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符合「AI Companion」新聞搜尋結果, 共 36 篇 ,以下為 1 - 24 篇 訂閱此列表,掌握最新動態
Zoom AI Companion 擴大支援 36 種語言 全面提升跨國協作與生產力

Zoom AI Companion 擴大支援 36 種語言 全面提升跨國協作與生產力 Zoom AI Companion 在 Meetings 會議中現已支援包含繁體中文共 36 種語言,在 Team Chat 聊天室中也支援共 9 種語言。未來 Zoom 將擴大支援更多語言,並加入自動語言偵測功能。   一站式智慧協作平台 Zoom 今(5)日宣佈擴大語言支援,並為其生成式 AI 助理 AI Companion 推出全新功能,以協助多語言團隊更有效的在 Zoom 平台上協作和溝通。Zoom 方案用戶無須支付額外費用,即可使用 AI Companion 多項功能,其中包含支援 9 種語言的 Team Chat 聊天室,以及提供 36 種語言翻譯功能的線上會議預覽版。此外,AI Companion 將新增自動語言偵測功能,根據偵測到的語言生成會議摘要。   自 2023 年九月推出 AI Companion 以來,已吸引超過 510,000 位 Zoom 用戶使用。目前透過 AI Companion 自動生成的會議摘要更累積超過 720 萬則。   Zoom AI 負責人 Mahesh Ram 表示:「對於許多國際團隊來說,擁有能夠跨越語言障礙的 AI 科技至關重要。如果企業已經使用 AI 工具來提高團隊協作和生產力,那麼支援多種語言的 AI 功能將有助於團隊之間更有效地溝通。對 Zoom 來說,為遍布全球的工作團隊建立連結、打造有效的協作一直是我們的首要目標。」   高效提升跨國團隊工作效能 全面驅動線上溝通與協作 對於眾多擁有全球業務版圖的跨國企業來說,同時運用科技並促進團隊間的包容性是企業經營的首要任務。透過 Zoom 擴大支援更多語種的全新功能,將有助於全球團隊更輕鬆地聯繫和協作。   Team Chat ●        Team Chat 在 Zoom 平台上協助每位團隊成員跨越地理障礙,輕鬆實現非同步溝通。現在,AI Companion 已支援 Team Chat 中的九種語言,包括繁體中文、英語、法語、德語、西班牙語、意大利語、葡萄牙語、簡體中文和日語。這也表示,使用這些語言進行溝通的用戶現在可以透過 AI Companion 草擬聊天訊息和總結聊天室中的對話,下一階段 Zoom 也計劃進一步擴大支援更多語種。   Meetings ●        為協助全球團隊簡化協作與溝通,AI Companion 的會議摘要和會議問答功能現已擴大支援 36 種語言,並開放預覽版供用戶使用。 ●        此外,AI Companion 更能偵測會議中所使用的語言,並自動生成會議摘要。多語言使用者不再需要事先設定會議的主要語言,即可獲得完整的會議摘要。   欲了解 AI Companion 更多資訊,請造訪 Zoom 官方網站。   *付費用戶無須支付額外費用即可使用 AI Companion ,AI Companion 可能不適用部分地區與垂直產業   關於 Zoom 一站式智慧協作平台 Zoom 致力為企業及個人用戶的溝通帶來更方便、沉浸且活絡的體驗。Zoom 以人為本,運用科技創造富有意義的連結,透過一站式的溝通平台提升混合協作,並整合如團隊聊天、電話、會議、全渠道雲端聯絡中心、智慧錄影、白板等解決方案,以驅動人類創新。Zoom 於 2011 年創立,為總部位於美國聖荷西的一間上市公司 (NASDAQ:ZM)。欲了解更多資訊,請造訪 zoom.com。   ###

文章來源 : 香港商霍夫曼公關顧問股份有限公司 發表時間 : 瀏覽次數 : 5174 加入收藏 :
Zoom AI Companion 推出全新功能擴大使用場景 驅動團隊溝通協作

Zoom 今日宣布其生成式 AI 助理 AI Companion 推出全新功能, 將幫助團隊實現跨平台溝通與協作能力,並全面提升員工工作效能。此外, Zoom Team Chat、Zoom Whiteboard 、 Zoom Meeting 也將同步更新多項功能,用戶無須支付額外費用1,即可使用 Zoom AI Companion 提升員工與客戶體驗。舉例來說,AI Companion 新功能將幫助管理者追蹤組織內部的 AI 使用狀況,協助客服人員優化與客戶的互動過程。    Zoom AI 負責人 Mahesh Ram 表示:「自 2023 年九月推出以來, AI Companion 已生成超過五百萬則會議摘要。我們致力打造可以支援團隊協作、聯絡溝通與提升工作效率的 AI 功能,讓用戶發揮最好的工作表現。Zoom 將持續革新 AI Companion ,如推出分析儀表板功能,與打造全方位聯絡中心 Zoom Contact Center的專屬方案,以實現 Zoom 致力賦能更多用戶創造連結的願景。」    一鍵啟動 AI Companion 分析功能 即時簡化工作流程 為優化組織內部 AI Companion 的使用方法與採用,Zoom 推出分析儀表板功能,讓帳號所有者與管理員有效掌握組織內部 AI Companion 的使用狀況,並判斷內部同仁在 AI 使用上是否需要更多支援。  Analytics dashboard:Zoom 的帳號管理員即日起可透過 Zoom 管理控制台的 Analytics dashboard 分析儀表板,查看組織內部 AI Companion 的使用情況。此功能讓管理人員有機會向使用者提供協助,並提醒他們如何利用  AI Companion 優化工作流程。    AI Companion 擴大應用場景 助攻 Zoom Contact Center AI 已成為許多聯絡中心成功的關鍵。為幫助各種規模的企業都能最大化的使用 Zoom 之功能,AI Companion 即日起將逐步擴大平台上的應用範圍,其中包含全方位聯絡中心 Zoom Contact Center。  Zoom Contact Center :Contact Center 透過 AI Companion 將能彙整與摘要客戶對話訊息,賦能客服人員更了解客戶並幫助團隊順利的完成交接。同時,新功能將可在通話後自動生成待辦事項以追蹤進度,並支援語音與即時情感分析。   革新功能賦能應用程式 驅動職場溝通協作 Zoom 持續創新並推出革新功能,幫助用戶提升工作效能與協作能力。無須在不同應用程式之間切換,AI Companion 將透過下列新功能幫助工作繁忙的用戶省下更多時間:  Zoom Team Chat:AI Companion 可偵測聊天室中欲安排會議的訊息,並根據訊息內容自動彈出一個附有日期、時間與建議與會者的會議連結,用戶只需按下發送,即可輕鬆分享會議邀請。  Whiteboard:用戶現在可以在 Zoom Whiteboard 白板功能中透過 AI Companion 彙整會議過程中所發想的創意,並視覺化生成相對應的心智圖。    透過 AI 提升會議包容性 在團隊間使用適當的稱謂是促進平等互動的關鍵,這將能夠讓參與者在合作過程中感到更加自在。  Zoom Meetings:AI Companion 將於生成會議摘要時,根據用戶個人資料選擇稱謂, 讓所有與會者都能感受到重視與肯定。   欲了解 AI Companion 更多資訊,請造訪 Zoom 官方網站。    ###    關於 Zoom   一站式智慧協作平台 Zoom 致力為企業及個人用戶帶來更方便、沉浸且活絡的溝通體驗。Zoom 以人為本,運用科技創造富有意義的連結,透過一站式的溝通平台提升混合協作,並整合如團隊聊天、電話、會議、全渠道雲端聯絡中心、智慧錄影、白板等解決方案,以驅動人類創新。Zoom 於 2011 年創立,為總部位於美國聖荷西的一間上市公司 (NASDAQ:ZM)。欲了解更多資訊,請造訪 zoom.com。  

文章來源 : 香港商霍夫曼公關顧問股份有限公司 發表時間 : 瀏覽次數 : 7373 加入收藏 :
Zoom AI Companion 創新里程碑!生成逾一百萬則會議摘要,擴大支援 32 種全新語言

台北訊, 2023 年 10 月 31 日 - 一站式智慧協作平台 Zoom Video Communications, Inc.(NASDAQ: ZM)今日宣布,其生成式 AI 助理 Zoom AI Companion 於正式推出後的兩個月內已吸引超過 125,000 位用戶使用、生成超過一百萬則會議摘要。在達成眾多里程碑的同時, Zoom 進一步公布 AI Companion 的全新功能,包含支援更多的語言,與優化現有功能。   Zoom 產品長 Smita Hashim 表示:「Zoom 致力透過平台為用戶帶來最佳價值,這也是我們於付費方案中全面開放 Zoom AI Companion 的主因[1]。Zoom 持續推動 AI 功能革新,希望讓更多用戶得以享受 Zoom AI 創新科技所帶來的效益。 Zoom 獨特的 AI 聯合方法可以針對各種情境使用不同的語言模型,有效降低間接成本,並讓生成式 AI 能夠被更廣泛的應用。 」 Zoom AI Companion 全新功能即日上線 即日起 AI Companion 的會議問答功能( in-meeting questions) 已新增支援 7 種全新語言(預覽版),同時,Zoom 也根據用戶回饋推出會議摘要概述,讓用戶能夠快速閱覽由平台寄出的精簡版會議摘要。除此之外,Zoom 也預計於 11 月在聊天室中提供根據聊天內容所統整的會議摘要概述。   AI Companion 更多全新功能即將於 11 月登場 Zoom 將陸續於今年 11 月推出更多 AI Companion 更新,其中包含於會議問答與會議摘要新增支援包含繁體中文共 32 種全新語言(預覽版)。此外,AI Companion 將擔任用戶的會議教練,透過於 Smart Recordings 新增語音分析,協助用戶了解會議中說話與聆聽的比例、說話速度以及字句間慣有的停頓詞等。透過分析結果,團隊能夠了解彼此在 Zoom Meetings 中如何與內部及外部與會者溝通互動。 此外,Zoom Events 也將開放使用 AI Companion 功能,不僅支援虛擬大廳聊天室的訊息撰寫功能,並將協助草擬活動註冊、行銷與票務溝通等相關活動的電子郵件。Zoom 同時也將開放控制選項,讓用戶指定其企業組織的 AI Companion 功能僅能使用 Zoom 之大型語言模型。   Convera 數位工作場域與終端用戶運算總監 Chris Blackstone 表示:「AI  Companion 的會議摘要與 smart recordings 功能,是過去十年以來為我們省下最多時間、帶來最高效率的革新科技。員工可以安排特定會議與協作的優先順序,並在保持信心的同時維持職場競爭力。」   Bizzycar, Inc. 營運長 Lucas Oliveria 表示:「Zoom 的 AI  Companion 會議摘要功能協助我們成為更好的溝通者。透過其精準的摘要產出,團隊能夠明確聚焦目標,並清楚列出並分配後續執行項目,有效幫助成員一致遵守會議最佳方法。此外,Zoom AI Companion 也幫助我們省下委託第三方廠商的額外費用,並幫助我們減少製作會議紀錄的時間成本。」   Gainsight 資訊長 Karl Morsgofian 分享:「會議摘要協助我們的團隊節省大量的時間,現在同仁們無須參與每個會議也能夠掌握最新資訊,讓協作變得更順暢。」   Mike Morse Law Firm 資訊長 John Georgatos 表示:「Zoom AI Companion 是新一代協作與創新的成功典範,藉由其自動生成的詳細會議摘要,能有效優化訊息共享並提高團隊生產力。這個包含於現有 Zoom 方案中的功能不僅能提高效率,更能節省大量成本,體現我們打造智慧且緊密串連未來的承諾。」   欲了解 AI Companion 更多資訊,請造訪 Zoom 官方網站。   關於 Zoom 一站式智慧協作平台 Zoom 致力為企業及個人用戶的溝通帶來更方便、沉浸且活絡的體驗。Zoom 以人為本,運用科技創造富有意義的連結,透過一站式的溝通平台提升混合協作,並整合如團隊聊天、電話、會議、全渠道雲端聯絡中心、智慧錄影、白板等解決方案,以驅動人類創新。Zoom 於 2011 年創立,為總部位於美國聖荷西的一間上市公司 (NASDAQ:ZM)。欲了解更多資訊,請造訪 zoom.com。   前瞻性聲明 本新聞稿含有 1995 年證券訴訟改革法(Private Securities Litigation Reform Act of 1995)中明示與暗示之「前瞻性聲明」,其中包含針對與 Zoom 生成式 AI 助理相關之預期收益與商業潛力。在某些情況下,您可以透過如「相信」,「估計」,「期望」,「打算」,「可能」,「計劃」,「項目」,「將」,「將會」,「應該」,「可能」,「能夠」,「預測」,「潛在」,「目標」,「探索」,「持續」,或這些詞語之反義詞以及近義詞識別前瞻性聲明。就其本質而言,這些陳述會受到許多不確定因素和風險的影響,包括我們無法控制的因素。這些因素可能導致實際結果、業績或成就與陳述中預期或暗示的內容有所不同,這包含我們近期向美國證券交易委員會提交的文件(包括截至 2023 年 7 月 31 日 10-Q 表格中的季度報告)中「風險因素」標題下和其他地方所陳述的內容。 前瞻性聲明僅涉及聲明作出之日,並基於聲明作出時 Zoom 掌握的訊息和 / 或管理層當時對未來事件的信念。 除法律要求外,Zoom 毋須負擔義務更新前瞻性聲明,以反映聲明作出之日以後的事件或情況。 ### [1]  註:付費用戶帳號無須額外費用即可享 AI Companion 功能,目前產品開放指定地區與產業使用

文章來源 : 香港商霍夫曼公關顧問股份有限公司 發表時間 : 瀏覽次數 : 10962 加入收藏 :
Zoom AI Companion hits one million meeting summaries milestone

AI Companion will expand support for 32 new languages, new capabilities for Zoom Events, in-meeting questions, and meeting coaching SAN JOSE, Calif., Oct. 30, 2023 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Today Zoom Video Communications, Inc. (NASDAQ: ZM) announced that Zoom AI Companion, the company’s generative AI assistant, has reached a milestone less than two months after its launch, with more than 125,000 accounts using AI Companion, generating more than one million meeting summaries. Zoom also announced new capabilities, additional language support, and further enhancements to existing capabilities for AI Companion. “Providing the best value to our customers across our platform is core to our mission, which is why we made AI Companion available at no additional cost,1 and we continue to introduce new AI capabilities at Zoom speed, so more of our customers can get the most out of Zoom’s AI innovations,” said Smita Hashim, chief product officer at Zoom. “Our unique federated approach allows us to dynamically utilize different models, helping to reduce AI overhead costs and provide broad access to generative AI.” New Zoom AI Companion capabilitiesBeginning today, AI Companion users will be able to use the in-meeting questions capability in new languages, as well as receive short meeting summary overviews at the beginning of full meeting summaries. Users can now use AI Companion’s in-meeting questions capability in seven new languages (preview). Based on feedback from users, the meeting summaries capability now includes an overview at the top of the summary in emailed summaries, providing users with a shorter version of the meeting summary in addition to the full meeting summary. Meeting summary overviews will be available in summaries delivered via continuous meeting chat in November. AI Companion capabilities available in November Zoom will continue to improve AI Companion, with the following new capabilities planned to be available in November: Both AI Companion meeting summary and in-meeting questions capabilities will support a total of 32 new languages, in preview. AI Companion will provide users with meeting coach capabilities, beginning with speech analytics in Smart Recordings. Speech analytics will include the meeting host’s talk-listen ratio, talk speed, and speech fillers so that hosts can glean valuable insights into how they engage with meeting participants during Zoom Meetings. AI Companion will be available in Zoom Events, with chat compose capabilities for lobby chats and assistance with composing emails for registration, marketing, and ticketing communications. Zoom will introduce an optional control for customers to specify that AI Companion capabilities for their organization only use the Zoom large language model. What Zoom customers are saying about AI Companion “AI Companion’s meeting summaries and smart recordings are the first technological innovations in the last decade that bring us tangible time-saving, efficient benefits. People can prioritize specific meetings and collaborations while remaining confident they aren’t missing out on competing activities.” - Chris Blackstone, director, Digital Workplace and End User Computing, Convera “Zoom’s AI Companion meeting summary tool is helping us become better communicators. Guided by its impressively accurate output, our teams are more consistently adhering to best practices in meetings such as stating the objective upfront and clearly outlining and assigning action items. Plus, we were able to save money by offboarding a vendor and save time by not having to produce meeting notes ourselves.” - Lucas Oliveira, COO, Bizzycar, Inc. “Meeting summaries has saved our team a ton of time. We feel that everyone is in the loop without necessarily having to attend every meeting, which results in better collaboration.” - Karl Morsgofian, CIO, Gainsight “Zoom's AI Companion exemplifies our vision for enhanced collaboration and innovation. With automated, detailed meeting summaries, it streamlines information sharing and boosts productivity. This inclusion in our Zoom plan not only improves efficiency but also yields significant cost savings, reflecting our commitment to a smarter, more connected future.” - John Georgatos, CIO, Mike Morse Law Firm AI Companion is available for eligible paid Zoom user accounts at no additional cost.1 For more information about Zoom AI Companion, visit the Zoom website. About ZoomZoom is an all-in-one intelligent collaboration platform that makes connecting easier, more immersive, and more dynamic for businesses and individuals. Zoom technology puts people at the center, enabling meaningful connections, facilitating modern collaboration, and driving human innovation through solutions like team chat, phone, meetings, omnichannel cloud contact center, smart recordings, whiteboard, and more, in one offering. Founded in 2011, Zoom is publicly traded (NASDAQ:ZM) and headquartered in San Jose, California. Get more info at zoom.com. Forward-Looking Statements This press release contains express and implied “forward-looking statements” within the meaning of the Private Securities Litigation Reform Act of 1995, including statements regarding the expected benefits and potential of Zoom’s generative AI assistant. In some cases, you can identify forward-looking statements by terms such as “anticipate,” “believe,” “estimate,” “expect,” “intend,” “may,” “might,” “plan,” “project,” “will,” “would,” “should,” “could,” “can,” “predict,” “potential,” “target,” “explore,” “continue,” or the negative of these terms, and similar expressions intended to identify forward-looking statements. By their nature, these statements are subject to numerous uncertainties and risks, including factors beyond our control, that could cause actual results, performance or achievement to differ materially and adversely from those anticipated or implied in the statements, including those described under the caption “Risk Factors” and elsewhere in our most recent filings with the Securities and Exchange Commission, including our quarterly report on Form 10-Q for the fiscal quarter ended July 31, 2023. Forward-looking statements speak only as of the date the statements are made and are based on information available to Zoom at the time those statements are made and/or management's good faith belief as of that time with respect to future events. Zoom assumes no obligation to update forward-looking statements to reflect events or circumstances after the date they were made, except as required by law. Zoom Public RelationsLacretia Taylorpress@zoom.us 1 Note: Included at no additional cost with the paid services assigned to Zoom accounts. AI Companion may not be available for all regions and industry verticals.

文章來源 : Notified 發表時間 : 瀏覽次數 : 818 加入收藏 :
Announcing Microsoft Copilot, your everyday AI companion

Microsoft Copilot is your new AI companion across Windows 11, Microsoft 365, Edge browser and Bing search. New Windows 11 update delivers over 150 new features including bringing the power of Copilot to the PC. New AI-powered shopping experience and updates to Bing Chat Enterprise. Microsoft 365 Copilot available for enterprise customers on November 1, along with Microsoft 365 Chat, an AI assistant that will transform how you work. New Surface devices will bring all the incredible Microsoft AI experiences to life. SINGAPORE, Sept. 22, 2023 /PRNewswire/ -- At a major event in New York, Microsoft has announced the launch of Microsoft Copilot, a groundbreaking AI companion designed to revolutionize the way people interact with technology and enhance productivity. This solution will be available in Windows 11, Microsoft 365, Edge and Bing for a seamless AI-powered experience across applications and devices. Microsoft also announced some exciting new experiences and devices to help you be more productive, spark your creativity, and to meet the everyday needs of people and businesses. "We are entering a new era of AI, one that is fundamentally changing how we relate to and benefit from technology. With the convergence of chat interfaces and large-language models, you can now ask for what you want in natural language, and the technology is smart enough to answer, create it or take action. At Microsoft, we think about this as having a copilot to help navigate any task," said Yusuf Mehdi, Corporate Vice President & Consumer Chief Marketing Officer, Microsoft. Key Announcements: Microsoft Copilot – Microsoft AI capabilities have been unified into a single experience called Microsoft Copilot, your everyday AI companion. Copilot will uniquely incorporate the context and intelligence of the web, your work data and what you are doing in the moment on your PC to provide better assistance – with your privacy and security at the forefront. The simple and seamless experience will be freely available in Windows 11, in Microsoft 365, and in our web browser with Edge and Bing, available as an app, or can reveal itself when you need it with a right click. Copilot is one AI experience that works across your whole life, and will begin to roll out in its early form in the next release of Windows 11 starting September 26. Windows 11 Update – Over 150 new features will empower you to create faster, complete tasks with ease and lessen your cognitive load – making once complicated tasks simple. Includes Copilot integration, new Outlook for Windows, new capabilities in Paint and Photos enhanced with AI, improved Clipchamp, Notepad, modernized File Explorer, and new natural voices in Narrator to enhance accessibility and productivity. These updates will make Windows the destination for the best AI experiences, and will roll out from September 26 with the latest update to Windows 11, version 22H2. New features in Bing and Edge – Features include personalized answers generated based on the chat history, improved DALL.E 3 model from OpenAI in Bing Image Creator, and new Content Credentials which uses cryptographic methods to add an invisible digital watermark to all AI-generated images in Bing, including time and date it was originally created. You can use Bing Chat today with Microsoft Edge or at bing.com/chat. Features will begin to roll out soon. Copilot in Microsoft Shopping – Bing and Edge can now provide more tailored recommendations and the best price based on your request, powered by AI. Soon, you'll also be able to use a photo or saved image as the starting point for shopping. Bing Chat Enterprise Updates – More than 160 million Microsoft 365 users already have access to Bing Chat Enterprise at no additional cost, and Bing Chat Enterprise is now available on Microsoft Edge mobile app. Multimodal visual search and Image Creator will also be added to boost creativity at work. Microsoft 365 Copilot for Enterprise – Will be generally available for enterprise customers from November 1, 2023, along with Microsoft 365 Chat, a new AI assistant that will completely transform the way you work. Microsoft 365 Copilot for Consumers – Designer will be integrated with Microsoft 365 Copilot for personal users, starting with Word. Designer helps you transform a text-heavy document with custom graphics, create stunning visuals, social media posts, invitations and more using cutting-edge AI. New Surface Devices – Surface devices being launched with the latest AI innovations for people and businesses include: The new Surface Laptop Studio 2 is the most powerful Surface we've ever built. Turbocharged with the latest Intel® Core processors and cutting-edge NVIDIA® Studio tools for creators. Surface Laptop Studio brings together the versatility to create and the power to perform — a stunning 14.4" PixelSense Flow touchscreen display and flexible design with three unique postures. The new Surface Laptop Go 3 is the lightest and most portable Surface Laptop. With a touchscreen display and packed with premium features like an incredible typing experience and a Fingerprint Power Button, it comes in four stylish colors. With Intel® Core i5 performance, all-day battery life, and robust RAM and storage options, it's the perfect everyday laptop and stage for the latest AI tools from Microsoft and the industry. Surface Go 4 for Business is the most portable Surface 2-in-1. The new Surface Go will be available exclusively for organizations and build on the established momentum in scenarios like frontline work and education. Surface Hub 3 is the premier collaboration device built for hybrid work, designed end-to-end by Microsoft. It will now run the Microsoft Teams Rooms experience on a brilliant 50" or 85" screen, and bring entirely new ways to co-create with AI-enhanced collaboration tools. 3D printable Adaptive Pen Grips for Surface Pen have been added to our lineup of adaptive accessories, enabling more people to engage in digital inking and creation than before. Microsoft is the place where powerful, useful AI experiences come together – simply, securely and responsibly – into the products you use most. From Windows 11 as the destination for the best AI experiences to empower people using it at work, school and home; to Microsoft 365, the most trusted productivity suite on the planet; to Bing and Edge, the most innovative search engine and browser available. All of it comes together on Windows 11 PCs like Surface, and with Copilot empowering you to get things done, helping you create and stay connected to people you care about or the world around you. Visit Microsoft.com for more information about today's new products, and to learn more about the announcements, visit the Official Microsoft blog, Microsoft 365 blog and Security blog, with further blogs, videos and assets related to today's announcements on our microsite. About Microsoft Microsoft (Nasdaq "MSFT" @microsoft) enables digital transformation for the era of an intelligent cloud and an intelligent edge. Its mission is to empower every person and every organization on the planet to achieve more.

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Zoom 宣布 AI 助理 Zoom AI Companion 開放付費方案用戶使用

台北訊,2023 年 9 月 6 日 -  Zoom Video Communications, Inc.(NASDAQ: ZM)宣布,其生成式 AI 助理 Zoom AI Companion(先前名為 Zoom IQ),即日起開放付費方案用戶使用[1]。AI Companion 的推出,強化了 Zoom 致力透過一站式平台實現順暢溝通、提高團隊生產力、增強技能與協作效率的願景。 Zoom 也於今日宣布 Zoom IQ for Sales 將正式更名為 Zoom Revenue Accelerator。   自 Zoom 於今年 6 月初推出生成式 AI 工具以來,免費試用的 Team Chat Compose 與 Meeting Summary 已幫助數千家企業用戶優化工作流程。 而今年秋季,Zoom 將推出 AI Companion,擴大生成式 AI 在其平台上的應用,並開放付費方案用戶使用。   Zoom 的 AI 聯合方法透過整合自身的大型語言模型及第三方模型,如: Meta Llama 2、OpenAI 和 Anthropic,以提供優質服務並有效降低成本。以此為基礎,Zoom AI Companion 讓用戶從會議、Team Chat、Zoom Phone、電子郵件、白板,以及未來的新功能中,能夠體驗到 AI Companion 強大的即時協助,以提高用戶生產力與團隊協作效率。   Zoom 產品長 Smita Hashim 表示:「我們成功打造了生成式 AI 產品,並打破業界既有的定價模式,讓企業及個人用戶都能輕鬆地在日常生活中使用並體驗生成式 AI 帶來的便利。Zoom 致力提供最符合客戶需求的解決方案,我們相信於付費方案中開放 Zoom AI Companion 產品功能,能夠為用戶帶來全新價值,並有效解決眼下急迫的挑戰。我們很開心看到用戶已開始使用 AI Companion,而 Zoom 也將以打造負責任的 AI 為承諾,持續創新。」   保護用戶隱私為 Zoom 生成式 AI 首要任務 Zoom 以信任、安全與隱私為前提,積極投資 AI 創新,以優化用戶體驗與生產力。今年 8 月,Zoom 強調絕對不會使用任何來自用戶的影音素材、聊天內容、螢幕共享內容、文件,或是通訊內容(如投票結果、白板內容或表情反應),來訓練 Zoom 或第三方人工智慧模型。此外,AI Companion 預設關閉狀態,帳號所有者和管理員有權力決定是否啟用 。一旦開啟功能,使用者也可以隨時查看並調整設定。Zoom 視保護用戶隱私為首要任務,賦能用戶安心使用 AI Companion。   透過 Zoom AI Companion 打造新工作文化 AI Companion 可協助提升工作效率、減少重複性的業務和干擾,讓團隊協作變得更加輕鬆。在接下來的數月中,AI Companion 將整合更多功能,透過 AI 打造新工作文化,以下為 Zoom AI Companion 產的未來產品進程:  ·         Zoom Meetings:AI Companion 將幫助與會者透過重點片段與智慧章節,以及會議摘要與代辦事項,快速了解缺席會議中的重點內容。在會議進行過程中,若主持人有啟用 AI Companion,與會者將能在不中斷會議的情況下,透過畫面側欄 AI Companion 聊天對話框提交會議查詢需求,並收到由 AI 生成之重點摘要,及時掌握會議進度。在會議結束後,主持人也可以將 AI Companion 自動生成的會議摘要分享給未出席的人員。以上功能將有效協助不同時區的成員快速同步資訊,而 2024 年春季用戶也預計將能在線上接收會議參與即時回饋,以及 AI Companion 針對簡報方式及表達技巧之建議。 ·         Zoom Team Chat:聊天室對於團隊即時與非同步協作至關重要,然而大量繁雜的對話訊息難以梳理消化,因此 AI Companion 能夠快速根據對話上下文,以及訊息語意,自動草擬出符合用戶語氣和合適長度的回覆,大幅減少撰寫訊息的時間。預計在未來數周內,用戶就可以透過生成式 AI 產生對話摘要,輕鬆掌握群組的對話內容。到 2024 年初,用戶即能使用自動撰寫回覆功能,並透過聊天訊息安排會議。 ·         Zoom Whiteboard:今年秋季 Zoom Whiteboard 用戶可以利用 AI Companion 快速產生想法,並將這些創意自動分類與整合。預計於 2024 年春季開始,用戶即能利用 Zoom Whiteboard 內容生成圖像以及白板模板。 ·         Zoom Mail:AI Companion 將為 Zoom Mail 提供電子郵件草稿建議,不僅如此,2024 年春季前,用戶將能夠把會議摘要新增至 Notes 中,並總結 Zoom Phone 中的簡訊與通話。  值得期待的是,用戶在 2024 年春季將能夠利用對話的方式與 AI Companion 互動,這表示 AI Companion 能夠了解問題,並協助用戶使用如會議、聊天室、以及連接第三方應用程式等功能。舉例來說,用戶可以在客戶會議前要求 AI Companion 搜尋關鍵字,從會議、聊天室、白板、電子郵件、以及檔案中收集會前資料,並在用戶的允許下,於第三方應用程式中搜尋資料,以提供最新的資訊。此外,AI Companion 也能在會議過程中提供用戶即時支援,例如在會議期間,透過詢問 AI Companion 掌握會議進度與討論重點,若有人在會議中發問, AI Companion 也能即時提出得以支持論點的佐證,或是針對提問草擬答覆。而在會議結束後,用戶可透過 AI Companion 自動整理會議重點,列出代辦事項,並在用戶允許的情況下,透過第三方應用程式分享給相關與會者。   欲了解 AI Companion 更多資訊,請造訪 Zoom 官方網站。   關於 Zoom 一站式智慧協作平台 Zoom 致力為企業及個人用戶的溝通帶來更方便、沉浸且活絡的體驗。Zoom 以人為本,運用科技創造富有意義的連結,透過一站式的溝通平台提升混合協作,並整合如團隊聊天、電話、會議、全渠道雲端聯絡中心、智慧錄影、白板等解決方案,以驅動人類創新。Zoom 於 2011 年創立,為總部位於美國聖荷西的一間上市公司 (NASDAQ:ZM)。欲了解更多資訊,請造訪 zoom.com。 [1] 特定垂直產業與地區可能不適用於此範疇。

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