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筑波科技攜手業界領袖 共襄光電數位產業高階主管交流會

2024年5月23日,筑波科技攜手Quantifi Photonics、APREL、駿河精機(SURUGA SEIKI)、ALLION百佳泰,成功舉辦光電數位產業高階主管交流會。本次活動旨在探討高速數位傳輸領域的最新趨勢、技術創新和未來發展方向,為業界精英和高階主管提供一個深度交流與合作的平台。   隨AI、data center 高速IC運算的應用需求,帶動高速數位傳輸技術快速演進,本次研討會聚焦於矽光子、光通訊模組、高速數位傳輸介面等領域的各種測試挑戰與解決方案。活動由筑波科技董事長許深福開場致詞:「隨著AI技術推動數據中心對高速需求的日益增長,台灣廠商在介面開發中扮演著重要角色。高頻應用需要進行多種認證,而高速認證也面臨諸多挑戰。筑波科技很高興能與多位夥伴合作,從晶片、介面延伸到數據中心,專注於實現卓越的認證和更快速的OTA測試。今天的特別研討會旨在促進各公司專業交流與協作,探索迎接新技術機會的最佳途徑。」   本次活動演講卡司堅強,由駿河精機產品行銷經理游智閔開場分享矽光子的未來市場機會與封裝挑戰;Quantifi Photonics APAC Sales Manager Alex Zhang則聚焦探討光通訊模組測試整合方案;APREL CEO Stuart Nicol講述高速數位傳輸介面的EMI挑戰與解決方案;筑波科技技術顧問章鴻仁概述PCIe Gen6與OIF CEI-112G/224G技術;百佳泰 Thunderbolt Platforms & Cables認證經理林威丞特別介紹Thunderbolt 5認證的挑戰與機會;最後,筑波租賃總經理徐舜範壓軸演講高速數位測試方案的租購新思維。   現場還展示Quantifi的光通訊PXI測試應用、EMI-ISight的EMI測試專家及近場EMS新功能展示、以及HSDI測試整合方案服務。與會者得以親身體驗這些先進的技術方案,進一步促進業界間的深度交流與合作。在活動尾聲,特別安排業界精英和高階主管獨家專享的雞尾酒交誼,透過這次智慧匯聚的活動,啟發創新思維,共同迎接高速數位傳輸領域的美好未來。   聯絡筑波科技  筑波科技股份有限公司ACE Solution, Co., Ltd. 地址:新竹縣竹北市台元街28號2樓之1 電話:03-5500909 電子郵件:service@acesolution.com.tw 網站:https://www.acesolution.com.tw/en/index/     關於筑波科技(ACE Solution) 筑波科技(https://www.acesolution.com.tw/en/index/)成立於2000年,位於台灣新竹,在中國蘇州和深圳設有分公司。我們的使命是提供訂製的測試解決方案,以滿足電氣元件、設備和系統製造商的客戶需求,通過合作夥伴提供技術解決方案。我們專注於射頻、毫米波和太赫茲領域,擁有專業的技術支援團隊,提供專業、創新和多功能的綜合技術和解決方案。

文章來源 : 筑波科技股份有限公司 發表時間 : 瀏覽次數 : 3960 加入收藏 :
Exploring Global Optical Silicon Photonics Market Trends and Opportunities: Insights from Daniel Henmi, Quantifi Photonics Vice President of Sales

Taipei, Taiwan / United States - July 6, 2023 - On July 5, 2023, ACE Solution and Quantifi Photonics jointly organized a workshop on optical communication and silicon photonics. The event featured Daniel Henmi, Vice President of Sales at Quantifi Photonics, as one of the distinguished speakers. Following his presentation, ACE Solution conducted an exclusive interview with Daniel to delve deeper into the industry's critical aspects.   With over 25 years of expertise in test measurement, Daniel's transition to the optical silicon photonics industry was driven by the remarkable growth potential he saw at Quantifi Photonics. As a leading manufacturer of fiber testing solutions, Quantifi Photonics has catered to renowned technology companies, research organizations, and universities across more than 25 countries for over 20 years.   Daniel shed light on significant market trends and growth drivers. He emphasized "the projected doubling of the optical market by 2028, propelled by the increasing demand for artificial intelligence applications and high-speed data transmission. Sectors like online gaming, financial services, and artificial intelligence are at the forefront of driving data transmission needs." Daniel also highlighted the emergence of materials and the growing need for mixed-signal testing in the industry. He discussed the opportunities presented by platforms and materials for silicon photonics, including utilizing new component systems such as 3D photonics for testing and transceiver applications. As an integration platform supporting emerging materials and technologies like thin-film lithium niobate (TFLN), barium titanate (BTO), and electro-optic polymers, Silicon photonics is experiencing a significant rise. The adoption of silicon photonics in the optical transceiver ecosystem is expected to increase from 24% in 2022 to 44% by 2028. This mainstream approach facilitates the implementation of linear drive pluggable and co-packaged optics.   Addressing the challenges faced by the optical silicon photonics market, Daniel discussed the importance of delivering services to the ecosystem and customers. Quantifi Photonics aims to provide cost-effective, low-power consumption solutions without compromising efficiency and efficacy for end customers. The company's focus on production solutions differentiates them from competitors, offering a more cost-effective approach. Serviceability and meeting testing objectives were identified as crucial factors for success.   Daniel also shared insights into the applications gaining traction in optical silicon photonics technology and highlighted successful deployments and innovative use cases across industries. He emphasized ACE Solution's local support for customers and their collaboration with Quantifi Photonics as pivotal for production. Quantifi Photonics, with its expertise in mixed signal test solutions, benefits from ACE Solution's comprehensive system integration capabilities, enabling customized solutions for customers in Taiwan, China, and South Asia. The alliance between Quantifi Photonics and ACE Solution combines ACE Solution's local support and system integration capabilities with Quantifi Photonics' innovative mixed signal test solutions. This synergy enables flexible, customized solutions and faster response times based on customer needs. The geographic advantage of Taiwan, China, and South Asia also positions the collaboration for cooperation with global branding companies.   As ACE Solution and Quantifi Photonics forge ahead, they remain committed to providing cost-effective test solutions that enable their customers' success. Combining their strengths and fostering collaboration, they aim to create a new era in electrical-optical solutions. With the industry poised for expansion, the ACE-Quantifi Photonics partnership is primed to deliver innovative solutions and support the evolving needs of the global optical silicon photonics market. Both companies aspire to achieve long-term relationships and tremendous growth over the next 5-10 years. By leveraging their expertise and resources, they aim to build successful cases, establishing at least five impactful user cases in South Asia regions. Both companies emphasize the potential for growth in consumer, military, and end-customer products driven by the continuous demand for high data rates.   For media inquiries, please contact: ADVANCED COMM.ENGINEERING SOLUTION CO., LTD. Peter Lee, Jenny Lin Address: 2F-1, No.28, Taiyuan street, Jhubei City, Hsinchu County, 302, Taiwan Telephone: +886 3 5500909 #3801, +886 3 5500909 #3407 E-mail: service@acesolution.com.tw Website: https://www.acesolution.com.tw/en/   Quantifi Photonics - HEADQUARTERS Address: 12-14 Parkway Drive, Rosedale, Auckland, New Zealand Telephone: +64-9-478-4849 E-mail: sales@quantifiphotonics.com Website: www.quantifiphotonics.com   About ACE Solution Established in 2000, ACE Solution (https://www.acesolution.com.tw/en/) is headquartered in Hsinchu City, Taiwan, with branch offices strategically located in Suzhou and Shenzhen, China. Our company is dedicated to delivering tailored test solutions that cater to the specific requirements of our customers in the field of electrical components, devices, and system manufacturing. Furthermore, we collaborate with our esteemed partners to provide comprehensive technology solutions. At ACE Solution, we specialize in RF, mmWave, and terahertz technologies, boasting an accomplished team of technical experts who offer unparalleled support. Our commitment to professionalism, innovation, and versatility enables us to offer cutting-edge integrated techniques and solutions. By leveraging our expertise, we empower our clients to overcome technological challenges and achieve their desired outcomes efficiently and effectively.   About Quantifi Photonics Quantifi Photonics designs and manufactures test and measurement equipment for R&D engineers and manufacturers. It provides general purpose photonic test solutions such as lasers, optical spectrum analyzers, and power meters, and specializes in testing Silicon Photonics, Co-Packaged Optics (CPO) and pluggable transceivers. Quantifi Photonics products are used to test Photonic Integrated Circuits (PICs), optical engines and pluggable optical transceivers, and are optimized for high density, high channel count applications in manufacturing environments. The company also offers unique solutions for Coherent Optical Communications, Photon Doppler Velocimetry, and Optical Pulse Analysis. Discover more at www.quantifiphotonics.com. 

文章來源 : 筑波科技股份有限公司 發表時間 : 瀏覽次數 : 2946 加入收藏 :
筑波科技/ Quantifi 舉辦光通訊與矽光子研討會

日前,筑波科技與Quantifi Photonics 共同舉辦一場「光通訊與矽光子研討會」,分享光通訊領域的創新和技術發展,以及最佳的整合測試方案說明,這次研討會為業界專家、研究人員和技術愛好者提供一個千載難逢的交流平台,現場更安排一些方案的展示與解說。   本次研討會聚焦在光通訊與矽光子領域,包括IC設計、Fab廠、光通訊領域的先進、學術研究單位的電機、電子、光電、材料等相關系所、電信單位、衛星通訊、系統廠商、數據中心……等產業領域的專業人士和組織共襄盛舉,在不同領域之間的對話交流,讓產業脈動更清晰明確。特別邀請Quantifi Photonics北美銷售副總裁Daniel Henmi從美國來台分享全球光通訊/矽光子市場趨勢與機會、Quantifi Photonics亞太區銷售總監Alex Zhang在線上直播分享光通訊模組化測試整合方案、駿河精機吳堂榮總經理針對矽光子基本架構與測試方案有獨到的精闢觀點解說、筑波科技朱培源博士深耕光通訊領域多年,在光通訊模組系統及高速傳輸產測方案的議題上,更是接地氣提供大家在實務面測試的一些建議與考量。   Quantifi Photonics的北美銷售副總裁Daniel Henmi表示,相信透過這次研討會的活動交流,筑波科技與Quantifi 將為業界帶來更多合作機會和技術突破,並促進光通訊與矽光子領域的持續進步。   筑波科技為一家領先的無線通訊方案整合供應商,致力於提供優質的技術和解決方案。Quantifi Photonics是光通訊測試設備領域的領先企業,專注於光通訊高性能研發和產測設備方案。這次共同舉辦的研討會主題結合兩家公司的專業,為與會者帶來光通訊與矽光子領域的最新趨勢和技術創新。

文章來源 : 筑波科技股份有限公司 發表時間 : 瀏覽次數 : 20947 加入收藏 :
2025 年 2 月 13 日 (星期四) 農曆正月十六日
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