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TAIPEI, Dec. 9, 2024 /PRNewswire/ -- TPIsoftware (7781) has been honored with the Best Open Banking APIs Southern Asia 2024 award from the Global Banking & Finance Awards® in recognition of its proprietary enterprise API management platform digiRunner. Established by the UK-based leading financial media platform Global Banking and Finance Review in 2011, the prestigious accolade recognizes excellence in banking, insurance, investment and other financial sectors. TPIsoftware is the only software company among this year's Taiwanese winners, alongside prominent institutions like Mega Bank, Shin Kong Financial Holding and Yuanta Bank. The award comes as a testament to digiRunner's capabilities to meet the advanced IT governance needs of midsize and large enterprises, positioning it as a strong global player in the API management market. With years of expertise and in-depth knowledge in Taiwan's financial industry, TPIsoftware delivers tailored solutions to meet the evolving needs of enterprises worldwide. The company's strategic focus in Southeast Asia has achieved remarkable success, evidenced by its transformative projects for financial institutions overseas. One of them is the digital platform built for Cathay United Bank (Vietnam) which enables automated loan application, significantly reducing process time from days to just 30 minutes. TPIsoftware's orchestration of a comprehensive cloud-based platform for Cathay Century Insurance (Vietnam) too, ensures seamless integration and efficient service delivery. Moreover, TPIsoftware bolstered Cathay United Bank (Cambodia) in launching its new mobile banking app, integrated with state-backed fund transfer and QR payment services to improve the digital accessibility across the nation. "Our enterprise API management platform, digiRunner, receiving this international recognition reaffirms TPIsoftware's position as a global leader in software development," said Ben Yao, Chairman of TPIsoftware. "Certified and listed on AWS Marketplace and Google Cloud Platform, digiRunner stands as a testimony to our advanced technical capabilities. With Vietnam's government heavily investing in digital transformation, TPIsoftware leverages its Fintech expertise as a proven success model to modernize financial services and insurance, as well as facilitating local companies' ESG initiatives." Marcus Yao, Senior Executive Vice President at Cathay Financial Holdings, echoed the sentiment, stating: "TPIsoftware's extensive expertise has been pivotal in Cathay Financial Holdings' Southeast Asia expansion strategy, driving digital transformation and the creation of innovative financial applications. As Vietnam emerges as a strategic hub, we remain confident in TPIsoftware's dedication to software innovation and its contributions to Cathay Financial Holdings in the region."
China-African Collaboration to Modernize Energy Cooperation Strengthening Mutually Beneficial Partnerships for Shared Growth N'DJAMENA, Chad, Dec. 6, 2024 /PRNewswire/ -- The 2024 China-Africa Think Tanks Energy Forum convened in Chad's capital, N'Djamena. The event, themed "China-Africa Collaboration to Modernize Energy Cooperation: Unlocking New Opportunities for Synergistic Partnerships," brought together over 70 delegates from China, Chad, Kenya, Ethiopia, Nigeria, South Africa, and other African nations. CNPC Economics and Technology Research Institute (CNPC ETRI), a leading national think tank, in collaboration with the Africa Policy Institute (API) in Kenya, unveiled the findings of the CNPC ETRI and API Joint Research Report: Research on the Resources, Development, and Utilization of Key Minerals in Africa. Participants engaged in in-depth discussions on key issues such as the development and utilization of energy resources in Africa, the dynamics of China-African energy collaboration, the new landscape and emerging opportunities for sustainable development, and the prospects for future cooperation. 2024 China-Africa Think Tanks Energy Forum Triumphs in Chad The discussions yielded consensus in four key areas: China-African energy collaboration serves as an effective pathway to fostering a shared future between the two regions; Joint efforts on key mineral resources between China and Africa expedite modernization processes in both regions; The integration of energy security and energy transition is a crucial objective of China-African energy partnerships; Scientific and technological innovation plays an essential role in promoting the sustainable development of the energy sector in both regions. Participants agreed that moving forward, China and Africa should work together to establish an energy production and supply chain system that is safe, stable, efficient, open, inclusive, and mutually beneficial. They emphasized the importance of further enhancing cooperation in energy and mineral resources, advancing energy transition, and fostering technological exchanges among international organizations. China-African energy cooperation is a vital component of deepening bilateral ties, underpinned by a robust political foundation and a comprehensive institutional framework. Africa was one of the first regions where CNPC established its presence. Over the past 30 years, CNPC has managed 14 oil and gas projects across six African countries and deployed engineering service teams in 18 African nations. The company has established a complete industry chain that encompasses exploration and development, pipeline transportation, refining and chemical processes, engineering services, and product sales. In doing so, CNPC has supported several African countries, including Chad and Niger, in developing integrated upstream and downstream petroleum industries, contributing significantly to their energy independence. In the past decade, CNPC has been committed to green and low-carbon practices, driving innovation and sustainability across the energy sector by providing African countries with innovative energy solutions. 2024 China-Africa Think Tanks Energy Forum Triumphs in Chad The forum was co-organized by CNPC ETRI, the Africa Policy Institute (API), CNPC Africa, and CNPC International (Chad) Co., Ltd.. Madam Ibni Oumar Salama. Deputy General Inspector of Ministry of hydrocarbons and energy of Chad, Wang Xining, Ambassador of the People's Republic of China to the Republic of Chad, and Ambassador Jernalese Erastus Onkundi Mwencha, Former Africa Union Deputy Chairperson, among other representatives from CNPC, CNPC ETRI, and API, attended the forum and delivered keynote addresses. CNPC ETRI, recognized as one of China's first 25 high-end national think tanks, has significantly influenced policy-making for China's energy sector and fostered reform and innovation within CNPC. Similarly, Kenya's API, focused on African and global governance, strategy, and security issues, has contributed to peace and development throughout Africa. The in-depth cooperation and exchanges between China's and Africa's leading think tanks have culminated in the success of the China-Africa Think Tanks Energy Forum. This event, a strong embodiment of the "Partnership for Mutual Understanding of Civilizations," united diverse ideas and expertise to advance China-African cooperation in the energy sector along a green, mutually beneficial, and sustainable path.
新澤西州東盧瑟福德2024年12月6日 /美通社/ -- 全球領先的合同開發與製造組織(CDMO)Cambrex今日宣佈,已與Eli Lilly and Company(簡稱Lilly)簽署協議,為Lilly的生物技術合作夥伴提供加速的臨床開發能力。 透過此協議,Cambrex將與Lilly的早期外部創新與合作部門Catalyze360-ExploR&D合作,為Lilly Catalyze360的生物技術合作夥伴提供藥物原料、藥物產品、分析服務實驗室及研發專業知識。 Cambrex早期階段開發與測試部門總裁Brandon Fincher表示:「我們很高興能夠支持Lilly的使命,幫助外部生物技術合作夥伴加速其產品開發」。他補充道:「我們位於朗蒙特(Longmont)的設施提供所有必要服務,以便以速度、靈活性和卓越的科學技術,將早期階段的小分子藥物推進臨床。我們期待能夠幫助Lilly Catalyze360的合作夥伴,為他們的產品開創一條高效的成功之路。」 Lilly Catalyze360致力於透過其三大支柱推動科學發展並支持新興藥物:Lilly Ventures、Lilly Gateway Labs和Lilly ExploR&D。根據這項策略協議,Cambrex將與Lilly的外部創新支柱之一——ExploR&D合作,該支柱結合了企業學習、科學專業知識和頂尖的研發能力,以加速合作夥伴的科學發展。 通過本協議的主要服務將在科羅拉多州朗蒙特託管,視需要獲得 Cambrex 網絡的額外支持。根據這項協議,主要服務將在美國科羅拉多州的朗蒙特(Longmont)設施提供,並根據需要獲得Cambrex網絡的額外支持。Cambrex在朗蒙特的設施專注於新藥的早期開發,涵蓋從工藝開發和藥物製造到配方開發和藥品製造的各個階段,並提供非GMP和cGMP生產能力。此外,該設施亦提供完整的分析開發和cGMP測試支持。 Cambrex簡介 Cambrex是全球領先的合約開發和製造組織(CDMO),在整個藥物生命週期中負責開發和製造藥物,以及提供全面的分析和IND支援服務。 Cambrex擁有40多年的豐富經驗和一支由2000名專家組成的團隊,為北美和歐洲的環球客戶提供服務,提供一系列專業原料藥技術和能力,包括連續流、受管制物質、固態科學、材料表徵和高效活性藥物成分(API)。
AMD釋出AMD Software: Adrenalin Edition 24.12.1版驅動軟體,為玩家和開發者提供全方位的升級,不僅擴大對遊戲的支援,更加強AI開發功能、提升HYPR-Tune的功能性,並修復與改善多項問題,進一步提升使用者體驗。 提升遊戲體驗 支援《漫威爭鋒》、《微軟模擬飛行2024》、《闇龍紀元:紗障守護者》、《Slitterhead》、《三角洲部隊》和《浩劫殺陣2:車諾比之心》等新遊戲。 擴展對HYPR-Tune的支援,藉由HYPR-RX可啟用AMD FidelityFX™ Super Resolution (FSR)和AMD Radeon™ Anti-Lag 2等遊戲內建技術。 已於《地平線:期待黎明™重製版》、《機甲爭霸戰5:氏族》和《碧血狂殺2》新增對AMD FSR自動配置的支援。 為Radeon顯示卡帶來AI開發支援 正式支援Windows Subsystem for Linux (WSL 2),使擁有硬體支援的使用者能在Windows系統上使用AMD ROCm™軟體進行開發,無需設置雙系統啟動(dual boot)。 WSL 2現已新增支援ONNX Runtime、TensorFlow和Triton。 同時擴展對Vulkan延伸功能的支援。 全新Adrenalin Edition驅動軟體持續為玩家提供升級的效能,並協助遊戲開發者發揮更多創意。隨著假期即將到來,現在正是購置Radeon顯示卡的絕佳時機,以體驗強大的效能與價值。 最新版本AMD Software: Adrenalin Edition 24.12.1版驅動軟體請至此連結下載。欲了解更多關於HYPR-RX的資訊,請參閱官網;更多關於ROCm於Radeon顯示卡上相容性的資訊,請參閱此連結;有關Windows Subsystem for Linux (WSL 2)的配置請參閱此連結;更多關於AMD Vulkan™ Graphics API的資訊,請參閱此連結。
全新 Amazon EC2 Trn2 執行個體採用 AWS 最新 Trainium2 AI 晶片,性價比較當前基於 GPU 的 EC2 執行個體提升 30-40% 全新 Amazon EC2 Trn2 UltraServers 採用 NeuronLink 超高速互連技術,將四個 Trn2 伺服器連接成一個大型伺服器,能夠在 AWS 上為超大規模模型提供超高速的訓練和推理 香港 - Media OutReach Newswire - 2024年12月5日 - Amazon Web Services(AWS)在 2024 re:Invent 全球大會上,宣布基於 Amazon Trainium2 的 Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud(Amazon EC2)Trn2 執行個體正式可用,並推出全新的 Amazon EC2 Trn2 UltraServers,讓用戶以超高性價比的方式訓練和部署最新的人工智能,以及未來的大型語言模型(LLM)和基礎模型(FM)。此外,AWS 還宣布了新一代 Amazon Trainium3 晶片的計畫。 與現時基於 GPU 的 EC2 P5e 和 P5en 執行個體相比,Amazon EC2 Trn2 執行個體的性價比高出 30 至 40%。它配備 16 個 Trainium2 晶片,可提供高達20.8 Petaflops 浮點運算力的效能,非常適合訓練和部署具有數十億參數的大型語言模型(LLMs)。 最新推出的 Amazon EC2 Trn2 UltraServers 伺服器機型配備 64 個互相連接的 Trainium2 晶片,採用 NeuronLink 超高速互連技術,可提供高達83.2 Petaflops 的浮點運算力,其計算、記憶體和網絡處理能力是單一執行個體的四倍,能夠支援訓練和部署超大規模的模型。 AWS 正攜手 Anthropic 構建名為 Project Rainier 的 EC2 UltraCluster,其包含數十萬顆Trainium2 晶片,所需的超級算力比訓練他們目前的領先 AI 模型高出5倍以上。 AWS 宣布了新一代 AI 晶片 Trainium3 的計劃,讓客戶更快速地構建更大規模的模型,並在部署時提供更佳的即時性能。 AWS 運算和網絡副總裁 David Brown 表示:「Amazon Trainium2 是專為支援大型、前沿的生成式 AI工作負載而設計的,能夠滿足訓練和推理的需求,並在 AWS 上提供卓越的性價比。隨著模型參數接近萬億,我們意識到客戶需要一種創新和的高效的方法來訓練和運行規模龐大的工作負載。在 AWS 上,全新 Amazon EC2 Trn2 UltraServers 提供超高速的訓練和推理性能,讓不同領域的企業以更快的速度和更低的成本訓練和部署全球規模最大的模型。」 隨著模型規模不斷擴大,客戶希望縮短訓練時間和推理延遲,這對運算和網絡基礎設施的要求亦相應提高。AWS 已提供廣泛的 Amazon EC2 加速執行個體選擇,包括基於 GPU 和機器學習晶片的執行個體。然而,即使是目前最快的加速執行個體,客戶仍持續追求更高的性能和更大的可擴展性,以更低的成本更快地訓練這些日益複雜的模型。隨著模型複雜性和數據量的增加,以及並行化的限制,單純擴大集群規模已無法有效縮短訓練時間。同時,即時推理的需求亦超出了單一執行個體架構的承載能力。 Amazon EC2 Trn2 執行個體為深度學習和生成式 AI 提供卓越性能 與目前基於 GPU 的 EC2 實例執行個體相比,Amazon EC2 Trn2 的性價比提高了 30% 至 40%。單個 Trn2 執行個體整合了 16 個 Trainium2 晶片,通過 NeuronLink 超速高頻寬、低延遲的晶片之間的互聯,可提供高達 20.8 Petaflops 的浮點運算力,非常適合訓練和部署數十億參數的模型。 Amazon EC2 Trn2 UltraServers 滿足全球超大模型日益增長的 AI 運算需求 對於需要更強運算力的超大模型,Amazon EC2 Trn2 UltraServers 讓客戶能突破單個 Trn2 執行個體的限制進行擴展,從而減少訓練時間,加快投放市場的速度,實現快速反覆運算以提高模型準確性。作為全新的 EC2 產品,Trn2 UltraServers 利用 NeuronLink 超高速互聯將四個 Trn2 伺服器連接為一個巨型伺服器。客戶通過全新的 Trn2 UltraServers,可以在 64 個 Trainium2 晶片上擴展他們的生成式 AI 工作負載。在推理工作負載方面,客戶可以使用 Trn2 UltraServers 提升生產環境中萬億參數模型的即時推理效能。AWS 正與 Anthropic 共同構建一個名為 Project Rainier 的 EC2 UltraCluster 運算集群,該集群由 Trn2 UltraServers 組成,能在數十萬個 Trainium2 晶片之間,透過第三代低延遲的 PB 級 EFA 網絡進行分散式模型訓練 — 所需的算力比訓練 Anthropic 目前的領先 AI 模型高出 5 倍以上。該項目完成後,預計將成為全球最大可用的 AI 運算集群,供 Anthropic 構建和部署未來模型使用。 Anthropic 專注於 AI 安全和研究,致力於創造可靠、可解釋和可控的 AI 系統。Anthropic 的旗艦產品Claude 是全球數百萬用戶信賴的大型語言模型。作為 Anthropic 與 AWS 深化合作的一部分,Anthropic 已開始優化 Claude 模型,以便在 Amazon 最先進的 AI 硬件 Trainium2 上運行。Anthropic 將使用數十萬個 Trainium2 晶片,該規模是其之前集群的五倍以上,為使用 Amazon Bedrock 上的Claude 客戶提供卓越的效能。 Databricks Mosaic AI 使企業能夠構建和部署高質量的智能系統。該系統基於數據湖原生架構,用戶可以輕鬆、安全地使用企業數據客製模型,從而提供更準確和特定領域的輸出。受惠於 Trainium 的高性能和成本效益,客戶能夠以較低的成本在 Mosaic AI 上擴展模型訓練。隨著全球客戶對 Mosaic AI 需求的不斷增長,Trainium2 的推出將為 Databricks 及其客戶帶來重大優勢。作為全球最大的數據和 AI 公司之一,Databricks 計畫使用 Trainium2 為客戶提供更優的性能,並降低總體擁有成本(TCO)達 30%。 Hugging Face 是全球領先的 AI 開源開發者平台,擁有超過 200 萬個模型、數據集和 AI 應用程式,其用戶社區匯聚了超過 500 萬名研究人員、數據科學家、機器學習工程師和軟件開發人員。在過去幾年,Hugging Face 與 AWS 合作,協助開發人員透過 Optimum Neuron 開源庫體驗 Amazon Inferentia 和 Amazon Trainium 的性能與成本優勢。該開源庫現已整合到 Hugging Face Inference Endpoints 中,並在新的 HUGS 自家部署服務中進行優化,用戶可以透過 AWS Marketplace 獲取。隨著 Trainium2 的發布,Hugging Face 用戶將享受更高的效能,從而更快地開發和部署模型。 poolside 致力於構建一個由 AI 驅動的世界,以推動具經濟價值的工作和科學進步。他們相信,軟件開發將成為神經網絡中首個達到人類智慧水準的重要能力。為此,poolside 正在開發基礎模型(FMs)、API 和智能應用程式,將生成式 AI 的優勢帶給開發人員。實現此目標的關鍵在於他們構建和運行產品所用的基礎設施。借助 Amazon Trainium2,poolside 的客戶將能以其他 AI 加速器無法比擬的性價比擴展其服務。此外,poolside 計畫利用 Amazon EC2 Trainium2 UltraServers 訓練未來的模型,預計相較於使用 Amazon EC2 P5 執行個體可節省 40% 的成本。 Amazon Trainium3 晶片,專為新一代前沿生成式 AI 工作負載的高性能需求而設計 AWS 宣布了新一代 AI 訓練晶片 Amazon Trainium3 的計畫。Trainium3 是 AWS 首款採用 3 納米製程生產的晶片,在性能、能源效率和密度方面樹立了新標準。搭載 Trainium3 的 UltraServers 性能預計將是 Trn2 UltraServers 的 4 倍,讓客戶在構建模型時能夠更快反覆運算,並在部署時提供卓越的即時效能。首批基於 Trainium3 的執行個體預計將在 2025 年底推出。 Amazon Neuron Software 賦能客戶充分發揮 Trainium2 的性能 Amazon Neuron SDK 包括編譯器、執行階段函式庫和開發工具,讓開發者優化模型以在 Trainium 上運行。它讓開發者能夠針對 Trainium 晶片優化模型以獲得最佳效能。它與 JAX 和 PyTorch 等熱門框架實現原生整合,讓客戶在 Trainium 上使用現有程式碼和工作流程時,只需進行少量程式碼修改。同時,Neuron 支援 Hugging Face 模型庫中的超過10萬個模型。通過 Neuron Kernel Interface(NKI),開發者可以直接存取裸機的 Trainium 晶片,編寫運算核心,以最大限度地提升運算密集型工作負載的性能。 Amazon Neuron 旨在簡化使用 JAX 等主流框架在 Trainium2 上訓練和部署模型,同時將程式碼修改需求和對特定供應商解決方案的依賴降至最低。Google 支持 AWS 透過 OpenXLA 原生整合,讓客戶能夠使用 JAX 進行大規模訓練和推理,提供簡單靈活的編碼路徑,讓用戶快速學習如何使用 Trn2 執行個體。隨著業界廣泛的開源協作,以及 Trainium2 的推出,Google 預計 JAX 在機器學習領域的應用將顯著增加,這將成為整個機器學習生態系統的重要里程碑。 目前,Amazon EC2 Trn2 執行個體在美國東部(俄亥俄)區域已正式可用,亦即將在其他區域推出。Amazon EC2 Trn2 UltraServers 目前已提供預覽。 如欲了解更多資訊,請瀏覽以下網站: AWS 新聞博客,獲取今日公告的更多細節。 AWS Trainium 頁面 ,了解更多功能。 AWS Trainium 客戶頁面,了解企業如何使用Trainium。 AWS re:Invent 頁面,獲取關於 AWS re:Invent 活動的詳細資訊。 Hashtag: #AWS #AmazonWebServices #EC2 #Trn2 #Trainium2 #Trainium3發佈者對本公告的內容承擔全部責任關於 Amazon Web Services自 2006 年來,Amazon Web Services 一直在提供世界上服務最豐富、應用廣泛的雲端服務。AWS為客戶提供超過 240 種功能全面的雲端服務,包括運算、儲存、數據庫、網絡、分析、機器學習與人工智慧、物聯網、流動、安全、混合雲、媒體,以及應用開發、部署和管理等方面,遍及 34 個地理區域內的 108 個可用區域(Availability Zones),並已公布計畫在墨西哥、紐西蘭、沙特阿拉伯和泰國等建立 6 個 AWS 地理區域、18 個可用區域。AWS 的服務獲得全球超過百萬客戶的信任,包括發展迅速的初創公司、大型企業和政府機構。通過 AWS 的服務,客戶能夠有效強化自身基礎設施,提高營運上的彈性與應變能力,同時降低成本。欲瞭解更多有關 AWS 的資訊,請瀏覽:https://aws.amazon.com。
New offering will make it easier for customers to run poolside in their existing AWS environment poolside software engineering foundation models are now available on Amazon Elastic Cloud Compute (EC2) and coming soon to Amazon Bedrock poolside leverages AWS Trainium chips to power inference for generative AI models LAS VEGAS, Dec. 5, 2024 /PRNewswire/ -- At AWS re:Invent, Amazon Web Services (AWS), an Amazon.com, Inc. company (NASDAQ: AMZN) and poolside, the frontier artificial intelligence (AI) unicorn valued at $3 billion in an October funding round, today announced a multi-year agreement to make poolside's generative AI Assistant and foundation models (FMs) available in Amazon Bedrock. Amazon Bedrock is a fully-managed service that offers developers access to high-performing models from leading AI companies through a single API. As a result, enterprise customers will soon be able to customize poolside's generative AI Assistant for software development with their own data, leveraging the security, privacy, and performance of AWS. As part of the agreement, poolside will also leverage AWS Trainium chips to power inference for its malibu and point foundation models, enabling optimal price performance for customers. AWS Trainium is a high-performance machine learning chip designed to reduce the time and cost of running generative AI models. AWS customers are now able to deploy poolside securely on Amazon Elastic Cloud Compute (EC2) and will soon be able to so through Amazon Bedrock, relying on Amazon EC2 Trainium instances for inference. Solving for the generative AI needs of enterprise organizationsBringing poolside's models to Amazon Bedrock and EC2 provides enterprise customers of both companies with a unique advantage to solving complex software engineering tasks and driving development productivity for their organizations through generative AI. poolside FMs are designed to be fine-tuned with each business's code and data, producing a proprietary generative AI model and software engineering assistant for that specific business. poolside in Amazon Bedrock and EC2 will enable enterprise organizations to meet security, privacy and compliance concerns and quickly deploy their custom generative AI models. AWS customers will be able to deploy poolside models where their data is stored, within their firewalls, on the world's most secure cloud, and with no data shared back with poolside. poolside's Reinforcement Learning From Code Execution Feedback (RLCEF) technique runs on AWS today, powering approximately one million container images, while allowing for 10,000 code executions per minute. RLCEF allows poolside to generate synthetic training data at scale by exposing models to realistic coding tasks in real-world code bases, providing feedback based on code execution, and employing a large-scale Reinforcement Learning approach for training. Proving RLCEF at scale is what allows poolside models to train on increasingly more data without relying on any of their customers' data – enabling enterprise customers to deploy models securely and privately. "We've been incredibly impressed with the AWS team and are excited to partner on this journey to unlock more of the potential of AI for software development," said poolside CEO Jason Warner. "Today, the majority of developers sit within an enterprise environment where access to these tools is scarce and their full potential is not yet realized. Companies of this scale need a tailored model that can both capture their proprietary knowledge and learn from their interactions over time. That is what we've built, and AWS's reputation and depth within the enterprise is key to accelerating adoption and impact." "Giving AWS customers the flexibility to run poolside in Amazon Bedrock or on their own EC2 instances will further enhance their ability to innovate with generative AI," said Dave Brown, Vice President, AWS Compute & Networking Services. "poolside offers a unique solution for software engineering teams of large enterprise customers looking to build and scale generative AI applications through foundation models without sacrificing privacy and security. It's yet another way for enterprise organizations to leverage their internal knowledge base to build proprietary, tailored solutions." Streamlined procurement, contracting, and budgeting through their relationship with AWS makes it even easier for AWS customers to experiment securely with poolside. Models for specific use casesAWS is the first cloud provider to offer fully-managed models from poolside. The poolside Assistant is powered by models ideal for software development and coding-related use cases: poolside's malibu and point generative AI models. poolside's FMs are trained on the world's largest pool of code execution data and fine-tuned on how large enterprises write software. malibu is highly versatile and excels at tackling complex engineering challenges, delivering intricate code generation and test and documentation generation. point is engineered for rapid code completion, leveraging advanced context awareness to accurately predict developers' needs. point offers real-time suggestions for algorithm optimization and design patterns. With poolside, Amazon Bedrock customers will soon have their own proprietary models, fine-tuned on their own data, that continuously learn how their developers write code. About poolsidepoolside is building the world's most capable AI for software development. Its foundation model – built from the ground up – gives companies a private and secure alternative that can be tailored to their environment and that continuously learns from their usage and interactions. Headquartered in the U.S., poolside has amassed a powerhouse team of applied researchers and engineers from Deepmind, Yandex, Amazon, Uber, and more, and a go-to-market team led by Paul St. John, previously CRO at GitHub. poolside is backed by Bain Capital Ventures, DST Global, Felicis Ventures, Redpoint Ventures, and other institutional investors as well as corporates and leading angel investors. For more information, visit www.poolside.ai. poolside Media Contactspress@poolside.ai
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