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JLR 將利用 Tata Communications MOVE™ 增強下一代汽車互聯能力 讓駕駛者即使身處 120 個國家中最偏遠的地區,仍能保持連線,並提供即時車輛定位服務、更智能的駕駛體驗以及更頻繁的軟件無線更新 (SOTA) 此項合作是 JLR 更廣泛創新策略的一部分,旨在為其車輛建立通用連接,並為其客戶提供持續發展的人工智能驅動數碼功能及服務 印度孟買2025年1月17日 /美通社/ -- JLR 和 Tata Communications 將強化 JLR 的互聯汽車生態系統,透過 Tata Communications MOVE™ 平台顛覆全球客戶的駕駛體驗。 這項合作將促進 JLR 發展下一代軟件定義汽車,即使在 120 個國家中最偏遠的地區,亦能持續連接並使用智能服務。最新的合作是他們現有的合作夥伴關係的延伸,確保汽車製造商的未來數碼轉型。 Image depicts a JLR car 透過利用 Tata Communications MOVE™,JLR 基於全新電動模組化架構 (EMA) 打造了即將推出的中型 SUV,此新車型將可在不同流動網絡及營運商之間無縫切換,實現不間斷地使用媒體串流等個人化連接服務。該平台亦將實現 JLR 及其客戶車輛之間更大規模、更安全的數據交換,從而提供更高效的軟件無線更新 (SOTA),並支援不斷發展的高階駕駛輔助系統 (ADAS) 的推出。 JLR 的互聯車隊每天產生 2.5 太字元 (TB) 的數據,過去 12 個月平均每月更新五十萬個電子控制單元 (ECU)。使用 Tata Communications MOVE™ 平台將會增加此類數據的交換,並使 JLR 的工程師能夠獲取更深入的見解、即時監測車輛表現,以及實現更及時的無線更新,繼而改善車輛維護及保養,降低車主及 JLR 的成本。 預計於 2026 年面世的高階車輛,將提供更智能及更智慧的駕駛體驗。 Tata Communications MOVE™ 的引入將為 JLR 客戶提供: 具備強韌的無線通訊技術,以協助在最嚴苛的環境下追蹤車輛 透過無線傳輸方式提供更多及更頻繁的車輛軟件更新,以改善車輛診斷及更新 度身訂造的連接服務將令客戶及其家人,無論身處世界何地,都能與他們喜愛的應用程式及車輛功能保持聯繫 透過單一供應商即可使用的簡化且輕鬆的連接方案 Tata Communications MOVE ™ 副總裁兼全球主管 Marco Bijvelds 表示:「汽車行業正在不斷創新,以滿足變化萬千的客戶需求。去年,我們的數碼網狀架構能夠在全球 JLR 所有生產站間實現無縫連接。作為我們加強合作的一部分,我們現正於全球範圍內推動 JLR 的軟件定義汽車發展進程,並協助他們在其車輛中提供高階駕駛功能。透過我們的平台進行數據交換所獲得的洞察,將使 JLR 能夠提供個人化的客戶體驗,並開闢新的收入來源」。 JLR 數碼產品平台外機板總監 Mark Brogden 表示:「JLR 於 2020 年作為首家豪華汽車製造商率先推出 Defender,採用了雙模組、雙 eSIM 設計以提升連接性。與 Tata Communications 的合作是我們軟件定義汽車發展歷程的下一步,於 120 個國家/地區提供高度安全且具成本效益的數據連接。由 2026 年起,透過我們的新一代中型豪華 SUV,Tata Communications MOVE™ 旨在為我們的客戶提供持續的連接體驗,並籍無線傳輸方式提供各項功能及新的軟件更新,以滿足我們尊貴客戶群的期望」。 Tata Communications 媒體聯絡人: Judhajit Basujudhajit.basu@tatacommunications.com Aastha Singhaastha.singh2@tatacommunications.com JLR 媒體聯絡人:David Wrottesleydwrottes@jaguarlandrover.com Francis Robertson Marriottfrobert4@jaguarlandrover.com 關於 JLR JLR 的 Reimagine 戰略以設計為導向為現代豪華車提供了蘊含豐富可持續性理念的願景。 我們正在努力實現業務轉型,力爭 2039 年實現供應鏈、產品和營運的零碳排放。我們已經制定了一個路線圖,透過經驗證的、以科學為基礎的目標,到 2030 年減少我們自身營運和價值鏈中的碳排放。電動化是這項戰略的重點,在這個十年結束之前,我們的 Range Rover、Discovery 和 Defender 三大系列將各推出一款純電動車型,而 Jaguar 將完全採用電動車型。 作為一家英國公司,我們在英國擁有兩個設計和工程基地、三個汽車製造廠、一個引擎製造中心和一個電池組裝中心。我們還在中國(合資)、斯洛伐克、印度和巴西設有汽車製造廠,在全球設立了七個技術中心。JLR 是 Tata Sons 旗下 Tata Motors Limited 的全資子公司。 關於 Tata Communications Tata Group 附屬公司 Tata Communications(印度國家證券交易所代碼:TATACOMM)(BSE 股票代碼:500483)是全球數碼生態系統推動者,現今已在逾 190 個國家和地區推動快速增長的數碼經濟。公司以信任為先導,憑藉協作和連結解決方案、核心和下一代連結、雲端託管、安全解決方案與媒體服務,以實現全球企業的數碼轉型。《財富》雜誌 500 強企業中有 300 間都是其客戶,而公司協助各企業與全球 80% 的雲端巨頭連線。如欲了解更多資訊,請瀏覽 www.tatacommunications.com 前瞻性和警示性陳述 本新聞稿中有關 Tata Communications 及其前景的某些字詞和陳述,以及其他陳述(包括與 Tata Communications 預期財務狀況、業務策略、Tata Communications 業務的未來發展以及印度整體經濟相關的聲明),均為前瞻性陳述。這些陳述涉及已知和未知的風險、不確定性和其他因素,包括財務、監管和環境,以及與行業增長和趨勢預測有關的因素,這些可能導致 Tata Communications 的實際結果、業績或成就,或行業結果,與此類前瞻性陳述所表達或暗示的結果存在重大差異。可能導致實際結果、業績或成就與此類前瞻性陳述存在重大差異的重要因素其中包括:未能增加 Tata Communications 網絡流量;未能開發滿足客戶需求和產生可接受利潤率的新產品和服務;未能成功對新技術和資訊系統完成商業測試以支援新產品和服務,包括語音傳輸服務;無法穩定或降低公司某些通訊服務的價格壓縮速率;未能整合印度政府政策或法規的策略性收購和變化,特別是與 Tata Communications 行業行政有關的變更;以及印度的整體經濟、商業與信貸條件。可能導致實際結果、績效或成就與此類前瞻性陳述存在重大差異的其他額外因素,其中許多不在 Tata Communications 的控制範圍,包括但不限於 Tata Communications Limited 年度報告中討論的風險因素。 Tata Communications Limited 的年度報告載於 www.tatacommunications.com。Tata Communications 無義務,且明確表示不承擔更新或更改其前瞻性陳述的任何義務。 © 2025 Tata Communications Ltd. 保留所有權利。 TATA COMMUNICATIONS 和 TATA 是 Tata Sons Private Limited 在印度和某些國家或地區的商標或註冊商標。
GUANGZHOU, China, Jan. 17, 2025 /PRNewswire/ -- In accordance with the government work report that the governor of Guangdong province delivered at the Third Session of the 14th Guangdong Provincial People's Congress on January 15, 2025, the province's GDP was estimated to surpass 14 trillion yuan in 2024, ranking first in China for 36 consecutive years, and its total imports and exports increased by 9.8% year-on-year to exceed 9 trillion yuan, both hitting a new record. The Guangdong-Macao In-depth Cooperation Zone in Hengqin, a new hub for Guangdong to promote the development of the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area In 2024, the two sessions of Canton Fair in spring and autumn attracted about 500,000 overseas purchasers, a record high. Guangzhou and Shenzhen were selected as pilot cities to allow the establishment of wholly foreign-owned hospitals. Amazon Global Selling opened its first innovation center for the Asia-Pacific region in Qianhai Shenzhen-Hong Kong Modern Service Industry Cooperation Zone, Shenzhen, aiming to help more Chinese e-commerce enterprises go global. Thanks to the strong industrial development of the province, especially manufacturing, "Made in Guangdong" stood out in the global market. As the domestic real estate sector went through an in-depth adjustment, Guangdong's manufacturing industry still maintained steady growth, effectively filling the economic gap caused by the former, and further consolidating the foundation of real economy. In 2024, the added value of industrial enterprises above the designated size in Guangdong increased by 4.2% YoY, and the industrial sector contributed about 50% of the province's GDP growth. In Guangdong, industry and technology are reinforcing each other, and new quality productive forces are springing up with great vitality. The province's research and development investment intensity is about 3.6%, and it is home to about 77,000 high-tech enterprises, and six national manufacturing innovation centers. Guangdong has ranked first nationwide for eight consecutive years in terms of comprehensive capacity of regional innovation, and the Shenzhen-Hong Kong-Guangzhou science and technology cluster has ranked second worldwide for five consecutive years. At present, Guangdong's economic aggregate accounts for about one tenth of the national total, and its industrial scale accounts for about one eighth of the national total. The 4.2% YoY increase in the added value of industrial enterprises above the designated size in Guangdong has provided strong support for the stability of the industrial foundation of the country. In 2024, one out of every four new energy vehicles, 2.2 out of every five industrial robots and two out of every five smartphones produced in China came from Guangdong. The scale of Guangdong's foreign trade accounted for more than one fifth of the country's total, contributing nearly 40% of the country's foreign trade growth. The province's local general public budget revenue reached 1.35 trillion yuan, ranking first nationwide for 34 consecutive years. The central-level tax revenue from Guangdong was the most in the country. A total of 1.43 million new jobs were created in urban areas in Guangdong, exceeding the annual target of 1.1 million set by the central government, and 43.86 million workers from outside the province maintained stable employment. Moreover, Guangdong continued to cultivate and expand industries with distinctive characteristics and advantages at county level, and 15 main platforms undertook about 700 new industrial transfer projects with a total investment of about 300 billion yuan. In 2024, 54 Greater Bay Area (GBA) Standards were released, and 187 cross-boundary administrative services that are frequently needed were launched. The Shenzhen–Zhongshan Link and the Huangmaohai Sea-Crossing Passage opened to traffic. And 4.5 million vehicles entered Guangdong via the Hong Kong-Zhuhai-Macao Bridge Port. Guangdong, ranking first nationwide for 36 consecutive years in terms of GDP, is expected to make more achievements in the future.
Zeki Data專有的數據與評分系統精準識別出 引領人工智能創新前沿的傑出女性覆蓋超過90個國家/地區及250個專業領域,涵蓋逾30萬名女性。 倫敦2025年1月17日 /美通社/ -- 英國人才數據與分析公司Zeki Data今日宣佈推出全新數據洞察產品「Talent Multiplier」,能精準鎖定人工智能創新領域的傑出女性,滿足各大組織在聘用、資助或投資方面的需求。 Women hold only 25 percent of AI and data roles worldwide and make up less than 30 percent of scientists globally. Zeki是全球唯一能識別隱藏、未被充分代表及未被充分重視的女性科學與工程人才的數據集。全球人工智能與數據領域的職位中,女性僅佔25%。Zeki專屬的人工智能領域女性數據集涵蓋超過30萬人,為全球同類數據集中唯一的存在。 「Zeki透過推出Talent Multiplier及其女性人工智能數據集,回答了『女性在哪裡?』這一問題,」Zeki營運總監兼聯合創辦人Margaux Bergen表示。「當女性在前沿技術的發展中擁有平等地位,整個社會都能從中受益。女性將引領下一波人工智能浪潮,而積極聘用、投資及資助女性人工智能創新者的組織將引領市場。」 人工智能將加速各領域的科學進步,根據麥肯錫公司(McKinsey & Company)預測,將有可能每年為企業帶來4.4兆美元的利潤增長。以情報驅動的女性投資目標設定能夠積極影響她們在下一波以前沿人工智能模型為基礎的人工智能發展中的影響力。 Talent Multiplier讓企業取得先行者優勢(first mover advantage),使企業能夠洞悉投資機會、加速創新並發掘頂尖人才。Zeki關於女性在人工智能領域的更多洞察見解可在免費報告《人工智能領域的女性》(Women in AI)中查閱。 Zeki Data是一家人才數據與分析公司,運用反恐情報技術,精準識別具備最大人工智能創新潛力的個人、組織和國家。欲了解詳情,請瀏覽www.zekidata.com。
SINGAPORE, Jan. 17, 2025 /PRNewswire/ -- Gravity Game Hub (GGH) PTE.LTD, a subsidiary of GRAVITY Co., Ltd. (NasdaqGM: GRVY) began pre-registration for its widely anticipated AFK mobile game, Ragnarok Idle Adventure Plus. Ragnarok Idle Adventure Plus Pre-Registration Ragnarok Idle Adventure Plus pre-registration is available in over 150 countries through the Apple App Store, Google Play Store, and Huawei App Gallery starts from January 15th 2025. Ragnarok Idle Adventure Plus is a new Idle RPG mobile game featuring a colorful 3D Fantasy world background and content that embodies Ragnarok's unique ambience. Embark on a journey through the vast and vibrant world of Midgard, encountering iconic characters and legendary monsters from the beloved Ragnarok Online franchise. President of Gravity Game Hub (GGH), Harry Choi said, "Ragnarok Idle Adventure Plus is an easy-to-play RPG which provides comfort in the MMORPG gaming experience, yet provides unique story and vast content that represent the Ragnarok's atmosphere." he said. "As the game will be available world widely, to improve user accessibility for global market, Ragnarok Idle Adventure Plus applied 6 language options, which are English, Chinese (Simplified), Thai, Indonesian, Spanish, and Portuguese." Gravity Game Hub has lined up a series of enthralling pre-registration rewards that will be unlocked as more players join the adventure. Here's what you can look forward to: 300 GP: Unlocked upon 50,000 pre-registrations 5x Moon Key & 2x 1Hr AFK Main Character Exp: Unlocked upon 100,000 pre-registrations 1x Blue Scuba Goggles Blueprint: Unlocked upon 200,000 pre-registrations 5x Stardust Key & 1x Purple Pet Egg: Unlocked upon 300,000 pre-registrations 1x Windup Spring Blueprint: Unlocked upon 500,000 pre-registrations These rewards will provide a head start in your journey, offering unique items and bonuses that enhance gameplay experience. Stay connected and keep-up with the latest Ragnarok Idle Adventure Plus news and events through the official website and social media pages below: Website: https://roidle.gnjoy.asia Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/ROIdleAdventurePlus Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/roidleadventureplus TikTok: https://www.tiktok.com/@roidleadventureplus About Gravity Game Hub Established in 2021, Gravity Game Hub (GGH) Pte Ltd is a game publisher and developer focusing on online and mobile games. Gravity Game Hub is committed to delivering an interactive gaming experience and creating a dynamic community for all players in South East Asia.
KUALA LUMPUR, Malaysia, Jan. 17, 2025 /PRNewswire/ -- In a move that solidifies its position as a leading digital-first financial institution in Malaysia, Hong Leong Bank ("HLB" or the "Bank") today announced a strategic cooperation agreement with WeBank Technology Services, a subsidiary of WeBank, China's largest digital bank. This powerful alliance brings together two organizations committed to pushing the boundaries of financial technology and delivering exceptional customer experiences. (L-R) Andrew Jong, Managing Director of Personal Financial Services at Hong Leong Bank and Joe Chen, Director of WeBank Technology Services at the Strategic Partnership Signing Ceremony at WeBank Technology Services' Hong Kong base on January 16, 2025 Through this strategic partnership which was signed at the ceremony alongside WeBank Technology Services' financial institution partners from Thailand, Indonesia and Hong Kong respectively, HLB aims to elevate its operational efficiency and leverage cutting-edge AI technology to ultimately deliver even more personalized and impactful financial solutions for its customers and communities. The Bank will also leverage WeBank Technology Services' expertise in AI to develop automation tools and applications, uplifting the productivity of its salesforce and operational teams. These technology solutions would then be aimed at extending capabilities across data systems, marketing, and campaign management, further improving the Bank's customer-focused offerings and financial solutions. Kevin Lam, Group Managing Director and CEO of HLB, commented on the transformative potential of this strategic collaboration. "As a digital-first bank, we have already made significant investments in technology to ensure we provide seamless, innovative, and personalized financial solutions," he explained. "This partnership perfectly complements our strategy. It allows us to further accelerate our growth by leveraging their AI expertise to boost our operational efficiency and deliver even greater service excellence to our customers worldwide. By combining our strengths and shared commitment to innovation, we will unlock new possibilities for our customers and redefine the banking experience. We are confident that this partnership will accelerate our progress towards becoming the Best Run Bank in Malaysia and a leading force in the digital banking landscape." HLB was the first bank outside of China to enable merchants to accept Weixin Pay in 2018, simplifying payments for Chinese travelers in Malaysia. Building on this momentum, HLB became the first bank in Malaysia to introduce eKYC and enable end-to-end digital onboarding for customers in 2020. The bank further solidified its digital leadership with the 2022 relaunch of the HLB BizBuddy mobile app, facilitating seamless DuitNow QR payments for merchants. HLB also demonstrated its commitment to AI-driven solutions last year by deploying AI voice bots in its collection operations, resulting in a remarkable 15x increase in productivity.
TAIPEI, Jan. 17, 2025 /PRNewswire/ -- To further promote Taiwan as a Muslim-friendly travel destination, Taiwan Tourism Administration (hereafter referred to as T.T.A) organized a meaningful event late last year, the "Muslim Experience Day." Kuala Lumpur Office of T.T.A curated this initiative, inviting Muslim students and key opinion leaders in Taiwan to participate. Through firsthand experiences of Taiwan's diverse culture and Muslim-friendly attractions, the event encouraged more tourism partners to enhance their Muslim-friendly environments. [This News comes from StayNews. ] The one-day tour routes spanned Central and Northern Taiwan, showcasing Taiwan's unique local charm. In the route of Central Taiwan, participants visited Dajia, famous for its taro production, where they joined a taro pastry DIY workshop hosted by Master A-Tsung. They enjoyed crafting taro pastries with delicate, multi-layered textures. Lunch was served at Noodles Origin, a certified Muslim Friendly Environment offering halal noodle dishes rooted in over 80 years of noodle making techniques. After a satisfying meal, the group traveled to Miaoli to ride the Old Mountain Line Rail Bike, passing through the scenic Light and Shadow Tunnel that tells the story of Taiwan's railways. They also crossed a 33-meter-high iron bridge and admired the historical remains of Longteng Bridge. The breathtaking views and delicious local cuisine left participants deeply impressed. Another route focused on Northern Taiwan's Yilan. Participants first visited the "AGRIOZ MUSEUM," Taiwan's first preserved fruit tourism factory, where they learned about the famous Yilan specialty—Oval Kumquat preserves—and the production process. Lunch featured an array of vegetarian dishes at Sun Hope Vegan Restaurant. In the afternoon, participants headed to Sinbow Leisure Farm, where they experienced picking green onions in the fields and making their own Sanshing Green Onion Pies. These pies, packed with generous fillings and a crispy exterior, were a delight to savor. The farm also offered close interactions with adorable animals. Participants had fun, enjoyed delicious food, and captured stunning scenic shots, discovering a different side of Taiwan's beautiful tourism spots. T.T.A emphasized that to ensure the dietary needs and religious practices of Muslim participants were fully respected, all tour activities included halal-certified meals and experiences. Participants also had the opportunity to interact with other Muslim friends in Taiwan, sharing their impressions of Taiwan's Muslim-friendly environment with family and friends through social media. T.T.A stated that through these two rounds of experience activities, more Muslim participants became ambassadors for promoting Taiwan's tourism. They shared Taiwan's unique charm and its embrace of cultural diversity with their friends and social media followers. By leveraging personal influence and the power of social platforms, Taiwan continues to build an international image as a Muslim-friendly destination. Moving forward, T.T.A will dedicate more resources to improve the Muslim-friendly tourism environment, aiming to attract more Muslim travelers to visit Taiwan. Travelers are able to find Muslim friendly tourism resources in 「Salam Taiwan」website https://www.salamtaiwan.net/ StayNews: https://www.staynews.net/Details/tour/dd2da8f28f60410ca9791ed3bda957ef Taiwan Tourism Administration of the Ministry of Transportation and Communications held the "Muslim Experience Day" activity Muslim participants crafting taro pastries by hand. Muslim participants riding the Old Mountain Line Rail Bike. Muslim participants enjoying Taiwan's natural scenery in Yilan.
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