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引領潮流:公西靶場啟動AI服務,愛吠的狗AI AMAZE 慧星大使亮相台北國際射擊大獎

由國際射擊聯盟授權、中華民國射擊協會主辦的「2024台北國際射擊大獎賽」,於9月21日至30日在國家射擊訓練基地的公西靶場盛大舉行。本次賽事是台灣首次舉辦僅次於世錦賽及世界盃的國際賽事,吸引了來自澳洲、加拿大、義大利等10個國家超過140位射擊選手參與,也獲得AI新創公司愛吠的狗(BarkingDog Technology Inc.)的贊助支持。 賽事現場使用愛吠的狗「AI AMAZE 慧星大使」擬真人智慧服務,於公西靶場一樓和二樓同步提供導覽與諮詢服務。觀眾與選手可使用中文或英文自然口語向AI導覽員「希希」輕鬆詢問有關賽程時間、場地資訊,以及選手介紹等。除了提供便利的資訊查詢服務,還可以與「希希」互動合照,體驗智慧服務帶來的趣味和人性化互動。 此次台北國際射擊大獎賽由中華民國射擊協會主辦、國家運動訓練中心協辦,並獲愛吠的狗贊助與技術支持,三方攜手合作,將創新AI科技服務引入國際體育賽事,不僅提升了對各國觀眾與選手的接待品質,也希望藉此讓更多國際友人透過賽事認識台灣的科技實力,並將台灣的正面形象帶回他們的國家。 愛吠的狗營運長江宥蓁表示,這次導入的擬真人智慧服務採用了獨家開發的向量檢索智識庫,能夠即時提供準確且一致的對話體驗。這項技術不僅為來自各國的觀眾與選手提供具溫度的科技服務,還為賽事增添了更多體驗價值,展現了AI技術在體育賽事中的創新應用。未來,愛吠的狗將繼續藉由其領先的AI擬真人智慧服務,支持台灣體育發展,並與國際接軌。 新聞聯絡人: 愛吠的狗娛樂股份有限公司(BarkingDog Technology Inc.) 江宥蓁 營運長;伍致翰執行長特助 (02)2591-7735 zoy@barkingdog.ai;jason@barkingdog.ai 

文章來源 : 愛吠的狗娛樂股份有限公司 發表時間 : 瀏覽次數 : 2155 加入收藏 :
Taiwan’s XR Startups Shine at AWE Asia 2024 in Singapore

Wide variety of creative new AR, VR, and MR technologies and products revealed, to acclaimTAIPEI, TAIWAN - Media OutReach Newswire - 4 September 2024 - Taiwan's official XR EXPRESS project highlighted technology and products from four XR startups at AWE Asia 2024 in Singapore from August 26-28, 2024. These companies are experts in XR (Extended Reality) fields, including; AR (Augmented Reality), VR (Virtual Reality), and MR (Mixed Reality). The chosen Taiwanese startups were TianYen, LightGen, Barking Dog Technology, and MomentX. The XR EXPRESS TW program is a government project advised by Taiwan's National Development Council (NDC). Taiwan’s XR Startups Shine at AWE Asia 2024 in Singapore LightGen's AR Digital Twin World LightGen's digital twin world system stitches the virtual world with the real world. The high degree of integration of virtual objects with reality brings a tangible "what you see is what you get" process to AR. Applications include education and training, exhibition hall navigation, amusement park multiplayer entertainment, and more. "Seeing so many innovative applications of Mixed Reality from international companies at AWE Asia, we were very happy to participate, and we look forward to more business cooperation," said LightGen's Business Development Manager, Ray Chen. TianYen: Applied Mixed Reality With over a decade of expertise in international interactive new media technology, TianYen applies mixed reality projection, holographic display technology, interactive projection mapping, and AR to diverse fields including exhibitions, entertainment, corporate training, retail, and advertising. For example, TianYen's mixed reality projection system and projection mapping technology can be used to create eye-catching exhibition displays, enhancing visitor engagement and experience, transforming an exhibition booth into a focal point. "Participating in AWE showcased our mixed reality light and shadow technology, receiving significant attention," said David Ni, CEO of TianYen. "We are committed to advancing global digital creative technology and collaborating with more international partners." MomentX, Virtual Human Technology MomentX's comprehensive Software as a Service (SaaS) platform features: An advanced conversational AI engine with context-aware multi-turn dialogue capabilities powered by Large Language Model (LLM) support; Virtual human technology supporting Vtuber Avatars and 3D virtual humans; and precise directional audio capture and user gesture recognition. James Jin-Wei Lee, Founder and CEO of MomentX, said: "The distinguishing feature of our AI Agent virtual human is its ability to provide a consistent user experience across smart devices and XR environments. We're delighted that this exhibition allowed us to explore business opportunities with a diverse range of industry players and business owners". The company's technology has cross-platform compatibility across web, mobile applications, touch screens, and MR environments, and robust integration for easy connectivity with enterprise systems. The hybrid cloud and edge architecture ensures scalability and low latency. Barking Dog Technology Merges AI With XR Barking Dog's "AI Amaze" virtual human service platform offers a comprehensive AI+XR solution to enhance enterprise efficiency, reduce costs, and engage target audiences. It supports cross-platform devices and provides real-time, AI-generated virtual human services, backed by a dedicated knowledge base. Customer data is collected for precision marketing and management, driving revenue and savings. The company's J7EF Plus smart glasses feature 6-direction gesture recognition for touchless control on Android devices. The Time-of-Flight (ToF) sensor enhances spatial information by detecting object distances and helping to divide scenes into zones, thus enabling innovative AR smart spaces. Applications of Barking Dog's XR+AI technology include: tourism guidance, business promotion, marketing interaction and customer service, education, training, and personal assistance. Successful and Productive AWE Asia Show The innovative new technology Taiwan's XR startups revealed for this rapidly-expanding and developing field helped them attract great interest at the event. They made strong connections with many potential new customers, and strengthened bonds with existing partners. "Having the opportunity to showcase AI hybrid AR technology at this XR exhibition platform is truly exciting," commented Vince Xu, Senior Manager of Barking Dog. "The chance to interact with major industry players on-site also opens up more potential business opportunities for us." Hashtag: #technology #AR #VR #MR The issuer is solely responsible for the content of this announcement.About LightGenLight Generation Co., Ltd. (LightGen) is committed to the research and development of laser beam scanning LBS AR service systems, exclusive light decoding positioning technology, and the establishment of physical spaces, vehicles (mobile phones, glasses, robots), virtual The object co-ordinate platform develops a digital twin world editor to quickly connect game development and commercial business in the augmented environment, becoming the best entrance to the digital twin world. https://www.lig.com.tw/en/ About Barking DogBarking Dog Technology Inc, known for developing XR+AI integrated interactive content, was established six years ago. Recently, the company launched the "AI Amaze Ambassador" virtual human service platform, incorporating the latest ChatGPT generative language model technology. Using a proprietary vector retrieval architecture, the company has developed AI intelligent customer service applications suitable for a wide range of uses, including tourism guidance, business promotion, marketing interaction, customer service, education and training, and personal assistance. https://www.barkingdog.ai/en About MomentXMomentX is a Taiwan-based startup founded in 2024, headquartered in Taipei. The company focuses on developing a SaaS platform for generative AI and conversational AI agents, aiming to enable small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) to easily deploy web and virtual human AI agents. MomentX's mission is to bridge the gap between cutting-edge technology and humans and organizations in an era of rapid technological advancement, allowing more people to quickly and easily leverage new technologies. The company's vision is to empower one million SMEs to deploy AI agents by 2026. https://www.momentx.co/ About TianYenTianYen is active not only in media advertising, arts and fashion, but also in culinary tourism, high-profile events, high-end parties, and commercial space design. The company crafts a unique "Mixed Reality Metaverse" for users, ensuring every interaction is unforgettable. TianYen pioneers cutting-edge technological marketing strategies that make client brands stand out. https://www.tianyen.com/ About XR EXPRESS TWXR EXPRESS TW is a governmental project advised by the National Development Council (NDC) of Taiwan as part of its industrial innovation drive. The goal is to optimize the country's XR ecosystem and strengthen global connections. The Taiwan Association for Virtual and Augmented Reality (TAVAR), the largest XR association in Taiwan, plays the key executive role in the project. XR EXPRESS brings together the dreamers, gathers the forces of creativity, and builds a platform where the impossible can be achieved. On this journey, XR EXPRESS will engage with the world, elevate to a higher plane, and explore the universe without limitations. The vision: Bound for innovation, move without limitation. https://www.xrexpress.tw/

文章來源 : Media OutReach Limited 發表時間 : 瀏覽次數 : 292 加入收藏 :

為落實國內中小企業規劃5G應用提供服務,各家資訊服務業者發展智慧科技應用,愛吠的狗娛樂開發「AI AMAZE」智能服務,並與台糖、高雄捷運、在地店家攜手合作,打造高雄橋頭區「智慧導覽大使-橋小糖」,民眾可透過手機及場域顯示器,即時與智慧導覽員進行人性化語音對談與文字互動,打破對於機器人固定式導覽的認知,該服務整合了5G 通訊與 AI 技術應用,預計於九月中旬進駐高雄橋頭糖廠園區。 技術應用包括:「AI影像辨識」可辨識訪客的肢體動作以進行趣味的互動濾鏡拍照應用、人流等數據分析,與「AI語音辨識與語音生成技術」以便進行自然語音對話的互動交流,更重要的還有由愛吠的狗所開發的「智能向量檢索平台」,透過組建的知識庫結合知名的ChatGPT,可讓ChatGPT更準確地回覆周邊店家訊息與導覽資訊、限制智能回覆範圍,並得以讓企業主可以快速測試與調整AI回覆內容,大幅降低AI客服所需的建置與訓練成本,進而創建一個高雄市橋頭區指標性服務—智慧導覽大使「橋小糖」。隨著民眾走訪高雄橋頭,面對面與「橋小糖」進行語音對話,能夠快速了解橋頭當地最精彩的旅遊路線,解決觀光遊客即時性疑問,服務後台系統整合橋頭園區旅遊與周邊景點資訊,大幅減少了遊客旅遊規劃的時間成本。 「橋小糖」未來上線後提供許多貼心功能,包含周邊景點推薦、即時拍照、語系切換(中文、英語、日語),提供趣味與國際化服務! 還可透過手機Line@將橋小糖帶在身邊隨時陪伴,使用文字向「橋小糖」即時詢問,包含在地推薦美食、景點導覽、路線規劃等,遊客能一手帶著「橋小糖」隨處旅遊! 愛吠的狗公司表示「未來將持續串聯在地商家,凝聚橋頭周邊觀光資源並落實遊客體驗」。智慧導覽大使「橋小糖」將於九月下旬於高雄市橋頭糖廠園區試營運,為在地增添了更加人性化的觀光旅遊體驗。

文章來源 : 愛吠的狗娛樂股份有限公司 發表時間 : 瀏覽次數 : 3803 加入收藏 :
緯創資通自主移動機器人Wifundity攜手愛吠的狗 打造AI客服 啟動智慧城市不斷電服務

<新聞稿,2023 年3月24日>   一年一度的智慧城市展於3月28日至3 月31日假台北南港展覽館2館盛大舉辨。為了向全球展示台灣智慧城市建設的領先地位,緯創資通旗下Wifundity與愛吠的狗聯手打造了全台首創的人工智慧客服方案,結合了尖端AI技術、自主移動機器人和ChatGPT,成為展會中的一大亮點。   AI Amaze「希希」是在展會中首次亮相的人工智慧客服,個性活潑俏皮,受到了參觀者的喜愛和關注。以5G和AIoT為核心,本屆智慧城市展的主題是「數位轉型再創智慧城市新高峰」,號召各家企業一同為城市和居民打造更智慧的後疫情時代生活。緯創與愛吠的狗身為產業先驅,共同開發出自主移動的人工智慧客服方案,讓國際看見台灣科技產業帶來的創新量能。   緯創資通人工智慧與機器人研發處副總監黃啟達表示:「面對後疫情帶來的需求紅利,企業將聚焦在更多服務流程的優化及轉型,達到節省成本創造營收來優化體質,在市場重整過程中取得優勢,AI客服即是目前服務型機器人市場重要的應用之一。」   專精數位體驗的技術團隊愛吠的狗執行長許冠文表示:「很高興我們能與緯創資通這個世界一流的團隊共同展示AI客服在各種產業、多個場域的應用情境。我們的AI Amaze不僅可以做單純的客服,還可以擔任品牌大使、銷售助理等企業所需的服務角色。目前更結合ChatGPT,提供流暢的對話體驗。」   AI Amaze不僅提供中英日韓多語言對話模組、手部辨識互動及眼球互動等模組,並且可串聯場域導覽應用,進一步提升展覽活動流量。此外,它亦能為各企業提供人性化、溫暖的服務平台,大幅提升終端顧客的數位體驗服務,是一個極具競爭力的AI客服解決方案。   媒體聯繫人 愛吠的狗娛樂  陳俐安 adrianne@thebarkingdog-games.com , 0936824830  

文章來源 : 愛吠的狗娛樂股份有限公司 發表時間 : 瀏覽次數 : 8672 加入收藏 :
2024 年 11 月 6 日 (星期三) 農曆十月初六日
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