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深圳2024年3月20日 /美通社/ -- 3月14日至15日,以「因聚而生 數智有為」為主題的「華為中國合作伙伴大會2024」在深圳隆重舉行。期間,華為發布《智慧園區2030》報告,洞察發展趨勢、定義價值場景、闡述關鍵技術特征、提出參考架構和量化指標,與業界同仁共同展望智慧園區創新發展之路。 園區是城市的基本單元,是人類辦公、生產、生活的主要場所,是數字經濟發展的重要載體,是實現綠色低碳轉型的關鍵靶點。近年來,業界對智慧園區進行了深入的探索和實踐,智慧園區的發展已經進入深水區。恰逢其時,華為與業界專家學者共同輸出對未來智慧園區的思考。 華為副總裁、ICT產品組合管理與解決方案部總裁馬海旭發表了致辭。他指出,華為作為全球領先的ICT基礎設施和智能終端提供商,過去30多年沒有一天停止對未來世界的探索。智慧園區2030研究團隊與業界100多名學者、伙伴和研究機構深入交流,組織了50多場研討,集業界專家和華為專家的智慧,共同輸出了面向未來的思考——《智慧園區2030》報告。希望這份報告能夠為全球智慧園區的發展與建設貢獻出積極的力量。華為期待與全球客戶和伙伴一起,攜手奮進,共同譜寫智慧園區發展的新篇章! 馬海旭 華為副總裁、ICT產品組合管理與解決方案部總裁 中國工程院院士丁烈雲發表了「從建築智能終端到智慧園區」的主題演講,他認為,下一個改變人們生活的智能終端是建築智能終端。提供高品質的工程產品,使生活更美好;形成新的數字經濟業態,使經濟更具活力。從點、線、面、域全方位智能化,加速智慧園區產業發展。 荷蘭、歐盟城市經濟學院士Peter Nijkamp表示,在《智慧園區2030》報告,華為描繪了未來智慧園區的場景,不僅探索了智慧園區運行所需的技術條件,還介紹了如何利用技術創新為智慧園區創造新的價值,從而服務於民眾、各園區業態以及整個社會。 華為數據存儲產品線副總裁龐鑫表示,面向未來,華為eCampusCore將持續打造AI-ready園區數據底座,實現數據資產的可視、可管、可用,並提供全方位的數據保護,建立起完整的容災、備份和防勒索機制,保證數據資產不可篡改。 華為數據通信產品線副總裁趙少奇介紹到,華為推出Net 5.5G 高品質萬兆園區網絡解決方案,帶來三個升級:無線體驗升級,引領萬兆新體驗;應用體驗升級,VIP體驗0受損;運維體驗升級,1人管理萬人園區。面向未來,華為堅持以體驗為中心,攜手伙伴構建園區網絡,推動企業數智化升級。 德勤中國副主席施能自進行了主題分享,他認為,政策導向、技術驅動、需求牽引三大驅動因素下,新型智慧園區未來已來。作為數字經濟的主要落腳點、新場景應用升級的試驗田、人本屬性的智慧實踐區,智慧園區將大有可為。 華為園區軍團CEO蘇寶華發表了「智慧園區2030,構建園區有機生命體」主題演講,他表示探索是人類與生俱來的天性,華為匯聚眾智,共繪未來智慧園區發展藍圖。智慧園區是將物理空間、數字空間和人文空間深度融合,具備全面智能、以人為本、綠色低碳特征的有機生命體。我們立志,把數字世界帶入每個園區,讓智慧觸手可及! 華為發布《智慧園區2030》報告 該報告以全球智慧園區的洞察和實踐為基礎,給出了具備前瞻性的未來智慧園區願景和定義,闡述未來影響智慧園區發展的5大趨勢,系統描繪了10個典型未來場景,首次定義了未來智慧園區6大關鍵技術特征。報告還創新提出1個智慧園區參考架構,並通過22個量化指標,對智慧園區的未來發展前景進行定量預測,指導智慧園區的建設落地。 面向未來,華為將秉持「因聚而生 數智有為」的核心理念,不斷強化「伙伴+華為」體系,深化千萬伙伴的合作深度與廣度,助力客戶數智化升級的同時,共創、共享、共贏數智世界新價值。 更多《智慧園區2030》報告內容,請關注:https://www.huawei.com/cn/giv/intelligent-campus-2030

文章來源 : PR Newswire 美通社 發表時間 : 瀏覽次數 : 2334 加入收藏 :
TUMI Appoints Aris Maroulis as Vice President for TUMI Asia-Pacific & Middle East

HONG KONG SAR - Media OutReach Newswire - 20 March 2024 - TUMI, the leading international travel and lifestyle brand has appointed Aris Maroulis as the new Vice President for Asia-Pacific and Middle East, with immediate effect. Based in Hong Kong, Maroulis will be responsible for building the brand, overseeing operations, and managing overall business in the region. Maroulis will report directly to Subrata Dutta, President – Asia-Pacific and Middle East, Samsonite. Aris Maroulis - Vice President for TUMI Asia-Pacific & Middle East “We are delighted to welcome Aris to TUMI at this exciting time for the brand in the region. He has extensive luxury retail experience on both the brand and commercial real estate sides,” said Subrata Dutta. “Aris is a proven leader who will focus on identifying new opportunities for TUMI and continue to provide world-class customer experience through every brand touchpoint”. Maroulis has 25 years of experience in Asia, Europe and the US with the last 15 years focused on Asia. Before joining TUMI, he held the title of Director - China Business Operation, Asset Management for Hang Lung Properties for four years, overseeing a portfolio of luxury shopping malls in mainland China. Prior to that, Maroulis was the Managing Director for Montblanc China, based in Shanghai, where he had overall responsibility for the China market. “I have followed TUMI closely for many years, both as a customer and as a luxury brand and business strategist. I have been continuously impressed by the brand’s innovation, meticulous design, unparalleled performance, and customer-first approach. I am delighted to join this dynamic team and lead the brand's growth in Asia-Pacific and the Middle East,” said Aris Maroulis. Maroulis earned an MBA from The Wharton School of the University of Pennsylvania. He is multilingual and fluent in Greek, English and French, with business proficiency in Mandarin. Hashtag: #TUMIThe issuer is solely responsible for the content of this announcement.About TUMISince 1975, TUMI has been creating world-class business, travel and performance luxury essentials, designed to upgrade, uncomplicate and beautify all aspects of life on the move. Blending flawless functionality with a spirit of ingenuity, we’re committed to empowering journeys as a lifelong partner to movers and makers in pursuit of their passions. For more about TUMI, visit TUMI.com. TUMI and TUMI logo are registered trademarks of Tumi, Inc. © 2024 Tumi, Inc.

文章來源 : Media OutReach Limited 發表時間 : 瀏覽次數 : 1486 加入收藏 :
The 30th Guzhen Lighting Fair commences with great fanfare

ZHONGSHAN, China, March 20, 2024 /PRNewswire/ -- The 30th China (Guzhen) International Lighting Fair (hereinafter referred to as GILF), a four-day event, opened grandly on March 18th at the Guzhen Convention and Exhibition Center in Zhongshan City, Guangdong Province, China. Gathering high-quality brands and attracting global buyers, the fair is a major procurement event for the spring season. Since its inception as a roadside exhibition in 1999, the GILF has undergone significant transformations. In 2013, it moved to a new exhibition hall, and adopted the "Exhibition-Megastore Linkage" model. In 2016, it expanded to have both online and offline platforms. Now, it practices the concept of green exhibitions and optimizes traffic circulation. Over the past 25 years, the number of exhibitors has grown from 200 to 3,300, and the exhibition area has expanded from 28,000 square meters to 1.5 million square meters. Each upgrade not only enhances its overflow effect but also demonstrates the transformation of the lighting industry, injecting strong momentum into the high-quality economic and social development of Guzhen and Zhongshan. The 30th GILF, themed "Guzhen Lights up the World," aims to embrace the "new," and connect with the global industries. With a focus on specialization, marketization, and internationalization, the fair spares no effort to build an exhibition and trade bridge that combines exhibition and megastores as well as offline and online platforms in the whole industrial chain. The main venue, Guzhen Convention and Exhibition Center, is joined by eight sub-venues, including Lihe Lighting Expo Center, Huayi Plaza, Star Alliance Global Brand Lighting Center, Lighting Era Center, Guzhen Chang'an Lighting Parts & Electronic City, Caosan International Lighting Parts City, Guyi Ruifeng International Lighting Fittings City, and Guyi Qingfeng LED Lighting Trading City, forming a "1+8+N" structure. It is a great platform to showcase new technologies of the industry, new exhibition and trade experience, and new cross-sector cooperation. Spectacular opening ceremony to help extend, supplement, and strengthen the industrial chain Ms. Liu Shengping, executive director of the China Association of Lighting Industry, stated at the opening ceremony: "After 25 years of rapid development, the professional and commercial GILF has gained recognition of the industry and good reputation in the whole society. As China becomes the global center for lighting manufacturing and supply chains, the influence of "Guzhen Lighting" in the international market continues to expand." Mr. Ouyang Jinquan, deputy mayor of Zhongshan City, also made a speech at the opening ceremony: "With the upcoming opening of the Shenzhen-Zhongshan Link, Zhongshan is making great efforts to integrate into the development of the Greater Bay Area, and build a provincial-level reform and innovation experimental zone to reach new heights. Adhering to the principle of taking real economy as the foundation and manufacturing as the leading industry, Zhongshan tries to promote the development of traditional industries, emerging industries, and future industries simultaneously. Much work has been done to cultivate new quality productive forces, and five major actions have been taken to promote "big industries, big platforms, big projects, big enterprises, and big environment." Moreover, "ten major fleets" of the new era are being built, including the lighting fleet. By empowering lighting and other industries with new technologies, new business models, and new formats, Zhongshan tries to foster and expand the national and provincial foreign trade transformation bases such as the Guzhen lighting base. A three-year action plan will also be implemented to improve the quality of industrial products, together with ten measures focusing on strict quality control and enhancement to comprehensively improve the quality of key industrial products such as lighting fixtures. The ultimate purpose is to promote the transformation of Zhongshan's manufacturing industry towards "precision manufacturing," make Guzhen Lighting and Zhongshan Lighting synonymous with high quality and help more Zhongshan brands to go global." Mr. Xue Zhiguo, secretary of the Guzhen Town Party Committee, said: "Looking forward to the future, Guzhen will always maintain its tradition while making innovations. In regard to tradition, it will maintain the dominant position of lighting industry, extending, supplementing and strengthening the industrial chain. Holding on to the dream of "Guzhen Lights up the World," we remain true to our original aspiration of hosting specialized, commercial, and international lighting fair. In terms of innovation, Guzhen will keep making innovations and progress in a pioneering spirit. Great efforts will be made to build lighting industry center, trade center, design center, information center, and technology center, to turn Guzhen into a world-class capital of lights. With manufacturing as the leading industry, we help more manufacturing enterprises to settle in, return to, or establish new homes in Guzhen. The rapid intellectual property protection center, the pilot market procurement and trade unit, and other national policies will be leveraged to empower the lighting industry with science and technology. The ever-expanding Guzhen Lighting Fair will become a perfect platform for trade and information exchange in the lighting industry." Then, various ceremonies were staged at the opening ceremony, including the "Signing Ceremony of Investment Projects under the Guzhen Plan on Settlement of Enterprises with An Annual Output Value of Over 100 Million Yuan," "Signing Ceremony of Projects Intended for the Guzhen Plan on Settlement of Enterprises with An Annual Output Value of Over 100 Million Yuan (second batch)," and "Signing Ceremony of Intended Projects for Modern Service Industry in Guzhen." Representatives from the China Association of Lighting Industry, brand strategists, major domestic and international buyers, large-scale lighting markets, leading enterprises, and mainstream media witnessed the grand opening ceremony. A new layout adopted to build an international trade bridge At nine o'clock in the morning, a stream of attendees entered the main venue by scanning their ID cards or using facial recognition efficiently. Inside the crowded exhibition halls, people moved between booths, searching for products or engaging in negotiations. Many visitors also stopped at the spots featuring "Brilliant Milestone," "Lighting Era - Wall of Historical Moments," and "Dragon-shaped Lighting Design" to take photos. The upgraded main venue attracts 928 high-quality companies to showcase their products in the whole industrial chain. The exhibits include smart lighting, decorative lighting fixtures, home lighting, commercial lighting, cultural tourism lighting, special-purpose lighting fixtures, mechanical equipment, and accessories. The comprehensive Hall G which has been expanded to double its capacity connects with the connects to the existing Halls A, B, C, and F, ensuring a smoother flow of people. This helps small and medium-sized enterprises overcome growth barriers, and promote diversified and high-quality development of the industry. To adapt to the overall trend of integrated development of Shenzhen and Zhongshan as well as the maturing mode of "lighting research and development in Shenzhen and manufacturing in Zhongshan," a Shenzhen-Zhongshan Brand Zone is established in Hall A. Compared to the 29th fair, the area has increased by 86.8%, and the number of participating companies has risen by 23.3%. This provides more opportunities for new cooperation models such as "headquarters in Shenzhen + manufacturing in Zhongshan," "led by Shenzhen + supported by Zhongshan," and "research and development in Shenzhen + commercialization in Zhongshan." Focusing on AI Application and specialized, refined, differentiated, and innovative enterprises Following the trend of maturing application of the Internet of Things and AI technology, this fair focuses on three major fields: intelligent technology, green and low-carbon energy, and cross-sector integration. The technological advantages of smart lighting technology in various fields such as home decoration, office application, landscape, education, and healthcare are demonstrated in the main venue in combination with chip development, driver design, system integration, data platforms, and other means. There is a significant increase in the exhibitors and products featuring low-carbon, cross-sector, and new energy lighting applications. In particular, frontier products for landscape lighting and outdoor tourism, and energy storage batteries are great attractions to buyers. The emphasis on specialized, refined, differentiated, and innovative enterprises is also a major feature of this fair. "Champion products" can be seen everywhere, and major exhibitors pay more attention to innovation in design, craftsmanship, and functionality, especially original products. A gathering of great minds with multi-dimensional forums enlightening the future of the industry The high-end conferences held at the main venue bring together industry leaders, sales experts, and research scholars to discuss new trends, technologies, and paths for industry development. The "Forum on Industrial Chain Innovation to Promote High-Quality Development of the Lighting Industry," hosted by the China Association for Lighting Industry, centers around hot topics such as innovation, rights protection, and digitization in the lighting industry, with many wonderful speeches. The "Shenzhen-Zhongshan Integration for Technological Innovation: 2024 Chinese Lighting Industry 3.0 Development Strategy & Greater Bay Area Lighting Innovation Technology Release Conference," hosted by the Zhongshan Bureau of Commerce, gives a comprehensive exposition of the cutting-edge technologies and trends in smart manufacturing, digitization, and AI application. The hit program, the "EZTalk" livestreaming forum focuses on keywords such as "international trade layout," "natural spectrum," and "lighting health." It adopts the Metaverse virtual exhibition hall for live broadcast for the first time to showcase the latest industry achievements. Appreciating the new chapter of lighting art The policy of "a more specialized main venue and more high-end sub-venues" is better interpreted at the 30th Lighting Fair. Activities such as "Ordering Events," "Design Week," and "Sourcing Festival" make a stunning debut, allowing visitors to enjoy new products and promotions that integrate cross-sector functions. A series of commercial activities for sales and promotions are carried out in the eight sub-venues mentioned above, attracting a large number of merchants, and creating a lively commercial atmosphere for the lighting capital. Visitors watch the exhibition during the day, and enjoy the lights at night. On the night of the opening ceremony, impressive cultural and artistic activities were held in the Guzhen Ecological Wetland Park, including fireworks show, and national intangible cultural heritage items - Liufang Yunlong Dance, Lingnan Lion Dance, Lotus Loong, and Ribbon Loong. In addition, cultural resources from the city, town, and villages are also integrated to promote consumption, and enrich the travel experience of visitors through a range of activities. The Guzhen Lighting Fair has witnessed the rise of the lighting industry of the town, forming a multi-dimensional industrial ecosystem. Looking to the future, it will continue to link with global resources and merchants to showcase cutting-edge technologies and achieve win-win results in innovation and trade, as a model in integration of industry, technology, culture, and tourism.

文章來源 : PR Newswire 美通社 發表時間 : 瀏覽次數 : 1416 加入收藏 :
Changes in Group Management to continue to drive profitable growth in the ISEA region

GOTHENBURG, Sweden, March 20, 2024 /PRNewswire/ -- SKF announces the appointment of Mukund Vasudevan as President, Industrial Region India and Southeast Asia (ISEA). In his role, Mukund will be responsible for continuing SKF's strategic transformation and profitable growth journey in the expansive ISEA region. Mukund has extensive experience from multi-national commercial and industrial executive positions, including a proven track record in building high performance teams. He also adds entrepreneurial perspectives from working with start-ups. "India and Southeast Asia is an important region for us where we have high ambitions to grow in a profitable way. Mukund's background and experience is highly relevant for our business in the ISEA region, and he will bring fresh perspectives having worked with several industries, but also with emerging markets, cleantech and start-ups," says Rickard Gustafson, President and CEO at SKF. "I am really looking forward to join SKF, a world-leading and innovative solutions provider for industrial and automotive customers, and to bring my previous experience to our teams globally and here in ISEA. Our employees in the ISEA region have done a tremendous work in executing the strategy, and we will continue to work close together with our partners to achieve our goals," says Mukund Vasudevan. Mukund will join SKF on 8 April and will succeed Fredrik Hallen, Acting President Industrial Region ISEA who replaced Manish Bhatnagar on an interim basis and will now continue in his role as Head of Finance, Controlling, IT and Digitalization, Industrial Region ISEA. As previously communicated, Manish Bhatnagar has been appointed President, Industrial Region Americas. Aktiebolaget SKF      (publ) CONTACT: For further information, please contact:PRESS: Carl Bjernstam, Head of Media Relationstel: 46 31-337 2517; mobile: 46 722-201 893; e-mail: carl.bjernstam@skf.com  INVESTOR RELATIONS: Sophie Arnius, Head of Investor Relationstel: 46 31-337 8072; mobile: 46 705-908 072; sophie.arnius@skf.com  This information was brought to you by Cision http://news.cision.com https://news.cision.com/skf/r/changes-in-group-management-to-continue-to-drive-profitable-growth-in-the-isea-region,c3947804 The following files are available for download: https://mb.cision.com/Main/637/3947804/2677101.pdf 20240319 Changes in Group Management to continue to drive profitable growth in the ISEA region https://news.cision.com/skf/i/rickard-gustafson,c3279650 Rickard Gustafson https://news.cision.com/skf/i/mukund-vasudevan,c3279653 Mukund Vasudevan

文章來源 : PR Newswire 美通社 發表時間 : 瀏覽次數 : 1328 加入收藏 :
Delta Guides the Path Towards Optimized Energy Efficiency in Gigawatt-scale Data Centers for AI Training at NVIDIA GTC

SAN JOSE, Calif.  , March 20, 2024 /PRNewswire/ -- Delta, a leader in power management and provider of IoT-based smart green solutions, today offered an in-depth presentation at NVIDIA GTC, a global AI conference, to highlight its new developments in power solutions from grid to chip to optimize energy efficiency in gigawatt-grade data centers for AI training. This includes Delta's on-site displays of ORV3 racks, the 33 kW power shelf and the innovative board-level DC/DC Converters VR Series, featuring game-changing vertical power delivery architecture to increase TVR efficiency of output voltage for GPUs to over 94%*. Delta's vision to enable HVDC 800Vdc distribution inside data centers with a modular Solid State Transformer (SST) cabinet and a 1OU 80kW DC/DC Power Shelf design to convert 800Vdc down to 50Vdc bus voltage on the rack level was also highlighted in the presentation.  Ralf Pieper, the R&D Director of Delta's Custom Design Business Unit, said, "As the proportion of GPUs increases in AI computing, global power consumption from data centers is expected to more than double to over 1 trillion kWh by 2026**. Between 2010 and 2022, Delta's solutions helped our customers worldwide save over 39.9 billion kWh of electricity***. Our unique expertise in high-efficiency server power and DC/DC converters, as well as ICT and energy infrastructure, allows us to spearhead the development of groundbreaking solutions capable of supporting the AI megatrend by optimizing the grid-to-chip power conversion cycle." In his presentation, titled "Empowering Next-Generation Gigawatt Data Centers for AI Training", Mr. Pieper underscored that the arrival of gigawatt-scale data centers for AI training and inferencing applications, likely including 250kW racks, is inevitable. This anticipated radical shift in the magnitude of major AI data centers will require the integration of HVDC power from large-scale renewable energy sources to complement electricity grids. To ensure high-efficiency, reliable, and smooth power conversion and delivery to AI computing chips, Delta keeps developing innovative solutions for different layers within the grid-to-chip ecosystem, such as the power solutions featured at Delta's booth #1134 at NVIDIA GTC: ORV3 Racks and 50Vdc Busbars for centralized AI power infrastructure. These include 48kW shelves with 8,000W power output power supply units, boosting efficiency by up to 97.5%, and AC input 33kW shelf models with 5,500W ORV3 HPR units. For GPU on-board power supply, Delta's DC-DC converters play a key role with high-efficiency 48V to 0.8V power conversion. The new vertical voltage regulator (VR) module activates vertical power delivery for GPUs. It revolutionarily saves ~5%-15% energy loss of the total AI accelerator system by assembling the power module on the back side of accelerator chips. Other power solutions Delta highlighted and visioned in today's presentation include: Modular Solid State Transformer (SST) Cabinet design featuring high-efficiency and space-saving medium-frequency transformers for the direct conversion from medium voltage grid (in 10-33kV) directly into 800Vdc. Modularity of the SST switching stages gives both redundancy as well as scalability to adapt easily to the different medium voltage levels, which vary from country to country. 250 – 2,100kW Monolithic UPS DPM Gen2 series provides uninterrupted power for AI training data centers, overcoming power outages and addressing diverse power challenges. It sustains continuous operation even at 110% load, boasting industry-leading online efficiency of 97.5%. 22kW Peak Load Shaving Shelf (PLSS) with 3x 7.33kW double-slot units and supercapacitors to reduce input side power pressure and improve system reliability. These are ideal for high-repetitive pulsed loads, such as those from NVIDIA's EDDP curve. 1OU 80kW Power Shelf design with 2x rails of 40kW each and isolated DC/DC converters for 800Vdc to 50Vdc power conversion. These power supply unit prototypes are designed to increase efficiency by up to 98% for AI data centers. Delta welcomes NVIDIA GTC attendees to its booth #1134, where its AI power and thermal management experts will be available for further discussion regarding these aforementioned solutions. Visit the NVIDIA page to learn further about Delta's work using NVIDIA technology. Notes:(*) Specific example featuring single-stage TVR for 0.8 output voltage for GPUs by versus traditional lateral power delivery with two-stage TVR.(**) 2022 as base year. Source: https://datacentremagazine.com/data-centres/ai-boom-will-cause-data-centre-electricity-demand-to-double (***) Delta's high-efficiency products and solutions shipped to customers between 2010 and 2022. Source: https://filecenter.deltaww.com/about/download/2022_Delta_ESG_Report_EN.pdf  About Delta Electronics (Americas) Delta Electronics (Americas) was established 38 years ago and has grown to over one thousand employees in the entire Americas region. Delta has offices, R&D centers, manufacturing, distribution and repair centers in multiple locations in the United States, Mexico and South America. In the U.S., operations are located in Fremont, Los Angeles, San Diego, Seattle, Austin, Dallas, Raleigh and Detroit to better serve its diverse customer base. Outside the U.S., Delta continues to expand its Americas operations in Mexico, Brazil and Canada. Delta Electronics (Americas) serves the IT, communications, industrial automation, renewable energy, lighting, power tool, automotive electric vehicle and other major industries. Products include power electronics, DC brushless fans, visual displays, industrial automation, networking products, electronic components, consumer products and energy efficient and renewable energy products. The company is always striving to define new ways to improve the energy efficiency of its products through advanced research and product development. For more information, please visit: www.delta-americas.com About Delta Delta, founded in 1971 and traded on the Taiwan Stock Exchange (Code: 2308), is a global leader in switching power supplies and thermal management products with a thriving portfolio of smart energy-saving systems and solutions in the fields of industrial automation, building automation, telecom power, data centre infrastructure, EV charging, renewable energy, energy storage and display, to nurture the development of smart manufacturing and sustainable cities. As a world-class corporate citizen guided by its mission statement, "To provide innovative, clean and energy-efficient solutions for a better tomorrow," Delta leverages its core competence in high-efficiency power electronics and its ESG-embedded business model to address key environmental issues, such as climate change. Delta serves customers through its sales offices, R&D centres and manufacturing facilities spread over close to 200 locations across 5 continents. Throughout its history, Delta has received various global awards and recognition for its business achievements, innovative technologies and dedication to ESG. Since 2011, Delta has been listed on the DJSI World Index of Dow Jones Sustainability™ Indices for 12 consecutive years. In 2020, 2022 and 2023, Delta was also recognized by CDP with double A List for its substantial contribution to climate change and water security issues and named Supplier Engagement Leader for its continuous development of a sustainable value chain for 6 consecutive years. For detailed information about Delta, please visit: www.deltaww.com

文章來源 : PR Newswire 美通社 發表時間 : 瀏覽次數 : 1814 加入收藏 :
Prudential plc Full Year 2023 Results: Continuing Strong Performance

HONG KONG SAR - Media OutReach Newswire - 20 March 2024 - Prudential plc ("Prudential"; HKEX: 2378; LSE: PRU) today announced its financial results for the year ended 31 December 2023. Performance highlights on a constant (and actual) exchange rate basis New business profit up 45 per cent (43 per cent) to $3,125 million. Excluding the effect of interest rate and other economic movements, new business profit up 47 per cent (45 per cent) Operating free surplus generated from in-force insurance and asset management business of $2,740 million (2022: $2,725 million ($2,760 million)) Adjusted operating profit up 8 per cent (6 per cent) to $2,893 million EEV shareholders' equity is up 7 per cent to $45.3 billion, equivalent to 1,643 cents per share, on an AER basis. GWS shareholder capital surplus over GPCR of $16.1 billion, equivalent to a cover ratio of 295 per cent (31 December 2022: 307 per cent) Second interim dividend of 14.21 cents per share, 20.47 cents per share for the full year, up 9 per cent Commenting on the Results, CEO Anil Wadhwani, said: "These are a very strong set of results while operating in a challenging macro environment, with new business profit up 45 per cent driven by a relentless focus on execution in our markets in Asia and Africa. It is also an illustration of the strength of both our agency and bancassurance distribution channels as well as an affirmation of our leadership position in many key markets. "It has been six months since the launch of our new strategy and it's highly encouraging to see the early progress on our strategic objectives of improving our customer experience, driving technology powered distribution and transforming our business model in Health. We have on-boarded senior leadership talent in Health, Technology and added to our talent in our key markets as we continue to strengthen our capabilities in line with our strategic priorities. "We delivered an excellent financial and operational performance in 2023 and deployed increased levels of capital in new business, enhancing core capabilities and expanding distribution. Sales growth has continued in the first two months of 2024. Given the relentless execution focus in implementing our strategy, we are increasingly confident in achieving our 2027 financial and strategic objectives and in accelerating value creation for our shareholders." Summary financials 2023 $m 2022 $m Change on AER basis Change on CER basis New business profit 3,125 2,184 43% 45% Operating free surplus generated 2,007 2,193 (8)% (8)% Operating free surplus generated from in-force insurance and asset management business 2,740 2,760 (1)% 1% Adjusted operating profit 2,893 2,722 6% 8% IFRS profit (loss) after tax 1,712 (997) n/a n/a 31 Dec 2023 31 Dec 2022 Total Per share Total Per share EEV shareholders' equity $45.3bn 1,643¢ $42.2bn 1,534¢ IFRS shareholders' equity $17.8bn 647¢ $16.7bn 608¢ Adjusted IFRS shareholders equity $37.3bn 1,356¢ $35.2bn 1,280¢ Notes The summary financials presented above are the key financial metrics Prudential's management use to assess and manage the performance and position of the business. In addition to the metrics prepared in accordance with IFRS standards - IFRS profit after tax and IFRS shareholders' equity - additional metrics are prepared on alternative bases. The presentation of these key metrics is not intended to be considered as a substitute for, or superior to, financial information prepared and presented in accordance with IFRS Standards. The definitions of the key metrics we use to discuss our performance in this press release are set out in the "Definition of performance metrics" section later in this document, including, where relevant, references to where these metrics are reconciled to the most directly comparable IFRS measure. Further information on actual and constant exchange rate bases is set out in note A1 of the IFRS financial statement. All results are presented in US dollars. IFRS Comparatives for 2022 have been restated to reflect the retrospective application of IFRS 17. See note A2.1 to the financial statements for further information and reconciliation. Hashtag: #PrudentialplcThe issuer is solely responsible for the content of this announcement.About Prudential plcPrudential plc provides life and health insurance and asset management in 24 markets across Asia and Africa. Prudential's mission is to be the most trusted partner and protector for this generation and generations to come, by providing simple and accessible financial and health solutions. The business has dual primary listings on the Stock Exchange of Hong Kong (2378) and the London Stock Exchange (PRU). It also has a secondary listing on the Singapore Stock Exchange (K6S) and a listing on the New York Stock Exchange (PUK) in the form of American Depositary Receipts. It is a constituent of the Hang Seng Composite Index and is also included for trading in the Shenzhen-Hong Kong Stock Connect programme and the Shanghai-Hong Kong Stock Connect programme. Prudential is not affiliated in any manner with Prudential Financial, Inc. a company whose principal place of business is in the United States of America, nor with The Prudential Assurance Company Limited, a subsidiary of M&G plc, a company incorporated in the United Kingdom. https://www.prudentialplc.com/

文章來源 : Media OutReach Limited 發表時間 : 瀏覽次數 : 1363 加入收藏 :
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