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LBB Specialties Announces Headquarters Relocation

NORWALK, Conn., May 25, 2023 /PRNewswire/ -- LBB Specialties (LBBS), a leader in specialty chemicals and ingredients distribution in North America, announced the relocation of its corporate headquarters to Merritt 7 in Norwalk, CT. LBB Specialties is consolidating from two original locations in Norwalk. The ribbon cutting was held on April 5, 2023, and the company began move-in on April 14, 2023. The corporate campus is also getting its own Metro-North train station, scheduled to open in the coming months. LBB Specialties will occupy the first floor of 601 Merritt 7. "We are thrilled to be relocating to Merritt 7 and consolidating our Connecticut offices to a single top-tier business environment," said Maryellen Meehan, LBBS chief human resources officer. "The abundance of new amenity space, including multiple indoor-outdoor recreation, meeting, and event spaces were critical in our decision. The management team brings hospitality style and institutional quality to the workplace experience. It was by far the best choice for our return to the office." Hank DeWolf, CEO of LBB Specialties, says the physical move undergirds the company's future growth. DeWolf states: "A well-designed, shared space supports the synchronization needed to continue our intentional growth and expanded offerings in the Life Sciences, Personal Care, Food and Nutrition, and Advanced Materials markets." LBB Specialties is a leader in North American specialty chemicals and ingredients. It is a diversified supplier serving end-markets including personal care, food & nutrition, advanced materials, and life sciences. LBB Specialties generates approximately $500 million in revenue and employs over 110 commercial team members. www.LBBSpecialties.com  Media Contact:Courtney Floodmedia@lbbspecialties.com  

文章來源 : PR Newswire 美通社 發表時間 : 瀏覽次數 : 798 加入收藏 :
TORRAS launches innovative new wearable air conditioner, COOLIFY 3

NEW YORK, May 25, 2023 /PRNewswire/ -- COOLIFY has revolutionized portable cooling devices with the introduction of COOLIFY 3, the latest innovation in wearable air conditioners. Designed to provide a cool and comfortable experience, even in scorching temperatures, COOLIFY 3 incorporates cutting-edge technologies and over 25 new patents, showcasing our unwavering commitment to innovation and attention to detail. Scientific research has shown that traditional cooling methods are insufficient in meeting the cooling needs of the human body when the environmental temperature exceeds 33℃. COOLIFY 3 addresses this issue with its advanced features and superior cooling capabilities. Featuring three patented semiconductors and an expansive cooling area of 14388 mm², COOLIFY 3 ensures thorough cooling coverage of the entire neck region. By doubling the number of motors, the device delivers a significant increase in wind speeds, further enhancing the cooling effect. Additionally, the innovative design incorporates seven airflow channels, allowing for simultaneous cooling of the neck, face, and back. In just one second, COOLIFY 3 can provide whole-body cooling, keeping users refreshed and comfortable. One of the standout features of COOLIFY 3 is the "Cool Angle" technology, which focuses on effective cooling by targeting specific areas of the body. Extensive research and interviews on human body cooling revealed that the back is one of the regions where people sweat the most and can perceive temperature changes. To address this, COOLIFY 3 includes a cool-conductive plate and two air outlets on the back, enabling cool air to be blown from both the front and rear simultaneously. This unique cooling configuration offers an unparalleled cooling experience. The combined area of the three large cooling conduction plates in COOLIFY 3 is a remarkable 14388 mm², surpassing the previous generation by 79% and setting new industry standards. Equipped with four high-speed fans and seven compressed air channels, COOLIFY 3 ensures a comprehensive cooling experience, targeting the face, neck, and back simultaneously. We take immense pride in introducing COOLIFY 3, a groundbreaking innovation that has ushered in a new era of whole-body cooling. Additionally, COOLIFY 3 is equipped with 18W fast charging technology, enabling it to reach 80% charge within a mere hour. This remarkable reduction in charging time ensures that users can quickly recharge their device and continue enjoying the refreshing coolness. Moreover, COOLIFY 3 is designed with a keen focus on user comfort and convenience. We have taken into account the subtle nuances of humanization, making thoughtful adjustments to the positions and directions of the air outlets. By avoiding direct airflow towards the ears, we have enhanced the overall comfort of using COOLIFY 3, ensuring a more enjoyable cooling experience. In addition, COOLIFY 3 embodies a deep sense of emotional care for outdoor workers who brave high temperatures. We understand the challenges they face and have taken their needs into consideration during the development of this innovative device. By providing a portable and efficient cooling solution, COOLIFY 3 aims to alleviate the discomfort and potential health risks associated with working in extreme heat. We believe that every individual deserves a safe and comfortable environment, especially those who work tirelessly under challenging conditions. With COOLIFY 3, outdoor workers can experience a newfound sense of relief and well-being, knowing that they have a reliable companion to help them stay cool and focused on their tasks. We are proud to offer this practical and empathetic solution, providing both physical and emotional support to those who need it most. Price and Availability COOLIFY3 is now on the Amazon Store and TORRAS' Official Website.  Check them out now! About TORRAS Founded in 2012, TORRAS is an innovative brand with a design philosophy of "Simple but Unique". They now have an R&D laboratory that spans over 2,000 square meters, and has obtained more than 1,100 patents thus far, with 36 of its products winning prestigious international design awards including the German Red Dot Award.  TORRAS PR Manager: jacinta@torras-global.com

文章來源 : PR Newswire 美通社 發表時間 : 瀏覽次數 : 598 加入收藏 :

 香港2023年5月25日 /美通社/ -- 春泉產業信託(「春泉產業信託」,股份代號:1426)的管理人春泉資產管理有限公司(「管理人」)今日宣布,春泉產業信託擬回購BT Cayman Ltd.所實益擁有的基金單位(「回購基金單位」),相當於最後可行日期已發行基金單位總數約4.23%的基金單位(「基金單位回購」)。基金單位回購構成場外交易,提供了以每個基金單位2.3810港元回購春泉產業信託基金單位的機遇,為春泉產業信託每個基金單位分派和每個基金單位資產淨值帶來裨益。本次基金單位回購的總代價約為1.5億港元。 春泉產業信託自 2020 年 8 月起進行場內基金單位回購,作為其持續資本管理策略的一部分。就此而言,基金單位回購向春泉產業信託提供一個機會,可以已知固定價格購回大量基金單位,否則需要很長時間方可購回,且回購價亦存在不確定性。管理人相信,本次基金單位回購提供了提高春泉產業信託單位持有人(「單位持有人」)回報的機會,並符合所有單位持有人的利益。基金單位回購的代價將通過現有債務融資項下的現金提款提供資金。 於基金單位回購完成後,回購基金單位將轉讓予管理人(為及代表春泉產業信託並以其管理人身份行事)並予以註銷。於回購基金單位被註銷後,所有其他單位持有人於已發行基金單位中的權益的百分比將按比例增加。 春泉資產管理有限公司行政總裁及執行董事梁國豪先生表示:「本次基金單位回購將為單位持有人提升收益率,使每個基金單位分派增加2.8%備註1和每個基金單位資產淨值增加2.2%備註2。我們相信此項交易是對資本的有效使用,亦清楚展現出我們對春泉產業信託的戰略、資產實力及長期增長潛力充滿信心。這項交易延續了我們一直以來為改善資本結構和提高財務業績所做的努力,體現了我們為單位持有人提供長期可持續回報的堅定決心。」 基金單位回購須符合相關條件,包括獨立單位持有人在特別大會上的批准。本公司謹訂於二零二三年六月二十三日下午四時正假座香港夏愨道18 號海富中心1 座2401-2 室舉行特別大會。BT Cayman Ltd.、其聯繫人及其一致行動人士,包括Spirit Cayman Ltd將於特別大會上提呈以批准基金單位回購及回購協議的決議案放棄投票。 有關交易的詳情,請透過以下連結參閱有關通函: http://www.springreit.com/zh-hk/announcements/index 備註 假設基金單位回購已於二零二二年一月一日進行且回購基金單位隨後註銷,根據春泉產業信託及其附屬公司 (「本集團」)截至二零二二年十二月三十一日止年度之經審核綜合損益表,估計基金單位回購將導致每個基金單位分派由由每個基金單位0.212 港元增至每個基金單位約0.218 港元,增加約2.8%。每個基金單位分派增加約2.8%,已計及與現有融資提款及發行基金單位總數減少相關的增量利息成本。  假設基金單位回購已於二零二二年十二月三十一日進行且回購基金單位相應註銷,根據本集團二零二二年十二月三十一日的經審核綜合財務狀況表,估計基金單位回購將導致單位持有人應佔每個基金單位資產淨值由每個基金單位約4.95 港元增至每個基金單位約5.06 港元,增加約2.2%。 關於春泉產業信託 (股份代號:1426) 春泉產業信託(「春泉產業信託」,股份代號:1426)為房地產投資信託,投資於可帶來收入的優質房地產項目。春泉產業信託在二零一三年十二月五日於香港聯合交易所上市,其物業組合由(i)於位處北京中心商業區的兩幢超甲級寫字樓,(ii)位於大灣區惠州的地標性購物商場華貿天地,及(iii)一項英國商業物業長期收入組合所構成。春泉產業信託旨在透過持有多元投資組合,投資能帶來收入之房地產項目,為單位持有人提供穩定的分派及可持續的長期增長潛力。 春泉產業信託的管理人為春泉資產管理有限公司,一家於香港註冊成立的公司。截至二零二二年十二月三十一日,管理人由Mercuria Holdings Co., Ltd.(「Mercuria Holdings」)擁有80.4%的股權,Mercuria Holdings為於東京證券交易所上市的投資控股公司(股份代號:7347),擁有如日本政策投資銀行、伊藤忠商事和三井住友信託控股公司等知名股東。  

文章來源 : PR Newswire 美通社 發表時間 : 瀏覽次數 : 4250 加入收藏 :
Spring REIT Announces Unit Buy-back

HONG KONG, May 25, 2023 /PRNewswire/ -- Spring Asset Management Limited (the "Manager"), manager of Spring Real Estate Investment Trust ("Spring REIT", stock code: 1426), today announced that it intends to repurchase approximately 4.23% of Spring REIT's total number of issued units as at the Latest Practicable Date (the "Unit Buy-back") beneficially owned by BT Cayman Ltd. (the "Buy-back Units"). The Unit Buy-back constitutes an off-market transaction and offers an opportunity to buy back the units of Spring REIT at a price of HK$2.3810 per unit, which is accretive to the distribution per unit ("DPU") and net asset value ("NAV") per unit of Spring REIT. The total consideration for the Unit Buy-back is approximately HK$150.6 million.  Spring REIT has been conducting on-market unit buy-back since August 2020 as part of its ongoing capital management strategy. In this regard, the Unit Buy-back represents an opportunity for Spring REIT to buy back a large block of units at a known fixed price which would otherwise require a pro-longed period to execute and with uncertainty on the buy-back prices. The Manager believes this Unit Buy-back is in the interest of all unitholders of Spring REIT (the "Unitholders") and it presents an opportunity to enhance returns to Unitholders. The consideration for the Unit Buy-back will be financed by cash drawdown under an existing debt facility. Upon completion of the Unit Buy-back, the Buy-back Units will be transferred to the Manager (acting in its capacity as manager for and on behalf of Spring REIT) and cancelled. The percentage interest of all other Unitholders in the issued units will therefore be proportionally increased upon cancellation of the Buy-back Units. Mr. Leung Kwok Hoe, Kevin, CEO and Executive Director of Spring Asset Management Limited said, "This Unit Buy-back will be yield accretive for Unitholders, increasing DPU by 2.8%Note 1 and NAV per unit by 2.2%Note 2. We believe it is an efficient use of capital and clearly demonstrates our confidence in Spring REIT's strategy, the strength of our assets, and their long-term growth potential. This transaction reaffirms and builds upon our long-standing efforts to optimize the capital structure and improve financial performance, epitomizing our strong commitment to delivering sustainable, long-term returns for Unitholders." The Unit Buy-back is subject to certain conditions including the approval from independent Unitholders at the extraordinary general meeting ("EGM"), which will be held at 4:00 p.m. on 23 June 2023 at Room 2401-2, One Admiralty Centre, 18 Harcourt Road, Hong Kong. BT Cayman Ltd., its associates and the parties acting in concert with it, including Spirit Cayman Ltd, will abstain from voting on the resolution to be proposed at the EGM. For more details about the transaction, please refer to the circular via the below link: http://www.springreit.com/en-us/announcements/index Notes 1.  Assuming the Unit Buy-back had taken place on 1 January 2022 and the Buy-back Units were cancelled subsequently, it is estimated that the Unit Buy-back would have resulted in an increase in DPU by approximately 2.8% from HK$0.212 per unit to approximately HK$0.218 per unit based on the audited consolidated income statement of Spring REIT and its subsidiaries (the "Group") for the year ended 31 December 2022. The increase in DPU by approximately 2.8% has taken into account the incremental interest cost regarding the drawdown of the existing debt facility and the decrease in the total number of units in issue. 2.  Assuming the Unit Buy-back had taken place on 31 December 2022 and the Buy-back Units were cancelled subsequently, it is estimated that the Unit Buy-back would have resulted in an increase in NAV per unit attributable to the Unitholders by approximately 2.2% from approximately HK$4.95 per unit to approximately HK$5.06 per unit based on the audited consolidated statement of financial position of the Group as at 31 December 2022. About Spring Real Estate Investment Trust (stock code: 1426) Spring Real Estate Investment Trust ("Spring REIT", stock code: 1426) is a real estate investment trust which invests in high quality income-producing real estate. Listed on 5 December 2013 on the Hong Kong Stock Exchange, Spring REIT's property portfolio comprises (i) two Premium Grade office buildings strategically located in the Central Business District of Beijing, (ii) a landmark shopping mall Huamao Place in Huizhou, Greater Bay Area, and (iii) a long-income portfolio of commercial properties in the United Kingdom. Spring REIT seeks to offer to Unitholders stable distributions and the potential for sustainable long-term growth through investing in a diversified portfolio of income-producing real estate. Spring REIT is managed by Spring Asset Management Limited, a company incorporated in Hong Kong. As at 31 December 2022, the Manager is 80.4 % owned by Mercuria Holdings Co., Ltd. ("Mercuria Holdings"), which is an investment holding company listed on the Tokyo Stock Exchange (Stock Code: 7347) with notable shareholders such as Development Bank of Japan, Itochu Corporation and Sumitomo Mitsui Trust Bank, Limited.

文章來源 : PR Newswire 美通社 發表時間 : 瀏覽次數 : 594 加入收藏 :
Return on Equity Soars to 21% as BRI Shares Hit All-Time High Again

JAKARTA, Indonesia, May 25, 2023 /PRNewswire/ -- PT Bank Rakyat Indonesia (BRI) Persero Tbk. (IDX: BBRI) has achieved a significant milestone, reaching its all-time high in share trading. This marks the highest value since its listing in 2003, demonstrating the company's pursuit of post-pandemic profitability, with a targeted return on equity (ROE) of 19% by 2025. Return on Equity Soars to 21% as BRI Shares Hit All-Time High Again On 19 May 2023, BRI achieved an all-time high with shares reaching IDR 5,400 per share, resulting in a market capitalization of IDR 818.4 trillion. The positive trend continued into the following week, as BRI shares exceeded IDR 5,500 per-share on 23 May 2023. BRI President Director Sunarso emphasized that this achievement signifies investors' acknowledgment of BRI's commitment to growth. The establishment of the Ultra-Micro (UMi) Holding through a rights issue in late 2021 has strengthened the company's capital. Additionally, this corporate action injected an additional IDR 41 trillion of capital from investors. "Our capital adequacy ratio (CAR) is 25.1%. This puts pressure on the ROE, causing it to be lower because the capital has increased. This is one of the reasons why BRI shares traded below IDR 5,000 last year," explained Sunarso. As BRI focuses on the MSME segment, the company faces a distinct challenge. "The primary obstacle lies in effectively leveraging its capital. Thus, BRI's main challenge is to leverage its capital through three things: growth, growth, and growth." Two years since the rights issue and the establishment of the UMi Holding, BRI has proven its ability to grow. Currently, BRI's CAR is considered adequate at 24.9%. At the same time, BRI was able to deliver a return on equity of 21.18% in Q1 2023. Concluding his remarks, Sunarso stated, "I do not believe there is any bank worldwide that can achieve a CAR of 25% while simultaneously attaining a ROE of 21%. Our commitment lies in sustaining continuous growth, and I consider that to be the key." As an overview, BRI's ROE was approximately 20% before the pandemic hit in 2019. It experienced a temporary decline, dropping below 15% in 2020. However, BRI's ROE rose to 17.22%in Q1 2022 and further increased to 21.18% in Q1 2023. More information about BRI can be accessed at www.bri.co.id.  

文章來源 : PR Newswire 美通社 發表時間 : 瀏覽次數 : 384 加入收藏 :
新訴訟:超豪華跑車品牌 De Tomaso 復興計劃遭詐騙計劃破壞

Boies Schiller 代表汽車製造商前高層針對一位香港金融家提出訴訟 紐約2023年5月25日 /美通社/ -- 今日一項在紐約聯邦法院提出的新訴訟針對被告 De Tomaso Automobili Holdings N.A. LLC 及其大股東 Sung-Fung "Norman" Choi 等人,訴訟將在限量版、獨家和價值數百萬美元的超級跑車領域引起巨大反響。由 Boies Schiller Flexner LLP 代表的原告 Ryan Berris 指控,他雖然被 Choi 招攬來助 De Tomaso 品牌恢復昔日作為知名豪華製造商的輝煌,但最終他被 Choi 欺騙及被迫交出共同擁有人、行政總裁和市場總監的職位,讓 Choi 可以為其詐騙計劃做準備。 世界一流豪華跑車製造商 De Tomaso 的復興是頂級跑車業界在過去十年其中一個最引人注目的故事。這次復興由兩人帶領:Ryan Berris 和 Norman Choi。Berris 是知名的頂級豪華汽車品牌開發和市場營銷專家,他擁有豐富的行業專業知識,龐大的工匠、設計師、工程師和行家網絡,這些對重新推出 De Tomaso 至關重要。Choi 據稱是一位香港金融家,曾試圖透過購買倒閉品牌來進入汽車企業,但發現自己無法執行,直到他遇到了 Berris。 Berris 表示:「我全心全意復興 De Tomaso,打造世上其中一款最經典的超級跑車,並為他人提供機會。我助力讓 De Tomaso 在全球取得成功,卻發現自己的創業精神和努力被人利用,同時這一傳統品牌在被行為惡劣的人掠奪。」 Berris 的真誠和不懈努力,令 De Tomaso 品牌(以及其旗艦車款 P72)的復興在國際間取得巨大成功,他獲得了高知名度的技術合作夥伴和策略性人才榮譽,亦成功建立超額訂單,客戶皆擁有出色品味。不過,Berris 指控 De Tomaso 的真正潛力被 Choi 的多次財務不當行為所破壞。據指控,Choi 一心試圖透過欺詐性 SPAC 程序讓公司上市,他開始背著 Berris 走捷徑,捏造虛假財務報表,並欺騙那些已經為 De Tomaso 車輛支付了大筆訂金而且無法退款的高端客戶。 Boies Schiller Flexner LLP 的律師 John T. Zach 表示:「Ryan Berris 幾乎獨力將 De Tomaso 復興成世界一流的高性能汽車製造商,令這家公司擁有一批令人羨慕的代言人和客戶,以及超過十億美元的估值,但他只獲得了應得報酬的一小部分,而且最終被迫離開公司。這項控訴指稱這是 Norman Choi 等人的欺詐計劃之一部分,該計劃旨在操縱公司的價值,進行一系列非常規交易,然後套現。」 當 Berris 逐漸得悉 Choi 別有用心的動機時,他與 Choi 對質,並明確表示 Choi 正在破壞 Berris 對 De Tomaso 所作出的努力。更糟糕的是,根據控訴中所述,Choi 欺騙了公司的客戶,生產出不符合銷售條款的產品。訴訟聲稱 Choi 並沒有解決這些問題,反而與他人聯手解僱 Berris,並威脅 Berris 如果他將所知的 De Tomaso 目前情況對外泄漏,就會遭到報復。 Berris 補充道:「如同這次訴訟清楚表明的那樣,被告利用我的行業知識、寶貴的人脈關係和市場營銷專業知識,掩蓋他們的真正企圖,那就是獲取欺詐得來的暴利,即使這意味著玷污 De Tomaso 品牌聲譽也在所不惜。」 Berris 曾在 Scuderia Cameron Glickenhaus (SCG) 工作多年,其後協助讓 Apollo Automobil 成為領先的超級跑車品牌,他當時準備在 De Tomaso 繼續向上爬升。Berris 聲稱,Choi 不顧後果的行為破壞了經改造的 De Tomaso 品牌之核心優勢:優質工藝和設計,而且 Choi 從未打算適當地投資公司的增長,他只想以人為方式抬高公司估值,並從欺詐計劃中獲利。  這次訴訟是 Berris 為了揭露 Choi 的欺詐行為並保護 De Tomaso 品牌及其客戶之行動。 此案編號為 Ryan Berris v. De Tomaso Automobili Holdings N.A. LLC, et. al.;案件編號為 1:23-cv-04305,由美國紐約南區聯邦地區法院審理。Boies Schiller Flexner LLP 的 John Zach 和 David Simons 擔任 Berris 的律師。 關於 Boies Schiller Flexner Boies Schiller Flexner LLP (www.bsfllp.com) 是一家國際知名的訴訟律師、危機管理及策略顧問事務所,因為以富有創意、積極和高效率的方式為客戶追求成功以聞名。我們的律師為世界各地多家極為複雜的公司提供服務,擁有在各種情況和行業中幫助許多複雜、具開創性和跨境事務案件勝訴的佳績。  

文章來源 : PR Newswire 美通社 發表時間 : 瀏覽次數 : 4627 加入收藏 :
2024 年 11 月 10 日 (星期日) 農曆十月初十日
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