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Olon 繼續保持增長勢頭並宣布新的收購項目

Olon 是生產和開發活性藥物成分(API)的頂尖化學製藥集團,並屬於控股公司 P&R。Olon 繼續保持增長勢頭,並宣布了一項新的計劃,將會收購 HuvePharma Italia Srl 及其位於意大利庫內奧加雷西奧(Garessio, Cuneo, Italy)的工廠,以大幅提高總產能 米蘭, Sept. 05, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- 此項收購需要對 Huvepharma Italia Srl 全面進行營運整合,以及恢復加雷西奧工廠生產潛力的計劃,並透過發掘新商機,使其達到滿載負荷生產。 加上此次收購,集團目前單是在意大利就擁有 9 間製造工廠,總反應產能達到 3,250 立方米。 就其影響力、製造網絡範圍和安裝量而言,集團在規模和生產潛力方面成為意大利國內和歐洲最重要的行業龍頭之一。 Huvepharma Italia Srl(工廠位於皮埃蒙特大區庫內奧加雷西奧)從事活性藥物成分以及高級中間體的開發、工業化、化學合成生產和市場推廣業務。 該公司及其工廠是醫藥化學品市場的知名企業,在活性藥物成分的開發和生產以及追蹤引進和採用新技術等方面擁有豐富經驗。 例如,加雷西奧工廠有一半的生產線實現了全自動生產,近年來採用先進的光氧化技術和製造納米顆粒,成功開發並生產一種重要的抗瘧疾產品。 此工廠原本由 Sanofi 擁有,自 2016 年起歸 Huvepharma Italia Srl 所有,後者屬於 Huvepharma EOOD 集團旗下。 OLON 的擴張策略 自成立以來,Olon Group 透過收購方式,一直在全球市場上推行增長、鞏固和擴張的策略。 憑著所收購公司的專業知識,Olon 的產品日益豐富,競爭力得以提高。 Olon 為了繼續全面實施這策略,並本著擴大生產潛力、繼而增加在活性成分全球市場的影響力之具體目標,收購了 Huvepharma Italia。 此次交易旨在強化和擴大產品組合,重點關注最具策略性的領域, 收購 Huvepharma Italia 對於公司產能擴充是重要一步。 此計劃涉及對所有資產進行全面整合和提升,包括設施、勞動力和產品組合。 Olon Group 行政總裁 Paolo Tubertini 表示:「我們認為 Huvepharma Italia 具備所有合適的特徵, 此次收購有助集團實現中長期策略和商業目標。 我們將充分整合 Olon 現有製造網絡(本身包含全球 12 個工廠和 7 個互聯一體化的研究中心),善用既有穩定的客戶群(包括市場上所有主要的製藥公司),發揮我們作為優秀合作夥伴和活性藥物成分供應商的良好聲譽。」 www.olonspa.com 傳媒聯絡人: Sabrina Spinasspina@olonspa.it – 手提電話 338.6674289 請瀏覽以下網址,查閱此公告隨附的相片:http://www.globenewswire.com/NewsRoom/AttachmentNg/14bbc334-0da0-4b3b-bcdc-c0e8a5e7e2f1

文章來源 : Notified 發表時間 : 瀏覽次數 : 1910 加入收藏 :
打破邊界,探索可能— RICO-MX8P 助力智慧城市與數位媒體

【臺北訊】專業物聯網及人工智慧邊緣運算平臺研發製造大廠—研揚科技(股票代碼: 6579),最近宣布推出全新 RICO-MX8P,這是一款基於 Pico-ITX Plus 尺寸規格的無風扇單板電腦,搭載 NXP i.MX 8M Plus 處理器。RICO-MX8P 採用 i.MX 8M Plus 平台,結合了四核心 Arm® Cortex®-A53 處理器、Arm® Cortex® M7 核心,以及可選的神經處理單元(NPU),提供高達 2.3 TOPS 的推理性能。   RICO-MX8P 配備了整合型 Vivante GC7000 UltraLite 3D GPU、專用 VPU、MIPI DSI 接口及 HDMI 2.0 埠,充分展現研揚科技將此產品定位於多媒體應用領域的決心,特別適合用於數位看板、智慧櫃檯與互動式戶外廣告(DOOH)等多元場景。該板卡還支援 OpenGL ES 3.1、Vulkan 和 OpenCL 1.2 等 API,並具備多格式編碼與解碼功能,大幅提升其應用潛力。   然而,RICO-MX8P 不僅限於多媒體應用,它還是一款功能多樣的單板電腦,憑藉強大的處理器平台與豐富的接口配置,能夠支援低延遲、入門級工業 AI 應用。該板卡提供多種外部設備連接選項,包括 GbE LAN、兩個 USB 3.2 Gen 1 連接埠(Type-C OTG 和 Type-A)以及 HDMI 2.0 連接埠。   在內部接口方面,RICO-MX8P 配備 RS-232/422/485 針腳、UART、GPIO 和 40-pin FPC 接頭,具有足夠的靈活性來支援多種工業通信協議,非常適合用於 PLC 和遠程監控等工業控制系統,尤其考慮到其可承受 -20°C 至 70°C 的工作溫度範圍、輕量化設計與小型化外形。   RICO-MX8P 還提供多種擴充選項,包括支援 Wi-Fi 和藍牙的 M.2 2230 E-Key 插槽,以及具備 4G/LTE 連接功能的全尺寸 mPCIe 插槽,並配有 Micro SD 和 Nano SIM 卡槽(Push-Push 類型),以滿足行動網路連接與額外儲存需求。   如需了解更多 RICO-MX8P 的詳細規格與資訊,請上研揚官網的產品頁面。或是您可以在eShop官網直接下單,或聯繫研揚科技國內業務處劉小姐(02-89191234 分機 1142)洽詢。   關於研揚科技 研揚科技集團(研揚)是台灣專業物聯智能解決方案研發製造大廠,成立於1992年。研發製造並行銷全球IoT及AI邊緣運算解決方案,另有嵌入式電腦主板及系統、工業液晶顯示器、強固型平板電腦、工控機、網路安全設備以及相關配件等,提供OEM/ODM客戶及系統整合商完整且專業之軟硬體解決方案。同時,研揚科技有專屬團隊提供客製化服務,協助您從研發初期發想到產品製作、量產到售後服務,提供一貫之專業諮詢與服務,為您量身打造高品質產品。研揚科技目前提供多款AI邊緣運算產品及智慧城市、智慧零售及智慧製造等系統整合和解決方案。研揚是英特爾鈦金級會員,同時也是NVIDIA的菁英級夥伴(Elite partner)。欲瞭解更多詳細資訊請參考研揚科技官方網站。

文章來源 : AAEON 發表時間 : 瀏覽次數 : 3833 加入收藏 :
Lambda256 (Nodit) Launches Free Blockchain Analysis Dashboard 'Datasquare'

SEOUL, South Korea, Sept. 5, 2024 /PRNewswire/ -- Lambda256, the operator of Nodit and the blockchain tech arm of South Korean fintech leader Dunamu, has announced the launch of "Datasquare". The team made the announcement during its side event as part of Korea Blockchain Week (KBW2024). The side event "Web3 Data Dance: Analyze, Build, Connect!" was held at Seongsu, Seoul and was supported by Aptos and Google Cloud. The event brought together industry experts, including CoinMarketCap, Aptos, and Google Cloud to share insights through presentations and panel discussions on blockchain data and Aptos' tech ecosystem. Jae Kim, the business lead at Lambda256, introduced "Nodit", a blockchain development infrastructure service launched earlier this year. Nodit is specialized in node service, blockchain data processing, and visualization across multiple chains such as Ethereum, Polygon, Arbitrum, and Aptos. With Nodit's Web3 Data API, available through a sophisticated developer guides and documentation, users can streamline blockchain data operations like token tracking, transaction data analysis, and account monitoring without extensive custom development. The platform's Aptos Indexer API further enhances the efficiency of processing data within the Aptos network. Jake Lim, PO at Lambda256, introduced the new service, Datasquare. Datasquare provides developers, analysts, and businesses with seamless access to meticulously indexed blockchain data, allowing you to leverage this information in various ways. You can easily access on-chain data such as token prices, addresses, supply volumes, holders, transaction counts, and more. You can query specific on-chain data using simple yet powerful query tools. "Datasquare is open for free and available to anyone. It includes all data features provided by Nodit and will expand to cover more blockchain networks such as Tron, Ripple, and Dogecoin, as well as off-chain data integration such as exchange and personal wallet information. We're also planning to offer a streamlined datasets through various methods to meet your needs. For instance, you might want to access to a data snapshot or even subscribe to our pipeline for real-time data integration." said Jake Lim. "All new features will be made available through Datasquare as we continue to enhance our offerings." Lambda256's launch of Datasquare marks a significant step in making blockchain data more accessible and useful, reflecting the company's ongoing commitment to innovation in the Web3 space. About Nodit     Nodit is a platform aiming to provide reliable node & consistent data infrastructure for scaling your dapps in multi-chain environment. The core technology of Nodit is a data pipeline that performs crawling, indexing, storing, and processing of blockchain data, along with a reliable node operation service. With processed blockchain data, developers can leverage on-chain and off-chain integration, advanced analytics and visualization, and even AI modeling to build exceptional Web3 products. Nodit, as an infrastructure partner of Aptos, provides full node and indexer APIs for the Aptos ecosystem and the global online hackathon "Code Collision". https://nodit.io/  About Lambda256 Lambda256, the blockchain tech arm of Dunamu, developed and operates Nodit, which enhances efficiency in managing tasks like blockchain network setup, node operation, and data processing for Ethereum, Arbitrum, and Aptos and Luniverse, a cloud-based blockchain infrastructure platform. Lambda256 also offers a travel rule solution to meet FATF guidelines, improving security and compliance for virtual asset transactions. The company secured Series A funding, followed by Series B funding in December 2021, achieving a total accumulated investment of approximately 88 million USD. Lambda256 was recognized for its technical excellence and potential for business growth.

文章來源 : PR Newswire 美通社 發表時間 : 瀏覽次數 : 349 加入收藏 :
Frost Radar™ Positions 14 Top Growth & Innovation Leaders in Global Healthcare Data Interoperability

Frost & Sullivan's Benchmarking System Highlights Leading Companies Poised for Growth and Advancing Healthcare Interoperability SAN ANTONIO, Sept. 4, 2024 /PRNewswire/ -- The healthcare data interoperability market is expected to reach $19.28 billion by 2028, growing at a compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of 18.3% from 2023. This rapid expansion is fuelled by regulatory pressures urging payers and providers to accelerate interoperability initiatives, ensuring seamless information flow through APIs and semantic interoperability. Frost & Sullivan has meticulously vetted over 80 healthcare data interoperability vendors, identifying the leading 14 companies poised to revolutionise the industry with their rapid corporate growth and visionary innovation. These companies are recognised for their strong presence across multiple segments and their capacity to enhance data management and orchestration by facilitating seamless data exchange among internal and external sources. "Beyond establishing data flow between patients, providers, and payers, market leaders and new entrants should expand their solutions to incorporate other key industry players, such as life science companies, laboratories, and pharmacies. By doing so, they can create a unified data aggregation and analysis platform, empowering end users with comprehensive insights to effectively manage and oversee the entire patient journey," says Nitin Manocha, Growth Expert at Frost & Sullivan. The adoption of Fast Healthcare Interoperability Resources (FHIR) as the standard for data exchange, along with the formation of national alliances, is helping stakeholders develop cross-organisational solutions that advance the industry toward its future state. The rising trend of mergers and acquisitions (M&As) in healthcare is also increasing demand for interoperability solutions. As the combined organisations look to build synergies, heavy API use will follow, creating the need for application integration tools to build connected systems. As healthcare increasingly shifts towards virtual and at-home care models, the need for seamless communication and collaboration between different systems and devices is becoming critical to ensure optimal patient care. The expansion of retail health, mergers and acquisitions (M&As), the growing influence of pharmacists, and the rise of telehealth are adding new dimensions to the patient's healthcare journey. Consequently, merging patient data into a single, comprehensive view is essential. The Master Patient Index (MPI) segment is expected to experience rapid growth during the forecast period, with vendors working to develop both national and enterprise-level MPIs. Regulatory initiatives will play a crucial role in supporting these efforts, including the push for national patient identifiers, which will enable patients to seamlessly transfer their health records across different care settings. Spotlight on Industry Leaders The Frost Radar™ highlights the following growth & innovation leaders, setting the benchmark for excellence in healthcare data interoperability: athenahealth, ELLKAY, Innovaccer, InterSystems, MatrixCare, Onyx Technology, Optum, Oracle (Oracle Health), Orion Health, Progress Software Corporation (Progress), Rhapsody, Salesforce, Snowflake, and Veradigm. The Frost Radar™ benchmarks these companies and their solutions, which enable the effective exchange and utilisation of data between healthcare applications. "Enhanced interoperability is essential for improving continuity of care, fostering communication and connectivity among stakeholders - including payors, providers, patients, and public health bodies - and reducing inefficiencies," Manocha emphasises. To learn more about the Frost Radar™: Healthcare Data Interoperability, 2024, please click here. About Frost & Sullivan Frost & Sullivan, the growth pipeline company, enables clients to accelerate growth and achieve best-in-class positions in growth, innovation, and leadership. The company's Growth Pipeline as a Service provides the CEO and the CEO's Growth Team with transformational strategies and best-practice models to drive the generation, evaluation, and implementation of powerful growth initiatives. Frost & Sullivan leverages over 60 years of experience in partnering with Global 1000 companies, emerging businesses, and the investment community from more than 40 offices on six continents. To engage with our growth experts for more information, click here. Contact: Kristina MenzefrickeMarketing & CommunicationsGlobal Customer Experience, Frost & Sullivankristina.menzefricke@frost.com+44 (0)20 331 01228

文章來源 : PR Newswire 美通社 發表時間 : 瀏覽次數 : 864 加入收藏 :
F5 研究發現:企業加速 IT 技術突破以執行生成式 AI 的力量

(台北訊 2024年9月4日)F5(NASDAQ:FFIV)發布2024 年數位企業成熟度指數報告,對全球企業數位轉型工作進行全面調查,分析生成式AI的巨大力量及其在推動各行業數位成熟度方面的關鍵作用。該報告揭示企業如何實現企業架構現代化、增強自動化和改進資料管理的落實,以利用人工智慧並為客戶提供卓越的數位體驗。  2024 年數位企業成熟度指數的主要關鍵發現包括: 企業正推進數位轉型工作:參與調查的企業中,有 29% 被認為是“實踐者”,在基礎設施、應用交付、安全、資料和自動化等領域名列前茅。與去年的報告相比,這是一個巨大的進步,當時只有 4% 的人被認為是「實踐者」。 生成式AI的革命性影響:生成式AI從根本上改變數位營運,顯著增強自動化和資料管理。整合AI技術的企業在多個類別中顯示更高的數位成熟度。 混合應用的採用:82% 的「實踐者」執行混合應用,顯示卓悅的數位準備度和高校的AI整合。 SRE 和自動化實踐:97% 的數位成熟企業已採用或計劃採用站點可靠性工程 (SRE) 操作,這對於擴展AI驅動的營運和維持效能至關重要。 實施安全性與零信任:隨著對AI的依賴日益增加,92% 的成熟企業已採用零信任原則,反映了對其安全框架的更高信心。 API 管理能力:先進的企業平均管理 468 個 API,顯示其複雜的數位基礎架構已經為 AI 整合做好準備。 自動化和營運效率:「自動化」的企業在自動化成熟度上得到最大的益處:53% 的企業享有更高的一致性,71% 的企業指出節省成本,80% 的企業表示營運效率更高。  F5 首席佈道師兼傑出工程師 Lori MacVittie 表示:「生成式AI的快速發展不僅僅是一項技術的進步,也是重塑數位業務整個格局的變革力量。擁抱這項變革並對企業架構進行現代化改造,企業整合AI驅動的自動化和資料管理不僅能保持競爭力,還將引領其行業進入一個效率和創新的新時代。我們的 2024 年數位企業成熟度指數報告,為這些企業提供一個參考路線,協助他們了解自己現階段狀況以及實現數位成熟度所需採取的步驟。」  該報告根據數位轉型的進展將企業分為三個不同的組別:“實踐者”,他們在現代化程度已經有重大進展並處於領先地位; “涉略者”,處於數位化旅程的早期階段;以及“落後者”,他們在提升數位能力方面幾乎沒有任何進展。這種分類有助於突出數位成熟度和AI整合準備的不同階段。  數位轉型的更廣泛洞察: 除了生成式AI的影響之外,2024 年數位企業成熟度指數調查還深入探討對數位轉型影響極深的幾個關鍵領域: 基礎設施現代化:報告強調了企業擁有靈活、高適應性架構方面,以跟上快速技術進步的腳步的重要性。氣欸需要一個能夠無縫整合新技術的基礎設施。 應用交付和安全性:能夠跨核心、雲端和邊緣各種環境交付和保護應用的能力至關重要。報告強調,40% 的企業擁有自動化應用和 API 安全功能,但只有 23% 擁有自動化應用交付,這顯示還有顯著的改進空間。 資料管理:資料治理和全領域可觀察性對於數位成熟度至關重要。報告指出,58% 的「實踐者」面臨資料孤島的挑戰,研究發現需要強大的資料策略來實現全面的可觀察性並推動自動化。 營運挑戰與解決方案:該報告深入探討企業面臨的營運障礙,例如預算限制、工具複雜性和技能差距。例如,49% 的「實踐者」認為缺乏互通性,以及太多工具和 API 是自動化的重要障礙。  有關數位化成熟度現況調查的更多詳細資訊,可參閱完整報告2024 Digital Enterprise Maturity Index, 以及 F5相關部落格。  關於報告 F5從年度應用策略研究現況調查,在企業有關數位成熟度模型的關鍵問題回覆中,依據完整性篩選出 713 份答案做分析。只有大約三分之一的受訪者來自科技業。在零售業、製造業和金融服務業都有很好的代表性。受訪者來自全球樣本,其中約三分之一來自每個主要地區:北美、歐洲、中東和非洲和亞太地區和日本。同樣,以年收入分組,大型企業(27%)、中型企業(32%)和小型企業(32%)的分佈相當平均。

文章來源 : JlinkPR 發表時間 : 瀏覽次數 : 2236 加入收藏 :
Absolics Turns to Solace to Streamline and Event-Enable Manufacturing Processes in its U.S. Factory

SEOUL, South Korea, Sept. 3, 2024 /PRNewswire/ -- Solace, the leader in powering real-time, event-driven enterprises, announced today that Absolics, a subsidiary of Korean semiconductor manufacturer SKC, is using Solace PubSub+ Platform to establish a real-time information flow across all enterprise applications in its U.S. factory. Seeking a more modern solution to serve as the backbone of their integration system, the company evaluated several technologies before selecting Solace for its robustness and scalability. Specifically, Absolics built a Cloud-based event mesh using Solace event brokers, seamlessly integrating and event-enabling their manufacturing, management and product development applications. With Solace, Absolics is now able to manage their entire API and events environment through one integrated solution, delivering a more automated data streaming and management process with high throughput and no downtime. By enabling accurate, real-time data transfer between applications across distributed systems, Absolics officials say the company is now positioned to make faster and more well-informed decisions. The availability and asynchronous distribution of critical business information and events also empowers them to dramatically improve quality assurance. "Embracing an event-driven approach to application integration is helping Absolics strengthen its position as an industry leader by increasing its operational efficiency and competitiveness in the market," said Danny Papadatos, regional VP Middle East, Asia Pacific and Japan, Solace. "Streaming, connecting and governing an ever-increasing amount of data has been a challenge for modern enterprises. We take great pride in helping Absolics event-enable their information to deliver the real-time operational performance they demand to remain successful." About Absolics:Founded in 2021 as a U.S. affiliate of Korean manufacturer SKC, Absolics is a leading provider of advanced packaging technologies and services, offering scalable solutions for businesses of high-performance computing. For more information: www.absolicsinc.com About Solace:Solace helps enterprises connect and integrate anything, anywhere, reliably and in real-time, through the power of event-driven architecture. With PubSub+, a next-generation event-driven integration and streaming platform, the company provides a comprehensive way for organizations to stream, integrate and govern events from where they are produced to where they need to be consumed – securely, reliably and quickly. Established enterprises worldwide trust Solace to modernize their application and integration landscape; enable time-sensitive applications and processes at scale; and create seamless digital experiences for their customers, partners and employees. Learn more at solace.com. Solace Press Contacts   Americas & Europe APAC UK IBA International Rice Communications Positive Jamie Kightley Neil Mirano Daisy Pledge Jkightley@iba-international.com neil.mirano@ricecomms.com dpledge@positivemarketing.com +44 (0) 1572 757932 +65 3157 5685 +44 (0)7917 439888  

文章來源 : PR Newswire 美通社 發表時間 : 瀏覽次數 : 257 加入收藏 :
2025 年 1 月 14 日 (星期二) 農曆十二月十五日
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