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全台最大通訊門市優惠來襲!AirPods 第3代享8折、OPPO Reno8 59折限定!

  暑假即將接近尾聲,傑昇通信推出限時優惠,8/24至8/27日止,各大熱銷品牌手機優惠通通有,AirPods 第3代享8折優惠、Sony Xperia 1 V現省7,000,以及OPPO Reno8獨家下殺59折,還有iPad Air五代、三星、紅米等人氣手機的購機折扣,趕快筆記起來,替荷包省一波吧!另外,8/27(日)當天也邀請到樂天女孩凱莉絲及慧慧,降臨傑昇通信中壢延平門市擔任一日店長,粉絲們把握機會跟樂天女神近距離接觸。   iPhone 14大降價 現在購入最超值   開學日倒數,滿18歲的你,當然不能錯過可以自行購買手機的福利,全台最大連鎖通訊門市─傑昇通信大放優惠,從Apple開始,特別祭出最深的折扣優惠回饋果粉,包含iPhone 14(256GB)最高現折3,810元、iPhone 14 Plus(128GB)特價27,890元,以及AirPods第三代加購保護套後,就可以用4,790元的優惠價換購;不過要提醒活動期間,要留意各家門市現貨,每人限購一只,數量有限,售完為止。   美背輕旗艦OPPO Reno8 免萬元帶回家!   安卓機的優惠更多,傑昇通信表示,搭載聯發科天璣1300處理器的OPPO Reno8,採用石墨及VC液冷散熱系統,具備4,500mAh雙電芯電池,快充也支援80W,傑昇通信端午連假活動買12GB/256GB規格,獨家下殺59折,只要9,990元;還有一開賣就銷量翻倍的Sony Xperia 1 V(12GB/256GB),指定卡其綠款,開學前空機直降7,000元,讓你相機、手機兩者兼得,想換旗艦機趕緊趁勢買起來。   Galaxy A54、紅米10 限時特惠震撼開賣   超越前代的神機三星Galaxy A54(6GB/128GB),配備6.4吋螢幕,加上優異的OIS光學防手震效能、5千萬畫素三鏡頭相機及5,000mAh大電量,活動期間傑昇通信限時優惠價免萬元,只要9,490元;另一款以高CP值手機聞名的紅米,5G版的紅米10(6GB/128GB),定價五千有找,還具有紅外線遙控等實用配置,暑假期間更優惠,門市空機特價4,990元,深受小資族和學生們喜愛。     把握暑假最後一周與女神近距離接觸,8/27(日)當天下午13:30,傑昇通信邀請樂天女孩凱莉絲、慧慧親臨中壢延平店,擔任一日店長與粉絲們互動同樂,不僅有女孩們的熱舞表演,還能跟與最美樂天女神合影,一起抓住夏天的尾巴;活動當天,粉絲可提前於11:30進場,購買任一配件,並完成Google五星評論與加入傑昇通信中壢延平店Ocard會員等指定任務,就能獲得與兩位女神合照或簽名資格喔。

文章來源 : 束酷科技媒體股份有限公司 發表時間 : 瀏覽次數 : 2946 加入收藏 :
地標網通進駐瑞豐夜市 祭出三星手機、AirPods Pro 2、F1賽車自由行等多項破盤價商品

台灣知名手機連鎖通路品牌地標網通,今宣布高雄瑞豐店將於5月12日(五)盛大開幕,此次與hoda聯合邀請選美皇后金莎擔任地標網通一日店長,並祭出三星S23 Ultra、Samsung A54 等熱門手機一元起標、AirPods Pro 2限量1.4折等多項破盤價商品給高雄在地民眾搶便宜。   地標網通以大盤批發價直供給消費者,其具競爭力的空機價格與誠信獲得許多顧客的青睞,是PTT和Dcard上最多網友會主動推薦的手機購買管道。地標網通總經理游家佑表示:「地標網通從未忘記初衷,堅持提供給顧客最實惠的手機價格和貼心的服務。許多老客人近幾年因工作南漂,向我們許願到高雄展店,於是今年地標網通進駐前鎮瑞隆及熱鬧的瑞豐夜市,以就近服務長期支持我們的老顧客。」   在地標網通購買三星旗艦機,直接享有大盤批發空機價,以S23 Ultra 512GB為例,可現省7400元; Samsung Galaxy Z Fold 4也現省超過1萬3千元。開幕當天購買指定三星旗艦機不只直接送HEPA智能空氣清淨機 (價值$2,990),還有機會抽中價值11萬的日本鈴鹿一級方程式賽車雙人自由行!購買三星A54或A34,也直接送電動研磨咖啡杯 (價值$900)。   最受期待的優惠還有「一元起標」多款萬元以上三星熱門產品,包含Samsung S23 Ultra (原價40,900元) 、Samsung Galaxy Watch5 Pro (原價15,990元)  、Samsung A54 (原價13,990元) 、Samsung A53 (原價15,990元)等。 為慶祝地標網通高雄瑞豐店熱鬧開幕,當日邀請高人氣甜美名模「金莎」來到地標網通高雄瑞豐店擔任一日店長與地標顧客近距離互動,並抽出10名幸運粉絲與金莎合照簽名,爭取和金莎近距離合照的抽獎辦法是當日在店內消費hoda的產品滿$499。 此外業者還特地準備多項破盤優惠好禮,邀請廣大高雄民眾共襄盛舉。開幕優惠活動包括到店前100名顧客可免費獲得一捲品牌衛生紙(6包X200抽)、購機或辦門號享1折加購原廠配件,並以破盤價限量提供Apple AirPods Pro 2代、三星耳機Samsung Buds2 Pro最低可以1.4折購得。 此次開幕好禮相當豐富,手機空機以批發價直供也相當吸引人,近期有購買母親節禮物需求的民眾,不妨趁機到地標網通撿便宜。   地標網通高雄瑞豐店開幕禮詳細資訊:https://www.landtop.com.tw/reviews/241 地標網通官網:https://www.landtop.com.tw/  

文章來源 : 地標網通 發表時間 : 瀏覽次數 : 5892 加入收藏 :
遠傳friDay購物花young女神節今起跑 百貨專櫃美妝組下殺3折起 下單就抽AirPods 3

為歡慶下週38女神節,遠傳friDay購物今(1日)宣布即起推出「花young女神節」促銷,百貨專櫃保養彩妝品、美容家電同步下殺3折起,還有滿額抽施華洛士奇項鍊,刷遠傳friDay聯名卡最高回饋30%等好康優惠,同步推出「超級會員盛典」指定館別下單不限金額還能抽AirPods 3!遠傳friDay購物觀察女性不但網購頻次高於男性,帳時逾9成偏好以信用卡支付,且有92%信用卡用戶喜歡一次付清,顯示女性消費力不可小覷。   遠百、SOGO專櫃獨家美妝組同步登場 下殺3折起  據遠傳friDay購物內部統計,日常生活消費品、美食與3C家電是2021全年女性消費者投注最多預算的三大品類,每次平均客單價約落於2,600~2,800元之間,但消費頻次高,顯示女性更會利用網購免搬送貨到家、價格實惠優勢,也多半是家中最重要採購決策者。 也觀察到逢女神節、母親節、周年慶等美妝大檔,美妝保養品業績都會異軍突起,不輸前三大品類,遠傳friDay購物即起至3/16推出「花young女神節」,主打各式寵愛女性商品,包含與同集團遠東百貨、SOGO同步推出獨家彩妝保養組,最低下殺3折起,保證原廠正貨直送,像BOBBI BROWN晶鑽美唇小資組獨家買1送5,買明星護唇膏正貨送3支迷你唇膏、小容量乳霜與眼霜,下殺3折、只要1,100元。 法國DARPHIN「小粉紅」全效舒緩精華液30ml獨家送正貨全效舒緩化粧水200ml;BIOTHERM碧兒泉奇蹟活源精露,也獨家推買1送7只要2,250元、不到6折價。另女神必囤貨SK-II 青春露230ml買就送活膚霜15ml,總價值7,300元,優惠價5,625元。   超級會員盛典同步登場 美容、家電下殺1折起 遠傳friDay購物在整個3月份也同步推出「超級會員盛典」優惠,各式家電、3C都有超值優惠,美容健身商品更下殺1折起,千萬不可錯過!吹風機界的精品Dyson Supersonic吹風機,原價14,600元,獨家再送德國百靈美體刀與Sunbeam電熱毯,讓女神們隨時從頭美到腳。Amazfit GTS智能運動心率智慧手錶,能在運動時隨時監控健身成效,維持完美體態,優惠價2,995元;若臨時出門需要快速整理衣物展現優雅一面, 遠傳friDay獨家「送禮館」服務試營運期間免費提供精美包裝和客製賀卡,送閨密、安太座都誠意十足,也應景推出多樣促銷,像是KINYO二合一手持式蒸氣殺菌掛燙機只要1,280元,就可將衣物整理至最佳狀態!健身大師-U型隨身按摩枕無論身處何處都可隨時輕度按摩,活動優惠價588元、只要1折價。   信用卡付款回饋多 遠傳friDay聯名卡最高回饋30% 據觀察,遠傳friDay購物站上女性消費者多偏好以信用卡結帳,比例高達9成!其中又有92%的信用卡用戶喜歡一次付清,推測應為使用信用卡除了本身會員點數回饋外,還有信用卡回饋可搭配使用,省上加省。 3月1日起至3月31日止,凡使用friDay購物聯名卡消費,即可享最高回饋30%及Happy Go滿額最高贈千點再抽萬點大獎;若刷台北富邦信用卡,選擇富邦樂分期活動,最高也可獲得現金回饋1,000元。 另外站上還推出指定館別消費滿額888元,抽施華洛世奇水晶玫瑰金色項鍊(價值3,188元)與新會員滿額抽Dyson空氣清淨機的優惠活動,指定館別下單不限金額還能抽AirPods 3,讓整個3月充滿自信女神的光芒!  

文章來源 : UPR 發表時間 : 瀏覽次數 : 5965 加入收藏 :
SKINARMA drops street style-inspired iPhone 16 cases featuring mecha, cyberpunk, industrial themes and more

SINGAPORE - Media OutReach Newswire - 25 September 2024 - Singapore-based lifestyle brand SKINARMA has unveiled its newest iPhone case collection following the iPhone 16 release. Reintroducing old favorites and debuting fresh designs, the latest lineup explores themes inspired by mecha, cyberpunk, industrial and minimalist aesthetics, capturing the world’s growing fascination with futuristic design. Each case is fashioned to complement and highlight the updated iPhone 16 features. It's here. A whole new era of modern protective and functional cases designed for your new iPhone 16. Shop the full collection on our webstore now : www.skinarma.com “We see the launch of each new iPhone as the ultimate opportunity to show off what we do best,” SKINARMA Fashion Director, Darren Tan said. “With our new iPhone 16 collection, we wanted to explore new ways to integrate art and fashion into our tech accessories. Many of the designs feature a blend of futuristic details and retro elements while keeping protection and functionality at the core of all our cases.” EKHO iPhone 16 Casing The latest case collection showcases styles that cater to diverse streetwear enthusiasts. Whether it’s the cybernetic feel of techwear, the clean modernity of minimalism, or the visuals of tough and robust hardware, the brand looks to capture varied streetwear tastes, all in the name of self-expression. Two of the newest additions, AXON and NOVA, spotlight modern silhouettes topped off with iPhone’s proprietary MagSafe technology for wireless power transfers. These clean designs camouflage the often rugged all-round protection found in protective phone cases. With air-pocket corner protection, raised screen edges and lens guards, both cases enable iPhones to survive falls of up to 8 feet. MECHA iPhone 16 Casing MECHA, a highlight in the range, brandishes a retro-futuristic design with a smooth, matte finish and metallic detailing on top of protective capabilities. The case is an ode to the early 2000s, with its mech-tech construction also resonant in its matching AirPods Pro case and upcoming 2-in-1 Apple Watch case and strap. SAIDO NITEGLOW Mag-Charge Casing A special mention goes to SAIDO, which gets a glow-in-the-dark edition and metallic accents in its upgraded PRIME version to match with the titanium finishes of the iPhone 16 Pro series. The clear and black-tinted cases even feature interchangeable side buttons, letting individuals dial up their personalization. With the release of the iPhone 16 case collection, encompassing the iPhone 16, Plus, Pro, and Pro Max series, SKINARMA aims to showcase their unwavering commitment to synergizing technology and style. Adopting bold creative freedom as a lifestyle, the brand has also launched an exclusive series, Between the Spaces, to highlight local musicians, tattoo artists, fashion designers, and more through behind-the-scenes glimpses. “Challenging conventions and embracing bold expression have always been in SKINARMA’s DNA”, SKINARMA Co-Founder and Managing Director, Andy Wong said. “Empowering the future with fashion-forward gear inspired by the legacy of the past, allowing people to showcase their identity, is the natural way forward for our brand.” Explore SKINARMA’s iPhone 16 case collection now available via their website. Sign up for their mailing list for 10% off your next purchase, plus exclusive access to special offers and new launches. For more updates, follow SKINARMA on Instagram, Facebook and TikTok. But the classics remained cherished. Fan favorites like EKHO, HELIO and KIRA KOBAI are receiving a fresh facelift with SKINARMA’s latest features, designed specifically for the iPhone 16. The brand’s technology has enabled precise cutouts for the new capture button, with the cases now including interchangeable corner bumper lanyard loops for easy carrying and added peace of mind. Hashtag: #skinarmahttps://skinarma.com/https://www.facebook.com/Skinarma/https://www.instagram.com/skinarma/https://www.tiktok.com/@skinarma.official/SKINARMASKINARMA, a Singapore-based fashion-forward tech brand, offers streetwear-inspired accessories like iPhone, MacBook and AirPods cases, along with bags and apparel. Since its launch in 2018, the brand has built a dedicated following in cities such as Shanghai, Tokyo, Bangkok and Dubai. With community and culture at the heart of their designs, SKINARMA aims to rewrite the intersection of fashion, technology and art.

文章來源 : Media OutReach Limited 發表時間 : 瀏覽次數 : 365 加入收藏 :
Introducing ESR's New-Generation Stash Stand Cases for iPhone 16 Series

Renowned and award-winning ESR Stash Stand Cases seamlessly combine style, functionality, and durability, allowing iPhone users to protect devices without compromising on design. WILMINGTON, Del., Sept. 9, 2024 /PRNewswire/ -- ESR, an award-winning brand and the top-selling MagSafe accessories brand on Amazon, is excited to announce the launch of its latest iPhone 16 cases, based on its award-winning Stash Stand design. The new lineup features the Classic Hybrid Case with Stash Stand, Cloud Soft Case with Stash Stand, and the all-new Cyber Tough Case with Stash Stand. Pair these cases with the Armorite® Screen Protector for unmatched device protection. Introducing ESR’s New-Generation Stash Stand Cases for iPhone 16 Series "Stash Stand is a revolutionary phone case by ESR, offering an improved viewing experience while charging wirelessly with MagSafe," said Tim Wu, ESR's CEO. "In today's world, our smartphones are essential for work and leisure. With MagSafe's popularity and increased video viewing, a case enhancing both is a game-changer. That's where Stash Stand comes in." Unlimited MagSafe, Ultimate Protection Designed specifically for the iPhone 16 series, ESR's Stash Stand collection redefines what a phone case can offer. Featuring a sleek design and a slim yet durable build, this provides reliable protection without compromising on fast MagSafe charging speeds. The standout feature is the ingeniously designed stand that seamlessly folds around the camera module. When not in use, it sits flush against the case, doubling as a protective camera guard, ensuring zero obstruction when using MagSafe accessories like chargers, wallets, or power banks. When needed, the stand unfolds effortlessly, transforming into a sturdy kickstand with adjustable viewing angles from 15° to 85°—perfect for hands-free viewing, streaming, gaming, or video calls. This clever design allows complete functionality without compromising the slim profile or MagSafe compatibility. Classic Hybrid Case with Stash Stand: Combining sleek design with ultimate durability, this case features a slim 1.6 mm back and a shock-absorbing structure that exceeds military-grade protection standards. Air Guard corners, a 1.2 mm raised screen edge, and 0.7 mm camera guard protect your iPhone 16 from every angle. Available in 6 colors on Amazon now. Cloud Soft Case with Stash Stand: Crafted from premium liquid silicone, this case offers a luxurious feel with superior protection. Its 5-layer structure withstands drops from up to 11 feet, and the strong 1,400-g magnetic lock guarantees a secure fit. Available in 5 colors on Amazon now. Cyber Tough Case with Stash Stand: Engineered with a robust 3-layer design, this case is the ultimate in drop protection, withstanding impacts from heights up to 23 feet. A strong 1,500-g magnetic lock—more than double the strength of most Apple MagSafe cases—keeps your device secure in any scenario. Available in 8 colors on Amazon now. Armorite® Screen Protector with UltraFit Tray To complement the Stash Stand cases, ESR introduces the Armorite® Screen Protector, crafted from ultra-strong 9H glass with a triple-strengthening process that withstands up to 110 lb of edge pressure. The innovative UltraFit tray ensures a perfect fit with automatic dust removal and electrostatic adsorption, making applying easier than ever. In addition to cases and screen protectors for the new iPhone 16 series, ESR offers a range of other protective solutions for the new AirPods 4. The Cyber FlickLock Case (HaloLock) features an innovative magnetic opening mechanism, allowing for effortless one-handed operation with their staggered magnet alignment, while the Orbit Hybrid Case (HaloLock) provides powerful drop protection with its 1,100g magnetic lock lid to keep AirPods safe and protected. Pricing and Availability The ESR Stash Stand cases for the iPhone 16 series—Classic Hybrid Case, Cloud Soft Case, and Cyber Tough Case—are available for purchase today, starting at $18.99. Explore ESR's entire iPhone 16 collection, along with its range of MagSafe chargers and accessories on ESR's official website or Amazon. Image Gallery The full press kit can be found Here. For more information on ESR, review sample requests, or additional assets, reach out to media@esrgear.com. About ESR: 15 Years of Trusted Reputation Founded in 2009, now with a user base of 100 million people worldwide, ESR is a leading brand of tech accessories. From cases that do more than protect to wireless chargers that reimagine what's possible with MagSafe, we're on a mission to make tech easier to use.

文章來源 : PR Newswire 美通社 發表時間 : 瀏覽次數 : 202 加入收藏 :
UGREEN Introduces New Accessories to Elevate the iPhone 16 Series Experience

SHENZHEN, China, Sept. 6, 2024 /PRNewswire/ -- UGREEN, a global leader in consumer electronics and charging technology, is excited to introduce its latest accessories, tailored towards a wide range of iPhone models. This collection features advanced charging solutions and protective cases, all meticulously crafted to enhance the iPhone experience, including the latest iPhone 16 lineup. Leading the collection is the UGREEN Uno 65W GaN Fast Charger, a powerful and efficient charger that supports fast charging for up to three devices simultaneously. In just 30 minutes, this charger can power an iPhone 15 Pro up to 60% or a MacBook Air M2 to 55%*, making it a must-have for users on the go. The UGREEN Uno 65W features the advanced Thermal Guard™ System, offering millisecond temperature detection to prevent overheating, overcharging and excessive current, ensuring safe and reliable charging every time. Another highlight is the UGREEN 10000mAh Magnetic Wireless Charging Power Bank. This portable power bank is designed for iPhone users who need reliable power throughout the day. With a capacity of 10000mAh, it can wirelessly charge an iPhone 15 up to 1.8 times, providing ample power for daily use. The power bank also supports 7.5W max magnetic wireless charging and includes a Type C to Type C cord, making it compatible with the iPhone 12 to15 series. UGREEN also provides 360° protection for both the camera and screen through its range of phone cases, ensuring the device remains safe from daily wear and tear. The phone case also features a portable holder for added convenience, making it easy to carry or hang the device as needed. Finally, the 2-in-1 Foldable Wireless Charger Magnetic for iPhone Series rounds out the collection. This versatile charger allows users to charge their iPhone and AiRpods simultaneously. With Qi2 certification, it provides 15W of wireless charging power for iPhones, offering greatly improved efficiency compared to standard chargers. Its compact and foldable design makes it ideal for use at home, in the office, or while traveling. These new accessories from UGREEN are designed to meet the evolving needs of iPhone users, combining functionality with convenience. To place an order, please visit: Malaysia: Shopee, Lazada, TikTok.Singapore: Shopee, Lazada, TikTok.Philippines: Shopee, Lazada, TikTok.Vietnam: Shopee, Lazada, TikTok.Thailand: Shopee, Lazada, TikTok. *Data from internal tests; results may vary in different environments and conditions.

文章來源 : PR Newswire 美通社 發表時間 : 瀏覽次數 : 192 加入收藏 :
2024 年 10 月 5 日 (星期六) 農曆九月初三日
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