more transparent and efficient. To date, BBTruck has served over 50 international enterprises across diverse industries, including top server providers, renowned Japanese automation and electronics manufacturers, global tire industry giant, major Japanese international logistics brand, and Taiwan's top home delivery service. The pre-series A funding will enable BBTruck to focus on three key areas – accelerating expansion into North America and Southeast Asia, including Vietnam, Malaysia, Singapore, Thailand, and Indonesia; enhancing technical capabilities in capacity data analysis and integration; and recruiting top talent to grow its team. The company aims to build a transparent and shared global logistics ecosystem that provides enterprises greater flexibility in managing their supply chain logistics. Innovative Solutions for Enhanced Logistics Efficiency and Flexibility Taiwan's logistics sector suffers from inefficiencies due to reliance on manual processes and phone orders, leading to frequent empty return trips. BBTruck bridges this gap with its transparent logistics management platform, which integrates crucial data on truck sizes, devices, real-time orders, capacity, and addresses. By leveraging big data analysis, BBTruck's platform automatically allocates the most suitable transport fleet, maximizing logistics resource efficiency, cutting empty truck rates by nearly 75% and improving order placement and cargo tracking efficiency by over 40%, resulting in significant cost savings for customers. Additionally, BBTruck offers a real-time cloud data center that lets enterprises monitor capacity data, track shipments, and view routes via an intuitive user interface. The platform's API integration facilitates seamless data exchange across multiple carriers and freight companies, streamlining orders placement, shipments tracking, and document retrieval from a single interface. This integration significantly reduces manpower costs and enhances the overall logistics experience. Championing Sustainable Logistics In line with the global goal to achieve net-zero carbon emissions by 2050, BBTruck is dedicated to promoting sustainable logistics. Acknowledging the environmental impact of logistics and capacity waste, BBTruck employs innovative technology to drive efficiency and sustainability. Certified under Taiwan's ISO 14067 standard for product carbon footprint, the BBTruck platform utilizes big data to optimize transport efficiency and reduce carbon footprints, assisting enterprises in achieving carbon-neutral logistics and fostering sustainable supply chain development." BBTruck is also advancing its logistics data carbon auditing, allowing enterprises using its solution to access carbon emission data for external logistics providers under Scope 3 of the GHG Protocol. This facilitates their transition to greener practices and offers a competitive advantage in sustainable supply chains. Looking ahead, BBTruck will continue to harness innovative technology to enhance transportation efficiency, reduce carbon emissions, and promote sustainability in logistics, paving the way for a more sustainable future. About BBTruck Founded in 2019, BBTruck is a pioneering one-stop platform for supply chain and logistics technology. Our mission is to build a transparent, shared global logistics ecosystem that simplifies supply chain management. As a leader in logistics technology, BBTruck uses cutting-edge solutions for precise capacity calculation and allocation, ensuring efficient, flexible, and sustainable logistics. Since launch, BBTruck has served over 50 top-tier enterprises in technology, healthcare, international logistics, and retail. BBTruck is also the first to achieve carbon-neutral transportation, driving the green logistics revolution and advancing toward a zero-carbon future. For more information, visit BBTruck's official website: https://bbtruck.cc/index_en.html 

文章來源 : PR Newswire 美通社 發表時間 : 瀏覽次數 : 598 加入收藏 :
2024 年 10 月 5 日 (星期六) 農曆九月初三日
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