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AI 淘金熱?最新亞太地區研究顯示AI領導者的應用遠超跟隨者

AI領導者在策略、技能、管治及信任方面更勝一籌 40%的亞太地區機構期望獲得至少3倍的AI投資回報 亞太地區的AI投資預計於2028年前超越1,100億美元 新加坡2024年10月23日 /美通社/ -- SAS委託IDC進行的《2024年亞太地區IDC數據與AI脈搏》(The IDC Data and Ai Pulse: Asia Pacific 2024)調查顯示,亞太地區機構紛紛對人工智能(AI)技術趨之若鶩,近五成(43%)受訪機構正計劃在未來12個月內將AI投資大幅提升超過20%。儘管在AI領域的投資龐大,只有18%亞太地區的企業視自己為AI應用的領導者。與致力推動長遠變革及轉型的AI領導者相比,AI跟隨者因缺乏清晰AI策略而盲目投資眾多實驗性項目,應用水平明顯遠遠落後。 受訪機構中的AI領導者指,他們從AI項目中獲取的首要業務成果,集中在推動新收入增長(32%)、提高營運效率(31%)及增加利潤(26%)等方面。相比之下,AI跟隨者則表示,改善客戶服務(27%)、擴大市場份額(25%)及加快產品推出市場時間(25%)為其首要業務成果。 SAS 亞太、歐洲、中東及非洲地區新興市場高級副總裁 Shukri Dabaghi 表示:「AI 領導者與AI跟隨者在目標業務成果上的分歧,表明後者缺乏清晰的策略及路線圖。AI 跟隨者只專注於提升生產力等較短期的成果,而 AI 領導者已超越這些業務目標,集中在更複雜的AI功能及行業應用案例。」 Dabaghi 補充道:「隨著企業希望把握AI 的潛力協助轉型,了解AI 領導者與AI跟隨者之間的差別,對企業管理層來説至關重要。企業必需避免『淘金熱』的思維方式,確保長期轉型建基於可信任 AI,並加強在相關數據、流程及技能等方面的實力。」 IDC 亞太區數據、分析、AI、可持續發展及行業研究副總裁 Chris Marshall 表示:「《 The IDC Data and AI Pulse: Asia Pacific 2024》綜合數百家亞太地區大型機構在採用及實施AI技術的概況,重點研究各行各業的AI領導者及AI跟隨者。這些見解讓我們有機會洞悉阻礙AI成功實施的因素,令企業可以更明智地投資於這些新興技術,以免被淘金熱潮衝昏頭腦。」 技能差距仍然是各行業成功採用及實施AI時持續面對的挑戰。這差距在醫療保健行業尤為顯著(41%),其次是政府部門(38%)、保險業(32%),而銀行業則相對較小。即使面對此等挑戰,這些行業仍繼續投資提升數據及AI的能力,以實現更精簡的決策流程、更高的自動化程度、更快的新產品和服務推出市場時間、節省成本,以及一系列其他優勢。 儘管如此,各行各業均持續實踐成功部署的應用案例 — 以銀行業為例,其三大應用案例為:流動性風險管理、資產與負債管理,以及金融犯罪分析。在保險業方面,調查顯示AI應用案例涵蓋保險理賠欺詐管理、全渠道產品交付及智能定價。在醫療保健領域,值得關注的應用案例包括醫療保健欺詐管理和成本控制。而在政府部門中,較為普遍的AI應用案例關於確保社會福利計劃的完整性、緊急應變支援,以及稅務和收入的合規性。 不同國家AI採用趨勢各異 亞太地區的AI採用情況因國家而異,每個市場均呈現獨特的趨勢。中國在AI投資方面處於領先地位,在未來12個月的AI項目將大幅增加(59%),印度及日本緊隨其後(分別為51%及46%)。此外,中國和韓國在AI的採用和整合方面比其他國家發展更快。當中的差異主要是由於投資水平、監管架構,以及AI人才和基建可用性等因素造成。而在日本、澳洲、韓國及多個東南亞地區,缺乏熟練的技術人員成為其國家和行業共同關注的問題。 這項研究強調亞太地區於未來幾年增加AI投資所帶來的機遇和挑戰。研究指出,要全面發揮AI的潛力,企業必須發展內部技能,建立強大的策略性應用案例組合,並從起始階段便規劃AI的成本及風險管理,才能實現當中預期的高回報,並同時提升對未來AI投資的信心。 詳细報告可查閱電子書:《Data and AI Pulse: Asia Pacific 2024》。 研究方法 這項研究於2024年6月進行,涵蓋八個亞太地區市場(澳洲、中國、印度、日本、韓國、馬來西亞、新加坡及泰國),抽樣訪問來自銀行及金融業、製造業、政府,以及醫療保健和生命科學領域機構的509名高層管理人員。調查深入了解受訪AI應用領導者的AI投資決策、對AI如何服務其組織的期望、在部署時所面對的挑戰,以及如何管理這些流程以實現可信任的AI成果。 關於SAS   SAS 是全球領先的AI及商業分析軟件供應商,為各行各業提供專門解決方案。SAS透過在關鍵時刻為企業及機構提供知識卓見,協助更快速地將數據轉化成可信決策。SAS 為全球客戶提供 THE POWER TO KNOW®。  SAS 以及其他所有 SAS Institute Inc.的產品及服務名稱均為註冊商標,或是 SAS Institute Inc.在美國及其他國家®顯示美國註冊的商標。其他品牌及產品名稱為其他公司的商標。版權所有© 2024 SAS Institute Inc. 保留所有權利。

文章來源 : PR Newswire 美通社 發表時間 : 瀏覽次數 : 794 加入收藏 :
AI gold rush? New APAC research reveals major gap between AI Leaders and Followers

AI Leaders are setting themselves apart through approaches to strategies, skills, governance, and trust 40% of APAC organisations are expecting at least 3x ROI on AI investments Over $110 billion is set to be invested in AI across the region by 2028 SINGAPORE, Oct. 23, 2024 /PRNewswire/ -- The IDC Data and AI Pulse: Asia Pacific 2024 study, commissioned by SAS, has revealed Asia Pacific (APAC) organisations are rushing to jump onto the AI bandwagon, with nearly half (43%) planning a large investment increase in AI of over 20% in the next 12 months. While organisations are investing heavily in AI, only 18% of APAC businesses consider themselves as AI Leaders, leaving a large gap between those AI Leaders driving long-term transformational change, and AI Followers experimenting with numerous projects and lacking a clear AI strategy. Of those surveyed, AI Leaders indicated their top business outcomes from AI initiatives are focused on driving new revenue growth (32%), increasing operational efficiency (31%) and increasing profits (26%). By comparison, AI Followers indicated improving customer service (27%), expanding market share (25%) and faster time to market (25%) as their top business outcomes. "The disparity in target outcomes between AI Leaders and AI Followers demonstrates a lack of clear strategy and roadmap. Where AI Followers are focused on short-term, productivity-based results, AI Leaders have moved beyond these to more complex functional and industry use cases," said Shukri Dabaghi, Senior Vice President, Asia Pacific and EMEA Emerging at SAS. "As businesses look to capitalise on the transformative potential of AI, it's important for business leaders to learn from the differences between an AI Leader and an AI Follower. Avoiding a 'gold rush' way of thinking ensures long-term transformation is built on trustworthy AI and capabilities in data, processes and skills," said Mr. Dabaghi. "The IDC Data and AI Pulse: Asia Pacific 2024 study is an important snapshot of how hundreds of large APAC organisations are approaching adoption and implementation of AI, highlighting the leaders and followers across industries," said Chris Marshall, Vice President, Data, Analytics, AI, Sustainability, and Industry Research at IDC Asia/Pacific. "These insights give us the opportunity to unpack the barriers to successful AI implementation, allowing businesses to make wiser investments into these new and emerging technologies, without being caught-up in the gold rush".  Generative AI is only one part of the AI journey While a great deal of AI hype has focused on generative AI, the study reveals that organisations have been investing into predictive and interpretive AI technologies. In 2023, generative AI accounted for just 19% of AI investment but by 2024, and is predicted to increase to 34% reflecting a more balanced distribution across these three AI categories. IDC's latest spending guide suggests AI spending in Asia Pacific will reach US$45 billion in 2024, rising to US$110 billion by 2028 at 24% CAGR (2023-2028).[1] The research reveals that organisations are reallocating budgets for the 2024 increase in generative AI investment, with a third saying it will come from redistributing funds away from infrastructure modernisation and 37 percent from application modernisation. Expectations are high when it comes to ROI The study reveals this prospective gold rush fuelled by inflated expectations of AI's potential return on investment. The research found that 40% of organisations surveyed expect at least a three-fold return on investment, with the "fear of missing out" continuing to spur AI spending. As a result, the research shows AI has at times been adopted without a clear alignment between investments and their outcomes and business value. With 43% of organisations planning to increase their AI investment by 20% or more in the next 12 months, organisations risk being disillusioned with AI because of these tactical investments' likely returns. Instead, business leaders should realise that building an AI capability takes time and requires solid AI foundations to ensure long-term value add. "While consumer access to generative AI tools made AI feel magical, integrating it into an enterprise environment takes a lot of work, the right infrastructure, and often the high expectations placed on these tools are unrealistic," says Mr. Dabaghi. "Understanding these pitfalls provides us the opportunity to learn how we tackle these issues, enabling a higher success rate, and meeting business objectives when it comes to adopting and successfully implementing AI." Pulse of AI across industries The study provides a detailed analysis of how AI is impacting different industry sectors in the APAC region, with key focus areas including banking, insurance, healthcare, and government sectors. The skills-gap remains a consistent challenge across industries when it comes to successful AI adoption and implementation. This skill-gap is felt the most within the healthcare industry (41%), followed by the government sector (38%), insurance industry (32%), and less so in banking (29%). Despite this challenge, these industries continue to invest in improving their data and AI capabilities to deliver more streamlined decision-making, greater automation, faster time to market for new products and services, cost savings, and a host of other benefits. Nonetheless, some use cases are being consistently and successfully deployed - in banking for instance, with its top three use cases: liquidity risk management, asset and liability management and financial crime analytics. In insurance, the research suggests we are seeing AI use cases for insurance claims fraud, omni-channel delivery of products and intelligent pricing. In health care, notable use cases include health care fraud and cost containment, while in government, the popular AI use cases relate to ensuring social benefits programme integrity, supporting emergency response, and tax and revenue compliance. AI adoption trends vary across countries The AI landscape in APAC varies by country, with each market showing unique adoption trends. China is leading in AI investments, showing a large increase in AI projects over the next 12 months (59 per cent), with India and Japan following suit (51 per cent; 46 per cent respectively). Furthermore, China and South Korea are advancing more rapidly in AI adoption and integration than the others. This disparity is driven by factors such as investment levels, regulatory frameworks, and the availability of AI talent and infrastructure. The lack of skilled personnel is a national as well as an industry concern in Japan, Australia and South Korea and many parts of Southeast Asia. The research highlights the opportunities and the challenges associated with increasing AI investments across APAC in the coming years. It suggests that to unlock AI's full potential, companies must develop in-house skills, build a strong portfolio of strategic use cases and plan for AI costs and risks from the start. By doing so, they can achieve some of the promised higher returns and foster greater trust in future AI investments. The full report is available through the eBook: Data and AI Pulse: Asia Pacific 2024. Methodology The study, conducted in June 2024, includes 509 executives across eight Asia Pacific markets (Australia, China, India, Japan, Korea, Malaysia, Singapore, and Thailand) and sampled organisations across banking and finance, manufacturing, government, and health care & life sciences. Leaders were surveyed to examine their AI investment decisions, how they want AI to serve their organisations, challenges to deployment, and their approaches to managing these processes to achieve trusted AI outcomes. About SAS SAS is a global leader in data and AI. With SAS software and industry-specific solutions, organizations transform data into trusted decisions. SAS gives you THE POWER TO KNOW®. [1] IDC's Worldwide AI and Generative AI Spending Guide, August 2024

文章來源 : PR Newswire 美通社 發表時間 : 瀏覽次數 : 380 加入收藏 :
戴爾科技集團推出全新Dell PowerEdge伺服器 擴展Dell AI Factory 規模 加速企業AI採用

新聞摘要          Dell AI Factory的擴建,涵蓋基礎架構、解決方案與服務,以簡化並加速企業採用 AI五款搭載 AMD第五代 EPYC 處理器的全新 Dell PowerEdge 伺服器,可大規模提供業界領先的 AI 效能、效率與靈活性          適用於 AMD的生成式 AI 解決方案簡化了AI 部署,顯著提升價值實現的速度Dell Enterprise Hub 現已支援搭載 AMD InstinctTM MI300X 加速器的 Dell PowerEdge XE9680,以安全部署最新的 Llama 和 Mixtral 模型          適用於生成式 AI 平台的 Dell Implementation Services ,提供易於管理而安全的本地端AI 平台解決方案,加速 AI 創新 完整故事 戴爾科技集團(NYSE:DELL)擴展全球最廣泛之生成式 AI(GenAI)解決方案產品組合,推出專為 AMD 環境量身打造的Dell AI Factory新增功能。 這些解決方案為企業提供更強大的 AI 功能,包括更高的可擴展性和靈活性,幫助企業在不斷發展的技術環境中保持競爭力。 「藉由Dell AI Factory將AMD技術整合到最新的戴爾伺服器、AI解決方案和服務中,我們正在為企業提供當前及未來所需的效能與效率,」戴爾科技集團基礎架構解決方案事業群總裁 Arthur Lewis 表示:「與AMD一起,我們正在為AI效能樹立新標準,為企業提供現代數據驅動環境中不可或缺之強大並具成本效益的解決方案。」 「我們最新的 AMD EPYC 處理器與 Instinct 加速器,可以大規模的為戴爾客戶提供先進的端對端解決方案,加快AI部署與運轉業務關鍵的 IT 基礎架構。」AMD 執行副總裁暨資料中心解決方案事業群總經理 Forrest Norrod 表示: 「我們與戴爾長期合作,持續推出尖端解決方案,以協助提升營運效率、縮短價值實現的時間,在高度競爭的產業中促進創新。」 新款 Dell PowerEdge 伺服器可推動大規模處理嚴苛的 AI 工作負載 新增的Dell PowerEdge 產品組合可推動處理廣泛的AI 應用場景與傳統工作負載,以及簡化伺服器管理和安全性。這些平台提供客製化且高效的解決方案,能簡化管理工作並支援處理現代企業的高效能工作負載: ·         Dell PowerEdge XE7745專為企業AI工作負載設計 ,搭載 AMD 第五代 EPYC 處理器,採用4U 氣冷式機箱而最多可支援 8 個雙寬或 16 個單寬 PCIe GPU。專為 AI 推論、模型微調與高效能運算打造,內部 GPU 插槽搭配用於網路連接的額外8 個 Gen 5.0 PCIe 插槽,形成高密度、靈活的配置,使DW PCIe GPU 容量增加 2 倍。 ·          PowerEdge R6725 與 R7725  伺服器搭載高效能 AMD 第五代 EPYC 處理器,而具備最佳可擴展性。全新的 DC-MHS 機箱設計可強化氣冷效果與雙模組500W CPU,克服電源與效率方面嚴峻的散熱挑戰。這些平台透過為優化可擴展性的配置,可維持嚴謹的數據分析與AI 工作負載,並為虛擬化、資料庫與 AI 等工作負載提供創紀錄的效能。 R7725 在堆疊頂端提供 高達66%的效能提升,及高達33%的效率提高。 這三種平台皆可支援多達 50% 更多的核心,單核心效能提升高達 37%,而創造出更高效能、效率及更佳的總體擁有成本(TCO)。這些增益可將多達七台使用五年的伺服器整合成當今的一台伺服器,使CPU 的功耗降低達 65%。 ·         PowerEdge R6715 和 R7715 伺服器搭載 AMD 第五代 EPYC 處理器,具有更高的效能、效率表現,硬碟容量增加了 37%,具備更高的儲存密度。 這兩款單插槽伺服器提供多種配置選項,將記憶體增加一倍,配備24 個 DIMM(2DPC),滿足各種工作負載需求,以及在體積小巧的 1U 和 2U 機箱中發揮最大效能。 R6715 在處理 AI 和虛擬化任務方面的效能創下世界紀錄。 針對大規模部署 AI 的客戶,戴爾將持續支援 Dell PowerEdge XE 伺服器中所有最新的 AMD Instinct 加速器。 IT 團隊可透過更新的Integrated Dell Remote Access Controller(iDRAC),從遠端監控、管理和更新 Dell PowerEdge 伺服器。 iDRAC 使用更高速的處理器、更強大的記憶體和專用安全輔助處理器,簡化伺服器管理與安全性,使 IT 團隊能以更高的可靠性和效率作出回應。 「OSF Healthcare 採用戴爾和 AMD 提供的系統,為臨床醫師和患者提供更好的服務、降低整體成本,以及幫助有需要的社區。當患者需要仰賴我們的平台才能維持生命時,我們的系統必須保持一整年穩定運作。」OSF Healthcare技術服務總監 Joe Morrow 表示:「正因為有了這些系統,我們大幅減少了 Epic 的停機時間,讓 OSF Healthcare 能提供優質的醫療服務,同時確保運作的安全性和可擴展性。」   Dell AI Factory 的強化功能簡化並加速 GenAI 部署 Dell AI Factory 旨在支援多元的 AI 需求,透過全球最廣泛的 AI 解決方案產品組合,涵蓋桌上型電腦至資料中心再到雲端,使組織可依需求調整期 AI 投資規模: ·         與 AMD 合作的 Dell 生成式 AI 解決方案,使用搭載 AMD Instinct™ MI300X 加速器的 Dell PowerEdge XE9680 伺服器,提供 AI 推論、檢索增強生成(RAG)與客製化功能。這一整合簡化了 AI 部署、提升安全性、支援可擴展與模組化架構,且將價值實驗時間縮短最多 86%,幫助組織優化其AI 投資。 ·         Dell Enterprise Hub在 Hugging Face上現在支援搭載 AMD Instinct MI300X 加速器的 Dell PowerEdge XE9680,提供自訂容器和腳本,以便能輕鬆安全的部署 Llama 和 Mixtral 等模型。這些容器化模型經過特殊優化,以根據模型和伺服器提高推理效能,並利用 Hugging Face 文本生成推理(Text Generation Inference,TGI)後端。 ·         Dell 適用於生成式 AI 的專業服務正在擴展以支援 AMD 環境。與 AMD 合作適用於 GenAI 平台的全新 Dell Implementation Services 提供了量身打造的作業平台,包括 Kubernetes 配置、部署先進 AI 架構部署,以及將客戶資訊轉為最佳實踐作法,以最大化投資報酬率。從策略開發到數據準備、平台和模型實施及解決方案擴展,戴爾專業人員協助客戶在整個生命週期中實現 AI 相關業務成果。 「戴爾與 AMD 持續推動 AI 創新,提供全面的解決方案與服務,協助企業現代化資料中心、提升可擴展性,並利用 AI 實現更好的業務成果。」IDC 研究副總裁 Kuba Stolarski 表示:「Dell AI Factory 的最新更新為戴爾在提供提高效率和價值的  AI 解決方案旅程中的下一步。」   供貨時間 Dell PowerEdge XE7745 伺服器將於 2025 年 1 月起在全球上市。 Dell PowerEdge R6715、R7715、R6725 和 R7725 伺服器將於 2024 年 11 月起在全球上市。 搭載AMD的Dell生成式 AI 解決方案將於 2024 年第 4 季起在全球上市。 Dell Enterprise Hub在 Hugging Face 上的更新,現已開放給全球用戶使用。 適用於生成式 AI 平台的 Dell Implementation Services 現已在特定國家開放使用。   其他資源 ·         在X 和LinkedIn 上追蹤 Dell ·         進一步探索 Dell 與 AMD 合作的生成式 AI 解決方案 ·         進一步認識 Dell 的 AI     關於戴爾科技集團 戴爾科技集團Dell Technologies(NYSE:DELL)致力於幫助企業和個人構建數位化未來,改進他們的工作、生活和娛樂方式,為客戶提供迎接人工智慧時代全面和創新的技術及服務組合。 # # #    版權所有 © 2024 戴爾公司或其子公司。戴爾科技集團與 Dell 是戴爾或其子公司的商標。其他商標可能屬於其各別所有者。 AMD、AMD Arrow 標誌、AMD Instinct、EPYC 及其組合是 Advanced Micro Devices, Inc. 的商標。其他名稱僅供參考,可能為其各自擁有者的商標。

文章來源 : 世紀奧美 發表時間 : 瀏覽次數 : 2644 加入收藏 :
Delta Future Industry Summit 2024 Leads the Charge in Unlocking AI's Potential for Southeast Asia's Development

BANGKOK, Oct. 21, 2024 /PRNewswire/ -- Delta Electronics (Thailand) PCL. successfully hosted the Delta Future Industry Summit 2024 on October 18 at the Grand Ballroom, Chatrium Grand Hotel, Bangkok. Under the theme, "Unlocking the Potential of AI for Industrial and Data Center Growth in Southeast Asia," the summit explored AI's role in reshaping industries, enhancing efficiency, and driving sustainable development across the region. The event focused on AI's transformative potential in industrial automation, data center optimization, and building automation, emphasizing its ability to address energy efficiency, tackle sustainability challenges, and foster innovation in Southeast Asia's rapidly growing markets. Delta Future Industry Summit 2024 Leads the Charge in Unlocking AI's Potential for Southeast Asia's Development The Delta Future Industry Summit 2024 serves as a pivotal platform for exploring the challenges and opportunities presented by the latest industry trends, inspiring new ideas for sustainable growth. This year, by once again bringing together industry leaders, innovators, and policymakers, the summit fostered dynamic discussions on the future of AI-driven growth in the region. It emphasized the potential of Southeast Asian countries potentials and highlighted their efforts to overcome challenges, harnessing AI's power for sustainable development. H.E. Mr. Prasert Jantararuangtong, Deputy Prime Minister of Thailand and Minister of Digital Economy and Society gave a special address to outline the nation's journey towards AI era titled, "Thailand's Path Forward in the AI Era". Mr. Victor Cheng, Delta Thailand CEO, gave a welcome speech and talk titled, "Harnessing AI for Unleashing Growth Potential in Southeast Asia". For the keynote address, Mrs. Paradee Sinthawanarong, Head of Marketing for Thailand & Vietnam at Facebook Thailand, gave a presentation titled, "The Future of AI-Driven Connectivity" and fireside chat session by Mr. Tim Rosenfield, co-founder and co-CEO of Firmus Technologies and Sustainable Metal Cloud (SMC) and Mr. David Leal, VP of SEA Business at Delta Electronics (Interviewer) in "Unlocking Sustainable AI Growth." H.E. Mr. Prasert Jantararuangtong, Deputy Prime Minister of Thailand and Minister of Digital Economy and Society, remarked: "AI is not just a passing trend; it is a transformative force set to reshape our economies, industries, and societies. With the global AI market expected to reach beyond US$826 billion by 2030, Thailand is committed to seizing this opportunity through a structured approach outlined in Thailand's National AI Strategy. Our goal is to cultivate more than 30,000 AI talents by 2027 and generate AI-driven businesses valued at over 48 billion Baht. Likewise, our regional neighbors are investing in AI to drive economic growth and enhance quality of life. I believe that together, we can position the region as a global leading force in AI-driven innovation." Mr. Victor Cheng, Delta Thailand CEO, emphasized "I am delighted to see the lively discussions at the Delta Future Industry Summit 2024 as we explore how AI is revolutionizing key industrial sectors. Delta is proud to be part of this transformation with AI-driven solutions, such as our highly efficient air-assisted liquid cooling (AALC) solution, which delivers 2.5 times more cooling capacity and consumes less than 7% of the power compared to traditional air cooling. Delta's vision goes beyond staying ahead of trends—it's about shaping a future where technology enriches lives, businesses thrive, and sustainability guides every action to create an intelligent, sustainable, and connected world." For the keynote address, Mrs. Paradee Sinthawanarong, Head of Marketing, Thailand & Vietnam at Facebook Thailand, said "At Meta, we're proud to be connecting over half of the world's population in inspiring and innovative ways, with daily users exceeding 3.27 billion. To further drive growth for businesses, we've invested over $100 billion in innovation and AI technologies that supercharge these connections. Our cutting-edge Gen AI for businesses is now available to Thai businesses through our Advantage+ Creative empowers businesses to customize their campaigns into multiple variations, maximizing time and resources while efficiently building personalization and connection at scale." Speaking at the keynote address, Mr. Tim Rosenfield, co-founder and co-CEO of Firmus Technologies and Sustainable Metal Cloud (SMC), emphasized that as AI continues to revolutionize industries, one of the biggest challenges we face is its growing energy demand. Southeast Asia, with its rapidly expanding data center market, offers a unique opportunity to address this. Liquid cooling infrastructure is a game-changer here, offering up to 50% reductions in power consumption and CO₂ emissions. Retrofitting existing data centers with this technology is not only feasible but essential to ensure scalability while reducing environmental impact. The first panel discussion, titled "Challenges and Opportunities in Implementing AI Datacenter Infrastructure" brought together thought leaders including Mr. Theerapun Charoensak, Managing Director of True IDC; Ms. Jamie Ko, Director of Regional Public Affairs and Policy at Grab; Ms. Ing Sirikulbordee, Public Policy of Meta; and Mr. Sakda Sae-Ueng, SEA Regional Business Director of ICT. The panelists delved into the importance of Responsible AI as a foundational element for developers, platforms, and countries, highlighting its crucial role in building trust, transparency, and accountability in AI technologies. They discussed strategies for integrating AI into existing platforms, emphasizing the need for seamless implementation that enhances user experiences while minimizing disruptions and operational risks. The conversation also explored how companies can future-proof their AI investments by staying agile and innovative, continuously adapting to rapid technological changes, and investing in scalable solutions to maintain a competitive edge in the ever-evolving digital landscape. The second panel discussion, titled "Harnessing the Power of AI for Intelligent Work and Living Spaces" featured Mr. Aylwin Tan, Chief Customer Solutions Officer of CapitaLand; Mr. Pakasit Phungrassamee, Cement Operation Transformation Director at SCG; Dr. Chowarit Mitsantisuk from Kasetsart University; and Mr. Jen Yang, Global Strategic Product Development of Delta Energy Infrastructure Business Group. The panelists addressed the challenges companies face when integrating AI into manufacturing and building environments, emphasizing issues such as aligning AI with existing systems, high costs, and data integration. They highlighted AI's role in enhancing sustainability and energy efficiency in buildings and factories by optimizing resource management and reducing waste through AI-enabled features. The discussion also focused on AI-powered spaces' ability to adapt to users' needs while underscoring the importance of privacy and security, stressing the need for robust data protection and transparent policies. Additionally, Delta showcased the following products and solutions at the summit: Datacenter Infrastructure Solutions Smart Manufacturing Solutions Energy Infrastructure Solutions AI-powered Intelligent Surveillance and Intelligent Building Management Solutions The Delta Future Industry Summit 2024 has once again taken a leading role in establishing a collaborative platform for industry leaders and policymakers, inspiring innovative ideas that contribute to a sustainable and prosperous future for Southeast Asia. Aligned with its mission "To provide innovative, clean, and energy-efficient solutions for a better tomorrow," Delta continues to push the boundaries of technology and sustainability, promoting collaborations that empower industries and communities to thrive in this era of AI-driven transformation. About Delta Electronics (Thailand) Public Company Limited Founded in 1988, Delta Electronics (Thailand) PCL. is a producer of power and thermal management products and solutions. The company is a subsidiary of Delta Electronics, Inc. with the mission statement, "To provide innovative, clean and energy-efficient solutions for a better tomorrow," which reflects the company's strong belief in sustainable development especially with issues related to the environment. As an energy-saving solutions provider with core competencies in power electronics and innovative research and development, Delta's business categories include Power Electronics, Automation, Infrastructure and Mobility. The company's global presence is supported by its sales offices in key regions around the world; manufacturing facilities in India, Slovakia and Thailand; and several R&D centers located in Thailand, India, Germany and other countries. Delta continues to earn numerous recognitions for its achievements in the region and domestically. Some awards won include the prestigious ASEAN Business Award, Stock Exchange of Thailand's Best Company Performance Award and the coveted Prime Minister's Best Industry Award. For detailed information about Delta Thailand, please visit: http://www.deltathailand.com/

文章來源 : PR Newswire 美通社 發表時間 : 瀏覽次數 : 231 加入收藏 :
A Vast Majority of Businesses Have Established Sustainability Targets with More than Half Still Using Manual Tools for Measurement

More than three quarters of businesses believe technology is essential for achieving global sustainability goals, with digital adoption key to accelerating progress Budget constraints, complex supply chain and technology limitations are the top 3 most common barriers for enterprises to meet sustainability targets HANGZHOU, CHINA - Media OutReach Newswire - 21 October 2024 - A significant 80% of businesses surveyed across Asia, Europe and the Middle East have established sustainability targets, but of those who have set sustainability targets more than half (53%) continue to rely on manual methods for measuring their progress, according to a survey report titled "Tech-Driven Sustainability Trends and Index 2024" commissioned by Alibaba Cloud, the digital technology and intelligence backbone of Alibaba Group. The report reveals that among businesses with sustainability targets, 92% have set emission reduction targets. However, only one-third of these organizations have committed to net-zero commitments with science-based targets (SBTs). The highest adoption of SBTs is in emerging Asian markets at 39%, followed by Europe at 35%, developed Asian markets at 30%, and the Middle East at 22%. Around half of the businesses with sustainability targets cite driving growth (56%), compliance with regulations (54%), and a strong corporate purpose (49%) as their key motivations for establishing targets. Notably, among all markets, Indonesia tops the list with 70% of businesses prioritizing growth, Saudi Arabia leads with 73% emphasizing compliance, and the UAE excels with 61% prioritizing a strong corporate purpose. A significant 78% of businesses agree that technology is crucial for achieving global sustainability goals, with top markets including Malaysia (89%), Saudi Arabia (87%), Singapore (86%) and France (86%). Regionally, this belief is strongest in the Middle East (86%) with emerging Asian markets a close second (83%). Similarly, 78% believe that adopting digital technologies such as cloud computing and AI will accelerate progress toward meeting sustainability goals, with Saudi Arabia leading at 90%, followed by the UAE (84%) and Singapore (81%). Market Commitment Levels and Challenges When assessing market commitment levels, Singapore ranks highest with an impressive sustainability index of 91%, followed closely by Germany at 89% and Indonesia at 86%. The sustainability index refers to percentage of businesses who have set up sustainability targets in the 13 markets. Businesses encounter various barriers in meeting their sustainability targets. Budget constraints emerge as the most significant obstacle, affecting 29% of organizations, particularly pronounced in the Middle East (41%) and Europe (31%). Complex supply chains further complicate efforts, impacting 28% of businesses, especially in the Middle East (35%) and Europe (29%). Additionally, technology limitations hinder 23% of companies, with the Middle East facing a slightly higher rate at 26%. Time constraints also present significant challenges across all regions, affecting 23% of organizations. For those yet to set sustainability targets, budget constraints (32%) and technology limitations (29%) remain the primary barriers to meeting sustainability targets. Reliance on Manual Measurement As businesses strive to enhance their sustainability efforts, the necessity for effective digital tools is evident. The survey emphasizes the necessity for businesses to improve their understanding of digital tools, as 59% of respondents acknowledge a gap in their knowledge regarding how technology can help achieve sustainability goals. This sentiment is particularly evident in Singapore (83%) and Hong Kong (75%) and Thailand (70%). The report also shows a general reliance on traditional practices among businesses, which may present challenges in effectively achieving sustainability goals. The study indicated that over 50% of businesses depend on manual processes to measure sustainability performance using spreadsheets, emails, and similar methods. All markets, except for Hong Kong (29%), South Korea (43%) and France (49%), exceeded the 50% threshold, with the highest percentages in the UAE (68%), Saudi Arabia (61%), and the UK (60%). Meanwhile, only around a third of the businesses use digital software tools including cloud platforms for the sustainability progress and measurement. Indonesia (59%), Singapore (48%) and Japan (43%) demonstrate a higher adoption of cloud-based solutions, while the average usage is at 38%. "The survey findings underscore the urgent need for organizations to reassess their sustainability measurement methodologies and embrace advanced technological solutions like cloud-based platforms and AI services. These digital tools not only streamline the measurement process but also provide actionable insights that can drive meaningful progress for sustainability," said Selina Yuan, President of International Business, Alibaba Cloud Intelligence. "As a dedicated cloud service provider, we are committed to providing innovative and AI-powered solutions such as Energy Expert to enable enterprises to effectively measure and analyze carbon emission and energy consumptions to advance their sustainability goals. By addressing existing barriers and investing in such advancements, organizations can better align their sustainability initiatives with established targets," she added. "Tech-Driven Sustainability Trends and Index 2024" aims to provide valuable insights into the evolving landscape of corporate sustainability while highlighting how technology can be applied to drive impactful change. About the Survey Alibaba Cloud's "Tech-Driven Sustainability Trends and Index 2024" was independently conducted by Yonder Consulting, a UK-based consulting firm, with advisory, design and analytical support from The Purpose Business, an Asia-based sustainability consultancy with offices in Hong Kong and Singapore. The survey collected feedback from May 10 to June 19, 2024, involving 1,300 business leaders and senior management from various industries, including technology and communications, finance, infrastructure, renewable resources, healthcare, transportation, retail, and manufacturing. Respondents were located across 13 markets in Asia (Indonesia, Malaysia, the Philippines, Thailand, Hong Kong SAR, Japan, Singapore and South Korea), Europe (France, Germany, and United Kingdom), and the Middle East (Saudi Arabia and UAE). In this survey, developed Asian markets refer to Hong Kong SAR, Japan, Singapore, and South Korea, while emerging Asian markets include Indonesia, Malaysia, the Philippines, and Thailand. Hashtag: #AlibabaCloudThe issuer is solely responsible for the content of this announcement.About Alibaba CloudEstablished in 2009, Alibaba Cloud (www.alibabacloud.com) is the digital technology and intelligence backbone of Alibaba Group. It offers a complete suite of cloud services to customers worldwide, including elastic computing, database, storage, network virtualization services, large-scale computing, security, big data analytics, machine learning and artificial intelligence (AI) services. Alibaba has been named the leading IaaS provider in Asia Pacific by revenue in U.S. dollars since 2018, according to Gartner. It has also maintained its position as one of the world's leading public cloud IaaS service providers since 2018, according to IDC.

文章來源 : Media OutReach Limited 發表時間 : 瀏覽次數 : 370 加入收藏 :
旋轉拍賣最新二手手機趨勢:二手市場需求持續增溫 攜手3C交易平台:US3C推出便捷收購服務 幫助用戶出清輕鬆換現金

旋轉拍賣最新二手手機趨勢:二手市場需求持續增溫 攜手3C交易平台:US3C推出便捷收購服務  台北,2024年10月16日-全球二手手機市場日益穩健成長,根據市調機構IDC 發佈的報告指出,2023年全球二手智慧型手機的出貨量,相比2022年銷量年增9.5%。在台灣,人氣二手商品交易平台旋轉拍賣同樣捕捉到二手手機的需求熱潮,手機及配件類別自2022年起穩居平台熱門搜尋前三名。旋轉拍賣這次分享平台最新二手手機資訊,幫助用戶更迎合趨勢,有效出清二手商品! 根據旋轉拍賣平台的數據,iPhone 長期以來一直是最受歡迎的二手手機品項。過去兩年的數據指出,每年 iPhone 的搜尋量隨著新品上市在 9 月達到高峰,並持續熱潮至 10 月,直到 12 月才逐漸回復至新品上市前正常搜尋量。今年 9 月,iPhone 15 的搜尋量更較 8 月激增了 2.3 倍,顯示新品推出時,前一代 iPhone 在二手市場的熱度大幅提升,需求也隨之增加。而今年最多人搜尋的三款手機型號分別是 iPhone 13、iPhone 11 和 iPhone 12,呼應蘋果手機高保值特性下,上市多年舊款手機依舊具有市場吸引力。在這樣的高市場熱度下,旋轉拍賣平台其簡易靈活的上架步驟及穩固的買家用戶社群,也吸引更多賣家能夠快速且順利地出售二手手機。 為了進一步提升用戶體驗,旋轉拍賣與US3C(優勢科技)合作,推出手機收購服務,提供用戶更全面且便利的二手交易服務。用戶只需透過US3C線上估價系統,即可輕鬆將舊手機以優惠價換取現金,或選擇加價購買新款手機。即日起至 11月15日,於合作夥伴 US3C 指定網頁完成商品估價並進行回收,即可參加抽獎活動,有機會贏得 AirPods Pro 2。更多詳情請參考網頁:https://tw.carousell.com/us3c-recycle-42k/l/ 旋轉拍賣同時致力於幫助賣家取得成功,除了提供旋轉幣等賣家工具以增加流量和曝光度,還鼓勵專業賣家加入「優選商家」計畫,以強化品牌知名度。成為優選商家後,賣家將擁有專屬標籤,顯示其在特定品類中的專業性。無論是透過進階賣家工具或是加入優選商家計畫,賣家皆可依照商家需求有效經營賣場提升銷售業績,在競爭激烈的市場中脫穎而出。 無論是一般賣家還是專業賣家,旋轉拍賣平台都能協助他們輕鬆地將手邊的商品出清,快速獲得現金。旋轉拍賣鼓勵用戶支持永續的消費模式,讓每一件商品都有機會獲得新的生命,延長商品週期,優先選擇二手商品成為生活消費習慣。 關於Carousell旋轉拍賣 Carousell旋轉拍賣是東南亞、台灣及香港領先多品類買賣集團Carousell Group旋轉拍賣集團的一部分。集團的使命是鼓勵全球使二手商品成為購物首選。該集團於2012年8月在新加坡成立,旗下品牌包括Carousell 旋轉拍賣、Carousell Media Group、Cho Tot、Laku6、LuxLexicon、Mudah.my、OneShift、REFASH和Revo Financial,品牌在七大市場中處於領先地位, 每月為數千萬活躍用戶提供服務。Carousell獲得了主要投資者的支持,包括Telenor Group、Rakuten Ventures、Naver、STIC Investments、500 Global和Peak XV Partners (前身為 Sequoia Capital India)。 Carousell旋轉拍賣自2014年進軍台灣,廣受個人賣家喜愛,已成長為台灣最大 C2C 二手商品買賣平台之一,拍賣商品多元,共有超過30種分類包含女性時尚、美妝保養及電子產品等。點此免費下載iOS或Android版本,及瀏覽網頁https://tw.carousell.com/ 獲得更多資訊。  

文章來源 : 旋轉拍賣有限公司 發表時間 : 瀏覽次數 : 1935 加入收藏 :
2025 年 1 月 18 日 (星期六) 農曆十二月十九日
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