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Changan Automobile releases its overseas strategy Program Pacific at the Shanghai Auto Show.

SHANGHAI, April 18, 2023 /PRNewswire/ -- On April 18, the highly anticipated 2023 Shanghai International Automotive Industry Exhibition opened in Shanghai, China. Changan Auto joined the exhibition with the theme of "Advancing in All Domains, Changan Reaches the World" and released its heavyweight overseas strategy Program Pacific, pressing the "fast-forward button" on its global expansion. Changan Automobile releases its overseas strategy Program Pacific at the Shanghai Auto Show In recent years, "the Belt and Road" initiative has been guiding Chinese enterprises to practice openness and cooperation and win-win development. After years of hard work, China's automotive industry has gained influence worldwide. Leading Chinese automobile enterprises are capable and responsible of leading the upstream and downstream of the industry chain to explore new territories and thrive globally. Meanwhile, a full range of new energy products of Changan Auto was displayed at the Shanghai Auto Show, including S7, SL03, UNI-V iDD, UNI-K iDD, Z6 iDD, and Lumin. The architectures of the concept cars VIIA and SDA were also showcased, demonstrating the company's strong technical reserves and forward-looking vision, which solidifies the construction of a world-class automobile brand. The year 2023 marks a pivotal year for Changan Auto to achieve global development. With a greater openness to collaboration, Changan Auto, anchored in China and extending to the world, is dedicated to creating a "Chinese emblem" that shines brightly on the global automotive stage.

文章來源 : PR Newswire 美通社 發表時間 : 瀏覽次數 : 2889 加入收藏 :
Labuan IBFC records laudable growth despite challenging economic backdrop

The jurisdiction's key focus areas of Islamic finance, captives and digital financial services record significant achievements KUALA LUMPUR, Malaysia, April 18, 2023 /PRNewswire/ -- The Labuan International Business and Financial Centre (Labuan IBFC) Market Report 2022 was unveiled at Sasana Kijang, Bank Negara on 14 April 2023. The report provides an in-depth analysis of key business sectors for the year under review and highlights key business trends in the international business and financial centre. Labuan IBFC Market Report 2022 We are pleased to note a significant increase in the incorporation of Labuan companies, with a 17% y-o-y increase to 532 from 455 previously. This double-digit growth in the jurisdiction's standard barometer for business activity signifies market recovery for Labuan IBFC as a whole. The Labuan insurance industry experienced a rally, with underwritten premiums recording a five-year high of USD1.7 billion and underwriting margin rebounding by 19.5%. This contributed to the sector's profitability growing by 6% to USD216 million. Banking remains the mainstay of Labuan IBFC, which has evolved accordingly to cater to increased regulatory requirements and digitalisation. As such, we are pleased to report that the Labuan banking industry grew in 2022, as three new banking licences were approved, including two for digital banking, bringing the total number of banks to 68. A focus sector of the jurisdiction, Islamic financing, performed outstandingly. Labuan Islamic bank financing, which constitutes 10% of Labuan bank financing, grew by 25% to USD 2.1 billion. Islamic assets also increased considerably by 21% to USD2.3 billion. Digital financial services (DFS) continued to record rapid expansion with a 20% growth. During the year, 29 approvals were granted to conduct DFS business. These included approvals to operate digital banking businesses, exchanges, digital currency trading platforms, credit token businesses and e-payment systems.    Labuan captives experienced growth, with five new entrants approved to underwrite agricultural risks and fire-related perils, bringing the total number of captives to 67. Total gross premiums for the captive sector recorded an increase to USD570.9 million. Labuan international commodity trading companies emerged as a sector to watch, having recorded its largest-ever trading amount of USD51.1 billion, a significant growth of 31%. This is largely due to the consistently high prices of global oil and liquefied natural gas in recent times.   The reopening of international borders post pandemic lead to a revival of the leasing and capital market sectors.  Seven new entities were approved for fund managers and securities licenses, bringing the total number to 45 and 23 respectively, while 18 new leasing companies were approved, involving 144 new leasing transactions. Datuk Iskandar Mohd Nuli, Executive Chairman cum CEO of Labuan IBFC Incorporated Sdn Bhd (Labuan IBFC Inc.), the official promotional and marketing arm for the jurisdiction, commented, "Labuan IBFC Inc. will continue promoting the jurisdiction's key propositions as outlined in the Labuan IBFC Strategic Roadmap 2022-2026 via masterclasses, briefings and seminars. We will also continue to ensure our presence at key regional marketing events as well as sign MoUs with select partners for market development purposes."   Labuan IBFC has built a solid foundation based on its banking and insurance expertise, as well as the provisioning of end-to-end professional services. As the jurisdiction enters its third decade of operations, it has pivoted towards newer focus areas such as Islamic finance and digital financial services while further identifying emerging sectors. This will enable the jurisdiction to meet the multifaceted demands of an increasingly complex and connected business world.   For further details, the Labuan IBFC Market Report 2022 can be accessed here.

文章來源 : PR Newswire 美通社 發表時間 : 瀏覽次數 : 3017 加入收藏 :
Five Sigma歡迎哈佛商學院教授Boris Groysberg加入公司,成為新合夥人

專注於全球教育科技領域的領先成長型基金Five Sigma宣佈任命Boris Groysberg教授為新合夥人。 悉尼2023年4月18日 /美通社/ -- Groysberg先生為公司帶來了他在教育和科技領域積累的豐富經驗和取得的出色成績,他將幫助公司識別和投資教育科技領域最具前景的企業,並在這方面發揮關鍵作用。 Photo of Professor Boris Groysberg of Harvard Business School who recently joined EdTech focused growth fund Five Sigma as partner. Groysberg先生是哈佛商學院工商管理專業教授,負責教授企業領導力、人才管理和創業等課程。 他還曾擔任多家領先投資公司的顧問,就增長、創新和市場定位相關問題提供戰略建議和指導。 Boris曾兩次入選HRTech影響力人物百強榜單(2019年和2020年)。 Five Sigma管理合夥人Peter Mobbs表示:「我們很高興歡迎Boris加入Five Sigma團隊。他具有深厚的教育行業相關知識,並且擅長幫助企業實現可持續競爭優勢,因此是我們公司的理想人才。我們相信,Boris將幫助我們的投資組合公司應對激烈的競爭環境,並在這方面發揮關鍵作用。我與Boris相識多年,我堅信沒有人比他更適合提供這方面的見解了。」  Groysberg稱:「我很高興加入Five Sigma,因為他們的運營領域正是我的興趣和專長所在,也就是教育、技術和影響力的交叉領域。我堅信,科技將支撐教育的未來,通過加入Five Sigma,我可以幫助實現社會和經濟價值。該公司在識別和投資具有強大增長潛力的公司方面具有公認的能力,我期待與其團隊合作,幫助打造新一代教育科技領導者。」 關於Five Sigma Five Sigma是一家專注於教育科技後期階段的成長型基金。該公司投資於正在利用技術顛覆和改善6萬億美元的全球教育產業的企業。無論是從運營商還是從投資者的角度來說,Five Sigma都對教育科技行業有著深刻的瞭解,因此完全有能力識別和支持全球教育科技領域的佼佼者。 投資組合公司包括Go1和Academia.edu。 欲瞭解更多信息,請訪問www.5sigmaglobal.com 

文章來源 : PR Newswire 美通社 發表時間 : 瀏覽次數 : 4403 加入收藏 :

台北2023年4月18日 /美通社/ -- 2023年年初,廖峻鋒(Frederic Liao)加入新創生物資訊顧問服務公司普睿思(Praexisio, Prx)擔任首席執行長(CEO)。 「致力於為全人類的健康福祉做出貢獻的企業願景,是普睿思最打動我的地方。我一直對生技醫療產業抱持熱切的憧憬,因此在接獲普睿思的邀請時,便將這份工作機會視作使命。」廖峻鋒表示。 在加入普睿思之前,廖峻鋒曾於消費性電子產業服務近20年,擁有豐富的產品和市場開發規劃、國際行銷業務拓展的經驗,商場經營橫跨亞洲、歐洲、澳洲等十六個國家。他的加入將有助於強化普睿思的領導團隊,促進公司的成長。 廖峻鋒是普睿思自成立以來的首位CEO。普睿思董事長吳孝三表示「正值公司開拓市場、積極尋找投資者的關鍵時機,廖峻鋒所具備的經歷及視野,是普睿思CEO的不二人選。」廖峻鋒對於普睿思主力發展的技術和產品表現出極大的信心,他指出透過AI和分子動態模擬篩選並重組藥物,達到降本增效的成果,對於藥廠開發新藥來說極具價值,即使只有一個百分點的成本節省,對於整個產業而言都是顯著的影響。 在應對當前的挑戰時,廖峻峰強調有效溝通和協作的重要性,才能徹底落實公司訂定的商業目標。廖峻鋒期待他過去經由實戰積累的處事經驗,能為普睿思的發展帶來正面的影響,加速整合並完善公司的工作模式,增進團隊成員之間的默契。 普睿思目前正處於站穩腳步的階段,廖峻鋒不僅帶領公司找尋潛在的投資者,也積極推動公司產品的上市進度,同時致力於開發客戶以及拓展業務範圍。廖峻鋒期許普睿思的營運能盡快步上軌道,成為海內外企業首選的生物資訊顧問公司。 關於普睿思(Praexisio, Prx) 普睿思應用精準醫療(Precision Medicine)的概念,專注發展結合AI輔助和蛋白質分子動態模擬的個人化藥物研製技術,精準化新藥抑制疾病的效果,解決因專一性不足新藥難以通過臨床測試的問題。 普睿思以成為最具品質和專業度的整合型生物資訊顧問服務公司為願景,提供客戶準確到位的問題分析和解決方案。自2020年由清大楊立威教授、交大洪瑞鴻教授及山衛科技吳孝三董事長共同創立至今,已和美國西南大學、清華大學、臺北醫學大學、台大醫院等,海內外一流學研單位和醫療機構合作,並於2022年獲得19屆國家新創獎的肯定。  

文章來源 : PR Newswire 美通社 發表時間 : 瀏覽次數 : 4144 加入收藏 :
SUSE Expands Open, Interoperable Strategy with the Latest Version of Rancher

SUSE delivers new milestones in performance, stability & security with the release of Rancher 2.7.2, with extensibility enhancements and an improved security posture to foster eco-system adoption Latest Rancher Prime, SUSE's commercial enterprise subscription, innovations accelerate customer time-to-value with enhancements including access to SUSE Collective's curated knowledgebase and SLA-backed support for automated policy & OS management SUSE demonstrates its continued commitment to the cloud native community with the re-launch of Rancher Academy and major updates to open-source projects AMSTERDAM, April 18, 2023 /PRNewswire/ -- SUSE®, a global leader in innovative, reliable and secure enterprise-grade open source solutions, today announced the release of Rancher 2.7.2. The latest update to the most widely adopted Kubernetes management platform includes extensibility enhancements designed to foster even stronger eco-system adoption. SUSE also expanded the enterprise-grade value of its open source commercial subscription for Rancher with the latest release of Rancher Prime, as well as delivered updates to its popular open source projects like Rancher Desktop, and re-launched its free training portal, Rancher Academy. "As the Kubernetes ecosystem expands and becomes more complex, innovation, interoperability, and simplicity have never been more important. Our free-to-use Rancher UI extension framework empowers users and independent software vendors (ISVs) to create customized user experiences, significantly enhancing the operationalization of their entire Kubernetes environment," said Peter Smails, General Manager of Enterprise Container Management at SUSE.   Smails believes that Rancher's UI extension framework will be especially popular with SUSE's global network of technology partners. The SUSE One Partner Program now incorporates the 'Tested & Certified – Rancher Extension' certification, which allows partners to build and host extensions from within Rancher's application catalog and validate its reliability through this new certification criteria. The updated program encourages more collaboration and interoperability across the Rancher partner ecosystem and is backed by support from the Rancher Prime subscription. Customizing the Kubernetes experience for Rancher users SUSE continues to extend its leadership position as the world's most widely deployed Kubernetes management platform with the release of Rancher 2.7.2. The new Rancher UI extension framework decouples the UI functionality from Rancher Manager and provides users with the ability to independently extend and enhance the Rancher UI. This gives users the capability to build on top of the Rancher platform and better integrate Rancher into their environments by building custom, peer-developed or Rancher-developed UI extensions. Available today are three Rancher-developed extensions, including: Kubewarden Extension, which delivers a comprehensive way to manage the lifecycle of Kubernetes policies across Rancher clusters. Elemental Extension, which provides operators with the ability to manage their cloud-native OS and Edge devices from within the Rancher platform. Harvester Extension, which helps operators load their virtualized Harvester cluster into Rancher to easily manage and inspect. SUSE's strategy for Rancher is to provide the core power of hybrid and multi-cloud multi-cluster management, and for extension providers to deliver a highly customized user experience to their customers within the same pane of glass. Maintaining momentum across innovation projects SUSE's commitment to open source innovation does not stop with Rancher. SUSE continues to use its extensive portfolio of open source projects as an innovation sandbox, with recent updates including: Rancher Desktop 1.8 now includes configurable application behaviors such as auto-start login and all applications settings configurable via the command line tool rdctl and new experimental updates. Kubewarden 1.6.0 now allows DevSecOps teams to write Policy as Code using both traditional programming languages and domain specific languages. Opni 0.9 has several observability feature updates as it approaches its planned GA later in the year. S3GW (S3 Gateway) 0.14.0 has new features such as lifecycle management, object locking and holds, and UI improvements. Epinio 1.7 now has a UI with Dex integration, the identity service that uses OpenID Connect to drive authentication for other apps, and SUSE's S3GW. Continued investment in community education Rancher Academy, the free educational platform designed to help users get started with Rancher and Kubernetes, is back with more courses covering topics such as Kubernetes, Container Fundamentals, Rancher Multi-cluster Management, Container Security, and more. "Cloud-native expertise remains one of the biggest inhibitors to Kubernetes' adoption," said Tom Callway, VP Product Marketing & Community at SUSE. "By re-launching Rancher Academy, our aim is to help demystify the complexities of cloud-native platforms like Kubernetes and break down the barriers faced by users when deploying new workloads. With Rancher Academy, the Rancher users now have a free, high quality educational resource to increase their Kubernetes knowledge, helping users build faster and more securely." Enhancing performance and resiliency for Rancher Prime customers Following Rancher Prime's availability in December 2022, SUSE added new value-added components to the enterprise commercial subscription designed to help enterprise customers improve performance and resiliency of their enterprise-grade production clusters. Through the latest Rancher Prime capabilities, customers will be able to: Experience trusted delivery and extensibility: In conjunction with a trusted, private registry delivery mechanism, the release of the new UI extension framework in Rancher v2.7.2 allows Rancher Prime customers to get SLA-backed support for Policy & OS Management natively within the Rancher platform through Kubewarden and Elemental extensions. Solve business challenges with more efficiency. Prime subscribers have access to SUSE's customer engagement platform SUSE Collective, which now includes access to peers, exclusive roadmap materials, reference architectures, operating at scale documentation, and white glove on demand start-up guides. For more information about Rancher by SUSE, stop by booth D1 at KubeCon Europe or visit, www.rancher.com. About SUSE SUSE is a global leader in innovative, reliable and secure enterprise-grade open source solutions, relied upon by more than 60% of the Fortune 500 to power their mission-critical workloads. We specialize in Business-critical Linux, Enterprise Container Management and Edge solutions, and collaborate with partners and communities to empower our customers to innovate everywhere – from the data center, to the cloud, to the edge and beyond. SUSE puts the "open" back in open source, giving customers the agility to tackle innovation challenges today and the freedom to evolve their strategy and solutions tomorrow. The company employs more than 2,000 people globally. SUSE is listed on the Frankfurt Stock Exchange. Forward-Looking Statements Any statements in this press release about future expectations, plans and prospects for the company, including statements containing the words "aims," "targets," "will," "believes," "anticipates," "plans," "expects," and similar expressions, may constitute forward-looking statements and should be read with caution. Actual results may differ materially from those indicated by such forward-looking statements as a result of various important factors, including competitive landscape, development of customer deals, reliance upon customer relationships, management of growth and acquisitions, the possibility of undetected software issues, the risks of impacts of the Covid-19 pandemic and economic downturns, pricing pressures and the viability of the Internet. In addition, any forward-looking statements included herein represent views as of the date of this press release and these views could change. The Company does not have any obligation to update its forward-looking statements. These forward-looking statements are subject to change and should not be relied upon as representing the Company's views as of any date other than the date of this press releases. Copyright 2023 SUSE LLC. All rights reserved. SUSE and the SUSE logo are registered trademarks of SUSE LLC in the United States and other countries. All third-party trademarks are the property of their respective owners. Media Contact:Natalie Paffmannnatalie.kelley@suse.com  

文章來源 : PR Newswire 美通社 發表時間 : 瀏覽次數 : 2909 加入收藏 :
Delta Demonstrates How its Smart Green Solutions are 'Realizing an Intelligent, Sustainable and Connecting World' at Hannover Messe 2023

Our new brand value proposition, officially launched at the world's largest industrial fair, underscores Delta's focus on creating holistic sustainable solutions inspired by customer needs HANNOVER, Germany, April 18, 2023 /PRNewswire/ -- Delta, a global leader in power and thermal management solutions, today launched its new brand value proposition, 'Realizing an Intelligent, Sustainable and Connecting World', at Hannover Messe 2023. The aforementioned statement demonstrates how Delta's innovative IoT-based Smart Green Solutions are contributing to mankind's emissions reduction goals by nurturing intelligent industries with smart automation, energy conservation and collaboration ecosystems at their core. Shan Shan Guo, Delta's Chief Brand Officer, underscored, "European sustainability initiatives are a global benchmark, and thus we decided to launch our new brand value proposition at Hannover Messe, the heart of Europe's industrial technology. Delta continuously innovates to better fulfill customers' needs and emissions reduction goals. As we expand from an industrial brand also into a commercial brand, our new brand value proposition, 'Realizing an Intelligent, Sustainable and Connecting World', conveys Delta's endeavors to create intelligent, energy-saving and customer-centric solutions that foster collaborative ecosystems to contribute to the global 1.5oC climate target. Delta's success in achieving its 2025 Science Based Target (SBT) 4 years ahead of time, ambitious RE100 goal by 2030, and participation in all COP climate summits since 2007, also reflect that commitment. We look forward to cooperating with stakeholders in EMEA to build a better tomorrow." Dalip Sharma, Delta's President and General Manager for Europe, Middle East & Africa (EMEA), said, "In line with the EU's climate goal of reducing emissions by at least 55% before 2030, Delta is already powering 93% of its operations in EMEA with renewable electricity. Moreover, we leverage our innovation capabilities to provide ideal solutions for smart manufacturing and building automation, e-mobility, smart energy infrastructure and green ICT infrastructure. These solutions are expected to enable over 56 percent annual energy savings in our new LEED Gold green building in Helmond, the Netherlands. Delta's new Data Center Customer Experience Center in Soest, Germany, new R&D lab in Helmond, and factory expansion in Slovakia not only help us provide solutions tailored for the local market, but also reflect our long-term commitment to EMEA." Delta's intelligent Smart Manufacturing, sustainable EV Charging Infrastructure, and connecting Building Automation Solutions, all showcased at Hannover Messe 2023, are advancing the European Commission's "Fit for 55" policy and its EU climate-neutral by 2050 objective. These include: Intelligent Smart Manufacturing Solutions Delta is introducing solutions for smart manufacturing including its newly-launched fan, pump and compressor VP3000 Drive. It is specially designed to enhance fluid machine operation efficiency and has a high power rating of up to 630kW, and enhances productivity with low harmonic distortion (THDi) down to 35% in industrial motors. The pioneering 5 kW DC-DC Power Conversion and Charging Unit for hydrogen fuel cells will also be shown, featuring 93% efficiency and wide input voltage. This solution echoes to the emerging market need of the green technology with the potential to eliminate carbon emissions. Sustainable EV Charging and Energy Storage Solutions Delta will showcase its full range of EV charging Infrastructure solutions, which has been widely accepted and to date over 2 million of Delta-enabled EV chargers has been installed around the world. With a full range of AC charger, DC charger and Ultra Fast chargers solutions, Delta's solutions can be applied to various applications, ranging from residential, commercial, fleet to public charging. Delta also offers Energy Storage Skid Solution, an integrated energy storage system for industrial and commercial applications with limited space and construction times. Connecting Building Automation Solutions Delta will demonstrated two of its own green building cases in EMEA, showing how Delta's building automation solutions can be adapted in its newly-built LEED Gold green building in Helmond, the Netherlands; or used to retrofit its 35-year old office building into a BREEAM-certified green building in Hoofddorp, the Netherlands. Delta's energy-efficient EC fan will also be demonstrated on site, showing how it presents an innovative and cost-effective way to improve air quality and reduce carbon pollution for buildings and industrial applications. Delta welcomes visitors to its stand, located at Hall 11, Stand C20 in Hannover, Germany, from 17 – 21 April. Journalists are invited to attend Delta's press conference at Delta's stand on Tuesday 18 April, from 13:30-14:30 CET, or join the press conference online: www.linkedin.com/events/deltapressconferenceathannoverm7040977114925318145/comments/ About Delta Delta, founded in 1971, is a global leader in switching power supplies and thermal management products with a thriving portfolio of smart energy-saving systems and solutions in the fields of industrial automation, building automation, telecom power, data center infrastructure, EV charging, renewable energy, energy storage and display, to nurture the development of smart manufacturing and sustainable cities. As a world-class corporate citizen guided by its mission statement, "To provide innovative, clean and energy-efficient solutions for a better tomorrow," Delta leverages its core competence in high-efficiency power electronics and its ESG-embedded business model to address key environmental issues, such as climate change. Delta serves customers through its sales offices, R&D centers and manufacturing facilities spread over close to 200 locations across 5 continents. Throughout its history, Delta has received various global awards and recognition for its business achievements, innovative technologies and dedication to ESG. Since 2011, Delta has been listed on the DJSI World Index of Dow Jones Sustainability™ Indices for 12 consecutive years. In 2022, Delta was also recognized by CDP with double A List for its substantial contribution to climate change and water security issues and named Supplier Engagement Leader for its continuous development of a sustainable value chain for the 3rd consecutive year. For detailed information about Delta, please visit: www.delta-emea.com   Media ContactJudy WuMarketing Communications ManagerDelta EMEATel: +31 (0)20 8003906E-mail: jwu@deltaww.com

文章來源 : PR Newswire 美通社 發表時間 : 瀏覽次數 : 3036 加入收藏 :
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