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2023標竿活動-新竹臺大分院智慧醫療參訪 新竹臺大自成立以來一直秉持成為醫學中心及智慧醫療典範的願景,積極推動智慧醫療及智慧流程轉型,極力與產官學研結盟加速推動智慧醫療發展。HST台灣智慧醫療創新整合平台、醫策會特別與新竹臺大舉辦「新竹臺大分院智慧醫療參訪交流」,筑波醫電為HST平台會員之一,獲選為代表企業之一分享跨領域及醫院使用經驗。 匯集產官學菁英 聚焦智慧醫療場域實務 本次參訪活動包含醫策會王拔群執行長、洪聖惠副執行長、新竹臺大余忠仁院長等長官,參與對象包含國內代表性醫療機構,亦邀請英國在台辦事處、海洋大學、生醫商品化中心等。筑波醫電介紹從3C到3醫的企業轉型歷程,並分享目前代表性的智慧醫療上傳方案:Uniiform手寫系統、Spark智慧麻醉系統、看得健100智慧眼科系統、智慧牙科平板、InfinityAI、愛多芬ECG貼片等。藉由不改變使用者習慣的設計,將手寫繪圖電子化、結合DS智慧上傳閘道器解析儀器資料定時上傳,結構化儀器數據,降低人工失誤並減輕醫護人員負擔。 太赫茲技術-最後一個被人類探索的電磁波波段 除了智慧醫療整合方案,筑波醫電的核心技術為太赫茲(Terahertz, THz),又稱兆赫波,為特定電磁波波段,介於5G毫米波與紅外線之間,波長為0.03-3mm,頻率為0.1-10THz (1012),可用於工業應用、藥錠成分與劑量分析、病理切片等學術研究,筑波更結合AI技術提供軟硬體整合檢測方案。 本次活動透過跨域交流、展示體驗,讓醫院長官了解應用於大量手繪圖科別如:牙科、眼科、五官科等,Spark適合麻醉科手術麻醉事件與用藥紀錄。筑波醫電已參與醫策會活動如:國家醫療品質獎(NHQA)攤位展示,並於世界病人安全日向海內外醫療機構線上分享案例,期望未來能與醫策會、各醫院攜手為提升我國智慧醫療目標而努力。 關於筑波醫電 筑波醫電大樓是董事長許深福先生驅動內心的寄望及理念,依據建築設計師、施工團隊及同仁們很科學的作品。是筑波人多年來文化、創意技術的展現,是筑波全體同仁長久對生醫產業接軌國際平台的堅持。筑波科技集團以豐富的無線通訊軟硬體整合經驗、結合半導體晶片、醫學影像演算法、雲端技術、人工智慧、臨床醫師專業、法規驗證與專利技術綜效,著力於人們早期病變篩檢系統的精準醫療設備產品研發與生產。期望不但可以減少病患及家人的遺憾,並開拓台灣本土精密無創微創醫檢設備能量且推廣於國際,更建立台灣從3C到三醫(醫才、醫技、醫材)的產業鏈轉型平台與人才的培育之目標。 連絡我們 筑波醫電股份有限公司Advanced ACE Biotek Co., Ltd. 地址:30261新竹縣竹北市生醫二路66號 (新竹生醫園區) 電話: +886-3-5500909 E-mail: service@acebiotek.com 網站: https://www.acebiotek.com/ Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/Acebiotek/ LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/company/30620922/admin/
財團法人醫院評鑑暨醫療品質策進會(JCT醫策會)響應世界病安日,於111年10月7日(五)辦理「2022 WPSD Webinar: Using Technology to Prevent Mistakes in Surgery」線上論壇。期望透過此活動,宣揚臺灣智慧醫療與資訊科技實力,提升新南向國家對於臺灣的認同與了解,進而帶動與國際接軌的機會。筑波醫電導入「Spark智慧麻醉紀錄系統」電子化表單上傳系統於台灣代表性醫院如:振興醫院、輔大醫院、榮總醫院體系、部立桃園醫院、新光醫院、國軍岡山醫院等有成並獲邀向新南向國際醫衛人員分享成果。 傳統的手術紀錄多是仰人工書寫紙本,無法達到無紙化及資料結構化,手術時護理人員需照護病患、並定時抄寫儀器資料,易造成資料遺漏或疏失。面對複雜的手術環境,如何讓護理人員便利及準確紀錄病患生理數據、並專注於病患照護為重要克服課題。 筑波醫電智慧醫療部總監周佳慶博士於論壇中講授「透過智慧麻醉紀錄 提升醫護人員作業效率」,聚焦於如何將手術麻醉過程中之資訊進行上傳數位化,定時接收多端醫療設備(如生理監視器、麻醉機)資料,即時記錄麻醉事件和內容,並整合醫院電子簽章系統,讓醫護人員更專注病人的照護。Spark能取代人工抄寫提升醫護人員作業效率,強化導入醫院後之應用成效。系統介面簡潔易懂,讓使用者非常直觀地操作平板,不需學習及適應新系統,避免人為錯誤疏失。 Spark的特色為透過微小化的資訊上傳Gateway(DS-100A)蒐集並解析儀器設備的資訊,上傳至伺服器,以數位麻醉資訊系統(iPad平板)來取代紙張,可結合手寫筆(Apple Pencil)完成資訊輸入,不改變使用者的習慣及流程,達到快速無縫導入。所有的資訊均可透過數位化麻醉科系統管理平台(Web)進行資料查詢及下載。 基於20年以上的無線通訊基礎,筑波集團從3C到3醫致力於發展智慧醫院方案,整合Uniiform智慧手寫系統及智慧上傳閘道器(Data Stream, DS)開發麻醉科、牙科、眼科(看得健100)等表單電子化方案,達成手術麻醉系統更安全、節省醫護人員人力、提升醫療照護品質之目標。
Taiwan has cultivated National Healthcare Quality Award (NHQA) in the medical field for 20 years. It’s the most authoritative medical quality competition. The main goal is to build an excellent industry model. On January 12th, Chang Yung-Fa Foundation holds the award ceremony, and hundreds of hospitals join this event. ACE Biotek receives a special invitation to display Spark smart patient anesthesia recording system for guests. ACE Group Creates Multidisciplinary Performance-From Wireless Communication to Medical ACE Group has possessed wireless communication, IoT software, and hardware integration for 20 years. Since 2014, the company has been committed to the medical industry specializing in early diagnosis of precision medicine technology inventions. Combing with Uniiform digital handwriting system and Data Stream (DS), it successfully develops many data upload and integral methods for Anesthesiology (Spark), Ophthalmology (Eagle Park 100), and Dentistry departments. ACE Biotek builds MOU relationships with many representative hospitals to navigate the AI smart hospital and Terahertz (THz) applications. Patient Data Digitization for Anesthesiology Demonstration Site Users like Shin Kong Hospital, Fu Jen Hospital, Cheng Hsin Hospital, Armed Forces Hospital Gangshan Branch, and Taichung Veterans Hospital implement Spark. They provide recognition for Spark. Generally, the medical staffs write the medical record periodically. However, under the complicated circumstances in the operation room, they need to put effort into patient care and data accuracy. Human error prevention is an essential and challenging issue. Instead of a paper record, Spark digitizes the form by iPad and combines Apple Pencil to reach data input. Gateway (DS-100A) can retrieve patient information from multi-equipment, for instance, patient monitor and anesthesia machine. In addition to work efficiency and healthcare quality enhancement, Spark is suitable for big data analysis based on the regular recording. From the perspective of user experience, the interface is user-friendly. Vice president Ching-Te Lai and other hospital directors join the event and give a positive review. Notably, the total solution can be the benchmark of smart medical development. Digital healthcare will be the future market trend since 2023 begins. ACE Biotek hopes to achieve such transformation through multidisciplinary cooperation based on R&D resources.
國家醫療品質獎(National Healthcare Quality Award, NHQA)深耕臺灣醫界20多年,為全國最具權威性的醫療品質競賽,旨在樹立醫界醫療品質的卓越典範,本次頒獎典禮在1月12日於張榮發基金會國際會議中心登場,超過百家機構的醫院代表與會,筑波醫電為Spark智慧麻醉紀錄系統導入成果獲肯定於頒獎典禮展出。 筑波集團從3C到3醫 無線通訊跨智慧醫療 筑波集團擁有20年無線通訊、IoT軟硬體整合經驗,自2014年起投入醫療領域,致力於精準醫療之早期病變篩檢系統與設備研發。結合Uniiform智慧手寫輔助系統與智慧上傳閘道器(Data Stream, DS),開發用於醫院各科別如麻醉科(Spark智慧麻醉紀錄系統)、眼科(看得健100智慧眼科紀錄系統)、牙科等病歷電子化與醫療設備資料上傳整合。筑波醫電已與台灣各代表性醫院簽訂合作備忘錄,共同打造AI智慧醫院與太赫茲(Terahertz, THz)研究合作。 病患資料數位化 打造麻醉科示範場域 Spark獲得許多醫院欽賴,導入新光醫院、輔大醫院、振興醫院、國軍岡山分院、台中榮總等。一般的麻醉紀錄大多仰賴人工書寫,需定時抄寫儀器資料,但面對複雜的手術環境且又要照護病患的同時,易造成醫護人員負擔或資料疏失,故如何精準紀錄病患生理資訊且提升照護品質為重要挑戰。Spark以iPad平板來取代紙張,將表單數位化,可結合手寫(Apple Pencil)完成資料輸入,透過智慧上傳閘道器Gateway(DS-100A),可解析多端醫療設備(如生理監視器、麻醉機)資料,並定時上傳記錄麻醉事件和內容,Spark將手術麻醉資訊數位化,除了提升醫療效率亦讓醫護人員專注病患照護,介面簡單使用者可易上手,且利於大數據資料收集。 本次活動副總統賴清德、醫院長官親臨,給予正面評價及肯定,針對此Total Solution對台灣未來智慧醫療發展能創造標竿價值。眺望2023年,數位醫療是全球醫療趨勢,筑波醫電盼藉由自身的醫材研發能量及與產醫的合作綜效,共同推廣醫療產業的數位轉型。
On October 7th, 2022, the Joint Commission of Taiwan (JCT) jointly responds to the WHO World Patient Safety Day and holds the "2022 WPSD Webinar: Using Technology to Prevent Mistakes in Surgery" online forum. This event aims to increase awareness of Taiwan's digital healthcare technology. Moreover, to enhance its recognition in South Asia countries. Also, it aligns with the mission of providing the opportunity for Taiwanese enterprises to gear up to international standards. ACE Biotek develops the "Spark Digital Anesthesia Recording System" for digitized form uploads. Many representative hospitals have implemented this system, such as Cheng Hsin General Hospital, Fu Jen Catholic University Hospital, Veterans General Hospital, Taoyuan General Hospital, Shin Kong Wu Ho-Su Memorial Hospital, Gang-Shan Armed Forces Hospital, etc. JCT invites ACE Biotek to share digital healthcare performance for international Health professionals. The operation notes are primarily manual writing, which cannot achieve paperlessly. Also, the data is not digital. In surgery, nurses usually need to put effort into patient care and record physical machine data regularly. In this way, it might cause data loss or error. How to enhance better patient care and allow medical staff to record the patient's physiological data conveniently and accurately is the unmet issue for medical. ACE Biotek Director of Medical Solutions Dr. Jason Chou delivers a lecture on "Improving the Operational Efficiency for Medical Staff through Digital Anesthesia Records." This topic focuses on how to upload and digitize the data during the surgical process. Meanwhile, he shares the technology receiving multiple medical devices (such as physiological monitors and anesthesia machines) automatically and regularly. This technology can record anesthesia conditions and integrate the electronic signature system. Spark system can take the place of manual transcription to improve the work efficiency of medical staff and strengthen the application effort. The interface allows users to easily select the iPad option without learning or adapting to avoid human errors. Spark's feature is to collect and analyze the equipment data through a digital Data Stream (DS-100A) and uploads data to the server. By digitizing medical records on the iPad, it can combine with Apple Pencil for users to confirm the information. Without changing the user's habits and medical process, hospitals implement Spark fast and easily. All information can be inquired and downloaded through the internet management platform (Web). Based on over twenty years of wireless technology experience, ACE Biotek has developed business sectors from technology to the medical industry. Integration of the Uniiform digital handwriting system and Gateway (Data Stream, DS) is the new technology. ACE Biotek is devoted to anesthesiology for a safer surgical anesthesia system, dentistry, and ophthalmology. Moreover, to propose nurse workload reduction and medicare quality improvement.
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