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在地應用場景、生態系串聯雙管齊下,攜手高雄市政府打造永續智慧港都典範 高雄2024年9月4日 /美通社/ -- SAP 台灣(思愛普軟體系統股份有限公司)今日宣布,SAP 全球首座 ESG 暨 AI 研創中心於高雄亞灣盛大開幕,以打造在地應用場景、生態系串聯策略,攜手高雄市政府協助企業實現淨零轉型;更推出全台首個經 SGS 確認的台灣企業溫室氣體盤查解決方案,助企業優化且加快盤查流程。高雄市長陳其邁、副市長羅達生、高雄市經發局長廖泰翔及 SAP 客戶與生態系夥伴等各界代表皆出席開幕典禮,共同見證 SAP 加速高雄打造先進的智慧港都國際典範。 SAP 攜手高雄市政府共同啟用 SAP 高雄 ESG 暨 AI 研創中心,齊心打造永續智慧港都典範。 企業減碳及 ESG 資訊揭露已成為未來生存關鍵,根據經濟部統計,全台約有 10 多萬家製造業的中小企業,面臨國內外供應鏈要求進行溫室氣體排放盤查。SAP 全球副總裁、台灣總經理陳志惟表示:「台灣為全球供應鏈不可或缺的要角,我們秉持深耕台灣市場的決心,於今日正式啟用 SAP 高雄 ESG 暨 AI 研創中心,加速引入 SAP 全球先進技術與應用,滿足企業從永續供應鏈管理、永續數據收集與分析,到報告揭露的需求;同時更推出專為台灣企業打造的溫室氣體盤查解決方案,協助產業因應在地淨零合規挑戰,並聯手生態系夥伴,與高雄市政府齊心推動大南方企業從港灣出發,擴展至全球,轉型成為永續智慧企業。」 高雄市長陳其邁表示:「淨零碳排是全球性議題,在這個議題上,市府是業者最可靠的合作夥伴,從制定全台首個淨零自治條例、促成碳權交易所進駐亞灣到開設淨零學院,為在地企業淨零轉型提供了強而有力的支持。同時,市府與中央聯手推動『亞灣智慧科技創新園區』,已有 175 家國內外企業進駐高雄,累計帶動 230 億投資,創造 538 億產值。SAP 作為全球領先的企業應用和商業 AI 解決方案供應商,未來以研創中心為基地,提供在地業者更便捷的服務,並與亞灣區內智慧科技業者合作,加快整體產業的淨零轉型步伐,提升高雄在全球綠色經濟中的競爭力。」 助力企業因應環境部要求,推出台灣企業溫室氣體盤查解決方案 根據環境部公告資訊,企業依法或自願進行溫室氣體盤查需蒐集溫室氣體排放數據,彙整並保存各項原 (燃)物料活動數據表單、熱值或含碳量之檢測報告及排放係數來源等,以利執行排放量計算並完成排放量清冊、盤查報告書撰寫與結果登錄。然而,跨廠、跨部門的資訊收集、確保數據正確性與一致性等對於缺乏技術與人才的企業是一大挑戰。 為回應台灣市場需求,SAP 專為在地企業客製推出全台第一個經 SGS Taiwan(台灣檢驗科技股份有限公司)確認功能符合環境部溫室氣體排放量盤查作業指引的「台灣企業溫室氣體盤查解決方案」,內建合規的資料項目、流程步驟、運算模組及持續維護更新的排放係數,協助企業透過 SAP 永續發展中控塔將電力使用與碳排等各項盤查數據收集至單一平台,並依照系統介面指引和計算,即可自動化產生溫室氣體盤查清冊,再利用 SAP 溫室氣體盤查報告產生器,自動化生成盤查報告書,確保數據品質與滿足合規要求。 鏈結全球先進技術與應用,引入 AI 結合永續解決方案 SAP 亦積極將全球最新嵌入 AI 技術的永續利器引入台灣,包括 SAP 於今年下半年推出符合歐洲規範的 ESG 報告生成 AI 功能。企業可透過 SAP 永續發展中控塔系統內建國際 ESG 指標庫,且整合 ERP、串聯端到端營運流程,以更即時的數據洞察與情境模擬,做出減碳決策,並依照歐洲規範自動生成內外部報告,減少 75% 的手動操作時間與成本。 此外,SAP 也運用生成式 AI 結合第三方資料庫,在企業缺失實際碳足跡數據的情況下,進行類似產品和供應商的範疇三碳排放估算,強化企業執行永續績效管理;以及利用生成式 AI 實現排放因子自動對應,減少 80% 企業為計算碳足跡而需要手動將排放因子對應到 ERP 物料的時間與成本。 聯手產官學界夥伴,補足永續轉型的技術與人才缺口 根據 IDC 預測,全球企業為實現 ESG 目標與提升永續能力投入的支出將在 2027 年達到 650 億美元。SAP 高雄 ESG 暨 AI 研創中心將加速鏈結全球先進技術應用,攜手 NTT DATA、東捷資訊、碩益、中光雲服、采威國際、億鴻等生態系夥伴,一同為大南方提供永續智慧轉型所需的前瞻技術創新及交流,推動在地產業催生多元永續創新應用服務,搶佔全球百億美元的 ESG 服務市場商機。其中,SAP 去年與在地夥伴為台灣扣件產業應對歐盟 CBAM 規範而打造的一站式碳管理平台「扣件雲 3.0」,上線未滿一年,已成功協助多間扣件業者提交上萬張 CBAM 申報單。 展望未來,SAP 除了持續透過商業 AI、數據與雲端解決方案賦能客戶永續與數位轉型,也將串聯國立成功大學等大南方學界夥伴,啟動台灣永續數位人才養成計畫,讓永續智慧觸角伸入大學院校教學資源,為台灣培育新一代永續人才,並以 SAP 高雄 ESG 暨 AI 研創中心作為推動在地合作和應用落地的重要基地,助力從大南方到台灣整體產業實現國際接軌和永續轉型。 關於 SAP 作為企業應用軟體和商業 AI 的全球領導者,SAP 同時掌握商業和技術兩大優勢。50多年來,企業信賴 SAP 透過整合財務、採購、人力資源、供應鏈和客戶體驗等核心業務營運,協助企業發揮其最佳表現。如欲了解更多資訊,請造訪:http://www.sap.com/taiwan/。 加入 SAP Taiwan 粉絲頁獲取台灣 SAP 即時訊息:http://facebook.com/SAP.tw
NCS's breadth and depth of expertise, scalability, and diverse talent pool underpin its success, positioning it at the forefront of evolving market demands and growing its APAC client base SAN ANTONIO, Sept. 4, 2024 /PRNewswire/ -- Frost & Sullivan recently assessed the managed IT services industry and, based on its results, recognizes NCS with the 2024 Singapore Company of the Year Award. The company is a leading technology services firm with a presence in Asia-Pacific and is a leader in managed IT services for the government and private sector. NCS leverages industry best practices and tailors its managed IT services, to optimize efficiency and meet the varied needs of diverse client segments. The company offers an end-to-end digital proposition, catering to the unique requirements of government, enterprise, and telco clients. The company offers an end-to-end digital proposition, catering to the unique requirements of government, enterprise, and telco clients. As Singapore's largest IT services provider1, NCS provides differentiated services, including consulting, application development and management, infrastructure implementation and management, engineering solutions and cybersecurity and digital transformation solutions. Georgia Edell, consultant at Frost & Sullivan, observed, "As the country's largest IT services provider, NCS has played a pivotal role in digitizing, modernizing, and securing government operations, from providing managed security services for major government agencies to delivering innovative IT solutions for enterprises across the Asia Pacific region." As a vendor-neutral services provider, NCS works with a partner ecosystem of leading technology players, research institutions and start-ups to support open innovation and co-creation, establishing itself as a visionary partner that can drive transformative change in the country. NCS' breadth and depth of expertise, scalability and diverse talent pool allow the company to stay at the forefront of evolving market demands and drive digital transformation efforts across both public and private sectors. "NCS' innovative services support Singapore's smart nation vision, and its client ecosystem and trusted partnerships—particularly with the government—enable it to stand out in the country. With its breadth of expertise, scale of operations, and commitment to developing and strengthening local tech talent, NCS positions as a leading managed IT services provider in Singapore," added Georgia. For its strong overall performance, NCS earns Frost & Sullivan's 2024 Company of the Year Award in the Singapore managed IT services industry. Each year, Frost & Sullivan presents a Company of the Year award to the organization that demonstrates excellence in terms of growth strategy and implementation in its field. The award recognizes a high degree of innovation with products and technologies, and the resulting leadership in terms of customer value and market penetration. Frost & Sullivan Best Practices awards recognize companies in various regional and global markets for demonstrating outstanding achievement and superior performance in leadership, technological innovation, customer service, and strategic product development. Industry analysts compare market participants and measure performance through in-depth interviews, analyses, and extensive secondary research to identify best practices in the industry. About Frost & Sullivan For six decades, Frost & Sullivan has been world-renowned for its role in helping investors, corporate leaders, and governments navigate economic changes and identify disruptive technologies, megatrends, new business models, and companies to action, resulting in a continuous flow of growth opportunities to drive future success. Contact us: Start the discussion. Contact us: Start the discussion. Contact: Tarini Singh P: +91 9953764546 E: tarini.singh@frost.com About NCS NCS, a subsidiary of Singtel Group, is a leading technology services firm with presence in Asia Pacific and partners with governments and enterprises to advance communities through technology. Combining the experience and expertise of its 13,000-strong team across 57 specialisations, NCS provides differentiated and end-to-end technology services to clients with its NEXT capabilities in digital, data, cloud and platforms, as well as core offerings in application, infrastructure, engineering and cybersecurity. NCS also believes in building a strong partner ecosystem with leading technology players, research institutions and start-ups to support open innovation and co-creation. For more information, visit ncs.co. Contact: Adeline Sim adeline.sim@ncs.com.sg Omnicom Public Relations Group Singapore sng.ncs@omnicomprgroup.com 1 NCS ranks #1 in market share based on vendor revenue in the IDC Worldwide Semiannual Services Tracker 2H 2023
SAP 高雄 ESG 暨 AI 研創中心盛大開幕 助力台灣企業實踐 AI 驅動的永續與數位轉型 在地應用場景、生態系串聯雙管齊下,攜手高雄市政府打造永續智慧港都典範 2024 年 9 月 4 日,高雄訊 — SAP 台灣(思愛普軟體系統股份有限公司)今日宣布,SAP 全球首座 ESG 暨 AI 研創中心於高雄亞灣盛大開幕,以打造在地應用場景、生態系串聯策略,攜手高雄市政府協助企業實現淨零轉型;更推出全台首個經 SGS 確認的台灣企業溫室氣體盤查解決方案,助企業優化且加快盤查流程。高雄市長陳其邁、副市長羅達生、高雄市經發局長廖泰翔及 SAP 客戶與生態系夥伴等各界代表皆出席開幕典禮,共同見證 SAP 加速高雄打造先進的智慧港都國際典範。 企業減碳及 ESG 資訊揭露已成為未來生存關鍵,根據經濟部統計,全台約有 10 多萬家製造業的中小企業,面臨國內外供應鏈要求進行溫室氣體排放盤查。SAP 全球副總裁、台灣總經理陳志惟表示:「台灣為全球供應鏈不可或缺的要角,我們秉持深耕台灣市場的決心,於今日正式啟用 SAP 高雄 ESG 暨 AI 研創中心,加速引入 SAP 全球先進技術與應用,滿足企業從永續供應鏈管理、永續數據收集與分析,到報告揭露的需求;同時更推出專為台灣企業打造的溫室氣體盤查解決方案,協助產業因應在地淨零合規挑戰,並聯手生態系夥伴,與高雄市政府齊心推動大南方企業從港灣出發,擴展至全球,轉型成為永續智慧企業。」 高雄市長陳其邁表示:「淨零碳排是全球性議題,在這個議題上,市府是業者最可靠的合作夥伴,從制定全台首個淨零自治條例、促成碳權交易所進駐亞灣到開設淨零學院,為在地企業淨零轉型提供了強而有力的支持。同時,市府與中央聯手推動『亞灣智慧科技創新園區』,已有 175 家國內外企業進駐高雄,累計帶動 230 億投資,創造 538 億產值。SAP 作為全球領先的企業應用和商業 AI 解決方案供應商,未來以研創中心為基地,提供在地業者更便捷的服務,並與亞灣區內智慧科技業者合作,加快整體產業的淨零轉型步伐,提升高雄在全球綠色經濟中的競爭力。」 助力企業因應環境部要求,推出台灣企業溫室氣體盤查解決方案 根據環境部公告資訊,企業依法或自願進行溫室氣體盤查需蒐集溫室氣體排放數據,彙整並保存各項原 (燃)物料活動數據表單、熱值或含碳量之檢測報告及排放係數來源等,以利執行排放量計算並完成排放量清冊、盤查報告書撰寫與結果登錄。然而,跨廠、跨部門的資訊收集、確保數據正確性與一致性等對於缺乏技術與人才的企業是一大挑戰。 為回應台灣市場需求,SAP 專為在地企業客製推出全台第一個經 SGS Taiwan(台灣檢驗科技股份有限公司)確認功能符合環境部溫室氣體排放量盤查作業指引的「台灣企業溫室氣體盤查解決方案」,內建合規的資料項目、流程步驟、運算模組及持續維護更新的排放係數,協助企業透過 SAP 永續發展中控塔將電力使用與碳排等各項盤查數據收集至單一平台,並依照系統介面指引和計算,即可自動化產生溫室氣體盤查清冊,再利用 SAP 溫室氣體盤查報告產生器,自動化生成盤查報告書,確保數據品質與滿足合規要求。 鏈結全球先進技術與應用,引入 AI 結合永續解決方案 SAP 亦積極將全球最新嵌入 AI 技術的永續利器引入台灣,包括 SAP 於今年下半年推出符合歐洲規範的 ESG 報告生成 AI 功能。企業可透過 SAP 永續發展中控塔系統內建國際 ESG 指標庫,且整合 ERP、串聯端到端營運流程,以更即時的數據洞察與情境模擬,做出減碳決策,並依照歐洲規範自動生成內外部報告,減少 75% 的手動操作時間與成本。 此外,SAP 也運用生成式 AI 結合第三方資料庫,在企業缺失實際碳足跡數據的情況下,進行類似產品和供應商的範疇三碳排放估算,強化企業執行永續績效管理;以及利用生成式 AI 實現排放因子自動對應,減少 80% 企業為計算碳足跡而需要手動將排放因子對應到 ERP 物料的時間與成本。 聯手產官學界夥伴,補足永續轉型的技術與人才缺口 根據 IDC 預測,全球企業為實現 ESG 目標與提升永續能力投入的支出將在 2027 年達到 650 億美元。SAP 高雄 ESG 暨 AI 研創中心將加速鏈結全球先進技術應用,攜手 NTT DATA、東捷資訊、碩益、中光雲服、采威國際、億鴻等生態系夥伴,一同為大南方提供永續智慧轉型所需的前瞻技術創新及交流,推動在地產業催生多元永續創新應用服務,搶佔全球百億美元的 ESG 服務市場商機。其中,SAP 去年與在地夥伴為台灣扣件產業應對歐盟 CBAM 規範而打造的一站式碳管理平台「扣件雲 3.0」,上線未滿一年,已成功協助多間扣件業者提交上萬張 CBAM 申報單。 展望未來,SAP 除了持續透過商業 AI、數據與雲端解決方案賦能客戶永續與數位轉型,也將串聯國立成功大學等大南方學界夥伴,啟動台灣永續數位人才養成計畫,讓永續智慧觸角伸入大學院校教學資源,為台灣培育新一代永續人才,並以 SAP 高雄 ESG 暨 AI 研創中心作為推動在地合作和應用落地的重要基地,助力從大南方到台灣整體產業實現國際接軌和永續轉型。 ### 關於 SAP 作為企業應用軟體和商業 AI 的全球領導者,SAP 同時掌握商業和技術兩大優勢。50多年來,企業信賴 SAP 透過整合財務、採購、人力資源、供應鏈和客戶體驗等核心業務營運,協助企業發揮其最佳表現。如欲了解更多資訊,請造訪:http://www.sap.com/taiwan/。 加入 SAP Taiwan 粉絲頁獲取台灣 SAP 即時訊息:http://facebook.com/SAP.tw
華碩商用電腦銷售告捷!市調機構IDC最新報告指出[1],在台灣商用桌機、筆電市場,華碩分別以45%及31.3%市佔率,雙雙拿下2024年第二季銷售第一,其中商用桌機更橫掃政教、中小企業、大型企業三大領域!乘勝推出商用桌機ASUS ExpertCenter D7 SFF (D700SER),精巧機身特別受金融業和電信業青睞;AI商用筆電ASUS ExpertBook B5 (B5404CMA)則獲得上班族與管理階層喜愛,市場反應極佳! 華碩聯合科技資深業務副總經理楊長明表示:「感謝企業、學校客戶的熱情支持,今年業績穩定達標,華碩商用團隊年底前將推出獨家商務應用AI軟體,搭配Windows 11換機需求,展望明年成績絕對比今年好!」至於AI PC旋風是否刮進商用市場?據楊長明觀察,目前商用客戶對AI PC詢問度高達9成,大學校系也陸續採購或更新設備,以利師生進行AI相關應用與研究,「AI已成為當代必修課,唯有掌握者才能引領未來。隨著商用電腦陸續汰換為AI PC,估計到2026年將迎來超過90%的商用AI PC涵蓋率!」 ASUS ExpertCenter D7 SFF (D700SER)商用桌機 主打高效多工的ASUS ExpertCenter D7 SFF (D700SER)商用桌機採全新設計,機身靈活可直立或橫放,辦公空間運用更彈性;擁有俐落內裝及免工具直覺拆卸的內部機構,擴充更輕鬆,IT管理、維護與升級設備如有神助;符合美國軍規測試、全固態電容主機板,耐用可靠。最高搭載第14代 Intel處理器、128GB DDR5記憶體,效能輕鬆滿足企業需求,搭配商務用Windows 11 Pro,資安保障更上一層樓。建議售價:NT$39,200起,詳細規格:ASUS ExpertCenter D7 SFF (D700SER) [1] IDC全球個人運算設備追蹤報告,2024第二季。IDC Worldwide Quarterly Personal Computing Device Tracker, Q2 2024.
東莞2024年8月28日 /美通社/ -- 8月28日,華為運動健康推出其核心技術品牌——玄璣感知系統,標誌著智能穿戴設備的又一次革新。華為通過技術創新和品牌升級,為用戶帶來了更精準、科學的運動健康體驗。 華為在智能穿戴領域已有11年經驗,產品已累計發貨超1.5億,運動健康App註冊用戶超5.2億。根據IDC數據,2024年第一季度,華為腕上可穿戴設備出貨量全球第一,並連續五年領跑中國市場。 「玄璣感知系統是華為在運動健康監測領域的一項重大突破,將繼續引領技術發展方向。我們致力於通過技術,幫助用戶建立積極、科學的生活方式。」華為終端BG智能穿戴與運動健康產品線總裁張煒在發佈會上表示。 隨著全球健康意識的提高,華為將單點監測技術整合為多維感知系統,正式命名為HUAWEI TruSense System(華為玄璣感知系統)。該系統以其準確、全面、快速、靈活、開放、延展的六大特性,帶來全新的健康管理體驗。 華為在光學、電學、材料等基礎研究上的持續投入,使玄璣感知系統在體征數據監測上達到了更高的準確性和速度。它克服了皮膚顏色、手腕粗細、天氣變化等因素對數據監測的影響,並在心率、血氧、血壓等指標的監測上獲得了行業權威認證。 此外,玄璣感知系統擴展了檢測範圍,涵蓋60多項檢測指標,支持多項健康系統的監測。通過心率數據和自主神經序列分解算法,系統能評估用戶的情緒狀態和壓力值,幫助用戶實現身心健康。 玄璣感知系統還具有靈活、開放、延展的特性,能夠與全球生態合作夥伴共同推進數字健康的未來。華為已與150多家機構合作,推動遠程醫療和家庭健康管理的創新研究。 未來,隨著健康研究的進展,玄璣感知系統將繼續探索科技邊界,帶來更多創新應用。華為將在9月發佈搭載玄璣感知系統的全新穿戴設備,敬請期待!
Players from 9 different regions will compete in VALORANT matches in AOC Masters’ 5th year, starting with local qualifiers held in each region before the top players advance to the main event in Thailand.SINGAPORE - Media OutReach Newswire - 28 August 2024 - AOC, a global leader in gaming monitors and IT accessories and the #1 Gaming Monitor brand for three consecutive years from 2021 to 2023*, is thrilled to announce the AOC Masters 2024, set to take center stage at the Thailand Game Show from October 18th to 20th, 2024. This premier event reflects AOC's commitment to providing players with a broad platform, suitable products, and a thriving esports ecosystem, bringing together esports enthusiasts from around the world for an unforgettable weekend of competitive gaming, entertainment, and community engagement. AOC Masters 2024 Brings International VALORANT Esports Competition to APMEA International VALORANT Tournament Kicks Off with Local Qualifiers The AOC Masters 2024 will feature an exciting VALORANT tournament with representatives from 9 regions: Australia, Thailand, Indonesia, Philippines, Singapore, Vietnam, Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC), Taiwan, and South Korea. The event will kick off with local qualifiers, giving each region's top players to realize their dream to play like a pro, competing in a series of competitive events in mid-September 2024 where the exact dates will differ depending on the region. The top two players from each region will earn a coveted spot to represent their country at the main AOC Masters 2024 event in Bangkok on October 19, 2024. This prestigious event's total prize value will be more than USD 30,000, including a cash prize pool of USD 3000. The qualifying matches will be held in various formats, including 1v1, Tandem Mode, and a 5v5 Show Match. This global high-stakes competition is a testament to AOC's commitment to fostering local gaming talent and providing elite players with a platform to showcase their skills on the international stage. Esports enthusiasts are encouraged to register now or stay tuned for all upcoming programming and schedules for the AOC Masters 2024 tournament at https://aocmasters2024.com/ . Cosplay Contest, Mini Concert, and Interactive Booth Activities The event will offer more than just esports competition. Attendees can look forward to a vibrant cosplay contest showcasing creative fan costumes, as well as a mini concert featuring live performances from popular artists - creating a true festival-like atmosphere. Beyond the stage, the AOC booth will host a variety of walk-in tournaments, including TFT and LoL ARAM. This will allow attendees to participate and compete for exciting prizes. Visitors can also take the opportunity to experience the latest high-performance AOC gaming products firsthand, including QD-OLED monitors AG276QZD2 and AG346UCD, Mini-LED monitor Q27G4XM, Google Monitor with AI features Q27G4XY, and more. "As a long-standing supporter of the global esports community, AOC is thrilled to present the AOC Masters 2024 tournament," said Kevin Wu, General Manager at MMD Singapore. "This event embodies our commitment to innovation and fostering elite gaming talent worldwide. We look forward to delivering immersive experiences and showcasing the latest advancements in gaming technology to our passionate fans and players." The AOC Masters 2024 at the Thailand Game Show promises an action-packed weekend filled with gaming excellence and entertainment. Whether you're a seasoned esports fan or new to the scene, this event has something for everyone. Stay tuned for our upcoming local qualifiers and KOL activities, then join us in Bangkok during the main event for an unforgettable experience. For more information about the AOC Masters 2024, please visit https://ap.aoc.com/ . * No1 gaming brand 2023, according to IDC Quarterly Gaming Tracker: Gaming Monitor 2023Q4 (≥144Hz) Hashtag: #AGONbyAOC #AOC #AOCMonitor #AOCMasters #valorant #Esports #GamingMonitorhttps://ap.aoc.com/https://www.facebook.com/agonbyaocThe issuer is solely responsible for the content of this announcement.About AOCFounded in 1967, AOC is a globally leading monitor and IT accessories brand and a subsidiary of TPV Technology Limited, the world's largest LCD manufacturer. AOC's comprehensive product portfolio provides innovative, ergonomic, environmentally conscious and stylish solutions for professional as well as personal applications. The AGON by AOC sub-brand of offers one of the world's strongest portfolios of high-performance gaming monitors, and a complete ecosystem of gaming accessories grouped in three categories: AOC GAMING for core gamers, AGON for competitive gamers, and AGON PRO for esports enthusiasts and professional esports players. Since 2020, AGON by AOC has been one of the leading gaming monitor brands and a top choice of gamers worldwide. For more information, please refer to AGON by AOC's official website or follow AGON by AOC on Facebook.
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