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中華數位科技喜迎佳績,在日前公布的 CIO Taiwan 2025 Elite Vendor 卓越供應商調查中再度獲得「資安產品與服務」獎項的肯定。此調查針對台灣各產業指標企業的 IT 決策者進行,特別聚焦於品牌信任度與長期合作關係建立,評選出最受肯定的 IT 供應商。中華數位科技能夠再度獲得企業的青睞,顯示各領域 CIO 對於中華數位科技的信任,並肯定我們在資安領域的專業與表現。 從郵件安全到更廣義的網路安全選擇合適的 IT 技術合作夥伴對企業來說至關重要。中華數位科技長期深耕資安領域,不僅在郵件安全領域持續研發精進,也積極拓展服務範疇。資安威脅快速演進,企業需要全方位的保護,中華數位科技研究國際資安大廠的優秀產品,引進 XDR/MDR、漏洞修補管理、存取變動稽核等產品,提供企業多元的資安解決方案。也從企業角度出發,提供BEC 鑑識、資安事件處理、社交工程演練等切合需要的服務,協助企業針對自身情況制定完善的安全策略。 在地化服務與客製功能開發,深入理解企業需求中華數位科技深耕台灣市場,了解在地企業的獨特需求。自主研發產品提供客製化的功能開發;代理國際資安產品,也能基於延伸應用進行加值開發,貼近在地企業使用需求。在地的專業技術與客服團隊,當自有研發或海外代理產品有客服需求時,都能迅速協助檢視排查,解決問題消弭與海外原廠溝通與服務時差。 選擇中華數位科技的客戶,與我們合作超過15~20年的企業不在少數,長期的合作關係代表企業對我們的高度信任。再度榮獲 CIO Taiwan Elite Vendor【資安產品與服務】獎項,給我們莫大的肯定與鼓舞,我們將繼續以穩健踏實的腳步,持續強化在資安領域的研發投入,結合國際大廠的資安技術與在地化的服務優勢,與企業攜手面對瞬息萬變的資安挑戰! CIO Taiwan 2025 Elite Vendor供應商品牌調查本次調查於2024年11月展開,收集619份來自台灣各產業指標企業的IT決策者問卷,特別聚焦於品牌信任度與長期合作關係建立。調查範疇擴大至【十大類別產品】,包括伺服器、儲存、網通網安、公有雲、雲地整合、雲端備份備援、資安、混合辦公、資料庫、IoT與邊緣等領域,全面性地涵蓋企業數位轉型所需的關鍵技術。
Helena Nimmo appointed CIO and Debra McCowan appointed CHRO to fuel IFS's next phase of growth in pioneering and dominating Industrial AI LONDON, Oct. 7, 2024 /PRNewswire/ -- IFS, the leading provider of enterprise cloud and Industrial AI software, has made two senior appointments to its Executive Board. Helena Nimmo joins as global Chief Information Officer (CIO) and Debra McCowan as Chief Human Resources Officer (CHRO). Nimmo joins from Endava, a US-listed global technology company with over 12,000 employees. As CIO at IFS, Nimmo will engage CIOs and tech leaders at IFS customers to help them with their strategic transformation journeys, as well as driving the effective application of technology within IFS to deliver better products and services to customers. With IFS leading the adoption of Industrial AI across the world, Nimmo will drive the integration of AI across the IFS community, enabling IFS customers to deliver exceptional moments of service to their clients. McCowan was CHRO at NetApp, Inc., a Fortune 500 global data infrastructure, AI and cloud services company. In this board level role, McCowan was a strategic partner and advisor to the CEO and executive leadership team. As IFS rapidly grows beyond 7,000 employees in over 90 countries, McCowan will build on the HR transformation strategy IFS has already embarked on, to lead a high-performing global team, delivering progressive HR strategies and initiatives to rapidly grow and scale IFS's footprint. "I'm delighted that Helena and Debra are joining IFS at such a pivotal point in its growth journey," said Mark Moffat IFS CEO. "Helena's leadership has been instrumental in orchestrating company-wide transformations, developing core technology infrastructures, and implementing robust security measures. Debra is a transformational Human Resources executive with years of global leadership experience in the technology sector, making her an excellent fit for this role. I look forward to the new perspectives and ideas they will both bring to IFS and support our global mission to lead the Industrial AI revolution." Nimmo started her career at Nokia in Finland and has since held leadership positions in both customer-facing and internal technology functions at organizations including Symbian, Fujitsu and Thomson Reuters. "I'm delighted to be joining IFS, the world leader in cloud enterprise software and Industrial AI," said Nimmo, IFS's CIO. "I am excited to add my expertise to drive digital innovation and deliver exceptional value to our customers. I have a passion for technology and a commitment to excellence and am eager to contribute to IFS's continued growth and success." Prior to NetApp, McCowan was the CHRO at Equinix the world's leading global data center and interconnection provider. She has held global executive leadership roles at Avago Technologies (now Broadcom Inc.), Hitachi Data Systems (now Hitachi Vantara), and Telstra Corporation. "Joining IFS at a time of significant growth globally is a tremendous opportunity," said Debra McGowan, IFS CHRO. "My mission is to continue to build a conducive environment for diverse, strategically aligned high performing teams to connect and thrive in a fast-paced business and in a dynamic workplace. I look forward to this exciting challenge." About IFS IFS is the world's leading provider of Industrial AI and enterprise software for hardcore businesses that make, service, and power our planet. Our technology enables businesses which manufacture goods, maintain complex assets, and manage service-focused operations to unlock the transformative power of Industrial AI™ to enhance productivity, efficiency, and sustainability. IFS Cloud is a fully composable AI-powered platform, designed for ultimate flexibility and adaptability to our customers' specific requirements and business evolution. It spans the needs of Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP), Enterprise Asset Management (EAM), Supply Chain Management (SCM), Information Technology Service Management (ITSM), and Field Service Management (FSM). IFS technology leverages AI, machine learning, real-time data and analytics to empower our customers to make informed strategic decisions and excel at their Moment of Service™. IFS was founded in 1983 by five university friends who pitched a tent outside our first customer's site to ensure they would be available 24/7 and the needs of the customer would come first. Since then, IFS has grown into a global leader with over 7,000 employees in 90+ countries. Driven by those foundational values of agility, customer-centricity, and trust, IFS is recognized worldwide for delivering value and supporting strategic transformations. We are the most recommended supplier in our sector. Visit ifs.com to learn why. Contact information:EUROPE / MEA / APJ:Adam GillbeEmail: adam.gillbe@ifs.com NORTH AMERICA / LATAM:Mairi MorganEmail: mairi.morgan@ifs.com This information was brought to you by Cision http://news.cision.com https://news.cision.com/ifs/r/ifs-strengthens-executive-board-with-cio-and-chro-appointments,c4047765 The following files are available for download: https://mb.cision.com/Main/855/4047765/3041094.pdf Release https://news.cision.com/ifs/i/cio-chro-appointments-930x423px,c3340279 CIO-CHRO-Appointments 930x423px
The ASEAN CIO Association's 8th flagship event features regional experts and thought leaders from Google Cloud Security, ST Engineering, Bangkok Bank PCL, Sta. Lucia Land Inc. and the Government Service Insurance System. SINGAPORE, Sept. 6, 2024 /PRNewswire/ -- ASEAN CIO Association, the leading CXO community that champions the development, collaboration and success of ICT industry leaders across ASEAN, is proud to organise the 8th ASEAN CIO Forum, supported by the Philippines and conceptualised in line with the ASEAN Digital Masterplan 2025 (ADM), in Manila from 18-19 September 2024. Themed "Powering a Sustainable ASEAN Digital Society and Economic Future with Secured, Transformative Technologies and Ecosystem", the 1.5-day forum and exhibition, co-hosted by Philippines CIO Association (PCIOA) and CIOF Foundation, seeks to discuss regional and country blueprints, public-private sector growth strategies, and navigate the emerging digital challenges and opportunities that cannot be ignored as ASEAN powers ahead as an economic bloc. Tapping on the valuable insights and visions of thought leaders from all around the region, ACIOA's 8th flagship event will build a better understanding of opportunities and risks presented by mega technology trends that are shaping ASEAN's digital future and showcase top-of-the-line solutions that are revolutionising industries. The by-invitation forum specially put together for C-suite leadership and executives will explore compelling topics such as cybersecurity and governance, green and sustainability, artificial intelligence, robotics, and machine learning. Notable speakers include: USec. Alexander Ramos, Department of Information and Communications Technology, Cybercrime Investigation and Coordinating Center (CICC) (Philippines) USec. Jesus S. Domingo Gary, Department of Foreign Affairs, Office of the Undersecretary for Civilian Security and Consular Affairs (OUCSCA) (Philippines) Dr Hammam Riza, President, KORIKA (Indonesia) Dr Kitti Kosavisutte, Chairman, TB-CERT (Thailand) Mr Baljit Singh, Head of Planning strategy and governance, Digital Nasional Berhad (Malaysia) Mr Lim Chinn Hwa, Co-founder and CEO, dConstruct Technologies (Singapore) "We are pleased to gather regional industry experts and senior ICT leaders to join the Philippine CXO community in Manila for our first in-person forum since COVID-19. As a non-profit and non-government association that spans 10 countries and diverse geographies, united by a common goal to harness technology to drive ASEAN's progress as an economic bloc, and to improve the standard of living of its citizens, we are heartened by the continuous support of the ASEAN Secretariat since our inception. We are grateful to the forum's host country, the Philippines, for the gracious and unreserved partnership, and we are overwhelmed by the collaboration from supporting ASEAN countries' participants and the generous sponsorship from the industries, as we look forward to creating a sustainable digital future and leading the 'Smart ASEAN' of tomorrow through our forum," said Mr Ng Hoo Ming, President of ACIOA. "We are seeing a stronger economy worldwide as more businesses and industries leverage global digitalisation. I am excited to discuss and hear how the adoption of AI and robotics in the workforce can present both opportunities and challenges, not just in the Philippines, but all over ASEAN," said Jonathan C. Pineda, OIC Senior Vice President & Chief Information Officer, Government Service Insurance System, GSIS Philippines. Benjamin Goh, Senior Vice President, Deep Cybersecurity Capabilities, ST Engineering, stated, "There is certainly an urgent need for advanced AI-driven defences against increasingly sophisticated cyber threats. As technology rapidly evolves, so do the tactics of cyber adversaries, making it crucial for us to stay ahead with cutting-edge solutions." Registration for the event is open until 11 September 2024. Learn more at acioa.com/8th-asean-cio-forum/. For queries on the forum, please contact ACIOA at event@acioa.com. About ACIOA The ASEAN CIO Association (ACIOA) is a non-profit organisation formed in 2014 to provide the platform for greater collaboration and sharing of ICT best-practices amongst CIOs, industry leaders and public sector representatives. ACIOA recognises the immense value of business relationships in the highly technical field of information systems management, believing the development of an active community of ICT leaders is key to ASEAN's success in the digital age. ACIOA offers a diverse array of activities, programmes and resources to support ASEAN ICT leaders with opportunities for information sharing and education at the executive level. Through monthly meetings, ASEAN CIO Forums, strategic partnerships with regional ICT associations as well as resources like CIO Consulting and Business Bridge, ACIOA enables CIOs to build invaluable personal alliances and tap on the expertise of accomplished ASEAN ICT leaders.
香港2024年4月10日 /美通社/ -- 嘉實國際公布,4月9日榮獲香港證監會批准,在現有資產管理業務的基礎上,增加虛擬資產管理服務。這是作為中國領先的基金公司在香港子公司中首次獲此項批准,標誌著我們在全球金融服務領域邁出的重要一步。 對於此次獲批,嘉實國際行政總裁兼首席投資官韓同利認為,這不僅反映了香港作為國際金融中心的制度優勢,也顯示了該地區在金融科技創新方面的前瞻性。韓同利表示:「虛擬資產管理服務的引入,將使嘉實國際能夠為廣大投資者提供包括各類加密貨幣和數字資產在內的全面管理解決方案,這不僅滿足了投資者對高成長性資產的投資需求,參與到區塊鏈和數字資產迅猛發展帶來的投資機會中,更為投資者提供了進入未來科技AI世界的又一把鑰匙。」 通過此次擴展,嘉實國際將進一步降低投資者進入數字資產市場的門檻,有效應對監管和託管的挑戰,促進加密資產的流通、普及和投資安全。韓同利補充說:「嘉實在數字領域有長期探索,包括数字实验室、AI实验室以及'元实验室',嘉實國際的服務不僅符合數字資產行業全球合規化、區塊鏈和AI發展的趨勢,也再次證明了嘉實國際在金融科技創新、和未來數字金融領域的領導地位。」 據了解,嘉實國際一直致力於為全球投資者提供卓越的服務和優化的投資體驗。虛擬資產管理服務的成功獲批是其服務創新道路上的一大里程碑,它不僅體現了嘉實國際對提升服務品質和投資者體驗的不懈追求,同時也確保了投資者能在一個高效的環境中實現資產的持續增值。 作為數字資產領域的重要力量,華人投資者可以依托嘉實國際的創新平台,在全球金融市場中探索更多成長機會。韓同利指出:「香港的國際金融中心地位,結合我們新獲的虛擬資產管理服務能力,將進一步促進投資者深入參與數字經濟的發展,實現與全球金融市場的緊密連接,共創光明未來。」
HONG KONG, April 11, 2024 /PRNewswire/ -- Harvest Global Investments announced that on April 9th, it was granted approval by the Hong Kong Securities and Futures Commission to expand its existing asset management business to include virtual asset management services. This marks the first such approval for a leading Chinese fund company's subsidiary in Hong Kong, signifying an important step forward in the global financial services field. Regarding this approval, Harvest Global Investments' CEO and CIO, Han Tongli, believes it not only reflects Hong Kong's systemic advantages as an international financial center but also highlights the region's foresight in financial technology innovation. Han Tongli stated, "The introduction of virtual asset management services will enable Harvest Global Investments to provide a comprehensive management solution that includes various cryptocurrencies and digital assets. This initiative not only meets investors' demands for high-growth assets but also allows them to participate in the rapidly evolving opportunities in blockchain and digital assets, offering another key to entering the future world of AI technology." With this expansion, Harvest Global Investments will further lower the barriers for investors entering the digital asset market, effectively address regulatory and custodial challenges, and promote the circulation, popularization, and investment security of encrypted assets. Han Tongli added, "Harvest has been exploring the digital realm for a long time, including digital labs, AI labs, and the 'MetaLab'. Our services not only comply with the global regulatory standards of the digital asset industry, blockchain, and AI development but also reassert Harvest Global Investments' leadership in financial technology innovation and the future digital finance sector." It is understood that Harvest Global Investments has been committed to providing exceptional service and optimizing the investment experience for global investors. The successful approval of the virtual asset management service is a major milestone on our path of service innovation. It not only demonstrates our unwavering commitment to enhancing service quality and investor experience but also ensures that investors can achieve continuous asset appreciation in an efficient environment. As a significant force in the digital asset field, Chinese investors can leverage Harvest Global Investments' innovative platform to explore more growth opportunities in the global financial market. Han Tongli noted, "Hong Kong's status as an international financial center, combined with our newly acquired virtual asset management capabilities, will further encourage investors to deeply engage in the development of the digital economy, achieve close integration with the global financial market, and create a bright future together."
隨著生成式 AI 技術的發展,駭客攻擊的門檻大幅降低,網路安全攻防更加激烈。企業面臨更為嚴峻的挑戰,除了持續強化韌性,還需打造更全面完整的防禦佈局。在這樣的背景下,中華數位科技榮獲 CIO Taiwan 2024 Elite Vendor【資安產品與服務】獎項肯定,不僅是對我們的認可,更展現了CIO們對中華數位科技的支持與信任。 中華數位科技長期追蹤資安威脅發展趨勢,深知企業的資安需求不僅限於郵件安全。除了在郵件安全領域持續精進,亦聆聽客戶需求,引進國際大廠專業防護產品,如 XDR/MDR、漏洞修補管理、存取變動稽核…等,協助建立更全面的防禦準備。從企業角度出發,提供BEC 鑑識、資安事件處理、社交工程演練等切合需要的解決方案。我們能根據企業的應用場景開發客製化功能,國際資安代理產品,亦能基於延伸應用進行加值開發,以貼近在地企業使用。在地的專業技術與客服團隊,當海外代理產品有客服需求時,也能在第一時間協助檢視排查,降低海外原廠溝通與服務時差。 中華數位科技將目標從郵件安全擴展到更廣義的網路安全,提供優質的產品與服務做為企業安全可靠的後盾。榮獲 CIO Taiwan 2024 Elite Vendor【資安產品與服務】獎項,為我們注入了新的動力,我們將繼續強化在資安領域的研發投入,提供企業創新可靠的解決方案,攜手面對不斷變化的資安挑戰! CIO Taiwan 2024 年度 Elite Vendor 2024 Elite Vendor調查聚焦於 CIO 的品牌喜好取向,涵蓋八大類別產品、傑出品牌、傑出服務商等項目。總計收集 427 份台灣指標企業的有效問卷,每份問卷皆由企業的 IT 主管親自填答。調查目的在於提供企業參考指引,幫助 IT 決策者更有效率地選擇資安產品與服務供應商。
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