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符合「AIOE」新聞搜尋結果, 共 8 篇 ,以下為 1 - 8 篇 訂閱此列表,掌握最新動態
Asian Industrial Online Exhibition 2023 Grand Opening

TAIPEI, TAIWAN - Media OutReach - 17 March 2023 - Asian Industrial Online Exhibition (AIOE 2023) is a virtual and physical integration targeting Asian suppliers, importers, and exporters. It will be exhibited from March 17 – June 30, 2023 and is expected to bring an excellent opportunity for exhibitors to expose their brands. This transnational trade event, jointly organized by AsianNet and TradeAsia (www.e-tradeasia.com), will be held once a year starting in 2022. In terms of quality and quantity, there are satisfactory results. In 2023, we will expand the scale. During the three-month extension period, there will be in line with the show schedules of Taipei International Machine Tool Show (TIMTOS), Global Industrie, Hannover Messe and Manufacturing World Japan Tokyo to create group momentum. It is convenient for international buyers to visit and compare in one purchase. TradeAsia, the organizer of the Asian Industrial Online Exhibition (AIOE 2023), invited dozens of Taiwanese suppliers of Industrial to participate in the exhibition. Top-notch brands such as KINGDOM ABRASIVE, TW GRANDEUR, ZITAI PRECISION, FAIR OAKS PRECISION, ASCCO INTERANATIONAL, SAN SHING, SCANO INDUSTRIAL, U-CAN, UNITRONIC, KINFUREN INDUSTRIAL, TIAN CHERNG, WELL SHYANG, HIGHGRADE TECH, OAV, GOOD OPPORTUNITY, CHUEN CHARNG, REKROW, CHU-SHIANG, LUJU, SHANG-YUH, KINGDOM, AQUAS are all gearing up to showcase their newest products. Manufacturers and product categories have covered Grinding Wheel, Sanding Disc, Packaging Machine, Mixing Equipment, Cold Chamber Die Casting Machine, Gravity Casting Machine, High Speed Precision Press Machine, High Speed Feeder, Gear, Screw, Hand Tools, Heavy Duty Precision Lathe, Big Spindle Bore Heavy Duty Precision Lathe, Valve, Pneumatic Component, Rubber Process Analyzer, Mooney Viscometer, Rewinding Machine, Precision Mini-Type Welding Machines, Investment Casting Parts, Lost Wax Casting Parts, Carton Sealer, Erector, Kneader Mixer, Rubber Extruder, Computer Workstation, LCD Monitor Stand, Edge Bander, Panel Saw, Band Saw, Consumer Power Supply, Customized Power Supply Solution, PET Preforms, Bottle Preform, Injection Molds, Pressure Gauge, Thermometer, Steel Balls, Butane Micro Torch, Micro Burner, Powder Metallurgy Products, Gear Design And Production, Industrial Hardware, Marine Hardware, VACUUM EMULSIFY MIXER, NAUTA MIXER, Water Quality Analyzers, Smart Water Solutions, Rotary Die and Rotary Die Cutter with thousands of the latest products, tools, and equipment on display. It can be said to be rich and professional. AIOE 2023 Online Exhibition: https://www.etradeasia.com/online-show/21/Asian-Industrial-Online-Exhibition-2023.html Although the Covid-19 epidemic is gradually slowing down, European and American countries have gradually unblocked. However, the international flow of people still needs to recover. Traditional exhibitions have significantly been hindered. At this time, online activities have become mainstream. The Asian Industrial Online Exhibition (AIOE 2023) provides a variety of online exhibition solutions, including exhibition pages, electronic catalogs, or virtual exhibition halls, and connects products and exhibitor information with TradeAsia, so that even if international buyers are thousands of miles away, they can easily visit, they can further see the manufacturer's particular page and leave information simultaneously. TradeAsia (www.e-tradeasia.com) has provided B2B international trade services for buyers and sellers since 1997. It is the most experienced and professional trade platform in the world. We currently have millions of global members, more than 600,000 suppliers, and millions of the latest products. Thousands of professional buyers worldwide find products and contact sellers daily for business cooperation. TradeAsia is a significant trade promotion channel in Asia. TradeAsia has also established cooperative relationships with hundreds of trade entities worldwide, exchanging marketing promotion exposures. Therefore, suppliers have a good chance to spread information to global platforms or exhibition entities simultaneously. Through this effort, we will significantly increase participation with global marketing power. AIOE 2023 Online Exhibition will also be broadcast globally. The issuer is solely responsible for the content of this announcement.

文章來源 : Media OutReach Limited 發表時間 : 瀏覽次數 : 700 加入收藏 :
亞洲工業展覽會2023 盛大展出

台北2023年3月10日 /美通社/ -- 亞洲工業展覽會 (Asian Industrial Online Exhibition 2023, AIOE 2023) 虛實整合,以亞洲供應商及進出口商為對象,將在2023年03月17起展出至06月30日,預期將帶給參展廠商絕佳的品牌露出機會。這個由AsianNet 亞洲網路 / TradeAsia (www.e-tradeasia.com) 亞洲貿易網所聯合舉辦的跨國性貿易盛會,從2022年開始一年舉辦一次,已經締造了輝煌的成果,也為參展廠商帶進許多買家商機,無論在質與量上,都有令人滿意的成果。2023年我們將擴大舉辦,展期三個月之中,將配合Taipei International Machine Tool Show (TIMTOS) 台北國際工具機展、Global Industrie 法國全球工業展、Hannover Messe 德國漢諾威工業展及Manufacturing World Japan Tokyo 日本關東工業製造週時程,以創造群體聲勢,並方便國際買家多方參觀比較一次購足。 亞洲工業展覽會 (AIOE 2023) 的主辦方TradeAsia亞洲貿易網邀請數十家台灣工業相關供應商參展,廠商及產品分類涵蓋軸承、鑄造、成型加工、通用工業設備、通用機械部件、工業配套機械、機床、物料搬運設備、金屬加工機械、採礦冶金機械、其他機械及工業供應、印刷機械、標準模具部件、水暖五金、電力切割機、壓力測量儀器、溫濕度儀器、測試設備、工業平衡和稱重設備、機電元件、工業計算機及配件、電源、包裝設備及機械等大類,展出上千個最新產品及設備,可說是玲瑯滿目既專業又豐富。 展會專頁網址:https://www.etradeasia.com/online-show/21/Asian-Industrial-Online-Exhibition-2023.html 雖然 COVID-19的疫情逐漸趨緩,歐美各國已陸續解封,但是國際間的人員流動短時間仍然難以恢復,傳統型態的展會受到很大的阻礙,此時線上活動成了主流。亞洲工業展覽會(AIOE 2023)提供多樣態的線上展出方案,包括展會專頁、電子型錄或是虛擬展場,並將產品及參展廠商資料TradeAsia 亞洲貿易網串連,讓國際買家即使在千里之外,也能夠輕易地到訪參觀,不會受到人員旅行入關檢疫的影響,並進一步到廠商專頁深入拜訪,同時留下資料。 TradeAsia 亞洲貿易網 (www.etradeasia.com) 長期經營B2B國際貿易買家與賣家的媒合服務,是全球最資深專業的貿易平台,目前擁有數百萬的全球會員,六十多萬家供應商、以及數百萬最新的貿易商品,每天都有上千位來自全球各地的專業買家尋找商品及供應商,並連繫賣家進行業務合作,是亞洲非常重要的貿易推廣通路。 TradeAsia 亞洲貿易網也與全球數百個貿易實體建立合作關係,相互交換行銷推廣曝光。因此,在亞洲貿易網上線的供應商,將有機會同步到全球多個貿易平台或展會實體的宣傳頁面上,大幅增加國際行銷力量。此次的AIOE 2023,我們也將同步進行全球放送。

文章來源 : PR Newswire 美通社 發表時間 : 瀏覽次數 : 5710 加入收藏 :
Asian Industrial Online Exhibition 2023 Grand Opening

Asian Industrial Online Exhibition (AIOE 2023) is a virtual and physical integration targeting Asian suppliers, importers, and exporters. It will be exhibited from March 17 – June 30, 2023 and is expected to bring an excellent opportunity for exhibitors to expose their brands. This transnational trade event, jointly organized by AsianNet and TradeAsia (www.e-tradeasia.com), will be held once a year starting in 2022. In terms of quality and quantity, there are satisfactory results. In 2023, we will expand the scale. During the three-month extension period, there will be in line with the show schedules of Taipei International Machine Tool Show (TIMTOS), Global Industrie, Hannover Messe and the Manufacturing World Japan Tokyo to create group momentum. It is convenient for international buyers to visit and compare in one purchase. TradeAsia, the organizer of the Asian Industrial Online Exhibition (AIOE 2023), invited dozens of Taiwanese suppliers of Industrial to participate in the exhibition. Manufacturers and product categories have covered Bearing, Casting, Molding and Machining, General Industrial Equipment, General Mechanical Component, Industrial Supporting Machinery, Machine Tools, Material Handling Equipment, Metal Processing Machinery, Mining & Metallurgy Machinery, Other Machinery & Industrial Supply, Printing Machinery, Standard Mold & Die Component, Plumbing Hardware, Power Cutter, Pressure Measuring Instrument, Temperature & Humidity Instrument, Testing Equipment, Industrial Balances & Weighing Equipment, Electromechanical Component, Industrial Computer & Accessory, Power Supply, Packaging Equipment & Machinery with thousands of the latest products, tools, and equipment on display. It can be said to be rich and professional.   AIOE 2023 Online Exhibition: https://www.etradeasia.com/online-show/21/Asian-Industrial-Online-Exhibition-2023.html   Although the Covid-19 epidemic is gradually slowing down, Asia, European and American countries have gradually unblocked. However, the international flow of people is still difficult to recover in a short period of time. Traditional exhibitions have been greatly hindered. At this time, online activities have become mainstream. The Asian Industrial Online Exhibition (AIOE 2023) provides a variety of online exhibition rooms, including exhibition pages, electronic catalogs, or virtual exhibition halls, and connects products and exhibitor information with TradeAsia, so that even if international buyers are thousands of miles away, they can easily visit and will not be affected by the travel and quarantine of personnel. They can further visit the manufacturer's special pages and leave information at the same time.   TradeAsia (www.etradeasia.com) has provided B2B international trade services for buyers and sellers since 1997. It is the most experienced and professional trade platform in the world. We currently have millions of global members, more than 600,000 suppliers, and millions of the latest products. Thousands of professional buyers worldwide find products and contact sellers for business cooperation every day. TradeAsia is a significant trade promotion channel in Asia.   TradeAsia has also established cooperative relationships with hundreds of trade entities worldwide, exchanging marketing promotion exposures. Therefore, suppliers have a good chance to spread information to global platforms or exhibition entities simultaneously. By this effort, we will significantly increase participation with global marketing power AIOE 2023 Online Exhibition will also be broadcast globally.   News Contact: Doreen Chen Marketing Manager of TradeAsia 03-5770775 ext.221  

文章來源 : 台灣產經新聞網 發表時間 : 瀏覽次數 : 4776 加入收藏 :
亞洲工業展覽會Asian Industrial Online Exhibition 2023 盛大展出

亞洲工業展覽會 (Asian Industrial Online Exhibition 2023, AIOE 2023)虛實整合,以亞洲供應商及進出口商為對象,將在2023年03月17起展出至06月30日,預期將帶給參展廠商絕佳的品牌露出機會。這個由AsianNet 亞洲網路 / TradeAsia (www.e-tradeasia.com) 亞洲貿易網所聯合舉辦的跨國性貿易盛會,從2022年開始一年舉辦一次,已經締造了輝煌的成果,也為參展廠商帶進許多買家商機,無論在質與量上,都有令人滿意的成果。2023年我們將擴大舉辦,展期三個月之中,將配合Taipei International Machine Tool Show (TIMTOS) 台北國際工具機展、Global Industrie 法國全球工業展、Hannover Messe 德國漢諾威工業展及Manufacturing World Japan Tokyo 日本關東工業製造週時程,以創造群體聲勢,並方便國際買家多方參觀比較一次購足。   亞洲工業展覽會(AIOE 2023)的主辦方TradeAsia亞洲貿易網邀請數十家台灣工業相關供應商參展,廠商及產品分類涵蓋軸承、鑄造、成型加工、通用工業設備、通用機械部件、工業配套機械、機床、物料搬運設備、金屬加工機械、採礦冶金機械、其他機械及工業供應、印刷機械、標準模具部件、水暖五金、電力切割機、壓力測量儀器、溫濕度儀器、測試設備、工業平衡和稱重設備、機電元件、工業計算機及配件、電源、包裝設備及機械等大類,展出上千個最新產品及設備,可說是玲瑯滿目既專業又豐富。 展會專頁網址: https://www.etradeasia.com/online-show/21/Asian-Industrial-Online-Exhibition-2023.html   雖然 Covid-19的疫情逐漸趨緩,亞洲及歐美各國已陸續解封,但是國際間的人員流動短時間仍然難以完全恢復,傳統型態的展會仍然受到阻礙,此時線上活動成了主流。亞洲工業展覽會(AIOE 2023)提供多樣態的線上展出方案,包括展會專頁、電子型錄或是虛擬展場,並將產品及參展廠商資料TradeAsia 亞洲貿易網串連,讓國際買家即使在千里之外,也能夠輕易地到訪參觀,並進一步到廠商專頁深入拜訪,同時留下資料,不會受到人員旅行入關檢疫的影響。   TradeAsia 亞洲貿易網 (www.etradeasia.com) 長期經營B2B國際貿易買家與賣家的媒合服務,是全球最資深專業的貿易平台,目前擁有數百萬的全球會員,六十多萬家供應商、以及數百萬最新的貿易商品,每天都有上千位來自全球各地的專業買家尋找商品及供應商,並連繫賣家進行業務合作,是亞洲非常重要的貿易推廣通路。   TradeAsia 亞洲貿易網也與全球數百個貿易實體建立合作關係,相互交換行銷推廣曝光。因此,在亞洲貿易網上線的供應商,將有機會同步到全球多個貿易平台或展會實體的宣傳頁面上,大幅增加國際行銷力量。此次的AIOE 2023,我們也將同步進行全球放送。   新聞聯絡人: 陳榕鏸 TradeAsia 亞洲貿易網 行銷部經理 03-5770775 ext.221  

文章來源 : 台灣產經新聞網 發表時間 : 瀏覽次數 : 25966 加入收藏 :
2022亞洲工業線上展己結束, 瑩鴻貿易顯微鏡獲熱門詢問

由AsianNet 亞洲網路/ TradeAsia亞洲貿易網所聯合舉辦的亞洲工業線上展 (Asian Industrial Online Exhibition 2022,AIOE 2022) 在2022年5月30起盛大展出,展期三個月,至2022年8月31日止己圓滿結束。 在展會期間, TradeAsia亞洲貿易網邀請台灣專業工業類供應商參展,廠商及產品分類涵蓋機械設備、機械零組件、機械五金、包裝機械設備、軸承、電池、塑膠製造設備、電子零組件製造設備、發電機、工業電腦、工具類、工廠製造設備、空壓測試設備、無塵室設備、醫療用設備、鎖具、量測設備、線材、模具、螺絲螺帽、能源電力設備、一般工業設備等分類,展出上千個最新產品及工具,產品玲瑯滿目並獲得海外近12萬的人次的國際買家上線瀏覽商品,商機無限。   顯微鏡熱門產品在這裏,歡迎洽詢! NSW-20P Carton 雙眼式顯微鏡 SPZ-50P 雙眼式顯微鏡6.7x ~ 50x SPZT-50D-PGM 三眼式顯微鏡 DSZT-70PFLCarton 三眼式顯微鏡 DSZT-44FT Carton 三眼式顯微鏡  DSZ-44PF Carton 雙眼式顯微鏡  SPZH-135PC Carton 雙眼顯微鏡  Carton 小型正立像顯微鏡 Mitutoyo 量測顯微鏡(旋轉式鏡頭)   Mitutoyo 高倍率量測顯微鏡 Mitutoyo 量測顯微鏡(單鏡頭) Mitutoyo 顯微鏡 企業官網:https://www.ynghorng.com.tw/zh-tw 連絡電話:886-2-25976788 地址 : ( 10364 ) 台北市大同區承德路三段146號 聯絡信箱:ynghorng@ms29.hinet.net

文章來源 : AsianNet 亞洲網路 發表時間 : 瀏覽次數 : 8958 加入收藏 :
2022年亞洲工業線上展覽會展出商品豐富. 快來看看瑩鴻貿易量測檢驗設備

由AsianNet 亞洲網路/ TradeAsia亞洲貿易網所聯合舉辦的亞洲工業線上展 (Asian Industrial Online Exhibition 2022,AIOE 2022) 在2022年5月30起盛大展出,展期三個月,至2022年8月31日止。 TradeAsia亞洲貿易網邀請數十家台灣專業文具及辦公用品供應商參展,廠商及產品分類涵蓋機械設備、機械零組件、機械五金、包裝機械設備、軸承、電池、塑膠製造設備、電子零組件製造設備、發電機、工業電腦、工具類、工廠製造設備、空壓測試設備、無塵室設備、醫療用設備、鎖具、量測設備、線材、模具、螺絲螺帽、能源電力設備、一般工業設備等分類,展出上千個最新產品及工具,產品玲瑯滿目很值得買家訪問。亞洲貿易網重視實體與虛擬整合,我們在適當環境下,會邀請廠商一同實體展出,建立虛實整合的雙贏展會模式。 AIOE線上展會網址: https://www.etradeasia.com/online-show/5/Asian-Industrial-Online-Exhibition-2022.html 熱門詢問產品在這裏! FB系列IMADA指針式推拉力計 FGP系列SHIMPO電子式推拉力計 DST系列IMADA電子式推拉力計 AP系列ATTONIC指針式推拉力計 DSZT-44FT Carton 三眼式顯微鏡  DSZ-44PF Carton 雙眼式顯微鏡  SJ-210 三豐Mitutoyo 表面粗度機  2.5D手動影像量測儀(VMM系列) TS-I 中央精機I型鏡筒 TS-L 中央精機L型鏡筒 傾斜角90度 美國 DeFelsko PosiTector 6000膜厚計 德國 ElektroPhysik MiniTest 膜厚計 企業官網:https://www.ynghorng.com.tw/zh-tw 連絡電話:886-2-25976788 地址 : ( 10364 ) 台北市大同區承德路三段146號 聯絡信箱:ynghorng@ms29.hinet.net

文章來源 : AsianNet 亞洲網路 發表時間 : 瀏覽次數 : 6240 加入收藏 :
2025 年 1 月 18 日 (星期六) 農曆十二月十九日
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