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Historic API venture announces CEO

The recently-launched venture between some of the world's largest telecom operators and Ericsson (NASDAQ: ERIC) announces the appointment of Anthony Bartolo as its Chief Executive Officer and the name of the new company - Aduna. STOCKHOLM, Jan. 8, 2025 /PRNewswire/ -- Today, the new venture dedicated to accelerating the global adoption and innovation of common network Application Programming Interfaces (APIs) announces Anthony Bartolo as its CEO. In parallel, the new venture also unveiled its company name – Aduna – derived from the Latin word for many entities uniting as one. Bartolo is a veteran tech executive with more than 30 years of experience scaling global businesses, driving new commercial strategies, and motivating cross-functional teams to achieve exceptional growth. Most recently, Bartolo served as Chief Operating Officer (COO) at Vonage and earlier at Bandwidth. Prior to Bandwidth, Bartolo was Executive Vice President and Chief Product Officer at Avaya, where he led the transition to a Software as a Service-based business model, resulting in an 11-fold increase in annual recurring revenue and significant new customer wins. Before that, Bartolo held several executive roles at Tata Communications, including President of Mobility and Chief Product Officer. His accomplishments included designing and implementing a more competitive product strategy, spearheading the company's expansion into new market segments, securing new strategic partnerships and expanding the company's global footprint. Launched in September 2024, Aduna will combine and sell network APIs globally, with a vision that new applications will work anywhere, and on any network, paving the way for developers to innovate much more quickly and easily. Easily accessible advanced network capabilities will open up the next frontier in innovation, empowering developers to create new use cases across multiple sectors. The new venture will provide network APIs to a broad ecosystem of developer platforms, based on existing industry-wide CAMARA APIs. Niklas Heuveldop, Head of Business Area Global Communications Platform for Ericsson, comments: "Anthony is a recognized global technology leader with a proven track record in driving successful strategy execution in fast-moving businesses. His unique cross-industry expertise across the technology, operational and business domains positions him exceptionally well to deliver on Aduna's vision. We are excited about Anthony now stepping in to further accelerate the onboarding of developer platform partners, enabling millions of developers to access advanced network capabilities and drive the next wave of services innovation via common APIs across industry-leading partner networks worldwide." Bartolo comments: "Aduna is at the forefront of the next technology wave. Providing developers with ubiquitous access to open, programmable network functionality through common APIs will empower them to innovate at global hyperscale and drive value creation for enterprises, their customers and the telecom industry. These new and more advanced applications will create better customer experiences, open new revenue streams, work seamlessly anywhere in the world, and provide businesses with innovative and differentiating ways to operate. I am honored to lead Aduna towards a new frontier for the future of technology, communication and the telecom industry." Bartolo will assume his responsibilities as CEO on January 20, 2025. The closing of the venture is expected later this year, subject to regulatory approvals and other customary conditions. About Aduna Aduna is a venture between global telecom providers and Ericsson, dedicated to revolutionizing the network API market. Its initial partners include: América Móvil, AT&T, Bharti Airtel, Deutsche Telekom, Orange, Reliance Jio, Singtel, Telefonica, Telstra, T-Mobile, Verizon and Vodafone. By providing a standardized platform that promotes collaboration and innovation, Aduna is set to usher in a new era of digital services that enhance user experiences and drive industry growth. Global telecom leaders join forces to redefine the industry with network APIs NOTES TO EDITORS:FOLLOW US:Subscribe to Ericsson press releases hereSubscribe to Ericsson blog posts herehttps://twitter.com/ericssonhttps://www.facebook.com/ericssonhttps://www.linkedin.com/company/ericsson MORE INFORMATION AT:Ericsson Newsroommedia.relations@ericsson.com  (+46 10 719 69 92)investor.relations@ericsson.com  (+46 10 719 00 00) ABOUT ERICSSON: Ericsson's high-performing networks provide connectivity for billions of people every day. For nearly 150 years, we've been pioneers in creating technology for communication. We offer mobile communication and connectivity solutions for service providers and enterprises. Together with our customers and partners, we make the digital world of tomorrow a reality. www.ericsson.com This information was brought to you by Cision http://news.cision.com https://news.cision.com/ericsson/r/historic-api-venture-announces-ceo,c4088945 The following files are available for download: https://mb.cision.com/Main/15448/4088945/3196180.pdf Historic API venture announces CEO  

文章來源 : PR Newswire 美通社 發表時間 : 瀏覽次數 : 104 加入收藏 :
玩美移動推出生成式AI API,助力開發者輕鬆實現美妝科技虛擬試用與AI影像優化功能

全球領先的AI與AR美妝時尚科技公司玩美移動(Perfect Corp.;NYSE: PERF),宣布推出全新生成式AI API技術,為開發者與產品創建者提供一站式解決方案。這一系列尖端技術工具,讓先進的AI美妝與影像處理技術輕鬆整合至各類應用,助力多元領域的創新,無論是美妝、電商,還是科技應用,都能透過這些工具重新定義內容創作與互動體驗的標準。 一應俱全的AI工具,滿足現代開發者需求 隨著生成式AI技術逐漸成為影像與美妝領域的核心動力,市場對個性化、即時性與高效整合的需求日益增長。玩美移動的生成式AI API專為開發者設計,結合靈活性與可擴展性,提供預建的美妝與影像處理技術,讓創意開發更高效、精準。這些API幫助開發者打造個性化且吸引人的用戶體驗,同時簡化整合流程,讓技術不再是創意的阻礙,而成為實現靈感的助力。 生成式AI API亮點功能: ·       虛擬髮型與假髮試戴:開發者可打造互動體驗,讓用戶即時嘗試完整髮型與虛擬假髮。這項API可根據用戶上傳的照片即時生成虛擬髮型與假髮試戴照,讓造型探索變得輕鬆又創意十足。 ·       AI接髮、瀏海與髮量調整:針對追求細緻自訂髮型的用戶,這項API提供AI接髮、不同瀏海風格以及髮量調整功能,讓用戶根據個人需求進行精確微調,創造極具個人化的造型體驗。 ·       AI彩妝轉換:此API可將參考圖像中的妝容風格虛擬套用至使用者上傳的照片,精準呈現色彩、質地與圖案,打造高度逼真的試妝體驗。 ·       AI年齡模擬:讓開發者整合年齡變化模擬技術,生成使用者的自拍照,動態呈現從15歲青春期到70歲熟齡階段的變化,應用於個人化娛樂體驗及社群媒體互動,提升使用者參與度。 生成式AI影像處理API亮點功能: ·       文字轉圖像:透過文字指令生成高品質影像,並可套用預設的藝術風格主題,幫助創意實現。 ·       AI影像上色:為黑白影像賦予生動且精準的色彩,讓歷史照片或單色視覺煥然一新。 ·       AI影像優化:提升照片的清晰度、亮度及整體品質,輕鬆達到專業級的效果。 ·       AI背景移除:支援快速移除圖像背景,簡化設計流程。 ·       AI物件移除:有效移除多餘物件,呈現乾淨細緻畫面。 靈活部署,滿足多樣化業務需求 玩美移動的生成式AI API專為滿足多樣化需求設計,無論是初創企業還是全球性公司,都能輕鬆部署至網站、應用程式或電商平台,針對高流量場景進行優化,確保高峰期也能提供穩定流暢的用戶體驗。同時,支持完整的品牌自訂化功能,幫助企業嵌入商標、色彩與設計元素,增強品牌辨識度,確保每一段用戶旅程都能強化品牌形象,創造一致且難忘的用戶體驗。 持續創新,重塑產業未來 「我們的生成式AI API不僅讓美妝科技更易於使用,還重新定義了開發者打造創新應用的方式,」玩美移動創辦人兼CEO張華禎表示。「這些先進的工具不僅簡化了技術整合流程,更幫助開發者在虛擬試妝、影像處理等多元場景中實現創新,提供量身打造的個性化解決方案。同時,我們相信這項技術將激發更多的創意潛力,讓開發者能夠以更快速、更有效的方式提升產品價值,最終帶給用戶無與倫比的互動體驗,助力品牌和開發者在市場中脫穎而出。」 玩美移動致力於將科技創新與實用性相結合,為開發者提供技術支持,助力打造個性化且卓越的用戶體驗。了解更多資訊請造訪:https://www.perfectcorp.com/business/ai-apis

文章來源 : 玩美移動 發表時間 : 瀏覽次數 : 5082 加入收藏 :
Mavenir 與 Spry Fox Networks 宣佈策略合作,加速電訊行業應用程式介面 (API) 盈利化

電訊服務供應商 (CSPs) 現在可以快速部署全面的 GSMA Open Gateway 為本的平台,即結合 Mavenir 的 Digital Enablement (MDE) 產品組合與 Spry Fox Networks 的 QP Cloud MONET 的預先整合解決方案。 這一強大結合為通訊服務供應商提供了端到端的 API 盈利化能力,使他們能夠迅速把握新的收入來源。 李察遜,德州, Dec. 19, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- 雲原生網絡基礎設施供應商 Mavenir 致力於構建未來的網絡,並與應用程式介面 (API) 盈利化及網絡曝光的先驅 Spry Fox Networks (SFN) 於今天宣佈了一項策略合作夥伴關係,旨在改變通訊服務供應商盈利化其網絡和向聚合商、超級雲計算商及應用服務供應商提供創新 API 驅動服務的方式。 這項合作夥伴關係使 Mavenir 強大的下一代電訊產品 (包括核心網絡、Mavenir Digital Enablement (MDE) 1 、Business Support System (BSS)、產品目錄、融合計費解決方案、合作夥伴管理及數碼市場) 與 SFN 的先進 API 盈利化平台整合,協助通訊服務供應商通過曝光和盈利化其網絡服務開啟新的收入來源。 這一聯合解決方案使通訊服務供應商能夠管理以網絡 API 服務為本的完整生命周期,即上線、曝光以至盈利化、分析和監控,同時保持對訪問和使用的全面控制。 合作夥伴關係的重要焦點: GSMA 認證的 Open GW:SFN 的 QP Cloud MONET (QPCM) 是首個獲得 Open Gateway API 認證的渠道夥伴解決方案,提供多個即時實施的 CAMARA 和自定 API。 QPCM 專為流動網絡營運商和虛擬流動網絡營運商迅速實現網絡盈利而設計。 QPCM 在設計上以安全和私隱保護為核心,並支援 CAMARA 定義的所有授權流程。 預先整合的 API 盈利化堆疊:Mavenir 的數字賦能 產品組合提供預先整合的業務支援系統 (BSS)、計費、調解、合作夥伴管理、帳單和結算功能,為通過 QPCM 曝光的 API 盈利化提供支援。 這大大縮短了新 API 產品的推出和盈利化時間,透過提供即時的工作流程來實現從潛在客戶到訂單以及從訂單到現金的過程,支持按需付費、訂閱、分級和服務水平協議 (SLA) 為本的計費模式,適用於客戶和合作夥伴,包括開發者、消費者、企業和聚合商。 網絡能力曝光:Mavenir 的 NEF/SCEF 組合(網絡曝光功能和服務能力曝光功能)通過 QPCM 向第三方應用程式提供標準定義網絡 API 的曝光。 NEF/SCEF 結合 Mavenir 的完整核心解決方案 (分組核心、IMS 和訊息傳遞) 時提供顯著優勢,並為各種 Open GW API 提供更快的上市時間。 Open GW API 最快的上市時間:這一聯合且預先整合的解決方案為通訊服務供應商提供了最快且最無風險的方式來推出 CAMARA/Open GW API。 此即時實施方法旨在為通訊服務供應商提供輔助方案,使其能夠通過 API 盈利化開啟新的收入來源,而不會干擾其現有的網絡和業務支援系統 (BSS)/營運支援系統 (OSS)/資訊科技生態系統。 Mavenir 數碼業務賦能高級副總裁兼總經理 Sandeep Singh 表示:「我們很高興能與 Spry Fox Networks 合作,為我們的客戶提供一個簡化網絡服務曝光和盈利化的綜合解決方案。 透過此合作,通訊服務供應商能夠開啟新的收入潛力,提升業務靈活性,並滿足電訊行業對創新 API 驅動服務日益增長的需求。」 Spry Fox Networks 5G 負責人 Jignesh Sorathia 補充道:「我們與 Mavenir 及其業界領先的 MDE 產品組合聯手合作,現正為通訊服務供應商提供一個強大的平台,以受控、安全和具盈利的方式開放其網絡。 我們結合的專業知識,將有助通訊服務供應商朝著更靈活的 API 首要模型邁進,支援包括 5G、物聯網 (IoT) 等多個垂直領域。」 這項合作目的在於加速通訊服務供應商的數碼轉型,使其能夠在瞬息萬變的電訊環境中發展,並且在不斷增長的 API 經濟中把握湧現的機會。 關於 Spry Fox Networks (SFN) :Spry Fox Networks (SFN) 專注於提供全面的無線網絡解決方案,特別強調利用 GSMA Open Gateway 框架的網絡 API,協助流動網絡營運商和虛擬流動網絡營運商有效地盈利化其網絡。 SFN 創新的靈活電訊 API 解決方案解決了金融科技、廣告技術、媒體與廣播、汽車等多個業務垂直領域面臨的挑戰。 關於 Mavenir:Mavenir 正在利用設計時即採用環保理念的雲端原生、AI 賦能的解決方案構建當今網絡的未來,讓營運商發揮 5G 的優勢,實現智能、自動化及可編程的網絡。 作為 Open RAN 的先驅和久經考驗的行業顛覆者,Mavenir 屢獲殊榮的解決方案正在全球範圍內的流動網絡上實現自動化和商業化,為 120 多個國家的 300 多家通訊服務供應商加速軟件網絡轉型,這些供應商為全球超過 50% 的訂戶提供服務。 如欲了解更多資訊,請瀏覽 www.mavenir.com Mavenir 公關聯絡人:Emmanuela SpiteriPR@mavenir.com ______________________________1 MDE 也是 Mavenir 內部 OpenGW 解決方案的盈利化引擎,專注為使用更大型 Mavenir 生態系統解決方案的 Mavenir 客戶而設。

文章來源 : Notified 發表時間 : 瀏覽次數 : 3093 加入收藏 :
F5 獲 IDC MarketScape 評選為 Web 應用和 API 保護的領導者

IDC MarketScape: :2024 年全球 Web 應用和 API 保護企業平台供應商評估報告中,表彰  F5 平台的高效能和進階安全功能 (2024, 10月28日)– F5 (NASDAQ: FFIV) 很榮耀地宣布,F5在 IDC MarketScape:2024 年全球 Web 應用和 API 保護 (WAAP) 企業平台供應商評估報告中,被評為領導者(文件編號 US51795524,2024 年 9 月)。 IDC MarketScape 指出:「F5 長期以來透過策略性收購專門的單點解決方案,以提供高效能和進階安全功能並保護應用和 API 的能力。透過將這些單點解決方案整合到單一、靈活的平台中,F5 可以協助企業實現數位轉型之旅。」 根據IDC報告,IDC MarketScape 供應商分析模型旨在概述 ICT 供應商在特定市場中的競爭適應性的概況。透過基於定性和定量標準的嚴格評分方法,可以顯示供應商的競爭地位和市場位置。 F5 亞太區資深副總裁 Adam Judd 表示:「在不斷變化的威脅環境下,各種規模的企業都需要一個統一、易於部署且支持 AI 的 WAAP 解決方案。我們對IDC MarketScape 的調查結果表示榮耀,因為我們的客戶告訴我們,他們讚賞我們統一整合的WAAP 解決方案,該解決方案可以跨複雜混合的多雲環境進行部署,並且以硬體、軟體、SaaS和託管服務等多種形式提供支援。 IDC MarketScape針對供應商三到五年策略以及當前產品的功能進行評估,並指出「F5 戰略路線圖滿足了人工智慧安全需求。 生成式AI (GenAI )是一個新的威脅向量,但也為客戶提供了優化的機會,例如大型語言模型的滲透測試。」 隨著人工智慧加速應用和連接應用的API 快速成長,F5 於2024 年將API 程式碼測試和遙測分析導入  F5 Distributed Cloud Services。IDC MarketScape指出:「F5 Distributed Cloud Services具有高度靈活性,無論是通過 API 還是使用者介面,都可以輕鬆進行管理。這些選項讓團隊能夠與非安全團隊的工作流程緊密整合,進而推動左移(Shift Left)策略的落實。」 更多有關 IDC MarketScape: 全球WAAP 企業平台 2024 供應商評估報告資訊, 請參閱點擊連結. 關於 IDC MarketScape: IDC MarketScape 供應商評估模型旨在提供對技術和服務供應商在特定市場中競爭力的概況。該研究採用嚴格的評分方法,基於定性和定量標準,得出供應商在特定市場中的地位圖示。IDC MarketScape 提供了一個清晰的框架,可以顯示比較技術供應商的產品和服務、能力、策略以及當前和未來的市場成功因素。該框架還為技術買家提供了 360 度全方位評估,以了解當前和潛在供應商的優勢和劣勢。

文章來源 : JlinkPR 發表時間 : 瀏覽次數 : 5219 加入收藏 :
"Significant API Investments from Banks needed" says Southeast Asia Banking Executives in new Open Banking Readiness Report by Brankas

Brankas today released a new report analyzing the state of open banking readiness in Southeast Asia, focusing on Thailand, the Philippines, and Indonesia. BANGKOK, Oct. 1, 2024 /PRNewswire/ -- Brankas today released a new report analyzing the state of open banking readiness in Southeast Asia, focusing on Thailand, the Philippines, and Indonesia. The report, based on interviews with senior banking and financial services executives in the region, provides a detailed assessment of the open banking progress made in each country, how customer needs are understood and addressed, and which regulator approaches have worked to incentivize open banking adoption — from the banks' perspective. New Open Banking Readiness Report by Brankas Across all three jurisdictions, it was agreed that the adoption of open banking will require significant investments from traditional banks both in API development and other supporting infrastructure. Southeast Asian banks are still early in the transition today. Thailand API Standardization: Thailand is currently undergoing a transition to standardized APIs, a crucial step for open banking adoption. Regulatory Timeline: The Bank of Thailand is expected to set specific timelines for open banking implementation in the near future. Innovation: Flexibility and creativity were mentioned as the most important factors behind successful adoption of new digital and open banking use cases. Philippines Partnerships Are Calling: Philippine banks are primarily focused on developing their own service applications, although there is a growing appetite for partnerships. Regulatory Approach: Regulations are taking a "nudge" rather than a "mandate" approach, allowing banks to fulfill open banking requirements without fully embracing the spirit of openness. API Landscape: The use of standardized approaches has led to a more uniform API landscape in the Philippines in recent years. Indonesia Clear Regulatory Framework: Indonesia's Open API framework outlines a clear timeline for open banking adoption by 2025. Serving the Underbanked: With digital service demand concentrated almost exclusively in Jakarta and Java, there is still a lot that can be done to serve the underbanked population. Consumer Adoption: Indonesian consumers have readily embraced digital payment services, and insurance may be the next area for open banking growth. The emergence of new business models was mentioned as a driving force as different banks look at markets differently to drive their own strategies and meet the demands of their customer bases. Many banks have begun to engage markets in new ways, particularly through bilateral partnerships with innovative players to expand their service offerings. However, there is a continued emphasis for banks to control customer data to maintain competitive advantage. To download a copy of the report, please visit the download page here. Watch a summary from August 2024 of another financial services executive video interview series by Brankas at Techsauce Global Summit 2024 in Bangkok. About Brankas Brankas is a leading global open finance technology provider. We provide API-based solutions, data and payments solutions for financial service providers (like banks, lenders and e-wallets) and online businesses. Brankas partners with banks to build and manage their open finance compliance solution, producing APIs for real-time payments, identity and data, new account opening, remittances, and more. With Brankas' secure open banking technology, online businesses, fintech companies and digital banks can use Brankas APIs to create new digital experiences for their users. Media Enquiries:  Yiyang Teoyiyang.teo@brank.as  

文章來源 : PR Newswire 美通社 發表時間 : 瀏覽次數 : 212 加入收藏 :
CDNetworks Unveils State of Web Application and API Protection 2023 Report: Generative AI Amplifying the Surge to 730 Billion Web Application & API Attacks

SINGAPORE - Media OutReach Newswire - 26 September 2024 - CDNetworks, an APAC-leading network to deliver edge as a service, released its annual State of Web Application and API Protection (WAAP) Report for 2023, highlighting the rise of generative AI threats and their role in amplifying the surge of WAAP attacks. The report reveals that global WAAP attacks are experiencing an alarming shift, rendering traditional signature-based defense models inadequate. This shift underscores the increasingly complex threat landscape that organizations must navigate. Surging Trend for All Types of Attacks in Relation to WAAP, Amplified by Generative AI DDoS DDoS attacks reached a new high, with 451.545 billion incidents recorded throughout the year—a growth rate of 26.05%. Attack methods are becoming increasingly stealthy and intelligent, with new types of attacks emerging continuously. WAF The growth rate of WAF attacks continues to decelerate, with only a 4% increase. Finance is no longer the most targeted sector, as its share dropped from 28% in 2022 to 9% in 2023. Bot Bot attacks have shown steady growth, with an annual increase of 46.63%. AI-based recognition models are coming into play, with the proportion of intelligent bots rapidly rising to 35.05%. API The share of API targeted attacks continues to rise, reaching 63%. The diversity of attacks targeting APIs—including DDoS, bot attacks, and vulnerability exploits—highlights the necessity for a comprehensive WAAP solution "Generative AI is a game-changer in both positive and negative ways, " said Antony Li, Global Head of Infrastructure at CDNetworks. "It's crucial for organizations to stay ahead by understanding these new threats and leveraging AI as a tool to adapt security strategies accordingly. Our 2023 report provides insights that can help businesses protect themselves against the growing tide of cyber-attacks." The report also provides detailed guidance on building a WAAP-level Security Framework, offering recommendations for implementing a WAAP Protection Architecture and describing the major benefits a WAAP Architecture can bring to enterprises. Click here to download this report. Hashtag: #CDNetworks #CyberSecurity #WAAP #AIhttps://www.cdnetworks.com/https://www.linkedin.com/company/cdnetworks/https://x.com/CDNetworkshttps://www.facebook.com/cdnetworksglobalAbout CDNetworksWith over 2,800 global PoPs, CDNetworks delivers the fastest and most secure digital experiences to end users. Our diverse products and services include web performance, media delivery, cloud security, and colocation services — all designed to spur business innovation. Visit cdnetworks.com and follow us on LinkedIn.

文章來源 : Media OutReach Limited 發表時間 : 瀏覽次數 : 329 加入收藏 :
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