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Zoom Video Communications, Inc.(NASDAQ:ZM)宣布推出以 AI 驅動的開放式協作平台 Zoom Workplace,並同步公布眾多 AI Companion 的革新功能以提升團隊合作。其產品更新包含 AI Companion 於 Zoom Phone 中的擴充應用,以及推出全新功能 Ask AI Companion,此外,Zoom 應用程式也將迎來全新的介面更新,為用戶打造一站式 AI 協作平台,全面賦能現代工作。而 Zoom Contact Center 也將推出新功能,幫助企業優化顧客體驗與強化顧客關係,並透過 AI 即時洞察客戶需求,以提升客服人員的互動模式。 Zoom 產品長 Smita Hashim 表示:「我們已看到 Zoom AI Companion 對於我們的商業成長與客戶所帶來的正面影響力,透過釋出寶貴的時間來進行協作,重塑工作模式。而一站式 AI 協作平台 Zoom Workplace 將透過 AI Companion 提供符合客戶需求的協作解決方案,以提高每日工作效能,並在打造優良使用體驗的同時,有效解決客戶的商業挑戰。」 AI Companion 全新功能 持續助攻用戶釋放工作效能 Zoom 將持續提升平台中的 AI 功能,幫助用戶在現有的工作流程中提高生產力,並增強員工技能,讓他們將時間花費在最重要的項目上。因此,Zoom AI Companion 將於 Zoom Workplace 推出 Ask AI Companion,進一步幫助用戶為日常工作做足準備。此外,AI Companion 也將擴展至 Zoom Phone 中,而 Team Chat、Whiteboard 也將推出全新功能。 付費 Zoom 用戶無須支付額外費用,即能享有 AI Companion 完整功能。 Ask AI Companion 將能幫助用戶以全新方式在平台中與 AI Companion 互動,協助用戶從 Zoom Meetings、 Mail、Team Chat、Notes、Docs 中蒐集、彙整、與共享資訊,有效提高日常工作效率。此外,Ask AI Companion 也能幫助用戶在開會前做足準備,如草擬議程等,並於會議結束後提供會議摘要、代辦事項,並總結聊天、信件紀錄與文件等。未來在用戶允許的前提下,Ask AI Companion 將能夠從選定的第三方應用程式中提取相關內容,進而提供更多幫助。 AI Companion 也將擴展應用至 Zoom Phone 中,幫助提升溝通效率。用戶現在可以利用 AI Companion 總結通話過程與提供代辦事項,進而專注於對話當下而不是忙於做筆記。如果錯過一通重要電話,Zoom AI Companion 可以透過消息的緊急程度,在語音信箱中排列優先順序,也能根據語音信箱中的留言,提供用戶相對應的後續行動,減少收聽每則語音訊息的時間。此外,用戶也能透過 Team SMS thread summary 於 PowerPack 中提供簡訊摘要,讓用戶在短暫離開後也可以快速了解情況。 此外,AI Companion 將於 Team Chat 中透過智慧偵測會議中的內容,自動安排會議時間,增進工作效率,未來將推出訊息草擬功能,並於預覽版中擴大支援至 38 種語言,協助用戶撰寫與總結聊天訊息。Zoom Whiteboard 用戶現在則可以運用 AI Companion 自動生成的簡單提示,加速完成流程圖和心智圖,進而加速創意的構思過程並開啟更多可能。欲了解更多 AI Companion 的創新功能,請造訪 Zoom blog。 一站式 AI 平台 Zoom Workplace 啟動團隊協作嶄新可能 Zoom 所推出的一站式 AI 協作平台 Zoom Workplace,將透過創新科技持續幫助企業重思團隊合作與提高工作效能,同時創造連結,並全面優化混合時代下的使用者體驗,讓企業內所有員工都能有效協作並提升自我能力。 作為一站式開放協作平台,Zoom Workplace 將繼續為用戶提供多元選擇,包含 Zoom 的應用程式介面(APIs)、軟體開發套件(SDKs) 以及 Zoom App Marketplace 中超過 2,500 個可新增的應用程式,確保用戶能夠輕鬆根據需求將 Zoom 整合於現有科技中,或將用戶喜愛的應用程式加入 Zoom 當中。 隨著 Zoom Workplace 的推出,用戶可以透過更多客製化的選擇,打造專屬個人的使用者體驗,包括挑選四種不同顏色的 Zoom 主題,主持人也可以根據會議的氛圍與討論焦點,製作符合主題的虛擬會議背景。 Flex 數位工作場域與 IT 基礎設施副總 Diofanto Rosales 表示:「透過 Zoom 的科技,我們能夠輕鬆面對整合數位工具時所遇到的挑戰,並將重心放在提升員工參與度,以及在重要項目上聚焦協作。透過 Zoom Workplace 一站式 AI 協作平台,我們能夠在單一的應用程式中找到所有需要的數位工具,讓工作變得更輕鬆高效。」 Zoom Meetings 將新增 Meeting tab 幫助用戶於會議前、中、後後達成協作,用戶可以透過 Meeting tab 查看行事曆,並統籌管理如議程、錄製檔案、AI Companion 的智慧錄音和會議摘要、文件等其他共享資產。去年推出的 continous meeting chat 可以幫助團隊在會議前、中、後持續進行對話,達成以非同步的方式完成協作並幫助成員有效掌握專案。而透過 Meeting tab,用戶可透過點選會議資訊卡,於會議前或會議結束後查看 continous meeting chat。 此外,當會議中有多位講者時,將自動調整版面並聚焦於主要講者上,幫助與會者輕鬆跟上討論。當 AI 判定用戶處於光線不足的環境時,可透過人像照明功能(Portrait lighting)加以改善,而用戶也能運用生成式 AI ,自行創建客製化的虛擬背景。 Meetings 中的革新功能還包含讓用戶釘選常用的功能於客製化工具欄中,並讓多位參與者可以同時分享螢幕、文件、白板與筆記,當用戶需要於文件中協作時,Zoom 能夠簡化存取權限的流程,並支援在會議中直接選取與共同編輯來自第三方應用程式的文件。 用戶於 Team Chat 中可以透過 Team Chat tabs 整合頻道中相關的連結、白板與內部資料,進而加速非同步溝通的過程。當有多個專案同步進行時,用戶可以在共享空間中將不同的聊天頻道進行分組,強化管理對話紀錄與專案掌握的能力。此外,用戶也可以在 Team Chat 中根據商務需求,利用無代碼工作流程配置自動化工具 workflow automation 優化工作流 。 無論是混合或是實體辦公的組織,都可以利用新推出的 Workspaces tab 直接從 Zoom Workplace 應用程式中操作如 Workspace Reservation、wayfinding、Visitor Management 等功能。而 Zoom Rooms 的 AI 功能將可以幫助用戶於會議中自動根據與會者姓名分配名牌,以提升會議的包容性。 當一個螢幕不夠用時,用戶能將 Zoom Rooms 拓展到其他螢幕上,以進行音訊或影片協作。此外,Zoom Rooms 與 Workvivo 的全新整合,使 Workvivo 用戶能透過 Workvivo TV 或其他 Zoom Room 的認證裝置與員工即時分享重要更新與活動資訊。 ZK Research 首席分析師 Zeus Kerravala 表示:「企業正在尋找以人工智慧為核心的解決方案,希望藉此實現提升工作效能與團隊協作的目標。Zoom 於近期所推出的創新功能如 Zoom Workplace 與 Ask AI Companion 等,展現 Zoom 致力於一站式協作平台積極導入強而有力 AI 工具,以賦能生產力與協作力的承諾。」 Zoom One 將重新命名為 Zoom Workplace,全新與既有用戶可以根據方案定價了解 Zoom 於不同方案中所涵蓋的產品功能。了解更多有關 Zoom Workplace 資訊,請造訪 Zoom Blog 。 商業服務解決方案 全面強化顧客關係 Zoom 的商業服務以 AI 為核心,提供如行銷、顧客服務、銷售業務等相關解決方案,透過結合 Zoom Workplace,將能協助第一線員工提供卓越的客戶體驗與服務。 Zoom Contact Center 的用戶無須支付額外費用,即可享有 AI Companion 的服務,此外,若需要更多即時功能,AI Expert Assist 能透過智慧檢索包含知識庫、顧客關係管理 (CRM)系統與其他系統紀錄中的資訊,提出最佳回覆建議。不僅如此,即日起主管也可以透過 Zoom Contact Center 中的儀表板查看互動情況、顧客情緒、即時文字紀錄以及對話摘要,有效提升營運管理並幫助主管評估是否需為團隊提供協助。 此外, Zoom Contact Center 即日起擴大支援 WhatsApp 與內建的電子郵件,提供企業用戶更多彈性選擇,讓客服人員輕鬆的與客戶互動。 客服人員可以透過 Zoom 協作平台的開放性,整合來自專用軟體或第三方數據資源,打造客製化的應用程式,幫助客服人員在應用程式的桌面即可直接查看客戶相關資訊,大幅減少在應用程式之間切換的時間,並給予更精準快速的回饋。此外,透過與 Zoom Workplace 的深度整合,客服人員可以透過使用 Zoom Phone Power Pack 即時將客戶轉接給後勤團隊,並附上 AI 自動生成的互動摘要,以提升服務品質並縮短處理時間。 Zoom Contact Center 與 Zoom Phone 將同時提供 PCI Pal 整合服務,如提交 PCI 法規遵循證明 (AOC) ,以確保付款數據的資訊安全。此外,為滿足歐盟地區用戶在數據存取上的需求,Zoom Contact Center 用戶現在可以將部分在地數據存放於 Zoom 歐盟地區的數據中心中。 使用 Zoom Revenue Accelerator 的企業現可透過交易備忘錄優化顧客對話,備忘錄將提供對話摘要並分析其對成交帶來的影響。而即將推出的 automated scorecard 則透過創建評分機制來評估顧客互動率,並提供回饋建議以提升銷售成果。 對行銷人員而言,Zooms Events 的更新功能將擴大混和活動的成效並增加觀眾的參與度。主辦單位可以利用 AI Companion 圖像生成功能,為活動註冊頁面、會議虛擬背景或行銷信件打造客製化的視覺設計。此外,為縮小混合活動與實體活動之間的差距,活動人員可以利用 Zoom Events 與 Swoogo 的整合服務觸及更廣泛的觀眾。欲了解更多有關 Zoom 商業服務創新資訊,請造訪 Zoom Blog。 最新宣布的產品與功能預計於四月和五月陸續推出。部分功能與產品可能不適用於特定地區與垂直產業。
BARCELONA, Spain, Feb. 27, 2024 /PRNewswire/ -- Innovative technology brand TECNO has announced its cutting-edge Artificial Intelligence capabilities - TECNO AIOS, aiming at enhancing the mobile experience for global users. With a commitment to bridging the gap between the current mobile devices and AI capabilities, TECNO reveals how its AI-powered ecosystem is set to revolutionize the future of intelligent software. "The future of smart devices is AI-driven, and we have a grand vision for an AI-powered ecosystem at TECNO through our latest AI concept. We are currently implementing cutting-edge AI with new smartphones, AI and AR-powered products, innovative concepts and more to make smart living a reality for global users, making the latest innovations accessible by everyone," declared by Jude You, Director of Engineering from TECNO. TECNO's AI capabilities are designed to make life simpler and more efficient, from phone operation and information acquisition to content creation and service acquisition. Through strategic partnerships, including a significant collaboration with Google and MediaTek, TECNO is integrating AI into every aspect of the mobile experience. The integration of Google AI Suites, such as Google Gemini, Duet AI, and Gmail AI features, demonstrates TECNO's dedication to enhancing efficiency and creativity for its users. In the realm of processing power and AI capabilities, TECNO is harnessing the strength of MediaTek's latest innovations. MediaTek has made a significant push into the premium segment with its 3rd generation premium chipset, the Dimensity 9300, which boasts advanced AI capabilities. "The MediaTek Dimensity 9300 is a game-changer, delivering unparalleled AI performance with its 7th-gen APU 790 processor," said Will Chen, Wireless Business Group, Assistant General Manager from MediaTek. "With its support for advanced generative AI models and ecosystems, the Dimensity 9300 is designed for the future of on-device AI applications. Our partnership with TECNO is a testament to our mutual commitment to bringing the most advanced AI features to users in global emerging markets." Empowering Local Users with Customized AI Assistant Central to TECNO's AI innovation is 'Ella,' the newly-revamped creative personal AI assistant that supports multiple languages for global markets. Over the years, Ella has matured from a simple voice assistant into an AI companion that's revolutionizing user interaction. Now equipped with the most advanced generative AI, Ella represents a leap in technology, making everyday tasks like searching the web and note-taking more efficient and personalized for users in diverse linguistic regions. In addition to personal assistance, TECNO AI is set to revolutionize social media communication with capabilities such as real-time translation for phone calls and automatic video subtitle generation, generating wallpapers with creative lines, generating pictures from scratch, searching for photos precisely with simple description. These features address the growing trend of social media calls, allowing users to interact without language constraints. With these superpower, TECNO AI is taking your simplicity & efficiency experience to new heights, embodying our commitment to simplicity and innovation for a better future. Unleashing Creativity with AI-Driven Photography Photographic enhancements are another key area where TECNO AI excels. The AI Portrait Enhancer redefines the concept of beauty in photography by catering to diverse skin tones with generative AI technology. This innovation showcases TECNO's unique strength in multi-skin tone recognition and texture redrawing for high-quality photos. Additional AI features introduced by TECNO include the AI Eraser, which allows users to remove strangers from photos easily, and the Picture Cutouts for creating shareable stickers. TECNO also enhances video calls with AI Beautify & Makeup effects and AR Face enhancements, providing a fun and engaging experience for users. As TECNO continues to envisioning a future filled with innovation and unlimited possibilities, the company's AI concept and initiatives are just a glimpse of the transformative impact AI will have on smart living. TECNO's commitment to making digital life easier, more efficient, and creatively fulfilling is not merely changing interaction with technology—it's enriching lives.
HONG KONG, Feb. 26, 2024 /PRNewswire/ -- FWD Group Holdings Limited ("FWD Group" or "FWD") today announced it is extending its partnership with Microsoft with a four-year agreement to provide access to the latest generative artificial intelligence (AI) innovations, while continuing to support FWD's cloud-first technology strategy. Ryan Kim, Group Chief Digital Officer of FWD Group (Left); Bill Borden, Corporate Vice President of Worldwide Financial Services, Microsoft (Right) FWD Group plans to drive its generative AI initiatives by leveraging Microsoft's Azure OpenAI Service and other enterprise-grade innovations. FWD Group expects to benefit from the private networking, monitoring and security capabilities of Microsoft Azure as well as its advanced AI models. Ryan Kim, Group Chief Digital Officer of FWD Group, said, "Digital innovation has always been core to FWD's vision of changing the way people feel about insurance. This collaboration marries FWD's pioneering spirit in Asia in some of the fastest growing insurance markets in the world, with the global scale and skill that Microsoft brings in engineering and AI. "We're excited to harness more next-generation innovations to develop new industry use cases and standards that we believe will shape the insurance journey of the future." FWD Group is working to enhance the customer experience and its operations in areas like acquisition, marketing, channel and agent performance, underwriting, claims and customer service. The company is also an early adopter of Copilot for Microsoft 365, an AI companion that supports employees in their day-to-day work. Bill Borden, Corporate Vice President of Worldwide Financial Services, Microsoft, said, "AI is driving transformation across the financial services industry, opening new opportunities for innovation and business growth with agility and at scale. We are thrilled to strengthen our AI partnership with FWD by offering Azure OpenAI Service and Copilot for Microsoft 365 capabilities to enable world-class customer experiences and operations securely and responsibly. "As a pivotal player in the global financial landscape, the Asia Pacific region stands out for its dynamism and adaptability, fostering continuous growth and driving innovation. We are committed to empowering our customers in the region with generative AI capabilities in a responsible way. With Microsoft's enterprise-grade AI advancements, we are helping the financial services ecosystem accelerate innovation to drive operational efficiency and greater value creation to customers." FWD Group embarked on its AI journey in 2019 and now has almost 200 active AI models applied across its business, with over 600 use cases. About FWD Group FWD Group is a pan-Asian life insurance business with more than 11 million customers across 10 markets, including some of the fastest-growing insurance markets in the world. FWD reached its 10-year anniversary in 2023. The company is focused on making the insurance journey simpler, faster and smoother, with innovative propositions and easy-to-understand products, supported by digital technology. Through this customer-led approach, FWD is committed to changing the way people feel about insurance. For more information, please visit www.fwd.com About Microsoft Microsoft (Nasdaq "MSFT" @microsoft) enables digital transformation for the era of an intelligent cloud and an intelligent edge. Its mission is to empower every person and every organisation on the planet to achieve more.
Lenovo™ strengthens its portfolio and vision of AI for All with AI PCs and other powerful innovations HONG KONG SAR - Media OutReach Newswire - 12 January 2024 - Today at CES® 2024, Lenovo unveiled a full lineup of more than 40 new devices and solutions powered by AI, furthering the company's vision of AI for All. The announcements include new AI PC innovations across Lenovo's Yoga™, ThinkBook™, ThinkPad™, ThinkCentre™, and Legion™ sub-brands that personalize the computing experience for both consumers and businesses like never before. Two new proof of concept products, a tablet, software app, accessories, and more, round out the robust new portfolio of technology solutions. Lenovo ThinkBook 13x Gen 4 Lenovo Showcases New Repertoire of Consumer Devices that Supercharge the Creative Process with AI Lenovo showcased its latest repertoire of new consumer devices: A selection of Yoga AI laptops that supercharge the creative process, a tablet that invites users to play and learn, IdeaPad™ laptops designed for the everyday user, and peripherals for the modern world. Ushering in a new era, Lenovo's newest lineup of Microsoft Windows 11 Lenovo Yoga laptops come with Lenovo Yoga Creator Zone, an exclusive new software for creators, artists, and anybody looking to harness the power of generative AI in a simple and private way with security in mind. As an imagination sparkplug, Lenovo Yoga Creator Zone offers image generation, which transforms text-based descriptions or even sketches into stunning visuals without complex prompts, codes, or setups. Users simply type whatever they want to see, and the system instantly creates a visual representation. Lenovo LOQ 15IAX9 Headlining the new generation of Lenovo Yoga laptops include the Lenovo Yoga 9i 2-in-1 (14", 9), which comes bundled with a Lenovo Smart Pen and Sleeve. Designed for creators with uncompromising standards, premium laptops are MIL-STD-810H1 rated for durability and are packed with cutting-edge components, including the latest Intel® Core™ Ultra Processors for blazing-fast performance; a physical Lenovo AI Core Chip that powers robust AI functionality; and powerful batteries2 for nonstop creativity. Both models feature a Copilot key#, providing faster access to one's everyday AI companion. Copilot in Windows 11 harnesses the capabilities of AI to deliver relevant answers, summarize emails, generate images, and more. Rounding out the Lenovo Yoga family are four additional new laptops. For portability, the Lenovo Yoga Slim 7i (14", 9) is a thin and light Intel Evo™ edition premium laptop powered by Intel Core Ultra Processors and a WUXGA OLED screen. For content creation, the Lenovo Yoga Pro 7i (14",9) and Lenovo Yoga Pro 7 (14",9) are creator laptops equipped with an option of Intel Core Ultra Processors or up to an AMD Ryzen™ 7 8845HS processor, up to NVIDIA® GeForce® RTX™ 4050 Laptop GPU with NVIDIA Studio validation, and a PureSight Pro LCD or OLED 3K screen. For the wow factor, the Lenovo Yoga Book 9i (13", 9), whose predecessor was the world's first full size dual-screen OLED laptop3, can now be powered by Intel's new Core Ultra Processors, a PureSight OLED 2.8K screen, and a rotating Bowers & Wilkins® soundbar. It can also be equipped with a variety of creativity enhancing software, including Smart Launcher to group commonly used apps to improve efficiency; Enhanced Virtual Keyboard for users to express their personality with skins; AI to beautify handwriting, and more. Last but not least are the new Lenovo Yoga 7i 2-in-1 (16", 9) and Lenovo Yoga 7i 2-in-1 (14", 9) convertible laptops that give creators on the go quick access to tools that complement their creativity. Made for entertainment but designed for learning, the Lenovo Tab M11 tablet is the go-to "me time" device for students, movie connoisseurs, and doodling artists. Equipped with the Lenovo Tab Pen, a handy stylus that delivers an uncompromised writing, drawing and scribbling experience, the tablet comes preloaded with premium software that enhances usability: Nebo® to convert handwriting into text, MyScript® Calculator 2 to solve equations and functions in real-time, and WPS Office to easily view and edit documents. For more details about these new Yoga and Lenovo Tab announcements, visit the press release in Lenovo's CES 2024 Press Kit. All New AI PC Lenovo ThinkBook Laptops and ThinkCentre neo Desktops Inspire a New Wave of Productive and Creative Power Lenovo also announced new ThinkBook products, ThinkCentre desktops, and accessories for the small and medium sized business (SMB) market, with innovative features, smart designs, and AI PC enhancements. The new ThinkBook Plus Gen 5 Hybrid is a flexible hybrid solution with a laptop base system and a tablet that can work independently or together and seamlessly switch between laptop and tablet. The solution offers a unique innovation providing a Hybrid experience between Windows and Android™ system. The ThinkBook 13x Gen 4 is a beautiful and powerful Intel Evo Edition laptop with fantastic battery life, a built-in Copilot key, and is Lenovo's first carbon-neutral laptop for SMBs4. The ThinkBook 14 i Gen 6+5 is a powerful, versatile, and smart laptop with up to stunning 14.5-inch 3K display and includes a Graphics Extension (TGX) port that supports the new ThinkBook Graphics Extension (TGX)5 dock boosting AI computing power. Lenovo is also introducing its updated ThinkBook 16p Gen 5 combining power and elegance with support for the new Magic Bay Studio that incorporates a 4K camera6 and integrated speakers. The ThinkCentre neo Ultra exploits the very latest technology to deliver a new generation of ultra small form factor AI PC, and the ThinkCentre neo 50a Gen 5 all-in-one desktop will be available in 24- and 27-inch form factors. The Lenovo ThinkBook laptops, ThinkCentre neo desktops, and the Magic Bay Studio are the latest products and accessories that showcase Lenovo's innovation and leadership in the SMB market. Earlier at Lenovo's Tech World 2023 innovation event, Lenovo showcased an example of a personal AI assistant solution for AI PCs as part of its AI for All vision. Under a Lenovo AI Now solution umbrella, Lenovo is continuing development of a personalized AI solution designed to enable end user interaction on the keyboard and through natural language. The provisionally named Lenovo AI Now Personal Assistant delivers personalized interactive experiences based on a user's own on-device knowledge base. The AI Assistant will streamline workflows and enhance collaboration in a more personal and immersive manner. Using natural language, users will be able to check and change common settings such as display or performance, search and summarize emails and documents, create meeting invitations, and merge live camera and avatars during video conferencing. Lenovo AI Now Personal Assistant will begin rollout in the first half of 2024 in China. In addition, Lenovo is showcasing two unique proof of concept devices at CES. The Mechanical Energy Harvesting Combo is a product that uses mechanical movement and solar irradiation to power a mouse and a keyboard, eliminating the need for external charging. The mouse and the keyboard are ergonomically designed to provide comfort and engagement for the user. The product also supports both Bluetooth® and 2.4G wireless connection modes, ensuring easy connectivity with multiple devices. The proof-of-concept product is an innovative solution that aligns with Lenovo's commitment to implementing more sustainable practices. Lenovo ThinkBook 13x Gen 4 SPE is a revolutionary and innovative proof of concept that boasts powerful performance, an exquisite appearance, and leads a trend of intelligent color personalization laptop covers. Through Lenovo's hardware and software algorithm solutions and leveraging E Ink Prism™ technology, users can customize the exterior cover in various patterns, creating a unique notebook appearance. This concept supports up to one thousand different images, allowing users to express their personality and creativity. With the ultra-low power technology from E ink and Lenovo's system design, the color-changing top cover won't impact the battery life – even when the system is powered off, the top cover can still keep changing. Lenovo will highlight four design schemes at CES 2024, including two colorful schemes, dynamic clock and multi system interaction, that offer different and unique customer preferences. For more details about these new ThinkBook, ThinkCentre neo, and proof of concept announcements, visit the press release in Lenovo's CES 2024 Press Kit. Lenovo Unlocks New AI PC Experiences with ThinkPad and IdeaPad Laptops Powered by Intel Core Ultra Processors Lenovo unveiled new business and consumer laptops designed to unlock new AI experiences and boost productivity, creativity and efficiency. The new Lenovo ThinkPad X1 Carbon, ThinkPad X1 2-in-1, and IdeaPad Pro 5i are Intel Evo laptops powered by the latest Intel Core Ultra processors and Windows 11 that deliver optimal power efficiency, performance, and immersive experiences. Dedicated AI acceleration support will help users embrace new experiences and enhance efficiency in work and play, including capabilities enabled by Copilot in Windows. Whether for business or leisure, these Lenovo laptops are amongst the first that are driving an AI PC revolution that will fundamentally change how people create, collaborate, and interact with PCs. Designed to offer users the most comprehensive PC experiences yet, the new ThinkPad X1 and IdeaPad Pro 5i will help users embrace a new generation of AI computing. Just like the next wave of business laptops, the Lenovo ThinkVision™ 27 3D monitor is available now and ready to boost productivity and efficiency. The glasses-free 3D monitor now features an even more intuitive and interactive user interface version of 3D Explorer, which welcomes creators to the 3D realm and can also be used in 2D. Additionally, the monitor now comes with increased software support through proprietary applications, including Design Engine, which eliminates the need for individual plug-ins to provide a true interdimensional hybrid design experience. Users can now design in 2D and visualize in 3D, or use its 2D-to-3D Converter, enabling AI-powered 2D to 3D image, video, and content conversion in real time. With AI, high resolution with high refresh rate 2D content instantly transforms into vivid 3D content with precise spatial reconstruction, regardless of how complex the backgrounds can be, and all without requiring additional power or system upgrades. For more details about these new ThinkPad, IdeaPad, and ThinkVision announcements, visit the press release in Lenovo's CES 2024 Press Kit. The Lenovo Legion Gaming Ecosystem: Helping Gamers Reach Their Impossible Lenovo's new gaming ecosystem debuted at CES 2024 with Microsoft Windows 11-based PCs, peripherals, software, and services that deliver on power, thermals, graphics, AI-powered advantages, and the freedom to build the ultimate system to game. The new PC portfolio includes the following new 9th generation Lenovo Legion 16-inch gaming laptops and towers: The Lenovo Legion 7i (16", 9), Lenovo Legion 5i (16", 9), and Lenovo Legion Slim 5 (16", 9) are for gamers who need a laptop that can handle their favorite games as well as their STEM apps. The Lenovo Legion Pro 7i (16", 9) and Lenovo Legion Pro 5i (16", 9) are for gamers who need the ultimate in FPS, style, and screen. Lenovo Legion Tower 7i and Legion Tower 5i are for those who need the extra horsepower of a top-tier gaming tower PC. Also new this year are the Lenovo LOQ™ 15IRX9, Lenovo LOQ 15IAX9I, Lenovo LOQ 15IAX9, and Lenovo LOQ 15AHP9 laptops and Lenovo LOQ Tower 17IRR9 for gamers beginning their journey up the leaderboards. New accessories, such as the Lenovo Legion M410 Wireless RGB Gaming Mouse and Legion K510 Pro Mini Keyboard, along with a new Lenovo AvatarMaster PC software app round out the upgraded ecosystem. At the core of this new gaming lineup is the family of Lenovo's proprietary hardware AI chips—called LA AI chips–and the advantages they bring to both Lenovo Legion and Lenovo LOQ gaming laptops. First introduced last CES, this year's LA AI chips are mightier than ever, enabling Lenovo Legion and Lenovo LOQ laptops to achieve even higher FPS, increased power efficiency, and more. And with a selection of gaming laptops, towers, monitors, accessories and even the handheld Lenovo Legion Go announced last IFA, the new Lenovo gaming ecosystem lets gamers choose the exact setup they need to achieve gaming greatness and reach their 'impossible'. Taking the streaming and collaboration experience to a new level, select Lenovo Legion systems,7 including the Legion 7i (16", 9) and Legion 5i (16", 9) are now equipped with AvatarMaster. A new app powered by AI, AvatarMaster transforms users' profiles into a 3D digital avatar, with complete customization capabilities from appearance and facial features to clothing and accessories. After creating and customizing their avatars, users can animate and stream a digital version of themselves during video conferences, gaming sessions, and across multiple platforms. For more details about these new Lenovo Legion, LOQ, and AvatarMaster announcements, visit the press release in Lenovo's CES 2024 Press Kit. Motorola Introduces new MotoTalk Features with AI to Increase Productivity of Retail Teams Motorola has introduced new AI features available on MotoTalk, a business productivity platform for PC and mobile devices that allows business customers to create and manage tasks and workdays for their teams. With the new features, field teams can use Image Recognition or Route Planning to optimize their daily activities. With the 'Image Recognition' feature, field teams can identify and count the quantity of any product on shelves, gather information on their prices and access share reports in each store, ensuring merchandising compliance. Leveraging AI, the tool also strategically optimizes commercial routes, maximizing efficiency in terms of distance, time, and sales opportunities. This feature enables the generation of itineraries for different field teams in a few minutes and it also summarizes the employee's visits and performances in stores, saving workload for MotoTalk users. For more details about Motorola's announcement on MotoTalk features with AI, visit the blog. AI-powered Assistive Technology Solutions Lenovo was also a key collaborator on groundbreaking accessibility solutions unveiled by the Scott-Morgan Foundation at CES. The new technologies, aimed at empowering people with severe disabilities, include: a hyper-realistic AI avatar developed with DeepBrain AI to preserve personality and power communication; an on-device, personal large language model (LLM) for predictive text created by Lenovo's AI Innovation Center; eye-tracking hardware tested on Lenovo devices; and an integrated, AI-optimized, multi-modal input platform. Pioneering assistive technology is at the core of Lenovo's ongoing sponsorship of and collaboration with the Scott-Morgan Foundation and commitment to delivering smarter technology for all. US Pricing and Availability8 Lenovo ThinkBook Plus Gen 5 will be available starting Q2 2024, with an expected starting price of HK$15,592. Lenovo ThinkBook 13x Gen 4 will be available starting Q1 2024, with an expected starting price of HK$10,912. Lenovo ThinkCentre neo Ultra will be available starting Q2 2024, with an expected starting price of HK$11,692. Lenovo ThinkCentre neo 50a 24 Gen 5 and neo 50a 27 Gen 5 will be available starting Q1 2024, with expected starting prices of HK$6,232 and HK$7,012 respectively. Lenovo ThinkBook 14 i Gen 6+ and ThinkBook Graphics Extension5 will be available starting Q2 2024 in selected markets, with an expected bundle starting price of HK$17,152. Lenovo ThinkBook 16p Gen 5 will be available starting Q1 2024, with an expected starting price of HK$12,472. Lenovo Magic Bay Studio will be available starting April 2024, with an expected starting price of HK$1,560. Lenovo ThinkPad X1 Carbon Gen 12 will be available in limited configurations starting December 2023, with an expected starting price of HK$23,314. The complete portfolio will be available starting March 2024. Lenovo ThinkPad X1 2-in-1 Gen 9 will be available starting March 2024, with an expected starting price of HK$20,584. Lenovo ThinkVision 3D Monitor will be available in select markets starting February 2024, with an expected starting price ofHK$23,392. Lenovo USB-C Dual Display Travel Dock will be available starting March 2024, with an expected starting price of HK$858. Lenovo Wireless VoIP Headset will be available starting April 2024, with an expected starting price of HK$780. Lenovo Yoga 9i 2-in-1 (14", 9) is expected to be available starting April 2024 at HK$15,998. Lenovo Yoga Pro 7i (14", 9) will be available starting January 2024 starting at HK$14,998. Lenovo Yoga Slim 7i (14", 9) is expected to be available starting April 2024 starting at HK$9,998. Lenovo Yoga Book 9i (13", 9) is expected to be available starting April 2024 at HK$24,998. Lenovo Yoga 7i 2-in-1 (16", 9) is expected to be available starting April 2024 at HK$12,998. Lenovo Yoga 7i 2-in-1 (14", 9) is expected to be available starting April 2024 starting at HK$10,998. Lenovo IdeaPad 5i 2-in-1 (16", 9) is expected to be available starting April 2024 at HK$10,998. Lenovo IdeaPad 5i 2-in-1 (14", 9) is expected to be available starting April 2024 starting at HK$8,498. Lenovo IdeaPad 5 2-in-1 (14", 9) is expected to be available starting April 2024 starting at HK$7,998. Lenovo IdeaPad Slim 5i (15", 9) will be available starting February 2024 at HK$6,998. Lenovo Tab M11 is available today starting at HK$1,599. Lenovo Yoga True Wireless Stereo Earbuds is expected to be available starting June 2024 starting at HK$699. Lenovo Yoga Pro Mouse is expected to be available starting April 2024 starting at HK$399. Lenovo Legion 7i (16", 9) is expected to be available March 2024 starting at HK$19,998. Lenovo Legion 5i (16", 9) is expected to be available April 2024 starting at HK$16,998. Lenovo Legion Slim 5 (16", 9) is expected to be available April 2024 starting at HK$13,998. Lenovo Legion Pro 7i is expected to be available March 2024 starting at HK$32,998. Lenovo Legion Pro 5i is expected to be available January 2024 starting at HK$18,998. Lenovo Legion Tower 7i is expected to be available April 2024 starting at HK$25,998. Lenovo Legion Tower 5i is expected to be available April 2024 at HK$23,998. Lenovo LOQ 15IRX9 is expected to be available April 2024 starting at HK$7,698. Lenovo LOQ 15IAX9I is expected to be available April 2024 at HK$6,698. Lenovo LOQ 15IAX9 is expected to be available April 2024 starting at HK$9,998. Lenovo Legion M410 Wireless RGB Gaming Mouse is expected to be available June 2024 starting at HK$399. Lenovo Legion K510 Pro Mini Keyboard is expected to be available June 2024 starting at HK$599. Lenovo AvatarMaster is preloaded on Lenovo Legion 7i (16", 9) and Lenovo Legion 5i (16", 9) laptops and can be downloaded at www.lenovo.com/avatarmaster. 1 Lenovo uses the US Department of Defense's MIL-SPEC standards to test devices against hazardous physical and environmental conditions to determine durability. The Lenovo Yoga Pro 9i laptops was tested against 5 categories and 24 MIL-STD-810H procedures to prove its toughness. Abuse, like that contained in MIL-STD-810H testing, is not covered under Lenovo's standard warranty. 2 All battery life claims are approximate and based on internal testing under optimal laboratory and network conditions. Actual battery performance will vary and depend on numerous factors including product configuration and usage, software, operating conditions, wireless functionality, power management settings, screen brightness and other factors. The maximum capacity of the battery will naturally decrease with time and usage. 3 Based on internal research conducted for the first-generation Lenovo Yoga Book 9i (13", 8) as of December 2, 2022 of all major PC manufacturers shipping more than one million units worldwide annually. 4 ThinkBook 13x Gen 4 is Certified as Carbon Neutral Product by British Standards Institute - BSI Carbon Neutral Product Kitemark Certificate No.: KM 801575 5 ThinkBook 14 i Gen 6+ and ThinkBook Graphics Extension will be available in China and in limited numbers in the US. 6 4K resolution available in supported applications 7 Lenovo AvatarMaster is preloaded on select Lenovo Legion PCs including the Lenovo Legion 7i (16", 9) and Lenovo Legion 5i (16", 9). The AvatarMaster app can be downloaded on www.lenovo.com/avatarmaster. 8 Prices may not include tax and do not include shipping or options and are subject to change without notice; additional terms and conditions apply. Reseller prices may vary. On-shelf dates and color options may vary by geography and products may only be available in selected markets. All offers subject to availability. Lenovo reserves the right to alter product offerings, features, and specifications at any time without notice. # Product images may differ from the latest design, but specifications remain unchanged. LENOVO, YOGA, THINKPAD, THINKBOOK, THINKCENTRE, LEGION, IDEAPAD, and THINKVISION are trademarks of Lenovo. Intel, Intel EVO, and Intel Core Ultra are trademarks of Intel Corporation or its subsidiaries in the U.S. and/or other countries. AMD and Ryzen are trademarks of Advanced Micro Devices, Inc. NVIDIA, GeForce and RTX are trademarks of NVIDIA Corporation. Inc. Bowers & Wilkins is a trademark of B&W Group Ltd. MyScript" / "Nebo" are all trademarks of the company MyScript, registered in France, the United States of America and other countries. Android is a trademark of Google, LLC. BLUETOOTH is a trademark of Bluetooth Special Interest Group (SIG). E Ink Prism is a trademark of E Ink Corporation. All other trademarks are the property of their respective owners ©2024, Lenovo Group Limited. Hashtag: #LenovoThe issuer is solely responsible for the content of this announcement.
LAS VEGAS, Jan. 9, 2024 /PRNewswire/ -- Acer today announced the Acer Nitro 17 (AN17-72) gaming laptop, unlocking improved performance, immersive experiences, plus essential features for playing and multi-tasking on the go. The device is powered by the latest Intel® Core™ 14th gen processors, featuring Intel's Performance Hybrid Architecture with improved power and core frequencies to manage workloads efficiently. At the same time, NVIDIA® GeForce RTX™ 40 Series GPUs with DLSS 3.5 technology. NVIDIA RTX Laptop GPUs are packed with specialized AI Tensor Cores enabling unmatched AI performance in creative apps, ultra-efficient productivity, blistering fast gaming, and more. Built for Microsoft Copilot and the next wave of computing, the Nitro laptop provides access to Copilot in Windows via a dedicated Copilot key, making it even easier to harness the power of AI to assist with productivity and creativity tasks. Users can feast their eyes on immersive visuals and pristine colors on the device's 17-inch QHD display with a fast 165 Hz[1] refresh rate and support for the NVIDIA Advanced Optimus feature. The Nitro 17 is further supported by an advanced cooling system, AI-assisted communication features, and NitroSense™ software for full device control. To top it all off, the Windows 11 gaming laptop is shipped with one month of Xbox Game Pass Ultimate, providing access to a library of hundreds of high-quality games to be explored with friends on PC, console, or cloud. Acer Nitro 17: All-around Gaming Experiences Made Accessible Acer's Nitro laptop line gets a significant upgrade with the addition of up to an Intel Core i7 processor 14700HX and up to an NVIDIA GeForce RTX 4060 Laptop GPU[1], a powerful combination in a budget-friendly gaming device. Casual gamers and students can expect a fluid experience gaming, streaming, or working thanks to Intel's latest and fastest mobile gaming processors that seamlessly allocate power to optimize device performance. Built with the ultra-efficient NVIDIA Ada Lovelace architecture, the GeForce RTX 40 Series Laptop GPU powers the laptop's breathtaking graphics with AI-enhanced DLSS 3.5 technology and full ray tracing. GeForce RTX technologies are supported in more than 500 popular games and applications, including blockbuster games such as Cyberpunk 2077 and Alan Wake 2. As an everyday AI companion, Copilot in Windows lends a hand to accelerate work, creation, and play on the gaming laptop with just one click of the dedicated Copilot key. To let users get the most out of demanding games and applications by reducing load time, the Nitro 17 also supports up to 32 GB of DDR5 5600 MHz memory and up to 2 TB of PCIe NVMe SSD storage. Players can expect stunning frames and exceptional details when playing their favorite games on the Nitro laptop's 17.3-inch QHD display (2560 x 1440) which boasts a 16:9 aspect ratio, 165 Hz[1] refresh rate and 3 ms overdrive response time, and eye-popping colors from DCI-P3 100% color gamut. Plus, support for the NVIDIA Advanced Optimus feature solidifies frames and allows for dynamic graphics switching without having to reboot the device. The laptop utilizes a streamlined thermal design with the integration of dual fan quad-intake and quad exhaust systems, vector heat pipes, and liquid metal thermal grease on the CPU to minimize throttle and help the components operate at full capacity for longer productivity. When streaming or communicating in-game, Acer PurifiedVoice™ 2.0 with a three-microphone setup harnesses the power of AI to filter unwanted ambient noise and lets the users' voices stand out through its speakers with DTS:X® Ultra, while the HD webcam utilizes the Acer PurifiedView's™ AI-powered solutions for enhanced on-screen experiences with automatic framing, eye-contact, and background blur. An integrated NitroSense and mode switch key lets players exercise greater control by instantly giving access to customize the laptop's 4-zone RGB keyboard lighting and an overview of the laptop's performance, temperature, power meters, and more in real-time. For lightning-fast and high-quality connectivity, the Nitro 17 provides a full-fledged range of ports; two Type C USB with Thunderbolt™ 4, HDMI 2.1, and a Micro SD card reader. It also comes with Killer DoubleShot™ Pro Ethernet E3100G and Wi-Fi 6E compatibility for seamless network connections. Price and Availability The Acer Nitro 17 (AN17-72) will be available in North America in January, starting at USD 1249.99. Exact specifications, prices, and availability will vary by region. To learn more about availability, product specifications and prices in specific markets, please contact your nearest Acer office via www.acer.com. Visit Acer's Media Center for product images and specifications, or visit the Acer News site to see all announcements. [1] Specifications may vary depending on model and/or region. All models subject to availability. About Acer Founded in 1976, Acer is one of the world's top ICT companies with a presence in more than 160 countries. As Acer evolves with the industry and changing lifestyles, it is focused on enabling a world where hardware, software and services will fuse with one another, creating ecosystems and opening up new possibilities for consumers and businesses alike. Acer's 7,700 employees are dedicated to the research, design, marketing, sale, and support of products and solutions that break barriers between people and technology. Please visit www.acer.com for more information. © 2024 Acer Inc. All rights reserved. Acer and the Acer logo are registered trademarks of Acer Inc. Other trademarks, registered trademarks, and/or service marks, indicated or otherwise, are the property of their respective owners. All offers subject to change without notice or obligation and may not be available through all sales channels. Prices listed are manufacturer suggested retail prices and may vary by location. Applicable sales tax extra.
Acer also announces the first Aspire Go laptops with multiple processor and display options, made accessible for everyday users Editor's Summary Acer debuts the new Aspire Vero 16 AI PC, powered by the latest Intel® Core™ Ultra 7 processor[1] with Intel AI Boost, and reaffirming Acer's commitment to achieving carbon neutrality while minimizing its carbon footprint throughout the lifecycle[2] Introduces the new line of Acer Aspire Go laptops available in 15.6 and 14-inch models with up to a WUXGA[1] display, narrow screen bezels, up to 16 GB RAM[1], 1 TB SSD storage[1], and a suite of essential features to enhance user experiences Acer Aspire Go 14 comes with up to Intel Core i3 N-Series processors[1] or AMD Ryzen™ 7000 Series processors[1] to provide smooth multitasking and productivity All Aspire laptops are built with Microsoft Copilot in Windows 11 and the next wave of computing, enabling access to Copilot[3] via a dedicated Copilot key and Acer PurifiedVoice™ for seamless collaboration and efficiency when performing tasks LAS VEGAS, Jan. 8, 2024 /PRNewswire/ -- Acer announced new additions to its Aspire laptop line, showcasing an extensive range of performance and design options to support everyday computing needs. The Aspire Vero 16 is the latest from its Vero product line, powered by the new Intel® Core™ Ultra processors[1] with Intel AI Boost and Wi-Fi 7 compatibility[4]. Acer has committed to carbon neutrality for the Aspire Vero 16, following international standards[5] for carbon footprint calculation and carbon neutrality. Actions are taken at each stage of the device lifecycle[6] to minimize its carbon footprint[7], and then, high-quality carbon credits will be applied to attain carbon neutrality. The Intel Evo Edition laptop has increased the usage of post-consumer recycled (PCR) materials on the chassis, doubling that of the 2021 model, to combine eco-innovation and premium PC experiences on the device. The new Acer Aspire Go 15 and the Aspire Go 14 laptops aim to support home users' and families' day-to-day usage. The Aspire Go laptops feature up to Intel Core i3 N-Series processors, boosted memory capacity, full-function peripherals, and Acer PurifiedVoice™ technology, while the Aspire Go 14 also includes an AMD Ryzen™ 7000 Series processor option. For added flexibility, the new Aspire devices come with the latest AI-powered technology; an intelligent AI companion with Copilot in Windows[3] and quick access via a dedicated Copilot key, along with Acer PurifiedVoice for clear-cut conference calls. Aspire Vero 16: Carbon Neutral AI PC with Phenomenal Performance Combining a new design and the latest collaboration features, the Acer Aspire Vero 16 (AV16-51P) is made for those who are looking for an eco-conscious choice without sacrificing performance. Engineered to do more, the Intel Evo Edition is powered with up to Intel Core Ultra 7 processors[1] with Intel AI Boost to deliver premium PC experiences, supercharged productivity, and long-lasting battery life of up to 10.5 hours[8] on a single charge. Shipped with Copilot in Windows, it utilizes the application's centralized generative AI to intelligently assist users in navigating across their devices with ease, helping save time and effort when working, creating, or playing. Crystal-clear video and audio are delivered on the AI PC's 1440p QHD webcam with AI-assisted Acer PurifiedVoice to stay clear of unwanted noise when conferencing. The Windows 11 laptop is also equipped with 16 GB of LPDDR5 memory which supports up to 2 TB dual PCIe Gen 4 SSD of upgradable storage. Users will appreciate the simplicity of the Aspire Vero 16's new eco-chic design with its smoothened surface, finished off with the iconic Cobblestone Gray color. The tactile chassis' texture contains no volatile organic compounds, paint, or additives, and is made with 60% PCR material, resulting in less CO2 emissions during production. The Aspire Vero 16's eco-friendly features are topped off with an OceanGlass™ touchpad, made with ocean-bound plastic, is shipped in 100% recycled packaging, and comes with EPEAT Gold registration[9], making it a great choice for users who want to do their part for the environment. Ensuring user experiences are not compromised, the Aspire Vero 16 comes with a range of features to elevate collaboration and support varied lifestyles. The device's 16-inch WQXGA (2560 x 1600) display with a 16:10 aspect ratio and thin bezels is great for work or entertainment purposes as it covers 100% of the sRGB color space and is available with a WUXGA touchscreen option. Users can stream, work, and connect effortlessly in any location with Wi-Fi 7 compatibility and a selection of vital connectivity features such as Bluetooth LE Audio, two USB Type-C ports (Thunderbolt 4 and USB 4), and an HDMI 2.1 port. The Aspire Vero 16 also comes with a host of intelligent applications including the AcerSense™ app to manage the laptop's battery consumption, power-saving, and performance modes, while Intel Unison 2.0 integrates different devices and operating systems in a single screen for seamless productivity. Aspire Go Laptops: Accessible and User-Friendly The new Aspire Go laptops are well-rounded devices for home use, families, and students who look for great value and performance, with all the essentials needed to stay connected and productive. The Aspire Go 15 (AG15-31P) and Aspire Go 14 (AG14-31P) models are powered by up to Intel Core i3 N-Series processors, while the Aspire Go 14 (AG14-21P) can also be equipped with the AMD Ryzen 7000 Series processors to provide responsive performance, coupled with up to 10 hours of battery life across all models. Each model also comes with up to 16 GB LPDDR5 RAM and up to 1 TB M.2 PCIe Gen3 SSD for sufficient storage space to save images, videos, and files. With narrow bezel designs and up to 16:10 aspect ratios[1], the Aspire Go laptops offer large viewing spaces and high-resolution visuals on the Aspire Go 14's WUXGA panel and the Aspire Go 15's FHD display. The devices are also integrated with Copilot in Windows[3], offering greater usability and assistance to users when performing tasks and utilizing applications on their devices with a single click of the dedicated Copilot key. Video calls on the devices are also enhanced with Acer's TNR solution for better image clarity, even in low-light conditions, while Acer PurifiedVoice AI Noise Reduction and dual digital microphones ensure voices are captured with precision. AcerSense is the go-to when optimizing storage space and monitoring applications, while Wi-Fi 6 connectivity helps minimize buffering when video calling and streaming movies. All new Aspire Go models also feature Acer BlueLightShield™ to help protect the eyes during extended viewing periods. The Aspire Go 15 and Aspire Go 14 also boast several eco-friendly features as they incorporate recyclable materials in their cover and packaging and come with Energy Star and EPEAT Silver[9] registration. Price and Availability The Acer Aspire Vero 16 (AV16-51P) will be available in North America in April, starting at USD 749.99, and in EMEA in March, starting at EUR 1,199. The Acer Aspire Go 15 (AG15-31P) will be available in North America in February, starting at USD 249.99, and in EMEA in February, starting at EUR 529. The Acer Aspire Go 14 (Intel processor) (AG14-31P) will be available in North America in March, starting at USD 249.99, and in EMEA in March, starting at EUR 549. The Acer Aspire Go 14 (AMD processor) (AG14-21P) will be available in North America in March, starting at USD 379.99, and in EMEA in March, starting at EUR 649. Exact specifications, prices, and availability will vary by region. To learn more about availability, product specifications and prices in specific markets, please contact your nearest Acer office via www.acer.com. Visit Acer's Media Center for product images and specifications, or visit the Acer News site to see all announcements. [1] Specifications may vary depending on model and/or region. All models subject to availability. [2] Lifecycle includes raw material procurement, manufacture, distribution, expected use and disposal. Acer has taken the initiative to reduce its environmental impact during the raw material procurement, manufacture, use, and distribution of Aspire Vero 16 (AV16-51P). Any remaining carbon emissions will be offset by high-quality carbon credits to achieve carbon neutrality. This will be validated by a third party in accordance with ISO 14067. [3] Copilot availability and rollout timing varies by market and is subject to updates from Microsoft. [4] Wi-Fi 7 compatible devices are required to reach the stated speeds/benefits of Wi-Fi 7 (802.11be). [5] Including but not limited to ISO 14067 and PAS2060 [6] Lifecycle includes raw material, manufacture, distribution, use and disposal. [7] The carbon footprint will be validated by a third party in accordance with ISO 14067). After implementing the above-mentioned reduction measures, Acer will then purchase and retire high-quality carbon credits to attain carbon neutrality and obtain a third-party certification. [8] Battery life is measured under specific test settings and conditions pursuant to MobileMark 2018. Actual battery life may vary considerably by specifications, depending on product model, configuration, applications, power management settings, operating conditions, and features utilized. Performance variation also arises based on components in use, which includes but is not limited to the processor, RAM capacity, storage, display, resolution, etc. [9] EPEAT ratings may vary by country — please see http://www.epeat.net for registration status by country. About Acer Founded in 1976, Acer is one of the world's top ICT companies with a presence in more than 160 countries. As Acer evolves with the industry and changing lifestyles, it is focused on enabling a world where hardware, software and services will fuse with one another, creating ecosystems and opening up new possibilities for consumers and businesses alike. Acer's 7,700 employees are dedicated to the research, design, marketing, sale, and support of products and solutions that break barriers between people and technology. Please visit www.acer.com for more information. © 2024 Acer Inc. All rights reserved. Acer and the Acer logo are registered trademarks of Acer Inc. Other trademarks, registered trademarks, and/or service marks, indicated or otherwise, are the property of their respective owners. All offers subject to change without notice or obligation and may not be available through all sales channels. Prices listed are manufacturer suggested retail prices and may vary by location. Applicable sales tax extra.
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