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Huawei Launches Four Intelligent OptiX Innovative Practices of F5.5G, Accelerating 10Gbps Take-off

SHANGHAI, June 29, 2023 /PRNewswire/ -- At the Huawei Product & Solution Innovation and Practice launch event held during 2023 MWC in Shanghai, Huawei took the opportunity to launch four Intelligent OptiX innovative practices of F5.5G, in scenarios of smart home, small and micro enterprises, smart manufacturing and metro network. Richard Jin, President of Huawei Optical Business Product Line, stated that 1Gbps has been everywhere, and 10Gbps is taking off. In the past year, Huawei's F5.5G innovations, such as FTTR F30/B30, 50G PON, Alps-WDM, and 400G/800G, have been widely adopted in Asia, Europe, Middle East, Africa, and Latin America. It deeply changed people's life and work. We hope more carriers and partners to join the F5.5G innovation and practice and work together to embrace "10Gbps Everywhere". Richard Jin Delivered the Speech   In terms of smart homes, over 4.6 million household users are using Huawei FTTR to create 1Gbps home Wi-Fi connection. In Brazil, Oi and Huawei took the initiative to put FTTR into commercial use in Latin America. They leveraged the ultra-high bandwidth, ultra-wide coverage, ultra-high concurrency, and 5A-level services to build smart homes featuring whole-house ultra-gigabit and whole-house intelligence for users, thereby improving efficiency, consumer satisfaction and ARPU for Oi. In terms of small and micro enterprises, tens of thousands of enterprises have adopted Huawei FTTR solution. Leveraging B30's advantages such as ultra-gigabit Wi-Fi, 300 concurrent terminals, and app-based intelligent O&M, China Unicom Henan released the FTTR B30 fusion package applicable to various scenarios including offices, supermarkets, convenience stores and security protection. Over the past six months, China Unicom Henan has attracted nearly 10,000 enterprise users, and increased consumer satisfaction by 20%, enabling the digital transformation of small and micro enterprises. In terms of smart manufacturing, China Telecom Research Institute worked with Huawei to complete the world's first 50G PON–based industrial Internet pilot. Huawei's 50G PON provides 10Gbps bandwidth for campuses, provides reliable and flexible access for industrial Automated Optical Inspection (AOI), and achieves a 10-fold improvement in inspection efficiency, realizing positive benefits for smart manufacturing. At present, Huawei has been conducting the innovation verification for its 50G PON solution together with over 30 partners around the world. Using Huawei's Alps-WDM, China Unicom Chongqing has built metro networks with the optimal TCO. Huawei's Alps-WDM increased the single-wavelength rate from 10G to 100G at the integrated access site, and created a bandwidth resource pool shared by multiple areas for on-demand usage. It also helped created an ultra-low latency circle with "1ms coverage of the main city, 2.5ms coverage of the entire city, and 3ms coverage of Chengdu- Chongqing dual cities". Till now, Huawei's Alps-WDM has dozens of commercial applications worldwide. The 10Gbps era is just around the corner. Huawei calls on all parties in the industry to innovate and enrich F5.5G application scenarios together and apply F5.5G to all aspects of the digital economy. In doing so, we can embrace "10Gbps Everywhere".

文章來源 : PR Newswire 美通社 發表時間 : 瀏覽次數 : 620 加入收藏 :

上海2023年6月29日 /美通社/ -- 在2023 MWC上海期間,華為舉行產品與解決方案創新實踐發佈會,面向F5.5G智簡全光聯接領域發佈在智慧家庭、小微企業、智能製造與城域網四大場景的創新實踐,加速推進全光萬兆時代的到來。 華為光產品線總裁靳玉志表示,千兆普遍應用,萬兆開始啟航,「在過去一年,華為的F5.5G創新解決方案,如FTTR、50G PON、Alps-WDM、400G等,已大範圍在亞太、歐洲、中東、非洲、拉美應用,深刻改變著人們生活和工作的方式與體驗。華為希望更多運營商和行業合作夥伴能夠加入到F5.5G的創新與實踐中,一起努力打造『無處不在的萬兆聯接』,擁抱F5.5G時代!」 華為光產品線總裁靳玉志 在智慧家庭場景,全球已有460多萬家庭用戶使用華為FTTR構建全屋千兆接入能力,提升家庭Wi-Fi體驗。巴西Oi聯合華為實現FTTR在拉美的規模商用,憑借超大帶寬、超廣覆蓋、超多並發,以及5A級服務等優勢,構建差異化競爭力,為用戶打造全屋千兆和全屋智能的智慧家庭,幫助Oi持續創新引領家寬市場,在提升最終用戶滿意度的同時,實現了ARPU值的增長。 在小微企業場景,華為FTTR星光B30系列已覆蓋全球數萬家企業。基於星光B30超千兆Wi-Fi、300終端大並發、APP智簡運維等優勢,河南聯通針對不同行業和類型的中小微企業,推出適配辦公、商超、安防等不同場景的融合套餐。半年來發展用戶近萬,用戶滿意度提升20%,賦能小微企業數字化轉型,拓展企業市場新藍海。 在智能製造場景,中國電信研究院攜手華為完成全球首個基於50G PON的工業互聯網應用試點。華為50G PON為園區提供萬兆帶寬,為工業AOI(Automated Optical Inspection自動光學檢測)提供穩定可靠和靈活接入的能力,提升質檢效率10倍以上,為智能製造提供了良好的示範效應。目前,華為50G PON方案正在與全球30多個夥伴進行創新驗證。 在城域網場景,重慶聯通聯合華為採用Alps架構打造最優TCO的全光城域網,實現綜合接入站點的OTN單波速率由10G提升至100G,多區域共享帶寬資源池隨需隨取。其還支持光層一跳直達,打造「1ms覆蓋主城、2.5ms覆蓋全市、3ms覆蓋成渝雙城」的超低時延圈,讓千家萬企在毫秒之間就能聯接到算力資源,為數字經濟發展注入新動能。華為Alps架構在全球已有數十個商業應用,有效支撐了千行百業的數智化轉型。 萬兆時代正加速到來。獨行快,眾行遠,華為呼籲產業各方攜手前行,合作創新,豐富F5.5G應用場景,將F5.5G應用到數字經濟的方方面面,構建「無處不在的萬兆聯接」,共同邁向智能世界。

文章來源 : PR Newswire 美通社 發表時間 : 瀏覽次數 : 2528 加入收藏 :
F5 發佈安全多雲網路方案簡化分散式應用部署的運作

F5分散式雲服務安全地連接雲端、混合與邊緣環境的應用程式和API   (台北訊 2023年 5月10日) F5發布多雲網路(multi-cloud networking; MCN) 功能,可跨越一個或多個公有雲、混合架構、原生Kubernetes環境與邊緣之間,輕鬆擴展應用與安全服務。F5分散式雲服務(Distributed Cloud Services) 在網路與應用層 提供的連接性與安全性方面與眾不同。作為跨獨立雲端服務供應商產品(包括本地雲服務)的覆蓋層,分散式雲服務讓 F5 客戶可以透過單管理控制台輕鬆整合網絡操作、應用程式性能優化、故障排除以及可視性。     根據F5最新發布的2023應用策略現狀報告 (State of Application Strategy; SOAS),85%企業部署多重應用架構,跨越傳統和現代架構以及多個託管環境。這些分散式部署增加了基礎設施複雜性、成本、妨礙可視性,並增加潛在的網路攻擊面。F5 提供了一種基於平台、雲端中立(cloud-agnostic),專為滿足傳統和現代應用程式的需求而布建,不會增加複雜性或失去分級管控和必要的可視性。 具體來說,今天推出的 Distributed Cloud App Connect 和 Distributed Cloud Network Connect 釋放增強的 MCN 用例。   新的分散式雲服務簡化了應用程式與網路連接   傳統連接設計與基礎設施模型無法融合現代化應用程式與數位體驗需求,這主要是因為新的基於微服務應用程式仰賴分散式Kubernetes叢集服務與API,而且並非局限於單一雲端地點或甚至單一雲端服務供應商。根據2023 F5 SOAS報告,企業多重雲面對的最大挑戰包括管理相關工具與API的複雜性、在應用程式中一致安全性與優化效能。為應對這些挑戰,必須一種更完備的方案來確保MCN安全,這種方案必須提供: 一個整合的服務堆疊,解決雲和分散式應用程式之間的第 3 層傳輸和第 7 層應用到應用服務網,大幅有效地降低複雜性並提高敏捷性。 雲端/地端之間的網路連接以及工作負荷端對端的安全性,以整合的政策更快速控制、回應演進中的威脅。 為在雲端中立 (cloud-agnostic) 運作的企業,提供應用發現、網路與安全性以及端對端專用連結的協調。 為內建應用安全性的現代化應用程式提供應用對應用通訊之分級管控。      F5分散式雲平台與安全服務資深副總裁兼總經理Michael Rau表示:「應用之間的安全連接是每個數位企業的目標,如何實現這個目標也更加重要。雲端與混合架構的增加,面對微服務與API分散式應用的興起,造成更大的複雜性並且降低可視性。分散式雲服務大幅擴展我們為客戶提供混合和多雲服務需求的能力,為全球基礎設施與應用環境提供無與倫比的敏捷和安全性。」       F5 台灣區總經理張紘綱表示:「IDC調查報告指出,新混合型辦公模式加速台灣公有雲服務市場高速成長,2022至2026年台灣公有雲市場年複合成長率將達到25.2%。我們看到我們的客戶都在邊緣等多樣化環境部署傳統和現代化應用架構,在管理成本、複雜性、性能與標準化操作上,還是必須面對許多的挑戰。今年疫情解封後,我們很開心將在六月九日於台北華南銀行國際會議中心,舉行「F5 Engage Taiwan 2023」大會,與久違的客戶面對面分享,透過F5多雲網路分散式雲端服務協助我們的客戶管理跨越多重雲端環境的安全、效能與能見度的問題。      F5為MCN所提供的必要技術有獨特的優勢,他可以在任何地方連接並保護任何應用與API,確保在不同的雲端地點、資料中心、混合環境與企業邊緣設施之間,實現快速的網路對網路和工作負載的連接性。在F5自推出分散式雲服務以來,持續強化作為 SaaS 和託管服務交付的功能,包括最近增加的分散式雲端應用基礎設施保護(Distributed Cloud Application Infrastructure Protection)。今天的宣布透過下述新SaaS方案進一步延伸分散式雲服務能力:   分散式雲端應用連接 (Distributed Cloud App Connect) 提供一種整合的堆疊方法,透過單一控制台以全面的應用網路能力,結合完整應用安全性、更快速的配置和簡易使用性。 進階應用網路服務包括負載平衡、API閘道、ingress/egress控制以及端對端可視性。 自動化或一鍵配置額外的web應用與API保護服務(web application and API protection; WAAP),例如web應用防火牆、DDoS、殭屍網路威脅舒緩和API安全性。 原生Kubernetes整合,為應用對應用以及甚至特殊API對API通訊提供細緻管控,而不會暴露基底網路,大幅減少安全風險並加速應用交付。   分散式雲網路連接(Distributed Cloud Network Connect)提供高度安全性並且能簡單的在雲端地點和雲端服務供應商之間部署連接性。 自動配置和協調雲端服務供應商的連接服務,以減少管理上的複雜性和提高可視性。 安全連接與延伸。提供意向型(intent-based)微區段和third-party網路功能虛擬化(network functions virtualization; NFV)服務插接。 選擇性的全私有F5 Global Network,優化應用效能和高速私有連接至公有雲服務供應商。     ZK Research創辦人兼首席分析師Zeus Kerravala表示:「企業雲端策略從散布在多重雲的多重應用模式,演進到分散式工作負荷的真正多重雲架構。這需要仰賴雲端與網路架構師為他們設計多雲網路,以提供網路和應用層連接性。F5長期以來位居應用網路領導地位,他們的分散式雲服務提供完全整合的layer 3–7服務,安全連接雲端與工作負荷,甚至是那些部署在邊緣或分支辦公室的工作負荷。」     Computacenter UK網路與安全技術長Colin Williams表示:「我們的客戶已開始接受新概念,將工作負荷與應用程式分散到不同的雲端服務供應商,以及包括資料中心或邊緣的混合架構。這項策略的挑戰在於必須降低跨越多重和不同環境的基礎設施複雜性,尤其是連接網路和應用程式並維護一致的安全與可視性。F5分散式雲服務提供使用容易的SaaS-based多雲網路,協助我們的客戶快速且安全連接他們的分散式雲端和工作負荷。」 其他資源 „h Multi-Cloud Networking: Challenges and Opportunities – F5 Blog „h Secure Multi-Cloud Networking: The Key to Hybrid, Multi-Cloud, and Edge Success – F5 Blog

文章來源 : JlinkPR 發表時間 : 瀏覽次數 : 10192 加入收藏 :
From Giga to 10Giga, Building an F5.5G All-Optical 10Giga City in 5 Scenarios

SHENZHEN, China, April 21, 2023 /PRNewswire/ -- At the 2023 Huawei Global Analyst Summit on April 20, industrial organizations, industry analysts, leading operators and enterprises, and Huawei discussed F5.5G industry development strategies and application scenarios in depth during the "Embracing F5.5G to Lead 10Giga City with Innovation" forum. To meet network connection requirements for higher-than-gigabit bandwidth, ETSI released the F5G Advanced and Beyond White Paper in 2022, and WBBA released the next-generation broadband development roadmap. The evolution from 1 Gbps to 10 Gbps has gradually become a consensus in the industry. Richard Jin, President of Huawei Optical Business Product Line, said: "Oriented to F5.5G, from Giga network to 10Giga city, Huawei believes that all-optical 10Giga city will start in five scenarios — home, enterprise, machine, computing, and sensing." He also encouraged the entire industry to cooperate in standard formulation, policy promotion, technological innovation, and ecosystem application in order to jointly build 10Giga cities and stride into an intelligent world. Richard Jin, President of Huawei Optical Business Product Line Home: The emergence of new applications such as ultra-HD video, XR, metaverse, and cloud desktop requires higher bandwidth, lower latency, and higher reliability of home broadband. Taking an 8K naked-eye 3D TV as an example, to implement H.264-compressed multi-view imaging, an access bandwidth of over 3 Gbps is required. Enterprise: Smart campus applications require improved network capabilities. For example, applications such as digital-assisted diagnosis and treatment, multi-camera live broadcast of sports events, and holographic interactive design require 10G optical network to provide enterprises with access bandwidth higher than 1 Gbps and network latency lower than 10 ms. Machine: With the digital upgrade of industries such as electric power, manufacturing, and port, future industrial production requires a 10G all-optical production network that supports intelligent connection of everything. Such a network delivers bandwidth in excess of 10 Gbps, latency lower than 1 ms, and jitter lower than 20 μs jitter for ultra-HD AOI quality check and production line PLC. Computing: With the rapid development of cloud computing, the network bandwidth between data centers and users increases rapidly, and the latency requirement becomes more and more stringent. A 10G network uses the simplified architecture of 400G backbone network, 100G metro access, and all-optical grooming to reduce transmission power consumption and make cloud computing power a ready-to-use resource. Sensing: The optical fiber sensing capability enables fiber digitalization and accurately locates faults, achieving visible and manageable fiber networks and improving network operation efficiency. On the basis of home broadband access, the laser 3D optical sensing technology can dynamically monitor the elderly for falls, helping protect their health. To support the development of 10G services, Huawei has achieved technological innovation and commercial use in multiple fields, such as FTTR, 50G PON, Alps-WDM, 400G, OSU hard pipe, and green industrial optical network, helping operators continuously evolve their networks. At the forum, Richard Mahony, a member of WBBA and Vice President of Informa Tech, said that WBBA accelerate timely emergence of next generation broadband everywhere, that delivers a sustainable long-term ROI for all industries. Ao Li, Chief Engineer of China Academy of Information and Communications Technology (CAICT), stated that the F5G Advanced era represented by 10G optical networks is accelerating and will build a solid digital infrastructure for home, enterprise, cloud, and computing services. Tom Pang, Senior Vice President of the Network Planning of Hong Kong Telecommunications (HKT), said that HKT will continue to evolve PON as the next-generation access network. Abigail Cardino, Head of Transformation Governance Division and Vice President of Broadband Business, Globe Telecom, said that Globe creates wonderful experiences for Filipino homes to have choices, overcome challenges, and discover new ways to enjoy life. And Wang Xinping, Director of Information and Network Center, Central South University, pointed out that Central South University hopes to implement high-speed integration of wired, wireless, IoT, and 5G networks through the "One Network" project, and carry multiple functional networks in a unified manner to fully connect campus data and applications. Looking ahead, industry experts are calling on all parties in the industry to continuously promote innovative services and experiences, facilitate the evolution of all-optical networks to 10G, and stride into F5.5G together, thereby building a better intelligent world.

文章來源 : PR Newswire 美通社 發表時間 : 瀏覽次數 : 3822 加入收藏 :

深圳2023年4月21日 /美通社/ -- 4月20日,「擁抱F5.5G,創新引領萬兆之城」論壇在2023年華為分析師大會期間成功舉辦,產業組織、行業分析師、領先運營商和企業及華為就F5.5G產業發展戰略及應用場景進行深入探討。 為滿足業務對超千兆帶寬的網絡聯接需求,2022年ETSI發布《F5G Advanced and Beyond》白皮書,WBBA也發布了下一代寬帶發展路標,從千兆走向萬兆已逐漸成為產業共識。華為光產品線總裁靳玉誌表示:「面向F5.5G,從千兆網絡到萬兆城市,華為研究認為全光萬兆城市將從『聯家、聯企、聯機、聯算、智感』五大場景正式啟航。我們倡議全行業在標準製定、政策推動、技術創新和生態應用上通力合作,共同打造萬兆之城,邁向智能世界。」 華為光產品線總裁靳玉誌發表主題演講 萬兆聯家:超高清視頻、XR/元宇宙、雲電腦等新應用的出現需要更大帶寬、更低時延、更高可靠的家庭寬帶。以8K裸眼3D電視為例,為實現H.264壓縮的多視點成像,需要超3Gbps的接入帶寬。 萬兆聯企:園區的智能化應用離不開網絡能力的提升。數字輔助診療、賽事多機位直播、全息交互設計等應用需要萬兆光網為企業內提供超過1Gbps的用戶接入帶寬和低於10毫秒的網絡時延。 萬兆聯機:隨著電力、製造、港口等行業的數字化升級,未來的工業生產需要構築一張萬兆全光生產網,為超高清AOI質檢、產線PLC等提供10Gbps以上、時延低於1毫秒和抖動低於20微秒的光網絡。 萬兆聯算:隨著雲計算的高速發展,數據中心與用戶之間的網絡帶寬增長迅速,時延要求也在不斷提升。萬兆網絡通過400G骨幹網、100G城域接入和全光調度極簡架構,提供一張高品質的全光品質運力網絡,讓雲端超強算力成為即取即用的資源。 智能感知:光纖感知能力使能光纜數字化,實現光纖網絡可視可管,精準定位故障並提升網絡運營效率。在家庭寬帶接入的基礎上,激光3D光感知技術可動態監測老人跌倒場景,對老人健康防護提供幫助。 為支持萬兆業務發展,華為已在FTTR、50G PON、城域池化波分、400G、OSU硬管道和綠色工業光網等多個解決方案上進行創新,幫助運營商網絡不斷演進。 會中,WBBA成員、Informa Tech運營商市場副總裁Richard Mahony表示,WBBA推動寬帶代際演進路標,為所有行業帶來可持續的長期投資回報。中國信息通信研究院總工程師敖立提出,以萬兆光網為標誌的F5G-A時代正加速到來,將構築聯家、聯企、聯雲、聯算的堅實數字基礎設施大動脈。 香港電訊網絡規劃部高級副總裁Tom Pang表示,將持續關註並發展下一代PON接入網絡。菲律賓Globe副總裁、寬帶戰略與業務轉型部門負責人Abigail Cardino表示,將為菲律賓的家庭用戶提供優質體驗,助力用戶暢享美好生活。中南大學信息與網絡中心主任王新平指出,中南大學希望通過「一張網」工程實現有線、無線、物聯網、5G在內的多網校內高速有機融合,全面聯接校園數據與應用。 面向未來,與會行業專家呼籲產業各方持續推動創新業務與體驗的發展,助力全光網絡向萬兆演進,邁向F5.5G,共築美好智能世界。

文章來源 : PR Newswire 美通社 發表時間 : 瀏覽次數 : 6361 加入收藏 :
Latest F5 research reveals 79 percent of APAC consumers are willing to sacrifice data security for convenience

F5's latest Curve of Convenience 2023 report shows data security taking a back seat with APAC consumers, with an increased willingness to save and share personal payment data on multiple platforms. SINGAPORE, April 20, 2023 /PRNewswire/ -- F5's (NASDAQ: FFIV) latest report Curve of Convenience 2023 Report: The Pursuit of APIs has revealed that 79 percent of Asia Pacific consumers are willing to grant companies access to their data in exchange for better utility and customer experience, with 96% percent willing to save sensitive data onto websites and applications for a more streamlined process. In recent years, it has become standard practice for users to log in to websites and services using third-party authentication, such as through a user's existing Google or Facebook accounts. These trends reflect a collective desire for convenience, speed, and personalization at every stage of a consumer's digital experience. These features are often enabled by an Application Programming Interface or API, which helps to improve efficiency and are applicable to almost all businesses as long as it touches on money transfers and digital payments. Like any web application however, these APIs can be exploited and abused unless properly protected, resulting in security breaches and fraud, putting entire digital ecosystems at risk. "Striking the right balance between usability and security is often a challenge, but it can be done - with the help of a suitable checklist and security solutions that enable continual discovery and protection of APIs, organizations will be able to implement a positive API security model that enhances risk management and fosters digital innovation," said Adam Judd, Senior Vice President, Asia Pacific, China and Japan, at F5. "Although APAC consumers are willing to share their data, it is important for organizations that deliver digital services to be reminded that they must also be proactive in seeking out trustworthy security providers to secure their data," said Jessie Tung, Growth Strategist & Co-founder, twimbit. "Thus, it is important for them to deliver holistic data security measures to gain the trust of both the service provider and end user." With a growing reliance on digital services and consistent headlines about data breaches, APAC consumers are also increasingly concerned about data security. The Curve of Convenience 2023 report also revealed that over 75 percent of APAC consumers are ready to withdraw support from a company in the event of a data breach despite offerings like supreme services and products, with 53 percent interested in knowing the sensitive data compromised during a data leak. These findings signify the importance of data security in the minds of Asia - Pacific consumers and businesses, many of which do not prioritize it at risk of losing their competitive edge. Report Highlights 96% of APAC consumers are willing to save sensitive data on websites they trust. Within this group, 76% believe that sharing their data is justified for better services and content. APAC consumers are taking charge of their data. 53% of consumers are likely to stop supporting a brand in times of data breaches. But when presented a clear resolution approach, 72% may return to trust them. Furthermore, 53% are willing to take active steps to protect their data. A strong brand image is critical to gain trust amongst most consumers. 61% of APAC consumers trust companies with strong brand images. Chinese consumers hold the highest level of trust towards established digital ecosystems compared to their APAC counterparts. They are mostly confident an established brand can protect and secure their data. On the contrary, ANZ consumers have the least trust towards established brands and their commitment to cybersecurity, with only 36% believing their data is secure with those brands. Digital payments the way forward. 55% of consumers prefer digital payments, and this number is likely to continue to rise. APAC Consumers have a strong reliance on digital services. This reliance can be witnessed in digital payment services, with 8 out of 10 surveyed APAC consumers having transacted online within the last 12 months. The survey results also showed that 69% of consumers in APAC having used more than 1 digital payment method over the last 12 months. Footnote  A follow up to the 2020 survey, this year's study was conducted in Q4 2022, with over 2,300 respondents from 8 APAC regions: Australia & New Zealand, mainland China, India, Indonesia, South Korea, Japan, Singapore, and Taiwan. Additional Resources Download the full F5 Curve of Convenience 2023 Report: The Pursuit of APIs About F5 F5 is a multi-cloud application services and security company committed to bringing a better digital world to life. F5 partners with the world's largest, most advanced organizations to secure and optimize every app and API anywhere—on premises, in the cloud, or at the edge. F5 enables organizations to provide exceptional, secure digital experiences for their customers and continuously stay ahead of threats. For more information, go to f5.com. (NASDAQ: FFIV) You can also follow @F5_AsiaPacific on Twitter or visit us on LinkedIn and Facebook for more information about F5, its partners, and technologies. F5 is a trademark, service mark, or tradename of F5, Inc., in the U.S. and other countries. All other product and company names herein may be trademarks of their respective owners.

文章來源 : PR Newswire 美通社 發表時間 : 瀏覽次數 : 584 加入收藏 :
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