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華盛:全球多雲環境下的證券數據中台建設 賦能金融科技創新

香港2023年5月30日 /美通社/ --「華盛將結合香港專業的金融優勢與內地的科技研發實力,在華盛獨有的證券大數據中台架構的基礎上,進一步降低證券行業的運營成本,打造高質高效的科技金融數據解決方案。在未來,我們華盛將會在人工智慧、區塊鏈、雲計算、大數據等前沿科技方面對金融行業持續開展探索,助力金融業的數位化轉型及創新發展。」華盛集團CIO黃曙光作為行業領域專家,受邀在2023金證科技節作了主題為《全球多雲環境下的證券數據中台建設》的分享。 近日,以「數智金融·向新而行」為主題的 2023 金證科技節在重慶融創國際會議中心隆重舉辦。本屆金證科技節邀請了證券、資管、銀行、信託、信創等領域的百餘名專家,及千餘位業界嘉賓齊聚一堂,共同分享數智和科技的話題,探討行業發展未來。 華盛集團作為領先的科技金融綜合性企業,其立足於香港地區的華盛証券,是香港持牌券商(中央編號:AUL711),持有香港證監會授予的1、2、4、5、9號牌照,為全球數百萬零售個人、機構及企業客戶提供高效、精確、全面、優質的科技金融服務。 在人工智慧、區塊鏈、雲計算、大數據等前沿科技推動下,傳統券商迫切希望通過數位化轉型時,華盛証券為代表的科技金融券商顯得遊刃有餘。華盛証券立足於國際金融中心的香港,積累得天獨厚的金融優勢,在2016年成立之初,便已提前多年在內地組建了產品技術研發團隊,這讓華盛証券的基因裏帶有科技金融屬性,兩地優勢一結合,讓華盛証券以科技金融券商領頭羊的身份在香港眾多的傳統券商中脫穎而出,改變了香港傳統繁瑣的證券金融投資流程,讓用戶隨時隨地、高效便捷地參與到金融活動中來,也因此為華盛集團全球化的佈局,賦能全球科技金融提供了範本。 「提升研發效率,並使之賦能業務,形成華盛集團獨有的證券數據中台構架建設」黃曙光在分享中提到。隨著集團全球化戰略的發展、不同市場的拓展開發,會面臨著按需開發時橫向部署能力不是很強、服務複用度不高;數據模型及其架構的標注化;存儲的安全性;維護成本較大,等等問題及技術挑戰,這也是眾多金融機構在數位化轉型後,多雲數據化環境下所面臨的問題,對此,黃曙光提出全球多雲環境下的證券數據中台建設方案,將解決多雲數據化環境下的這些問題,以提升研發效率和賦能業務發展。 那如何實現「提升研發效率和賦能業務發展」的目標呢?華盛証券作為前驅之師,積累了豐富的數位化技術經驗,為華盛集團的全球佈局提供了堅實的數據中台建設基礎。華盛從統一技術底座、統一開發框架、統一數倉、統一服務等四個方面出發,從而使基建從私有雲進階到混合雲、進而發展到全球混合雲;降低了開發門檻;建設了金融級別的數據倉庫標準、數據規範、減少數據衝突、提高數據開發效率;還建立了支持綜合服務的平台,提升數據交付效率。這四個方面執行後所實現的效果是顯著的,也促使我們構建了開發平台提升研發效率。 那在解決了技術問題,華盛又是如何在全球多雲環境下如何賦能業務?這涉及的四個關鍵點,分別是:BI平台、AI能力、數據品質、數據安全。受益於上述的華盛大數據開發平台建設,華盛通過BI+AI提供標準的用戶生命週期管理,成功提升運營效率。其中,在數據安全方面,黃曙光特別提到,「在數據合規性⽐較完善的業務拓展需求的⽀持雲上存儲,面對需要在⾃⼰建設的IDC機房進⾏存儲有強訴求時,雲⼚商的選擇成為我們的是否滿⾜合規性的第⼀要素的考量,還有就是在數據⾃身存儲敏感性問題上,我們要對敏感級別較⾼的字段,⽐如'姓名、年齡及其聯繫⽅式'要做十分嚴格的合規性脫敏管理,以保障數據即使丟失也⽆法訪問,做到數據敏感度分類,分級管理,以確保數據資訊安全。」 通過開發平台的構建,和基於BI平台、AI能力、數據品質、數據安全下賦能業務平台的構建,華盛提供了全球多雲環境下的證券數據中台建設的最佳解決方案。 走在前沿的科技金融券商,自然離不開華盛的核心技術團隊的實力加持,這支團隊自2008年建立,對開發和運營大用戶量級的移動互聯網產品擁有豐富的經驗和深厚的技術積累。整個團隊在「讓投資更清晰」企業理念的引導下,華盛的每一項研發迭代創新,都帶著為用戶提供清晰地發現機會、清晰地認識機會、清晰地把握機會、清晰地回顧機會的願景,為用戶提供高質量金融增值服務,滿足用戶多元化的投資需求,助力更多用戶連接全球市場金融新機遇。 以科技金融券商華盛証券為起點,華盛集團構建的全球多雲環境下的證券數據中台建設解決方案無疑將成為科技金融行業中的先鋒旗艦,賦能券商行業金融數位化轉型,進一步促進全球科技金融行業的發展。

文章來源 : PR Newswire 美通社 發表時間 : 瀏覽次數 : 3527 加入收藏 :
Sun Pharma and Philogen enter into an Exclusive Distribution, License, and Supply Agreement for Commercializing specialty product, NIDLEGY™ in Europe, Australia and New Zealand

MUMBAI, India and SIENA, Italy, May 30, 2023 /PRNewswire/ -- Sun Pharmaceutical Industries Limited (Reuters: SUN.BO), (Bloomberg: SUNP IN), (NSE: SUNPHARMA), (BSE: 524715) (together with its subsidiaries and/or associated companies, "Sun Pharma") and Philogen S.p.A (BIT: PHIL) today announced that they have entered into a licensing agreement for commercializing Philogen's specialty product, Nidlegy™ (Daromun) in the territories of Europe, Australia and New Zealand. Nidlegy™, currently in Phase III clinical trials, is a new anti-cancer biopharmaceutical which is being developed by Philogen for the treatment of melanoma and non-melanoma skin cancers. Under the terms of the agreement, Sun Pharma will have exclusive rights to commercialise Nidlegy™ for indications of skin cancers in the territories of Europe, Australia and New Zealand. Philogen will complete pivotal clinical trials for the product in Europe, pursue Marketing Authorization with the regulatory authorities and manufacture commercial supplies. Sun Pharma will be responsible for commercialization activities. The two partner companies will share post-commercialization economics in about 50:50 ratio. Other financial terms were not disclosed. Philogen will retain the IP rights for Nidlegy™ for other territories and indications other than skin cancers. Hellen De Kloet, Business Head - Western Europe and ANZ, Sun Pharma, said, "We are delighted to partner with Philogen for Nidlegy™, a close to market, new immunotherapy treatment in skin cancers. This collaboration is in line with our goal to bring innovative products to patients. With the expected addition of Nidlegy™ to our existing Odomzo™ franchise, we will be well-positioned to provide patient solutions across a broad spectrum of skin cancers in various disease stages." Prof. Dr. Dario Neri, CEO and CSO of Philogen, commented: "We are pleased to establish a collaboration with Sun Pharma, a leading global pharmaceutical company, in the onco-dermatology space. This collaboration will focus on the commercialization of Nidlegy™, a new immunotherapy that brings promise to improve the therapeutic options for patients suffering from melanoma and non-melanoma skin cancers, high-risk conditions with unmet medical need. Both companies are committed to the development and commercialization of Nidlegy™ making it widely available to patients who may benefit from it." About Nidlegy™ (Daromun) Nidlegy™ is a biopharmaceutical product, proprietary to Philogen, designed for the treatment of skin cancer. It consists of two active ingredients, L19IL2 and L19TNF which are manufactured independently, and which are mixed prior to intralesional administration. The L19 antibody is specific to the Extra Domain B of Fibronectin, a protein expressed in tumors (and other diseases) but absent in most healthy tissues. Interleukin 2 (IL2) and Tumor Necrosis Factor (TNF) are pro-inflammatory cytokines with anti-tumor activity. Nidlegy™ is currently being investigated in two Phase III clinical trials for the treatment of locally advanced melanoma, and in Phase II clinical trials for the treatment of High-Risk Basal Cell Carcinoma and other non-melanoma skin cancers. About Sun Pharmaceutical Industries Ltd. (CIN - L24230GJ1993PLC019050) Sun Pharma is the world's fourth largest specialty generic pharmaceutical company and India's top pharmaceutical company. A vertically integrated business and a skilled team enables it to deliver high-quality products, trusted by customers and patients in over 100 countries across the world, at affordable prices. Its global presence is supported by manufacturing facilities spread across 6 continents and approved by multiple regulatory agencies, coupled with a multi- cultural workforce comprising over 50 nationalities. Sun Pharma fosters excellence through innovation supported by strong R&D capabilities across multiple R&D centers, with investments of approximately 7% of annual revenues in R&D. For further information, please visit www.sunpharma.com & follow us on Twitter @SunPharma_Live About Philogen group Philogen is an Italian-Swiss company active in the biotechnology sector, specialized in the research and development of pharmaceutical products for the treatment of highly lethal diseases. The Group mainly discovers and develops targeted anticancer drugs, exploiting high-affinity ligands for tumor markers (also called tumor antigens). These ligands - human monoclonal antibodies or small organic molecules - are identified using Antibody Phage Display Libraries and DNA-Encoded Chemical Library technologies. The Group's main therapeutic strategy for the treatment of these diseases is represented by the so-called tumor targeting. This approach is based on the use of ligands capable of selectively delivering very potent therapeutic active ingredients (such as pro-inflammatory cytokines) to the tumor mass, sparing healthy tissues. Over the years, Philogen has mainly developed monoclonal antibody-based ligands that are specific for antigens expressed in tumor-associated blood vessels, but not expressed in blood vessels associated with healthy tissues. These antigens are usually more abundant and more stable than those expressed directly on the surface of tumor cells. This approach, so called vascular targeting, is used for most of the projects pursued by the Group.   The Group's objective is to generate, develop and market innovative products for the treatment of diseases for which medical science has not yet identified satisfactory therapies. This is achieved by exploiting (i) proprietary technologies for the isolation of ligands that react with antigens present in certain diseases, (ii) experience in the development of products targeted at the tissues affected by the disease, (iii) experience in drug manufacturing and development, and (iv) an extensive portfolio of patents and intellectual property rights. Although the Group's drugs are primarily oncology applications, the targeting approach is also potentially applicable to other diseases, such as certain chronic inflammatory diseases.  

文章來源 : PR Newswire 美通社 發表時間 : 瀏覽次數 : 400 加入收藏 :
Leading Occasion and Bridalwear ERetailer, JJ's House, Expands into Ready-to-Wear with Summer Dress Collection

NEW YORK, May 30, 2023 /PRNewswire/ --  JJ's House, the renowned online destination for wedding, occasion, prom, and party dresses, is thrilled to announce its expansion into ready-to-wear fashion with an exciting new Summer Dress Collection. The collection captures the essence of summer, carefree vacations, and the beauty of the ocean and beach, offering women aged 25-45 an irresistible selection of stylish and affordable dailywear designs. Drawing inspiration from this season's trending colors, JJ's House Summer Dress Collection includes bright summer greens and pinks, with embellishing shades such as butter yellow, powder blue, and electric violet. For those seeking a classic nautical vibe, the range also offers timeless white, navy, and blue options. The collection's captivating floral prints are a key selling point, available in refreshing light colors, bold and saturated hues, and timeless vintage styles. The range also includes design details to suit various tastes and preferences, from charming tassels and intricate hollowed-out designs to playful frills and elegant ruffles. The A-line silhouette takes center stage, flattering for every body type. Floral Print V-Neck Vacation A-line Polyester Ankle-Length Dresses US$ 36.00 JJ's House understands the importance of convenience and accessibility in summer, so all dresses and jumpsuits in this collection are ready-to-wear. Breathable fabrics such as linen and cotton heavily feature, guaranteeing comfort and style. "Our expansion into ready-to-wear fashion marks an exciting new chapter for JJ's House," says Dylan Ma, Marketing Director of JJ's House. "We are delighted to offer our valued customers a diverse range of summer dresses that capture the season's spirit. With our focus on vibrant colors, floral prints, and light and simple styles, we aim to provide women with fashionable choices that effortlessly enhance their summer wardrobe," says Sarah Liu, Chief Designer with JJ's House. The Summer Dress Collection by JJ's House is available at highly affordable prices, with most styles ranging between $35 and $45. Customers can explore the collection and conveniently purchase through the JJ's House website. About JJ's House Founded in 2010, JJ's House is a leading global online retailer offering an unrivaled range of dresses made from quality materials at affordable prices, with exceptional customer service.  At JJ's House, we understand the excitement and anticipation of finding the perfect dress for weddings, proms, parties, or other special occasions.  And with over 2,000 different types of dresses in regular, petite and plus sizes, we are dedicated to offering our customers silhouettes and styles designed to make them feel beautiful and help them create lasting memories of their significant occasions. For more information please:Contact: press@jjshouse.comVisit: www.jjshouse.comFollow on Instagram: @jjshouseofficial

文章來源 : PR Newswire 美通社 發表時間 : 瀏覽次數 : 416 加入收藏 :
LILYSILK Shines on Celebrities at the 2023 Cannes Film Festival

NEW YORK, May 30, 2023 /PRNewswire/ -- LILYSILK, the world's leading silk brand with a mission to inspire people to live better, sustainable lives, continues to make waves in the world of fashion, as its Glossy Silk Mini Robes stole the spotlight at the 2023 Cannes Film Festival held from May 17-27. Prominent celebrities opted for the allure of LILYSILK, adorning themselves with the Glossy Silk Mini Robes during the world's most famous film festival. American supermodel and TV personality Gigi Hadid recently was spotted in a series of pictures that surfaced on Instagram, showcasing herself wearing the robe while preparing for the Cannes Film Festival. The stunning images capture her presence on a balcony against the backdrop of a picturesque sea view. Likewise, Italian actress Simona Tabasco, renowned for her role in the HBO series The White Lotus, posted a short video on her Instagram wearing the luxurious LILYSILK robe as she prepared for the Cannes Film Festival red carpet. The video was also featured in Vanity Fair magazine. Gigi Hadid was spotted to wear LILYSILK Glossy Silk Mini Robe "It is a great honor to witness the repeated presence of LILYSILK on beloved celebrities at iconic events like the Cannes Film Festival. With its growing popularity among celebrities and fashion enthusiasts alike, LILYSILK continues redefining luxury and comfort in the world of fashion," said David Wang, CEO of LILYSILK. "We aim to inspire people to embrace a better lifestyle, and this continues to motivate our designers to push the boundaries of fashion while ensuring utmost comfort." Experience the epitome of luxury and elegance with the Glossy Silk Mini Robe Crafted from 100% Grade 6A Mulberry Silk, this robe offers a skin-friendly and breathable experience like no other. The 22 Momme Charmeuse Silk fabric gives it a glossy, smooth, and soft texture that feels incredibly indulgent. Designed with a slightly dropped shoulder, a matching belt, and a relaxed fit, this robe exudes effortless style and comfort. The Glossy Silk Mini Robe has become the go-to choice for celebrities when it comes to feeling glamorous before significant events. Celebrities such as Madelyn Cline and Maude Apatow were seen wearing their silk robes as they got glammed up for the memorable 2023 Met Gala. This is not the first time celebrities have adorned LILYSILK attire on big occasions. Acclaimed Hollywood stars such as Anne Hathaway and Kristen Stewart have also been spotted wearing LILYSILK at various glitzy events.

文章來源 : PR Newswire 美通社 發表時間 : 瀏覽次數 : 537 加入收藏 :
創多項歷史紀錄 -- 2023第25屆中國國際焙烤展覽會圓滿收官

上海2023年5月30日 /美通社/ -- 2023年5月25日,為期4天的第25屆中國國際焙烤展覽會(Bakery China)在上海虹橋國家會展中心圓滿閉幕。 中國國際焙烤展覽會(Bakery China)由中國焙烤食品糖制品工業協會與北京貝克瑞會展服務有限責任公司共同主辦。展會創始於1997年,每年在上海舉辦一屆,是服務於焙烤行業全產業鏈的亞太優選國際商貿展覽平台,是全球規模領先的焙烤產品與服務展覽會。 本屆展會正式喬遷新址 -- 上海虹橋國家會展中心,總展出面積近28萬平方米,規模較往屆峰值增長超過30%。來自全球近30個國家和地區的2000+焙烤供應鏈品牌企業展出超20類細分主題產品及上萬款新品,其中超過20%的國際企業與品牌來自於德國、法國、意大利、美國、比利時、荷蘭、瑞士、奧地利、瑞典、丹麥、芬蘭、愛爾蘭、澳大利亞、加拿大、日本、韓國、泰國、馬來西亞、土耳其、新加坡等焙烤行業強國。四天展會吸引了來自全球109個國家和地區的38萬多人次的專業觀眾,共同見證這場專業性、國際性、創新性、前瞻性的商貿與思想盛會,充分展現了經濟穩健復蘇、市場顯著提振、以及行業欣欣向榮的澎湃動能。 展會同期還舉辦了上百場論壇、賽事、演示、沙龍等精彩活動,匯聚交融全球化的創新資源、產業資源、人才資源和信息資源,串聯覆蓋預制烘焙、健康烘焙、焙烤新國潮、焙烤+、焙烤主餐、鄉村振興、私房創業、青年企業家、她力量等行業熱點。本屆Bakery China展會期間,國家級職業技能大賽以及各類國際專業賽事同期舉行,包括世界巧克力大師賽中國選拔賽、路易樂斯福杯中國區選拔賽、世界面包大賽中國區選拔賽、世界西點錦標賽中國區選拔賽等為行業挖掘和培養優秀技能人才,推動焙烤食品行業持續高質量發展。在展會現場還舉辦了中國國際焙烤展創新獎(Bakery China Innovation Award)頒獎活動,以Bakery China品牌之力表彰行業創新之力。 Bakery China 作為數字化時代的踐行者,全新升級的「焙烤商貿雲平台(iBakeryChina)」依托中國國際焙烤展(Bakery China)積累的海量供應鏈上下游資源,已整合了行業3000余家優質供應商,匯聚超過50萬的精准產業鏈中下游用戶和數萬SKU新品,致力為行業打造集商貿對接、產業創新、交流學習、趨勢洞察、展會服務於一體的焙烤行業線上平台。 歷經25屆的積澱與發展,Bakery China始終以助力行業發展為己任,始終與行業發展同頻共振。Bakery China感恩所有一路同行的行業同仁,並將一如既往陪伴行業共同發展。 2023年10月12-14日第8屆中國國際焙烤秋季展&第6屆中國家庭烘焙用品展,2024年5月21-24日第26屆中國國際焙烤展,期待與行業同仁在上海虹橋國家會展中心精彩再會。

文章來源 : PR Newswire 美通社 發表時間 : 瀏覽次數 : 3792 加入收藏 :
BLUETTI AC200P Remains a Popular Choice for Mobile Power Needs in 2023

LAS VEGAS, May 30, 2023 /PRNewswire/ -- The AC200P power station, made by BLUETTI, a leading provider of portable power solutions, continues to be a top choice for outdoor enthusiasts and homeowners alike even three years after its initial release. With a 2,000W inverter, a 2,000Wh LiFePO4 battery, 7 charging methods, and 17 outlets, the AC200P meets the power needs of users in nearly all scenarios, whether indoors or outdoors. Great mobile power What makes the AC200P stand out among competitors is its great capabilities. The AC200P with 2,000W output (4,800W surge) can power various outdoor activities such as camping, RVing, and boating. During power outages, the AC200P is a lifesaver, keeping critical appliances running, such as medical equipment, working devices, refrigerators, and lights, giving users peace of mind at all times. Durable and expandable battery The AC200P also features a durable LiFePO4 battery that is a safer, longer-lasting, and more eco-friendly battery type than the Lithium-ion variation. At over 3,500 charge cycles, the AC200P outlasts its competitors' Lithium models with around 500 cycles. Moreover, the AC200P offers expandable capacity, with the ability to connect additional batteries, such as the B230 or B300 expansion battery pack, to increase its capacity to 4,048Wh and 5,072Wh, respectively. This feature is particularly useful for longer trips, glamping, overlanding, prolonged power outages, or whenever extra power is needed. Multiple charging methods BLUETTI AC200P offers various charging options, either separately or in combination. The AC200P supports up to 1,200W dual AC+Solar input, or 1000W dual AC input with optional T400 or T500 adapters at a low cost. With a max 700W solar input when connected with BLUETTI PV200, PV350, or other brand solar panels, the AC200P can offer endless solar energy on the move. It can maximize the Sun's rays at 1,200W if there is a D050S charging enhancer plugged into solar panels for an additional 500W. Cost-effective solar solution Supporting a more durable battery and many useful features, the AC200P is also more budget-friendly than other brands that provide around 2 kWh capacity. BLUETTI's recent offerings of special solar generator kits, AC200P with either PV420 or PV350 solar panels, even provide a more favorable chance to go solar. About BLUETTI BLUETTI has been committed to promoting sustainability and green energy solutions since its inception. By offering eco-friendly energy storage solutions for both indoor and outdoor use, BLUETTI aims to provide exceptional experiences for our homes while also contributing to a sustainable future for our planet. This commitment to sustainable energy has helped BLUETTI expand its reach to over 100 countries and gain the trust of millions of customers worldwide.

文章來源 : PR Newswire 美通社 發表時間 : 瀏覽次數 : 620 加入收藏 :
2024 年 11 月 13 日 (星期三) 農曆十月十三日
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