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世界領先開放原始碼軟體解決方案供應商 Red Hat 近期宣布正式推出能橫跨混合雲環境的 Red Hat Enterprise Linux AI(RHEL AI)。作為 Red Hat 的基礎模型平台,RHEL AI 賦能使用者更無縫地開發、測試和執行生成式 AI(GenAI)模型,並驅動企業應用程式。此平台整合開源授權的 Granite 大型語言模型(LLM)系列和基於聊天機器人大規模對齊(Large-scale Alignment for chatBots,LAB)方法的 InstructLab 模型對齊工具,並以最佳化、可啟用的 RHEL 映像檔模式,支援跨混合雲的單一伺服器部署。 儘管生成式 AI 前景無限,然而採購、訓練和微調 LLM 的相關成本卻可能相當高昂,部分頂尖模型的訓練成本在上線前甚至高達近兩億美元。此金額尚未包含針對企業的特定需求或資料進行調整的成本,而此類調整通常需要資料科學家或高度專業的開發人員協助。效率和敏捷性對於實際生產環境中的 AI 功能至關重要,無論為特定應用程式選擇了何種模型,都需將模型對齊以符合企業特定的資料和流程。 Red Hat 副總裁暨基礎模型平台總經理 Joe Fernandes 表示:「若要讓生成式 AI 應用程式在企業中發揮真正的價值,便需開放給更多企業和使用者,並更貼近特定業務應用情境。資料科學家和領域專家皆能在混合雲環境中藉由 RHEL AI 為特殊用途的生成式 AI 模型做出貢獻,同時 IT 企業也能透過 Red Hat OpenShift AI 將這些模型擴展至生產環境中。」 Red Hat 相信在未來十年內,更小型、更有效率且為特定目的建置的 AI 模型,將與雲端原生應用程式一同成為企業 IT 堆疊的關鍵組合。為實現此目標,從成本、貢獻者至混合雲上的執行位置等各方面,生成式 AI 必須更容易存取和使用。過去幾十年來,藉由來自多元使用者族群的貢獻,開源社群已成功解決與複雜軟體問題相似的挑戰;此相同的模式同樣適用於生成式 AI,得以有效降低其採用的門檻。 生成式 AI 的開源方法 RHEL AI 欲解決的挑戰為:在混合雲環境中,CIO 和企業 IT 組織得以使用更易於存取、更有效率且更有彈性的生成式 AI。RHEL AI 可協助: 藉由企業級且開源授權的 Granite 模型驅動生成式 AI 創新,滿足各式各樣的生成式 AI 應用情境。 利用 InstructLab 工具簡化生成式 AI 模型與業務需求的對齊過程,讓企業中的領域專家和開發人員在不具備豐富的資料科學技能的情況下,也能為其模型貢獻特殊的專業技能和知識。 透過提供生產環境中伺服器所需的調整和模型部署相關的所有工具,無論相關資料位於何處,在混合雲的任何環境中皆可訓練和部署生成式 AI。RHEL AI 也提供與 Red Hat OpenShift AI 的匝道,開發人員得以在使用相同工具和概念下,大規模地訓練、調整和提供這些模型。 RHEL AI 同樣享有訂閱 Red Hat 所提供的服務,包含可信賴的企業級產品發行版、24 小時全天候生產環境支援、擴展模型生命週期支援和開放原始碼擔保的法律保護。 RHEL AI 擴充橫跨混合雲環境 對於支援生產型 AI 的策略而言,讓更一致的基礎模型平台更貼近企業資料的所在位置至關重要。RHEL AI 為 Red Hat 混合雲產品組合的延伸,涵蓋從地端資料中心、邊緣環境至公有雲等近乎所有的企業環境。這意味著客戶可直接從 Red Hat、Red Hat 原始設備製造商(original equipment manufacturer,OEM)合作夥伴取得 RHEL AI,並可運行於全球最大的雲端供應商上,包含 Amazon Web Services(AWS)、Google Cloud Platform(GCP)、IBM Cloud 和 Microsoft Azure,賦能開發人員和 IT 企業得以運用超大規模運算資源的力量,藉由 RHEL AI 建置創新的 AI 概念。 IBM Infrastructure 技術長暨創新總經理 Hillery Hunter 說明:「IBM 致力協助企業建置和部署高效的 AI 模型並加速其應用擴展。藉由 IBM Cloud 上的 RHEL AI,我們將開放原始碼創新推向採用生成式 AI 的重要位置,有助於更多企業和個人得以輕鬆取得、擴展和運用 AI 的力量。藉由 RHEL AI 整合 InstructLab 與 IBM Granite 模型系列的強大功能,我們正共同打造生成式 AI 模型,幫助客戶能夠在整個企業中推動實際業務成效。」 IDC DevOps 暨 DevSecOps 與軟體開發專案副總裁 Jim Mercer 表示:「企業級 AI 的優勢雖然強大,但同時也伴隨著 AI 模型規模龐大、選擇困難、調整與維護自建模型不易等固有的複雜性挑戰。更多使用者和企業得以藉由規模更小、專門建置且更廣泛存取的模型輕鬆實現 AI 策略,這正是 Red Hat 透過 RHEL AI 作為基礎模型平台致力解決的問題。」 服務提供狀態 RHEL AI 現已透過 Red Hat Customer Portal 正式上市,可支援地端環境或作為「自備訂閱式服務」(bring your own subscription,BYOS)上傳至 AWS 和 IBM Cloud 上。Azure 和 GCP 上的自備訂閱式服務產品計劃預計於 2024 年第四季度推出,RHEL AI 也預計將於今年稍晚於 IBM Cloud 上提供服務。 Red Hat 預計在未來幾個月進一步擴大 RHEL AI 雲端和 OEM 合作夥伴的範圍,為混合雲環境提供更多選擇。 額外資源 瞭解更多有關 Red Hat 和 Dell 對於共同驅動開放原始碼 AI 工作負載所做的努力 進一步了解 RHEL AI 閱讀更多 RHEL AI 如何嘗試簡化 LLM 的過程 觀看有關 RHEL AI 如何協助提升生成式 AI 存取性的影片 Red Hat 聯絡資訊 深入了解 Red Hat Red Hat Taiwan 官網 加入 Red Hat Taiwan Facebook 專頁 關注 Red Hat 新聞 閱讀 Red Hat 部落格 在 Red Hat Twitter / X 追蹤 Red Hat 在 YouTube 觀看 Red Hat 影片 在 LinkedIn 追蹤 Red Hat 關於 Red Hat Red Hat 是企業開放原始碼軟體解決方案的全球領導廠商,透過社群推動的方式,提供可靠、高效能的 Linux、混合雲、容器與 Kubernetes 技術。Red Hat 幫助客戶整合新舊 IT 應用服務、開發雲端原生應用、在業界領先的作業系統上進行標準化,並自動保護與管理複雜的作業環境。Red Hat 提供獲獎的支援、訓練與諮詢服務,是深受眾多財星五百大企業信賴的顧問公司。作為雲端服務供應商、系統整合商、應用程式開發商、客戶與開放原始碼社群的策略夥伴,Red Hat 能幫助企業為數位時代做好準備。 前瞻性聲明 除此處包含的歷史訊息和討論外,本新聞稿中包含的陳述可能符合美國 1995 年「私人證券訴訟改革法」所定義之前瞻性陳述。前瞻性陳述是基於公司現階段對未來業務和財務表現的假設。這些陳述涉及許多風險、不確定性和其他可能導致與實際結果出現重大差異的因素。本新聞稿中的任何前瞻性陳述僅在發布之日起生效。除法律要求外,Red Hat 公司不承擔更新或修訂任何前瞻性陳述的義務。 Red Hat、Red Hat Enterprise Linux、Red Hat logo 及 OpenShift 為 Red Hat 或其子公司在全球之商標或註冊商標。Linux® 為 Linus Torvalds 在全球的註冊商標。
BERLIN, Sept. 6, 2024 /PRNewswire/ -- Innovative technology brand TECNO is today showcasing its AIoT smart ecosystem at IFA Berlin 2024, demonstrating how its advanced products are paving the way for a better connected and more intelligent future. TECNO's theme at its exhibition booth is "Innovate for the Future", and its announcement of the new TECNO AI vision, plus pioneering devices like MEGABOOK T16 Pro 2024 Ultra, TECNO's first AI PC, TECNO MEGA MINI Gaming G1, the world's first water-cooling gaming mini PC, TECNO Pocket Go, the industry's first combined AR glasses and Windows gaming handheld set, the brand-new MEGABOOK K16S laptop, and much more, are taking center stage. The brand's comprehensive offering covering a diverse range of future usage scenarios is on display at H6.2a-113, Messe Berlin. TECNO’s IFA Stand With the prestigious exhibition this year celebrating its 100th anniversary, IFA Berlin 2024's theme of "Innovate for All" advocates for more inclusive and equal innovation, values which are shared by TECNO. Having first attended IFA in 2022, TECNO has always embraced a vision of bringing advanced technology to emerging markets, with the aim of creating more equal, connected and intelligent future lifestyles by developing pioneering AIoT technologies. "This year we are returning to IFA Berlin 2024 with an exciting collection of our powerful innovations for the future," said Jack Guo, General Manager of TECNO. "The development of a pioneering AIoT smart ecosystem has been a key pillar of our success to date, and now, with the integration of the even more advanced AI functionalities, we are looking forward to demonstrating the benefits it can bring to our users all around the world, today and in the future." TECNO AI Vision and TECNO's Newest AI Laptop Unveiled– Practical and Localized for Best Efficiency and Creativity TECNO is officially announcing its new AI strategy at IFA Berlin 2024, marking the brand's latest steps into the AI Era. By strengthening its commitment to bringing users the best experiences, TECNO AI vision brings a focus on delivering "Practical AI". TECNO believes that the most important quality of AI technology is that its integration into daily life can truly help consumers, improving quality of life and elevating efficiency. Moreover, TECNO is announcing further investment in this new differential AI strategy – with particular focus on both AI language localization and the integration of AI and local apps. TECNO is also revealing its first batch of new AI features at IFA. For example, the upgraded Ella AI Assistant provides helpful support in many ways, from answering complex questions to translation, text and file summaries and more. Meanwhile, real-time conversation translation functions allow users to enjoy more fluent cross-language communications, while AI Writing tools save users' time and effort. Meanwhile, AI Artboard enables users to turn text or scribbled down doodles into incredible images and AI Wallpaper Generation allows users to generate imaginative personalized wallpapers. Visitors can experience how the new suite of TECNO AI functions makes life more efficient, productive, convenient and fun, both at work and in day-to-day life, at TECNO's stand. TECNO is also showcasing its first AI PC, the MEGABOOK T16 Pro 2024 Ultra, which was debuted at MWC Barcelona 2024 earlier this year. It features an Intel® Core™ Ultra 7 processor for best-in-class AI experiences, performance, and battery life. With industry-lead 99Wh battery size and options for up to 32GB of LPDDR5 RAM and 1TB storage, the MEGABOOK T16 Pro 2024 Ultra excels in delivering exceptional performance and AI capabilities like Al Image Generation and Al Copilot. TECNO MEGA MINI Gaming G1 and Pocket Go AR Gaming Set – Gaming Experiences of the Future Gaming fans at IFA can learn about TECNO's cutting-edge gaming devices, including the TECNO MEGA MINI Gaming G1, the World's Smallest Water-Cooling Gaming Mini PC, and Pocket Go, the world's most compact Windows handheld with AR experience. TECNO's MEGA MINI Gaming G1 is an ultra-compact device with a sleek all-metal body and a striking RGB lighting design that encompasses the PC's whisper-quiet cooling pump. Delivering the rush of super smooth gameplay, the mini PC is powered by an Intel® Core™ i9-13900H processor and Turbo Boost for speeds of up to 5.4 GHz. A dedicated NVIDIA GeForce RTX™ 4060 graphics card and Ada Lovelace architecture ensures hyper-realistic gameplay, enabling next-level gaming without taking up precious desk space. Moreover, exhibition attendees seeking memorable tech moments can enjoy TECNO Pocket Go – a groundbreaking Windows AR gaming set that combines AR glasses and an AR Windows handheld for the first time to create unparalleled 6D gaming at TECNO's stand. They can get hands-on with the world's most compact Windows handheld, which is 50% smaller and 30% lighter than standard Windows gaming handhelds, and the AR Pocket Vision headset, which is equipped with a 0.71-inch Micro-OLED screen that emulates a 215-inch television from six meters away. Advanced AI head-tracking and vibration algorithms add to the thrill, while a 50Wh replaceable battery and a high-performance processor delivers professional high-FPS AAA gaming on the move. Diverse AIoT Devices and Accessories – Making the Future Lifestyle a Now Reality TECNO is also showcasing its comprehensive AIoT product ecosystem at IFA, including its robotic dog, laptops, earphones and more. TECNO diverse AIoT smart ecosystem creates powerful experiences for global users TECNO's exploration of futuristic technologies is shaping new experiences that once only seemed achievable in science fiction. One result of this exploration is the Dynamic 1 Robotic Dog, a state-of-the-art robot that combines advanced AI with a German Shephard-inspired design. Attendees can witness how lifelike canine actions such as bowing and shaking hands, as well as reliable navigation, are empowered by an AI HyperSense Fusion System, an Intel® RealSense™ D430 depth camera, dual optical sensors, and infrared sensors, and an 8-core high-performance ARM CPU. TECNO's latest innovative laptop, the TECNO MEGABOOK K16S, is also making its debut at TECNO's IFA stand. Attendees will see how the first device in TECNO's new K Series lets Gen Z entertainment lovers "See Bigger, See Louder", with a 16-inch 16:10 wide screen, 300% louder 2.5W 4013 quadruple speakers and a 91% screen-to-body ratio, all at an extremely competitive price. Powered by an AMD® R7™5800U processor and an AMD Radeon graphics card, and with up to 1TB SSD + 16GB RAM, it also delivers powerful performance with amazing visuals. Additionally, it has a 70Wh battery allows up to 17.5 hours of use to reduce battery worries. The brand is also showing how its AIoT ecosystem is connected through PC Manager, with One Leap allowing seamless multi-tasking between devices. The TECNO laptop lineup at the show also includes the MEGABOOK T16, MEGABOOK S1, MEGABOOK T1 series and MEGAPAD, while TECNO is also displaying its earphones and wearable devices, such as the True 1 Air TWS, TECNO Sonic 2 TWS and FreeHear 1, TECNO's brand-new first OWS earbuds. At IFA Berlin 2024, TECNO is once again demonstrating the value of its diverse and imaginative AIoT smart ecosystem, as well as underscoring its strong position as a global leader in innovation. A core strategy since 2019, the development of AIoT products has been a foundation of TECNO's growth. In future, the brand will continue to develop advanced AI software and pioneering hardware, guided its brand ethos of "Stop At Nothing".
TECNO AI vision propels emerging markets into the new age of AI with better localization for greater productivity and creativity, and more practical value. BERLIN, Sept. 6, 2024 /PRNewswire/ -- Innovative technology brand TECNO today announced TECNO AI vision at IFA Berlin 2024. Unlike others, TECNO AI unveils a series of AI functions that will enhance productivity, provide more practical value, and offer easier creative fun. These practical features will soon be rolled out on TECNO's outstanding smart device ecosystem to empower users' daily lives. The new TECNO AI vision will witness TECNO leveraging the power and potential of AI to drive even greater creativity, convenience, and productivity among its global consumers, promoting the early adoption of AI in emerging markets and enabling consumers there to enjoy the benefits of AI from its earliest stage. "TECNO has always been committed to revolutionizing the digital experience in emerging global markets," said Jack Guo, General Manager of TECNO. "As the era of AI takes shape, the development of new digital technology continues at pace, while the digital divide becomes more and more obvious. TECNO hopes to bring the most advanced AI technology and innovation to emerging markets, so that every consumer around the world can equally and fairly enjoy the productivity, convenience and creativity that AI can bring." By strengthening its commitment to bringing users the best experiences, TECNO's AI vision is further clarified with a focus on delivering "Practical AI" with ultimate localization. TECNO believes that the most important quality of AI technology is that its integration into daily life can truly help consumers, improving living quality and efficiency. To ensure this is achieved for users around the world, TECNO AI vision is adapted to local consumers' needs, meeting their demands where they live, with localization as a key part of TECNO's AI strategy. TECNO AI vision integrates the most advanced AI features on the market, such as AI writing, translation, search, drawing, and more. Going forward, TECNO will invest further in its differential AI strategy – firstly with a focus on AI language localization, including minority language translation and semantic recognition development; the second focus will be the integration of AI and local apps, which can turn smart devices into customized personal assistants, helping users to call a taxi, navigate, order takeout, and more, all in a flowing and functional way. TECNO has already made significant breakthroughs in the AI field in 2024, with the launch of new AI-enhanced devices and AIOS technologies at MWC Barcelona 2024 in February. At IFA Berlin 2024, from elevating social interaction to enhancing business performance and assisting in daily life, several impressive functions further stand out in the unveiling of TECNO AI vision. These functions include the Gemini-integrated Ella AI Assistant and imaginative AI Artboard, which promise to level up the smart lives of global consumers in a more productive and creative way. Enjoy Elevated Productivity Every Day with Ease At the heart of TECNO AI vision is the freshly upgraded Ella AI Assistant – a user's new best friend when it comes to streamlining life's daily tasks, improving efficiency at work, and saving time for what really matters. TECNO AI Assistant is now connected to Gemini, revolutionizing how it interacts with users and bringing it to life in an exciting new way. TECNO AI Assistant's Smart Q&A conversational functionality means it is now able to engage in streams of conversation with users, instead of providing a single response per interaction. Want to dress for the weather? Ask the AI Assistant for a weather update! Need help with scheduling? Ask the AI Assistant to plan your day! Don't know what to cook? Ask the AI Assistant for some recipe inspiration! From simple tasks to complex problems, TECNO AI Assistant is now even better prepared to assist users around the clock. TECNO AI vision is also on hand to help users break down communication barriers with Real-Time Translation. Whether learning a new language of dealing with clients abroad, this useful tool immediately translates speech into text during phone calls or in face-to-face situations, empowering users to engage in more fluent global conversations. TECNO's AI Writing functions are a productivity game-changer for professionals and students alike, saving energy and effort for more important tasks. When faced with a long and time-consuming text on a website or document, users can turn to TECNO AI Assistant to quickly generate a more manageable summary of the content. When it comes to writing and editing, it is capable of generating new texts from scratch, proofreading texts, and rewriting texts in friendly, professional or concise styles. Finally, to bring more creativity to everyday, TECNO AI Search lets users learn about the world with the swipe of a finger on the screen. Whether it's generating a tiramisu recipe from an image of an unknown cake, to buying an eye-catching fashion accessory spotted on socials, all users need to do is circle something on their screen to pull up smart information. Give Creativity a Boost with Artistic and Imaginative AI TECNO AI is also packed full of exciting functions that will give users a creative boost. AI Artboard turns every user into an artist. With the power of AI, users can generate a universe of masterpieces across a spectrum of styles based on just a few words of text. From dogs captaining spaceships to more realistic headshots for social media profile pictures, users can let their imaginations run wild. With AI Image Editing, users will always have the perfect shot. AI Erase comes to the rescue of stunning shots that are ruined by passersby or stray objects. Instead of discarding them, users can now erase the parts of the shot they don't want to see with total ease. To elevate shots even more, AI Portrait Beautification lets users define their own look, while AI Cutout lets users select and extract parts of a picture to share in chat or create new images. Besides images, users can explore the world of video with AI Video Production. From writing a script to generating a video and to adding subtitles in post, TECNO AI vision empowers the entire movie making process. TECNO AI Integration in TECNO Devices TECNO firmly believes that for interaction between AI and global users to be meaningful, it must ultimately be actualized by the implementation of the technologies on devices. By doing so, as is the goal of the TECNO AI strategy, users in emerging markets will feel the stark benefit of future technologies in their everyday lives. TECNO is seamlessly incorporating its AI technologies into its whole product ecosystems, including but not limited to its laptops, earphones, AR gaming set and other wearable devices, to significantly enrich the smart device experience for global consumers.
Kick Off TOKEN2049 week with aelf's high-energy AI-themed event, joined by leading AI and Web3 projects including Gaia, NEAR, Schelling AI, Sapien, and more. SINGAPORE, Sept. 6, 2024 /PRNewswire/ -- aelf, a leading AI-enhanced Layer 1 blockchain network, is hosting Hello [AI], a dynamic event to kick off TOKEN2049 week in Singapore. Taking place on 16 September 2024 at SKAI Loft, Singapore, this celebration marks aelf's bold pivot towards integrating artificial intelligence with blockchain technology to unlock new frontiers in efficiency, scalability, intelligence, and security. Co-hosted by Gaia and featuring partners including Asia Blockchain Gaming Alliance (ABGA), NEAR, Plug and Play, Sapien, and Schelling AI, Hello [AI] will set the stage for a dynamic week of innovation and collaboration. The event is also supported by Google Cloud and Microsoft. Brian Liang, COO of aelf, shares, "Partnering with these leading names in AI and blockchain, Hello [AI] embodies aelf's vision of creating a vibrant, AI-enhanced blockchain ecosystem." He adds, "Our AI-themed event also serves as a launchpad for deeper collaboration and innovation within the different Web3 communities, with TOKEN2049 offering the perfect backdrop to showcase our commitment to shaping the future of blockchain with AI at its core." More than just a celebration—Hello [AI] also serves as a platform for thought leadership and networking, underscoring aelf's commitment to shaping the future of AI-blockchain technology. The event will feature a panel discussion titled "The Next Frontier — AI-Powered Blockchain Application" and a fireside chat exploring the question, "Can AI Become Truly Decentralised?" These sessions will bring together founders, industry leaders, and seasoned developers to discuss the transformative potential of AI in the blockchain space. "At Gaia, we see the convergence of AI and blockchain as a pivotal moment for innovation. Partnering with aelf for Hello [AI] allows us to showcase how decentralised AI can empower knowledge holders and developers to build a secure, evolving ecosystem. This collaboration not only highlights our shared vision for the future of Web3 but also underscores Gaia's commitment to breaking down barriers and redefining what's possible in the AI and blockchain space," shared Brennen Schlueter, CMO of Gaia. As aelf continues to lead the charge in integrating advanced AI technologies into the blockchain ecosystem, Hello [AI] sets the stage for its ongoing mission to redefine the boundaries of both technologies. This event opens new opportunities for growth and transformation within the blockchain community, enabling participants to engage with thought leaders, network with industry peers, and collectively explore the future of Web3. Stay updated on aelf's news and engage with the aelf community on: Website: https://aelf.com Telegram: https://t.me/aelfblockchain Discord: https://discord.gg/aelfblockchain About aelf aelf, an AI-enhanced Layer 1 blockchain network, leverages the robust C# programming language for efficiency and scalability across its sophisticated multi-layered architecture. Founded in 2017 with its global hub in Singapore, aelf is a pioneer in the industry, leading Asia in evolving blockchain with state-of-the-art AI integration and modular Layer 2 ZK Rollup technology, ensuring an efficient, low-cost, and highly secure platform that is both developer and end-user friendly. Aligned with its progressive vision, aelf is committed to fostering innovation within its ecosystem and remains dedicated to advancing Web3 and AI technology adoption. For more information about aelf, please refer to our Whitepaper V2.0: https://docs.aelf.com/resources/whitepaper-2/ About Gaia Gaia is a pioneering decentralized AI platform dedicated to transforming knowledge into a dynamic, secure, and collaborative ecosystem. By bridging the gap between centralized AI solutions and open-source models, Gaia offers a unique network of living knowledge organisms that adapt and grow continuously. Our platform empowers knowledge holders to protect and monetize their intellectual property while enabling developers to build innovative, smarter applications on top of a secure, evolving foundation. With a commitment to privacy, adaptability, and collaboration, Gaia is redefining the future of AI, making knowledge a vibrant, protected, and accessible resource for all. Disclaimer: The information provided in this press announcement is for general informational purposes only and does not constitute legal, financial, or investment advice. aelf makes no representations or warranties of any kind, express or implied, regarding the accuracy, completeness, or reliability of the information provided in this press announcement. Any reliance you place on such information is strictly at your own risk. Blockchain technology and cryptocurrency involve inherent risks, including but not limited to market volatility, regulatory changes, and potential security vulnerabilities. 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BERLIN, Sept. 6, 2024 /PRNewswire/ -- Narwal, an innovation leader in the smart home cleaning industry, is proud to debut the Narwal Freo Z Ultra, its next-gen AI-powered robot vacuum, at IFA 2024 in Berlin, Germany. Designed to address the complex needs and constrained schedules of modern homeowners, this flagship home cleaning robot packs the latest advancements in obstacle avoidance and navigation, hygienic hands-free maintenance, and user-friendly and even pet-friendly features. Aligning with IFA's 100th anniversary and its new mission to present "Innovation for All", the Narwal Freo Z Ultra is a state-of-the-art home cleaning solution that caters to all household needs, putting cutting-edge technology to work to free you from the drudgery of cleaning floors so you can spend time on the more important things in life. "Building on years of dedicated R&D, we're thrilled to unveil the Freo Z Ultra at IFA, marking its debut as part of Narwal's first offline product launch activity in Europe. This launch underscores our commitment to advancing technology and innovation in robotic intelligence, now extending to global consumers. The Freo Z Ultra is not only available in Europe but can also be accessed by consumers in North America. It signifies the start of our mission to deliver state-of-the-art cleaning solutions that enhance daily life by relieving consumers worldwide from tedious chores and improving home maintenance experiences." says Junbin Zhang, CEO of Narwal. TwinAI Dodge Obstacle Avoidance Stop worrying about having to rearrange your furniture or scuttling away from the rolling robot, and watch the Narwal Freo Z Ultra deftly maneuver around any hurdle in its path with its advanced obstacle avoidance feature. Thanks to not just one but two 1200p RGB cameras with 136-degree ultra-wide viewing angles, the robot vacuum sees all, whether they're humans or large pets walking around or tiny toys or even dark plastic bags lying around. Dual AI chips can quickly detect more than 120 household objects in real-time with millimeter-level precision, allowing the robot vac to make split-second decisions. Plus, those same sensors enable it to clean within less than 1 cm of obstacles , including challenging ones like cables and table legs, maximizing cleaning coverage and ensuring that every inch of floor space is spotless. For pet feces, the Freo Z Ultra intelligently detects it and employs a safe distance avoidance strategy, preventing the spread of hazardous messes. Real-Time Adjusted Cleaning Strategy While most smart robot cleaners simply scrub and mop floors indiscriminately, the Narwal Freo Z Ultra is designed to detect and identify messes, instantly adjusting its cleaning mode for efficient and thorough cleaning. Thanks to its advanced Real-Time Adjusted Cleaning Strategy, the device can quickly differentiate between dry dirt and wet messes, boosting suction and switching to vacuum-only mode for dry debris to prevent it from sticking to the mop. For wet spills, it shifts to mop-only mode to avoid spreading. When it encounters heavy dirt, the Freo Z Ultra applies precise, targeted cleaning with intense focus on the affected area until the mess is completely gone. Avoid spreading bacteria and bad smells around the house with this intelligent dirt detection feature. AI-Adaptive Hot Water Mop Washing and Drying Keep your hands clean and your mop sanitized and dry with Narwal's innovative smart mop cleaning system. The pioneering AI DirtSense™ technology analyzes wastewater particles and automatically adjusts the washing and drying temperatures at the base station for targeted mop cleaning based on the type of dirt detected. For regular dirt and milk powder, a simple washing at 45°C/113°F is more than enough, but oily dirt gets the full treatment at 60°C/140°F. A super-hot 75°C/167°F pasteurization is applied to kill off any remaining bacteria, after which the mop is dried at a warm 40°C/104°F. All of these happen without any human intervention, giving you peace of mind that your little smart robot won't be spreading harmful bacteria around while it mops the floor clean. Advanced EdgeSwing™️ And Baseboard Cleaning The Narwal Freo Z Ultra shines in tackling edges and corners with its advanced EdgeSwing™ Cleaning technology. It maintains 7-12N downward pressure and adjusts its cleaning angle with accurate twists along walls and baseboards. The Reuleaux triangular scrubbing mops enhance coverage and fit snugly into corners, ensuring a thorough clean. The optional kick-board module uses electrostatic force to attract and remove dust from baseboards, achieving exceptional 3D cleaning. Ultra Quiet and Maintenance-free Station Narwal's Maintenance-Free & Quiet Self-Empty Station ensures ultra-quiet, hassle-free upkeep. Give your ears and mind a break with the Narwal Freo Z Ultra's quiet and efficient operation. Operating at 55-58dB—half the industry average noise level—the robot vacuum cleans without distracting you or your family. With a large 2.5L dustbin bag and dust compression, you only need to empty the bag once every 120 days. Additionally, hot air drying at 45°C kills bacteria inside the bin, while Dynamic Electrolyzed Water Sterilization ensures safety when it's time to dispose of the dirt. The base station, operating at a noise level of just 71 dB during dust collection, further contributes to a peaceful environment. Superior Vacuuming and Mopping Performance In addition to its intelligent features, the Narwal Freo Z Ultra is also equipped with the power to make cleaning any floor a breeze. Its industry-leading 12,000 Pa hyper suction power is no match for dirt, sucking up more than 99% of solid particles with ease. Despite spinning at a rate of 4,400 rpm, the innovative Zero Tangling Floating Brush 2.0 isn't just ultra-quiet but also remains tangle free thanks to its Single-Sided Balancing Design. And thanks to its excellent vision, it can quickly differentiate different floor types and carpets, raising the mop as high as 12mm to avoid getting your fabrics wet while also applying the right amount of suction or mopping pressure to effectively clean any kind of flooring or material you might have. Pet-Friendly Cleaning Mode The Narwal Freo Z Ultra's Pet-Friendly Cleaning Mode is designed to ensure a stress-free environment for your furry friends by detecting and avoiding areas where pets are resting or playing, preventing any disturbances. It first focuses on cleaning other parts of the home, then waits until pets have moved before tackling their spaces. Once pets are out of the way, the robot performs a thorough clean of these areas, effectively removing fur and debris to keep your home clean. Intelligent Navigation System Since floors are dynamic, ever-changing spaces, robot vacuums must be able to accurately navigate the maze of furniture, objects, and pets that lie in their path. With its cutting-edge LiDAR SLAM 4.0 technology, the Narwal Freo Z Ultra makes short work of scanning the room and creating its ideal path, taking no more than 6 minutes to quickly map the floor. It can create a 3D map of the objects on the floor for a more precise and accurate view of the world around it, and it can store multiple floor maps for more complex house layouts. Of course, you can also set up No-Go Zones, and it will even smartly recognize areas that your pet frequents in order to clean those more thoroughly as needed. Available in Galaxy Silver and Space Gray, seamlessly blending into any home. Availability and Pricing Narwal Freo Z Ultra will launch on September 6, 2024, and will be available for purchase in North America starting October 8, 2024, at a price of $1,499.99. To access exclusive benefits, sign up at us.Narwal.com or ca.Narwal.com between September 6 and September 13. The early-bird campaign, running from September 14 to October 7, will go live with special pricing offers. Experience Home Cleaning Innovation at IFA 2024 Witness the power of the Freo Z Ultra first-hand when you visit Narwal Technologies' booth located at Messe Berlin, Halle 7.1-B305. From September 6 to 10, you can engage in live demonstrations and hands-on experiences of this next-gen AI-powered smart robot vacuum as well as Narwal's full range of home cleaning innovations. About Narwal Narwal is known for using its cutting-edge technology to realize its objective of bringing flawless floors to users. It's one of the top 5 robotic cleaning manufacturers, with the brand achieving $200 million in sales within two years of introducing its first product and maintaining high double-digit annual growth ever since. Narwal has raised substantial funds from investors including Sequoia Capital, Hillhouse Capital, ByteDance (parent of TikTok), and Tencent, among others. With over 700 researchers and scientists from across the globe, Narwal has made numerous breakthroughs in multiple fields and won prestigious international awards, including the Edison Gold Award, which honors innovation, and Time Magazine's Best Inventions.
- Plug-and-play autonomous retail solution brings automation within reach of small businesses SEOUL, South Korea, Sept. 6, 2024 /PRNewswire/ -- Fainders.AI, a Korean retail AI company, has unveiled its latest autonomous stores: a compact, cost-effective cashierless MicroStore. The 15-square-meter prefabricated unit can be installed in any available space within a week, making autonomous retail accessible to a broader range of businesses. Fainders.AI Launches Affordable Cashierless MicroStore in Gym The MicroStore has been deployed in a gym, offering members convenient access to healthy snacks during their workouts. This installation marks a significant step in bringing advanced retail technology to smaller, specialized locations. "The MicroStore is not just a smaller autonomous store. Through the standardization of the design and installation process, we have made the autonomous store even more affordable than when we launched our first store a year ago," said Myungwon Ham, Founder and CEO at Fainders.AI. While plug-and-play autonomous stores have been emerging in the market over the past two years, the Fainders.AI MicroStore stands out for its competitive pricing, making it the first such solution contracted by small and medium-sized businesses (SMBs). The initial client, 'Fitness 101,' a local gym in Seoul, exemplifies the expanded target segment, which now includes various retailers and space owners with limited purchasing power. Fainders.AI is kicking off its global expansion with the latest solution. The Korea-based startup is already in discussions with several clients across Asia. "Retailers in Asia are under pressure due to staff shortages, and the pricing of retail automation solutions from US-based vendors has been appalling. With our offering, these retailers are beginning to seriously consider adopting it," adds Myungwon Ham, CEO of Fainders.AI. [About Fainders.AI] Founded in 2020, Fainders.AI is a Korean retail AI startup developing autonomous store solutions. Our mission is to enhance store owners' profitability and bring convenience to in-store customers. Our innovative solution goes beyond checkout-free payments, offering inventory management and in-store customer analytics. We provide offline retailers with this cutting-edge technology at a fraction of the cost that is one-third of our closest competitor's. Fainders.AI has already partnered with the largest convenience store brands in South Korea.
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